]> git.gag.com Git - web/gag.com/shortlog
2016-09-30 Bdale Garbeewhat is says
2016-08-03 Bdale GarbeeMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.gag.com/scm/git...
2016-08-03 Bdale Garbeeannounce ChaosKey is available
2016-07-31 Bdale Garbeeno longer on SPI board
2016-07-31 Bdale Garbeeno longer on SPI board
2016-07-08 IkiWikicreating index page bdale/talks/2016/debconf
2016-07-08 Bdale GarbeeMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.gag.com/scm/git...
2016-07-07 Bdale Garbeedraft of presentation materials for SPI BOF at Debconf16
2016-07-05 IkiWikicreating index page cars
2016-07-05 IkiWikicreating index page cars/stalker-mx5
2016-07-05 Bdale Garbeecapture another quote I reiterated earlier today
2016-06-12 Bdale Garbeestart documenting the kit car project
2016-02-05 Bdale Garbeepoint directly at odp file
2016-02-05 Bdale GarbeeMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.gag.com/scm/git...
2016-02-05 Bdale Garbeecreating index page bdale/talks/2016
2016-02-05 Bdale Garbeecreating index page bdale/talks/2016/lca
2016-02-05 Bdale Garbeenotes about whole house audio talk, pointers to video...
2016-02-01 Bdale GarbeeLCA 2016 talk, as presented
2016-01-01 Bdale Garbeelose bold title
2016-01-01 Bdale Garbeetypo fix
2016-01-01 Bdale Garbeeblog about departure from TC
2015-12-23 Bdale Garbeego ahead and update for impending departure from the...
2015-12-23 Bdale Garbeeupdate bio pointer to use new HPE version
2015-11-08 Bdale Garbeepointer to cool build site
2015-11-08 Bdale Garbeeupdate to reflect change from 5e3 to two-stroke as...
2015-11-08 Bdale Garbeefix typos .. thanks dad!
2015-11-03 Bdale Garbeeadd a link to the fenderguru 5e3 page
2015-11-02 Bdale GarbeeMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.gag.com/scm/git...
2015-11-02 Bdale Garbeeadd more details
2015-11-02 Bdale Garbeecreating index page music/guitars/amp-5E3
2015-11-02 Bdale Garbeedocument thoughts about an amplfier project
2015-10-18 Bdale Garbeeadd as-built design files for guitar body
2015-10-12 Bdale Garbeemore data from notepad used in Argonia
2015-09-02 Bdale Garbeeinitial data on test 11 added
2015-08-31 Bdale Garbeemore research propellant batches recorded
2015-07-28 Bdale Garbeemore photo links
2015-07-28 Bdale Garbeeadd NAR Jr L1 too
2015-07-28 Bdale Garbeeadd info about Robert's Tripoli status
2015-07-21 Bdale Garbeeupdate text to have tenses make more sense, etc
2015-07-04 Bdale Garbeemore tests
2015-06-29 Bdale Garbeeadd flight stats
2015-06-29 Bdale Garbeea few more details
2015-06-29 Bdale Garbeemore text
2015-06-29 Bdale Garbeemore text
2015-06-29 Bdale Garbeethe graphics
2015-06-29 Bdale Garbeeadd photos
2015-06-29 Bdale Garbeemore EX work
2015-06-01 Bdale Garbeeanother test
2015-05-31 Bdale Garbeeadd batch size
2015-05-31 Bdale Garbeemore details
2015-05-31 Bdale Garbeeadd date
2015-05-31 Bdale Garbeeadd resource links
2015-05-31 Bdale Garbeetweak
2015-05-31 Bdale GarbeeMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.gag.com/scm/git...
2015-05-31 Bdale Garbeecreating index page rockets/research
2015-05-31 Bdale Garbeemeh
2015-05-31 Bdale Garbeestarting research motor log!
2015-05-27 Bdale Garbeevarious updates
2015-05-13 Bdale GarbeeMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.gag.com/scm/git...
2015-05-13 Bdale Garbeeadd openrocket file
2015-04-21 Bdale Garbeecreating index page rockets/airframes/MehGaNuke
2015-04-21 Bdale Garbeenew airframe project
2015-03-02 Bdale Garbeeadd more text
2015-03-02 Bdale Garbeeadd guitar fetish items
2015-03-02 Bdale Garbeemore table entries
2015-03-02 Bdale GarbeeMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.gag.com/scm/git...
2015-03-02 Bdale Garbeetry a table
2015-02-28 Bdale Garbeecreating index page bdale/talks/2015/lca
2015-02-28 Bdale Garbeecreating index page bdale/talks/2015
2015-02-28 Bdale Garbeecreating index page music
2015-02-28 Bdale Garbeecreating index page music/guitars/bdale-1
2015-02-28 Bdale Garbeecreating index page music/guitars
2015-02-28 Bdale Garbeeguitar build project beginnings
2015-01-16 Bdale Garbeeslides used for LCA Q&A session opening
2015-01-10 Bdale Garbeeadd another interesting quote
2014-12-22 Bdale Garbeeadd pointer to geda files
2014-12-22 Bdale Garbeeadd photo
2014-12-22 Bdale Garbeemeh
2014-12-22 Bdale Garbeecreating index page electronics/audio/wholehouse
2014-12-22 Bdale Garbeemove whole house audio to a subdirectory
2014-10-26 Bdale Garbeefix markdown silliness
2014-10-07 Bdale Garbeeanother journal entry
2014-09-28 Bdale Garbeetiming felt weird
2014-09-28 Bdale Garbeefix formatting funny .. markdown, sigh
2014-09-28 Bdale Garbeehome!
2014-09-26 Bdale Garbeefinal inspection passed
2014-09-03 Bdale GarbeeMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.gag.com/scm/git...
2014-09-03 Bdale Garbeeadmit to new role at HP
2014-08-29 Bdale Garbeecreating index page bdale/talks/2014/debconf
2014-08-29 Bdale Garbeecreating index page bdale/talks/2014
2014-08-29 Bdale Garbeenew product release - EasyMega
2014-08-26 Bdale Garbeefix board membership oops!
2014-08-26 Bdale Garbeepresentations at Debconf 2014 in Portland
2014-08-02 Bdale Garbeea few tweaks
2014-07-06 Bdale Garbeeadd more info
2014-07-06 Bdale Garbeeclean up the text and links
2014-07-06 Bdale Garbeehrm
2014-07-06 Bdale Garbeeplace holder for whole house audio system
2014-06-26 Bdale Garbeeanother quote for the file
2014-06-17 Bdale Garbeegetting closer