]> git.gag.com Git - fw/altos/blob - src/stm32f1/ao_interrupt.c
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.gag.com/scm/git/fw/altos
[fw/altos] / src / stm32f1 / ao_interrupt.c
1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2012 Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16  * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
17  */
19 #include <ao.h>
20 #include "stm32f1.h"
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <ao_boot.h>
24 extern void main(void);
26 /* Interrupt functions */
28 void stm_halt_isr(void)
29 {
30         ao_panic(AO_PANIC_CRASH);
31 }
33 void stm_ignore_isr(void)
34 {
35 }
37 #define STRINGIFY(x) #x
39 #define isr(name) \
40         void __attribute__ ((weak)) stm_ ## name ## _isr(void); \
41         _Pragma(STRINGIFY(weak stm_ ## name ## _isr = stm_ignore_isr))
43 #define isr_halt(name) \
44         void __attribute__ ((weak)) stm_ ## name ## _isr(void); \
45         _Pragma(STRINGIFY(weak stm_ ## name ## _isr = stm_halt_isr))
47 isr(nmi);
48 isr_halt(hardfault);
49 isr_halt(memmanage);
50 isr_halt(busfault);
51 isr_halt(usagefault);
52 isr(svc);
53 isr(debugmon);
54 isr(pendsv);
55 isr(systick);
56 isr(wwdg);
57 isr(pvd);
58 isr(tamper_stamp);
59 isr(rtc_wkup);
60 isr(flash);
61 isr(rcc);
62 isr(exti0);
63 isr(exti1);
64 isr(exti2);
65 isr(exti3);
66 isr(exti4);
67 isr(dma1_channel1);
68 isr(dma1_channel2);
69 isr(dma1_channel3);
70 isr(dma1_channel4);
71 isr(dma1_channel5);
72 isr(dma1_channel6);
73 isr(dma1_channel7);
74 isr(adc1_2);
75 isr(usb_hp);
76 isr(usb_lp);
77 isr(can_rx1);
78 isr(can_sce);
79 isr(exti9_5);
80 isr(tim1_brk);
81 isr(tim1_up);
82 isr(tim1_trg_com);
83 isr(tim1_cc);
84 isr(tim2);
85 isr(tim3);
86 isr(tim4);
87 isr(i2c1_ev);
88 isr(i2c1_er);
89 isr(i2c2_ev);
90 isr(i2c2_er);
91 isr(spi1);
92 isr(spi2);
93 isr(usart1);
94 isr(usart2);
95 isr(usart3);
96 isr(exti15_10);
97 isr(rtc_alarm);
98 isr(usb_wakeup);
99 isr(tim8_brk);
100 isr(tim8_up);
101 isr(tim8_trg_com);
102 isr(tim8_cc);
103 isr(adc3);
104 isr(fsmc);
105 isr(sdio);
106 isr(tim5);
107 isr(spi3);
108 isr(uart4);
109 isr(uart5);
110 isr(tim6);
111 isr(tim7);
112 isr(dma2_channel1);
113 isr(dma2_channel2);
114 isr(dma2_channel3);
115 isr(dma2_channel4_5);
117 #define i(addr,name)    [(addr)/4] = stm_ ## name ## _isr
119 extern char __stack[];
120 void _start(void) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
121 void main(void) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
122 void ao_setup(void) __attribute__((constructor));
124 /* This must be exactly 304 bytes long so that the configuration data
125  * gets loaded at the right place
126  */
128 __attribute__ ((section(".init")))
129 const void * const __interrupt_vector[76] = {
130         [0] = &__stack,
131         [1] = _start,
132         i(0x08, nmi),
133         i(0x0c, hardfault),
134         i(0x10, memmanage),
135         i(0x14, busfault),
136         i(0x18, usagefault),
137         i(0x2c, svc),
138         i(0x30, debugmon),
139         i(0x38, pendsv),
140         i(0x3c, systick),
141         i(0x40, wwdg),
142         i(0x44, pvd),
143         i(0x48, tamper_stamp),
144         i(0x4c, rtc_wkup),
145         i(0x50, flash),
146         i(0x54, rcc),
147         i(0x58, exti0),
148         i(0x5c, exti1),
149         i(0x60, exti2),
150         i(0x64, exti3),
151         i(0x68, exti4),
152         i(0x6c, dma1_channel1),
153         i(0x70, dma1_channel2),
154         i(0x74, dma1_channel3),
155         i(0x78, dma1_channel4),
156         i(0x7c, dma1_channel5),
157         i(0x80, dma1_channel6),
158         i(0x84, dma1_channel7),
159         i(0x88, adc1_2),
160         i(0x8c, usb_hp),
161         i(0x90, usb_lp),
162         i(0x94, can_rx1),
163         i(0x98, can_sce),
164         i(0x9c, exti9_5),
165         i(0xa0, tim1_brk),
166         i(0xa4, tim1_up),
167         i(0xa8, tim1_trg_com),
168         i(0xac, tim1_cc),
169         i(0xb0, tim2),
170         i(0xb4, tim3),
171         i(0xb8, tim4),
172         i(0xbc, i2c1_ev),
173         i(0xc0, i2c1_er),
174         i(0xc4, i2c2_ev),
175         i(0xc8, i2c2_er),
176         i(0xcc, spi1),
177         i(0xd0, spi2),
178         i(0xd4, usart1),
179         i(0xd8, usart2),
180         i(0xdc, usart3),
181         i(0xe0, exti15_10),
182         i(0xe4, rtc_alarm),
183         i(0xe8, usb_wakeup),
184         i(0xec, tim8_brk),
185         i(0xf0, tim8_up),
186         i(0xf4, tim8_trg_com),
187         i(0xf8, tim8_cc),
188         i(0xfc, adc3),
189         i(0x100, fsmc),
190         i(0x104, sdio),
191         i(0x108, tim5),
192         i(0x10c, spi3),
193         i(0x110, uart4),
194         i(0x114, uart5),
195         i(0x118, tim6),
196         i(0x11c, tim7),
197         i(0x120, dma2_channel1),
198         i(0x124, dma2_channel2),
199         i(0x128, dma2_channel3),
200         i(0x12c, dma2_channel4_5),
201 };
203 void __attribute__((constructor)) ao_setup(void) {
204 #ifdef AO_BOOT_CHAIN
205         if (ao_boot_check_chain()) {
206 #ifdef AO_BOOT_PIN
207                 if (ao_boot_check_pin())
208 #endif
209                 {
210                         ao_boot_chain(AO_BOOT_APPLICATION_BASE);
211                 }
212         }
213 #endif
214         /* Set interrupt vector table offset */
215         stm_scb.vtor = (uint32_t) &__interrupt_vector;
216 }