]> git.gag.com Git - hw/swdadapter/summary
descriptionadapter for STlink/V2 dongle
ownerBdale Garbee
last changeSun, 19 Feb 2023 05:42:01 +0000 (22:42 -0700)
2023-02-19 Bdale Garbeemove to pcb-rnd, add pullup resistors, clean up artwork... master
2023-02-19 Bdale Garbeeadd pull-ups on swdio and swclk so Atmel SAMD21, et...
2014-03-22 Bdale Garbeefix typo in Mouser part number
2013-07-16 Bdale Garbeeupdate the set of layers given to oshpark fab-2
2013-07-15 Bdale Garbeeroute complete, drc clean
2013-07-15 Bdale Garbeeshorter button on reset switch
2013-07-15 Bdale Garbeeroll schematic to version 2
2013-07-15 Bdale Garbeeupdate part attributes to use Mouser for everything...
2013-07-15 Bdale Garbeeadd a reset switch to the schematic
2013-07-15 Bdale Garbeeupdate to modern structure using shared libraries
2013-01-21 Bdale Garbeemove datasheets to common repo fab-1
2013-01-21 Bdale Garbeefix Makefile to reflec realities of this board, add...
2013-01-15 Bdale Garbeemove to common scheme library
2013-01-09 Keith PackardAdd netnames for used pins
2013-01-09 Bdale Garbeeinitial import of new design
11 years ago fab-2
11 years ago fab-1
18 months ago master