description4-channel launch pad end of wireless launch system
ownerBdale Garbee
last changeSat, 27 Jul 2019 23:58:23 +0000 (16:58 -0700)
2019-07-27 Keith PackardSwitch pyro series resistors to 1k master
2018-03-12 Keith PackardFuse 3568 footprint has changed filenames
2017-05-23 Keith PackardRemove rotary switches
2017-05-15 Bdale Garbeere-branding as "TeleFireFour"
2016-07-15 Keith PackardMove label for box part number onto the board
2016-07-15 Keith PackardRemove tuning cap. Swap cc1200 symbol. Clean up attributes
2016-07-15 Keith PackardSwitch to common build infrastructure
2016-04-19 Keith PackardAdd outline bits for USB connectors
2016-04-19 Keith PackardRoute complete.
2016-04-18 Keith PackardStart routing.
2016-04-17 Keith PackardStart work on STM version
2015-07-03 Keith PackardPower supply fix v1
2014-10-27 Keith PackardUpdate quantities to TF 20/50/100
2014-10-27 Keith Packardupdate quantities
2014-10-27 Keith PackardAdd initial rfq words
2014-10-27 Keith PackardSet version in pcb and sch to 1.0
11 years ago v0.1 Version 0.1 as built
4 years ago master
8 years ago v1