Added USB Device library sources
authorjnosky <>
Sat, 12 Nov 2011 21:21:04 +0000 (16:21 -0500)
committerjnosky <>
Sat, 12 Nov 2011 21:21:04 +0000 (16:21 -0500)
39 files changed:
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/inc/usbd_audio_core.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/inc/usbd_audio_out_if.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/src/usbd_audio_core.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/src/usbd_audio_out_if.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_core.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_if_template.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/src/usbd_cdc_core.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/src/usbd_cdc_if_template.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_dfu_core.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_dfu_mal.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_flash_if.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_mem_if_template.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_otp_if.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_dfu_core.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_dfu_mal.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_flash_if.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_mem_if_template.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_otp_if.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/hid/inc/usbd_hid_core.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/hid/src/usbd_hid_core.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_bot.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_core.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_data.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_mem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_scsi.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_bot.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_core.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_data.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_scsi.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_storage_template.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_conf_template.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_core.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_def.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_ioreq.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_req.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_usr.h [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_core.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_ioreq.c [new file with mode: 0644]
example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_req.c [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/inc/usbd_audio_core.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/inc/usbd_audio_core.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f58ff06
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_audio_core.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header file for the usbd_audio_core.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USB_AUDIO_CORE_H_
+#define __USB_AUDIO_CORE_H_
+#include "usbd_ioreq.h"
+#include "usbd_req.h"
+#include "usbd_desc.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio
+  * @brief This file is the Header file for USBD_audio.c
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/* AudioFreq * DataSize (2 bytes) * NumChannels (Stereo: 2) */
+#define AUDIO_OUT_PACKET                              (uint32_t)(((USBD_AUDIO_FREQ * 2 * 2) /1000)) 
+/* Number of sub-packets in the audio transfer buffer. You can modify this value but always make sure
+  that it is an even number and higher than 3 */
+#define OUT_PACKET_NUM                                   4
+/* Total size of the audio transfer buffer */
+#define TOTAL_OUT_BUF_SIZE                           ((uint32_t)(AUDIO_OUT_PACKET * OUT_PACKET_NUM))
+#define AUDIO_CONFIG_DESC_SIZE                        109
+#define AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESC_SIZE                     9
+#define USB_AUDIO_DESC_SIZ                            0x09
+#define AUDIO_STANDARD_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE             0x09
+#define AUDIO_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE                         0x21
+#define USB_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO                        0x01
+#define AUDIO_SUBCLASS_AUDIOCONTROL                   0x01
+#define AUDIO_SUBCLASS_AUDIOSTREAMING                 0x02
+#define AUDIO_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED                      0x00
+#define AUDIO_STREAMING_GENERAL                       0x01
+#define AUDIO_STREAMING_FORMAT_TYPE                   0x02
+/* Audio Descriptor Types */
+#define AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE               0x24
+#define AUDIO_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE                0x25
+/* Audio Control Interface Descriptor Subtypes */
+#define AUDIO_CONTROL_HEADER                          0x01
+#define AUDIO_CONTROL_INPUT_TERMINAL                  0x02
+#define AUDIO_CONTROL_OUTPUT_TERMINAL                 0x03
+#define AUDIO_CONTROL_FEATURE_UNIT                    0x06
+#define AUDIO_INPUT_TERMINAL_DESC_SIZE                0x0C
+#define AUDIO_OUTPUT_TERMINAL_DESC_SIZE               0x09
+#define AUDIO_CONTROL_MUTE                            0x0001
+#define AUDIO_FORMAT_TYPE_I                           0x01
+#define AUDIO_FORMAT_TYPE_III                         0x03
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS                 0x01
+#define AUDIO_ENDPOINT_GENERAL                        0x01
+#define AUDIO_REQ_GET_CUR                             0x81
+#define AUDIO_REQ_SET_CUR                             0x01
+#define AUDIO_OUT_STREAMING_CTRL                      0x02
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+typedef struct _Audio_Fops
+    uint8_t  (*Init)         (uint32_t  AudioFreq, uint32_t Volume, uint32_t options);
+    uint8_t  (*DeInit)       (uint32_t options);
+    uint8_t  (*AudioCmd)     (uint8_t* pbuf, uint32_t size, uint8_t cmd);
+    uint8_t  (*VolumeCtl)    (uint8_t vol);
+    uint8_t  (*MuteCtl)      (uint8_t cmd);
+    uint8_t  (*PeriodicTC)   (uint8_t cmd);
+    uint8_t  (*GetState)     (void);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define AUDIO_PACKET_SZE(frq)          (uint8_t)(((frq * 2 * 2)/1000) & 0xFF), \
+                                       (uint8_t)((((frq * 2 * 2)/1000) >> 8) & 0xFF)
+#define SAMPLE_FREQ(frq)               (uint8_t)(frq), (uint8_t)((frq >> 8)), (uint8_t)((frq >> 16))
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  AUDIO_cb;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CORE_Exported_Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif  // __USB_AUDIO_CORE_H_
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/inc/usbd_audio_out_if.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/inc/usbd_audio_out_if.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a6b53fa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_audio_out_if.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header file for the usbd_audio_out_if.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USB_AUDIO_OUT_IF_H_
+#define __USB_AUDIO_OUT_IF_H_
+#ifdef STM32F2XX
+ #include "stm322xg_usb_audio_codec.h"
+#elif defined(STM32F10X_CL)
+ #include "stm3210c_usb_audio_codec.h"
+#endif /* STM32F2XX */
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio
+  * @brief This file is the Header file for USBD_audio.c
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/* Audio Commands enmueration */
+typedef enum
+/* Mute commands */
+#define AUDIO_MUTE                      0x01
+#define AUDIO_UNMUTE                    0x00
+/* Functions return value */
+#define AUDIO_OK                        0x00
+#define AUDIO_FAIL                      0xFF
+/* Audio Machine States */
+#define AUDIO_STATE_INACTIVE            0x00
+#define AUDIO_STATE_ACTIVE              0x01
+#define AUDIO_STATE_PLAYING             0x02
+#define AUDIO_STATE_PAUSED              0x03
+#define AUDIO_STATE_STOPPED             0x04
+#define AUDIO_STATE_ERROR               0x05
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern AUDIO_FOPS_TypeDef  AUDIO_OUT_fops;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CORE_Exported_Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif  /* __USB_AUDIO_OUT_IF_H_ */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/src/usbd_audio_core.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/src/usbd_audio_core.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b26f574
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_audio_core.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides the high layer firmware functions to manage the 
+  *          following functionalities of the USB Audio Class:
+  *           - Initialization and Configuration of high and low layer
+  *           - Enumeration as Audio Streaming Device
+  *           - Audio Streaming data transfer
+  *           - AudioControl requests management
+  *           - Error management
+  *           
+  *  @verbatim
+  *      
+  *          ===================================================================      
+  *                                Audio Class Driver Description
+  *          =================================================================== 
+  *           This driver manages the Audio Class 1.0 following the "USB Device Class Definition for
+  *           Audio Devices V1.0 Mar 18, 98".
+  *           This driver implements the following aspects of the specification:
+  *             - Device descriptor management
+  *             - Configuration descriptor management
+  *             - Standard AC Interface Descriptor management
+  *             - 1 Audio Streaming Interface (with single channel, PCM, Stereo mode)
+  *             - 1 Audio Streaming Endpoint
+  *             - 1 Audio Terminal Input (1 channel)
+  *             - Audio Class-Specific AC Interfaces
+  *             - Audio Class-Specific AS Interfaces
+  *             - AudioControl Requests: only SET_CUR and GET_CUR requests are supported (for Mute)
+  *             - Audio Feature Unit (limited to Mute control)
+  *             - Audio Synchronization type: Asynchronous
+  *             - Single fixed audio sampling rate (configurable in usbd_conf.h file)
+  *          
+  *           @note
+  *            The Audio Class 1.0 is based on USB Specification 1.0 and thus supports only
+  *            Low and Full speed modes and does not allow High Speed transfers.
+  *            Please refer to "USB Device Class Definition for Audio Devices V1.0 Mar 18, 98"
+  *            for more details.
+  * 
+  *           These aspects may be enriched or modified for a specific user application.
+  *          
+  *            This driver doesn't implement the following aspects of the specification 
+  *            (but it is possible to manage these features with some modifications on this driver):
+  *             - AudioControl Endpoint management
+  *             - AudioControl requsests other than SET_CUR and GET_CUR
+  *             - Abstraction layer for AudioControl requests (only Mute functionality is managed)
+  *             - Audio Synchronization type: Adaptive
+  *             - Audio Compression modules and interfaces
+  *             - MIDI interfaces and modules
+  *             - Mixer/Selector/Processing/Extension Units (Feature unit is limited to Mute control)
+  *             - Any other application-specific modules
+  *             - Multiple and Variable audio sampling rates
+  *             - Out Streaming Endpoint/Interface (microphone)
+  *      
+  *  @endverbatim
+  *                                  
+  ******************************************************************************               
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_audio_core.h"
+#include "usbd_audio_out_if.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio 
+  * @brief usbd core module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */
+   AUDIO Device library callbacks
+ *********************************************/
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_Init       (void  *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx);
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_DeInit     (void  *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx);
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_Setup      (void  *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_EP0_RxReady(void *pdev);
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_DataIn     (void *pdev, uint8_t epnum);
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_DataOut    (void *pdev, uint8_t epnum);
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_SOF        (void *pdev);
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_OUT_Incplt (void  *pdev);
+   AUDIO Requests management functions
+ *********************************************/
+static void AUDIO_Req_GetCurrent(void *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void AUDIO_Req_SetCurrent(void *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static uint8_t  *USBD_audio_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/* Main Buffer for Audio Data Out transfers and its relative pointers */
+uint8_t  IsocOutBuff [TOTAL_OUT_BUF_SIZE * 2];
+uint8_t* IsocOutWrPtr = IsocOutBuff;
+uint8_t* IsocOutRdPtr = IsocOutBuff;
+/* Main Buffer for Audio Control Rrequests transfers and its relative variables */
+uint8_t  AudioCtl[64];
+uint8_t  AudioCtlCmd = 0;
+uint32_t AudioCtlLen = 0;
+uint8_t  AudioCtlUnit = 0;
+static uint32_t PlayFlag = 0;
+static __IO uint32_t  usbd_audio_AltSet = 0;
+static uint8_t usbd_audio_CfgDesc[AUDIO_CONFIG_DESC_SIZE];
+/* AUDIO interface class callbacks structure */
+USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  AUDIO_cb = 
+  usbd_audio_Init,
+  usbd_audio_DeInit,
+  usbd_audio_Setup,
+  NULL, /* EP0_TxSent */
+  usbd_audio_EP0_RxReady,
+  usbd_audio_DataIn,
+  usbd_audio_DataOut,
+  usbd_audio_SOF,
+  NULL,
+  usbd_audio_OUT_Incplt,   
+  USBD_audio_GetCfgDesc,
+#ifdef USB_OTG_HS_CORE  
+  USBD_audio_GetCfgDesc, /* use same config as per FS */
+/* USB AUDIO device Configuration Descriptor */
+static uint8_t usbd_audio_CfgDesc[AUDIO_CONFIG_DESC_SIZE] =
+  /* Configuration 1 */
+  0x09,                                 /* bLength */
+  LOBYTE(AUDIO_CONFIG_DESC_SIZE),       /* wTotalLength  109 bytes*/
+  0x02,                                 /* bNumInterfaces */
+  0x01,                                 /* bConfigurationValue */
+  0x00,                                 /* iConfiguration */
+  0xC0,                                 /* bmAttributes  BUS Powred*/
+  0x32,                                 /* bMaxPower = 100 mA*/
+  /* 09 byte*/
+  /* USB Speaker Standard interface descriptor */
+  AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESC_SIZE,            /* bLength */
+  USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,        /* bDescriptorType */
+  0x00,                                 /* bInterfaceNumber */
+  0x00,                                 /* bAlternateSetting */
+  0x00,                                 /* bNumEndpoints */
+  USB_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO,               /* bInterfaceClass */
+  AUDIO_SUBCLASS_AUDIOCONTROL,          /* bInterfaceSubClass */
+  AUDIO_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED,             /* bInterfaceProtocol */
+  0x00,                                 /* iInterface */
+  /* 09 byte*/
+  /* USB Speaker Class-specific AC Interface Descriptor */
+  AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESC_SIZE,            /* bLength */
+  AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType */
+  AUDIO_CONTROL_HEADER,                 /* bDescriptorSubtype */
+  0x00,          /* 1.00 */             /* bcdADC */
+  0x01,
+  0x27,                                 /* wTotalLength = 39*/
+  0x00,
+  0x01,                                 /* bInCollection */
+  0x01,                                 /* baInterfaceNr */
+  /* 09 byte*/
+  /* USB Speaker Input Terminal Descriptor */
+  AUDIO_INPUT_TERMINAL_DESC_SIZE,       /* bLength */
+  AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType */
+  AUDIO_CONTROL_INPUT_TERMINAL,         /* bDescriptorSubtype */
+  0x01,                                 /* bTerminalID */
+  0x01,                                 /* wTerminalType AUDIO_TERMINAL_USB_STREAMING   0x0101 */
+  0x01,
+  0x00,                                 /* bAssocTerminal */
+  0x01,                                 /* bNrChannels */
+  0x00,                                 /* wChannelConfig 0x0000  Mono */
+  0x00,
+  0x00,                                 /* iChannelNames */
+  0x00,                                 /* iTerminal */
+  /* 12 byte*/
+  /* USB Speaker Audio Feature Unit Descriptor */
+  0x09,                                 /* bLength */
+  AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType */
+  AUDIO_CONTROL_FEATURE_UNIT,           /* bDescriptorSubtype */
+  AUDIO_OUT_STREAMING_CTRL,             /* bUnitID */
+  0x01,                                 /* bSourceID */
+  0x01,                                 /* bControlSize */
+  AUDIO_CONTROL_MUTE,                   /* bmaControls(0) */
+  0x00,                                 /* bmaControls(1) */
+  0x00,                                 /* iTerminal */
+  /* 09 byte*/
+  /*USB Speaker Output Terminal Descriptor */
+  0x09,      /* bLength */
+  AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType */
+  AUDIO_CONTROL_OUTPUT_TERMINAL,        /* bDescriptorSubtype */
+  0x03,                                 /* bTerminalID */
+  0x01,                                 /* wTerminalType  0x0301*/
+  0x03,
+  0x00,                                 /* bAssocTerminal */
+  0x02,                                 /* bSourceID */
+  0x00,                                 /* iTerminal */
+  /* 09 byte*/
+  /* USB Speaker Standard AS Interface Descriptor - Audio Streaming Zero Bandwith */
+  /* Interface 1, Alternate Setting 0                                             */
+  USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,        /* bDescriptorType */
+  0x01,                                 /* bInterfaceNumber */
+  0x00,                                 /* bAlternateSetting */
+  0x00,                                 /* bNumEndpoints */
+  USB_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO,               /* bInterfaceClass */
+  AUDIO_SUBCLASS_AUDIOSTREAMING,        /* bInterfaceSubClass */
+  AUDIO_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED,             /* bInterfaceProtocol */
+  0x00,                                 /* iInterface */
+  /* 09 byte*/
+  /* USB Speaker Standard AS Interface Descriptor - Audio Streaming Operational */
+  /* Interface 1, Alternate Setting 1                                           */
+  USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,        /* bDescriptorType */
+  0x01,                                 /* bInterfaceNumber */
+  0x01,                                 /* bAlternateSetting */
+  0x01,                                 /* bNumEndpoints */
+  USB_DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO,               /* bInterfaceClass */
+  AUDIO_SUBCLASS_AUDIOSTREAMING,        /* bInterfaceSubClass */
+  AUDIO_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED,             /* bInterfaceProtocol */
+  0x00,                                 /* iInterface */
+  /* 09 byte*/
+  /* USB Speaker Audio Streaming Interface Descriptor */
+  AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType */
+  AUDIO_STREAMING_GENERAL,              /* bDescriptorSubtype */
+  0x01,                                 /* bTerminalLink */
+  0x01,                                 /* bDelay */
+  0x01,                                 /* wFormatTag AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM  0x0001*/
+  0x00,
+  /* 07 byte*/
+  /* USB Speaker Audio Type III Format Interface Descriptor */
+  0x0B,                                 /* bLength */
+  AUDIO_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType */
+  AUDIO_STREAMING_FORMAT_TYPE,          /* bDescriptorSubtype */
+  AUDIO_FORMAT_TYPE_III,                /* bFormatType */ 
+  0x02,                                 /* bNrChannels */
+  0x02,                                 /* bSubFrameSize :  2 Bytes per frame (16bits) */
+  16,                                   /* bBitResolution (16-bits per sample) */ 
+  0x01,                                 /* bSamFreqType only one frequency supported */ 
+  SAMPLE_FREQ(USBD_AUDIO_FREQ),         /* Audio sampling frequency coded on 3 bytes */
+  /* 11 byte*/
+  /* Endpoint 1 - Standard Descriptor */
+  USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,         /* bDescriptorType */
+  AUDIO_OUT_EP,                         /* bEndpointAddress 1 out endpoint*/
+  USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS,        /* bmAttributes */
+  AUDIO_PACKET_SZE(USBD_AUDIO_FREQ),    /* wMaxPacketSize in Bytes (Freq(Samples)*2(Stereo)*2(HalfWord)) */
+  0x01,                                 /* bInterval */
+  0x00,                                 /* bRefresh */
+  0x00,                                 /* bSynchAddress */
+  /* 09 byte*/
+  /* Endpoint - Audio Streaming Descriptor*/
+  AUDIO_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,       /* bDescriptorType */
+  AUDIO_ENDPOINT_GENERAL,               /* bDescriptor */
+  0x00,                                 /* bmAttributes */
+  0x00,                                 /* bLockDelayUnits */
+  0x00,                                 /* wLockDelay */
+  0x00,
+  /* 07 byte*/
+} ;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+* @brief  usbd_audio_Init
+*         Initilaizes the AUDIO interface.
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  cfgidx: Configuration index
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_Init (void  *pdev, 
+                                 uint8_t cfgidx)
+  /* Open EP OUT */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              AUDIO_OUT_EP,
+              AUDIO_OUT_PACKET,
+              USB_OTG_EP_ISOC);
+  /* Initialize the Audio output Hardware layer */
+  {
+    return USBD_FAIL;
+  }
+  /* Prepare Out endpoint to receive audio data */
+  DCD_EP_PrepareRx(pdev,
+                   AUDIO_OUT_EP,
+                   (uint8_t*)IsocOutBuff,                        
+                   AUDIO_OUT_PACKET);  
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  usbd_audio_Init
+*         DeInitializes the AUDIO layer.
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  cfgidx: Configuration index
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_DeInit (void  *pdev, 
+                                   uint8_t cfgidx)
+  DCD_EP_Close (pdev , AUDIO_OUT_EP);
+  /* DeInitialize the Audio output Hardware layer */
+  if (AUDIO_OUT_fops.DeInit(0) != USBD_OK)
+  {
+    return USBD_FAIL;
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_audio_Setup
+  *         Handles the Audio control request parsing.
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  req: usb requests
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_Setup (void  *pdev, 
+                                  USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  uint16_t len;
+  uint8_t  *pbuf;
+  switch (req->bmRequest & USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK)
+  {
+    /* AUDIO Class Requests -------------------------------*/
+  case USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS :    
+    switch (req->bRequest)
+    {
+    case AUDIO_REQ_GET_CUR:
+      AUDIO_Req_GetCurrent(pdev, req);
+      break;
+    case AUDIO_REQ_SET_CUR:
+      AUDIO_Req_SetCurrent(pdev, req);   
+      break;
+    default:
+      USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+      return USBD_FAIL;
+    }
+    break;
+    /* Standard Requests -------------------------------*/
+    switch (req->bRequest)
+    {
+      if( (req->wValue >> 8) == AUDIO_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE)
+      {
+        pbuf = usbd_audio_Desc;   
+        pbuf = usbd_audio_CfgDesc + 18;
+        len = MIN(USB_AUDIO_DESC_SIZ , req->wLength);
+      }
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                        pbuf,
+                        len);
+      break;
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                        (uint8_t *)&usbd_audio_AltSet,
+                        1);
+      break;
+      if ((uint8_t)(req->wValue) < AUDIO_TOTAL_IF_NUM)
+      {
+        usbd_audio_AltSet = (uint8_t)(req->wValue);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        /* Call the error management function (command will be nacked */
+        USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_audio_EP0_RxReady
+  *         Handles audio control requests data.
+  * @param  pdev: device device instance
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_EP0_RxReady (void  *pdev)
+  /* Check if an AudioControl request has been issued */
+  if (AudioCtlCmd == AUDIO_REQ_SET_CUR)
+  {/* In this driver, to simplify code, only SET_CUR request is managed */
+    /* Check for which addressed unit the AudioControl request has been issued */
+    if (AudioCtlUnit == AUDIO_OUT_STREAMING_CTRL)
+    {/* In this driver, to simplify code, only one unit is manage */
+      /* Call the audio interface mute function */
+      AUDIO_OUT_fops.MuteCtl(AudioCtl[0]);
+      /* Reset the AudioCtlCmd variable to prevent re-entering this function */
+      AudioCtlCmd = 0;
+      AudioCtlLen = 0;
+    }
+  } 
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_audio_DataIn
+  *         Handles the audio IN data stage.
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  epnum: endpoint number
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_DataIn (void *pdev, uint8_t epnum)
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_audio_DataOut
+  *         Handles the Audio Out data stage.
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  epnum: endpoint number
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_DataOut (void *pdev, uint8_t epnum)
+  if (epnum == AUDIO_OUT_EP)
+  {    
+    /* Increment the Buffer pointer or roll it back when all buffers are full */
+    if (IsocOutWrPtr >= (IsocOutBuff + (AUDIO_OUT_PACKET * OUT_PACKET_NUM)))
+    {/* All buffers are full: roll back */
+      IsocOutWrPtr = IsocOutBuff;
+    }
+    else
+    {/* Increment the buffer pointer */
+      IsocOutWrPtr += AUDIO_OUT_PACKET;
+    }
+    /* Toggle the frame index */  
+    ((USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE*)pdev)->dev.out_ep[epnum].even_odd_frame = 
+      (((USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE*)pdev)->dev.out_ep[epnum].even_odd_frame)? 0:1;
+    /* Prepare Out endpoint to receive next audio packet */
+    DCD_EP_PrepareRx(pdev,
+                     AUDIO_OUT_EP,
+                     (uint8_t*)(IsocOutWrPtr),
+                     AUDIO_OUT_PACKET);
+    /* Trigger the start of streaming only when half buffer is full */
+    if ((PlayFlag == 0) && (IsocOutWrPtr >= (IsocOutBuff + ((AUDIO_OUT_PACKET * OUT_PACKET_NUM) / 2))))
+    {
+      /* Enable start of Streaming */
+      PlayFlag = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_audio_SOF
+  *         Handles the SOF event (data buffer update and synchronization).
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  epnum: endpoint number
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_SOF (void *pdev)
+  /* Check if there are available data in stream buffer.
+    In this function, a single variable (PlayFlag) is used to avoid software delays.
+    The play operation must be executed as soon as possible after the SOF detection. */
+  if (PlayFlag)
+  {      
+    /* Start playing received packet */
+    AUDIO_OUT_fops.AudioCmd((uint8_t*)(IsocOutRdPtr),  /* Samples buffer pointer */
+                            AUDIO_OUT_PACKET,          /* Number of samples in Bytes */
+                            AUDIO_CMD_PLAY);           /* Command to be processed */
+    /* Increment the Buffer pointer or roll it back when all buffers all full */  
+    if (IsocOutRdPtr >= (IsocOutBuff + (AUDIO_OUT_PACKET * OUT_PACKET_NUM)))
+    {/* Roll back to the start of buffer */
+      IsocOutRdPtr = IsocOutBuff;
+    }
+    else
+    {/* Increment to the next sub-buffer */
+      IsocOutRdPtr += AUDIO_OUT_PACKET;
+    }
+    /* If all available buffers have been consumed, stop playing */
+    if (IsocOutRdPtr == IsocOutWrPtr)
+    {    
+      /* Pause the audio stream */
+      AUDIO_OUT_fops.AudioCmd((uint8_t*)(IsocOutBuff),   /* Samples buffer pointer */
+                              AUDIO_OUT_PACKET,          /* Number of samples in Bytes */
+                              AUDIO_CMD_PAUSE);          /* Command to be processed */
+      /* Stop entering play loop */
+      PlayFlag = 0;
+      /* Reset buffer pointers */
+      IsocOutRdPtr = IsocOutBuff;
+      IsocOutWrPtr = IsocOutBuff;
+    }
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_audio_OUT_Incplt
+  *         Handles the iso out incomplete event.
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_audio_OUT_Incplt (void  *pdev)
+  return USBD_OK;
+     AUDIO Class requests management
+  * @brief  AUDIO_Req_GetCurrent
+  *         Handles the GET_CUR Audio control request.
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  req: setup class request
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static void AUDIO_Req_GetCurrent(void *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  /* Send the current mute state */
+  USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                    AudioCtl,
+                    req->wLength);
+  * @brief  AUDIO_Req_SetCurrent
+  *         Handles the SET_CUR Audio control request.
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  req: setup class request
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static void AUDIO_Req_SetCurrent(void *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  if (req->wLength)
+  {
+    /* Prepare the reception of the buffer over EP0 */
+    USBD_CtlPrepareRx (pdev, 
+                       AudioCtl,
+                       req->wLength);
+    /* Set the global variables indicating current request and its length 
+    to the function usbd_audio_EP0_RxReady() which will process the request */
+    AudioCtlCmd = AUDIO_REQ_SET_CUR;     /* Set the request value */
+    AudioCtlLen = req->wLength;          /* Set the request data length */
+    AudioCtlUnit = HIBYTE(req->wIndex);  /* Set the request target unit */
+  }
+  * @brief  USBD_audio_GetCfgDesc 
+  *         Returns configuration descriptor.
+  * @param  speed : current device speed
+  * @param  length : pointer data length
+  * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer
+  */
+static uint8_t  *USBD_audio_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length)
+  *length = sizeof (usbd_audio_CfgDesc);
+  return usbd_audio_CfgDesc;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/src/usbd_audio_out_if.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/audio/src/usbd_audio_out_if.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..21d9839
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_audio_out_if.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides the Audio Out (palyback) interface API.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_audio_core.h"
+#include "usbd_audio_out_if.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_out_if 
+  * @brief usbd out interface module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_out_if_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_out_if_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_out_if_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_out_if_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */
+static uint8_t  Init         (uint32_t  AudioFreq, uint32_t Volume, uint32_t options);
+static uint8_t  DeInit       (uint32_t options);
+static uint8_t  AudioCmd     (uint8_t* pbuf, uint32_t size, uint8_t cmd);
+static uint8_t  VolumeCtl    (uint8_t vol);
+static uint8_t  MuteCtl      (uint8_t cmd);
+static uint8_t  PeriodicTC   (uint8_t cmd);
+static uint8_t  GetState     (void);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_out_if_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+AUDIO_FOPS_TypeDef  AUDIO_OUT_fops = 
+  Init,
+  DeInit,
+  AudioCmd,
+  VolumeCtl,
+  MuteCtl,
+  PeriodicTC,
+  GetState
+static uint8_t AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_INACTIVE;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_audio_out_if_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @brief  Init
+  *         Initialize and configures all required resources for audio play function.
+  * @param  AudioFreq: Statrtup audio frequency. 
+  * @param  Volume: Startup volume to be set.
+  * @param  options: specific options passed to low layer function.
+  * @retval AUDIO_OK if all operations succeed, AUDIO_FAIL else.
+  */
+static uint8_t  Init         (uint32_t AudioFreq, 
+                              uint32_t Volume, 
+                              uint32_t options)
+  static uint32_t Initialized = 0;
+  /* Check if the low layer has already been initialized */
+  if (Initialized == 0)
+  {
+    /* Call low layer function */
+    if (EVAL_AUDIO_Init(OUTPUT_DEVICE_AUTO, Volume, AudioFreq) != 0)
+    {
+      AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_ERROR;
+      return AUDIO_FAIL;
+    }
+    /* Set the Initialization flag to prevent reinitializing the interface again */
+    Initialized = 1;
+  }
+  /* Update the Audio state machine */
+  return AUDIO_OK;
+  * @brief  DeInit
+  *         Free all resources used by low layer and stops audio-play function.
+  * @param  options: options passed to low layer function.
+  * @retval AUDIO_OK if all operations succeed, AUDIO_FAIL else.
+  */
+static uint8_t  DeInit       (uint32_t options)
+  /* Update the Audio state machine */
+  return AUDIO_OK;
+  * @brief  AudioCmd 
+  *         Play, Stop, Pause or Resume current file.
+  * @param  pbuf: address from which file shoud be played.
+  * @param  size: size of the current buffer/file.
+  * @param  cmd: command to be executed, can be AUDIO_CMD_PLAY , AUDIO_CMD_PAUSE, 
+  *              AUDIO_CMD_RESUME or AUDIO_CMD_STOP.
+  * @retval AUDIO_OK if all operations succeed, AUDIO_FAIL else.
+  */
+static uint8_t  AudioCmd(uint8_t* pbuf, 
+                         uint32_t size,
+                         uint8_t cmd)
+  /* Check the current state */
+  if ((AudioState == AUDIO_STATE_INACTIVE) || (AudioState == AUDIO_STATE_ERROR))
+  {
+    AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_ERROR;
+    return AUDIO_FAIL;
+  }
+  switch (cmd)
+  {
+    /* Process the PLAY command ----------------------------*/
+    /* If current state is Active or Stopped */
+    if ((AudioState == AUDIO_STATE_ACTIVE) || \
+       (AudioState == AUDIO_STATE_STOPPED) || \
+       (AudioState == AUDIO_STATE_PLAYING))
+    {
+      Audio_MAL_Play((uint32_t)pbuf, (size/2));
+      AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_PLAYING;
+      return AUDIO_OK;
+    }
+    /* If current state is Paused */
+    else if (AudioState == AUDIO_STATE_PAUSED)
+    {
+      if (EVAL_AUDIO_PauseResume(AUDIO_RESUME, (uint32_t)pbuf, (size/2)) != 0)
+      {
+        AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_ERROR;
+        return AUDIO_FAIL;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_PLAYING;
+        return AUDIO_OK;
+      } 
+    } 
+    else /* Not allowed command */
+    {
+      return AUDIO_FAIL;
+    }
+    /* Process the STOP command ----------------------------*/
+    if (AudioState != AUDIO_STATE_PLAYING)
+    {
+      /* Unsupported command */
+      return AUDIO_FAIL;
+    }
+    else if (EVAL_AUDIO_Stop(CODEC_PDWN_SW) != 0)
+    {
+      AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_ERROR;
+      return AUDIO_FAIL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_STOPPED;
+      return AUDIO_OK;
+    }
+    /* Process the PAUSE command ---------------------------*/
+    if (AudioState != AUDIO_STATE_PLAYING)
+    {
+      /* Unsupported command */
+      return AUDIO_FAIL;
+    }
+    else if (EVAL_AUDIO_PauseResume(AUDIO_PAUSE, (uint32_t)pbuf, (size/2)) != 0)
+    {
+      AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_ERROR;
+      return AUDIO_FAIL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_PAUSED;
+      return AUDIO_OK;
+    } 
+    /* Unsupported command ---------------------------------*/
+  default:
+    return AUDIO_FAIL;
+  }  
+  * @brief  VolumeCtl
+  *         Set the volume level in %
+  * @param  vol: volume level to be set in % (from 0% to 100%)
+  * @retval AUDIO_OK if all operations succeed, AUDIO_FAIL else.
+  */
+static uint8_t  VolumeCtl    (uint8_t vol)
+  /* Call low layer volume setting function */  
+  if (EVAL_AUDIO_VolumeCtl(vol) != 0)
+  {
+    AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_ERROR;
+    return AUDIO_FAIL;
+  }
+  return AUDIO_OK;
+  * @brief  MuteCtl
+  *         Mute or Unmute the audio current output
+  * @param  cmd: can be 0 to unmute, or 1 to mute.
+  * @retval AUDIO_OK if all operations succeed, AUDIO_FAIL else.
+  */
+static uint8_t  MuteCtl      (uint8_t cmd)
+  /* Call low layer mute setting function */  
+  if (EVAL_AUDIO_Mute(cmd) != 0)
+  {
+    AudioState = AUDIO_STATE_ERROR;
+    return AUDIO_FAIL;
+  }
+  return AUDIO_OK;
+  * @brief  
+  *         
+  * @param  
+  * @param  
+  * @retval AUDIO_OK if all operations succeed, AUDIO_FAIL else.
+  */
+static uint8_t  PeriodicTC   (uint8_t cmd)
+  return AUDIO_OK;
+  * @brief  GetState
+  *         Return the current state of the audio machine
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval Current State.
+  */
+static uint8_t  GetState   (void)
+  return AudioState;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_core.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_core.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..926f42e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_cdc_core.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header file for the usbd_cdc_core.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USB_CDC_CORE_H_
+#define __USB_CDC_CORE_H_
+#include  "usbd_ioreq.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup usbd_cdc
+  * @brief This file is the Header file for USBD_cdc.c
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_cdc_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define USB_CDC_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ                (67)
+#define USB_CDC_DESC_SIZ                       (67-9)
+#define CDC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE                     0x21
+#define DEVICE_CLASS_CDC                        0x02
+#define DEVICE_SUBCLASS_CDC                     0x00
+#define USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE              0x01
+#define USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE              0x03
+#define USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE           0x04
+#define USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE            0x05
+#define STANDARD_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE             0x09
+#define CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE                 *(uint16_t *)(((USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *)pdev)->dev.pConfig_descriptor + 57)
+#define CDC_DATA_OUT_PACKET_SIZE                *(uint16_t *)(((USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *)pdev)->dev.pConfig_descriptor + 64)
+/*  CDC definitions                                                    */
+/* CDC Requests                                   */
+#define SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND               0x00
+#define GET_ENCAPSULATED_RESPONSE               0x01
+#define SET_COMM_FEATURE                        0x02
+#define GET_COMM_FEATURE                        0x03
+#define CLEAR_COMM_FEATURE                      0x04
+#define SET_LINE_CODING                         0x20
+#define GET_LINE_CODING                         0x21
+#define SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE                  0x22
+#define SEND_BREAK                              0x23
+#define NO_CMD                                  0xFF
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+typedef struct _CDC_IF_PROP
+  uint16_t (*pIf_Init)     (void);   
+  uint16_t (*pIf_DeInit)   (void);   
+  uint16_t (*pIf_Ctrl)     (uint32_t Cmd, uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len);
+  uint16_t (*pIf_DataTx)   (uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len);
+  uint16_t (*pIf_DataRx)   (uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  USBD_CDC_cb;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CORE_Exported_Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif  // __USB_CDC_CORE_H_
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_if_template.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_if_template.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1a12508
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_cdc_if_template.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Header for dfu_mal.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef STM32F2XX
+ #include "stm32f2xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32F10X_CL)
+ #include "stm32f10x.h"
+#endif /* STM32F2XX */
+#include "usbd_conf.h"
+#include "usbd_cdc_core.h"
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern CDC_IF_Prop_TypeDef  TEMPLATE_fops;
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+#endif /* __USBD_CDC_IF_TEMPLATE_H */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/src/usbd_cdc_core.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/src/usbd_cdc_core.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8d1f15d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_cdc_core.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides the high layer firmware functions to manage the 
+  *          following functionalities of the USB CDC Class:
+  *           - Initialization and Configuration of high and low layer
+  *           - Enumeration as CDC Device (and enumeration for each implemented memory interface)
+  *           - OUT/IN data transfer
+  *           - Command IN transfer (class requests management)
+  *           - Error management
+  *           
+  *  @verbatim
+  *      
+  *          ===================================================================      
+  *                                CDC Class Driver Description
+  *          =================================================================== 
+  *           This driver manages the "Universal Serial Bus Class Definitions for Communications Devices
+  *           Revision 1.2 November 16, 2007" and the sub-protocol specification of "Universal Serial Bus 
+  *           Communications Class Subclass Specification for PSTN Devices Revision 1.2 February 9, 2007"
+  *           This driver implements the following aspects of the specification:
+  *             - Device descriptor management
+  *             - Configuration descriptor management
+  *             - Enumeration as CDC device with 2 data endpoints (IN and OUT) and 1 command endpoint (IN)
+  *             - Requests management (as described in section 6.2 in specification)
+  *             - Abstract Control Model compliant
+  *             - Union Functional collection (using 1 IN endpoint for control)
+  *             - Data interface class
+  *           @note
+  *             For the Abstract Control Model, this core allows only transmitting the requests to
+  *             lower layer dispatcher (ie. usbd_cdc_vcp.c/.h) which should manage each request and
+  *             perform relative actions.
+  * 
+  *           These aspects may be enriched or modified for a specific user application.
+  *          
+  *            This driver doesn't implement the following aspects of the specification 
+  *            (but it is possible to manage these features with some modifications on this driver):
+  *             - Any class-specific aspect relative to communication classes should be managed by user application.
+  *             - All communication classes other than PSTN are not managed
+  *      
+  *  @endverbatim
+  *                                  
+  ******************************************************************************               
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_cdc_core.h"
+#include "usbd_desc.h"
+#include "usbd_req.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup usbd_cdc 
+  * @brief usbd core module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_cdc_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_cdc_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_cdc_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_cdc_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */
+   CDC Device library callbacks
+ *********************************************/
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_Init        (void  *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx);
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_DeInit      (void  *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx);
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_Setup       (void  *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_EP0_RxReady  (void *pdev);
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_DataIn      (void *pdev, uint8_t epnum);
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_DataOut     (void *pdev, uint8_t epnum);
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_SOF         (void *pdev);
+   CDC specific management functions
+ *********************************************/
+static void Handle_USBAsynchXfer  (void *pdev);
+static uint8_t  *USBD_cdc_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length);
+#ifdef USE_USB_OTG_HS  
+static uint8_t  *USBD_cdc_GetOtherCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_cdc_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern CDC_IF_Prop_TypeDef  APP_FOPS;
+extern uint8_t USBD_DeviceDesc   [USB_SIZ_DEVICE_DESC];
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_cdc_CfgDesc  [USB_CDC_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END ;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_cdc_OtherCfgDesc  [USB_CDC_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END ;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN static __IO uint32_t  usbd_cdc_AltSet  __ALIGN_END = 0;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t APP_Rx_Buffer   [APP_RX_DATA_SIZE] __ALIGN_END ; 
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+uint32_t APP_Rx_ptr_in  = 0;
+uint32_t APP_Rx_ptr_out = 0;
+uint32_t APP_Rx_length  = 0;
+uint8_t  USB_Tx_State = 0;
+static uint32_t cdcCmd = 0xFF;
+static uint32_t cdcLen = 0;
+/* CDC interface class callbacks structure */
+USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  USBD_CDC_cb = 
+  usbd_cdc_Init,
+  usbd_cdc_DeInit,
+  usbd_cdc_Setup,
+  NULL,                 /* EP0_TxSent, */
+  usbd_cdc_EP0_RxReady,
+  usbd_cdc_DataIn,
+  usbd_cdc_DataOut,
+  usbd_cdc_SOF,
+  NULL,
+  NULL,     
+  USBD_cdc_GetCfgDesc,
+#ifdef USE_USB_OTG_HS   
+  USBD_cdc_GetOtherCfgDesc, /* use same cobfig as per FS */
+#endif /* USE_USB_OTG_HS  */
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+/* USB CDC device Configuration Descriptor */
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_cdc_CfgDesc[USB_CDC_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ]  __ALIGN_END =
+  /*Configuration Descriptor*/
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Configuration Descriptor size */
+  USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType: Configuration */
+  USB_CDC_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ,                /* wTotalLength:no of returned bytes */
+  0x00,
+  0x02,   /* bNumInterfaces: 2 interface */
+  0x01,   /* bConfigurationValue: Configuration value */
+  0x00,   /* iConfiguration: Index of string descriptor describing the configuration */
+  0xC0,   /* bmAttributes: self powered */
+  0x32,   /* MaxPower 0 mA */
+  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  /*Interface Descriptor */
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */
+  USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,  /* bDescriptorType: Interface */
+  /* Interface descriptor type */
+  0x00,   /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
+  0x00,   /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
+  0x01,   /* bNumEndpoints: One endpoints used */
+  0x02,   /* bInterfaceClass: Communication Interface Class */
+  0x02,   /* bInterfaceSubClass: Abstract Control Model */
+  0x01,   /* bInterfaceProtocol: Common AT commands */
+  0x00,   /* iInterface: */
+  /*Header Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x05,   /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  0x24,   /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
+  0x00,   /* bDescriptorSubtype: Header Func Desc */
+  0x10,   /* bcdCDC: spec release number */
+  0x01,
+  /*Call Management Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x05,   /* bFunctionLength */
+  0x24,   /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
+  0x01,   /* bDescriptorSubtype: Call Management Func Desc */
+  0x00,   /* bmCapabilities: D0+D1 */
+  0x01,   /* bDataInterface: 1 */
+  /*ACM Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x04,   /* bFunctionLength */
+  0x24,   /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
+  0x02,   /* bDescriptorSubtype: Abstract Control Management desc */
+  0x02,   /* bmCapabilities */
+  /*Union Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x05,   /* bFunctionLength */
+  0x24,   /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
+  0x06,   /* bDescriptorSubtype: Union func desc */
+  0x00,   /* bMasterInterface: Communication class interface */
+  0x01,   /* bSlaveInterface0: Data Class Interface */
+  /*Endpoint 2 Descriptor*/
+  0x07,                           /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
+  CDC_CMD_EP,                     /* bEndpointAddress */
+  0x03,                           /* bmAttributes: Interrupt */
+  LOBYTE(CDC_CMD_PACKET_SZE),     /* wMaxPacketSize: */
+#ifdef USE_USB_OTG_HS
+  0x10,                           /* bInterval: */
+  0xFF,                           /* bInterval: */
+#endif /* USE_USB_OTG_HS */
+  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  /*Data class interface descriptor*/
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,  /* bDescriptorType: */
+  0x01,   /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
+  0x00,   /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
+  0x02,   /* bNumEndpoints: Two endpoints used */
+  0x0A,   /* bInterfaceClass: CDC */
+  0x00,   /* bInterfaceSubClass: */
+  0x00,   /* bInterfaceProtocol: */
+  0x00,   /* iInterface: */
+  /*Endpoint OUT Descriptor*/
+  0x07,   /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
+  CDC_OUT_EP,                        /* bEndpointAddress */
+  0x02,                              /* bmAttributes: Bulk */
+  LOBYTE(CDC_DATA_MAX_PACKET_SIZE),  /* wMaxPacketSize: */
+  0x00,                              /* bInterval: ignore for Bulk transfer */
+  /*Endpoint IN Descriptor*/
+  0x07,   /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
+  CDC_IN_EP,                         /* bEndpointAddress */
+  0x02,                              /* bmAttributes: Bulk */
+  LOBYTE(CDC_DATA_MAX_PACKET_SIZE),  /* wMaxPacketSize: */
+  0x00                               /* bInterval: ignore for Bulk transfer */
+} ;
+#ifdef USE_USB_OTG_HS
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_cdc_OtherCfgDesc[USB_CDC_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ]  __ALIGN_END =
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Configuation Descriptor size */
+  0x00,
+  0x02,   /* bNumInterfaces: 2 interfaces */
+  0x01,   /* bConfigurationValue: */
+  0x04,   /* iConfiguration: */
+  0xC0,   /* bmAttributes: */
+  0x32,   /* MaxPower 100 mA */  
+  /*Interface Descriptor */
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */
+  USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,  /* bDescriptorType: Interface */
+  /* Interface descriptor type */
+  0x00,   /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
+  0x00,   /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
+  0x01,   /* bNumEndpoints: One endpoints used */
+  0x02,   /* bInterfaceClass: Communication Interface Class */
+  0x02,   /* bInterfaceSubClass: Abstract Control Model */
+  0x01,   /* bInterfaceProtocol: Common AT commands */
+  0x00,   /* iInterface: */
+  /*Header Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x05,   /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  0x24,   /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
+  0x00,   /* bDescriptorSubtype: Header Func Desc */
+  0x10,   /* bcdCDC: spec release number */
+  0x01,
+  /*Call Management Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x05,   /* bFunctionLength */
+  0x24,   /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
+  0x01,   /* bDescriptorSubtype: Call Management Func Desc */
+  0x00,   /* bmCapabilities: D0+D1 */
+  0x01,   /* bDataInterface: 1 */
+  /*ACM Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x04,   /* bFunctionLength */
+  0x24,   /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
+  0x02,   /* bDescriptorSubtype: Abstract Control Management desc */
+  0x02,   /* bmCapabilities */
+  /*Union Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x05,   /* bFunctionLength */
+  0x24,   /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE */
+  0x06,   /* bDescriptorSubtype: Union func desc */
+  0x00,   /* bMasterInterface: Communication class interface */
+  0x01,   /* bSlaveInterface0: Data Class Interface */
+  /*Endpoint 2 Descriptor*/
+  0x07,                           /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
+  CDC_CMD_EP,                     /* bEndpointAddress */
+  0x03,                           /* bmAttributes: Interrupt */
+  LOBYTE(CDC_CMD_PACKET_SZE),     /* wMaxPacketSize: */
+  0xFF,                           /* bInterval: */
+  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  /*Data class interface descriptor*/
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,  /* bDescriptorType: */
+  0x01,   /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
+  0x00,   /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
+  0x02,   /* bNumEndpoints: Two endpoints used */
+  0x0A,   /* bInterfaceClass: CDC */
+  0x00,   /* bInterfaceSubClass: */
+  0x00,   /* bInterfaceProtocol: */
+  0x00,   /* iInterface: */
+  /*Endpoint OUT Descriptor*/
+  0x07,   /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,      /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
+  CDC_OUT_EP,                        /* bEndpointAddress */
+  0x02,                              /* bmAttributes: Bulk */
+  0x40,                              /* wMaxPacketSize: */
+  0x00,
+  0x00,                              /* bInterval: ignore for Bulk transfer */
+  /*Endpoint IN Descriptor*/
+  0x07,   /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */
+  USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,     /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */
+  CDC_IN_EP,                        /* bEndpointAddress */
+  0x02,                             /* bmAttributes: Bulk */
+  0x40,                             /* wMaxPacketSize: */
+  0x00,
+  0x00                              /* bInterval */
+#endif /* USE_USB_OTG_HS  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_cdc_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @brief  usbd_cdc_Init
+  *         Initilaize the CDC interface
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  cfgidx: Configuration index
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_Init (void  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t cfgidx)
+  uint8_t *pbuf;
+  /* Open EP IN */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              CDC_IN_EP,
+              CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE,
+              USB_OTG_EP_BULK);
+  /* Open EP OUT */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              CDC_OUT_EP,
+              CDC_DATA_OUT_PACKET_SIZE,
+              USB_OTG_EP_BULK);
+  /* Open Command IN EP */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              CDC_CMD_EP,
+              CDC_CMD_PACKET_SZE,
+              USB_OTG_EP_INT);
+  pbuf = (uint8_t *)USBD_DeviceDesc;
+  pbuf[4] = DEVICE_CLASS_CDC;
+  /* Initialize the Interface physical components */
+  APP_FOPS.pIf_Init();
+  /* Prepare Out endpoint to receive next packet */
+  DCD_EP_PrepareRx(pdev,
+                   CDC_OUT_EP,
+                   (uint8_t*)(USB_Rx_Buffer),
+                   CDC_DATA_OUT_PACKET_SIZE);
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_cdc_Init
+  *         DeInitialize the CDC layer
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  cfgidx: Configuration index
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_DeInit (void  *pdev, 
+                                 uint8_t cfgidx)
+  /* Open EP IN */
+  DCD_EP_Close(pdev,
+              CDC_IN_EP);
+  /* Open EP OUT */
+  DCD_EP_Close(pdev,
+              CDC_OUT_EP);
+  /* Open Command IN EP */
+  DCD_EP_Close(pdev,
+              CDC_CMD_EP);
+  /* Restore default state of the Interface physical components */
+  APP_FOPS.pIf_DeInit();
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_cdc_Setup
+  *         Handle the CDC specific requests
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  req: usb requests
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_Setup (void  *pdev, 
+                                USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  uint16_t len;
+  uint8_t  *pbuf;
+  switch (req->bmRequest & USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK)
+  {
+    /* CDC Class Requests -------------------------------*/
+      /* Check if the request is a data setup packet */
+      if (req->wLength)
+      {
+        /* Check if the request is Device-to-Host */
+        if (req->bmRequest & 0x80)
+        {
+          /* Get the data to be sent to Host from interface layer */
+          APP_FOPS.pIf_Ctrl(req->bRequest, CmdBuff, req->wLength);
+          /* Send the data to the host */
+          USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                            CmdBuff,
+                            req->wLength);          
+        }
+        else /* Host-to-Device requeset */
+        {
+          /* Set the value of the current command to be processed */
+          cdcCmd = req->bRequest;
+          cdcLen = req->wLength;
+          /* Prepare the reception of the buffer over EP0
+          Next step: the received data will be managed in usbd_cdc_EP0_TxSent() 
+          function. */
+          USBD_CtlPrepareRx (pdev,
+                             CmdBuff,
+                             req->wLength);          
+        }
+      }
+      else /* No Data request */
+      {
+        /* Transfer the command to the interface layer */
+        APP_FOPS.pIf_Ctrl(req->bRequest, NULL, 0);
+      }
+      return USBD_OK;
+    default:
+      USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+      return USBD_FAIL;
+    /* Standard Requests -------------------------------*/
+    switch (req->bRequest)
+    {
+      if( (req->wValue >> 8) == CDC_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE)
+      {
+        pbuf = usbd_cdc_Desc;   
+        pbuf = usbd_cdc_CfgDesc + 9 + (9 * USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM);
+        len = MIN(USB_CDC_DESC_SIZ , req->wLength);
+      }
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                        pbuf,
+                        len);
+      break;
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                        (uint8_t *)&usbd_cdc_AltSet,
+                        1);
+      break;
+      if ((uint8_t)(req->wValue) < USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM)
+      {
+        usbd_cdc_AltSet = (uint8_t)(req->wValue);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        /* Call the error management function (command will be nacked */
+        USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_cdc_EP0_RxReady
+  *         Data received on control endpoint
+  * @param  pdev: device device instance
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_EP0_RxReady (void  *pdev)
+  if (cdcCmd != NO_CMD)
+  {
+    /* Process the data */
+    APP_FOPS.pIf_Ctrl(cdcCmd, CmdBuff, cdcLen);
+    /* Reset the command variable to default value */
+    cdcCmd = NO_CMD;
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_audio_DataIn
+  *         Data sent on non-control IN endpoint
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  epnum: endpoint number
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_DataIn (void *pdev, uint8_t epnum)
+  uint16_t USB_Tx_ptr;
+  uint16_t USB_Tx_length;
+  if (USB_Tx_State == 1)
+  {
+    if (APP_Rx_length == 0) 
+    {
+      USB_Tx_State = 0;
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+      if (APP_Rx_length > CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE){
+        USB_Tx_ptr = APP_Rx_ptr_out;
+        USB_Tx_length = CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE;
+        APP_Rx_ptr_out += CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE;
+        APP_Rx_length -= CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE;    
+      }
+      else 
+      {
+        USB_Tx_ptr = APP_Rx_ptr_out;
+        USB_Tx_length = APP_Rx_length;
+        APP_Rx_ptr_out += APP_Rx_length;
+        APP_Rx_length = 0;
+      }
+      /* Prepare the available data buffer to be sent on IN endpoint */
+      DCD_EP_Tx (pdev,
+                 CDC_IN_EP,
+                 (uint8_t*)&APP_Rx_Buffer[USB_Tx_ptr],
+                 USB_Tx_length);
+    }
+  }  
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_audio_DataOut
+  *         Data received on non-control Out endpoint
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  epnum: endpoint number
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_DataOut (void *pdev, uint8_t epnum)
+  uint16_t USB_Rx_Cnt;
+  /* Get the received data buffer and update the counter */
+  USB_Rx_Cnt = ((USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE*)pdev)->dev.out_ep[epnum].xfer_count;
+  /* USB data will be immediately processed, this allow next USB traffic being 
+     NAKed till the end of the application Xfer */
+  APP_FOPS.pIf_DataRx(USB_Rx_Buffer, USB_Rx_Cnt);
+  /* Prepare Out endpoint to receive next packet */
+  DCD_EP_PrepareRx(pdev,
+                   CDC_OUT_EP,
+                   (uint8_t*)(USB_Rx_Buffer),
+                   CDC_DATA_OUT_PACKET_SIZE);
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_audio_SOF
+  *         Start Of Frame event management
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  epnum: endpoint number
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_cdc_SOF (void *pdev)
+  static uint32_t FrameCount = 0;
+  if (FrameCount++ == CDC_IN_FRAME_INTERVAL)
+  {
+    /* Reset the frame counter */
+    FrameCount = 0;
+    /* Check the data to be sent through IN pipe */
+    Handle_USBAsynchXfer(pdev);
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  Handle_USBAsynchXfer
+  *         Send data to USB
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void Handle_USBAsynchXfer (void *pdev)
+  uint16_t USB_Tx_ptr;
+  uint16_t USB_Tx_length;
+  if(USB_Tx_State != 1)
+  {
+    if (APP_Rx_ptr_out == APP_RX_DATA_SIZE)
+    {
+      APP_Rx_ptr_out = 0;
+    }
+    if(APP_Rx_ptr_out == APP_Rx_ptr_in) 
+    {
+      USB_Tx_State = 0; 
+      return;
+    }
+    if(APP_Rx_ptr_out > APP_Rx_ptr_in) /* rollback */
+    { 
+      APP_Rx_length = APP_RX_DATA_SIZE - APP_Rx_ptr_out;
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+      APP_Rx_length = APP_Rx_ptr_in - APP_Rx_ptr_out;
+    }
+     APP_Rx_length &= ~0x03;
+    if (APP_Rx_length > CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE)
+    {
+      USB_Tx_ptr = APP_Rx_ptr_out;
+      USB_Tx_length = CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE;
+      APP_Rx_ptr_out += CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE;       
+      APP_Rx_length -= CDC_DATA_IN_PACKET_SIZE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      USB_Tx_ptr = APP_Rx_ptr_out;
+      USB_Tx_length = APP_Rx_length;
+      APP_Rx_ptr_out += APP_Rx_length;
+      APP_Rx_length = 0;
+    }
+    USB_Tx_State = 1; 
+    DCD_EP_Tx (pdev,
+               CDC_IN_EP,
+               (uint8_t*)&APP_Rx_Buffer[USB_Tx_ptr],
+               USB_Tx_length);
+  }  
+  * @brief  USBD_cdc_GetCfgDesc 
+  *         Return configuration descriptor
+  * @param  speed : current device speed
+  * @param  length : pointer data length
+  * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer
+  */
+static uint8_t  *USBD_cdc_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length)
+  *length = sizeof (usbd_cdc_CfgDesc);
+  return usbd_cdc_CfgDesc;
+  * @brief  USBD_cdc_GetCfgDesc 
+  *         Return configuration descriptor
+  * @param  speed : current device speed
+  * @param  length : pointer data length
+  * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer
+  */
+#ifdef USE_USB_OTG_HS 
+static uint8_t  *USBD_cdc_GetOtherCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length)
+  *length = sizeof (usbd_cdc_OtherCfgDesc);
+  return usbd_cdc_OtherCfgDesc;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/src/usbd_cdc_if_template.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/src/usbd_cdc_if_template.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..406f30a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_cdc_if_template.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Generic media access Layer.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+#pragma     data_alignment = 4 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_cdc_if_template.h"
+#include  "stm32_eval.h"
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* These are external variables imported from CDC core to be used for IN 
+   transfer management. */
+extern uint8_t  APP_Rx_Buffer []; /* Write CDC received data in this buffer.
+                                     These data will be sent over USB IN endpoint
+                                     in the CDC core functions. */
+extern uint32_t APP_Rx_ptr_in;    /* Increment this pointer or roll it back to
+                                     start address when writing received data
+                                     in the buffer APP_Rx_Buffer. */
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_Init     (void);
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_DeInit   (void);
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_Ctrl     (uint32_t Cmd, uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len);
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_DataTx   (uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len);
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_DataRx (uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len);
+CDC_IF_Prop_TypeDef TEMPLATE_fops = 
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+  * @brief  TEMPLATE_Init
+  *         Initializes the CDC media low layer
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL
+  */
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_Init(void)
+  /*
+     Add your initialization code here 
+  */  
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  TEMPLATE_DeInit
+  *         DeInitializes the CDC media low layer
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL
+  */
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_DeInit(void)
+  /*
+     Add your deinitialization code here 
+  */  
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  TEMPLATE_Ctrl
+  *         Manage the CDC class requests
+  * @param  Cmd: Command code            
+  * @param  Buf: Buffer containing command data (request parameters)
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be sent (in bytes)
+  * @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL
+  */
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_Ctrl (uint32_t Cmd, uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len)
+  switch (Cmd)
+  {
+    /* Add your code here */
+    break;
+    /* Add your code here */
+    break;
+    /* Add your code here */
+    break;
+    /* Add your code here */
+    break;
+    /* Add your code here */
+    break;
+    /* Add your code here */
+    break;
+    /* Add your code here */
+    break;
+    /* Add your code here */
+    break;
+  case SEND_BREAK:
+     /* Add your code here */
+    break;    
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  TEMPLATE_DataTx
+  *         CDC received data to be send over USB IN endpoint are managed in 
+  *         this function.
+  * @param  Buf: Buffer of data to be sent
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be sent (in bytes)
+  * @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL
+  */
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_DataTx (uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len)
+  /* Get the data to be sent */
+  for (i = 0; i < Len; i++)
+  {
+    /* APP_Rx_Buffer[APP_Rx_ptr_in] = XXX_ReceiveData(XXX); */
+  }
+  /* Increment the in pointer */
+  APP_Rx_ptr_in++;
+  /* To avoid buffer overflow */
+  if(APP_Rx_ptr_in == APP_RX_DATA_SIZE)
+  {
+    APP_Rx_ptr_in = 0;
+  }  
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  TEMPLATE_DataRx
+  *         Data received over USB OUT endpoint are sent over CDC interface 
+  *         through this function.
+  *           
+  *         @note
+  *         This function will block any OUT packet reception on USB endpoint 
+  *         untill exiting this function. If you exit this function before transfer
+  *         is complete on CDC interface (ie. using DMA controller) it will result 
+  *         in receiving more data while previous ones are still not sent.
+  *                 
+  * @param  Buf: Buffer of data to be received
+  * @param  Len: Number of data received (in bytes)
+  * @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else USBD_FAIL
+  */
+static uint16_t TEMPLATE_DataRx (uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len)
+  uint32_t i;
+  /* Send the received buffer */
+  for (i = 0; i < Len; i++)
+  {
+    /* XXXX_SendData(XXXX, *(Buf + i) ); */
+  } 
+  return USBD_OK;
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_dfu_core.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_dfu_core.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aadffb1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_dfu_core.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header file for the usbd_dfu_core.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USB_DFU_CORE_H_
+#define __USB_DFU_CORE_H_
+#include  "usbd_ioreq.h"
+#include  "usbd_dfu_mal.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup usbd_dfu
+  * @brief This file is the Header file for USBD_dfu.c
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_dfu_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define USB_DFU_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ       (18 + (9 * USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM))
+#define USB_DFU_DESC_SIZ              9
+#define DFU_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE           0x21
+/*  DFU definitions                                                    */
+/* DFU Requests  DFU states                       */
+#define STATE_appIDLE                 0
+#define STATE_appDETACH               1
+#define STATE_dfuIDLE                 2
+#define STATE_dfuDNLOAD_SYNC          3
+#define STATE_dfuDNBUSY               4
+#define STATE_dfuDNLOAD_IDLE          5
+#define STATE_dfuMANIFEST_SYNC        6
+#define STATE_dfuMANIFEST             7
+#define STATE_dfuUPLOAD_IDLE          9
+#define STATE_dfuERROR                10
+/* DFU Requests  DFU status                       */
+#define STATUS_OK                   0x00
+#define STATUS_ERRTARGET            0x01
+#define STATUS_ERRFILE              0x02
+#define STATUS_ERRWRITE             0x03
+#define STATUS_ERRERASE             0x04
+#define STATUS_ERRCHECK_ERASED      0x05
+#define STATUS_ERRPROG              0x06
+#define STATUS_ERRVERIFY            0x07
+#define STATUS_ERRADDRESS           0x08
+#define STATUS_ERRNOTDONE           0x09
+#define STATUS_ERRFIRMWARE          0x0A
+#define STATUS_ERRVENDOR            0x0B
+#define STATUS_ERRUSBR              0x0C
+#define STATUS_ERRPOR               0x0D
+#define STATUS_ERRUNKNOWN           0x0E
+#define STATUS_ERRSTALLEDPKT        0x0F
+/* DFU Requests  DFU states Manifestation State   */
+#define Manifest_complete           0x00
+#define Manifest_In_Progress        0x01
+/* Special Commands  with Download Request        */
+#define CMD_GETCOMMANDS              0x00
+#define CMD_SETADDRESSPOINTER        0x21
+#define CMD_ERASE                    0x41
+/* Other defines                                  */
+/* Bit Detach capable = bit 3 in bmAttributes field */
+#define DFU_DETACH_MASK              (uint8_t)(1 << 4) 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+/* DFU Requests                                   */
+typedef enum _DFU_REQUESTS {
+  DFU_DETACH = 0,
+  DFU_DNLOAD = 1,
+typedef  void (*pFunction)(void);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting n ****************/  
+#define USBD_DFU_IF_DESC(n)   0x09,   /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */ \
+                              USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* bDescriptorType */ \
+                              0x00,   /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */ \
+                              (n),      /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */ \
+                              0x00,   /* bNumEndpoints*/ \
+                              0xFE,   /* bInterfaceClass: Application Specific Class Code */ \
+                              0x01,   /* bInterfaceSubClass : Device Firmware Upgrade Code */ \
+                              0x02,   /* nInterfaceProtocol: DFU mode protocol */ \
+                              USBD_IDX_INTERFACE_STR + (n) + 1 /* iInterface: Index of string descriptor */ \
+                              /* 18 */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  DFU_cb;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CORE_Exported_Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif  // __USB_DFU_CORE_H_
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_dfu_mal.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_dfu_mal.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9ed095b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_dfu_mal.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Header for usbd_dfu_mal.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __DFU_MAL_H
+#define __DFU_MAL_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef STM32F2XX
+ #include "stm32f2xx.h"
+#elif defined(STM32F10X_CL)
+ #include "stm32f10x.h"
+#endif /* STM32F2XX */
+#include "usbd_conf.h"
+#include "usbd_dfu_core.h"
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct _DFU_MAL_PROP
+  const uint8_t* pStrDesc;
+  uint16_t (*pMAL_Init)     (void);   
+  uint16_t (*pMAL_DeInit)   (void);   
+  uint16_t (*pMAL_Erase)    (uint32_t Add);
+  uint16_t (*pMAL_Write)    (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len);
+  uint8_t  *(*pMAL_Read)    (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len);
+  uint16_t (*pMAL_CheckAdd) (uint32_t Add);
+  const uint32_t EraseTiming;
+  const uint32_t WriteTiming;
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define MAL_OK                          0
+#define MAL_FAIL                        1
+/* utils macro ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define _1st_BYTE(x)  (uint8_t)((x)&0xFF)             /* 1st addressing cycle */
+#define _2nd_BYTE(x)  (uint8_t)(((x)&0xFF00)>>8)      /* 2nd addressing cycle */
+#define _3rd_BYTE(x)  (uint8_t)(((x)&0xFF0000)>>16)   /* 3rd addressing cycle */
+#define _4th_BYTE(x)  (uint8_t)(((x)&0xFF000000)>>24) /* 4th addressing cycle */
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define SET_POLLING_TIMING(x)   buffer[1] = _1st_BYTE(x);\
+                                buffer[2] = _2nd_BYTE(x);\
+                                buffer[3] = _3rd_BYTE(x);  
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+uint16_t MAL_Init (void);
+uint16_t MAL_DeInit (void);
+uint16_t MAL_Erase (uint32_t SectorAddress);
+uint16_t MAL_Write (uint32_t SectorAddress, uint32_t DataLength);
+uint8_t *MAL_Read  (uint32_t SectorAddress, uint32_t DataLength);
+uint16_t MAL_GetStatus(uint32_t SectorAddress ,uint8_t Cmd, uint8_t *buffer);
+extern uint8_t  MAL_Buffer[XFERSIZE]; /* RAM Buffer for Downloaded Data */
+#endif /* __DFU_MAL_H */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_flash_if.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_flash_if.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..07e49df
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_flash_if.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0RC1
+  * @date    18-March-2011
+  * @brief   Header for usbd_flash_if.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __FLASH_IF_MAL_H
+#define __FLASH_IF_MAL_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_dfu_mal.h"
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define FLASH_START_ADD                  0x08000000
+#ifdef STM32F2XX
+ #define FLASH_END_ADD                   0x08100000
+ #define FLASH_IF_STRING                 "@Internal Flash   /0x08000000/03*016Ka,01*016Kg,01*064Kg,07*128Kg"
+#elif defined(STM32F10X_CL)
+ #define FLASH_END_ADD                   0x08040000
+ #define FLASH_IF_STRING                 "@Internal Flash   /0x08000000/06*002Ka,122*002Kg"  
+#endif /* STM32F2XX */
+extern DFU_MAL_Prop_TypeDef DFU_Flash_cb;
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+#endif /* __FLASH_IF_MAL_H */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_mem_if_template.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_mem_if_template.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d1e0dda
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_mem_if_template.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Header for usbd_mem_if_template.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __MEM_IF_MAL_H
+#define __MEM_IF_MAL_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef STM32F2XX
+  #include "stm32f2xx.h"
+#endif /* STM32F2XX */
+#include "usbd_dfu_mal.h"
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define MEM_START_ADD                 0x00000000 /* Dummy start address */
+#define MEM_END_ADD                   (uint32_t)(MEM_START_ADD + (5 * 1024)) /* Dummy Size = 5KB */
+#define MEM_IF_STRING                 "@Dummy Memory   /0x00000000/01*002Kg,03*001Kg"
+extern DFU_MAL_Prop_TypeDef DFU_Mem_cb;
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+#endif /* __MEM_IF_MAL_H */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_otp_if.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/inc/usbd_otp_if.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ef7e061
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_otp_if.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Header for usbd_otp_if.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __OTP_IF_MAL_H
+#define __OTP_IF_MAL_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_dfu_mal.h"
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define OTP_START_ADD                  0x1FFF7800             
+#define OTP_END_ADD                    (uint32_t)(OTP_START_ADD + 528) 
+#define OTP_IF_STRING                  "@OTP Area   /0x1FFF7800/01*512 g,01*016 g"
+extern DFU_MAL_Prop_TypeDef DFU_Otp_cb;
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+#endif /* __OTP_IF_MAL_H */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_dfu_core.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_dfu_core.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3160316
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1046 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_dfu_core.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides the high layer firmware functions to manage the 
+  *          following functionalities of the USB DFU Class:
+  *           - Initialization and Configuration of high and low layer
+  *           - Enumeration as DFU Device (and enumeration for each implemented memory interface)
+  *           - Transfers to/from memory interfaces
+  *           - Easy-to-customize "plug-in-like" modules for adding/removing memory interfaces.
+  *           - Error management
+  *           
+  *  @verbatim
+  *      
+  *          ===================================================================      
+  *                                DFU Class Driver Description
+  *          =================================================================== 
+  *           This driver manages the DFU class V1.1 following the "Device Class Specification for 
+  *           Device Firmware Upgrade Version 1.1 Aug 5, 2004".
+  *           This driver implements the following aspects of the specification:
+  *             - Device descriptor management
+  *             - Configuration descriptor management
+  *             - Enumeration as DFU device (in DFU mode only)
+  *             - Requests management (supporting ST DFU sub-protocol)
+  *             - Memory operations management (Download/Upload/Erase/Detach/GetState/GetStatus)
+  *             - DFU state machine implementation.
+  *          
+  *           @note
+  *            ST DFU sub-protocol is compliant with DFU protocol and use sub-requests to manage
+  *            memory addressing, commands processing, specific memories operations (ie. Erase) ...
+  *            As required by the DFU specification, only endpoint 0 is used in this application.
+  *            Other endpoints and functions may be added to the application (ie. DFU ...)
+  * 
+  *           These aspects may be enriched or modified for a specific user application.
+  *          
+  *           This driver doesn't implement the following aspects of the specification 
+  *           (but it is possible to manage these features with some modifications on this driver):
+  *             - Manifestation Tolerant mode
+  *      
+  *  @endverbatim
+  *                                  
+  ******************************************************************************               
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_dfu_core.h"
+#include "usbd_desc.h"
+#include "usbd_req.h"
+#include "usb_bsp.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup usbd_dfu 
+  * @brief usbd core module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_dfu_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_dfu_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_dfu_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_dfu_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */
+   DFU Device library callbacks
+ *********************************************/
+static uint8_t  usbd_dfu_Init     (void  *pdev, 
+                                  uint8_t cfgidx);
+static uint8_t  usbd_dfu_DeInit   (void  *pdev, 
+                                  uint8_t cfgidx);
+static uint8_t  usbd_dfu_Setup    (void  *pdev, 
+                                  USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static uint8_t  EP0_TxSent        (void  *pdev);
+static uint8_t  EP0_RxReady       (void  *pdev);
+static uint8_t  *USBD_DFU_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, 
+                                      uint16_t *length);
+static uint8_t  *USBD_DFU_GetOtherCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, 
+                                      uint16_t *length);
+static uint8_t* USBD_DFU_GetUsrStringDesc (uint8_t speed, 
+                                           uint8_t index ,
+                                           uint16_t *length);
+   DFU Requests management functions
+ *********************************************/
+static void DFU_Req_DETACH    (void *pdev, 
+                               USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void DFU_Req_DNLOAD    (void *pdev,
+                               USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void DFU_Req_UPLOAD    (void *pdev,
+                               USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void DFU_Req_GETSTATUS (void *pdev);
+static void DFU_Req_CLRSTATUS (void *pdev);
+static void DFU_Req_GETSTATE  (void *pdev);
+static void DFU_Req_ABORT     (void *pdev);
+static void DFU_LeaveDFUMode  (void *pdev); 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_dfu_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_dfu_CfgDesc[USB_DFU_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END ;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_dfu_OtherCfgDesc[USB_DFU_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END ;
+/* The list of Interface String descriptor pointers is defined in usbd_dfu_mal.c 
+  file. This list can be updated whenever a memory has to be added or removed */
+extern const uint8_t* usbd_dfu_StringDesc[];
+/* State Machine variables */
+uint8_t DeviceState;
+uint8_t DeviceStatus[6];
+uint32_t Manifest_State = Manifest_complete;
+/* Data Management variables */
+static uint32_t wBlockNum = 0, wlength = 0;
+static uint32_t Pointer = APP_DEFAULT_ADD;  /* Base Address to Erase, Program or Read */
+static __IO uint32_t  usbd_dfu_AltSet = 0;
+extern uint8_t MAL_Buffer[];
+/* DFU interface class callbacks structure */
+USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  DFU_cb = 
+  usbd_dfu_Init,
+  usbd_dfu_DeInit,
+  usbd_dfu_Setup,
+  EP0_TxSent,
+  EP0_RxReady,
+  NULL, /* DataIn, */
+  NULL, /* DataOut, */
+  NULL, /*SOF */
+  NULL,
+  NULL,     
+  USBD_DFU_GetCfgDesc,
+#ifdef USB_OTG_HS_CORE  
+  USBD_DFU_GetOtherCfgDesc, /* use same cobfig as per FS */
+  USBD_DFU_GetUsrStringDesc,
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+/* USB DFU device Configuration Descriptor */
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_dfu_CfgDesc[USB_DFU_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END =
+  0x09, /* bLength: Configuation Descriptor size */
+  USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType: Configuration */
+  /* wTotalLength: Bytes returned */
+  0x00,
+  0x01,         /*bNumInterfaces: 1 interface*/
+  0x01,         /*bConfigurationValue: Configuration value*/
+  0x02,         /*iConfiguration: Index of string descriptor describing the configuration*/
+  0xC0,         /*bmAttributes: bus powered and Supprts Remote Wakeup */
+  0x32,         /*MaxPower 100 mA: this current is used for detecting Vbus*/
+  /* 09 */
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 0 **************/  
+  USBD_DFU_IF_DESC(0), /* This interface is mandatory for all devices */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 1)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 1 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 1) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 2)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 2 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 2) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 3)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 3 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 3) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 4)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 4 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 4) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 5)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 5 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 5) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 6)
+#error "ERROR: usbd_dfu_core.c: Modify the file to support more descriptors!"
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 6) */
+  /******************** DFU Functional Descriptor********************/
+  0x09,   /*blength = 9 Bytes*/
+  DFU_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* DFU Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x0B,   /*bmAttribute
+                bitCanDnload             = 1      (bit 0)
+                bitCanUpload             = 1      (bit 1)
+                bitManifestationTolerant = 0      (bit 2)
+                bitWillDetach            = 1      (bit 3)
+                Reserved                          (bit4-6)
+                bitAcceleratedST         = 0      (bit 7)*/
+  0xFF,   /*DetachTimeOut= 255 ms*/
+  0x00,
+  /*WARNING: In DMA mode the multiple MPS packets feature is still not supported
+   ==> In this case, when using DMA XFERSIZE should be set to 64 in usbd_conf.h */
+  TRANSFER_SIZE_BYTES(XFERSIZE),       /* TransferSize = 1024 Byte*/         
+  0x1A,                                /* bcdDFUVersion*/
+  0x01
+  /***********************************************************/
+  /* 9*/
+} ;
+#ifdef USE_USB_OTG_HS
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_dfu_OtherCfgDesc[USB_DFU_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END =
+  0x09, /* bLength: Configuation Descriptor size */
+  USB_DESC_TYPE_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIGURATION, /* bDescriptorType: Configuration */
+  /* wTotalLength: Bytes returned */
+  0x00,
+  0x01,         /*bNumInterfaces: 1 interface*/
+  0x01,         /*bConfigurationValue: Configuration value*/
+  0x02,         /*iConfiguration: Index of string descriptor describing the configuration*/
+  0xC0,         /*bmAttributes: bus powered and Supprts Remote Wakeup */
+  0x32,         /*MaxPower 100 mA: this current is used for detecting Vbus*/
+  /* 09 */
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 0 **************/  
+  USBD_DFU_IF_DESC(0), /* This interface is mandatory for all devices */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 1)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 1 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 1) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 2)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 2 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 2) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 3)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 3 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 3) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 4)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 4 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 4) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 5)
+  /**********  Descriptor of DFU interface 0 Alternate setting 5 **************/ 
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 5) */
+#if (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 6)
+#error "ERROR: usbd_dfu_core.c: Modify the file to support more descriptors!"
+#endif /* (USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM > 6) */
+  /******************** DFU Functional Descriptor********************/
+  0x09,   /*blength = 9 Bytes*/
+  DFU_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* DFU Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x0B,   /*bmAttribute
+                bitCanDnload             = 1      (bit 0)
+                bitCanUpload             = 1      (bit 1)
+                bitManifestationTolerant = 0      (bit 2)
+                bitWillDetach            = 1      (bit 3)
+                Reserved                          (bit4-6)
+                bitAcceleratedST         = 0      (bit 7)*/
+  0xFF,   /*DetachTimeOut= 255 ms*/
+  0x00,
+  /*WARNING: In DMA mode the multiple MPS packets feature is still not supported
+   ==> In this case, when using DMA XFERSIZE should be set to 64 in usbd_conf.h */
+  TRANSFER_SIZE_BYTES(XFERSIZE),       /* TransferSize = 1024 Byte*/         
+  0x1A,                                /* bcdDFUVersion*/
+  0x01
+  /***********************************************************/
+  /* 9*/
+#endif /* USE_USB_OTG_HS */
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN static uint8_t usbd_dfu_Desc[USB_DFU_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END =
+  0x09,   /*blength = 9 Bytes*/
+  DFU_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,   /* DFU Functional Descriptor*/
+  0x0B,   /*bmAttribute
+                bitCanDnload             = 1      (bit 0)
+                bitCanUpload             = 1      (bit 1)
+                bitManifestationTolerant = 0      (bit 2)
+                bitWillDetach            = 1      (bit 3)
+                Reserved                          (bit4-6)
+                bitAcceleratedST         = 0      (bit 7)*/
+  0xFF,   /*DetachTimeOut= 255 ms*/
+  0x00,
+  /*WARNING: In DMA mode the multiple MPS packets feature is still not supported
+   ==> In this case, when using DMA XFERSIZE should be set to 64 in usbd_conf.h */
+  TRANSFER_SIZE_BYTES(XFERSIZE),  /* TransferSize = 1024 Byte*/
+  0x1A,                     /* bcdDFUVersion*/
+  0x01
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup usbd_dfu_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @brief  usbd_dfu_Init
+  *         Initializes the DFU interface.
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  cfgidx: Configuration index
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_dfu_Init (void  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t cfgidx)
+  /* Initilialize the MAL(Media Access Layer) */
+  MAL_Init();
+  /* Initialize the state of the DFU interface */
+  DeviceState = STATE_dfuIDLE;
+  DeviceStatus[0] = STATUS_OK;
+  DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_dfu_Init
+  *         De-initializes the DFU layer.
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  cfgidx: Configuration index
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_dfu_DeInit (void  *pdev, 
+                                 uint8_t cfgidx)
+  /* Restore default state */
+  DeviceState = STATE_dfuIDLE;
+  DeviceStatus[0] = STATUS_OK;
+  DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+  wBlockNum = 0;
+  wlength = 0;
+  /* DeInitilialize the MAL(Media Access Layer) */
+  MAL_DeInit();
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  usbd_dfu_Setup
+  *         Handles the DFU request parsing.
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  req: usb requests
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  usbd_dfu_Setup (void  *pdev, 
+                                USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  uint16_t len = 0;
+  uint8_t  *pbuf = NULL;
+  switch (req->bmRequest & USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK)
+  {
+    /* DFU Class Requests -------------------------------*/
+  case USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS :  
+    switch (req->bRequest)
+    {
+    case DFU_DNLOAD:
+      DFU_Req_DNLOAD(pdev, req);
+      break;
+    case DFU_UPLOAD:
+      DFU_Req_UPLOAD(pdev, req);   
+      break;
+    case DFU_GETSTATUS:
+      DFU_Req_GETSTATUS(pdev);
+      break;
+    case DFU_CLRSTATUS:
+      DFU_Req_CLRSTATUS(pdev);
+      break;      
+    case DFU_GETSTATE:
+      DFU_Req_GETSTATE(pdev);
+      break;  
+    case DFU_ABORT:
+      DFU_Req_ABORT(pdev);
+      break;
+    case DFU_DETACH:
+      DFU_Req_DETACH(pdev, req);
+      break;
+    default:
+      USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+      return USBD_FAIL;
+    }
+    break;
+    /* Standard Requests -------------------------------*/
+    switch (req->bRequest)
+    {
+      if( (req->wValue >> 8) == DFU_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE)
+      {
+        pbuf = usbd_dfu_Desc;   
+        pbuf = usbd_dfu_CfgDesc + 9 + (9 * USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM);
+        len = MIN(USB_DFU_DESC_SIZ , req->wLength);
+      }
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                        pbuf,
+                        len);
+      break;
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                        (uint8_t *)&usbd_dfu_AltSet,
+                        1);
+      break;
+      if ((uint8_t)(req->wValue) < USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM)
+      {
+        usbd_dfu_AltSet = (uint8_t)(req->wValue);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        /* Call the error management function (command will be nacked */
+        USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  EP0_TxSent
+  *         Handles the DFU control endpoint data IN stage.
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  EP0_TxSent (void  *pdev)
+  uint32_t Addr;
+  USB_SETUP_REQ req;  
+  if (DeviceState == STATE_dfuDNBUSY)
+  {
+    /* Decode the Special Command*/
+    if (wBlockNum == 0)   
+    {
+      if ((MAL_Buffer[0] ==  CMD_GETCOMMANDS) && (wlength == 1))
+      {}
+      else if  (( MAL_Buffer[0] ==  CMD_SETADDRESSPOINTER ) && (wlength == 5))
+      {
+        Pointer  = MAL_Buffer[1];
+        Pointer += MAL_Buffer[2] << 8;
+        Pointer += MAL_Buffer[3] << 16;
+        Pointer += MAL_Buffer[4] << 24;
+      }
+      else if (( MAL_Buffer[0] ==  CMD_ERASE ) && (wlength == 5))
+      {
+        Pointer  = MAL_Buffer[1];
+        Pointer += MAL_Buffer[2] << 8;
+        Pointer += MAL_Buffer[3] << 16;
+        Pointer += MAL_Buffer[4] << 24;
+        MAL_Erase(Pointer);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        /* Reset the global length and block number */
+        wlength = 0;
+        wBlockNum = 0;     
+        /* Call the error management function (command will be nacked) */
+        req.bmRequest = 0;
+        req.wLength = 1;
+        USBD_CtlError (pdev, &req);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Regular Download Command */
+    else if (wBlockNum > 1)  
+    {
+      /* Decode the required address */
+      Addr = ((wBlockNum - 2) * XFERSIZE) + Pointer;
+      /* Preform the write operation */
+      MAL_Write(Addr, wlength);
+    }
+    /* Reset the global lenght and block number */
+    wlength = 0;
+    wBlockNum = 0;
+    /* Update the state machine */
+    DeviceState =  STATE_dfuDNLOAD_SYNC;
+    DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+    DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+    return USBD_OK;
+  }
+  else if (DeviceState == STATE_dfuMANIFEST)/* Manifestation in progress*/
+  {
+    /* Start leaving DFU mode */
+    DFU_LeaveDFUMode(pdev);
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  EP0_RxReady
+  *         Handles the DFU control endpoint data OUT stage.
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  EP0_RxReady (void  *pdev)
+  return USBD_OK;
+     DFU Class requests management
+  * @brief  DFU_Req_DETACH
+  *         Handles the DFU DETACH request.
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  req: pointer to the request structure.
+  * @retval None.
+  */
+static void DFU_Req_DETACH(void *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  if (DeviceState == STATE_dfuIDLE || DeviceState == STATE_dfuDNLOAD_SYNC
+      || DeviceState == STATE_dfuDNLOAD_IDLE || DeviceState == STATE_dfuMANIFEST_SYNC
+        || DeviceState == STATE_dfuUPLOAD_IDLE )
+  {
+    /* Update the state machine */
+    DeviceState = STATE_dfuIDLE;
+    DeviceStatus[0] = STATUS_OK;
+    DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[3] = 0; /*bwPollTimeout=0ms*/
+    DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+    DeviceStatus[5] = 0; /*iString*/
+    wBlockNum = 0;
+    wlength = 0;
+  } 
+  /* Check the detach capability in the DFU functional descriptor */
+  if ((usbd_dfu_CfgDesc[12 + (9 * USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM)]) & DFU_DETACH_MASK)
+  {
+    /* Perform an Attach-Detach operation on USB bus */
+    DCD_DevDisconnect (pdev);
+    DCD_DevConnect (pdev);  
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Wait for the period of time specified in Detach request */
+    USB_OTG_BSP_mDelay (req->wValue);  
+  }
+  * @brief  DFU_Req_DNLOAD
+  *         Handles the DFU DNLOAD request.
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  req: pointer to the request structure
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void DFU_Req_DNLOAD(void *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  /* Data setup request */
+  if (req->wLength > 0)
+  {
+    if ((DeviceState == STATE_dfuIDLE) || (DeviceState == STATE_dfuDNLOAD_IDLE))
+    {
+      /* Update the global length and block number */
+      wBlockNum = req->wValue;
+      wlength = req->wLength;
+      /* Update the state machine */
+      DeviceState = STATE_dfuDNLOAD_SYNC;
+      DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+      /* Prepare the reception of the buffer over EP0 */
+      USBD_CtlPrepareRx (pdev,
+                         (uint8_t*)MAL_Buffer,                                  
+                         wlength);
+    }
+    /* Unsupported state */
+    else
+    {
+      /* Call the error management function (command will be nacked */
+      USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+    }
+  }
+  /* 0 Data DNLOAD request */
+  else
+  {
+    /* End of DNLOAD operation*/
+    if (DeviceState == STATE_dfuDNLOAD_IDLE || DeviceState == STATE_dfuIDLE )
+    {
+      Manifest_State = Manifest_In_Progress;
+      DeviceState = STATE_dfuMANIFEST_SYNC;
+      DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+      DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+      DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+      DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* Call the error management function (command will be nacked */
+      USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+    }
+  }  
+  * @brief  DFU_Req_UPLOAD
+  *         Handles the DFU UPLOAD request.
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  req: pointer to the request structure
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static void DFU_Req_UPLOAD(void *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  uint8_t *Phy_Addr = NULL;
+  uint32_t Addr = 0;
+  /* Data setup request */
+  if (req->wLength > 0)
+  {
+    if ((DeviceState == STATE_dfuIDLE) || (DeviceState == STATE_dfuUPLOAD_IDLE))
+    {
+      /* Update the global langth and block number */
+      wBlockNum = req->wValue;
+      wlength = req->wLength;
+      /* DFU Get Command */
+      if (wBlockNum == 0)  
+      {
+        /* Update the state machine */
+        DeviceState = (wlength > 3)? STATE_dfuIDLE:STATE_dfuUPLOAD_IDLE;        
+        DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+        DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+        DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+        DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+        /* Store the values of all supported commands */
+        MAL_Buffer[0] = CMD_GETCOMMANDS;
+        MAL_Buffer[2] = CMD_ERASE;
+        /* Send the status data over EP0 */
+        USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                          (uint8_t *)(&(MAL_Buffer[0])),
+                          3);
+      }
+      else if (wBlockNum > 1)
+      {
+        DeviceState = STATE_dfuUPLOAD_IDLE ;
+        DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+        DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+        DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+        DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+        Addr = ((wBlockNum - 2) * XFERSIZE) + Pointer;  /* Change is Accelerated*/
+        /* Return the physical address where data are stored */
+        Phy_Addr = MAL_Read(Addr, wlength);
+        /* Send the status data over EP0 */
+        USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                          Phy_Addr,
+                          wlength);
+      }
+      else  /* unsupported wBlockNum */
+      {
+        DeviceState = STATUS_ERRSTALLEDPKT;
+        DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+        DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+        DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+        DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+        /* Call the error management function (command will be nacked */
+        USBD_CtlError (pdev, req); 
+      }
+    }
+    /* Unsupported state */
+    else
+    {
+      wlength = 0;
+      wBlockNum = 0;   
+      /* Call the error management function (command will be nacked */
+      USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+    }
+  }
+  /* No Data setup request */
+  else
+  {
+    DeviceState = STATE_dfuIDLE;
+    DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+  }
+  * @brief  DFU_Req_GETSTATUS
+  *         Handles the DFU GETSTATUS request.
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static void DFU_Req_GETSTATUS(void *pdev)
+  switch (DeviceState)
+  {
+  case   STATE_dfuDNLOAD_SYNC:
+    if (wlength != 0)
+    {
+      DeviceState = STATE_dfuDNBUSY;
+      DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+      if ((wBlockNum == 0) && (MAL_Buffer[0] == CMD_ERASE))
+      {
+        MAL_GetStatus(Pointer, 0, DeviceStatus);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        MAL_GetStatus(Pointer, 1, DeviceStatus);
+      }
+    }
+    else  /* (wlength==0)*/
+    {
+      DeviceState = STATE_dfuDNLOAD_IDLE;
+      DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+      DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+      DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+      DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+    }
+    break;
+  case   STATE_dfuMANIFEST_SYNC :
+    if (Manifest_State == Manifest_In_Progress)
+    {
+      DeviceState = STATE_dfuMANIFEST;
+      DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+      DeviceStatus[1] = 1;             /*bwPollTimeout = 1ms*/
+      DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+      DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+      //break;
+    }
+    else if ((Manifest_State == Manifest_complete) && \
+      ((usbd_dfu_CfgDesc[(11 + (9 * USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM))]) & 0x04))
+    {
+      DeviceState = STATE_dfuIDLE;
+      DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+      DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+      DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+      DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+      //break;
+    }
+    break;
+  default :
+    break;
+  }
+  /* Send the status data over EP0 */
+  USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                    (uint8_t *)(&(DeviceStatus[0])),
+                    6);
+  * @brief  DFU_Req_CLRSTATUS 
+  *         Handles the DFU CLRSTATUS request.
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static void DFU_Req_CLRSTATUS(void *pdev)
+  if (DeviceState == STATE_dfuERROR)
+  {
+    DeviceState = STATE_dfuIDLE;
+    DeviceStatus[0] = STATUS_OK;/*bStatus*/
+    DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[3] = 0; /*bwPollTimeout=0ms*/
+    DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;/*bState*/
+    DeviceStatus[5] = 0;/*iString*/
+  }
+  else
+  {   /*State Error*/
+    DeviceState = STATE_dfuERROR;
+    DeviceStatus[0] = STATUS_ERRUNKNOWN;/*bStatus*/
+    DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[3] = 0; /*bwPollTimeout=0ms*/
+    DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;/*bState*/
+    DeviceStatus[5] = 0;/*iString*/
+  }
+  * @brief  DFU_Req_GETSTATE
+  *         Handles the DFU GETSTATE request.
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void DFU_Req_GETSTATE(void *pdev)
+  /* Return the current state of the DFU interface */
+  USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                    &DeviceState,
+                    1);  
+  * @brief  DFU_Req_ABORT
+  *         Handles the DFU ABORT request.
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void DFU_Req_ABORT(void *pdev)
+  if (DeviceState == STATE_dfuIDLE || DeviceState == STATE_dfuDNLOAD_SYNC
+      || DeviceState == STATE_dfuDNLOAD_IDLE || DeviceState == STATE_dfuMANIFEST_SYNC
+        || DeviceState == STATE_dfuUPLOAD_IDLE )
+  {
+    DeviceState = STATE_dfuIDLE;
+    DeviceStatus[0] = STATUS_OK;
+    DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[3] = 0; /*bwPollTimeout=0ms*/
+    DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+    DeviceStatus[5] = 0; /*iString*/
+    wBlockNum = 0;
+    wlength = 0;
+  }  
+  * @brief  DFU_LeaveDFUMode
+  *         Handles the sub-protocol DFU leave DFU mode request (leaves DFU mode
+  *         and resets device to jump to user loaded code).
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @retval None
+  */
+void DFU_LeaveDFUMode(void *pdev)
+ Manifest_State = Manifest_complete;
+  if ((usbd_dfu_CfgDesc[(11 + (9 * USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM))]) & 0x04)
+  {
+    DeviceState = STATE_dfuMANIFEST_SYNC;
+    DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+    DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+    return;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    DeviceState = STATE_dfuMANIFEST_WAIT_RESET;
+    DeviceStatus[4] = DeviceState;
+    DeviceStatus[1] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[2] = 0;
+    DeviceStatus[3] = 0;
+    /* Disconnect the USB device */
+    DCD_DevDisconnect (pdev);
+    /* DeInitilialize the MAL(Media Access Layer) */
+    MAL_DeInit();
+    /* Generate system reset to allow jumping to the user code */
+    NVIC_SystemReset();
+    /* This instruction will not be reached (system reset) */
+    return;
+  }  
+  * @brief  USBD_DFU_GetCfgDesc 
+  *         Returns configuration descriptor
+  * @param  speed : current device speed
+  * @param  length : pointer data length
+  * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer
+  */
+static uint8_t  *USBD_DFU_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length)
+  *length = sizeof (usbd_dfu_CfgDesc);
+  return usbd_dfu_CfgDesc;
+  * @brief  USBD_DFU_GetOtherCfgDesc 
+  *         Returns other speed configuration descriptor.
+  * @param  speed : current device speed
+  * @param  length : pointer data length
+  * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer
+  */
+static uint8_t  *USBD_DFU_GetOtherCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length)
+  *length = sizeof (usbd_dfu_OtherCfgDesc);
+  return usbd_dfu_OtherCfgDesc;
+  * @brief  USBD_DFU_GetUsrStringDesc
+  *         Manages the transfer of memory interfaces string descriptors.
+  * @param  speed : current device speed
+  * @param  index: desciptor index
+  * @param  length : pointer data length
+  * @retval pointer to the descriptor table or NULL if the descriptor is not supported.
+  */
+static uint8_t* USBD_DFU_GetUsrStringDesc (uint8_t speed, uint8_t index , uint16_t *length)
+  /* Check if the requested string interface is supported */
+  {
+    USBD_GetString ((uint8_t *)usbd_dfu_StringDesc[index - USBD_IDX_INTERFACE_STR - 1], USBD_StrDesc, length);
+    return USBD_StrDesc;  
+  }
+  /* Not supported Interface Descriptor index */
+  else
+  {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_dfu_mal.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_dfu_mal.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3d301e9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_dfu_mal.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Generic media access Layer.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_dfu_mal.h"
+#include "usbd_flash_if.h"
+ #include "usbd_otp_if.h"
+ #include "usbd_mem_if_template.h"
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Global Memories callback and string descriptors reference tables.
+   To add a new memory, modify the value of MAX_USED_MEDIA in usbd_dfu_mal.h
+   and add the pointer to the callback structure in this table.
+   Then add the pointer to the memory string descriptor in usbd_dfu_StringDesc table.
+   No other operation is required. */
+DFU_MAL_Prop_TypeDef* tMALTab[MAX_USED_MEDIA] = {
+    &DFU_Flash_cb
+  , &DFU_Otp_cb
+  , &DFU_Mem_cb
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN const uint8_t* usbd_dfu_StringDesc[MAX_USED_MEDIA] __ALIGN_END  = {
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+/* RAM Buffer for Downloaded Data */
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+static uint8_t  MAL_CheckAdd  (uint32_t Add);
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+  * @brief  MAL_Init
+  *         Initializes the Media on the STM32
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval Result of the opeartion (MAL_OK in all cases)
+  */
+uint16_t MAL_Init(void)
+  uint32_t memIdx = 0;
+  /* Init all supported memories */
+  for(memIdx = 0; memIdx < MAX_USED_MEDIA; memIdx++)
+  {
+    /* If the check addres is positive, exit with the memory index */
+    if (tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_Init != NULL)
+    {
+      tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_Init();
+    }
+  }
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  MAL_DeInit
+  *         DeInitializes the Media on the STM32
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval Result of the opeartion (MAL_OK in all cases)
+  */
+uint16_t MAL_DeInit(void)
+  uint32_t memIdx = 0;
+  /* Init all supported memories */
+  for(memIdx = 0; memIdx < MAX_USED_MEDIA; memIdx++)
+  {
+    /* Check if the command is supported */
+    if (tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_DeInit != NULL)
+    {
+      tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_DeInit();
+    }
+  }
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  MAL_Erase
+  *         Erase a sector of memory.
+  * @param  Add: Sector address/code
+  * @retval Result of the opeartion: MAL_OK if all operations are OK else MAL_FAIL
+  */
+uint16_t MAL_Erase(uint32_t Add)
+  uint32_t memIdx = MAL_CheckAdd(Add);
+  /* Check if the area is protected */
+  {
+    return MAL_FAIL;
+  }    
+  if (memIdx < MAX_USED_MEDIA)
+  {
+    /* Check if the command is supported */
+    if (tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_Erase != NULL)
+    {
+      return tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_Erase(Add);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return MAL_FAIL;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return MAL_FAIL;
+  }
+  * @brief  MAL_Write
+  *         Write sectors of memory.
+  * @param  Add: Sector address/code
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be written (in bytes)
+  * @retval Result of the opeartion: MAL_OK if all operations are OK else MAL_FAIL
+  */
+uint16_t MAL_Write (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len)
+  uint32_t memIdx = MAL_CheckAdd(Add);
+  /* Check if the area is protected */
+  {
+    return MAL_FAIL;
+  }   
+  if (memIdx < MAX_USED_MEDIA)
+  {
+    /* Check if the command is supported */
+    if (tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_Write != NULL)
+    {
+      return tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_Write(Add, Len);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return MAL_FAIL;
+    }    
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return MAL_FAIL;
+  }
+  * @brief  MAL_Read
+  *         Read sectors of memory.
+  * @param  Add: Sector address/code
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be written (in bytes)
+  * @retval Buffer pointer
+  */
+uint8_t *MAL_Read (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len)
+  uint32_t memIdx = MAL_CheckAdd(Add);
+  if (memIdx < MAX_USED_MEDIA)
+  {
+    /* Check if the command is supported */
+    if (tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_Read != NULL)
+    {
+      return tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_Read(Add, Len);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return MAL_Buffer;
+    }     
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return MAL_Buffer;
+  }
+  * @brief  MAL_GetStatus
+  *         Get the status of a given memory.
+  * @param  Add: Sector address/code (allow to determine which memory will be addressed)
+  * @param  Cmd: 0 for erase and 1 for write
+  * @param  buffer: pointer to the buffer where the status data will be stored.
+  * @retval Buffer pointer
+  */
+uint16_t MAL_GetStatus(uint32_t Add , uint8_t Cmd, uint8_t *buffer)
+  uint32_t memIdx = MAL_CheckAdd(Add);
+  if (memIdx < MAX_USED_MEDIA)
+  {
+    if (Cmd & 0x01)
+    {
+      SET_POLLING_TIMING(tMALTab[memIdx]->EraseTiming);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      SET_POLLING_TIMING(tMALTab[memIdx]->WriteTiming);
+    }
+    return MAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return MAL_FAIL;
+  }
+  * @brief  MAL_CheckAdd
+  *         Determine which memory should be managed.
+  * @param  Add: Sector address/code (allow to determine which memory will be addressed)
+  * @retval Index of the addressed memory.
+  */
+static uint8_t  MAL_CheckAdd(uint32_t Add)
+  uint32_t memIdx = 0;
+  /* Check with all supported memories */
+  for(memIdx = 0; memIdx < MAX_USED_MEDIA; memIdx++)
+  {
+    /* If the check addres is positive, exit with the memory index */
+    if (tMALTab[memIdx]->pMAL_CheckAdd(Add) == MAL_OK)
+    {
+      return memIdx;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If no memory found, return MAX_USED_MEDIA */
+  return (MAX_USED_MEDIA);
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_flash_if.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_flash_if.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d5604d8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_flash_if.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Specific media access Layer for internal flash.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_flash_if.h"
+#include "usbd_dfu_mal.h"
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+uint16_t FLASH_If_Init(void);
+uint16_t FLASH_If_Erase (uint32_t Add);
+uint16_t FLASH_If_Write (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len);
+uint8_t *FLASH_If_Read  (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len);
+uint16_t FLASH_If_DeInit(void);
+uint16_t FLASH_If_CheckAdd(uint32_t Add);
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+DFU_MAL_Prop_TypeDef DFU_Flash_cb =
+  {
+    FLASH_If_Init,
+    FLASH_If_DeInit,
+    FLASH_If_Erase,
+    FLASH_If_Write,
+    FLASH_If_Read,
+    FLASH_If_CheckAdd,
+    50, /* Erase Time in ms */
+    50  /* Programming Time in ms */
+  };
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+  * @brief  FLASH_If_Init
+  *         Memory initialization routine.
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval MAL_OK if operation is successeful, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t FLASH_If_Init(void)
+  /* Unlock the internal flash */
+  FLASH_Unlock();
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  FLASH_If_DeInit
+  *         Memory deinitialization routine.
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval MAL_OK if operation is successeful, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t FLASH_If_DeInit(void)
+  /* Lock the internal flash */
+  FLASH_Lock();
+  return MAL_OK;
+* Function Name  : FLASH_If_Erase
+* Description    : Erase sector
+* Input          : None
+* Output         : None
+* Return         : None
+uint16_t FLASH_If_Erase(uint32_t Add)
+#ifdef STM32F2XX
+  /* Check which sector has to be erased */
+  if (Add < 0x08004000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_0, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x08008000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_1, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x0800C000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_2, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x08010000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_3, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x08020000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_4, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x08040000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_5, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x08060000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_6, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x08080000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_7, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x080A0000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_8, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x080C0000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_9, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x080E0000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_10, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else if (Add < 0x08100000)
+  {
+    FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_11, VoltageRange_3);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return MAL_FAIL;    
+  }
+#elif defined(STM32F10X_CL)
+  /* Call the standard Flash erase function */
+  FLASH_ErasePage(Add);  
+#endif /* STM32F2XX */
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  FLASH_If_Write
+  *         Memory write routine.
+  * @param  Add: Address to be written to.
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be written (in bytes).
+  * @retval MAL_OK if operation is successeful, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t FLASH_If_Write(uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len)
+  uint32_t idx = 0;
+  if  (Len & 0x3) /* Not an aligned data */
+  {
+    for (idx = Len; idx < ((Len & 0xFFFC) + 4); idx++)
+    {
+      MAL_Buffer[idx] = 0xFF;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Data received are Word multiple */
+  for (idx = 0; idx <  Len; idx = idx + 4)
+  {
+    FLASH_ProgramWord(Add, *(uint32_t *)(MAL_Buffer + idx));
+    Add += 4;
+  }
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  FLASH_If_Read
+  *         Memory read routine.
+  * @param  Add: Address to be read from.
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be read (in bytes).
+  * @retval Pointer to the phyisical address where data should be read.
+  */
+uint8_t *FLASH_If_Read (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len)
+  uint32_t idx = 0;
+  for (idx = 0; idx < Len; idx += 4)
+  {
+    *(uint32_t*)(MAL_Buffer + idx) = *(uint32_t *)(Add + idx);
+  }
+  return (uint8_t*)(MAL_Buffer);
+  return  (uint8_t *)(Add);
+  * @brief  FLASH_If_CheckAdd
+  *         Check if the address is an allowed address for this memory.
+  * @param  Add: Address to be checked.
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be read (in bytes).
+  * @retval MAL_OK if the address is allowed, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t FLASH_If_CheckAdd(uint32_t Add)
+  if ((Add >= FLASH_START_ADD) && (Add < FLASH_END_ADD))
+  {
+    return MAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return MAL_FAIL;
+  }
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_mem_if_template.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_mem_if_template.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4295e40
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_mem_if_template.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Specific media access Layer for a template memory. This file is 
+             provided as template example showing how to implement a new memory
+             interface based on pre-defined API.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_mem_if_template.h"
+#include "usbd_dfu_mal.h"
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+uint16_t MEM_If_Init(void);
+uint16_t MEM_If_Erase (uint32_t Add);
+uint16_t MEM_If_Write (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len);
+uint8_t *MEM_If_Read  (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len);
+uint16_t MEM_If_DeInit(void);
+uint16_t MEM_If_CheckAdd(uint32_t Add);
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+DFU_MAL_Prop_TypeDef DFU_Mem_cb =
+  {
+    MEM_If_Init,
+    MEM_If_DeInit,
+    MEM_If_Erase,
+    MEM_If_Write,
+    MEM_If_Read,
+    MEM_If_CheckAdd,
+    10, /* Erase Time in ms */
+    10  /* Programming Time in ms */
+  };
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+  * @brief  MEM_If_Init
+  *         Memory initialization routine.
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval MAL_OK if operation is successeful, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t MEM_If_Init(void)
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  MEM_If_DeInit
+  *         Memory deinitialization routine.
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval MAL_OK if operation is successeful, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t MEM_If_DeInit(void)
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  MEM_If_Erase
+  *         Erase sector.
+  * @param  Add: Address of sector to be erased.
+  * @retval MAL_OK if operation is successeful, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t MEM_If_Erase(uint32_t Add)
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  MEM_If_Write
+  *         Memory write routine.
+  * @param  Add: Address to be written to.
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be written (in bytes).
+  * @retval MAL_OK if operation is successeful, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t MEM_If_Write(uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len)
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  MEM_If_Read
+  *         Memory read routine.
+  * @param  Add: Address to be read from.
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be read (in bytes).
+  * @retval Pointer to the phyisical address where data should be read.
+  */
+uint8_t *MEM_If_Read (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len)
+  /* Return a valid address to avoid HardFault */
+  return  (uint8_t*)(MAL_Buffer); 
+  * @brief  MEM_If_CheckAdd
+  *         Check if the address is an allowed address for this memory.
+  * @param  Add: Address to be checked.
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be read (in bytes).
+  * @retval MAL_OK if the address is allowed, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t MEM_If_CheckAdd(uint32_t Add)
+  if ((Add >= MEM_START_ADD) && (Add < MEM_END_ADD))
+  {
+    return MAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return MAL_FAIL;
+  }
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_otp_if.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/dfu/src/usbd_otp_if.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5970c0e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_otp_if.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Specific media access Layer for OTP (One Time Programming) memory.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_otp_if.h"
+#include "usbd_dfu_mal.h"
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+uint16_t OTP_If_Write (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len);
+uint8_t *OTP_If_Read  (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len);
+uint16_t OTP_If_DeInit(void);
+uint16_t OTP_If_CheckAdd(uint32_t Add);
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+DFU_MAL_Prop_TypeDef DFU_Otp_cb =
+  {
+    NULL, /* Init not supported*/
+    NULL, /* DeInit not supported */
+    NULL, /* Erase not supported */
+    OTP_If_Write,
+    OTP_If_Read,
+    OTP_If_CheckAdd,
+    1,  /* Erase Time in ms */
+    10  /* Programming Time in ms */
+  };
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+  * @brief  OTP_If_Write
+  *         Memory write routine.
+  * @param  Add: Address to be written to.
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be written (in bytes).
+  * @retval MAL_OK if operation is successeful, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t OTP_If_Write(uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len)
+  uint32_t idx = 0;
+  if  (Len & 0x3) /* Not an aligned data */
+  {
+    for (idx = Len; idx < ((Len & 0xFFFC) + 4); idx++)
+    {
+      MAL_Buffer[idx] = 0xFF;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Data received are Word multiple */
+  for (idx = 0; idx <  Len; idx = idx + 4)
+  {
+    FLASH_ProgramWord(Add, *(uint32_t *)(MAL_Buffer + idx));
+    Add += 4;
+  }
+  return MAL_OK;
+  * @brief  OTP_If_Read
+  *         Memory read routine.
+  * @param  Add: Address to be read from.
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be read (in bytes).
+  * @retval Pointer to the phyisical address where data should be read.
+  */
+uint8_t *OTP_If_Read (uint32_t Add, uint32_t Len)
+  uint32_t idx = 0;
+  for (idx = 0; idx < Len; idx += 4)
+  {
+    *(uint32_t*)(MAL_Buffer + idx) = *(uint32_t *)(Add + idx);
+  }
+  return (uint8_t*)(MAL_Buffer);
+  return  (uint8_t*)(Add);
+  * @brief  OTP_If_CheckAdd
+  *         Check if the address is an allowed address for this memory.
+  * @param  Add: Address to be checked.
+  * @param  Len: Number of data to be read (in bytes).
+  * @retval MAL_OK if the address is allowed, MAL_FAIL else.
+  */
+uint16_t OTP_If_CheckAdd(uint32_t Add)
+  if ((Add >= OTP_START_ADD) && (Add < OTP_END_ADD))
+  {
+    return MAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return MAL_FAIL;
+  }
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/hid/inc/usbd_hid_core.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/hid/inc/usbd_hid_core.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d93fc77
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_hid_core.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header file for the usbd_hid_core.c file.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USB_HID_CORE_H_
+#define __USB_HID_CORE_H_
+#include  "usbd_ioreq.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_HID
+  * @brief This file is the Header file for USBD_msc.c
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_HID_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define USB_HID_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ       34
+#define USB_HID_DESC_SIZ              9
+#define HID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE           0x21
+#define HID_REPORT_DESC               0x22
+#define HID_REQ_SET_PROTOCOL          0x0B
+#define HID_REQ_GET_PROTOCOL          0x03
+#define HID_REQ_SET_IDLE              0x0A
+#define HID_REQ_GET_IDLE              0x02
+#define HID_REQ_SET_REPORT            0x09
+#define HID_REQ_GET_REPORT            0x01
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  USBD_HID_cb;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CORE_Exported_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+uint8_t USBD_HID_SendReport (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                                 uint8_t *report,
+                                 uint16_t len);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif  // __USB_HID_CORE_H_
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/hid/src/usbd_hid_core.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/hid/src/usbd_hid_core.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a56c5ed
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_hid_core.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides the HID core functions.
+  *
+  * @verbatim
+  *      
+  *          ===================================================================      
+  *                                HID Class  Description
+  *          =================================================================== 
+  *           This module manages the HID class V1.11 following the "Device Class Definition
+  *           for Human Interface Devices (HID) Version 1.11 Jun 27, 2001".
+  *           This driver implements the following aspects of the specification:
+  *             - The Boot Interface Subclass
+  *             - The Mouse protocol
+  *             - Usage Page : Generic Desktop
+  *             - Usage : Joystick)
+  *             - Collection : Application 
+  *      
+  * @note     In HS mode and when the DMA is used, all variables and data structures
+  *           dealing with the DMA during the transaction process should be 32-bit aligned.
+  *           
+  *      
+  *  @endverbatim
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_hid_core.h"
+#include "usbd_desc.h"
+#include "usbd_req.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_HID 
+  * @brief usbd core module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_HID_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_HID_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_HID_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_HID_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */
+static uint8_t  USBD_HID_Init (void  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t cfgidx);
+static uint8_t  USBD_HID_DeInit (void  *pdev, 
+                                 uint8_t cfgidx);
+static uint8_t  USBD_HID_Setup (void  *pdev, 
+                                USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static uint8_t  *USBD_HID_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length);
+static uint8_t  USBD_HID_DataIn (void  *pdev, uint8_t epnum);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_HID_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  USBD_HID_cb = 
+  USBD_HID_Init,
+  USBD_HID_DeInit,
+  USBD_HID_Setup,
+  NULL, /*EP0_TxSent*/  
+  NULL, /*EP0_RxReady*/
+  USBD_HID_DataIn, /*DataIn*/
+  NULL, /*DataOut*/
+  NULL, /*SOF */
+  NULL,
+  NULL,      
+  USBD_HID_GetCfgDesc,
+#ifdef USB_OTG_HS_CORE  
+  USBD_HID_GetCfgDesc, /* use same config as per FS */
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+#endif /* USB_OTG_HS_INTERNAL_DMA_ENABLED */        
+__ALIGN_BEGIN static uint32_t  USBD_HID_AltSet  __ALIGN_END = 0;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN static uint32_t  USBD_HID_Protocol  __ALIGN_END = 0;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN static uint32_t  USBD_HID_IdleState __ALIGN_END = 0;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+/* USB HID device Configuration Descriptor */
+  0x09, /* bLength: Configuration Descriptor size */
+  USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType: Configuration */
+  /* wTotalLength: Bytes returned */
+  0x00,
+  0x01,         /*bNumInterfaces: 1 interface*/
+  0x01,         /*bConfigurationValue: Configuration value*/
+  0x00,         /*iConfiguration: Index of string descriptor describing
+  the configuration*/
+  0xE0,         /*bmAttributes: bus powered and Support Remote Wake-up */
+  0x32,         /*MaxPower 100 mA: this current is used for detecting Vbus*/
+  /************** Descriptor of Joystick Mouse interface ****************/
+  /* 09 */
+  0x09,         /*bLength: Interface Descriptor size*/
+  USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,/*bDescriptorType: Interface descriptor type*/
+  0x00,         /*bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface*/
+  0x00,         /*bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting*/
+  0x01,         /*bNumEndpoints*/
+  0x03,         /*bInterfaceClass: HID*/
+  0x01,         /*bInterfaceSubClass : 1=BOOT, 0=no boot*/
+  0x02,         /*nInterfaceProtocol : 0=none, 1=keyboard, 2=mouse*/
+  0,            /*iInterface: Index of string descriptor*/
+  /******************** Descriptor of Joystick Mouse HID ********************/
+  /* 18 */
+  0x09,         /*bLength: HID Descriptor size*/
+  HID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /*bDescriptorType: HID*/
+  0x11,         /*bcdHID: HID Class Spec release number*/
+  0x01,
+  0x00,         /*bCountryCode: Hardware target country*/
+  0x01,         /*bNumDescriptors: Number of HID class descriptors to follow*/
+  0x22,         /*bDescriptorType*/
+  HID_MOUSE_REPORT_DESC_SIZE,/*wItemLength: Total length of Report descriptor*/
+  0x00,
+  /******************** Descriptor of Mouse endpoint ********************/
+  /* 27 */
+  0x07,          /*bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size*/
+  HID_IN_EP,     /*bEndpointAddress: Endpoint Address (IN)*/
+  0x03,          /*bmAttributes: Interrupt endpoint*/
+  HID_IN_PACKET, /*wMaxPacketSize: 4 Byte max */
+  0x00,
+  0x0A,          /*bInterval: Polling Interval (10 ms)*/
+  /* 34 */
+} ;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+  0x05,   0x01,
+  0x09,   0x02,
+  0xA1,   0x01,
+  0x09,   0x01,
+  0xA1,   0x00,
+  0x05,   0x09,
+  0x19,   0x01,
+  0x29,   0x03,
+  0x15,   0x00,
+  0x25,   0x01,
+  0x95,   0x03,
+  0x75,   0x01,
+  0x81,   0x02,
+  0x95,   0x01,
+  0x75,   0x05,
+  0x81,   0x01,
+  0x05,   0x01,
+  0x09,   0x30,
+  0x09,   0x31,
+  0x09,   0x38,
+  0x15,   0x81,
+  0x25,   0x7F,
+  0x75,   0x08,
+  0x95,   0x03,
+  0x81,   0x06,
+  0xC0,   0x09,
+  0x3c,   0x05,
+  0xff,   0x09,
+  0x01,   0x15,
+  0x00,   0x25,
+  0x01,   0x75,
+  0x01,   0x95,
+  0x02,   0xb1,
+  0x22,   0x75,
+  0x06,   0x95,
+  0x01,   0xb1,
+  0x01,   0xc0
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_HID_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @brief  USBD_HID_Init
+  *         Initialize the HID interface
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  cfgidx: Configuration index
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  USBD_HID_Init (void  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t cfgidx)
+  /* Open EP IN */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              HID_IN_EP,
+              HID_IN_PACKET,
+              USB_OTG_EP_INT);
+  /* Open EP OUT */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              HID_OUT_EP,
+              HID_OUT_PACKET,
+              USB_OTG_EP_INT);
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  USBD_HID_Init
+  *         DeInitialize the HID layer
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  cfgidx: Configuration index
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  USBD_HID_DeInit (void  *pdev, 
+                                 uint8_t cfgidx)
+  /* Close HID EPs */
+  DCD_EP_Close (pdev , HID_IN_EP);
+  DCD_EP_Close (pdev , HID_OUT_EP);
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  USBD_HID_Setup
+  *         Handle the HID specific requests
+  * @param  pdev: instance
+  * @param  req: usb requests
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  USBD_HID_Setup (void  *pdev, 
+                                USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  uint16_t len = 0;
+  uint8_t  *pbuf = NULL;
+  switch (req->bmRequest & USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK)
+  {
+  case USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS :  
+    switch (req->bRequest)
+    {
+      USBD_HID_Protocol = (uint8_t)(req->wValue);
+      break;
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                        (uint8_t *)&USBD_HID_Protocol,
+                        1);    
+      break;
+    case HID_REQ_SET_IDLE:
+      USBD_HID_IdleState = (uint8_t)(req->wValue >> 8);
+      break;
+    case HID_REQ_GET_IDLE:
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                        (uint8_t *)&USBD_HID_IdleState,
+                        1);        
+      break;      
+    default:
+      USBD_CtlError (pdev, req);
+      return USBD_FAIL; 
+    }
+    break;
+    switch (req->bRequest)
+    {
+      if( req->wValue >> 8 == HID_REPORT_DESC)
+      {
+        len = MIN(HID_MOUSE_REPORT_DESC_SIZE , req->wLength);
+        pbuf = HID_MOUSE_ReportDesc;
+      }
+      else if( req->wValue >> 8 == HID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE)
+      {
+//        pbuf = USBD_HID_Desc;   
+        pbuf = USBD_HID_CfgDesc + 0x12;
+        len = MIN(USB_HID_DESC_SIZ , req->wLength);
+      }
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                        pbuf,
+                        len);
+      break;
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                        (uint8_t *)&USBD_HID_AltSet,
+                        1);
+      break;
+      USBD_HID_AltSet = (uint8_t)(req->wValue);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  USBD_HID_SendReport 
+  *         Send HID Report
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  buff: pointer to report
+  * @retval status
+  */
+uint8_t USBD_HID_SendReport     (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                                 uint8_t *report,
+                                 uint16_t len)
+  if (pdev->dev.device_status == USB_OTG_CONFIGURED )
+  {
+    DCD_EP_Tx (pdev, HID_IN_EP, report, len);
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @brief  USBD_HID_GetCfgDesc 
+  *         return configuration descriptor
+  * @param  speed : current device speed
+  * @param  length : pointer data length
+  * @retval pointer to descriptor buffer
+  */
+static uint8_t  *USBD_HID_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length)
+  *length = sizeof (USBD_HID_CfgDesc);
+  return USBD_HID_CfgDesc;
+  * @brief  USBD_HID_DataIn
+  *         handle data IN Stage
+  * @param  pdev: device instance
+  * @param  epnum: endpoint index
+  * @retval status
+  */
+static uint8_t  USBD_HID_DataIn (void  *pdev, 
+                              uint8_t epnum)
+  /* Ensure that the FIFO is empty before a new transfer, this condition could 
+  be caused by  a new transfer before the end of the previous transfer */
+  DCD_EP_Flush(pdev, HID_IN_EP);
+  return USBD_OK;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_bot.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_bot.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..64b6d26
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_msc_bot.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header for the usbd_msc_bot.c file
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_core.h"
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBD_MSC_BOT_H
+#define __USBD_MSC_BOT_H
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup MSC_BOT
+  * @brief This file is the Header file for usbd_bot.c
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define BOT_IDLE                      0       /* Idle state */
+#define BOT_DATA_OUT                  1       /* Data Out state */
+#define BOT_DATA_IN                   2       /* Data In state */
+#define BOT_LAST_DATA_IN              3       /* Last Data In Last */
+#define BOT_SEND_DATA                 4       /* Send Immediate data */
+#define BOT_CBW_SIGNATURE             0x43425355
+#define BOT_CSW_SIGNATURE             0x53425355
+#define BOT_CBW_LENGTH                31
+#define BOT_CSW_LENGTH                13
+/* CSW Status Definitions */
+#define CSW_CMD_PASSED                0x00
+#define CSW_CMD_FAILED                0x01
+#define CSW_PHASE_ERROR               0x02
+/* BOT Status */
+#define BOT_STATE_NORMAL              0
+#define BOT_STATE_RECOVERY            1
+#define BOT_STATE_ERROR               2
+#define DIR_IN                        0
+#define DIR_OUT                       1
+#define BOTH_DIR                      2
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_CORE_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+typedef struct _MSC_BOT_CBW
+  uint32_t dSignature;
+  uint32_t dTag;
+  uint32_t dDataLength;
+  uint8_t  bmFlags;
+  uint8_t  bLUN;
+  uint8_t  bCBLength;
+  uint8_t  CB[16];
+typedef struct _MSC_BOT_CSW
+  uint32_t dSignature;
+  uint32_t dTag;
+  uint32_t dDataResidue;
+  uint8_t  bStatus;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Types
+  * @{
+  */
+extern uint8_t              MSC_BOT_Data[];
+extern uint16_t             MSC_BOT_DataLen;
+extern uint8_t              MSC_BOT_State;
+extern uint8_t              MSC_BOT_BurstMode;
+extern MSC_BOT_CBW_TypeDef  MSC_BOT_cbw;
+extern MSC_BOT_CSW_TypeDef  MSC_BOT_csw;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_FunctionsPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */ 
+void MSC_BOT_Init (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+void MSC_BOT_Reset (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+void MSC_BOT_DeInit (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+void MSC_BOT_DataIn (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                     uint8_t epnum);
+void MSC_BOT_DataOut (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                      uint8_t epnum);
+                             uint8_t CSW_Status);
+void  MSC_BOT_CplClrFeature (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                             uint8_t epnum);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif /* __USBD_MSC_BOT_H */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+* @}
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_core.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_core.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..be1d401
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_msc_core.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header for the usbd_msc_core.c file
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef _USB_MSC_CORE_H_
+#define _USB_MSC_CORE_H_
+#include  "usbd_ioreq.h"
+/** @addtogroup USBD_MSC_BOT
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_MSC
+  * @brief This file is the Header file for USBD_msc.c
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_BOT_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define BOT_GET_MAX_LUN              0xFE
+#define BOT_RESET                    0xFF
+#define USB_MSC_CONFIG_DESC_SIZ      32
+#define MSC_EPIN_SIZE  *(uint16_t *)(((USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *)pdev)->dev.pConfig_descriptor + 22)
+#define MSC_EPOUT_SIZE *(uint16_t *)(((USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *)pdev)->dev.pConfig_descriptor + 29)
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CORE_Exported_Types
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  USBD_MSC_cb;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif  // _USB_MSC_CORE_H_
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_data.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_data.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e0a677f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_msc_data.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header for the usbd_msc_data.c file
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef _USBD_MSC_DATA_H_
+#define _USBD_MSC_DATA_H_
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_conf.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USB_INFO
+  * @brief general defines for the usb device library file
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_INFO_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define MODE_SENSE6_LEN                         8
+#define MODE_SENSE10_LEN                8
+#define LENGTH_INQUIRY_PAGE00           7
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_INFO_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_INFO_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_INFO_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern const uint8_t MSC_Page00_Inquiry_Data[];  
+extern const uint8_t MSC_Mode_Sense6_data[];
+extern const uint8_t MSC_Mode_Sense10_data[] ;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_INFO_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif /* _USBD_MSC_DATA_H_ */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+* @}
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_mem.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_mem.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..811e9ee
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_msc_mem.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header for the STORAGE DISK file file
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBD_MEM_H
+#define __USBD_MEM_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_def.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_MEM
+  * @brief header file for the storage disk file
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_MEM_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define USBD_STD_INQUIRY_LENGTH                36
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_MEM_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+typedef struct _USBD_STORAGE
+  int8_t (* Init) (uint8_t lun);
+  int8_t (* GetCapacity) (uint8_t lun, uint32_t *block_num, uint32_t *block_size);
+  int8_t (* IsReady) (uint8_t lun);
+  int8_t (* IsWriteProtected) (uint8_t lun);
+  int8_t (* Read) (uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len);
+  int8_t (* Write)(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len);
+  int8_t (* GetMaxLun)(void);
+  int8_t *pInquiry;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_MEM_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_MEM_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_MEM_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern USBD_STORAGE_cb_TypeDef *USBD_STORAGE_fops;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif /* __USBD_MEM_H */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+* @}
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_scsi.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/inc/usbd_msc_scsi.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5ba83ad
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_msc_scsi.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header for the usbd_msc_scsi.c file
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBD_MSC_SCSI_H
+#define __USBD_MSC_SCSI_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_def.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_SCSI
+  * @brief header file for the storage disk file
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_SCSI_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define SENSE_LIST_DEEPTH                          4
+/* SCSI Commands */
+#define SCSI_FORMAT_UNIT                            0x04
+#define SCSI_INQUIRY                                0x12
+#define SCSI_MODE_SELECT6                           0x15
+#define SCSI_MODE_SELECT10                          0x55
+#define SCSI_MODE_SENSE6                            0x1A
+#define SCSI_MODE_SENSE10                           0x5A
+#define SCSI_ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL                   0x1E
+#define SCSI_READ6                                  0x08
+#define SCSI_READ10                                 0x28
+#define SCSI_READ12                                 0xA8
+#define SCSI_READ16                                 0x88
+#define SCSI_READ_CAPACITY10                        0x25
+#define SCSI_READ_CAPACITY16                        0x9E
+#define SCSI_REQUEST_SENSE                          0x03
+#define SCSI_START_STOP_UNIT                        0x1B
+#define SCSI_TEST_UNIT_READY                        0x00
+#define SCSI_WRITE6                                 0x0A
+#define SCSI_WRITE10                                0x2A
+#define SCSI_WRITE12                                0xAA
+#define SCSI_WRITE16                                0x8A
+#define SCSI_VERIFY10                               0x2F
+#define SCSI_VERIFY12                               0xAF
+#define SCSI_VERIFY16                               0x8F
+#define SCSI_SEND_DIAGNOSTIC                        0x1D
+#define SCSI_READ_FORMAT_CAPACITIES                 0x23
+#define NO_SENSE                                    0
+#define RECOVERED_ERROR                             1
+#define NOT_READY                                   2
+#define MEDIUM_ERROR                                3
+#define HARDWARE_ERROR                              4
+#define ILLEGAL_REQUEST                             5
+#define UNIT_ATTENTION                              6
+#define DATA_PROTECT                                7
+#define BLANK_CHECK                                 8
+#define VENDOR_SPECIFIC                             9
+#define COPY_ABORTED                               10
+#define ABORTED_COMMAND                            11
+#define VOLUME_OVERFLOW                            13
+#define MISCOMPARE                                 14
+#define INVALID_CDB                                 0x20
+#define INVALID_FIELED_IN_COMMAND                   0x24
+#define PARAMETER_LIST_LENGTH_ERROR                 0x1A
+#define INVALID_FIELD_IN_PARAMETER_LIST             0x26
+#define ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE                        0x21
+#define MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT                          0x3A
+#define MEDIUM_HAVE_CHANGED                         0x28
+#define WRITE_PROTECTED                             0x27 
+#define UNRECOVERED_READ_ERROR                     0x11
+#define WRITE_FAULT                                0x03 
+#define READ_FORMAT_CAPACITY_DATA_LEN               0x0C
+#define READ_CAPACITY10_DATA_LEN                    0x08
+#define MODE_SENSE10_DATA_LEN                       0x08
+#define MODE_SENSE6_DATA_LEN                        0x04
+#define REQUEST_SENSE_DATA_LEN                      0x12
+#define STANDARD_INQUIRY_DATA_LEN                   0x24
+#define BLKVFY                                      0x04
+extern  uint8_t Page00_Inquiry_Data[];
+extern  uint8_t Standard_Inquiry_Data[];
+extern  uint8_t Standard_Inquiry_Data2[];
+extern  uint8_t Mode_Sense6_data[];
+extern  uint8_t Mode_Sense10_data[];
+extern  uint8_t Scsi_Sense_Data[];
+extern  uint8_t ReadCapacity10_Data[];
+extern  uint8_t ReadFormatCapacity_Data [];
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_SCSI_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+typedef struct _SENSE_ITEM {                
+  char Skey;
+  union {
+    struct _ASCs {
+      char ASC;
+      char ASCQ;
+    }b;
+    unsigned int       ASC;
+    char *pData;
+  } w;
+} SCSI_Sense_TypeDef; 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_SCSI_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_SCSI_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern SCSI_Sense_TypeDef     SCSI_Sense [SENSE_LIST_DEEPTH]; 
+extern uint8_t   SCSI_Sense_Head;
+extern uint8_t   SCSI_Sense_Tail;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_SCSI_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+  * @{
+  */ 
+int8_t SCSI_ProcessCmd(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev,
+                           uint8_t lun, 
+                           uint8_t *cmd);
+void   SCSI_SenseCode(uint8_t lun, 
+                    uint8_t sKey, 
+                    uint8_t ASC);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif /* __USBD_MSC_SCSI_H */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+* @}
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_bot.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_bot.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..01c88dd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_msc_bot.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides all the BOT protocol core functions.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_msc_bot.h"
+#include "usbd_msc_scsi.h"
+#include "usbd_ioreq.h"
+#include "usbd_msc_mem.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup MSC_BOT 
+  * @brief BOT protocol module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_BOT_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_BOT_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_BOT_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_BOT_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+uint16_t             MSC_BOT_DataLen;
+uint8_t              MSC_BOT_State;
+uint8_t              MSC_BOT_Status;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t              MSC_BOT_Data[MSC_MEDIA_PACKET] __ALIGN_END ;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_BOT_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */ 
+static void MSC_BOT_CBW_Decode (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+static void MSC_BOT_SendData (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                              uint8_t* pbuf, 
+                              uint16_t len);
+static void MSC_BOT_Abort(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_BOT_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_Init
+*         Initialize the BOT Process
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval None
+void MSC_BOT_Init (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  MSC_BOT_State = BOT_IDLE;
+  USBD_STORAGE_fops->Init(0);
+  DCD_EP_Flush(pdev, MSC_OUT_EP);
+  DCD_EP_Flush(pdev, MSC_IN_EP);
+  /* Prapare EP to Receive First BOT Cmd */
+  DCD_EP_PrepareRx (pdev,
+                    MSC_OUT_EP,
+                    (uint8_t *)&MSC_BOT_cbw,
+                    BOT_CBW_LENGTH);    
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_Reset
+*         Reset the BOT Machine
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval  None
+void MSC_BOT_Reset (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  MSC_BOT_State = BOT_IDLE;
+  /* Prapare EP to Receive First BOT Cmd */
+  DCD_EP_PrepareRx (pdev,
+                    MSC_OUT_EP,
+                    (uint8_t *)&MSC_BOT_cbw,
+                    BOT_CBW_LENGTH);    
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_DeInit
+*         Uninitialize the BOT Machine
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval None
+void MSC_BOT_DeInit (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  MSC_BOT_State = BOT_IDLE;
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_DataIn
+*         Handle BOT IN data stage
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  epnum: endpoint index
+* @retval None
+void MSC_BOT_DataIn (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                     uint8_t epnum)
+  switch (MSC_BOT_State)
+  {
+  case BOT_DATA_IN:
+    if(SCSI_ProcessCmd(pdev,
+                        MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN,
+                        &MSC_BOT_cbw.CB[0]) < 0)
+    {
+      MSC_BOT_SendCSW (pdev, CSW_CMD_FAILED);
+    }
+    break;
+  case BOT_SEND_DATA:
+    MSC_BOT_SendCSW (pdev, CSW_CMD_PASSED);
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_DataOut
+*         Proccess MSC OUT data
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  epnum: endpoint index
+* @retval None
+void MSC_BOT_DataOut (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                      uint8_t epnum)
+  switch (MSC_BOT_State)
+  {
+  case BOT_IDLE:
+    MSC_BOT_CBW_Decode(pdev);
+    break;
+  case BOT_DATA_OUT:
+    if(SCSI_ProcessCmd(pdev,
+                        MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN,
+                        &MSC_BOT_cbw.CB[0]) < 0)
+    {
+      MSC_BOT_SendCSW (pdev, CSW_CMD_FAILED);
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_CBW_Decode
+*         Decode the CBW command and set the BOT state machine accordingtly  
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval None
+static void  MSC_BOT_CBW_Decode (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  MSC_BOT_csw.dTag = MSC_BOT_cbw.dTag;
+  MSC_BOT_csw.dDataResidue = MSC_BOT_cbw.dDataLength;
+  if ((USBD_GetRxCount (pdev ,MSC_OUT_EP) != BOT_CBW_LENGTH) ||
+      (MSC_BOT_cbw.dSignature != BOT_CBW_SIGNATURE)||
+        (MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN > 1) || 
+          (MSC_BOT_cbw.bCBLength < 1) || 
+            (MSC_BOT_cbw.bCBLength > 16))
+  {
+    SCSI_SenseCode(MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN, 
+                   ILLEGAL_REQUEST, 
+                   INVALID_CDB);
+     MSC_BOT_Status = BOT_STATE_ERROR;   
+    MSC_BOT_Abort(pdev);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if(SCSI_ProcessCmd(pdev,
+                              MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN,
+                              &MSC_BOT_cbw.CB[0]) < 0)
+    {
+      MSC_BOT_Abort(pdev);
+    }
+    /*Burst xfer handled internally*/
+    else if ((MSC_BOT_State != BOT_DATA_IN) && 
+             (MSC_BOT_State != BOT_DATA_OUT) &&
+             (MSC_BOT_State != BOT_LAST_DATA_IN)) 
+    {
+      if (MSC_BOT_DataLen > 0)
+      {
+        MSC_BOT_SendData(pdev,
+                         MSC_BOT_Data, 
+                         MSC_BOT_DataLen);
+      }
+      else if (MSC_BOT_DataLen == 0) 
+      {
+        MSC_BOT_SendCSW (pdev,
+                         CSW_CMD_PASSED);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_SendData
+*         Send the requested data
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  buf: pointer to data buffer
+* @param  len: Data Length
+* @retval None
+static void  MSC_BOT_SendData(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev,
+                              uint8_t* buf, 
+                              uint16_t len)
+  len = MIN (MSC_BOT_cbw.dDataLength, len);
+  MSC_BOT_csw.dDataResidue -= len;
+  MSC_BOT_csw.bStatus = CSW_CMD_PASSED;
+  DCD_EP_Tx (pdev, MSC_IN_EP, buf, len);  
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_SendCSW
+*         Send the Command Status Wrapper
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  status : CSW status
+* @retval None
+                              uint8_t CSW_Status)
+  MSC_BOT_csw.dSignature = BOT_CSW_SIGNATURE;
+  MSC_BOT_csw.bStatus = CSW_Status;
+  MSC_BOT_State = BOT_IDLE;
+  DCD_EP_Tx (pdev, 
+             MSC_IN_EP, 
+             (uint8_t *)&MSC_BOT_csw, 
+             BOT_CSW_LENGTH);
+  /* Prapare EP to Receive next Cmd */
+  DCD_EP_PrepareRx (pdev,
+                    MSC_OUT_EP,
+                    (uint8_t *)&MSC_BOT_cbw, 
+                    BOT_CBW_LENGTH);  
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_Abort
+*         Abort the current transfer
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static void  MSC_BOT_Abort (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  if ((MSC_BOT_cbw.bmFlags == 0) && 
+      (MSC_BOT_cbw.dDataLength != 0) &&
+      (MSC_BOT_Status == BOT_STATE_NORMAL) )
+  {
+    DCD_EP_Stall(pdev, MSC_OUT_EP );
+  }
+  DCD_EP_Stall(pdev, MSC_IN_EP);
+  if(MSC_BOT_Status == BOT_STATE_ERROR)
+  {
+    DCD_EP_PrepareRx (pdev,
+                      MSC_OUT_EP,
+                      (uint8_t *)&MSC_BOT_cbw, 
+                      BOT_CBW_LENGTH);    
+  }
+* @brief  MSC_BOT_CplClrFeature
+*         Complete the clear feature request
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  epnum: endpoint index
+* @retval None
+void  MSC_BOT_CplClrFeature (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, uint8_t epnum)
+  if(MSC_BOT_Status == BOT_STATE_ERROR )/* Bad CBW Signature */
+  {
+    DCD_EP_Stall(pdev, MSC_IN_EP);
+    MSC_BOT_Status = BOT_STATE_NORMAL;    
+  }
+  else if(((epnum & 0x80) == 0x80) && ( MSC_BOT_Status != BOT_STATE_RECOVERY))
+  {
+    MSC_BOT_SendCSW (pdev, CSW_CMD_FAILED);
+  }
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_core.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_core.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cf03ef4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_msc_core.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides all the MSC core functions.
+  *
+  * @verbatim
+  *      
+  *          ===================================================================      
+  *                                MSC Class  Description
+  *          =================================================================== 
+  *           This module manages the MSC class V1.0 following the "Universal 
+  *           Serial Bus Mass Storage Class (MSC) Bulk-Only Transport (BOT) Version 1.0
+  *           Sep. 31, 1999".
+  *           This driver implements the following aspects of the specification:
+  *             - Bulk-Only Transport protocol
+  *             - Subclass : SCSI transparent command set (ref. SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3))
+  *      
+  *  @endverbatim
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_msc_mem.h"
+#include "usbd_msc_core.h"
+#include "usbd_msc_bot.h"
+#include "usbd_req.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup MSC_CORE 
+  * @brief Mass storage core module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_CORE_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_CORE_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_CORE_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_CORE_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */ 
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_Init (void  *pdev, 
+                            uint8_t cfgidx);
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_DeInit (void  *pdev, 
+                              uint8_t cfgidx);
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_Setup (void  *pdev, 
+                             USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_DataIn (void  *pdev, 
+                              uint8_t epnum);
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_DataOut (void  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t epnum);
+uint8_t  *USBD_MSC_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, 
+                                      uint16_t *length);
+#ifdef USB_OTG_HS_CORE  
+uint8_t  *USBD_MSC_GetOtherCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, 
+                                      uint16_t *length);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_CORE_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef  USBD_MSC_cb = 
+  USBD_MSC_Init,
+  USBD_MSC_DeInit,
+  USBD_MSC_Setup,
+  NULL, /*EP0_TxSent*/  
+  NULL, /*EP0_RxReady*/
+  USBD_MSC_DataIn,
+  USBD_MSC_DataOut,
+  NULL, /*SOF */ 
+  NULL,  
+  NULL,     
+  USBD_MSC_GetCfgDesc,
+#ifdef USB_OTG_HS_CORE  
+  USBD_MSC_GetOtherCfgDesc,
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+/* USB Mass storage device Configuration Descriptor */
+/*   All Descriptors (Configuration, Interface, Endpoint, Class, Vendor */
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Configuation Descriptor size */
+  USB_DESC_TYPE_CONFIGURATION,   /* bDescriptorType: Configuration */
+  0x00,
+  0x01,   /* bNumInterfaces: 1 interface */
+  0x01,   /* bConfigurationValue: */
+  0x04,   /* iConfiguration: */
+  0xC0,   /* bmAttributes: */
+  0x32,   /* MaxPower 100 mA */
+  /********************  Mass Storage interface ********************/
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */
+  0x04,   /* bDescriptorType: */
+  0x00,   /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
+  0x00,   /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
+  0x02,   /* bNumEndpoints*/
+  0x08,   /* bInterfaceClass: MSC Class */
+  0x06,   /* bInterfaceSubClass : SCSI transparent*/
+  0x50,   /* nInterfaceProtocol */
+  0x05,          /* iInterface: */
+  /********************  Mass Storage Endpoints ********************/
+  0x07,   /*Endpoint descriptor length = 7*/
+  0x05,   /*Endpoint descriptor type */
+  MSC_IN_EP,   /*Endpoint address (IN, address 1) */
+  0x02,   /*Bulk endpoint type */
+  0x00,   /*Polling interval in milliseconds */
+  0x07,   /*Endpoint descriptor length = 7 */
+  0x05,   /*Endpoint descriptor type */
+  MSC_OUT_EP,   /*Endpoint address (OUT, address 1) */
+  0x02,   /*Bulk endpoint type */
+  0x00     /*Polling interval in milliseconds*/
+#ifdef USB_OTG_HS_CORE 
+   #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+     #pragma data_alignment=4   
+   #endif
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Configuation Descriptor size */
+  0x00,
+  0x01,   /* bNumInterfaces: 1 interface */
+  0x01,   /* bConfigurationValue: */
+  0x04,   /* iConfiguration: */
+  0xC0,   /* bmAttributes: */
+  0x32,   /* MaxPower 100 mA */
+  /********************  Mass Storage interface ********************/
+  0x09,   /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */
+  0x04,   /* bDescriptorType: */
+  0x00,   /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */
+  0x00,   /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */
+  0x02,   /* bNumEndpoints*/
+  0x08,   /* bInterfaceClass: MSC Class */
+  0x06,   /* bInterfaceSubClass : SCSI transparent command set*/
+  0x50,   /* nInterfaceProtocol */
+  0x05,          /* iInterface: */
+  /********************  Mass Storage Endpoints ********************/
+  0x07,   /*Endpoint descriptor length = 7*/
+  0x05,   /*Endpoint descriptor type */
+  MSC_IN_EP,   /*Endpoint address (IN, address 1) */
+  0x02,   /*Bulk endpoint type */
+  0x40,
+  0x00,
+  0x00,   /*Polling interval in milliseconds */
+  0x07,   /*Endpoint descriptor length = 7 */
+  0x05,   /*Endpoint descriptor type */
+  MSC_OUT_EP,   /*Endpoint address (OUT, address 1) */
+  0x02,   /*Bulk endpoint type */
+  0x40,
+  0x00,
+  0x00     /*Polling interval in milliseconds*/
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN static uint8_t  USBD_MSC_MaxLun  __ALIGN_END = 0;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN static uint8_t  USBD_MSC_AltSet  __ALIGN_END = 0;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_CORE_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+* @brief  USBD_MSC_Init
+*         Initialize  the mass storage configuration
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  cfgidx: configuration index
+* @retval status
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_Init (void  *pdev, 
+                            uint8_t cfgidx)
+  USBD_MSC_DeInit(pdev , cfgidx );
+  /* Open EP IN */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              MSC_IN_EP,
+              MSC_EPIN_SIZE,
+              USB_OTG_EP_BULK);
+  /* Open EP OUT */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              MSC_OUT_EP,
+              MSC_EPOUT_SIZE,
+              USB_OTG_EP_BULK);
+  /* Init the BOT  layer */
+  MSC_BOT_Init(pdev); 
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_MSC_DeInit
+*         DeInitilaize  the mass storage configuration
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  cfgidx: configuration index
+* @retval status
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_DeInit (void  *pdev, 
+                              uint8_t cfgidx)
+  /* Close MSC EPs */
+  DCD_EP_Close (pdev , MSC_IN_EP);
+  DCD_EP_Close (pdev , MSC_OUT_EP);
+  /* Un Init the BOT layer */
+  MSC_BOT_DeInit(pdev);   
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_MSC_Setup
+*         Handle the MSC specific requests
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: USB request
+* @retval status
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_Setup (void  *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  switch (req->bmRequest & USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK)
+  {
+  /* Class request */
+    switch (req->bRequest)
+    {
+    case BOT_GET_MAX_LUN :
+      if((req->wValue  == 0) && 
+         (req->wLength == 1) &&
+         ((req->bmRequest & 0x80) == 0x80))
+      {
+        USBD_MSC_MaxLun = USBD_STORAGE_fops->GetMaxLun();
+        if(USBD_MSC_MaxLun > 0)
+        {
+           USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                             &USBD_MSC_MaxLun,
+                              1);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+          return USBD_FAIL; 
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+         return USBD_FAIL; 
+      }
+      break;
+    case BOT_RESET :
+      if((req->wValue  == 0) && 
+         (req->wLength == 0) &&
+        ((req->bmRequest & 0x80) != 0x80))
+      {      
+         MSC_BOT_Reset(pdev);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+         return USBD_FAIL; 
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+       USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+       return USBD_FAIL; 
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Interface & Endpoint request */
+    switch (req->bRequest)
+    {
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                        &USBD_MSC_AltSet,
+                        1);
+      break;
+      USBD_MSC_AltSet = (uint8_t)(req->wValue);
+      break;
+      /* Flush the FIFO and Clear the stall status */    
+      DCD_EP_Flush(pdev, (uint8_t)req->wIndex);
+      /* Re-activate the EP */      
+      DCD_EP_Close (pdev , (uint8_t)req->wIndex);
+      if((((uint8_t)req->wIndex) & 0x80) == 0x80)
+      {
+        DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+                    ((uint8_t)req->wIndex),
+                    MSC_EPIN_SIZE,
+                    USB_OTG_EP_BULK);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+                    ((uint8_t)req->wIndex),
+                    MSC_EPOUT_SIZE,
+                    USB_OTG_EP_BULK);
+      }
+      /* Handle BOT error */
+      MSC_BOT_CplClrFeature(pdev, (uint8_t)req->wIndex);
+      break;
+    }  
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_MSC_DataIn
+*         handle data IN Stage
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  epnum: endpoint index
+* @retval status
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_DataIn (void  *pdev, 
+                              uint8_t epnum)
+  MSC_BOT_DataIn(pdev , epnum);
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_MSC_DataOut
+*         handle data OUT Stage
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  epnum: endpoint index
+* @retval status
+uint8_t  USBD_MSC_DataOut (void  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t epnum)
+  MSC_BOT_DataOut(pdev , epnum);
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_MSC_GetCfgDesc 
+*         return configuration descriptor
+* @param  speed : current device speed
+* @param  length : pointer data length
+* @retval pointer to descriptor buffer
+uint8_t  *USBD_MSC_GetCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, uint16_t *length)
+  *length = sizeof (USBD_MSC_CfgDesc);
+  return USBD_MSC_CfgDesc;
+* @brief  USBD_MSC_GetOtherCfgDesc 
+*         return other speed configuration descriptor
+* @param  speed : current device speed
+* @param  length : pointer data length
+* @retval pointer to descriptor buffer
+#ifdef USB_OTG_HS_CORE  
+uint8_t  *USBD_MSC_GetOtherCfgDesc (uint8_t speed, 
+                                      uint16_t *length)
+  *length = sizeof (USBD_MSC_OtherCfgDesc);
+  return USBD_MSC_OtherCfgDesc;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_data.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_data.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b5b0f2d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_msc_data.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides all the vital inquiry pages and sense data.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_msc_data.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup MSC_DATA 
+  * @brief Mass storage info/data module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_DATA_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_DATA_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_DATA_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_DATA_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/* USB Mass storage Page 0 Inquiry Data */
+const uint8_t  MSC_Page00_Inquiry_Data[] = {//7                                                
+       0x00,           
+       0x00, 
+       0x00, 
+       (LENGTH_INQUIRY_PAGE00 - 4),
+       0x00, 
+       0x80, 
+       0x83 
+/* USB Mass storage sense 6  Data */
+const uint8_t  MSC_Mode_Sense6_data[] = {
+       0x00,
+       0x00,
+       0x00,
+       0x00,
+       0x00,
+       0x00, 
+       0x00,
+       0x00
+/* USB Mass storage sense 10  Data */
+const uint8_t  MSC_Mode_Sense10_data[] = {
+       0x00,
+       0x06, 
+       0x00, 
+       0x00, 
+       0x00, 
+       0x00, 
+       0x00, 
+       0x00
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_DATA_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_DATA_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_scsi.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_msc_scsi.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8cff583
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_msc_scsi.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides all the USBD SCSI layer functions.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_msc_bot.h"
+#include "usbd_msc_scsi.h"
+#include "usbd_msc_mem.h"
+#include "usbd_msc_data.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup MSC_SCSI 
+  * @brief Mass storage SCSI layer module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_SCSI_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_SCSI_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_SCSI_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_SCSI_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+SCSI_Sense_TypeDef     SCSI_Sense [SENSE_LIST_DEEPTH];
+uint8_t   SCSI_Sense_Head;
+uint8_t   SCSI_Sense_Tail;
+uint32_t  SCSI_blk_size;
+uint32_t  SCSI_blk_nbr;
+uint32_t  SCSI_blk_addr;
+uint32_t  SCSI_blk_len;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_SCSI_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */ 
+static int8_t SCSI_TestUnitReady(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_Inquiry(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_ReadFormatCapacity(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_ReadCapacity10(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_RequestSense (uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_StartStopUnit(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_ModeSense6 (uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_ModeSense10 (uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_Write10(uint8_t lun , uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_Read10(uint8_t lun , uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_Verify10(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params);
+static int8_t SCSI_CheckAddressRange (uint8_t lun , 
+                                      uint32_t blk_offset , 
+                                      uint16_t blk_nbr);
+static int8_t SCSI_ProcessRead (uint8_t lun);
+static int8_t SCSI_ProcessWrite (uint8_t lun);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup MSC_SCSI_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+* @brief  SCSI_ProcessCmd
+*         Process SCSI commands
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+int8_t SCSI_ProcessCmd(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev,
+                           uint8_t lun, 
+                           uint8_t *params)
+  cdev = pdev;
+  switch (params[0])
+  {
+    return SCSI_TestUnitReady(lun, params);
+    return SCSI_RequestSense (lun, params);
+    return SCSI_Inquiry(lun, params);
+    return SCSI_StartStopUnit(lun, params);
+    return SCSI_StartStopUnit(lun, params);
+    return SCSI_ModeSense6 (lun, params);
+  case SCSI_MODE_SENSE10:
+    return SCSI_ModeSense10 (lun, params);
+    return SCSI_ReadFormatCapacity(lun, params);
+    return SCSI_ReadCapacity10(lun, params);
+  case SCSI_READ10:
+    return SCSI_Read10(lun, params); 
+  case SCSI_WRITE10:
+    return SCSI_Write10(lun, params);
+  case SCSI_VERIFY10:
+    return SCSI_Verify10(lun, params);
+  default:
+    SCSI_SenseCode(lun,
+                   ILLEGAL_REQUEST, 
+                   INVALID_CDB);    
+    return -1;
+  }
+* @brief  SCSI_TestUnitReady
+*         Process SCSI Test Unit Ready Command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_TestUnitReady(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params)
+  /* case 9 : Hi > D0 */
+  if (MSC_BOT_cbw.dDataLength != 0)
+  {
+    SCSI_SenseCode(MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN, 
+                   ILLEGAL_REQUEST, 
+                   INVALID_CDB);
+    return -1;
+  }  
+  if(USBD_STORAGE_fops->IsReady(lun) !=0 )
+  {
+    SCSI_SenseCode(lun,
+                   NOT_READY, 
+                   MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT);
+    return -1;
+  } 
+  MSC_BOT_DataLen = 0;
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_Inquiry
+*         Process Inquiry command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t  SCSI_Inquiry(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params)
+  uint8_t* pPage;
+  uint16_t len;
+  if (params[1] & 0x01)/*Evpd is set*/
+  {
+    pPage = (uint8_t *)MSC_Page00_Inquiry_Data;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    pPage = (uint8_t *)&USBD_STORAGE_fops->pInquiry[lun * USBD_STD_INQUIRY_LENGTH];
+    len = pPage[4] + 5;
+    if (params[4] <= len)
+    {
+      len = params[4];
+    }
+  }
+  MSC_BOT_DataLen = len;
+  while (len) 
+  {
+    len--;
+    MSC_BOT_Data[len] = pPage[len];
+  }
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_ReadCapacity10
+*         Process Read Capacity 10 command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_ReadCapacity10(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params)
+  if(USBD_STORAGE_fops->GetCapacity(lun, &SCSI_blk_nbr, &SCSI_blk_size) != 0)
+  {
+    SCSI_SenseCode(lun,
+                   NOT_READY, 
+                   MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT);
+    return -1;
+  } 
+  else
+  {
+    MSC_BOT_Data[0] = (uint8_t)(SCSI_blk_nbr - 1 >> 24);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[1] = (uint8_t)(SCSI_blk_nbr - 1 >> 16);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[2] = (uint8_t)(SCSI_blk_nbr - 1 >>  8);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[3] = (uint8_t)(SCSI_blk_nbr - 1);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[4] = (uint8_t)(SCSI_blk_size >>  24);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[5] = (uint8_t)(SCSI_blk_size >>  16);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[6] = (uint8_t)(SCSI_blk_size >>  8);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[7] = (uint8_t)(SCSI_blk_size);
+    MSC_BOT_DataLen = 8;
+    return 0;
+  }
+* @brief  SCSI_ReadFormatCapacity
+*         Process Read Format Capacity command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_ReadFormatCapacity(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params)
+  uint32_t blk_size;
+  uint32_t blk_nbr;
+  uint16_t i;
+  for(i=0 ; i < 12 ; i++) 
+  {
+    MSC_BOT_Data[i] = 0;
+  }
+  if(USBD_STORAGE_fops->GetCapacity(lun, &blk_nbr, &blk_size) != 0)
+  {
+    SCSI_SenseCode(lun,
+                   NOT_READY, 
+                   MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT);
+    return -1;
+  } 
+  else
+  {
+    MSC_BOT_Data[3] = 0x08;
+    MSC_BOT_Data[4] = (uint8_t)(blk_nbr - 1 >> 24);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[5] = (uint8_t)(blk_nbr - 1 >> 16);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[6] = (uint8_t)(blk_nbr - 1 >>  8);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[7] = (uint8_t)(blk_nbr - 1);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[8] = 0x02;
+    MSC_BOT_Data[9] = (uint8_t)(blk_size >>  16);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[10] = (uint8_t)(blk_size >>  8);
+    MSC_BOT_Data[11] = (uint8_t)(blk_size);
+    MSC_BOT_DataLen = 12;
+    return 0;
+  }
+* @brief  SCSI_ModeSense6
+*         Process Mode Sense6 command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_ModeSense6 (uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params)
+  uint16_t len = 8 ;
+  MSC_BOT_DataLen = len;
+  while (len) 
+  {
+    len--;
+    MSC_BOT_Data[len] = MSC_Mode_Sense6_data[len];
+  }
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_ModeSense10
+*         Process Mode Sense10 command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_ModeSense10 (uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params)
+ uint16_t len = 8;
+ MSC_BOT_DataLen = len;
+ while (len) 
+  {
+    len--;
+    MSC_BOT_Data[len] = MSC_Mode_Sense10_data[len];
+  }
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_RequestSense
+*         Process Request Sense command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_RequestSense (uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params)
+  uint8_t i;
+  for(i=0 ; i < REQUEST_SENSE_DATA_LEN ; i++) 
+  {
+    MSC_BOT_Data[i] = 0;
+  }
+  MSC_BOT_Data[0]      = 0x70;         
+  MSC_BOT_Data[7]      = REQUEST_SENSE_DATA_LEN - 6;   
+  if((SCSI_Sense_Head != SCSI_Sense_Tail)) {
+    MSC_BOT_Data[2]     = SCSI_Sense[SCSI_Sense_Head].Skey;            
+    MSC_BOT_Data[12]    = SCSI_Sense[SCSI_Sense_Head].w.b.ASCQ;        
+    MSC_BOT_Data[13]    = SCSI_Sense[SCSI_Sense_Head].w.b.ASC; 
+    SCSI_Sense_Head++;
+    if (SCSI_Sense_Head == SENSE_LIST_DEEPTH)
+    {
+      SCSI_Sense_Head = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  if (params[4] <= REQUEST_SENSE_DATA_LEN)
+  {
+    MSC_BOT_DataLen = params[4];
+  }
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_SenseCode
+*         Load the last error code in the error list
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  sKey: Sense Key
+* @param  ASC: Additional Sense Key
+* @retval none
+void SCSI_SenseCode(uint8_t lun, uint8_t sKey, uint8_t ASC)
+  SCSI_Sense[SCSI_Sense_Tail].Skey  = sKey;
+  SCSI_Sense[SCSI_Sense_Tail].w.ASC = ASC << 8;
+  SCSI_Sense_Tail++;
+  if (SCSI_Sense_Tail == SENSE_LIST_DEEPTH)
+  {
+    SCSI_Sense_Tail = 0;
+  }
+* @brief  SCSI_StartStopUnit
+*         Process Start Stop Unit command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_StartStopUnit(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *params)
+  MSC_BOT_DataLen = 0;
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_Read10
+*         Process Read10 command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_Read10(uint8_t lun , uint8_t *params)
+  if(MSC_BOT_State == BOT_IDLE)  /* Idle */
+  {
+    /* case 10 : Ho <> Di */
+    if ((MSC_BOT_cbw.bmFlags & 0x80) != 0x80)
+    {
+      SCSI_SenseCode(MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN, 
+                     ILLEGAL_REQUEST, 
+                     INVALID_CDB);
+      return -1;
+    }    
+    if(USBD_STORAGE_fops->IsReady(lun) !=0 )
+    {
+      SCSI_SenseCode(lun,
+                     NOT_READY, 
+                     MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT);
+      return -1;
+    } 
+    SCSI_blk_addr = (params[2] << 24) | \
+      (params[3] << 16) | \
+        (params[4] <<  8) | \
+          params[5];
+    SCSI_blk_len =  (params[7] <<  8) | \
+      params[8];  
+    if( SCSI_CheckAddressRange(lun, SCSI_blk_addr, SCSI_blk_len) < 0)
+    {
+      return -1; /* error */
+    }
+    MSC_BOT_State = BOT_DATA_IN;
+    SCSI_blk_addr *= SCSI_blk_size;
+    SCSI_blk_len  *= SCSI_blk_size;
+    /* cases 4,5 : Hi <> Dn */
+    if (MSC_BOT_cbw.dDataLength != SCSI_blk_len)
+    {
+      SCSI_SenseCode(MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN, 
+                     ILLEGAL_REQUEST, 
+                     INVALID_CDB);
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  return SCSI_ProcessRead(lun);
+* @brief  SCSI_Write10
+*         Process Write10 command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_Write10 (uint8_t lun , uint8_t *params)
+  if (MSC_BOT_State == BOT_IDLE) /* Idle */
+  {
+    /* case 8 : Hi <> Do */
+    if ((MSC_BOT_cbw.bmFlags & 0x80) == 0x80)
+    {
+      SCSI_SenseCode(MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN, 
+                     ILLEGAL_REQUEST, 
+                     INVALID_CDB);
+      return -1;
+    }
+    /* Check whether Media is ready */
+    if(USBD_STORAGE_fops->IsReady(lun) !=0 )
+    {
+      SCSI_SenseCode(lun,
+                     NOT_READY, 
+                     MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT);
+      return -1;
+    } 
+    /* Check If media is write-protected */
+    if(USBD_STORAGE_fops->IsWriteProtected(lun) !=0 )
+    {
+      SCSI_SenseCode(lun,
+                     NOT_READY, 
+                     WRITE_PROTECTED);
+      return -1;
+    } 
+    SCSI_blk_addr = (params[2] << 24) | \
+      (params[3] << 16) | \
+        (params[4] <<  8) | \
+          params[5];
+    SCSI_blk_len = (params[7] <<  8) | \
+      params[8];  
+    /* check if LBA address is in the right range */
+    if(SCSI_CheckAddressRange(lun, SCSI_blk_addr, SCSI_blk_len) < 0)
+    {
+      return -1; /* error */      
+    }
+    SCSI_blk_addr *= SCSI_blk_size;
+    SCSI_blk_len  *= SCSI_blk_size;
+    /* cases 3,11,13 : Hn,Ho <> D0 */
+    if (MSC_BOT_cbw.dDataLength != SCSI_blk_len)
+    {
+      SCSI_SenseCode(MSC_BOT_cbw.bLUN, 
+                     ILLEGAL_REQUEST, 
+                     INVALID_CDB);
+      return -1;
+    }
+    /* Prepare EP to receive first data packet */
+    MSC_BOT_State = BOT_DATA_OUT;  
+    DCD_EP_PrepareRx (cdev,
+                      MSC_OUT_EP,
+                      MSC_BOT_Data, 
+                      MIN (SCSI_blk_len, MSC_MEDIA_PACKET));  
+  }
+  else /* Write Process ongoing */
+  {
+    return SCSI_ProcessWrite(lun);
+  }
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_Verify10
+*         Process Verify10 command
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  params: Command parameters
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_Verify10(uint8_t lun , uint8_t *params){
+  if ((params[1]& 0x02) == 0x02) 
+  {
+    return -1; /* Error, Verify Mode Not supported*/
+  }
+  if(SCSI_CheckAddressRange(lun, SCSI_blk_addr, SCSI_blk_len) < 0)
+  {
+    return -1; /* error */      
+  }
+  MSC_BOT_DataLen = 0;
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_CheckAddressRange
+*         Check address range
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @param  blk_offset: first block address
+* @param  blk_nbr: number of block to be processed
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_CheckAddressRange (uint8_t lun , uint32_t blk_offset , uint16_t blk_nbr)
+  if ((blk_offset + blk_nbr) > SCSI_blk_nbr )
+  {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_ProcessRead
+*         Handle Read Process
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_ProcessRead (uint8_t lun)
+  uint32_t len;
+  len = MIN(SCSI_blk_len , MSC_MEDIA_PACKET); 
+  if( USBD_STORAGE_fops->Read(lun ,
+                              MSC_BOT_Data, 
+                              SCSI_blk_addr / SCSI_blk_size, 
+                              len / SCSI_blk_size) < 0)
+  {
+    return -1; 
+  }
+  DCD_EP_Tx (cdev, 
+             MSC_IN_EP,
+             MSC_BOT_Data,
+             len);
+  SCSI_blk_addr   += len; 
+  SCSI_blk_len    -= len;  
+  /* case 6 : Hi = Di */
+  MSC_BOT_csw.dDataResidue -= len;
+  if (SCSI_blk_len == 0)
+  {
+  }
+  return 0;
+* @brief  SCSI_ProcessWrite
+*         Handle Write Process
+* @param  lun: Logical unit number
+* @retval status
+static int8_t SCSI_ProcessWrite (uint8_t lun)
+  uint32_t len;
+  len = MIN(SCSI_blk_len , MSC_MEDIA_PACKET); 
+  if(USBD_STORAGE_fops->Write(lun ,
+                              MSC_BOT_Data, 
+                              SCSI_blk_addr / SCSI_blk_size, 
+                              len / SCSI_blk_size) < 0)
+  {
+    SCSI_SenseCode(lun, HARDWARE_ERROR, WRITE_FAULT);     
+    return -1; 
+  }
+  SCSI_blk_addr  += len; 
+  SCSI_blk_len   -= len; 
+  /* case 12 : Ho = Do */
+  MSC_BOT_csw.dDataResidue -= len;
+  if (SCSI_blk_len == 0)
+  {
+    MSC_BOT_SendCSW (cdev, CSW_CMD_PASSED);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Prapare EP to Receive next packet */
+    DCD_EP_PrepareRx (cdev,
+                      MSC_OUT_EP,
+                      MSC_BOT_Data, 
+                      MIN (SCSI_blk_len, MSC_MEDIA_PACKET)); 
+  }
+  return 0;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_storage_template.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/msc/src/usbd_storage_template.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..927e9dd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_storage_template.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Memory management layer
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_msc_mem.h"
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Extern function prototypes ------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define STORAGE_LUN_NBR                  1                    
+int8_t STORAGE_Init (uint8_t lun);
+int8_t STORAGE_GetCapacity (uint8_t lun, 
+                           uint32_t *block_num, 
+                           uint16_t *block_size);
+int8_t  STORAGE_IsReady (uint8_t lun);
+int8_t  STORAGE_IsWriteProtected (uint8_t lun);
+int8_t STORAGE_Read (uint8_t lun, 
+                        uint8_t *buf, 
+                        uint32_t blk_addr,
+                        uint16_t blk_len);
+int8_t STORAGE_Write (uint8_t lun, 
+                        uint8_t *buf, 
+                        uint32_t blk_addr,
+                        uint16_t blk_len);
+int8_t STORAGE_GetMaxLun (void);
+/* USB Mass storage Standard Inquiry Data */
+const int8_t  STORAGE_Inquirydata[] = {//36
+  /* LUN 0 */
+  0x00,                
+  0x80,                
+  0x02,                
+  0x02,
+  0x00,
+  0x00,        
+  0x00,
+  'S', 'T', 'M', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', /* Manufacturer : 8 bytes */
+  'P', 'r', 'o', 'd', 'u', 't', ' ', ' ', /* Product      : 16 Bytes */
+  ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
+  '0', '.', '0' ,'1',                     /* Version      : 4 Bytes */
+  STORAGE_Init,
+  STORAGE_GetCapacity,
+  STORAGE_IsReady,
+  STORAGE_IsWriteProtected,
+  STORAGE_Read,
+  STORAGE_Write,
+  STORAGE_GetMaxLun,
+  STORAGE_Inquirydata,
+* Function Name  : Read_Memory
+* Description    : Handle the Read operation from the microSD card.
+* Input          : None.
+* Output         : None.
+* Return         : None.
+int8_t STORAGE_Init (uint8_t lun)
+  return (0);
+* Function Name  : Read_Memory
+* Description    : Handle the Read operation from the STORAGE card.
+* Input          : None.
+* Output         : None.
+* Return         : None.
+int8_t STORAGE_GetCapacity (uint8_t lun, uint32_t *block_num, uint16_t *block_size)
+  return (0);
+* Function Name  : Read_Memory
+* Description    : Handle the Read operation from the STORAGE card.
+* Input          : None.
+* Output         : None.
+* Return         : None.
+int8_t  STORAGE_IsReady (uint8_t lun)
+  return (0);
+* Function Name  : Read_Memory
+* Description    : Handle the Read operation from the STORAGE card.
+* Input          : None.
+* Output         : None.
+* Return         : None.
+int8_t  STORAGE_IsWriteProtected (uint8_t lun)
+  return  0;
+* Function Name  : Read_Memory
+* Description    : Handle the Read operation from the STORAGE card.
+* Input          : None.
+* Output         : None.
+* Return         : None.
+int8_t STORAGE_Read (uint8_t lun, 
+                 uint8_t *buf, 
+                 uint32_t blk_addr,                       
+                 uint16_t blk_len)
+  return 0;
+* Function Name  : Write_Memory
+* Description    : Handle the Write operation to the STORAGE card.
+* Input          : None.
+* Output         : None.
+* Return         : None.
+int8_t STORAGE_Write (uint8_t lun, 
+                  uint8_t *buf, 
+                  uint32_t blk_addr,
+                  uint16_t blk_len)
+  return (0);
+* Function Name  : Write_Memory
+* Description    : Handle the Write operation to the STORAGE card.
+* Input          : None.
+* Output         : None.
+* Return         : None.
+int8_t STORAGE_GetMaxLun (void)
+  return (STORAGE_LUN_NBR - 1);
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_conf_template.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_conf_template.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..34cd39d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_conf_template.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   usb device configuration template file
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBD_CONF__H__
+#define __USBD_CONF__H__
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f2xx.h"
+/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define USE_USB_OTG_HS  
+#define USBD_CFG_MAX_NUM           1
+#define USB_MAX_STR_DESC_SIZ       64 
+#define USBD_EP0_MAX_PACKET_SIZE   64
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_Types
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif //__USBD_CONF__H__
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_core.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_core.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fb20acf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_core.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Header file for usbd_core.c
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention  
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBD_CORE_H
+#define __USBD_CORE_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usb_dcd.h"
+#include "usbd_def.h"
+#include "usbd_conf.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE
+  * @brief This file is the Header file for usbd_core.c file
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+typedef enum {
+  USBD_OK   = 0,
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+  * @{
+  */ 
+void USBD_Init(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev,
+               USB_OTG_CORE_ID_TypeDef coreID, 
+               USBD_DEVICE *pDevice,                  
+               USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef *class_cb, 
+               USBD_Usr_cb_TypeDef *usr_cb);
+USBD_Status USBD_ClrCfg(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx);
+USBD_Status USBD_SetCfg(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif /* __USBD_CORE_H */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+* @}
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_def.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_def.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a8c8671
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_def.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   general defines for the usb device library 
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention 
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBD_DEF_H
+#define __USBD_DEF_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_conf.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USB_DEF
+  * @brief general defines for the usb device library file
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USB_DEF_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL    0
+#define  USB_LEN_DEV_QUALIFIER_DESC                     0x0A
+#define  USB_LEN_DEV_DESC                               0x12
+#define  USB_LEN_CFG_DESC                               0x09
+#define  USB_LEN_IF_DESC                                0x09
+#define  USB_LEN_EP_DESC                                0x07
+#define  USB_LEN_OTG_DESC                               0x03
+#define  USBD_IDX_LANGID_STR                            0x00 
+#define  USBD_IDX_MFC_STR                               0x01 
+#define  USBD_IDX_PRODUCT_STR                           0x02
+#define  USBD_IDX_SERIAL_STR                            0x03 
+#define  USBD_IDX_CONFIG_STR                            0x04 
+#define  USBD_IDX_INTERFACE_STR                         0x05 
+#define  USB_REQ_TYPE_STANDARD                          0x00
+#define  USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS                             0x20
+#define  USB_REQ_TYPE_VENDOR                            0x40
+#define  USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK                              0x60
+#define  USB_REQ_RECIPIENT_DEVICE                       0x00
+#define  USB_REQ_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE                    0x01
+#define  USB_REQ_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT                     0x02
+#define  USB_REQ_RECIPIENT_MASK                         0x03
+#define  USB_REQ_GET_STATUS                             0x00
+#define  USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE                          0x01
+#define  USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE                            0x03
+#define  USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS                            0x05
+#define  USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR                         0x06
+#define  USB_REQ_SET_DESCRIPTOR                         0x07
+#define  USB_REQ_GET_CONFIGURATION                      0x08
+#define  USB_REQ_SET_CONFIGURATION                      0x09
+#define  USB_REQ_GET_INTERFACE                          0x0A
+#define  USB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE                          0x0B
+#define  USB_REQ_SYNCH_FRAME                            0x0C
+#define  USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE                              1
+#define  USB_DESC_TYPE_CONFIGURATION                       2
+#define  USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING                              3
+#define  USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE                           4
+#define  USB_DESC_TYPE_ENDPOINT                            5
+#define  USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER                    6
+#define USB_CONFIG_REMOTE_WAKEUP                           2
+#define USB_CONFIG_SELF_POWERED                            1
+#define USB_FEATURE_EP_HALT                                0
+#define USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKEUP                          1
+#define USB_FEATURE_TEST_MODE                              2
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_DEF_Exported_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_DEF_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#define  SWAPBYTE(addr)        (((uint16_t)(*((uint8_t *)(addr)))) + \
+                               (((uint16_t)(*(((uint8_t *)(addr)) + 1))) << 8))
+#define LOBYTE(x)  ((uint8_t)(x & 0x00FF))
+#define HIBYTE(x)  ((uint8_t)((x & 0xFF00) >>8))
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_DEF_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_DEF_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif /* __USBD_DEF_H */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+* @}
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_ioreq.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_ioreq.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ca755f2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_ioreq.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header file for the usbd_ioreq.c file
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBD_IOREQ_H_
+#define __USBD_IOREQ_H_
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include  "usbd_def.h"
+#include  "usbd_core.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ
+  * @brief header file for the usbd_ioreq.c file
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Exported_Types
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+  * @{
+  */ 
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlSendData (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t *buf,
+                               uint16_t len);
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlContinueSendData (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t *pbuf,
+                               uint16_t len);
+USBD_Status USBD_CtlPrepareRx (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t *pbuf,                                 
+                               uint16_t len);
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlContinueRx (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                              uint8_t *pbuf,                                          
+                              uint16_t len);
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlSendStatus (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlReceiveStatus (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+uint16_t  USBD_GetRxCount (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev , 
+                           uint8_t epnum);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif /* __USBD_IOREQ_H_ */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+* @}
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_req.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_req.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9aa9e44
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_req.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   header file for the usbd_req.c file
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention 
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USB_REQUEST_H_
+#define __USB_REQUEST_H_
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include  "usbd_def.h"
+#include  "usbd_core.h"
+#include  "usbd_conf.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ
+  * @brief header file for the usbd_ioreq.c file
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Exported_Types
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+  * @{
+  */ 
+USBD_Status  USBD_StdDevReq (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ  *req);
+USBD_Status  USBD_StdItfReq (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ  *req);
+void USBD_ParseSetupRequest( USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev,
+                                    USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+void USBD_CtlError( USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev,
+                            USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+void USBD_GetString(uint8_t *desc, uint8_t *unicode, uint16_t *len);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif /* __USB_REQUEST_H_ */
+  * @}
+  */ 
+* @}
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_usr.h b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_usr.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..44e7b1d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_usr.h
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   Header file for usbd_usr.c
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBD_USR_H__
+#define __USBD_USR_H__
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_core.h"
+/** @addtogroup USBD_USER
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_USR
+  * @brief This file is the Header file for usbd_usr.c
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_USR_Exported_Types
+  * @{
+  */ 
+extern  USBD_Usr_cb_TypeDef USR_cb;
+extern  USBD_Usr_cb_TypeDef USR_FS_cb;
+extern  USBD_Usr_cb_TypeDef USR_HS_cb;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_USR_Exported_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_USR_Exported_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_USR_Exported_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+void     USBD_USR_Init(void);
+void     USBD_USR_DeviceReset (uint8_t speed);
+void     USBD_USR_DeviceConfigured (void);
+void     USBD_USR_DeviceSuspended(void);
+void     USBD_USR_DeviceResumed(void);
+void     USBD_USR_DeviceConnected(void);
+void     USBD_USR_DeviceDisconnected(void); 
+void     USBD_USR_FS_Init(void);
+void     USBD_USR_FS_DeviceReset (uint8_t speed);
+void     USBD_USR_FS_DeviceConfigured (void);
+void     USBD_USR_FS_DeviceSuspended(void);
+void     USBD_USR_FS_DeviceResumed(void);
+void     USBD_USR_FS_DeviceConnected(void);
+void     USBD_USR_FS_DeviceDisconnected(void);  
+void     USBD_USR_HS_Init(void);
+void     USBD_USR_HS_DeviceReset (uint8_t speed);
+void     USBD_USR_HS_DeviceConfigured (void);
+void     USBD_USR_HS_DeviceSuspended(void);
+void     USBD_USR_HS_DeviceResumed(void);
+void     USBD_USR_HS_DeviceConnected(void);
+void     USBD_USR_HS_DeviceDisconnected(void);  
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_USR_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+#endif /*__USBD_USR_H__*/
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_core.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_core.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2a51d3a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_core.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011 
+  * @brief   This file provides all the USBD core functions.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_core.h"
+#include "usbd_req.h"
+#include "usbd_ioreq.h"
+#include "usb_dcd_int.h"
+#include "usb_bsp.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+* @{
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE 
+* @brief usbd core module
+* @{
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Private_TypesDefinitions
+* @{
+* @}
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Private_Defines
+* @{
+* @}
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Private_Macros
+* @{
+* @}
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+* @{
+static uint8_t USBD_SetupStage(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev);
+static uint8_t USBD_DataOutStage(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev , uint8_t epnum);
+static uint8_t USBD_DataInStage(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev , uint8_t epnum);
+static uint8_t USBD_SOF(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+static uint8_t USBD_Reset(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+static uint8_t USBD_Suspend(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+static uint8_t USBD_Resume(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+static uint8_t USBD_DevConnected(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+static uint8_t USBD_DevDisconnected(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+static uint8_t USBD_IsoINIncomplete(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+static uint8_t USBD_IsoOUTIncomplete(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev);
+* @}
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Private_Variables
+* @{
+  USBD_DataOutStage,
+  USBD_DataInStage,
+  USBD_SetupStage,
+  USBD_Reset,
+  USBD_Suspend,
+  USBD_Resume,
+  USBD_IsoINIncomplete,
+  USBD_IsoOUTIncomplete,
+USBD_DCD_INT_cb_TypeDef  *USBD_DCD_INT_fops = &USBD_DCD_INT_cb;
+* @}
+/** @defgroup USBD_CORE_Private_Functions
+* @{
+* @brief  USBD_Init
+*         Initailizes the device stack and load the class driver
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  core_address: USB OTG core ID
+* @param  class_cb: Class callback structure address
+* @param  usr_cb: User callback structure address
+* @retval None
+void USBD_Init(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev,
+               USB_OTG_CORE_ID_TypeDef coreID,
+               USBD_DEVICE *pDevice,                  
+               USBD_Class_cb_TypeDef *class_cb, 
+               USBD_Usr_cb_TypeDef *usr_cb)
+  /* Hardware Init */
+  USB_OTG_BSP_Init(pdev);  
+  USBD_DeInit(pdev);
+  /*Register class and user callbacks */
+  pdev->dev.class_cb = class_cb;
+  pdev->dev.usr_cb = usr_cb;  
+  pdev->dev.usr_device = pDevice;    
+  /* set USB OTG core params */
+  DCD_Init(pdev , coreID);
+  /* Upon Init call usr callback */
+  pdev->dev.usr_cb->Init();
+  /* Enable Interrupts */
+  USB_OTG_BSP_EnableInterrupt(pdev);
+* @brief  USBD_DeInit 
+*         Re-Initialize th deviuce library
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status: status
+  /* Software Init */
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_SetupStage 
+*         Handle the setup stage
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_SetupStage(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev)
+  USBD_ParseSetupRequest(pdev , &req);
+  switch (req.bmRequest & 0x1F) 
+  {
+    USBD_StdDevReq (pdev, &req);
+    break;
+    USBD_StdItfReq(pdev, &req);
+    break;
+    USBD_StdEPReq(pdev, &req);   
+    break;
+  default:           
+    DCD_EP_Stall(pdev , req.bmRequest & 0x80);
+    break;
+  }  
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_DataOutStage 
+*         Handle data out stage
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  epnum: endpoint index
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_DataOutStage(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev , uint8_t epnum)
+  USB_OTG_EP *ep;
+  if(epnum == 0) 
+  {
+    ep = &pdev->dev.out_ep[0];
+    if ( pdev->dev.device_state == USB_OTG_EP0_DATA_OUT)
+    {
+      if(ep->rem_data_len > ep->maxpacket)
+      {
+        ep->rem_data_len -=  ep->maxpacket;
+        if(pdev->cfg.dma_enable == 1)
+        {
+          /* in slave mode this, is handled by the RxSTSQLvl ISR */
+          ep->xfer_buff += ep->maxpacket; 
+        }        
+        USBD_CtlContinueRx (pdev, 
+                            ep->xfer_buff,
+                            MIN(ep->rem_data_len ,ep->maxpacket));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if((pdev->dev.class_cb->EP0_RxReady != NULL)&&
+           (pdev->dev.device_status == USB_OTG_CONFIGURED))
+        {
+          pdev->dev.class_cb->EP0_RxReady(pdev); 
+        }
+        USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else if((pdev->dev.class_cb->DataOut != NULL)&&
+          (pdev->dev.device_status == USB_OTG_CONFIGURED))
+  {
+    pdev->dev.class_cb->DataOut(pdev, epnum); 
+  }  
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_DataInStage 
+*         Handle data in stage
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  epnum: endpoint index
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_DataInStage(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE *pdev , uint8_t epnum)
+  USB_OTG_EP *ep;
+  if(epnum == 0) 
+  {
+    ep = &pdev->dev.in_ep[0];
+    if ( pdev->dev.device_state == USB_OTG_EP0_DATA_IN)
+    {
+      if(ep->rem_data_len > ep->maxpacket)
+      {
+        ep->rem_data_len -=  ep->maxpacket;
+        if(pdev->cfg.dma_enable == 1)
+        {
+          /* in slave mode this, is handled by the TxFifoEmpty ISR */
+          ep->xfer_buff += ep->maxpacket;
+        }
+        USBD_CtlContinueSendData (pdev, 
+                                  ep->xfer_buff, 
+                                  ep->rem_data_len);
+      }
+      else
+      { /* last packet is MPS multiple, so send ZLP packet */
+        if((ep->total_data_len % ep->maxpacket == 0) &&
+           (ep->total_data_len >= ep->maxpacket) &&
+             (ep->total_data_len < ep->ctl_data_len ))
+        {
+          USBD_CtlContinueSendData(pdev , NULL, 0);
+          ep->ctl_data_len = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          if((pdev->dev.class_cb->EP0_TxSent != NULL)&&
+             (pdev->dev.device_status == USB_OTG_CONFIGURED))
+          {
+            pdev->dev.class_cb->EP0_TxSent(pdev); 
+          }          
+          USBD_CtlReceiveStatus(pdev);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else if((pdev->dev.class_cb->DataIn != NULL)&& 
+          (pdev->dev.device_status == USB_OTG_CONFIGURED))
+  {
+    pdev->dev.class_cb->DataIn(pdev, epnum); 
+  }  
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_Reset 
+*         Handle Reset event
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_Reset(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  /* Open EP0 OUT */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              0x00,
+              USB_OTG_MAX_EP0_SIZE,
+              EP_TYPE_CTRL);
+  /* Open EP0 IN */
+  DCD_EP_Open(pdev,
+              0x80,
+              USB_OTG_MAX_EP0_SIZE,
+              EP_TYPE_CTRL);
+  /* Upon Reset call usr call back */
+  pdev->dev.device_status = USB_OTG_DEFAULT;
+  pdev->dev.usr_cb->DeviceReset(pdev->cfg.speed);
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_Resume 
+*         Handle Resume event
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_Resume(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  /* Upon Resume call usr call back */
+  pdev->dev.usr_cb->DeviceResumed(); 
+  pdev->dev.device_status = USB_OTG_CONFIGURED;  
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_Suspend 
+*         Handle Suspend event
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_Suspend(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  pdev->dev.device_status  = USB_OTG_SUSPENDED;
+  /* Upon Resume call usr call back */
+  pdev->dev.usr_cb->DeviceSuspended(); 
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_SOF 
+*         Handle SOF event
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_SOF(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  if(pdev->dev.class_cb->SOF)
+  {
+    pdev->dev.class_cb->SOF(pdev); 
+  }
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_SetCfg 
+*        Configure device and start the interface
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  cfgidx: configuration index
+* @retval status
+USBD_Status USBD_SetCfg(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx)
+  pdev->dev.class_cb->Init(pdev, cfgidx); 
+  /* Upon set config call usr call back */
+  pdev->dev.usr_cb->DeviceConfigured();
+  return USBD_OK; 
+* @brief  USBD_ClrCfg 
+*         Clear current configuration
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  cfgidx: configuration index
+* @retval status: USBD_Status
+USBD_Status USBD_ClrCfg(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx)
+  pdev->dev.class_cb->DeInit(pdev, cfgidx);   
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_IsoINIncomplete 
+*         Handle iso in incomplete event
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_IsoINIncomplete(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  pdev->dev.class_cb->IsoINIncomplete(pdev);   
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_IsoOUTIncomplete 
+*         Handle iso out incomplete event
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_IsoOUTIncomplete(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  pdev->dev.class_cb->IsoOUTIncomplete(pdev);   
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_DevConnected 
+*         Handle device connection event
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_DevConnected(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  pdev->dev.usr_cb->DeviceConnected();
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @brief  USBD_DevDisconnected 
+*         Handle device disconnection event
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @retval status
+static uint8_t USBD_DevDisconnected(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  pdev->dev.usr_cb->DeviceDisconnected();
+  pdev->dev.class_cb->DeInit(pdev, 0);
+  return USBD_OK;
+* @}
+* @}
+* @}
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_ioreq.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_ioreq.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6964766
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_ioreq.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011
+  * @brief   This file provides the IO requests APIs for control endpoints.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_ioreq.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ 
+  * @brief control I/O requests module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_IOREQ_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+* @brief  USBD_CtlSendData
+*         send data on the ctl pipe
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  buff: pointer to data buffer
+* @param  len: length of data to be sent
+* @retval status
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlSendData (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                               uint8_t *pbuf,
+                               uint16_t len)
+  USBD_Status ret = USBD_OK;
+  pdev->dev.in_ep[0].total_data_len = len;
+  pdev->dev.in_ep[0].rem_data_len   = len;
+  pdev->dev.device_state = USB_OTG_EP0_DATA_IN;
+  DCD_EP_Tx (pdev, 0, pbuf, len);
+  return ret;
+* @brief  USBD_CtlContinueSendData
+*         continue sending data on the ctl pipe
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  buff: pointer to data buffer
+* @param  len: length of data to be sent
+* @retval status
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlContinueSendData (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                                       uint8_t *pbuf,
+                                       uint16_t len)
+  USBD_Status ret = USBD_OK;
+  DCD_EP_Tx (pdev, 0, pbuf, len);
+  return ret;
+* @brief  USBD_CtlPrepareRx
+*         receive data on the ctl pipe
+* @param  pdev: USB OTG device instance
+* @param  buff: pointer to data buffer
+* @param  len: length of data to be received
+* @retval status
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlPrepareRx (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev,
+                                  uint8_t *pbuf,                                  
+                                  uint16_t len)
+  USBD_Status ret = USBD_OK;
+  pdev->dev.out_ep[0].total_data_len = len;
+  pdev->dev.out_ep[0].rem_data_len   = len;
+  pdev->dev.device_state = USB_OTG_EP0_DATA_OUT;
+  DCD_EP_PrepareRx (pdev,
+                    0,
+                    pbuf,
+                    len);
+  return ret;
+* @brief  USBD_CtlContinueRx
+*         continue receive data on the ctl pipe
+* @param  pdev: USB OTG device instance
+* @param  buff: pointer to data buffer
+* @param  len: length of data to be received
+* @retval status
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlContinueRx (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                                          uint8_t *pbuf,                                          
+                                          uint16_t len)
+  USBD_Status ret = USBD_OK;
+  DCD_EP_PrepareRx (pdev,
+                    0,                     
+                    pbuf,                         
+                    len);
+  return ret;
+* @brief  USBD_CtlSendStatus
+*         send zero lzngth packet on the ctl pipe
+* @param  pdev: USB OTG device instance
+* @retval status
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlSendStatus (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  USBD_Status ret = USBD_OK;
+  pdev->dev.device_state = USB_OTG_EP0_STATUS_IN;
+  DCD_EP_Tx (pdev,
+             0,
+             NULL, 
+             0); 
+  USB_OTG_EP0_OutStart(pdev);  
+  return ret;
+* @brief  USBD_CtlReceiveStatus
+*         receive zero lzngth packet on the ctl pipe
+* @param  pdev: USB OTG device instance
+* @retval status
+USBD_Status  USBD_CtlReceiveStatus (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev)
+  USBD_Status ret = USBD_OK;
+  pdev->dev.device_state = USB_OTG_EP0_STATUS_OUT;  
+  DCD_EP_PrepareRx ( pdev,
+                    0,
+                    NULL,
+                    0);  
+  USB_OTG_EP0_OutStart(pdev);
+  return ret;
+* @brief  USBD_GetRxCount
+*         returns the received data length
+* @param  pdev: USB OTG device instance
+*         epnum: endpoint index
+* @retval Rx Data blength
+uint16_t  USBD_GetRxCount (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev , uint8_t epnum)
+  return pdev->dev.out_ep[epnum].xfer_count;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_req.c b/example/stm32f4/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_req.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f08d26c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    usbd_req.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    22-July-2011  
+  * @brief   This file provides the standard USB requests following chapter 9.
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbd_req.h"
+#include "usbd_ioreq.h"
+#include "usbd_desc.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_OTG_DEVICE_LIBRARY
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ 
+  * @brief USB standard requests module
+  * @{
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Private_TypesDefinitions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Private_Defines
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Private_Macros
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Private_Variables
+  * @{
+  */ 
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint32_t USBD_ep_status __ALIGN_END  = 0; 
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint32_t  USBD_default_cfg __ALIGN_END  = 0;
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+__ALIGN_BEGIN uint32_t  USBD_cfg_status __ALIGN_END  = 0;  
+  #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) /*!< IAR Compiler */
+    #pragma data_alignment=4   
+  #endif
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+  * @{
+  */ 
+static void USBD_GetDescriptor(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                               USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void USBD_SetAddress(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                            USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void USBD_SetConfig(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                           USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void USBD_GetConfig(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                           USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void USBD_GetStatus(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                           USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void USBD_SetFeature(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                            USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static void USBD_ClrFeature(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                            USB_SETUP_REQ *req);
+static uint8_t USBD_GetLen(uint8_t *buf);
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/** @defgroup USBD_REQ_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */ 
+* @brief  USBD_StdDevReq
+*         Handle standard usb device requests
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+USBD_Status  USBD_StdDevReq (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ  *req)
+  USBD_Status ret = USBD_OK;  
+  switch (req->bRequest) 
+  {
+    USBD_GetDescriptor (pdev, req) ;
+    break;
+  case USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS:                      
+    USBD_SetAddress(pdev, req);
+    break;
+  case USB_REQ_SET_CONFIGURATION:                    
+    USBD_SetConfig (pdev , req);
+    break;
+  case USB_REQ_GET_CONFIGURATION:                 
+    USBD_GetConfig (pdev , req);
+    break;
+  case USB_REQ_GET_STATUS:                                  
+    USBD_GetStatus (pdev , req);
+    break;
+    USBD_SetFeature (pdev , req);    
+    break;
+  case USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE:                                   
+    USBD_ClrFeature (pdev , req);
+    break;
+  default:  
+    USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+    break;
+  }
+  return ret;
+* @brief  USBD_StdItfReq
+*         Handle standard usb interface requests
+* @param  pdev: USB OTG device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+USBD_Status  USBD_StdItfReq (USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, USB_SETUP_REQ  *req)
+  USBD_Status ret = USBD_OK; 
+  switch (pdev->dev.device_status) 
+  {
+    if (LOBYTE(req->wIndex) <= USBD_ITF_MAX_NUM) 
+    {
+      pdev->dev.class_cb->Setup (pdev, req); 
+      if((req->wLength == 0)&& (ret == USBD_OK))
+      {
+         USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+      }
+    } 
+    else 
+    {                                               
+       USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+     USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+    break;
+  }
+  return ret;
+* @brief  USBD_StdEPReq
+*         Handle standard usb endpoint requests
+* @param  pdev: USB OTG device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+  uint8_t   ep_addr;
+  USBD_Status ret = USBD_OK; 
+  ep_addr  = LOBYTE(req->wIndex);   
+  switch (req->bRequest) 
+  {
+    switch (pdev->dev.device_status) 
+    {
+    case USB_OTG_ADDRESSED:          
+      if ((ep_addr != 0x00) && (ep_addr != 0x80)) 
+      {
+        DCD_EP_Stall(pdev , ep_addr);
+      }
+      break;   
+    case USB_OTG_CONFIGURED:   
+      if (req->wValue == USB_FEATURE_EP_HALT)
+      {
+        if ((ep_addr != 0x00) && (ep_addr != 0x80)) 
+        { 
+          DCD_EP_Stall(pdev , ep_addr);
+        }
+      }
+      pdev->dev.class_cb->Setup (pdev, req);   
+      USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+      break;
+    default:                         
+      USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+      break;    
+    }
+    break;
+    switch (pdev->dev.device_status) 
+    {
+    case USB_OTG_ADDRESSED:          
+      if ((ep_addr != 0x00) && (ep_addr != 0x80)) 
+      {
+        DCD_EP_Stall(pdev , ep_addr);
+      }
+      break;   
+    case USB_OTG_CONFIGURED:   
+      if (req->wValue == USB_FEATURE_EP_HALT)
+      {
+        if ((ep_addr != 0x00) && (ep_addr != 0x80)) 
+        {        
+          DCD_EP_ClrStall(pdev , ep_addr);
+          pdev->dev.class_cb->Setup (pdev, req);
+        }
+        USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:                         
+       USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+      break;    
+    }
+    break;
+  case USB_REQ_GET_STATUS:                  
+    switch (pdev->dev.device_status) 
+    {
+    case USB_OTG_ADDRESSED:          
+      if ((ep_addr != 0x00) && (ep_addr != 0x80)) 
+      {
+        DCD_EP_Stall(pdev , ep_addr);
+      }
+      break;   
+    case USB_OTG_CONFIGURED:         
+      if ((ep_addr & 0x80)== 0x80)
+      {
+        if(pdev->dev.in_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F].is_stall)
+        {
+          USBD_ep_status = 0x0001;     
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          USBD_ep_status = 0x0000;  
+        }
+      }
+      else if ((ep_addr & 0x80)== 0x00)
+      {
+        if(pdev->dev.out_ep[ep_addr].is_stall)
+        {
+          USBD_ep_status = 0x0001;     
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+          USBD_ep_status = 0x0000;     
+        }      
+      }
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev,
+                        (uint8_t *)&USBD_ep_status,
+                        2);
+      break;
+    default:                         
+       USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+      break;
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  return ret;
+* @brief  USBD_GetDescriptor
+*         Handle Get Descriptor requests
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+static void USBD_GetDescriptor(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                               USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  uint16_t len;
+  uint8_t *pbuf;
+  switch (req->wValue >> 8)
+  {
+    pbuf = pdev->dev.usr_device->GetDeviceDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+    if ((req->wLength == 64) ||( pdev->dev.device_status == USB_OTG_DEFAULT))  
+    {                  
+      len = 8;
+    }
+    break;
+      pbuf   = (uint8_t *)pdev->dev.class_cb->GetConfigDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+    if((pdev->cfg.speed == USB_OTG_SPEED_FULL )&&
+       (pdev->cfg.phy_itface  == USB_OTG_ULPI_PHY))
+    {
+      pbuf   = (uint8_t *)pdev->dev.class_cb->GetOtherConfigDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+    }
+    pdev->dev.pConfig_descriptor = pbuf;    
+    break;
+    switch ((uint8_t)(req->wValue))
+    {
+     pbuf = pdev->dev.usr_device->GetLangIDStrDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);        
+      break;
+    case USBD_IDX_MFC_STR:
+      pbuf = pdev->dev.usr_device->GetManufacturerStrDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+      break;
+      pbuf = pdev->dev.usr_device->GetProductStrDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+      break;
+      pbuf = pdev->dev.usr_device->GetSerialStrDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+      break;
+      pbuf = pdev->dev.usr_device->GetConfigurationStrDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+      break;
+      pbuf = pdev->dev.usr_device->GetInterfaceStrDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+      break;
+    default:
+      pbuf = pdev->dev.class_cb->GetUsrStrDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, (req->wValue) , &len);
+      break;
+       USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+      return;
+#endif /* USBD_CtlError(pdev , req); */      
+    }
+    break;
+  case USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER:                   
+    if(pdev->cfg.speed == USB_OTG_SPEED_HIGH  )   
+    {
+      pbuf   = (uint8_t *)pdev->dev.class_cb->GetConfigDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+      USBD_DeviceQualifierDesc[4]= pbuf[14];
+      USBD_DeviceQualifierDesc[5]= pbuf[15];
+      USBD_DeviceQualifierDesc[6]= pbuf[16];
+      pbuf = USBD_DeviceQualifierDesc;
+      break;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+      return;
+    }
+      USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+      return;
+#ifdef USB_OTG_HS_CORE   
+    if(pdev->cfg.speed == USB_OTG_SPEED_HIGH  )   
+    {
+      pbuf   = (uint8_t *)pdev->dev.class_cb->GetOtherConfigDescriptor(pdev->cfg.speed, &len);
+      break; 
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+      return;
+    }
+      USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+      return;
+  default: 
+     USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+    return;
+  }
+  if((len != 0)&& (req->wLength != 0))
+  {
+    len = MIN(len , req->wLength);
+    USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                      pbuf,
+                      len);
+  }
+* @brief  USBD_SetAddress
+*         Set device address
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+static void USBD_SetAddress(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                            USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  uint8_t  dev_addr; 
+  if ((req->wIndex == 0) && (req->wLength == 0)) 
+  {
+    dev_addr = (uint8_t)(req->wValue) & 0x7F;     
+    if (pdev->dev.device_status == USB_OTG_CONFIGURED) 
+    {
+      USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+    } 
+    else 
+    {
+      pdev->dev.device_address = dev_addr;
+      DCD_EP_SetAddress(pdev, dev_addr);               
+      USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);                         
+      if (dev_addr != 0) 
+      {
+        pdev->dev.device_status  = USB_OTG_ADDRESSED;
+      } 
+      else 
+      {
+        pdev->dev.device_status  = USB_OTG_DEFAULT; 
+      }
+    }
+  } 
+  else 
+  {
+     USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);                        
+  } 
+* @brief  USBD_SetConfig
+*         Handle Set device configuration request
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+static void USBD_SetConfig(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                           USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  static uint8_t  cfgidx;
+  cfgidx = (uint8_t)(req->wValue);                 
+  if (cfgidx > USBD_CFG_MAX_NUM ) 
+  {            
+     USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);                              
+  } 
+  else 
+  {
+    switch (pdev->dev.device_status) 
+    {
+      if (cfgidx) 
+      {                                                                                                                                                                                                        
+        pdev->dev.device_config = cfgidx;
+        pdev->dev.device_status = USB_OTG_CONFIGURED;
+        USBD_SetCfg(pdev , cfgidx);
+        USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+      }
+      else 
+      {
+         USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+      }
+      break;
+      if (cfgidx == 0) 
+      {                           
+        pdev->dev.device_status = USB_OTG_ADDRESSED;
+        pdev->dev.device_config = cfgidx;          
+        USBD_ClrCfg(pdev , cfgidx);
+        USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+      } 
+      else  if (cfgidx != pdev->dev.device_config) 
+      {
+        /* Clear old configuration */
+        USBD_ClrCfg(pdev , pdev->dev.device_config);
+        /* set new configuration */
+        pdev->dev.device_config = cfgidx;
+        USBD_SetCfg(pdev , cfgidx);
+        USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:                                   
+       USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);                     
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+* @brief  USBD_GetConfig
+*         Handle Get device configuration request
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+static void USBD_GetConfig(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                           USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  if (req->wLength != 1) 
+  {                   
+     USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    switch (pdev->dev.device_status )  
+    {
+    case USB_OTG_ADDRESSED:                     
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                        (uint8_t *)&USBD_default_cfg,
+                        1);
+      break;
+    case USB_OTG_CONFIGURED:                   
+      USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                        &pdev->dev.device_config,
+                        1);
+      break;
+    default:
+       USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+* @brief  USBD_GetStatus
+*         Handle Get Status request
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+static void USBD_GetStatus(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                           USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  switch (pdev->dev.device_status) 
+  {
+    if (pdev->dev.DevRemoteWakeup) 
+    {
+      USBD_cfg_status = USB_CONFIG_SELF_POWERED | USB_CONFIG_REMOTE_WAKEUP;                                
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      USBD_cfg_status = USB_CONFIG_SELF_POWERED;   
+    }
+    USBD_CtlSendData (pdev, 
+                      (uint8_t *)&USBD_cfg_status,
+                      1);
+    break;
+  default :
+    USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);                        
+    break;
+  }
+* @brief  USBD_SetFeature
+*         Handle Set device feature request
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+static void USBD_SetFeature(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                            USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  USB_OTG_DCTL_TypeDef     dctl;
+  uint8_t test_mode = 0;
+  if (req->wValue == USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKEUP)
+  {
+    pdev->dev.DevRemoteWakeup = 1;  
+    pdev->dev.class_cb->Setup (pdev, req);   
+    USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+  }
+  else if ((req->wValue == USB_FEATURE_TEST_MODE) && 
+           ((req->wIndex & 0xFF) == 0))
+  {
+    dctl.d32 = USB_OTG_READ_REG32(&pdev->regs.DREGS->DCTL);
+    test_mode = req->wIndex >> 8;
+    switch (test_mode) 
+    {
+    case 1: // TEST_J
+      dctl.b.tstctl = 1;
+      break;
+    case 2: // TEST_K  
+      dctl.b.tstctl = 2;
+      break;
+    case 3: // TEST_SE0_NAK
+      dctl.b.tstctl = 3;
+      break;
+    case 4: // TEST_PACKET
+      dctl.b.tstctl = 4;
+      break;
+    case 5: // TEST_FORCE_ENABLE
+      dctl.b.tstctl = 5;
+      break;
+    }
+    USB_OTG_WRITE_REG32(&pdev->regs.DREGS->DCTL, dctl.d32);
+    USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+  }
+* @brief  USBD_ClrFeature
+*         Handle clear device feature request
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval status
+static void USBD_ClrFeature(USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev, 
+                            USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  switch (pdev->dev.device_status)
+  {
+    if (req->wValue == USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) 
+    {
+      pdev->dev.DevRemoteWakeup = 0; 
+      pdev->dev.class_cb->Setup (pdev, req);   
+      USBD_CtlSendStatus(pdev);
+    }
+    break;
+  default :
+     USBD_CtlError(pdev , req);
+    break;
+  }
+* @brief  USBD_ParseSetupRequest 
+*         Copy buffer into setup structure
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval None
+void USBD_ParseSetupRequest( USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev,
+                            USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  req->bmRequest     = *(uint8_t *)  (pdev->dev.setup_packet);
+  req->bRequest      = *(uint8_t *)  (pdev->dev.setup_packet +  1);
+  req->wValue        = SWAPBYTE      (pdev->dev.setup_packet +  2);
+  req->wIndex        = SWAPBYTE      (pdev->dev.setup_packet +  4);
+  req->wLength       = SWAPBYTE      (pdev->dev.setup_packet +  6);
+  pdev->dev.in_ep[0].ctl_data_len = req->wLength  ;
+  pdev->dev.device_state = USB_OTG_EP0_SETUP;
+* @brief  USBD_CtlError 
+*         Handle USB low level Error
+* @param  pdev: device instance
+* @param  req: usb request
+* @retval None
+void USBD_CtlError( USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE  *pdev,
+                            USB_SETUP_REQ *req)
+  if((req->bmRequest & 0x80) == 0x80)
+  {
+    DCD_EP_Stall(pdev , 0x80);
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    if(req->wLength == 0)
+    {
+       DCD_EP_Stall(pdev , 0x80);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      DCD_EP_Stall(pdev , 0);
+    }
+  }
+  USB_OTG_EP0_OutStart(pdev);  
+  * @brief  USBD_GetString
+  *         Convert Ascii string into unicode one
+  * @param  desc : descriptor buffer
+  * @param  unicode : Formatted string buffer (unicode)
+  * @param  len : descriptor length
+  * @retval None
+  */
+void USBD_GetString(uint8_t *desc, uint8_t *unicode, uint16_t *len)
+  uint8_t idx = 0;
+  if (desc != NULL) 
+  {
+    *len =  USBD_GetLen(desc) * 2 + 2;    
+    unicode[idx++] = *len;
+    unicode[idx++] =  USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING;
+    while (*desc != NULL) 
+    {
+      unicode[idx++] = *desc++;
+      unicode[idx++] =  0x00;
+    }
+  } 
+  * @brief  USBD_GetLen
+  *         return the string length
+   * @param  buf : pointer to the ascii string buffer
+  * @retval string length
+  */
+static uint8_t USBD_GetLen(uint8_t *buf)
+    uint8_t  len = 0;
+    while (*buf != NULL) 
+    {
+        len++;
+        buf++;
+    }
+    return len;
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+  * @}
+  */ 
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/