--- /dev/null
+# InstDrv Example, (c) 2003 Jan Kiszka (Jan Kiszka@web.de)\r
+Name "InstDrv.dll test"\r
+OutFile "InstDrv-Test.exe"\r
+ShowInstDetails show\r
+ComponentText "InstDrv Plugin Usage Example"\r
+Page components\r
+Page instfiles\r
+Section "Install a Driver" InstDriver\r
+ InstDrv::InitDriverSetup /NOUNLOAD "{4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}" "IrCOMM2k"\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "InitDriverSetup: $0"\r
+ InstDrv::DeleteOemInfFiles /NOUNLOAD\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "DeleteOemInfFiles: $0"\r
+ StrCmp $0 "00000000" PrintInfNames ContInst1\r
+ PrintInfNames:\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "Deleted $0"\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "Deleted $0"\r
+ ContInst1:\r
+ InstDrv::CreateDevice /NOUNLOAD\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "CreateDevice: $0"\r
+ SetOutPath $TEMP\r
+ File "ircomm2k.inf"\r
+ File "ircomm2k.sys"\r
+ InstDrv::InstallDriver /NOUNLOAD "$TEMP\ircomm2k.inf"\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "InstallDriver: $0"\r
+ StrCmp $0 "00000000" PrintReboot ContInst2\r
+ PrintReboot:\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "Reboot: $0"\r
+ ContInst2:\r
+ InstDrv::CountDevices\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "CountDevices: $0"\r
+Section "Uninstall the driver again" UninstDriver\r
+ InstDrv::InitDriverSetup /NOUNLOAD "{4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}" "IrCOMM2k"\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "InitDriverSetup: $0"\r
+ InstDrv::DeleteOemInfFiles /NOUNLOAD\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "DeleteOemInfFiles: $0"\r
+ StrCmp $0 "00000000" PrintInfNames ContUninst1\r
+ PrintInfNames:\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "Deleted $0"\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "Deleted $0"\r
+ ContUninst1:\r
+ InstDrv::RemoveAllDevices\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "RemoveAllDevices: $0"\r
+ StrCmp $0 "00000000" PrintReboot ContUninst2\r
+ PrintReboot:\r
+ Pop $0\r
+ DetailPrint "Reboot: $0"\r
+ ContUninst2:\r
+ Delete "$SYSDIR\system32\ircomm2k.sys"\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+InstDrv.dll - Installs or Removes Device Drivers\r
+Copyright © 2003 Jan Kiszka (Jan.Kiszka@web.de)\r
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\r
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\r
+arising from the use of this software.\r
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\r
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute\r
+it freely, subject to the following restrictions:\r
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; \r
+ you must not claim that you wrote the original software.\r
+ If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the\r
+ product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.\r
+2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such,\r
+ and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.\r
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.\r
+#include <windows.h>\r
+#include <setupapi.h>\r
+#include <newdev.h>\r
+#include "../exdll/exdll.h"\r
+char paramBuf[1024];\r
+GUID devClass;\r
+char hwIdBuf[1024];\r
+int initialized = 0;\r
+void* memset(void* dst, int val, unsigned int len)\r
+ while (len-- > 0)\r
+ *((char *)dst)++ = val;\r
+ return NULL;\r
+void* memcpy(void* dst, const void* src, unsigned int len)\r
+ while (len-- > 0)\r
+ *((char *)dst)++ = *((char *)src)++;\r
+ return NULL;\r
+int HexCharToInt(char c)\r
+ if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))\r
+ return c - '0';\r
+ else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f'))\r
+ return c - 'a' + 10;\r
+ else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F'))\r
+ return c - 'A' + 10;\r
+ else\r
+ return -1;\r
+BOOLEAN HexStringToUInt(char* str, int width, void* valBuf)\r
+ int i, val;\r
+ for (i = width - 4; i >= 0; i -= 4)\r
+ {\r
+ val = HexCharToInt(*str++);\r
+ if (val < 0)\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ *(unsigned int *)valBuf += val << i;\r
+ }\r
+ return TRUE;\r
+BOOLEAN StringToGUID(char* guidStr, GUID* pGuid)\r
+ int i;\r
+ memset(pGuid, 0, sizeof(GUID));\r
+ if (*guidStr++ != '{')\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ if (!HexStringToUInt(guidStr, 32, &pGuid->Data1))\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ guidStr += 8;\r
+ if (*guidStr++ != '-')\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ if (!HexStringToUInt(guidStr, 16, &pGuid->Data2))\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ guidStr += 4;\r
+ if (*guidStr++ != '-')\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ if (!HexStringToUInt(guidStr, 16, &pGuid->Data3))\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ guidStr += 4;\r
+ if (*guidStr++ != '-')\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)\r
+ {\r
+ if (!HexStringToUInt(guidStr, 8, &pGuid->Data4[i]))\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ guidStr += 2;\r
+ }\r
+ if (*guidStr++ != '-')\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ for (i = 2; i < 8; i++)\r
+ {\r
+ if (!HexStringToUInt(guidStr, 8, &pGuid->Data4[i]))\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ guidStr += 2;\r
+ }\r
+ if (*guidStr++ != '}')\r
+ return FALSE;\r
+ return TRUE;\r
+DWORD FindNextDevice(HDEVINFO devInfoSet, SP_DEVINFO_DATA* pDevInfoData, DWORD* pIndex)\r
+ DWORD buffersize = 0;\r
+ LPTSTR buffer = NULL;\r
+ DWORD dataType;\r
+ DWORD result;\r
+ while (1)\r
+ {\r
+ if (!SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(devInfoSet, (*pIndex)++, pDevInfoData))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ GetDeviceRegistryProperty:\r
+ if (!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(devInfoSet, pDevInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID,\r
+ &dataType, (PBYTE)buffer, buffersize,\r
+ &buffersize))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ {\r
+ if (buffer != NULL)\r
+ LocalFree(buffer);\r
+ buffer = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, buffersize);\r
+ if (buffer == NULL)\r
+ break;\r
+ goto GetDeviceRegistryProperty;\r
+ }\r
+ else if (result == ERROR_INVALID_DATA)\r
+ continue; // ignore invalid entries\r
+ else\r
+ break; // break on other errors\r
+ }\r
+ if (lstrcmpi(buffer, hwIdBuf) == 0)\r
+ {\r
+ result = 0;\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (buffer != NULL)\r
+ LocalFree(buffer);\r
+ return result;\r
+DWORD FindFirstDevice(HWND hwndParent, const GUID* pDevClass, const LPTSTR hwId,\r
+ HDEVINFO* pDevInfoSet, SP_DEVINFO_DATA* pDevInfoData,\r
+ DWORD *pIndex, DWORD flags)\r
+ DWORD result;\r
+ *pDevInfoSet = SetupDiGetClassDevs((GUID*)pDevClass, NULL, hwndParent, flags);\r
+ if (*pDevInfoSet == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)\r
+ return GetLastError();\r
+ pDevInfoData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);\r
+ *pIndex = 0;\r
+ result = FindNextDevice(*pDevInfoSet, pDevInfoData, pIndex);\r
+ if (result != 0)\r
+ SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(*pDevInfoSet);\r
+ return result;\r
+ * InstDrv::InitDriverSetup devClass drvHWID\r
+ *\r
+ * devClass - GUID of the driver's device setup class\r
+ * drvHWID - Hardware ID of the supported device\r
+ *\r
+ * Return:\r
+ * result - error message, empty on success\r
+ */\r
+void __declspec(dllexport) InitDriverSetup(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop)\r
+ /* convert class GUID */\r
+ popstring(paramBuf);\r
+ if (!StringToGUID(paramBuf, &devClass))\r
+ {\r
+ popstring(paramBuf);\r
+ pushstring("Invalid GUID!");\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ /* get hardware ID */\r
+ memset(hwIdBuf, 0, sizeof(hwIdBuf));\r
+ popstring(hwIdBuf);\r
+ initialized = 1;\r
+ pushstring("");\r
+ * InstDrv::CountDevices\r
+ *\r
+ * Return:\r
+ * result - Number of installed devices the driver supports\r
+ */\r
+void __declspec(dllexport) CountDevices(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop)\r
+ HDEVINFO devInfoSet;\r
+ SP_DEVINFO_DATA devInfoData;\r
+ int count = 0;\r
+ char countBuf[16];\r
+ DWORD index;\r
+ DWORD result;\r
+ if (!initialized)\r
+ {\r
+ pushstring("Fatal error!");\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ result = FindFirstDevice(hwndParent, &devClass, hwIdBuf, &devInfoSet, &devInfoData,\r
+ &index, DIGCF_PRESENT);\r
+ if (result != 0)\r
+ {\r
+ pushstring("0");\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ do\r
+ {\r
+ count++;\r
+ } while (FindNextDevice(devInfoSet, &devInfoData, &index) == 0);\r
+ SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(devInfoSet);\r
+ wsprintf(countBuf, "%d", count);\r
+ pushstring(countBuf);\r
+ * InstDrv::CreateDevice\r
+ *\r
+ * Return:\r
+ * result - Windows error code\r
+ */\r
+void __declspec(dllexport) CreateDevice(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop)\r
+ HDEVINFO devInfoSet;\r
+ SP_DEVINFO_DATA devInfoData;\r
+ DWORD result = 0;\r
+ char resultBuf[16];\r
+ if (!initialized)\r
+ {\r
+ pushstring("Fatal error!");\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ devInfoSet = SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList(&devClass, hwndParent);\r
+ if (devInfoSet == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)\r
+ {\r
+ wsprintf(resultBuf, "%08X", GetLastError());\r
+ pushstring(resultBuf);\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ devInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);\r
+ if (!SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo(devInfoSet, hwIdBuf, &devClass, NULL,\r
+ hwndParent, DICD_GENERATE_ID, &devInfoData))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto InstallCleanup;\r
+ }\r
+ if (!SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(devInfoSet, &devInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID,\r
+ hwIdBuf, (lstrlen(hwIdBuf)+2)*sizeof(TCHAR))) \r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto InstallCleanup;\r
+ }\r
+ if (!SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REGISTERDEVICE, devInfoSet, &devInfoData))\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ InstallCleanup:\r
+ SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(devInfoSet);\r
+ wsprintf(resultBuf, "%08X", result);\r
+ pushstring(resultBuf);\r
+ * InstDrv::InstallDriver infPath\r
+ *\r
+ * Return:\r
+ * result - Windows error code\r
+ * reboot - non-zero if reboot is required\r
+ */\r
+void __declspec(dllexport) InstallDriver(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop)\r
+ char resultBuf[16];\r
+ BOOL reboot;\r
+ popstring(paramBuf);\r
+ if (!initialized)\r
+ {\r
+ pushstring("Fatal error!");\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ if (!UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices(hwndParent, hwIdBuf, paramBuf,\r
+ INSTALLFLAG_FORCE, &reboot))\r
+ {\r
+ wsprintf(resultBuf, "%08X", GetLastError());\r
+ pushstring(resultBuf);\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ wsprintf(resultBuf, "%d", reboot);\r
+ pushstring(resultBuf);\r
+ pushstring("00000000");\r
+ }\r
+ * InstDrv::DeleteOemInfFiles\r
+ *\r
+ * Return:\r
+ * result - Windows error code\r
+ * oeminf - Path of the deleted devices setup file (oemXX.inf)\r
+ * oempnf - Path of the deleted devices setup file (oemXX.pnf)\r
+ */\r
+void __declspec(dllexport) DeleteOemInfFiles(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop)\r
+ HDEVINFO devInfo;\r
+ SP_DEVINFO_DATA devInfoData;\r
+ SP_DRVINFO_DATA drvInfoData;\r
+ DWORD index;\r
+ DWORD result;\r
+ char resultBuf[16];\r
+ if (!initialized)\r
+ {\r
+ pushstring("Fatal error!");\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ result = FindFirstDevice(NULL, &devClass, hwIdBuf, &devInfo, &devInfoData, &index, 0);\r
+ if (result != 0)\r
+ goto Cleanup1;\r
+ if (!SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(devInfo, &devInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto Cleanup2;\r
+ }\r
+ drvInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA);\r
+ drvInfoDetail.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA);\r
+ if (!SetupDiEnumDriverInfo(devInfo, &devInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER, 0, &drvInfoData))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto Cleanup3;\r
+ }\r
+ if (!SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(devInfo, &devInfoData, &drvInfoData,\r
+ &drvInfoDetail, sizeof(drvInfoDetail), NULL))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto Cleanup3;\r
+ result = 0;\r
+ }\r
+ pushstring(drvInfoDetail.InfFileName);\r
+ if (!DeleteFile(drvInfoDetail.InfFileName))\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ index = lstrlen(drvInfoDetail.InfFileName);\r
+ if (index > 3)\r
+ {\r
+ lstrcpy(drvInfoDetail.InfFileName+index-3, "pnf");\r
+ pushstring(drvInfoDetail.InfFileName);\r
+ if (!DeleteFile(drvInfoDetail.InfFileName))\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ Cleanup3:\r
+ SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(devInfo, &devInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER);\r
+ Cleanup2:\r
+ SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(devInfo);\r
+ Cleanup1:\r
+ wsprintf(resultBuf, "%08X", result);\r
+ pushstring(resultBuf);\r
+ * InstDrv::RemoveAllDevices\r
+ *\r
+ * Return:\r
+ * result - Windows error code\r
+ * reboot - non-zero if reboot is required\r
+ */\r
+void __declspec(dllexport) RemoveAllDevices(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop)\r
+ HDEVINFO devInfo;\r
+ SP_DEVINFO_DATA devInfoData;\r
+ DWORD index;\r
+ DWORD result;\r
+ char resultBuf[16];\r
+ BOOL reboot = FALSE;\r
+ if (!initialized)\r
+ {\r
+ pushstring("Fatal error!");\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ result = FindFirstDevice(NULL, &devClass, hwIdBuf, &devInfo, &devInfoData, &index, 0);\r
+ if (result != 0)\r
+ goto Cleanup1;\r
+ do\r
+ {\r
+ if (!SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REMOVE, devInfo, &devInfoData))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ instParams.cbSize = sizeof(instParams);\r
+ if (!reboot &&\r
+ SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(devInfo, &devInfoData, &instParams) &&\r
+ ((instParams.Flags & (DI_NEEDRESTART|DI_NEEDREBOOT)) != 0))\r
+ {\r
+ reboot = TRUE;\r
+ }\r
+ result = FindNextDevice(devInfo, &devInfoData, &index);\r
+ } while (result == 0);\r
+ SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(devInfo);\r
+ Cleanup1:\r
+ if ((result == 0) || (result == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS))\r
+ {\r
+ wsprintf(resultBuf, "%d", reboot);\r
+ pushstring(resultBuf);\r
+ pushstring("00000000");\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ wsprintf(resultBuf, "%08X", result);\r
+ pushstring(resultBuf);\r
+ }\r
+ * InstDrv::StartSystemService serviceName\r
+ *\r
+ * Return:\r
+ * result - Windows error code\r
+ */\r
+void __declspec(dllexport) StartSystemService(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop)\r
+ SC_HANDLE managerHndl;\r
+ SC_HANDLE svcHndl;\r
+ SERVICE_STATUS svcStatus;\r
+ DWORD oldCheckPoint;\r
+ DWORD result;\r
+ char resultBuf[16];\r
+ popstring(paramBuf);\r
+ managerHndl = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);\r
+ if (managerHndl == NULL)\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto Cleanup1;\r
+ }\r
+ svcHndl = OpenService(managerHndl, paramBuf, SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS);\r
+ if (svcHndl == NULL)\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto Cleanup2;\r
+ }\r
+ if (!StartService(svcHndl, 0, NULL) || !QueryServiceStatus(svcHndl, &svcStatus))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto Cleanup3;\r
+ }\r
+ while (svcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_START_PENDING)\r
+ {\r
+ oldCheckPoint = svcStatus.dwCheckPoint;\r
+ Sleep(svcStatus.dwWaitHint);\r
+ if (!QueryServiceStatus(svcHndl, &svcStatus))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ if (oldCheckPoint >= svcStatus.dwCheckPoint)\r
+ {\r
+ if ((svcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED) &&\r
+ (svcStatus.dwWin32ExitCode != 0))\r
+ result = svcStatus.dwWin32ExitCode;\r
+ else\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (svcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING)\r
+ result = 0;\r
+ Cleanup3:\r
+ CloseServiceHandle(svcHndl);\r
+ Cleanup2:\r
+ CloseServiceHandle(managerHndl);\r
+ Cleanup1:\r
+ wsprintf(resultBuf, "%08X", result);\r
+ pushstring(resultBuf);\r
+ * InstDrv::StopSystemService serviceName\r
+ *\r
+ * Return:\r
+ * result - Windows error code\r
+ */\r
+void __declspec(dllexport) StopSystemService(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, char *variables, stack_t **stacktop)\r
+ SC_HANDLE managerHndl;\r
+ SC_HANDLE svcHndl;\r
+ SERVICE_STATUS svcStatus;\r
+ DWORD oldCheckPoint;\r
+ DWORD result;\r
+ char resultBuf[16];\r
+ popstring(paramBuf);\r
+ managerHndl = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);\r
+ if (managerHndl == NULL)\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto Cleanup1;\r
+ }\r
+ svcHndl = OpenService(managerHndl, paramBuf, SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS);\r
+ if (svcHndl == NULL)\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto Cleanup2;\r
+ }\r
+ if (!ControlService(svcHndl, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &svcStatus))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ goto Cleanup3;\r
+ }\r
+ while (svcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)\r
+ {\r
+ oldCheckPoint = svcStatus.dwCheckPoint;\r
+ Sleep(svcStatus.dwWaitHint);\r
+ if (!QueryServiceStatus(svcHndl, &svcStatus))\r
+ {\r
+ result = GetLastError();\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ if (oldCheckPoint >= svcStatus.dwCheckPoint)\r
+ {\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ if (svcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED)\r
+ result = 0;\r
+ Cleanup3:\r
+ CloseServiceHandle(svcHndl);\r
+ Cleanup2:\r
+ CloseServiceHandle(managerHndl);\r
+ Cleanup1:\r
+ wsprintf(resultBuf, "%08X", result);\r
+ pushstring(resultBuf);\r
+BOOL WINAPI _DllMainCRTStartup(HANDLE hInst, ULONG ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)\r
+ return TRUE;\r
--- /dev/null
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="InstDrv" - Package Owner=<4>\r
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00\r
+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102\r
+CFG=InstDrv - Win32 Debug\r
+!MESSAGE Dies ist kein gültiges Makefile. Zum Erstellen dieses Projekts mit NMAKE\r
+!MESSAGE verwenden Sie den Befehl "Makefile exportieren" und führen Sie den Befehl\r
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "InstDrv.mak".\r
+!MESSAGE Sie können beim Ausführen von NMAKE eine Konfiguration angeben\r
+!MESSAGE durch Definieren des Makros CFG in der Befehlszeile. Zum Beispiel:\r
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "InstDrv.mak" CFG="InstDrv - Win32 Debug"\r
+!MESSAGE Für die Konfiguration stehen zur Auswahl:\r
+!MESSAGE "InstDrv - Win32 Release" (basierend auf "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")\r
+!MESSAGE "InstDrv - Win32 Debug" (basierend auf "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")\r
+# Begin Project\r
+# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0\r
+# PROP Scc_ProjName ""\r
+# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""\r
+!IF "$(CFG)" == "InstDrv - Win32 Release"\r
+# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"\r
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"\r
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""\r
+# PROP Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0\r
+# PROP Output_Dir "Release"\r
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"\r
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 1\r
+# PROP Target_Dir ""\r
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "INSTDRV_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c\r
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O1 /I "C:\Programme\WINDDK\3790\inc\ddk\w2k" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "INSTDRV_EXPORTS" /FD /c\r
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x407 /d "NDEBUG"\r
+# ADD RSC /l 0x407 /d "NDEBUG"\r
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386\r
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib setupapi.lib newdev.lib /nologo /entry:"_DllMainCRTStartup" /dll /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib /out:"../../Plugins/InstDrv.dll" /libpath:"C:\Programme\WINDDK\3790\lib\w2k\i386" /opt:nowin98\r
+# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none\r
+!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "InstDrv - Win32 Debug"\r
+# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1\r
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"\r
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"\r
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""\r
+# PROP Use_MFC 0\r
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1\r
+# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"\r
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"\r
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\r
+# PROP Target_Dir ""\r
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "INSTDRV_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c\r
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "INSTDRV_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c\r
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32\r
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x407 /d "_DEBUG"\r
+# ADD RSC /l 0x407 /d "_DEBUG"\r
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo\r
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept\r
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /entry:"_DllMainCRTStartup" /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept\r
+# SUBTRACT LINK32 /nodefaultlib\r
+!ENDIF \r
+# Begin Target\r
+# Name "InstDrv - Win32 Release"\r
+# Name "InstDrv - Win32 Debug"\r
+# Begin Group "Quellcodedateien"\r
+# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"\r
+# Begin Source File\r
+# End Source File\r
+# End Group\r
+# Begin Group "Header-Dateien"\r
+# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"\r
+# End Group\r
+# Begin Group "Ressourcendateien"\r
+# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"\r
+# End Group\r
+# End Target\r
+# End Project\r
--- /dev/null
+Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00\r
+Project: "InstDrv"=.\InstDrv.dsp - Package Owner=<4>\r
--- /dev/null
+InstDrv.dll version 0.2 - Installs or Removes Device Drivers\r
+The plugin helps you to create NSIS scripts for installing device drivers or\r
+removing them again. It can count installed device instances, create new ones\r
+or delete all supported device. InstDrv works on Windows 2000 or later.\r
+InstDrv::InitDriverSetup devClass drvHWID\r
+Return: result\r
+To start processing a driver, first call this function. devClass is the GUID\r
+of the device class the driver supports, drvHWID is the device hardware ID. If\r
+you don't know what these terms mean, you may want to take a look at the\r
+Windows DDK. This function returns an empty string on success, otherwise an\r
+error message.\r
+InitDriverSetup has to be called every time after the plugin dll has been\r
+(re-)loaded, or if you want to switch to a different driver.\r
+Return: number\r
+This call returns the number of installed and supported devices of the driver.\r
+Return: result\r
+To create a new deviced node which the driver has to support, use this\r
+function. You may even call it multiple times for more than one instance. The\r
+return value is the Windows error code (in hex). Use CreateDevice before\r
+installing or updating the driver itself.\r
+InstDrv::InstallDriver infPath\r
+Return: result\r
+ reboot\r
+InstallDriver installs or updates a device driver as specified in the .inf\r
+setup script. It returns a Windows error code (in hex) and, on success, a flag\r
+signalling if a system reboot is required.\r
+Return: result\r
+ oeminf\r
+ oempnf\r
+DeleteOemInfFiles tries to clean up the Windows inf directory by deleting the\r
+oemXX.inf and oemXX.pnf files associated with the drivers. It returns a\r
+Windows error code (in hex) and, on success, the names of the deleted files.\r
+This functions requires that at least one device instance is still present.\r
+So, call it before you remove the devices itself. You should also call it\r
+before updating a driver. This avoids that the inf directory gets slowly\r
+messed up with useless old setup scripts (which does NOT really accelerate\r
+Windows). The error code which comes up when no device is installed is\r
+Return: result\r
+ reboot\r
+This functions deletes all devices instances the driver supported. It returns\r
+a Windows error code (in hex) and, on success, a flag signalling if the system\r
+needs to be rebooted. You additionally have to remove the driver binaries from\r
+the system paths.\r
+InstDrv::StartSystemService serviceName\r
+Return: result\r
+Call this function to start the provided system service. The function blocks\r
+until the service is started or the system reported a timeout. The return value\r
+is the Windows error code (in hex).\r
+InstDrv::StopSystemService serviceName\r
+Return: result\r
+This function tries to stop the provided system service. It blocks until the\r
+service has been shut down or the system reported a timeout. The return value\r
+is the Windows error code (in hex).\r
+The example script installs or removes the virtual COM port driver of IrCOMM2k\r
+(2.0.0-alpha8, see www.ircomm2k.de/english). The driver and its setup script\r
+are only included for demonstration purposes, they do not work without the\r
+rest of IrCOMM2k (but they also do not cause any harm).\r
+Building the Source Code\r
+To build the plugin from the source code, some include files and libraries\r
+which come with the Windows DDK are required.\r
+ 0.2 - fixed bug when calling InitDriverSetup the second time\r
+ - added StartSystemService and StopSystemService\r
+ 0.1 - first release\r
+Copyright © 2003 Jan Kiszka (Jan.Kiszka@web.de)\r
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\r
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\r
+arising from the use of this software.\r
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\r
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute\r
+it freely, subject to the following restrictions:\r
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; \r
+ you must not claim that you wrote the original software.\r
+ If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the\r
+ product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.\r
+2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such,\r
+ and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.\r
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.\r
--- /dev/null
+; IrCOMM2k.inf\r
+; Installation file for the Virtual Infrared-COM-Port\r
+; (c) Copyright 2001, 2002 Jan Kiszka \r
+Signature="$Windows NT$"\r
+IrCOMM2k.Copy2Drivers = 12\r
+IrCOMM2k.Copy2Winnt = 10\r
+IrCOMM2k.Copy2System32 = 11\r
+IrCOMM2k.Copy2Help = 18\r
+; Driver information\r
+%JK% = JK.Mfg\r
+%JK.DeviceDescIrCOMM% = IrCOMM2k_inst,IrCOMM2k\r
+; General installation section\r
+CopyFiles = IrCOMM2k.Copy2Drivers ;,IrCOMM2k.Copy2System32,IrCOMM2k.Copy2Help,IrCOMM2k.Copy2Winnt\r
+;AddReg = IrCOMM2k_inst_AddReg\r
+; File sections\r
+; Service Installation\r
+AddService = IrCOMM2k,0x00000002,IrCOMM2k_DriverService_Inst,IrCOMM2k_DriverEventLog_Inst\r
+;AddService = IrCOMM2kSvc,,IrCOMM2k_Service_Inst\r
+DisplayName = %IrCOMM2k.DrvName%\r
+ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER\r
+ErrorControl = 0 ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE\r
+ServiceBinary = %12%\ircomm2k.sys\r
+;DisplayName = %IrCOMM2k.SvcName%\r
+;Description = %IrCOMM2k.SvcDesc%\r
+;StartType = 2 ; SERVICE_AUTO_START\r
+;ErrorControl = 0 ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE\r
+;ServiceBinary = %11%\ircomm2k.exe\r
+;Dependencies = IrCOMM2k\r
+;AddReg = IrCOMM2kSvcAddReg\r
+;HKLM,%UNINSTALL_KEY%,DisplayName,,"IrCOMM2k 1.2.1 "\r
+AddReg = IrCOMM2k_DriverEventLog_AddReg\r
+; Non-Localizable Strings\r
+REG_SZ = 0x00000000\r
+REG_MULTI_SZ = 0x00010000\r
+REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000\r
+REG_BINARY = 0x00000001\r
+REG_DWORD = 0x00010001\r
+SERVICEROOT = "System\CurrentControlSet\Services"\r
+UNINSTALL_KEY = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IrCOMM2k"\r
+; Localizable Strings\r
+JK = "Jan Kiszka"\r
+JK.DeviceDescIrCOMM = "Virtueller Infrarot-Kommunikationsanschluss"\r
+IrCOMM2k.DrvName = "Virtueller Infrarot-Kommunikationsanschluss"\r
+;IrCOMM2k.SvcName = "Virtueller Infrarot-Kommunikationsanschluß, Dienstprogramm"\r
+;IrCOMM2k.SvcDesc = "Bildet über Infarot einen Kommunikationsanschluß nach."\r
all: altosui.jar $(LINUX_APP)
-fat: altosui.jar $(LINUX_APP) $(DARWIN_ZIP) $(WINDOWS_ZIP) $(LINUX_TGZ)
+fat: altosui.jar $(LINUX_APP) $(DARWIN_ZIP) $(WINDOWS_EXE) $(LINUX_TGZ)
rm -rf windows linux
distclean: clean
rm -rf darwin fat
WINDOWS_FILES = $(FAT_FILES) ../libaltos/altos.dll ../../telemetrum.inf
+$(WINDOWS_EXE): $(WINDOWS_FILES) altos-install.nsi
rm -f $@
mkdir -p windows/AltOS
rm -f windows/AltOS/*
cp $(WINDOWS_FILES) windows/AltOS
- cd windows && zip -j -r ../$@ AltOS
+ makensis altos-windows.nsi
--- /dev/null
+!addplugindir Instdrv/NSIS/Plugins
+Name "Altus Metrum Installer"
+OutFile "Altos-Windows.exe"
+; Default install directory
+InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\AltusMetrum"
+; Tell the installer where to re-install a new version
+InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\AltusMetrum" "Install_Dir"
+LicenseText "GNU General Public License Version 2"
+LicenseData "../../COPYING"
+; Need admin privs for Vista or Win7
+RequestExecutionLevel admin
+ShowInstDetails Show
+ComponentText "Altus Metrum Software and Driver Installer"
+; Pages to present
+Page license
+Page components
+Page directory
+Page instfiles
+UninstPage uninstConfirm
+UninstPage instfiles
+; And the stuff to install
+Section "Install Driver" InstDriver
+ InstDrv::InitDriverSetup /NOUNLOAD {4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} "Altus Metrum"
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "InitDriverSetup: $0"
+ InstDrv::DeleteOemInfFiles /NOUNLOAD
+ InstDrv::CreateDevice /NOUNLOAD
+ SetOutPath $TEMP
+ File "../../telemetrum.inf"
+ InstDrv::InstallDriver /NOUNLOAD "$TEMP\telemetrum.inf"
+Section "AltosUI Application"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ File "windows/AltOS/*.jar"
+ File "windows/AltOS/*.dll"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\AltusMetrum.lnk" "$INSTDIR\altosui.jar"
+Section "AltosUI Desktop Shortcut"
+ CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\AltusMetrum.lnk" "$INSTDIR\altosui.jar"
+Section "TeleMetrum and TeleDongle Firmware"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ File "windows/AltOS/telemetrum-v1.0.ihx"
+ File "windows/AltOS/teledongle-v0.2.ihx"
+Section "Uninstaller"
+ ; Deal with the uninstaller
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ ; Write the install path to the registry
+ WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\AltusMetrum "Install_Dir" "$INSTDIR"
+ ; Write the uninstall keys for windows
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AltusMetrum" "DisplayName" "Altus Metrum"
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AltusMetrum" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"'
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AltusMetrum" "NoModify" "1"
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AltusMetrum" "NoRepair" "1"
+ WriteUninstaller "uninstall.exe"
+Section "Uninstall"
+ DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AltusMetrum"
+ DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\AltusMetrum"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"
+ ; Remove devices
+ InstDrv::InitDriverSetup /NOUNLOAD {4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} "Altus Metrum"
+ InstDrv::DeleteOemInfFiles /NOUNLOAD
+ InstDrv::RemoveAllDevices
+ ; Remove shortcuts, if any
+ Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\AltusMetrum.lnk"
+ Delete "$DESKTOP\AltusMetrum.lnk"