* altitudes are measured with respect to the mean sea level
static double
- cc_altitude_to_pressure(double altitude)
+ altitude_to_pressure(double altitude)
double base_temperature = LAYER0_BASE_TEMPERATURE;
double base_pressure = LAYER0_BASE_PRESSURE;
/* outputs the altitude associated with the given pressure. the altitude
returned is measured with respect to the mean sea level */
static double
- cc_pressure_to_altitude(double pressure)
+ pressure_to_altitude(double pressure)
double next_base_temperature = LAYER0_BASE_TEMPERATURE;
return altitude;
- /*
- * Values for our MP3H6115A pressure sensor
- *
- * From the data sheet:
- *
- * Pressure range: 15-115 kPa
- * Voltage at 115kPa: 2.82
- * Output scale: 27mV/kPa
- *
- *
- * 27 mV/kPa * 2047 / 3300 counts/mV = 16.75 counts/kPa
- * 2.82V * 2047 / 3.3 counts/V = 1749 counts/115 kPa
- */
- static final double counts_per_kPa = 27 * 2047 / 3300;
- static final double counts_at_101_3kPa = 1674.0;
- static double
- cc_barometer_to_pressure(double count)
- {
- return ((count / 16.0) / 2047.0 + 0.095) / 0.009 * 1000.0;
- }
- static double
- cc_barometer_to_altitude(double baro)
- {
- double Pa = cc_barometer_to_pressure(baro);
- return cc_pressure_to_altitude(Pa);
- }
- static final double count_per_mss = 27.0;
- static double
- cc_accelerometer_to_acceleration(double accel, double ground_accel)
- {
- return (ground_accel - accel) / count_per_mss;
- }
- /* Value for the CC1111 built-in temperature sensor
- * Output voltage at 0°C = 0.755V
- * Coefficient = 0.00247V/°C
- * Reference voltage = 1.25V
- *
- * temp = ((value / 32767) * 1.25 - 0.755) / 0.00247
- * = (value - 19791.268) / 32768 * 1.25 / 0.00247
- */
- static double
- cc_thermometer_to_temperature(double thermo)
- {
- return (thermo - 19791.268) / 32728.0 * 1.25 / 0.00247;
- }
static double
cc_battery_to_voltage(double battery)
import altosui.Altos;
import altosui.AltosSerial;
import altosui.AltosSerialMonitor;
+import altosui.AltosRecord;
import altosui.AltosTelemetry;
import altosui.AltosState;
import altosui.AltosDeviceDialog;
import altosui.AltosSerial;
import altosui.AltosSerialMonitor;
+import altosui.AltosRecord;
import altosui.AltosTelemetry;
import altosui.AltosState;
import altosui.AltosDeviceDialog;
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright © 2010 Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ */
+package altosui;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
+import javax.swing.table.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.text.*;
+import java.util.prefs.*;
+import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
+import altosui.AltosRecord;
+import altosui.AltosState;
+import altosui.AltosDeviceDialog;
+import altosui.AltosPreferences;
+import altosui.AltosLog;
+import altosui.AltosVoice;
+import altosui.AltosEepromMonitor;
+public class AltosEepromReader {
+ static final int seen_flight = 1;
+ static final int seen_sensor = 2;
+ static final int seen_temp_volt = 4;
+ static final int seen_deploy = 8;
+ static final int seen_basic = seen_flight|seen_sensor|seen_temp_volt|seen_deploy;
+ static final int seen_gps_time = 16;
+ AltosRecord state;
+ AltosEepromRecord record;
+ int seen;
+ int tick;
+ boolean done;
+ FileInputStream input;
+ public AltosRecord read() throws IOException, ParseException {
+ for (;;) {
+ if (record == null) {
+ record = new AltosEepromRecord(AltosRecord.gets(input));
+ if (record == null) {
+ if (done)
+ return null;
+ return state;
+ }
+ /* eeprom only records low 16 bits of tick count */
+ int tick = record.tick | (state.tick & ~0xffff);
+ if (tick < state.tick) {
+ if (state.tick - tick > 0x8000)
+ tick += 0x10000;
+ else
+ tick = state.tick;
+ }
+ /* Accumulate data in the state record while
+ * the time stamp is not increasing
+ */
+ if ((seen & seen_basic) == seen_basic && tick > state.tick)
+ return new AltosRecord(state);
+ }
+ state.tick = tick;
+ switch (record.cmd) {
+ case Altos.AO_LOG_FLIGHT:
+ state.ground_accel = record.a;
+ state.flight = record.b;
+ break;
+ case Altos.AO_LOG_SENSOR:
+ state.accel = record.a;
+ state.pres = record.b;
+ break;
+ case Altos.AO_LOG_TEMP_VOLT:
+ state.temp = record.a;
+ state.batt = record.b;
+ break;
+ case Altos.AO_LOG_DEPLOY:
+ state.drogue = record.a;
+ state.main = record.b;
+ break;
+ case Altos.AO_LOG_GPS_TIME:
+ break;
+ }
+ record = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public AltosEepromReader (FileInputStream in_input) {
+ state = new AltosRecord();
+ input = in_input;
+ seen = 0;
+ done = false;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright © 2010 Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ */
+package altosui;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
+import javax.swing.table.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.text.*;
+import java.util.prefs.*;
+import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
+import altosui.AltosSerial;
+import altosui.AltosSerialMonitor;
+import altosui.AltosRecord;
+import altosui.AltosTelemetry;
+import altosui.AltosState;
+import altosui.AltosDeviceDialog;
+import altosui.AltosPreferences;
+import altosui.AltosLog;
+import altosui.AltosVoice;
+import altosui.AltosEepromMonitor;
+public class AltosEepromRecord {
+ public int cmd;
+ public int tick;
+ public int a;
+ public int b;
+ public AltosEepromRecord (String line) throws ParseException {
+ if (line == null) {
+ cmd = Altos.AO_LOG_INVALID;
+ } else {
+ String[] tokens = line.split("\\s+");
+ if (tokens[0].equals("serial-number")) {
+ tick = 0;
+ a = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
+ b = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (tokens.length != 4)
+ throw new ParseException(line, 0);
+ cmd = tokens[0].codePointAt(0);
+ tick = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
+ a = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]);
+ b = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
cc_gps_sat = null;
+ public AltosGPS(AltosGPS old) {
+ nsat = old.nsat;
+ gps_locked = old.gps_locked;
+ gps_connected = old.gps_connected;
+ lat = old.lat; /* degrees (+N -S) */
+ lon = old.lon; /* degrees (+E -W) */
+ alt = old.alt; /* m */
+ year = old.year;
+ month = old.month;
+ day = old.day;
+ hour = old.hour;
+ minute = old.minute;
+ second = old.second;
+ gps_extended = old.gps_extended; /* has extra data */
+ ground_speed = old.ground_speed; /* m/s */
+ course = old.course; /* degrees */
+ climb_rate = old.climb_rate; /* m/s */
+ hdop = old.hdop; /* unitless? */
+ h_error = old.h_error; /* m */
+ v_error = old.v_error; /* m */
+ AltosGPSSat[] cc_gps_sat; /* tracking data */
+ cc_gps_sat = new AltosGPSSat[old.cc_gps_sat.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < old.cc_gps_sat.length; i++) {
+ cc_gps_sat[i].svid = old.cc_gps_sat[i].svid;
+ cc_gps_sat[i].c_n0 = old.cc_gps_sat[i].c_n0;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright © 2010 Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ */
+package altosui;
+import java.lang.*;
+import java.text.*;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.io.*;
+import altosui.AltosConvert;
+import altosui.AltosGPS;
+public class AltosRecord {
+ int version;
+ String callsign;
+ int serial;
+ int flight;
+ int rssi;
+ int status;
+ String state;
+ int tick;
+ int accel;
+ int pres;
+ int temp;
+ int batt;
+ int drogue;
+ int main;
+ int flight_accel;
+ int ground_accel;
+ int flight_vel;
+ int flight_pres;
+ int ground_pres;
+ int accel_plus_g;
+ int accel_minus_g;
+ AltosGPS gps;
+ /*
+ * Values for our MP3H6115A pressure sensor
+ *
+ * From the data sheet:
+ *
+ * Pressure range: 15-115 kPa
+ * Voltage at 115kPa: 2.82
+ * Output scale: 27mV/kPa
+ *
+ *
+ * 27 mV/kPa * 2047 / 3300 counts/mV = 16.75 counts/kPa
+ * 2.82V * 2047 / 3.3 counts/V = 1749 counts/115 kPa
+ */
+ static final double counts_per_kPa = 27 * 2047 / 3300;
+ static final double counts_at_101_3kPa = 1674.0;
+ static double
+ barometer_to_pressure(double count)
+ {
+ return ((count / 16.0) / 2047.0 + 0.095) / 0.009 * 1000.0;
+ }
+ public double pressure() {
+ return barometer_to_pressure(pres);
+ }
+ public double ground_pressure() {
+ return barometer_to_pressure(ground_pres);
+ }
+ public double altitude() {
+ return AltosConvert.pressure_to_altitude(pressure());
+ }
+ public double ground_altitude() {
+ return AltosConvert.pressure_to_altitude(ground_pressure());
+ }
+ public double height() {
+ return altitude() - ground_altitude();
+ }
+ public double battery_voltage() {
+ return AltosConvert.cc_battery_to_voltage(batt);
+ }
+ public double main_voltage() {
+ return AltosConvert.cc_ignitor_to_voltage(main);
+ }
+ public double drogue_voltage() {
+ return AltosConvert.cc_ignitor_to_voltage(drogue);
+ }
+ /* Value for the CC1111 built-in temperature sensor
+ * Output voltage at 0°C = 0.755V
+ * Coefficient = 0.00247V/°C
+ * Reference voltage = 1.25V
+ *
+ * temp = ((value / 32767) * 1.25 - 0.755) / 0.00247
+ * = (value - 19791.268) / 32768 * 1.25 / 0.00247
+ */
+ static double
+ thermometer_to_temperature(double thermo)
+ {
+ return (thermo - 19791.268) / 32728.0 * 1.25 / 0.00247;
+ }
+ public double temperature() {
+ return thermometer_to_temperature(temp);
+ }
+ double accel_counts_per_mss() {
+ double counts_per_g = Math.abs(accel_minus_g - accel_plus_g) / 2;
+ return counts_per_g / 9.80665;
+ }
+ public double acceleration() {
+ return (accel_plus_g - accel) / accel_counts_per_mss();
+ }
+ public double accel_speed() {
+ double speed = flight_vel / (accel_counts_per_mss() * 100.0);
+ return speed;
+ }
+ public int state() {
+ System.out.printf("state: %s -> %d\n", state, Altos.state(state));
+ return Altos.state(state);
+ }
+ public static String gets(FileInputStream s) throws IOException {
+ int c;
+ String line = "";
+ while ((c = s.read()) != -1) {
+ if (c == '\r')
+ continue;
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ return line;
+ }
+ line = line + (char) c;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public AltosRecord(AltosRecord old) {
+ version = old.version;
+ callsign = old.callsign;
+ serial = old.serial;
+ flight = old.flight;
+ rssi = old.rssi;
+ status = old.status;
+ state = old.state;
+ tick = old.tick;
+ accel = old.accel;
+ pres = old.pres;
+ temp = old.temp;
+ batt = old.batt;
+ drogue = old.drogue;
+ main = old.main;
+ flight_accel = old.flight_accel;
+ ground_accel = old.ground_accel;
+ flight_vel = old.flight_vel;
+ flight_pres = old.flight_pres;
+ ground_pres = old.ground_pres;
+ accel_plus_g = old.accel_plus_g;
+ accel_minus_g = old.accel_minus_g;
+ gps = new AltosGPS(old.gps);
+ }
+ public AltosRecord() {
+ version = 0;
+ callsign = "N0CALL";
+ serial = 0;
+ flight = 0;
+ rssi = 0;
+ status = 0;
+ state = "startup";
+ tick = 0;
+ accel = 0;
+ pres = 0;
+ temp = 0;
+ batt = 0;
+ drogue = 0;
+ main = 0;
+ flight_accel = 0;
+ ground_accel = 0;
+ flight_vel = 0;
+ flight_pres = 0;
+ ground_pres = 0;
+ accel_plus_g = 0;
+ accel_minus_g = 0;
+ gps = new AltosGPS();
+ }
- * Track flight state from telemetry data stream
+ * Track flight state from telemetry or eeprom data stream
package altosui;
-import altosui.AltosTelemetry;
+import altosui.AltosRecord;
import altosui.AltosGPS;
public class AltosState {
- AltosTelemetry data;
+ AltosRecord data;
/* derived data */
double speak_altitude;
- void init (AltosTelemetry cur, AltosState prev_state) {
+ void init (AltosRecord cur, AltosState prev_state) {
int i;
- AltosTelemetry prev;
- double accel_counts_per_mss;
+ AltosRecord prev;
data = cur;
- ground_altitude = AltosConvert.cc_barometer_to_altitude(data.ground_pres);
- height = AltosConvert.cc_barometer_to_altitude(data.flight_pres) - ground_altitude;
+ ground_altitude = data.ground_altitude();
+ height = data.altitude() - ground_altitude;
report_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
- accel_counts_per_mss = ((data.accel_minus_g - data.accel_plus_g) / 2.0) / 9.80665;
- acceleration = (data.ground_accel - data.flight_accel) / accel_counts_per_mss;
- speed = data.flight_vel / (accel_counts_per_mss * 100.0);
- temperature = AltosConvert.cc_thermometer_to_temperature(data.temp);
- drogue_sense = AltosConvert.cc_ignitor_to_voltage(data.drogue);
- main_sense = AltosConvert.cc_ignitor_to_voltage(data.main);
- battery = AltosConvert.cc_battery_to_voltage(data.batt);
+ acceleration = data.acceleration();
+ speed = data.accel_speed();
+ temperature = data.temperature();
+ drogue_sense = data.drogue_voltage();
+ main_sense = data.main_voltage();
+ battery = data.battery_voltage();
tick = data.tick;
state = data.state();
time_change = 0;
- if (state == AltosTelemetry.ao_flight_pad) {
+ if (state == Altos.ao_flight_pad) {
if (data.gps != null && data.gps.gps_locked && data.gps.nsat >= 4) {
if (npad > 1) {
gps_ready = gps_waiting == 0;
- ascent = (AltosTelemetry.ao_flight_boost <= state &&
- state <= AltosTelemetry.ao_flight_coast);
+ ascent = (Altos.ao_flight_boost <= state &&
+ state <= Altos.ao_flight_coast);
/* Only look at accelerometer data on the way up */
if (ascent && acceleration > max_acceleration)
- public AltosState(AltosTelemetry cur) {
+ public AltosState(AltosRecord cur) {
init(cur, null);
- public AltosState (AltosTelemetry cur, AltosState prev) {
+ public AltosState (AltosRecord cur, AltosState prev) {
init(cur, prev);
import java.text.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import altosui.AltosConvert;
+import altosui.AltosRecord;
import altosui.AltosGPS;
* SAT 10 29 30 24 28 5 25 21 20 15 33 1 23 30 24 18 26 10 29 2 26
-public class AltosTelemetry {
- int version;
- String callsign;
- int serial;
- int flight;
- int rssi;
- int status;
- String state;
- int tick;
- int accel;
- int pres;
- int temp;
- int batt;
- int drogue;
- int main;
- int flight_accel;
- int ground_accel;
- int flight_vel;
- int flight_pres;
- int ground_pres;
- int accel_plus_g;
- int accel_minus_g;
- AltosGPS gps;
- public static final int ao_flight_startup = 0;
- public static final int ao_flight_idle = 1;
- public static final int ao_flight_pad = 2;
- public static final int ao_flight_boost = 3;
- public static final int ao_flight_fast = 4;
- public static final int ao_flight_coast = 5;
- public static final int ao_flight_drogue = 6;
- public static final int ao_flight_main = 7;
- public static final int ao_flight_landed = 8;
- public static final int ao_flight_invalid = 9;
- static HashMap<String,Integer> states = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
- {
- states.put("startup", ao_flight_startup);
- states.put("idle", ao_flight_idle);
- states.put("pad", ao_flight_pad);
- states.put("boost", ao_flight_boost);
- states.put("fast", ao_flight_fast);
- states.put("coast", ao_flight_coast);
- states.put("drogue", ao_flight_drogue);
- states.put("main", ao_flight_main);
- states.put("landed", ao_flight_landed);
- states.put("invalid", ao_flight_invalid);
- }
- public int state() {
- if (states.containsKey(state))
- return states.get(state);
- return ao_flight_invalid;
- }
- public double altitude() {
- return AltosConvert.cc_pressure_to_altitude(AltosConvert.cc_barometer_to_pressure(pres));
- }
- public double pad_altitude() {
- return AltosConvert.cc_pressure_to_altitude(AltosConvert.cc_barometer_to_pressure(ground_pres));
- }
+public class AltosTelemetry extends AltosRecord {
public AltosTelemetry(String line) throws ParseException {
String[] words = line.split("\\s+");
int i = 0;
AltosParse.word (words[i++], "VERSION");
import altosui.Altos;
import altosui.AltosSerial;
import altosui.AltosSerialMonitor;
+import altosui.AltosRecord;
import altosui.AltosTelemetry;
import altosui.AltosState;
import altosui.AltosDeviceDialog;
class DisplayThread extends Thread {
IdleThread idle_thread;
- String read() throws InterruptedException { return null; }
+ String name;
+ AltosRecord read() throws InterruptedException, ParseException { return null; }
void close() { }
try {
- while ((line = read()) != null) {
+ for (;;) {
try {
- AltosTelemetry t = new AltosTelemetry(line);
+ AltosRecord record = read();
+ if (record == null)
+ break;
old_state = state;
- state = new AltosState(t, state);
+ state = new AltosState(record, state);
tell(state, old_state);
} catch (ParseException pp) {
- System.out.printf("Parse error on %s\n", line);
- System.out.println("exception " + pp);
+ System.out.printf("Parse error: %d \"%s\"\n", pp.getErrorOffset(), pp.getMessage());
} catch (InterruptedException ee) {
- class DeviceThread extends DisplayThread {
+ class TelemetryThread extends DisplayThread {
+ String readline() throws InterruptedException { return null; }
+ AltosRecord read() throws InterruptedException, ParseException {
+ return new AltosTelemetry(readline());
+ }
+ }
+ class DeviceThread extends TelemetryThread {
AltosSerial serial;
LinkedBlockingQueue<String> telem;
- String read() throws InterruptedException {
+ String readline() throws InterruptedException {
return telem.take();
serial = s;
telem = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>();
+ name = "telemetry";
- String readline(FileInputStream s) throws IOException {
- int c;
- String line = "";
- while ((c = s.read()) != -1) {
- if (c == '\r')
- continue;
- if (c == '\n') {
- return line;
- }
- line = line + (char) c;
- }
- return null;
- }
* Open an existing telemetry file and replay it in realtime
- class ReplayThread extends DisplayThread {
+ class ReplayTelemetryThread extends TelemetryThread {
FileInputStream replay;
- String filename;
- ReplayThread(FileInputStream in, String name) {
+ ReplayTelemetryThread(FileInputStream in, String in_name) {
replay = in;
- filename = name;
+ name = in_name;
- String read() {
+ String readline() {
try {
- return readline(replay);
+ String line = AltosRecord.gets(replay);
+ System.out.printf("telemetry line %s\n", line);
+ return line;
} catch (IOException ee) {
- filename,
+ name,
"error reading",
void update(AltosState state) throws InterruptedException {
/* Make it run in realtime after the rocket leaves the pad */
- if (state.state > AltosTelemetry.ao_flight_pad)
+ if (state.state > Altos.ao_flight_pad)
Thread.sleep((int) (Math.min(state.time_change,10) * 1000));
+ class ReplayEepromThread extends DisplayThread {
+ FileInputStream replay;
+ AltosRecord read () {
+ return null;
+ }
+ void close () {
+ try {
+ replay.close();
+ } catch (IOException ee) {
+ }
+ report();
+ }
+ ReplayEepromThread(FileInputStream in, String in_name) {
+ replay = in;
+ name = in_name;
+ }
+ }
Thread display_thread;
private void stop_display() {
private void Replay() {
JFileChooser logfile_chooser = new JFileChooser();
- logfile_chooser.setDialogTitle("Select Telemetry File");
- logfile_chooser.setFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("Telemetry file", "telem"));
+ logfile_chooser.setDialogTitle("Select Flight Record File");
+ logfile_chooser.setFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("Flight data file", "eeprom", "telem"));
int returnVal = logfile_chooser.showOpenDialog(AltosUI.this);
String filename = file.getName();
try {
FileInputStream replay = new FileInputStream(file);
- ReplayThread thread = new ReplayThread(replay, filename);
+ DisplayThread thread;
+ if (filename.endsWith("eeprom"))
+ thread = new ReplayEepromThread(replay, filename);
+ else
+ thread = new ReplayTelemetryThread(replay, filename);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ee) {
+ Altos.class \
AltosConvert.class \
- AltosEeprom.class \
+ AltosEepromDownload.class \
AltosEepromMonitor.class \
+ AltosEepromReader.class \
+ AltosEepromRecord.class \
AltosFile.class \
AltosFlightInfoTableModel.class \
AltosFlightStatusTableModel.class \
AltosLog.class \
AltosParse.class \
AltosPreferences.class \
+ AltosRecord.class \
AltosSerialMonitor.class \
AltosSerial.class \
AltosState.class \
Main-Class: altosui.AltosUI
-Class-Path: freetts.jar
+Class-Path: /usr/share/java/freetts.jar