* project payload developed at Challenger Middle School.
+volatile __data uint16_t ao_tick3_count;
static void
ao_pwmin_display(void) __reentrant
uint8_t hi = TCNT1H;
uint16_t value = (hi <<8) | lo;
+ uint8_t lo3 = TCNT3L;
+ uint8_t hi3 = TCNT3H;
+ uint16_t value3 = (hi3 <<8) | lo3;
/* now display the value we read */
- printf("timer 1: %5u", value);
+ printf("timer 1: %5u %2x %2x\n", value, hi, lo);
+ printf("timer 3: %5u %2x %2x\n", value3, hi3, lo3);
+ ++ao_tick3_count;
__code struct ao_cmds ao_pwmin_cmds[] = {
{ ao_pwmin_display, "p\0PWM input" },
/* do hardware setup here */
+ TCCR3A = ((0 << WGM31) | /* normal mode, OCR3A */
+ (0 << WGM30)); /* normal mode, OCR3A */
+ TCCR3B = ((0 << ICNC3) | /* no input capture noise canceler */
+ (0 << ICES3) | /* input capture on falling edge (don't care) */
+ (0 << WGM33) | /* normal mode, OCR3A */
+ (0 << WGM32) | /* normal mode, OCR3A */
+ (4 << CS30)); /* clk/256 from prescaler */
+ OCR3A = 1250; /* 8MHz clock */
+ TIMSK3 = (1 << OCIE3A); /* Interrupt on compare match */
/* set the spike filter bit in the TCCR3B register */