4 ./ao_flight_test_noisy_accel "$i" > run-out.noisy
7 set ylabel "altitude (m)"
8 set y2label "velocity (m/s), acceleration(m/s²)"
10 set xtics border out nomirror
11 set ytics border out nomirror
12 set y2tics border out nomirror
14 plot "run-out.noisy" using 1:3 with lines lw 2 lt 1 axes x1y1 title "raw height",\
15 "run-out.noisy" using 1:5 with lines lw 2 lt 2 axes x1y2 title "raw accel",\
16 "run-out.noisy" using 1:9 with lines lt 3 axes x1y1 title "noisy height",\
17 "run-out.noisy" using 1:11 with lines lt 4 axes x1y2 title "noisy speed",\
18 "run-out.noisy" using 1:13 with lines lt 5 axes x1y2 title "noisy accel",\
19 "run-out.noisy" using 1:17 with lines lt 6 axes x1y1 title "noisy drogue",\
20 "run-out.noisy" using 1:19 with lines lt 7 axes x1y1 title "noisy main"