4 image::easymega-v1.0-top.jpg[width="4.5in"]
6 EasyMega is a 1¼ inch by 2¼ inch circuit board. It was
7 designed to easily fit in a 38mm coupler. Like TeleMetrum,
8 EasyMega has an accelerometer and so it must be mounted so that
9 the board is aligned with the flight axis. It can be mounted
10 either antenna up or down.
12 === EasyMega Screw Terminals
14 EasyMega has two sets of nine screw terminals on the end of
15 the board opposite the telemetry antenna. They are as follows:
17 .EasyMega Screw Terminals
18 [options="header",grid="all",cols="2,3,10"]
20 |Terminal #|Terminal Name|Description
24 |Switch connection to positive battery terminal
28 |Switch connection to flight computer
32 |Ground connection for use with external active switch
36 |Main pyro channel connection to pyro circuit
40 |Main pyro channel common connection to battery +
44 |Apogee pyro channel connection to pyro circuit
48 |Apogee pyro channel common connection to battery +
52 |D pyro channel connection to pyro circuit
56 |D pyro channel common connection to battery +
60 |Ground connection for negative pyro battery terminal
64 |Positive pyro battery terminal
68 |Power switch output. Use to connect main battery to pyro battery input
72 |A pyro channel connection to pyro circuit
76 |A pyro channel common connection to battery +
80 |B pyro channel connection to pyro circuit
84 |B pyro channel common connection to battery +
88 |C pyro channel connection to pyro circuit
92 |C pyro channel common connection to battery +
95 === Using a Separate Pyro Battery with EasyMega
97 EasyMega provides explicit support for an external pyro
98 battery. All that is required is to remove the jumper
99 between the lipo terminal (Bottom 3) and the pyro terminal
100 (Bottom 2). Then hook the negative pyro battery terminal to ground
101 (Bottom 1) and the positive pyro battery to the pyro battery
102 input (Bottom 2). You can then use the existing pyro screw
103 terminals to hook up all of the pyro charges.
105 === Using Only One Battery With EasyMega
107 Because EasyMega has built-in support for a separate pyro
108 battery, if you want to fly with just one battery running
109 both the computer and firing the charges, you need to
110 connect the flight computer battery to the pyro
111 circuit. EasyMega has two screw terminals for this—hook a
112 wire from the Lipo terminal (Bottom 3) to the Pyro terminal
115 === Using an Active Switch with EasyMega
117 As explained above, an external active switch requires three
118 connections, one to the positive battery terminal, one to
119 the flight computer positive input and one to ground.
121 The positive battery terminal is available on Top terminal
122 1, the positive flight computer input is on Top terminal
123 2. Ground is on Top terminal 3.