descriptionUSB 8-way motor driver for pick-n-place autofeeders
ownerBdale Garbee
last changeMon, 8 Aug 2016 03:41:28 +0000 (21:41 -0600)
2016-08-08 Bdale Garbeeremove 10k in boot0 line, add jumper for USB to supply... master fab-v2
2016-08-08 Bdale Garbeev2 route complete and drc clean
2016-07-01 Bdale Garbeeforward annotate component values to pcb file fab-v1
2016-07-01 Bdale Garbeeclean up attributes
2016-07-01 Bdale Garbeev1 route complete and drc clean
2016-05-13 Bdale Garbeedraft full schematic
7 years ago fab-v2
7 years ago fab-v1
7 years ago master