descriptionAltus Metrum gEDA library
ownerBdale Garbee
last changeThu, 29 Feb 2024 21:40:41 +0000 (14:40 -0700)
2024-02-29 Bdale Garbeethicken base plate to 5mm so heat-set inserts don't... master
2024-02-21 Bdale Garbeeset 'provided' status to 'no' by default for all curren...
2024-02-21 Bdale Garbeeadd SOT-23 2N2907A to known parts list
2024-02-20 Bdale Garbeeadjust telelco panel design to snug board eliminating...
2024-02-20 Bdale Garbee.gitignore update, etc
2024-02-16 Bdale Garbeedata sheet for AD7997, ADC to be emulated by LPC11U14...
2024-02-15 Bdale Garbeeneed an n-fet symbol with SOT23 compatible pin numbers...
2024-02-08 Bdale Garbeesymbol for tiny MOSFET that might work on TeleMicro
2024-02-08 Bdale Garbeesymbol for Onion Omega2S SOM
2024-02-08 Bdale Garbeeinitial design for TirePyro rear panel insert
2024-02-08 Bdale Garbeeupdated IR sensor datasheet
2024-02-08 Bdale Garbeedelete old copy of symbol in wrong directory
2024-02-08 Bdale Garbeedatasheet and symbol for dual FET used on pipower
2024-02-08 Bdale Garbeeremaining part metadata for current QuantiMotor design
2024-02-06 Bdale Garbeeadding/updating some parts for QuantiMotor
2024-02-06 Bdale Garbeefirst cut at updating TeleLCO panel design for graphic LCD
7 weeks ago master
5 months ago json