Bdale Garbee

4390 Darr Circle Black Forest, CO 80908 +1 719 495 0091 Technologist and community builder.
# Awards Lutece d'Or from FNILL during the event Paris Capitale du Libre in September 2008 as the FLOSS personality of the year. # Non-Profit Roles August 2006 - Present President, Software in the Public Interest July 2004 - August 2006 Board Member, Software in the Public Interest []( SPI is a non-profit organization which was founded to help organizations develop and distribute open hardware and software. April 2006 - Present Chairman, Debian Technical Committee April 2002 - April 2003 Debian Project Leader October 1994 - Present Developer, Debian []( The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common cause to create a free operating system. 2008 - Present Board Member, The Linux Foundation []( The Linux Foundation promotes, protects and standardizes Linux by providing unified resources and services needed for open source to successfully compete with closed platforms. December 2005 - Present Board Member, CE Linux Forum []( CE Linux Forum is an international open source software development community of like-minded software engineers dedicated to the development and enhancement of Linux-based embedded devices in the consumer electronics industry. March 2008 - Present Board Member, Open Media Now []( Open Media Now! is a non-profit trade group established to engage in a variety of projects that improve upon both the functionality of, and access to, open media solutions. # Employment History January 2010 - Present Product Architect and Hardware Engineer, Altus Metrum []( Open hardware and software designs for high powered model rocketry avionics. May 2003 - Present Open Source & Linux Chief Technologist, HP []( Guided the development and ongoing evolution of HP's Linux strategy. Serve as principal externally-visible liaison between HP and many Open Source communities. Frequent and well-known speaker at Linux and related Open Source events. Mentor internal teams on productive participation in community development processes. Member of HP's internal Open Source Review Board. May 2001 - May 2003 Engineer / Scientist - HP Worked on early Linux enablement for HP's Itanium systems. Architect and chief developer of "Linux Enablement Kit" product for Integrity servers. March 1991 - Present Owner, Garbee and Garbee []( Consulting on computing and communications technologies. Sept 1989 - May 2001 Technical Computing Manager, HP Colorado Springs Division (now Agilent Technologies) Responsible for management of computer and networking hardware, product design applications, and associated support staff. Significant accomplishments included deployment of approximately 100 engineering workstations, installation of uninterruptable power to increase uptime, implementation of a data backup and recovery strategy, co-author of site-wide Unix Security and Administration standards, and implementation and maintainence of Unix mail and notes applications for the site. Consultant to projects adding LAN interfaces to instruments. Co-Instructor for site Unix Admin seminars. Feb 1988 - Sept 1989 Software Engineer, HP Colorado Springs Division (now Agilent Technologies) Sole software engineer for the 54121, 54122, and 54123 microwave oscilloscope products. Participated in the early design of the Wizard software architecture, and influenced the architecture of the K2 processor and graphics subsystems. June 1986 - Feb 1988 Product Support Engineer, HP Colorado Springs Division (now Agilent Technologies) For 6 months, sole product support engineer for the Logic Analyzer product line. Motivated sofware defect fixes in the 163X family. Managed a cross-divisional team to re-engineer the 80286 preprocessor cable technology in the face of multiple customer hot sites. Designed and presented the first 16500 service seminar in 3 countries. June 1984 - June 1986 Engineer and Project Leader, Renaissance Systems Managed and worked on a variety of projects including operating system ports to new hardware, development of an IBM PC clone in Eurocard format, a control system for an experimental biotech research system, power supplies for laser illumination, control software for industrial automation using embedded processors. Chief troubleshooter for customer-site problems due to cross-disciplinary background, and strong communication and analytic skills. May 1984 - June 1986 General Manager and Chief Engineer, WRCT Pittsburgh []( Managed an FM stereo radio station with an all-volunteer staff of approximately 120 people. Responsible for upgrade of the station from class D to class A FCC license status. Jan 1983 - Aug 1985 Network System Programmer, Carnegie Mellon University June 1983-Aug 1983 Software Engineer, Western Digital System Technology Center June 1980 - Aug 1982 Computer Operator, Tri-College Computer Center # Education Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University Graduate classes in Computer Architectures, and Software Engineering. Undergraduate minor focus in Poetry.