[[!meta title="MicroPeakUSB"]] # MicroPeak USB Interface # The MicroPeak USB Interface board provides a way to capture [MicroPeak](../MicroPeak/) flight logs over a USB connection to a computer running Linux, Mac OS or Windows. ## MicroPeak Data ## * Stored in on-chip 512B eeprom * Records raw barometer readings every 192ms * Enough storage for 48 seconds No changes are needed to the [MicroPeak](../MicroPeak/) hardware, but new firmware that includes the data download feature is necessary to use the MicroPeak USB Interface. ## MicroPeak Interface ## [MicroPeak](../MicroPeak/) transmits the entire flight log via the LED just after reporting the last flight altitude at power up. The data burst is transmitted in a simple serial format at 9600 baud. The MicroPeak USB Interface board contains a phototransistor, op-amp and serial-to-USB interface chip. It also includes a blue LED which blinks in time with the [MicroPeak](../MicroPeak/) orange LED. This makes aligning the two boards by hand quite easy. Here's a picture of the device in operation, with [MicroPeak](../MicroPeak) positioned to transmit data. The blue LED on the interface board is visible through the smaller hole in the front of the box. ## MicroPeak Application ## The MicroPeak application written in Java runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It captures and saves the flight data, then produces plots and statistics. More information is available on the main [MicroPeak](../MicroPeak/) page. ## Developer View ## Here's a close-up view of the hardware * Hardware Features * ROHM RPM-075PT Phototransistor * Peak sensitivity matches MicroPeak LED color * [ST Micro TSV521](http://www.st.com/internet/analog/product/251123.jsp) CMOS op-amp * Low power * [FTDI FT230](http://www.ftdichip.com/Products/ICs/FT230X.html) Serial to USB adapter * Drivers available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. * Tools Used * [gEDA](http://www.gpleda.org/) for schematic capture and PCB layout * Licenses * The hardware is licensed under the [TAPR](http://www.tapr.org) [Open Hardware License](http://www.tapr.org/ohl.html) ## [Upcoming MicroPeak USB version](future) ## ## [History of the MicroPeak USB interface](history) ##