#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- perl -*- # Copyright 2006 DJ Delorie # Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 if (! @ARGV) { print "Usage: pcb2panel board1.pcb board2.pcb board3.pcb > boards.pcb"; print "Then edit boards.pcb, putting each outline where you want it\n"; print "and sizing the board. Then:\n"; print "panel2pcb boards.pcb\n"; print "and edit/print boards.panel.pcb\n"; exit 0; } for $pcb (@ARGV) { $base = $pcb; $base =~ s@.*/@@; $base =~ s@\.pcb$@@; $base{$pcb} = $base; push (@pcbs, $pcb); open(PCB, $pcb); while () { if (/^PCB\["" (\d+) (\d+)\]/) { $width{$pcb} = $1; $height{$pcb} = $2; break; } } close PCB; } $pw = 10000; $ph = 0; for $pcb (@pcbs) { $pw += 10000; $pw += $width{$pcb}; $ph = $height{$pcb} if $ph < $height{$pcb}; } $ph += 20000; print "PCB[\"\" $pw $ph]\n"; print "Grid[10000.0 0 0 1]\n"; print "Groups(\"1,c:2,s\")\n"; $x = 10000; $y = 10000; for $pcb (@pcbs) { $desc = $pcb; $name = $base{$pcb}; $value = "$width{$pcb} x $height{$pcb}"; $w = $width{$pcb}; $h = $height{$pcb}; print "Element[\"\" \"$desc\" \"$name\" \"$value\" $x $y 2000 2000 0 50 \"\"] (\n"; print " Pin[0 0 300 0 0 100 \"1\" \"1\" \"\"]\n"; print " Pin[$w 0 300 0 0 100 \"2\" \"2\" \"\"]\n"; print " ElementLine[0 0 $w 0 100]\n"; print " ElementLine[0 0 0 $h 100]\n"; print " ElementLine[$w 0 $w $h 100]\n"; print " ElementLine[0 $h $w $h 100]\n"; print ")\n"; $x += $w + 10000; } print "Layer(1 \"component\")()\n"; print "Layer(2 \"solder\")()\n"; print "Layer(3 \"silk\")()\n"; print "Layer(4 \"silk\")()\n"; exit 0;