#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- perl -*- # Copyright 2006 DJ Delorie # Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 if (! @ARGV) { print "Usage: pcb2panel board1.pcb board2.pcb board3.pcb > boards.pcb"; print "Then edit boards.pcb, putting each outline where you want it\n"; print "and sizing the board. Then:\n"; print "panel2pcb boards.pcb\n"; print "and edit/print boards.panel.pcb\n"; exit 0; } $mydir = $0; if ($mydir =~ m@/@) { $mydir =~ s@[^/]*$@@; } else { $mydir = "."; } require "$mydir/panel.pl"; $panel = shift; open(P, $panel); while (

) { if (/PCB\[.* (\d+) (\d+)\]/) { $panel_width = $1; $panel_height = $2; } if (/Element\[\"[^\"]*\" \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" (\d+) (\d+)/) { $pcb = $1; $base = $2; $value = $3; $mx = $4; $my = $5; %pinx = (); %piny = (); } if (/Pin\[([\d-]+) ([\d-]+) \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ \"(\d)\"/) { $pinx{$3} = $1; $piny{$3} = $2; } if ($pcb && /\)/) { if ($pinx{'1'} < $pinx{'2'}) { $rot = 0; } elsif ($pinx{'1'} > $pinx{'2'}) { $rot = 2; } elsif ($piny{'1'} < $piny{'2'}) { $rot = 3; } elsif ($piny{'1'} > $piny{'2'}) { $rot = 1; } push (@paste, "$pcb\0$rot\0$mx\0$my"); $pcb = undef; } if (/Via/) { push (@panelvias, $_); } if (/^Layer\([^)]*\)$/) { $junk =

; # The opening '(' while ($junk =

) { last if $junk =~ /^\)/; push (@panelcopper, $junk); } } } $tmp = "/tmp/panel$$.pcb"; $start = $paste[0]; $start =~ s/\0.*//; $panel =~ s/\.pcb$//; &baseboard($start, $panel_width, $panel_height, $panel); $lastboard = undef; for $paste (sort @paste) { ($pcb, $rot, $mx, $my) = split(/\0/, $paste); if ($lastboard ne $pcb) { &loadboard ($pcb); $lastboard = $pcb; $lastrot = 0; } while ($lastrot != $rot) { print PS "PasteBuffer(Rotate,1)\n"; $lastrot = ($lastrot+1) % 4; } print PS "PasteBuffer(ToLayout,$mx,$my)\n"; } &done();