Small Device C Compiler (sdcc) ------------------------------ A C compiler for the Intel mcs51 series and soon the Z80. This file is just a stub. It will get better. Almost all of this is by Sandeep Dutta The Z80 port was started by Michael Hope Some of the Z80 related files are borrowed from the Gameboy Development Kit (GBDK) originally by Pascal Felber. Roadmap: -------- README - This file COPYING - GPL v2 as/ - Assembler, derrived from asxxxx debugger/ device/ - Device libraries and examples doc/ - sdcc and port specific documentation link/ - Linker, also derrived from asxxxx sim/ - Simulator (mcs51 only) src/ - Source to the C compiler and ports support/ - Libraries and apps that may not be provided by your system. Most of the port related files are in a subdirectory below the appropriate module. For example, all compiler z80 related files are in src/z80, all 8051 (mcs51) specific library files are in device/lib/mcs51. Links: ------ * SDCC homepage * GBDK homepage * SDCC at Geocities (old) * SDCC mailing list * Yahoo! Random link