(defun move-to (col row) (patom "\033[" row ";" col "H" nil) ) (defun clear () (patom "\033[2J" nil) ) (defun test () (clear) (move-to 30 12) (patom "hello, world") (move-to 0 19) ) (setq stack '("*" "**" "***" "****" "*****" "******" "*******")) (setq stacks nil) (defun display-string (x y str) (move-to x y) (move-to x y) (patom str) ) (defun display-stack (x y stack) (cond (stack (progn (display-string x y (car stack)) (display-stack x (1+ y) (cdr stack))))) ) (defun clear-stack (x y) (cond ((> y 0) (progn (move-to x y) (patom " ") (clear-stack x (1- y)) ) ) ) ) (defun length (list) (cond (list (1+ (length (cdr list)))) (0) ) ) (defun stack-pos (y stack) (- y (length stack)) ) (defun display-stacks (x y stacks) (cond (stacks (progn (clear-stack x 20) (display-stack x (stack-pos y (car stacks)) (car stacks)) (display-stacks (+ x 20) y (cdr stacks))) ) ) ) (defun display () (display-stacks 0 20 stacks) (move-to 1 21) (flush) ) (defun length (l) (cond (l (1+ (length (cdr l)))) (0)) ) (defun reset-stacks () (setq stacks (list stack nil nil)) (length stack) ) (defun min (a b) (cond ((< a b) a) (b) ) ) (defun nth (list n) (cond ((= n 0) (car list)) ((nth (cdr list) (1- n))) ) ) (defun replace (list pos member) (cond ((= pos 0) (cons member (cdr list))) ((cons (car list) (replace (cdr list) (1- pos) member))) ) ) (defun move-piece (from to) (let ((from-stack (nth stacks from)) (to-stack (nth stacks to)) (piece (car from-stack))) (setq from-stack (cdr from-stack)) (setq to-stack (cons piece to-stack)) (setq stacks (replace stacks from from-stack)) (setq stacks (replace stacks to to-stack)) (display) (delay 100) ) ) (defun _hanoi (n from to use) (cond ((= 1 n) (progn (move-piece from to) nil) ) (t (progn (_hanoi (1- n) from use to) (_hanoi 1 from to use) (_hanoi (1- n) use to from) ) ) ) ) (defun hanoi () (setq len (reset-stacks)) (clear) (_hanoi len 0 1 2) )