# # TeleMetrum build file # # The various telemetrum versions differ only # in which flash and GPS drivers are included, # so the per-board makefiles simply define # TM_VER, TM_DEF, TM_INC and TM_SRC and include # this file vpath %.c .:..:../core:../cc1111:../drivers:../product vpath %.h .:..:../core:../cc1111:../drivers:../product vpath ao-make-product.5c ../util ifndef VERSION include ../Version endif INC = \ ao.h \ ao_pins.h \ cc1111.h \ altitude.h \ ao_kalman.h \ ao_product.h \ $(TM_INC) CORE_SRC = \ ao_cmd.c \ ao_config.c \ ao_convert.c \ ao_gps_report.c \ ao_mutex.c \ ao_panic.c \ ao_stdio.c \ ao_storage.c \ ao_task.c \ ao_flight_mm.c \ ao_sample_mm.c \ ao_kalman.c \ ao_log.c \ ao_log_big.c \ ao_report.c \ ao_telemetry.c \ ao_freq.c CC1111_SRC = \ ao_adc.c \ ao_beep.c \ ao_dbg.c \ ao_dma.c \ ao_ignite.c \ ao_led.c \ ao_packet.c \ ao_packet_slave.c \ ao_radio.c \ ao_romconfig.c \ ao_serial.c \ ao_string.c \ ao_spi.c \ ao_timer.c \ ao_usb.c \ _bp.c DRIVER_SRC = \ $(TM_SRC) PRODUCT_SRC = \ ao_telemetrum.c SRC = \ $(CORE_SRC) \ $(CC1111_SRC) \ $(DRIVER_SRC) \ $(PRODUCT_SRC) PROG = telemetrum-v$(TM_VER)-$(VERSION)$(TM_EXTRA).ihx PRODUCT=TeleMetrum-v$(TM_VER) PRODUCT_DEF=-DTELEMETRUM_V_$(TM_DEF) IDPRODUCT=0x000b include ../cc1111/Makefile.cc1111 NICKLE=nickle CHECK_STACK=sh ../util/check-stack V=0 # The user has explicitly enabled quiet compilation. ifeq ($(V),0) quiet = @printf " $1 $2 $@\n"; $($1) endif # Otherwise, print the full command line. quiet ?= $($1) all: ../$(PROG) ../$(PROG): $(REL) Makefile $(call quiet,CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $(PROG) $(REL) && cp $(PROG) $(PMAP) .. $(call quiet,CHECK_STACK) ../cc1111/ao_arch.h $(PMEM) || rm $@ ao_product.h: ao-make-product.5c ../Version $(call quiet,NICKLE,$<) $< -m altusmetrum.org -i $(IDPRODUCT) -p $(PRODUCT) -v $(VERSION) > $@ distclean: clean clean: rm -f $(ADB) $(ASM) $(LNK) $(LST) $(REL) $(RST) $(SYM) rm -f $(PROG) $(PCDB) $(PLNK) $(PMAP) $(PMEM) $(PAOM) rm -f ao_product.h rm -f ../$(PROG) ../$(PMAP) install: uninstall: