/* * Copyright © 2012 Keith Packard * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ exception non_hexchar(int c); exception file_ended(); exception invalid_crc(); int get_nonwhite(file f) { int c; for (;;) { if (File::end(f)) raise file_ended(); if (!Ctype::isspace((c = File::getc(f)))) return c; } } int get_hexc(file f) { int c = get_nonwhite(f); if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10; if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10; raise non_hexchar(c); } int POLY = 0x8408; int log_crc(int crc, int byte) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (((crc & 0x0001) ^ (byte & 0x0001)) != 0) crc = (crc >> 1) ^ POLY; else crc = crc >> 1; byte >>= 1; } return crc & 0xffff; } int file_crc; int get_hex(file f) { int a = get_hexc(f); int b = get_hexc(f); int h = (a << 4) + b; file_crc = log_crc(file_crc, h); return h; } bool find_header(file f) { while (!File::end(f)) { if (get_nonwhite(f) == 'M' && get_nonwhite(f) == 'P') return true; } return false; } int get_32(file f) { int v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { v += get_hex(f) << (i * 8); } return v; } int get_16(file f) { int v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { v += get_hex(f) << (i * 8); } return v; } int swap16(int i) { return ((i << 8) & 0xff00) | ((i >> 8) & 0xff); } typedef struct { int ground_baro; int min_baro; int[*] samples; } log_t; log_t get_log(file f) { log_t log; if (!find_header(f)) raise file_ended(); file_crc = 0xffff; log.ground_baro = get_32(f); log.min_baro = get_32(f); int nsamples = get_16(f); log.samples = (int[nsamples]) { [i] = get_16(f) }; int current_crc = swap16(~file_crc & 0xffff); int crc = get_16(f); if (crc != current_crc) raise invalid_crc(); return log; } /* * Pressure Sensor Model, version 1.1 * * written by Holly Grimes * * Uses the International Standard Atmosphere as described in * "A Quick Derivation relating altitude to air pressure" (version 1.03) * from the Portland State Aerospace Society, except that the atmosphere * is divided into layers with each layer having a different lapse rate. * * Lapse rate data for each layer was obtained from Wikipedia on Sept. 1, 2007 * at site MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE) /* FIX ME: use sensor data to improve model */ return 0; /* calculate the base temperature and pressure for the atmospheric layer associated with the inputted altitude */ for(layer_number = 0; layer_number < NUMBER_OF_LAYERS - 1 && altitude > base_altitude[layer_number + 1]; layer_number++) { delta_z = base_altitude[layer_number + 1] - base_altitude[layer_number]; if (lapse_rate[layer_number] == 0.0) { exponent = GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION * delta_z / AIR_GAS_CONSTANT / base_temperature; base_pressure *= exp(exponent); } else { base = (lapse_rate[layer_number] * delta_z / base_temperature) + 1.0; exponent = GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION / (AIR_GAS_CONSTANT * lapse_rate[layer_number]); base_pressure *= pow(base, exponent); } base_temperature += delta_z * lapse_rate[layer_number]; } /* calculate the pressure at the inputted altitude */ delta_z = altitude - base_altitude[layer_number]; if (lapse_rate[layer_number] == 0.0) { exponent = GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION * delta_z / AIR_GAS_CONSTANT / base_temperature; pressure = base_pressure * exp(exponent); } else { base = (lapse_rate[layer_number] * delta_z / base_temperature) + 1.0; exponent = GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION / (AIR_GAS_CONSTANT * lapse_rate[layer_number]); pressure = base_pressure * pow(base, exponent); } return pressure; } /* outputs the altitude associated with the given pressure. the altitude returned is measured with respect to the mean sea level */ real pressure_to_altitude(real pressure) { real next_base_temperature = LAYER0_BASE_TEMPERATURE; real next_base_pressure = LAYER0_BASE_PRESSURE; real altitude; real base_pressure; real base_temperature; real base; /* base for function to determine base pressure of next layer */ real exponent; /* exponent for function to determine base pressure of next layer */ real coefficient; int layer_number; /* identifies layer in the atmosphere */ int delta_z; /* difference between two altitudes */ if (pressure < 0) /* illegal pressure */ return -1; if (pressure < MINIMUM_PRESSURE) /* FIX ME: use sensor data to improve model */ return MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE; /* calculate the base temperature and pressure for the atmospheric layer associated with the inputted pressure. */ layer_number = -1; do { layer_number++; base_pressure = next_base_pressure; base_temperature = next_base_temperature; delta_z = base_altitude[layer_number + 1] - base_altitude[layer_number]; if (lapse_rate[layer_number] == 0.0) { exponent = GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION * delta_z / AIR_GAS_CONSTANT / base_temperature; next_base_pressure *= exp(exponent); } else { base = (lapse_rate[layer_number] * delta_z / base_temperature) + 1.0; exponent = GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION / (AIR_GAS_CONSTANT * lapse_rate[layer_number]); next_base_pressure *= pow(base, exponent); } next_base_temperature += delta_z * lapse_rate[layer_number]; } while(layer_number < NUMBER_OF_LAYERS - 1 && pressure < next_base_pressure); /* calculate the altitude associated with the inputted pressure */ if (lapse_rate[layer_number] == 0.0) { coefficient = (AIR_GAS_CONSTANT / GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION) * base_temperature; altitude = base_altitude[layer_number] + coefficient * log(pressure / base_pressure); } else { base = pressure / base_pressure; exponent = AIR_GAS_CONSTANT * lapse_rate[layer_number] / GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION; coefficient = base_temperature / lapse_rate[layer_number]; altitude = base_altitude[layer_number] + coefficient * (pow(base, exponent) - 1); } return altitude; } real feet_to_meters(real feet) { return feet * (12 * 2.54 / 100); } real meters_to_feet(real meters) { return meters / (12 * 2.54 / 100); } real time = 0; int sample = 0; real interval = 0.192; real ground_alt = 0; void show(int pa) { printf ("%9.2f %9.1f %d\n", time, pressure_to_altitude(pa) - ground_alt, pa); sample++; time += interval; } int mix_in (int high, int low) { return high - (high & 0xffff) + low; } bool closer (int target, int a, int b) { return abs (target - a) < abs(target - b); } void dump_log(log_t log) { int cur = log.ground_baro; ground_alt = pressure_to_altitude(cur); show(cur); for (int l = 0; l < dim(log.samples); l++) { int k = log.samples[l]; int same = mix_in(cur, k); int up = mix_in(cur + 0x10000, k); int down = mix_in(cur - 0x10000, k); if (closer (cur, same, up)) { if (closer (cur, same, down)) cur = same; else cur = down; } else { if (closer (cur, up, down)) cur = up; else cur = down; } show(cur); } } log_t log = get_log(stdin); dump_log(log);