#!/usr/bin/env nickle /* * Copyright © 2011 Keith Packard * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ autoimport ParseArgs; load "load_csv.5c" import load_csv; load "matrix.5c" import matrix; load "kalman_filter.5c" import kalman; /* * AltOS keeps speed and accel scaled * by 4 bits to provide additional precision */ real height_scale = 1.0; real accel_scale = 16.0; real speed_scale = 16.0; /* * State: * * x[0] = height * x[1] = velocity * x[2] = acceleration */ /* * Measurement * * z[0] = height * z[1] = acceleration */ real default_σ_m = 5; real default_σ_h = 20; real default_σ_a = 2; real[3,3] model_error(t, Φ) = multiply_mat_val ((real[3,3]) { { t**5 / 20, t**4 / 8, t**3 / 6 }, { t**4 / 8, t**3 / 3, t**2 / 2 }, { t**3 / 6, t**2 / 2, t } }, Φ); parameters_t param_both(real t, real σ_m, real σ_h, real σ_a) { if (σ_m == 0) σ_m = default_σ_m; if (σ_h == 0) σ_h = default_σ_h; if (σ_a == 0) σ_a = default_σ_a; σ_m = imprecise(σ_m) * accel_scale; σ_h = imprecise(σ_h) * height_scale; σ_a = imprecise(σ_a) * accel_scale; t = imprecise(t); return (parameters_t) { /* * Equation computing state k from state k-1 * * height = height- + velocity- * t + acceleration- * t² / 2 * velocity = velocity- + acceleration- * t * acceleration = acceleration- */ .a = (real[3,3]) { { 1, t * height_scale / speed_scale , t**2/2 * height_scale / accel_scale }, { 0, 1, t * speed_scale / accel_scale }, { 0, 0, 1 } }, /* * Model error covariance. The only inaccuracy in the * model is the assumption that acceleration is constant */ .q = model_error (t, σ_m**2), /* * Measurement error covariance * Our sensors are independent, so * this matrix is zero off-diagonal */ .r = (real[2,2]) { { σ_h ** 2, 0 }, { 0, σ_a ** 2 }, }, /* * Extract measurements from state, * this just pulls out the height and acceleration * values. */ .h = (real[2,3]) { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, }, }; } parameters_t param_baro(real t, real σ_m, real σ_h) { if (σ_m == 0) σ_m = default_σ_m; if (σ_h == 0) σ_h = default_σ_h; σ_m = imprecise(σ_m) * accel_scale; σ_h = imprecise(σ_h) * height_scale; t = imprecise(t); return (parameters_t) { /* * Equation computing state k from state k-1 * * height = height- + velocity- * t + acceleration- * t² / 2 * velocity = velocity- + acceleration- * t * acceleration = acceleration- */ .a = (real[3,3]) { { 1, t * height_scale / speed_scale , t**2/2 * height_scale / accel_scale }, { 0, 1, t * speed_scale / accel_scale }, { 0, 0, 1 } }, /* * Model error covariance. The only inaccuracy in the * model is the assumption that acceleration is constant */ .q = model_error (t, σ_m**2), /* * Measurement error covariance * Our sensors are independent, so * this matrix is zero off-diagonal */ .r = (real[1,1]) { { σ_h ** 2 }, }, /* * Extract measurements from state, * this just pulls out the height * values. */ .h = (real[1,3]) { { 1, 0, 0 }, }, }; } parameters_t param_accel(real t, real σ_m, real σ_a) { if (σ_m == 0) σ_m = default_σ_m; if (σ_a == 0) σ_a = default_σ_a; σ_m = imprecise(σ_m) * accel_scale; σ_a = imprecise(σ_a) * accel_scale; t = imprecise(t); return (parameters_t) { /* * Equation computing state k from state k-1 * * height = height- + velocity- * t + acceleration- * t² / 2 * velocity = velocity- + acceleration- * t * acceleration = acceleration- */ .a = (real[3,3]) { { 1, t * height_scale / speed_scale , t**2/2 * height_scale / accel_scale }, { 0, 1, t * speed_scale / accel_scale }, { 0, 0, 1 } }, /* * Model error covariance. The only inaccuracy in the * model is the assumption that acceleration is constant */ .q = model_error (t, σ_m**2), /* * Measurement error covariance * Our sensors are independent, so * this matrix is zero off-diagonal */ .r = (real[1,1]) { { σ_a ** 2 }, }, /* * Extract measurements from state, * this just pulls out the acceleration * values. */ .h = (real[1,3]) { { 0, 0, 1 }, }, }; } parameters_t param_vel(real t) { static real σ_m = .1; static real σ_v = imprecise(10); return (parameters_t) { /* * Equation computing state k from state k-1 * * height = height- + velocity- * t + acceleration- * t² / 2 * velocity = velocity- + acceleration- * t * acceleration = acceleration- */ .a = (real[3,3]) { { 1, imprecise(t), imprecise((t**2)/2) }, { 0, 1, imprecise(t) }, { 0, 0, 1 } }, /* * Model error covariance. The only inaccuracy in the * model is the assumption that acceleration is constant */ .q = model_error (t, σ_m**2), /* * Measurement error covariance * Our sensors are independent, so * this matrix is zero off-diagonal */ .r = (real[1,1]) { { σ_v ** 2 }, }, /* * Extract measurements from state, * this just pulls out the velocity * values. */ .h = (real[1,3]) { { 0, 1, 0 }, }, }; } real max_baro_height = 18000; bool just_kalman = true; real accel_input_scale = 1; void run_flight(string name, file f, bool summary) { state_t current_both = { .x = (real[3]) { 0, 0, 0 }, .p = (real[3,3]) { { 0 ... } ... }, }; state_t current_accel = current_both; state_t current_baro = current_both; real t; real kalman_apogee_time = -1; real kalman_apogee = 0; real raw_apogee_time_first; real raw_apogee_time_last; real raw_apogee = 0; real default_descent_rate = 20; real speed = 0; real prev_acceleration = 0; state_t apogee_state; parameters_fast_t fast_both; parameters_fast_t fast_baro; parameters_fast_t fast_accel; real fast_delta_t = 0; bool fast = true; for (;;) { record_t record = parse_record(f, accel_input_scale); if (record.done) break; if (is_uninit(&t)) t = record.time; real delta_t = record.time - t; if (delta_t <= 0) continue; t = record.time; if (record.height > raw_apogee) { raw_apogee_time_first = record.time; raw_apogee = record.height; } if (record.height == raw_apogee) raw_apogee_time_last = record.time; real acceleration = record.acceleration; real height = record.height; speed = (speed + (acceleration + prev_acceleration / 2) * delta_t); prev_acceleration = acceleration; vec_t z_both = (real[2]) { record.height * height_scale, record.acceleration * accel_scale }; vec_t z_accel = (real[1]) { record.acceleration * accel_scale }; vec_t z_baro = (real[1]) { record.height * height_scale }; if (fast) { if (delta_t != fast_delta_t) { fast_both = convert_to_fast(param_both(delta_t, 0, 0, 0)); fast_accel = convert_to_fast(param_accel(delta_t, 0, 0)); fast_baro = convert_to_fast(param_baro(delta_t, 0, 0)); fast_delta_t = delta_t; } current_both.x = predict_fast(current_both.x, fast_both); current_accel.x = predict_fast(current_accel.x, fast_accel); current_baro.x = predict_fast(current_baro.x, fast_baro); current_both.x = correct_fast(current_both.x, z_both, fast_both); current_accel.x = correct_fast(current_accel.x, z_accel, fast_accel); current_baro.x = correct_fast(current_baro.x, z_baro, fast_baro); } else { parameters_t p_both = param_both(delta_t, 0, 0, 0); parameters_t p_accel = param_accel(delta_t, 0, 0); parameters_t p_baro = param_baro(delta_t, 0, 0); state_t pred_both = predict(current_both, p_both); state_t pred_accel = predict(current_accel, p_accel); state_t pred_baro = predict(current_baro, p_baro); state_t next_both = correct(pred_both, z_both, p_both); state_t next_accel = correct(pred_accel, z_accel, p_accel); state_t next_baro = correct(pred_baro, z_baro, p_baro); current_both = next_both; current_accel = next_accel; current_baro = next_baro; } printf ("%16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f\n", record.time, record.height, speed, record.acceleration, current_both.x[0] / height_scale, current_both.x[1] / speed_scale, current_both.x[2] / accel_scale, current_accel.x[0] / height_scale, current_accel.x[1] / speed_scale, current_accel.x[2] / accel_scale, current_baro.x[0] / height_scale, current_baro.x[1] / speed_scale, current_baro.x[2] / accel_scale); if (kalman_apogee_time < 0) { if (current_both.x[1] < -1 && current_accel.x[1] < -1 && current_baro.x[1] < -1) { kalman_apogee = current_both.x[0]; kalman_apogee_time = record.time; break; } } } real raw_apogee_time = (raw_apogee_time_last + raw_apogee_time_first) / 2; if (summary && !just_kalman) { printf("%s: kalman (%8.2f m %6.2f s) raw (%8.2f m %6.2f s) error %6.2f s\n", name, kalman_apogee, kalman_apogee_time, raw_apogee, raw_apogee_time, kalman_apogee_time - raw_apogee_time); } } void main() { bool summary = false; int user_argind = 1; real time_step = 0.01; string compute = "none"; string prefix = "AO_K"; real σ_m = 1; real σ_h = 4; real σ_a = 1; ParseArgs::argdesc argd = { .args = { { .var = { .arg_flag = &summary }, .abbr = 's', .name = "summary", .desc = "Print a summary of the flight" }, { .var = { .arg_real = &max_baro_height }, .abbr = 'm', .name = "maxbaro", .expr_name = "height", .desc = "Set maximum usable barometer height" }, { .var = { .arg_real = &accel_input_scale, }, .abbr = 'a', .name = "accel", .expr_name = "", .desc = "Set accelerometer scale factor" }, { .var = { .arg_real = &time_step, }, .abbr = 't', .name = "time", .expr_name = "", .desc = "Set time step for convergence" }, { .var = { .arg_string = &prefix }, .abbr = 'p', .name = "prefix", .expr_name = "", .desc = "Prefix for compute output" }, { .var = { .arg_string = &compute }, .abbr = 'c', .name = "compute", .expr_name = "{both,baro,accel}", .desc = "Compute Kalman factor through convergence" }, { .var = { .arg_real = &σ_m }, .abbr = 'M', .name = "model", .expr_name = "", .desc = "Model co-variance for acceleration" }, { .var = { .arg_real = &σ_h }, .abbr = 'H', .name = "height", .expr_name = "", .desc = "Measure co-variance for height" }, { .var = { .arg_real = &σ_a }, .abbr = 'A', .name = "accel", .expr_name = "", .desc = "Measure co-variance for acceleration" }, }, .unknown = &user_argind, }; ParseArgs::parseargs(&argd, &argv); if (compute != "none") { parameters_t param; printf ("/* Kalman matrix for %s\n", compute); printf (" * step = %f\n", time_step); printf (" * σ_m = %f\n", σ_m); switch (compute) { case "both": printf (" * σ_h = %f\n", σ_h); printf (" * σ_a = %f\n", σ_a); param = param_both(time_step, σ_m, σ_h, σ_a); break; case "accel": printf (" * σ_a = %f\n", σ_a); param = param_accel(time_step, σ_m, σ_a); break; case "baro": printf (" * σ_h = %f\n", σ_h); param = param_baro(time_step, σ_m, σ_h); break; } printf (" */\n\n"); mat_t k = converge(param); int[] d = dims(k); int time_inc = floor(1/time_step + 0.5); for (int i = 0; i < d[0]; i++) for (int j = 0; j < d[1]; j++) { string name; if (d[1] == 1) name = sprintf("%s_K%d_%d", prefix, i, time_inc); else name = sprintf("%s_K%d%d_%d", prefix, i, j, time_inc); printf ("#define %s to_fix_k(%12.10f)\n", name, k[i,j]); } printf ("\n"); exit(0); } string[dim(argv) - user_argind] rest = { [i] = argv[i+user_argind] }; # height_scale = accel_scale = speed_scale = 1; if (dim(rest) == 0) run_flight("", stdin, summary); else { for (int i = 0; i < dim(rest); i++) { twixt(file f = File::open(rest[i], "r"); File::close(f)) { run_flight(rest[i], f, summary); } } } } main(); #kalman(stdin); #dump(stdin);