#!/bin/sh if [ -x ../ao-tools/ao-stmload/ao-stmload ]; then STMLOAD=../ao-tools/ao-stmload/ao-stmload elif [ -x /usr/bin/ao-stmload ]; then STMLOAD=/usr/bin/ao-stmload else echo "Can't find ao-stmload! Aborting." exit 1 fi if [ -x ../ao-tools/ao-usbload/ao-usbload ]; then USBLOAD=../ao-tools/ao-usbload/ao-usbload elif [ -x /usr/bin/ao-usbload ]; then USBLOAD=/usr/bin/ao-usbload else echo "Can't find ao-usbload! Aborting." exit 1 fi VERSION=2.0 echo "TeleMetrum v$VERSION Turn-On and Calibration Program" echo "Copyright 2014 by Bdale Garbee. Released under GPL v2" echo echo "Expectations:" echo "\tTeleMetrum v$VERSIOn powered from USB" echo "\t\twith ST-Link-V2 cabled to debug header" echo "\t\twith coax from UHF to frequency counter" echo echo -n "TeleMetrum-$VERSION serial number: " read SERIAL echo $STMLOAD $STMLOAD --raw ../src/telemetrum-v$VERSION/flash-loader/*.elf || exit 1 sleep 2 $USBLOAD --serial=$SERIAL /usr/share/altos/telemetrum-v$VERSION*.ihx || exit 1 sleep 2 dev=`ao-list | awk '/TeleMetrum-v'"$VERSION"'/ { print $3; exit(0); }'` case "$dev" in /dev/tty*) echo "TeleMetrum found on $dev" ;; *) echo 'No TeleMetrum-v'"$VERSION"' found' exit 1 ;; esac echo 'E 0' > $dev SERIAL=$SERIAL ./cal-freq $dev ./cal-accel $dev