# NAME/CMakeLists.txt # Original file by Robin Rowe 2020-05-01 # Extended by Phil Burk 2021-10-31 # License: BSD Zero # To build pforth: # # cmake . # make # # That will create the following files: # fth/pforth # executable that loads pforth.dic # fth/pforth.dic # fth/pforth_standalone # executable that does not need a .dic file # # The build has several steps # 1. Build pforth executable # 2. Build pforth.dic by compiling system.fth # 3. Create a pfdicdat.h header containing a precompiled dictionary # as C source code. # 4. Build pforth_standalone using the precompiled dictionary. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # Put pforth in the fth folder so we can load the Forth code more easily. set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/fth) project(PForth) message("Configuring ${PROJECT_NAME}...") enable_testing() if(WIN32) add_definitions(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) message("Warning: _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS") endif(WIN32) add_subdirectory(csrc) if(NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) link_libraries(rt pthread) endif(NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) option(UNISTD "Enable libunistd" false) if(UNISTD) set(LIBUNISTD_PATH /code/github/libunistd) if(WIN32) include_directories(${LIBUNISTD_PATH}/unistd) link_directories(${LIBUNISTD_PATH}/build/unistd/Release) link_libraries(libunistd) endif(WIN32) endif(UNISTD) # 1. Build pforth executable add_executable(pforth csrc/pf_main.c) target_link_libraries(pforth ${PROJECT_NAME}_lib) # 2. Build pforth.dic by compiling system.fth set(PFORTH_DIC "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/pforth.dic") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${PFORTH_DIC} COMMAND ./pforth -i system.fth WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} DEPENDS pforth COMMENT Building pforth.dic VERBATIM ) add_custom_target(pforth_dic DEPENDS ${PFORTH_DIC}) # 3. Create a pfdicdat.h header containing a precompiled dictionary # as C source code. set(PFORTH_DIC_HEADER "csrc/pfdicdat.h") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${PFORTH_DIC_HEADER} COMMAND ./pforth mkdicdat.fth COMMAND mv pfdicdat.h ../csrc/. WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} DEPENDS pforth_dic COMMENT Building pfdicdat.h VERBATIM ) add_custom_target(pforth_dic_header DEPENDS ${PFORTH_DIC_HEADER}) add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME}_lib_sd pforth_dic_header) # 4. Build pforth_standalone using the precompiled dictionary. add_executable(pforth_standalone csrc/pf_main.c) target_link_libraries(pforth_standalone ${PROJECT_NAME}_lib_sd) target_compile_definitions(pforth_standalone PRIVATE PF_STATIC_DIC) add_dependencies(pforth_standalone pforth_dic_header)