OpenRocket 0.9.4 (2009-11-24): ------------------------------- Added through-the-wall fin tabs, attaching components to tube couplers, material editing and automatic update checks, and fixed numerous of the most commonly occurring bugs. OpenRocket 0.9.3 (2009-09-01): ------------------------------- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements including data exporting, showing flight events in plots, example rocket designs, splitting clustered inner tubes and automated bug reporting. OpenRocket 0.9.2 (2009-07-13): ------------------------------- Fixed imperial unit conversions. Significant UI enhancements to the motor configuration edit dialog, motor selection dialog and file open/save. OpenRocket 0.9.1 (2009-06-09): ------------------------------- Bug fixes to file dialog and saving; initial support for cut/copy/paste of simulations. OpenRocket 0.9.0 (2009-05-24): ------------------------------- Initial release.