Welcome to FreeTTS

This is a stripped down version of FreeTTS that has all JSAPI dependencies removed. When reading the full documentation, please keep this in mind. Furthermore, this is a source only release, which means you need to build FreeTTS before doing anything. You can build FreeTTS by following the build instructions.

How do I run the FreeTTS Emacspeak server?

This version of FreeTTS is written primarily for releasing the non-JSAPI version of the emacspeak server. See these instructions on building and running the non-JSAPI version of the Emacspeak server.

What is FreeTTS?

FreeTTS is a speech synthesis system written entirely in the JavaTM programming language. It is based upon Flite 1.2: a small run-time speech synthesis engine developed at Carnegie Mellon University. Flite is derived from the Festival Speech Synthesis System from the University of Edinburgh and the FestVox project from Carnegie Mellon University.

Where can I get the full version of FreeTTS?

For a full version of FreeTTS, please go to
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Copyright 2001, 2002, 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.