From e4d5918466740011206c1e4dddc5da9ff69b1ebd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bdale Garbee Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 23:00:10 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Imported Upstream version 2.5.2 --- | 3 + COPYING | 339 +++++++++++++ Changes | 243 ++++++++++ Makefile | 231 +++++++++ README | 179 +++++++ | 82 ++++ | 246 ++++++++++ | 132 +++++ | 286 +++++++++++ | 153 ++++++ dds2tar.c | 846 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dds2tar.h | 111 +++++ dds2tar.lsm | 26 + | 363 ++++++++++++++ | 532 +++++++++++++++++++++ dds_chkhdr.c | 39 ++ dds_extract.c | 598 +++++++++++++++++++++++ dds_index.c | 245 ++++++++++ dds_quote.c | 47 ++ dds_tape.c | 475 ++++++++++++++++++ dds_tape.h | 30 ++ ddstool | 87 ++++ index-of-dds2index | 64 +++ index-of-tar | 66 +++ index-of-tar-t | 68 +++ index-of-tar-v | 65 +++ | 174 +++++++ | 313 ++++++++++++ scsi_vendor | 75 +++ tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README | 9 + tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch | 12 + tar-1.11.2.patch | 344 ++++++++++++++ tar-1.11.8.patch | 513 ++++++++++++++++++++ tar-1.12.patch | 487 +++++++++++++++++++ tar-1.13.patch | 540 +++++++++++++++++++++ zf-cre-open.c | 221 +++++++++ zf-cre-open.h | 46 ++ 37 files changed, 8290 insertions(+) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 Changes create mode 100644 Makefile create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100755 create mode 100644 dds2tar.c create mode 100644 dds2tar.h create mode 100644 dds2tar.lsm create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 dds_chkhdr.c create mode 100644 dds_extract.c create mode 100644 dds_index.c create mode 100644 dds_quote.c create mode 100644 dds_tape.c create mode 100644 dds_tape.h create mode 100755 ddstool create mode 100644 index-of-dds2index create mode 100644 index-of-tar create mode 100644 index-of-tar-t create mode 100644 index-of-tar-v create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100755 scsi_vendor create mode 100644 tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README create mode 100644 tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch create mode 100644 tar-1.11.2.patch create mode 100644 tar-1.11.8.patch create mode 100644 tar-1.12.patch create mode 100644 tar-1.13.patch create mode 100644 zf-cre-open.c create mode 100644 zf-cre-open.h diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f22fd9a --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +-bad -bap -bbb -nsob -cdb -sc -br -cli0 -ss -npcs -cs -bs -di8 -i8 -lp +-ts8 -ce -l78 -Ttar_record + diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a43ea21 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Changes b/Changes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..572fd8d --- /dev/null +++ b/Changes @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +Version 2.5.1 changed J"org Weule ( at 13-AUG-2000 + - Thorsten Kranzkowski has send me a patch + with a bug fix. Now the listing created by + 'mt-dds tell;tar -Rt' created by an unpatched tar can be used. +Version 2.5.0 changed J"org Weule ( at 6-AUG-2000 + - Roland Wundrig has send me a patch to eliminate quoted + substrings from the index file. In order to alow the user + to use a quoted or unquoted form on the command line, + I coded this feature in a different way. +Version 2.4.21 chanded by J"org Weule ( at 1998 Aug 5. + - Added Exabyte as a tape vendor. +Version 2.4.20 chanded by J"org Weule ( at 1998 Jul 28. + - Andrew Ukrainec ( pointed out, + that there is a mistake in the patch of tar inside the + online documentation of the new option. I fixed that. +Version 2.4.19 chanded by Erkki Myllynen ( + - A bug was found inside the tar patch, the calculation + of the thoughtput is fixed now. +Version 2.4.18 chanded by Chris Hanson ( + - Bug fix for dds_index.c to handle LF_LONGNAME records at + the end of tape blocks correctly. +Version 2.4.17 chanded by J"org Weule at 1998 May 25. + - I've deleted the set_density, because HP drives + are operating with variable block sizes well and + othter drives don't support changing the density. + - The blocksize is now the buffer size of the program. + read_ahead is only possible for root and deleted in this + version. + - The calculation of the block numer is changed +Version 2.4.16 chanded by J"org Weule + - scsi_vendor: Added a script to examine the drive vendor. + - on non archive tapes, the blocksize is set to one. + These drives can not handle other block sizes. + Read-ahead is enabled to enhence performance. + - dds_extract.c: Added #define _GNBU_SOURCE for compilation + on new systems like RedHat5.0. +Version 2.4.15 changed by J"org Weule at 1997 Dec 9. + - dds_extract.c: bug-fix, short index lines + - dds_extract.c: support for tar-1.12 verbose listing + +Version 2.4.14 changed by J"org Weule at 1997 Nov 30. + - dds_extract.c: bug-fix + - dds_tape.c: to make the program working under HP-UX + thanks to + for his patch, sended to me at 1997 Nov 28: +Version 2.4.13 changed by J"org Weule at 1996 Dez 1. : + - Added support for long filenames. Long filenames + are handled with "tar cv ..." and dds2index to create + the index table. "tar xv ..." is not writing an index + dds2tar can handle correct with long file names. + A filename is called long, if it has more than 99 characters. + - Fixed problems matching the index with the header records + of the tape. I made the check more robust. +Version 2.4.12 changed by J"org Weule at 1996 Mar 29. : + - fixed the strncmp calls inside dds2tar.c - thanks to + Goncal Badenes for the bug fix. + - fixed dds_extract.c -- + tar cfv and tar vft are reporting soft _and_ hard links + in a different style. Hard links may not confuse the + header test in dds_extract. + Goncal Badenes for the bug fix. + - Added a test with an unpatched tar into + +Version 2.4.11 changed by J"org Weule at 1996 Mar 10. : + - Added a warning: You have to be root to change compression. + - Added dds-dd, a tool to read a tape with unknown block size. + +Version 2.4.10 changed by J"org Weule at 1996 Feb 5. : + - Fixed my tar-patch. Sorry for the mistake. + +Version 2.4.10 changed by J"org Weule at 1996 Jan 4. : + - Changed the counter --totals with tar-1.11.8-patch to + 'long long int' to use very large archives. + Added the calculation of the throuput on --totals. + - Fixed the script. + - Test for elf compatibility. + +Version 2.4.9 changed by J"org Weule at 1995 Feb 4. : + - Added the action filename to mt-dds. + +Version 2.4.8 changed by J"org Weule at 1995 Feb 4. : + - Added option 'date ' to mt-dds. + - Fixed the code for 'mt-dds ts' + - tar-1.11.2.patch: + Added %T to expand the record-filename with the timestamp. + +Version 2.4.7 changed by J"org Weule at 1995 Feb 2. : + - Added a patch to tar (support for sparse file on Linux boxes). + - dds_bsr() inserted to dds_tape.c and used by mt-dds (label). + A small change of ddstool was necessary + +Version 2.4.6 changed by J"org Weule at 1995 Jan 29. : + - added the option ts to mt-dds. + - added the option date to mt-dds. + - added teh script 'ddstool' to make some things easier. + - fixed the handling of softlinks in conjunction with + tar index file -- dds2tar ended with FATAL error in + this case. + - added a tool tar2tar. + +Version 2.4.5 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Dez 22. : + - On non HP-DDS devices, teh record number is read from + the device before any block is read. + - Added the option --quick to skip reading of parent directories. + +Version 2.4.4 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Dez 3. : + +Version 2.4.3 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Nov 21. : + - Added a test script with index files to the package. + - Added --body to dds2tar. + - Added label to mt-dds. + +Version 2.4.2 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Nov 21. : + - Fixed some bugs of dds_extract.c. + +Version 2.4.1 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Nov 7. : + - Andreas Bagge was kind enought to report a bug: + Long files (>1MB) are shifting the name field in the tar + listing to the right. dds_extract.c is now able to detect + this. + - I moved the check about the line '-end- ...' to the begining + of the loop inside dds_extract.c. + - Fixed a bug of mt-dds. tell was not working at all. + - Tried to include code to set the right buffer size + in order to allow the change of the buffer of the kernel. + The size of the internal buffer can be set by the -b option + (command line or environment) or is extracted from the + tar record file if possible. The internal buffer should be + large enought to hold one tape block. + - As Andreas Bagge pointed out, a parameter to fnmatch() + serves for matching filenames by giving the directory + entry. The matching is now done similar to tar. + - A workaround lets you create an index of tapes created + with 'tar -b 256 ...' on SunOS. You may have to increase + the default buffer size (ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS) inside the + Makefile to 64 or bigger and the kernel + (/usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/st.c) in that case. On SunOS I + recommend a block size smaller or equal than 64 (-b option of + tar = 32Kb). You have also to increase the buffer size + of your kernel (/usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/st.c). + The default buffer size of the kernel is the maximal block + size of tape block which can be read is 32kB. + - The option --body is included. + +Version 2.4.0 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 28. : + - Fnmatch() was found inside clib (gclib). Code deleted. + +Version 2.3.9 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 16. : + - Reading some options from the environment, e.g. -z, -s, -b. + +Version 2.3.8 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 15. : + - Added a check for the header at dds2index. + If it's not a tar header, a skip is performed. + +Version 2.3.7 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 13. : + - change the tar-1.11.2 patch to get the date of archiving + in the listing (bug fix). The date of the label record is + printed correct now while creating the archive. + - New options --z and --no-compress are included. + - The environment variable DDS2TAR should contain the string + --compress to set this option to default. + - The default DEVICE is now /dev/rmt0 like tar. + +Version 2.3.6 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 11. : + - A lot of header files are created. Some source files + are divided into two. + - As Andreas Bagge pointed out, main(argc,argv,envp) is not + ANSI-C code. I deleted envp for that reason, but this still + works. + - I changed the interface to open child processes. Now you + find a nice interface at "zf-cre-open.c". You may open + a pipe to the child process for reading or writing on a + file number of your choice, e.g. 0 or 1 ('creopen()'). + (Writing stderr to a child process is not supported.) + The function 'zfopen()' opens a file for reading or writing + with transparent (de)compression. This may also be of interest + for other programs. + +Version 2.3.5 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 11. : + - Added -fwritable-strings to the compiler options + Constant strings are declared const by hand. + +Version 2.3.4 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 10. : + - Inserted a lot of const declarations and fixed a bug + inside an experimental function. + - Added the postscript versions of the manual pages to the + distribution. + +Version 2.3.3 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 10. : + - No access to tape with -l. + - Inserted some lines for security. + If the name of the program is mt-dds, nothing is + written on the disk by the program. + +Version 2.3.2 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 10. : + - bug fix inside dds_extract.c. + +Version 2.3.1 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 9. : + - All header record are checked for the filename. + - New option -l is included to check the index file for the + selected matches. The strings are written to stdout and no + pipeing to tar should be done. + - option --extract included. + +Version 2.3.0 changed by J"org Weule at 1994 Oct 9. : + - Added a check inside dds2tar. Now some header records of the + tar files to extract are checked for the expected file name. + dds2tar should stop if you have inserted the wrong tape. + - I inserted a routine to open stdout for a child process or + a file. Andreas Bagge gave me some source to create the + included functions. + - A funktion tar-dds is added to write a tool like tar. + The tool is not ready yet. + - Added background information to the man page of dds2tar. + The lines are based on a text from Andreas Bagge. + +Version 2.2.0 changed by J"org Weule: + I have deleted a lot of options to make the software easier to use. + The scan of the index file is very robust. + + Hope you agree that dds2tar should be a small tool, simple to + use and with as less parameters as possible. That's why I have + deleted old and obsolete parameters for the costs that you may + have to change some scripts. + +Version 2.1.2 Index lines strings with '#' are ignored. + mt-dds can be used to set the tape position of the tape + for the next run of dds2tar. This may be convenient for + shell scripts. + +Version 2.1.1 The recfile (-R) can also be an index-file created by dds2index. + The option -t of dds2tar is obsolete. + Help is written to stdout. + +Version 2.1.0 made some options obsolete. + +Version 2.0.1 is a package with a patch to tar-1.11.2. + +Version 2.0.0 is a package of three programs, to make it easier to use. + A lot of options of dds2tar-1.1.3 are included. + So it is easy to switch to this new version. + + diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b75897 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +# Makefile for dds2tar +# +#-------------------------------------------------------- +# To compile everything: make +# To install the executables and man pages: make install +#-------------------------------------------------------- + +V=2.5.2 + +# Here are some configurable options: +################################################################ + +# To enable the use of the log pages of an HPDAT, +# uncomment the following line : +HPDAT=-DHPDAT + +# Default tape device is: /dev/nst0 +# edit or uncomment the following line to change the default device +DEVICE=/dev/rmt0 + +# Enable trace mode -- for debugging only +# TRACE=-DDDS_TRACE=1 + +# The tape blocks are read into a buffer, so the buffer of dds2tar +# should be in the same size as the one in /usr/src/linux/driver/scsi/st.c +# of the kernel code. Set ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS to zero, in order to take the +# size from the kernel source directly. +# +# The number is halved, if EOVERFLOW is detected. +# The value of the kernel is normally ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS=32. +# +# To configure the buffer size of dds2tar +# change or uncomment the following line : +# BUFFER=-DST_BUFFER_BLOCKS=32 +BUFFER=-DST_BUFFER_BLOCKS=0 + +# To include some experimental stuff +# uncomment the following line : +# EXP_STUFF=-DEXP_STUFF + +# change this to where you want to install: +BINDIR=/usr/bin +MANDIR=/usr/man +MANEXT=1 + +# place here your favorite C compiler and options +CC=cc -g +CCOPT=$(HPDAT) $(HPDAT4) $(EXP_STUFF) $(MATCH) $(BUFFER) \ + -DDEVICE=\"$(DEVICE)\" -O4 -Wall $(TRACE) + +# -Wall \ +# -Wstrict-prototypes \ +# -Wshadow \ +# -Wwrite-strings \ +# -Wpointer-arith \ +# -Wcast-qual \ +# -Wenum-clash \ +# -Wcast-align \ +# -Wtraditional \ +# -Wmissing-prototypes \ +# -Wnested-externs \ +# -Winline \ +# -pedantic \ + + +# nothing configurable below this line +################################################################ + +.SUFFIXES: .c .o .man .$(MANEXT) .ps .s + +D=dds2tar-${V} + +CCFLAGS=-DVERSION=\"$V\" + +TAR=tar +ARCHIVE=\ +$(D)/Makefile \ +$(D)/Changes \ +$(D)/README \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/dds2tar.h \ +$(D)/dds2tar.c \ +$(D)/dds_extract.c \ +$(D)/zf-cre-open.h \ +$(D)/zf-cre-open.c \ +$(D)/dds_index.c \ +$(D)/dds_tape.h \ +$(D)/dds_tape.c \ +$(D)/dds_chkhdr.c \ +$(D)/dds_quote.c \ +$(D)/scsi_vendor \ +$(D)/tar-1.11.2.patch \ +$(D)/tar-1.11.8.patch \ +$(D)/tar-1.12.patch \ +$(D)/tar-1.13.patch \ +$(D)/tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch \ +$(D)/tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/index-of-tar \ +$(D)/index-of-tar-v \ +$(D)/index-of-tar-t \ +$(D)/index-of-dds2index \ +$(D)/ \ +$(D)/dds2tar.lsm \ +$(D)/COPYING \ +$(D)/ddstool \ + + +OBJ= dds_index.o dds_extract.o dds_tape.o dds_quote.o \ + zf-cre-open.o dds_chkhdr.o + + +all: dds2tar dds2tar.1 dds2index.1 mt-dds.1 dds-dd.1 + +dds2tar: dds2tar.o $(OBJ) + $(CC) dds2tar.o $(OBJ) -o dds2tar + ln -f dds2tar dds2index + ln -f dds2tar mt-dds + ln -f dds2tar dds-dd + +tar2tar: tar2tar.c + $(CC) tar2tar.c -o tar2tar + +dds2index: dds2index.o $(OBJ) + $(CC) dds2index.o $(OBJ) -o dds2index + +mt-dds: mt-dds.o $(OBJ) + $(CC) mt-dds.o $(OBJ) -o mt-dds + +dds-dd: dds-dd.o $(OBJ) + $(CC) dds-dd.o $(OBJ) -o dds-dd + +install: dds2tar ddstool \ + dds2tar.$(MANEXT) mt-dds.$(MANEXT) dds2index.$(MANEXT) dds-dd.$(MANEXT) + install -c -s dds2tar $(BINDIR) + install scsi_vendor $(BINDIR) + install -c ddstool $(BINDIR) + ls -l $(BINDIR)/dds2tar $(BINDIR)/ddstool + install -c dds2tar.$(MANEXT) $(MANDIR)/man$(MANEXT) + install -c dds2index.$(MANEXT) $(MANDIR)/man$(MANEXT) + install -c mt-dds.$(MANEXT) $(MANDIR)/man$(MANEXT) + install -c dds-dd.$(MANEXT) $(MANDIR)/man$(MANEXT) + ln -f $(BINDIR)/dds2tar $(BINDIR)/dds2index + ln -f $(BINDIR)/dds2tar $(BINDIR)/mt-dds + ln -f $(BINDIR)/dds2tar $(BINDIR)/dds-dd + +T=tar-1.13 +tar: ${T}.patch + -cd .. ; echo ' ' ; \ + $(TAR) -R -c -f $(D).tar -v $(ARCHIVE) ; + echo ' ' + ls -l ../$(D).tar + gzip -9 -f ../$(D).tar + ls -l ../$(D).tar.gz | awk '{print $$5}' > archive_length + sed s/LENGTH/`cat archive_length`/ ../$(D).lsm + ls -l ../dds2tar*z ../dds2tar*.lsm + -rm -f ../dds2tar archive_length + cd .. ; ln -s $(D) dds2tar + echo ' ' + cd .. ; tar zfc ${T}.1.tar.gz --totals ${T}.1 + cd .. ; tar cf archive.tar ${D}.lsm ${D}.tar.gz ${T}.1.tar.gz + +tar-patch tar-1.13.patch: + ls -l tar-*patch + cd ..; diff -ru ${T} ${T}.1 |grep -v 'Only in '> $(D)/${T}.patch ;true + ls -l tar-*patch + +.c.o: + $(CC) -c $< $(CCOPT) $(CCFLAGS) + +.c.s: + $(CC) -S -c $< $(CCOPT) $(CCFLAGS) + + umask 022 ; sed -e 's?/dev/tape?$(DEVICE)?' $< >$@ + + umask 022 ; sed -e 's?/dev/tape?$(DEVICE)?' $< >$*.1 + umask 022 ; groff -man $*.$(MANEXT) > $*.ps + +clean: + -rm -f $(OBJ) dds2tar.o dds2index.o mt-dds.o dds-dd.o *.BAK *.s + -rm -f dds2tar dds2index mt-dds dds-dd fio_test + -rm -f *~ *.$(MANEXT) *.ps + -rm -f tags *.bak + chmod 644 * + +doc: + a2ps -p -nP [A-Z]* *.h *.c *.lsm > + man dds2tar | a2ps -p -nP -m -Hdds2tar > + man dds2index | a2ps -p -nP -m -Hdds2index > + man mt-dds | a2ps -p -nP -m > + man dds-dd | a2ps -p -nP -m > + +psman: dds2tar.$(MANEXT) mt-dds.$(MANEXT) dds2index.$(MANEXT) dds-dd.$(MANEXT) + groff -man dds2tar.$(MANEXT) > + groff -man dds2index.$(MANEXT) > + groff -man mt-dds.$(MANEXT) > + groff -man dds-dd.$(MANEXT) > + +dds_quote.o:dds_quote.c dds2tar.h +dds_extract.o:dds_extract.c dds2tar.h dds_tape.h +dds_index.o:dds_index.c dds2tar.h dds_tape.h +dds_quote.o:dds_quote.c dds2tar.h +dds_tape.o:dds_tape.c dds2tar.h dds_tape.h +zf-cre-open.o:zf-cre-open.c zf-cre-open.h + +INC=dds2tar.h dds_tape.h zf-cre-open.h +dds2tar.o:dds2tar.c $(INC) + $(CC) -c dds2tar.c $(CCOPT) $(CCFLAGS) -DPROGRAM=DDS2TAR -o dds2tar.o +dds2index.o:dds2tar.c $(INC) + $(CC) -c dds2tar.c $(CCOPT) $(CCFLAGS) -DPROGRAM=DDS2INDEX -o dds2index.o +mt-dds.o:dds2tar.c $(INC) + $(CC) -c dds2tar.c $(CCOPT) $(CCFLAGS) -DPROGRAM=MTDDS -o mt-dds.o +dds-dd.o:dds2tar.c $(INC) + $(CC) -c dds2tar.c $(CCOPT) $(CCFLAGS) -DPROGRAM=MTDDS -o dds-dd.o + +fio_test:zf-cre-open.c zf-cre-open.h + cc zf-cre-open.c -DTEST -o fio_test + +tags: + ctags -stv *.c + diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47aaf18 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ + + dds2tar Digital-Data-Storage Extract Tool for LINUX and HP-UX + + This tool makes use of the fast seek command of DAT devices. + Files from a selected file archive can be extracted within + one minute. + + This tool was originally written for Linux SCSI tape archives. + All device dependent code is separated. + It should be easy, to change this for your machine type. + The only problem should be the ioctls for + MTIOCTOP,(MTSEEK,arg) and MTIOCPOS. + + send me a patch to make it + working under HP-UX, thanks. + + Other patches epsecially for Solaris are welcome. + + J"org Weule + Fon: +49 211 751409 + + This software is available at + + + + ( This is my personal directory, I started writing PD-software + on Apollo-Computers, but they are dying now :-( . Now you + will find some other stuff there.) + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + LICENSE + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published + by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + DESCRIPTION + +To extract a file from a tape, you have to know the location of the file. +A tar archive is a sequence of tar records, 512 byte each. The blocksize +(tar -b #) selects the number of tar records inside each block of the tape. +(HP is calling the blocks of the tape records also.) + +The location of a file is a tuple of the block number and the number of the +record where the header of the file can be found inside the block. + +The first step will be to extract a table with block and record information +of all files in one archive. If the archive is the 10'th file of the tape, +you will get the table by: + + mt asf 10 + dds2index -t my-archive-table -f /dev/nst0 + +Tar is writing some record information to stdout, when you select the options +-R and -v. To use this information as a location table, you have to know the +block number of the first block and the blocksize of the archive. If it's the +first archive of the tape and the blocksize is the default of 20, you can +use the verbose lines of tar as a location table. (Additional lines with +warnings can be included). Otherwise you have to patch tar to retrieve the +location information. If you don't want to patch tar, feel free to insert +the output of 'mt-dds tell' at the top of the verbose output of tar. + +If you have applied the patch file 'tar-1.12.patch' to GNU tar, you can use +the verbose output of the tar command (tar -c -v --record-file F) instead of the +index file generated with the dds2index command above. + +(If you patch tar-1.12, you are able to write the record-information + to a file while getting the errors on screen. The patch 'tar-1.12.patch' + adds the option '--record-file F'. Additionally a small bug in the source file + 'create.c' of tar is fixed. I have moved one line to correct the verbose output + of the record numbers. While creating the archive, you can store the current + time at the label record. A bug fix to write this date to the verbose output + is also done in the source file 'list.c'.) + + ! The patch tar-1.12.patch moves one line inside the source file 'create.c' + ! and adds some lines for the ability to direct the verbose output to a file. + ! Two extra lines are printed to the terminal in some cases to get to current + ! tape position at the start and the blocksize. + ! Nothing else is done. There should be no extra risk for your data. + ! The tar will stay fully compatible to the original version. + ! The patch is also convenient for other operating systems. + +Lines of the index file stating with '#' are ignored. So you can insert +some comments. This distribution includes some examples of index files. +Look for files 'index-of-*' + +Once you have the table, you can get the files very quickly. Lets suppose, +you want to extract everything of the glibc, you have to invoke +the following command: + + dds2tar -t my-archive-table 'glibc*' | tar -f - -xvv + +dds2tar will search in the archive table for the blocks to read, and +extracts the records with the selected files. These records together +are giving a valid tar archive, to use tar for restoring to your disk. +This will also work, if the files are not a continuous area of the tape. +dds2tar is skipping over the gaps very quickly with a seek command. +If you want to extract exactly one file, use -x instead of -p. +If you want to extract all files, witch named include a pattern, +use -g instead of -p or -x. +A list of files is valid to search for. + +With the option -z, you can force the index file to be in compressed mode. +Compressed archive files are not supported. +If you don't use the option -t, stdin or stdout are used in this case. +The default device is /dev/nst0, witch can be overwritten by the TAPE variable +and the option -f. + +If you want to get familiar with the command, use + + # skipping to some file + mt rewind + mt fsf 20 + + # creating the table of the archive + dds2index -t my-archive-table + + # The following line is an alternative way to create the index. + # You have to patch tar to make the option --record-file + # available. + # tar -t --record-file my-archive-table + + # extract all files with the substring glibc in there names + # and use tar to check the output of dds2tar. + dds2tar -t my-archive-table 'glibc*' | tar -f - -tvv + # See what's going on ... ^^^^ ^^ + +to see what's going on. In any case, dds2tar is reading your tape, +so don't worry. Only the file specified by -t is written by this example. + +NOTE: +To make extraction easier, dds2tar will also extract the directories +for the selected files. So you will also get the full directory hierarchy. + +The owners of HP-DAT devices will find the actions comp-on, comp-off and +comp-query (dds-compression-mode) of mt-dds convenient to change the compression +mode of the device. Turning off the compression will speed up storing +'gzip'ed files. + +WARNING: +If we seek to the first block of a file, it can happen, that we are +going to the position before the filemark. The program is closing and opening +the file in that case to step over the filemark. Don't use /dev/st0 in that +case, use /dev/nst0. + +THANKS: +Thanks to Andreas (, who has send me a new manual +page, witch gave me the ideas how to split dds2tar-1.1.3 into peaces. +His page was also the starting point for the approved man-page added to this +version. + +Thanks also to Chris Hanson ( for his bug bix. + +Last change 2.2.95 by J"org Weule + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + INSTALLATION + +1. Change the "Makefile" to reflect the buffersize of the kernel. + Otherwise uncomment the definition of BUFFER. + +2. type "make install". + +3. patch tar-1.12 if you like. + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8ad7d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +.TH dds-dd 1L 2.4 \" -*- nroff -*- +.\"---------- +.SH NAME +.\"---------- +dds-dd \- tool to read a dds device. +.\"---------- +.SH SYNOPSIS +.\"---------- +.B dds-dd +[ +.B -f device +] +.PD 1 +.\"---------- +.SH DESCRIPTION +.\"---------- +.B dds-dd +reads a dds tape devices (DAT). Every block is read and written to +stdout. A tape with unknown block size or blocks of different size +can be read. +.PP +The default device is +.IR /dev/rmt0 , +which may be overridden with the environment variable +.BR TAPE , +which in turn may be overridden with the +.BI -f \ device +option. The device must be a character special file. +.\"---------- +.SH OPTIONS +.\"---------- +.TP +.BI -f\ device +Device of the tape archive (default is /dev/rmt0). +Must be a character special file connected to a dds tape device. +.TP +.BR -V , --version +Print the version number of +.B mt-dds +to stderr and exit immediately. +.TP +.B --help +print some screens of online help with examples through a pager +and exit immediately. +.\"---------- +.SH EXAMPLES +.\"---------- +.B Example: +Read the tape and make a listing: +.RS 10 +dds-dd | tar ft - +.RE +.PP +.B Example: +Read the tape and make a listing: +.RS 10 +dds-dd | cpio -it +.RE +.PP +.PD 1 +.\"---------- +.SH ENVIRONMENT +.\"---------- +The environment variable +.B TAPE +overrides the default tape device /dev/rmt0. +.TP +.\"---------- +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.\"---------- +dds2tar(1), dds2index(1), mt(1), tar(1) +.\"---------- +.SH HISTORY +.\"---------- +This program was created to use it in conjunction with dds2tar. +.\"---------- +.SH AUTHOR +.\"---------- +J"org Weule (, Phone +49 211 751409. +This software is available at + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a27075a --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 +%%Creator: groff version 1.09 +%%CreationDate: Sun Mar 10 17:12:19 1996 +%%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman +%%+ font Times-Bold +%%+ font Times-Italic +%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset grops 1.09 0 +%%Pages: 1 +%%PageOrder: Ascend +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +%%BeginResource: procset grops 1.09 0 +/setpacking where{ +pop +currentpacking +true setpacking +}if +/grops 120 dict dup begin +/SC 32 def +/A/show load def +/B{0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/C{0 exch ashow}bind def +/D{0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/E{0 rmoveto show}bind def +/F{0 rmoveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/G{0 rmoveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/H{0 rmoveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/I{0 exch rmoveto show}bind def +/J{0 exch rmoveto 0 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+/questiondown/Agrave/Aacute/Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE +/Ccedilla/Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute/Icircumflex +/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute/Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis +/multiply/Oslash/Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn +/germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis/aring/ae/ccedilla +/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis +/eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde/odieresis/divide/oslash +/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex/udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis]def +/Times-Italic@0 ENC0/Times-Italic RE/Times-Bold@0 ENC0/Times-Bold RE +/Times-Roman@0 ENC0/Times-Roman RE +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 +%%BeginPageSetup +BP +%%EndPageSetup +/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 375.52(dds-dd\(1L\) dds-dd\(1L\))72 48 R/F1 9 +/Times-Bold@0 SF -.18(NA)72 84 S(ME).18 E F0 +(dds-dd \255 tool to read a dds de)108 96 Q(vice.)-.25 E F1(SYNOPSIS)72 +112.8 Q/F2 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(dds-dd)108 124.8 Q F0([)2.5 E F2(-f de)2.5 +E(vice)-.15 E F0(])2.5 E F1(DESCRIPTION)72 148.8 Q F2(dds-dd)108 160.8 Q +F0 .975(reads a dds tape de)3.475 F .975(vices \(D)-.25 F -1.11(AT)-.4 G +.975(\). Ev)1.11 F .975 +(ery block is read and written to stdout. A tape with unkno)-.15 F(wn) +-.25 E(block size or blocks of dif)108 172.8 Q(ferent size can be read.) +-.25 E .726(The def)108 196.8 R .726(ault de)-.1 F .726(vice is)-.25 F +/F3 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(/de)3.226 E(v/rmt0)-.15 E F0 3.226(,w).47 G +.726(hich may be o)-3.226 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .726(rridden with the en).15 +F .726(vironment v)-.4 F(ariable)-.25 E F2 -.9(TA)3.226 G(PE).9 E F0 +3.226(,w)C .726(hich in)-3.226 F(turn may be o)108 208.8 Q -.15(ve)-.15 +G(rridden with the).15 E F2(-f)2.5 E F3(de)2.5 E(vice)-.15 E F0 +(option. The de)2.5 E(vice must be a character special \214le.)-.25 E F1 +(OPTIONS)72 232.8 Q F2(-f)108 244.8 Q F3(de)2.85 E(vice)-.15 E F0(De)144 +256.8 Q .792(vice of the tape archi)-.25 F 1.091 -.15(ve \()-.25 H(def) +.15 E .791(ault is /de)-.1 F 3.291(v/rmt0\). Must)-.25 F .791 +(be a character special \214le connected to a)3.291 F(dds tape de)144 +268.8 Q(vice.)-.25 E F2(-V)108 292.8 Q F0(,)A F2(--v)A(ersion)-.1 E F0 +(Print the v)144 304.8 Q(ersion number of)-.15 E F2(mt-dds)2.5 E F0 +(to stderr and e)2.5 E(xit immediately)-.15 E(.)-.65 E F2(--help)108 +328.8 Q F0(print some screens of online help with e)11 E +(xamples through a pager and e)-.15 E(xit immediately)-.15 E(.)-.65 E F1 +(EXAMPLES)72 352.8 Q F2(Example:)108 364.8 Q F0(Read the tape and mak) +2.5 E 2.5(eal)-.1 G(isting:)-2.5 E(dds-dd | tar ft -)158 376.8 Q F2 +(Example:)108 400.8 Q F0(Read the tape and mak)2.5 E 2.5(eal)-.1 G +(isting:)-2.5 E(dds-dd | cpio -it)158 412.8 Q F1(ENVIR)72 448.8 Q +(ONMENT)-.27 E F0(The en)108 460.8 Q(vironment v)-.4 E(ariable)-.25 E F2 +-.9(TA)2.5 G(PE).9 E F0 -.15(ove)2.5 G(rrides the def).15 E +(ault tape de)-.1 E(vice /de)-.25 E(v/rmt0.)-.25 E F1(SEE ALSO)108 496.8 +Q F0(dds2tar\(1\), dds2inde)144 508.8 Q(x\(1\), mt\(1\), tar\(1\))-.15 E +F1(HIST)72 532.8 Q(OR)-.162 E(Y)-.315 E F0(This program w)108 544.8 Q +(as created to use it in conjunction with dds2tar)-.1 E(.)-.55 E F1 -.45 +(AU)72 568.8 S(THOR).45 E F0(J"or)108 580.8 Q 3.028(gW)-.18 G .528 +(eule \(\), Phone +49 211 751409.)-3.828 F +.528(This softw)5.528 F .529(are is a)-.1 F -.25(va)-.2 G .529 +(ilable at ftp.uni-).25 F( 592.8 Q +220.25(2.4 1)299.75 768 R EP +%%Trailer +end +%%EOF diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e836388 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +.TH dds2index 1L 2.4 \" -*- nroff -*- +.\"---------- +.SH NAME +.\"---------- +dds2index \- tool to create an indexfile for the use of +.\"---------- +.SH SYNOPSIS +.\"---------- +.B dds2index +[options] +.\"---------- +.SH DESCRIPTION +.\"---------- +.B dds2index +creates an index file that is required by the file extraction utility +.BR dds2tar(1) . +It works on +.B tar +archives stored on dds tape devices (DAT). +Since the file structure of the tape archives is +used to extract the files, the archive must be an +.B uncompressed tar +archive. But compression by the transparent +signal processor of the tape device is allowed. +.PP +The index created by +.BR dds2index +is written to +.I stdout +by default and should normally be stored on hard disk as +.I indexfile +for later use by +.BR dds2tar(1) . +.PP +The default tape device to read from is +.IR /dev/tape , +which may be overridden with the environment variable +.BR TAPE , +which in turn may be overridden with the +.BI -f\ device +option. The device must be a SCSI tape device. +.PP +.\"---------- +.SH OPTIONS +.\"---------- +.TP +.BI -f\ devicefile +device of the tape archive. Must be a character special file. +.TP +.BI -t\ indexfile +write the index to +.IR indexfile , +not to +.IR stdout. +.TP +.BR -z , --compress +write the index in (gzip) compressed mode. +.TP +.B --help +print some screens of online help with examples through a pager +and exit immediatley. +.\"---------- +.SH OPTIONS you didn't really need +.\"---------- +.TP +.B -b, --block-size +Set the maximal blocksize, dds2index can handle. +.TP +.TP +.B --z, --no-compress +Don't filter the archive file through gzip. +.TP +.BR -v , --verbose +verbose mode. Print to +.IR stderr +what is going on. +.TP +.BR -h , --hash-mode +Print a hash sign '#' to +.I stderr +for each MB read from tape. +.TP +.BR -V , --version +Print the version number of +.B dds2index +to +.I stderr +and exit immediately. +.\"---------- +.SH EXAMPLES +.\"---------- +.RP +Example of getting the index from the default tape /dev/tape +and storing it in file archive.idx: +.IP +dds2index -v -t archive.idx +.\"---------- +.SH WARNING +.\"---------- +This program can only read records (tar is calling them tape blocks) +up to 32 kbytes. A bigger buffer will cause problems with the Linux +device driver. +.\"---------- +.SH ENVIRONMENT +.\"---------- +The environment variable +.B TAPE +overrides the default tape device /dev/tape. +.\"---------- +.SH FILES +.\"---------- +.TP 14 +/dev/tape +default tape device file. Must be a character special file. +.\"---------- +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.\"---------- +dds2tar(1), mt(1), mt-dds(1), tar(1), gzip(1) + +.\"---------- +.SH HISTORY +.\"---------- +This program was created as a tool for +.BR dds2tar(1) . + +.\"---------- +.SH AUTHOR +.\"---------- +J"org Weule (, Phone +49 211 751409. +This software is available at + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6258d59 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 +%%Creator: groff version 1.09 +%%CreationDate: Sun Mar 10 17:12:15 1996 +%%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman +%%+ font Times-Bold +%%+ font Times-Italic +%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset grops 1.09 0 +%%Pages: 2 +%%PageOrder: Ascend +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +%%BeginResource: procset grops 1.09 0 +/setpacking where{ +pop +currentpacking +true setpacking +}if +/grops 120 dict dup begin +/SC 32 def +/A/show load def +/B{0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/C{0 exch ashow}bind def +/D{0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/E{0 rmoveto show}bind def +/F{0 rmoveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/G{0 rmoveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/H{0 rmoveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/I{0 exch rmoveto show}bind def +/J{0 exch rmoveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/K{0 exch rmoveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/L{0 exch rmoveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/M{rmoveto show}bind def +/N{rmoveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/O{rmoveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/P{rmoveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/Q{moveto show}bind def +/R{moveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/S{moveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/T{moveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/SF{ +findfont exch +[exch dup 0 exch 0 exch neg 0 0]makefont +dup setfont +[exch/setfont cvx]cvx bind def +}bind def +/MF{ +findfont +[5 2 roll +0 3 1 roll +neg 0 0]makefont +dup setfont +[exch/setfont cvx]cvx bind def +}bind def +/level0 0 def +/RES 0 def +/PL 0 def +/LS 0 def +/PLG{ +gsave newpath clippath pathbbox grestore +exch pop add exch pop +}bind def +/BP{ +/level0 save def +1 setlinecap +1 setlinejoin +72 RES div dup scale +LS{ +90 rotate +}{ +0 PL translate +}ifelse +1 -1 scale +}bind def +/EP{ +level0 restore +showpage +}bind def +/DA{ +newpath arcn stroke +}bind def +/SN{ +transform +.25 sub exch .25 sub exch +round .25 add exch round .25 add exch +itransform +}bind def +/DL{ +SN +moveto +SN +lineto stroke +}bind def +/DC{ +newpath 0 360 arc closepath +}bind def +/TM matrix def +/DE{ +TM currentmatrix pop +translate scale newpath 0 0 .5 0 360 arc closepath +TM setmatrix +}bind def +/RC/rcurveto load def +/RL/rlineto load def +/ST/stroke load def +/MT/moveto load def +/CL/closepath load def +/FL{ +currentgray exch setgray fill setgray +}bind def +/BL/fill load def +/LW/setlinewidth load def +/RE{ +findfont +dup maxlength 1 index/FontName known not{1 add}if dict begin +{ +1 index/FID ne{def}{pop pop}ifelse +}forall +/Encoding exch def +dup/FontName exch def +currentdict end definefont pop +}bind def +/DEFS 0 def +/EBEGIN{ +moveto +DEFS begin +}bind def +/EEND/end load def +/CNT 0 def +/level1 0 def +/PBEGIN{ +/level1 save def +translate +div 3 1 roll div exch scale +neg exch neg exch translate +0 setgray +0 setlinecap +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[]0 setdash +/setstrokeadjust where{ +pop +false setstrokeadjust +}if +/setoverprint where{ +pop +false setoverprint +}if +newpath +/CNT countdictstack def +userdict begin +/showpage{}def +}bind def +/PEND{ +clear +countdictstack CNT sub{end}repeat +level1 restore +}bind def +end def +/setpacking where{ +pop +setpacking +}if +%%EndResource +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Bold +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic +grops begin/DEFS 1 dict def DEFS begin/u{.001 mul}bind def end/RES 72 +def/PL 792 def/LS false def/ENC0[/asciicircum/asciitilde/Scaron/Zcaron +/scaron/zcaron/Ydieresis/trademark/quotesingle/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef +/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef +/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef +/.notdef/.notdef/space/exclam/quotedbl/numbersign/dollar/percent +/ampersand/quoteright/parenleft/parenright/asterisk/plus/comma/hyphen +/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/colon +/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question/at/A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N/O +/P/Q/R/S/T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z/bracketleft/backslash/bracketright/circumflex +/underscore/quoteleft/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y +/z/braceleft/bar/braceright/tilde/.notdef/quotesinglbase/guillemotleft +/guillemotright/bullet/florin/fraction/perthousand/dagger/daggerdbl +/endash/emdash/ff/fi/fl/ffi/ffl/dotlessi/dotlessj/grave/hungarumlaut +/dotaccent/breve/caron/ring/ogonek/quotedblleft/quotedblright/oe/lslash +/quotedblbase/OE/Lslash/.notdef/exclamdown/cent/sterling/currency/yen +/brokenbar/section/dieresis/copyright/ordfeminine/guilsinglleft +/logicalnot/minus/registered/macron/degree/plusminus/twosuperior +/threesuperior/acute/mu/paragraph/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior +/ordmasculine/guilsinglright/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters +/questiondown/Agrave/Aacute/Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE +/Ccedilla/Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute/Icircumflex +/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute/Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis +/multiply/Oslash/Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn +/germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis/aring/ae/ccedilla +/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis +/eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde/odieresis/divide/oslash +/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex/udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis]def +/Times-Italic@0 ENC0/Times-Italic RE/Times-Bold@0 ENC0/Times-Bold RE +/Times-Roman@0 ENC0/Times-Roman RE +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 +%%BeginPageSetup +BP +%%EndPageSetup +/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(dds2inde)72 48 Q 348.04(x\(1L\) dds2inde)-.15 F +(x\(1L\))-.15 E/F1 9/Times-Bold@0 SF -.18(NA)72 84 S(ME).18 E F0 +(dds2inde)108 96 Q 2.5(x\255t)-.15 G(ool to create an inde)-2.5 E +(x\214le for the use of)-.15 E F1(SYNOPSIS)72 112.8 Q/F2 10/Times-Bold@0 +SF(dds2index)108 124.8 Q F0([options])2.5 E F1(DESCRIPTION)72 141.6 Q F2 +(dds2index)108 153.6 Q F0 1.042(creates an inde)3.542 F 3.542<788c>-.15 +G 1.042(le that is required by the \214le e)-3.542 F 1.042 +(xtraction utility)-.15 F F2(dds2tar\(1\))3.542 E F0 6.041(.I)C 3.541 +(tw)-6.041 G 1.041(orks on)-3.641 F F2(tar)3.541 E F0(archi)108 165.6 Q +-.15(ve)-.25 G 2.592(ss).15 G .092(tored on dds tape de)-2.592 F .092 +(vices \(D)-.25 F -1.11(AT)-.4 G 2.592(\). Since)1.11 F .092 +(the \214le structure of the tape archi)2.592 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.592(si) +.15 G 2.592(su)-2.592 G .092(sed to e)-2.592 F .093(xtract the)-.15 F +.37(\214les, the archi)108 177.6 R .67 -.15(ve m)-.25 H .37(ust be an) +.15 F F2(uncompr)2.87 E .37(essed tar)-.18 F F0(archi)2.87 E -.15(ve) +-.25 G 2.87(.B).15 G .37 +(ut compression by the transparent signal proces-)-2.87 F +(sor of the tape de)108 189.6 Q(vice is allo)-.25 E(wed.)-.25 E .373 +(The inde)108 206.4 R 2.873(xc)-.15 G .373(reated by)-2.873 F F2 +(dds2index)2.873 E F0 .373(is written to)2.873 F/F3 10/Times-Italic@0 SF +(stdout)2.873 E F0 .373(by def)2.873 F .374 +(ault and should normally be stored on hard disk)-.1 F(as)108 218.4 Q F3 +(inde)2.5 E(x\214le)-.2 E F0(for later use by)2.5 E F2(dds2tar\(1\))2.5 +E F0(.)A .487(The def)108 235.2 R .487(ault tape de)-.1 F .487 +(vice to read from is)-.25 F F3(/de)2.987 E(v/rmt0)-.15 E F0 2.987(,w) +.47 G .487(hich may be o)-2.987 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .487 +(rridden with the en).15 F .486(vironment v)-.4 F(ariable)-.25 E F2 -.9 +(TA)108 247.2 S(PE).9 E F0 2.5(,w)C(hich in turn may be o)-2.5 E -.15 +(ve)-.15 G(rridden with the).15 E F2(-f)2.5 E F3(de)2.85 E(vice)-.15 E +F0(option. The de)2.5 E(vice must be a SCSI tape de)-.25 E(vice.)-.25 E +F1(OPTIONS)72 268.8 Q F2(-f)108 280.8 Q F3(de)2.85 E(vice\214le)-.15 E +F0(de)144 292.8 Q(vice of the tape archi)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(.M) +.15 G(ust be a character special \214le.)-2.5 E F2(-t)108 309.6 Q F3 +(inde)2.51 E(x\214le)-.2 E F0(write the inde)144 321.6 Q 2.5(xt)-.15 G +(o)-2.5 E F3(inde)2.5 E(x\214le)-.2 E F0 2.5(,n).18 G(ot to)-2.5 E F3 +(stdout.)2.5 E F2(-z)108 338.4 Q F0(,)A F2(--compr)A(ess)-.18 E F0 +(write the inde)144 350.4 Q 2.5(xi)-.15 G 2.5(n\()-2.5 G +(gzip\) compressed mode.)-2.5 E F2(--help)108 367.2 Q F0 +(print some screens of online help with e)11 E +(xamples through a pager and e)-.15 E(xit immediatle)-.15 E -.65(y.)-.15 +G F1(OPTIONS y)72 384 Q(ou didn't r)-.225 E(eally need)-.162 E F2 +(-b, --block-size)108 396 Q F0(Set the maximal blocksize, dds2inde)144 +408 Q 2.5(xc)-.15 G(an handle.)-2.5 E F2(--z, --no-compr)108 436.8 Q +(ess)-.18 E F0(Don')144 448.8 Q 2.5<748c>-.18 G(lter the archi)-2.5 E .3 +-.15(ve \214)-.25 H(le through gzip.).15 E F2(-v)108 465.6 Q F0(,)A F2 +(--v)A(erbose)-.1 E F0 -.15(ve)144 477.6 S(rbose mode. Print to).15 E F3 +(stderr)2.5 E F0(what is going on.)2.5 E F2(-h)108 494.4 Q F0(,)A F2 +(--hash-mode)A F0(Print a hash sign '#' to)144 506.4 Q F3(stderr)2.5 E +F0(for each MB read from tape.)2.5 E F2(-V)108 523.2 Q F0(,)A F2(--v)A +(ersion)-.1 E F0(Print the v)144 535.2 Q(ersion number of)-.15 E F2 +(dds2index)2.5 E F0(to)2.5 E F3(stderr)2.5 E F0(and e)2.5 E +(xit immediately)-.15 E(.)-.65 E F1(EXAMPLES)72 552 Q F0 +(Example of getting the inde)108 564 Q 2.5(xf)-.15 G(rom the def)-2.5 E +(ault tape /de)-.1 E(v/rmt0 and storing it in \214le archi)-.25 E -.15 +(ve)-.25 G(.idx:).15 E(dds2inde)144 580.8 Q 2.5(x-)-.15 G 2.5(v-)-2.5 G +2.5(ta)-2.5 G(rchi)-2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(.idx).15 E F1 -1.08(WA)72 597.6 +S(RNING)1.08 E F0 .63(This program can only read records \(tar is calli\ +ng them tape blocks\) up to 32 kbytes. A bigger b)108 609.6 R(uf)-.2 E +.63(fer will)-.25 F(cause problems with the Linux de)108 621.6 Q +(vice dri)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -.55(r.).15 G F1(ENVIR)72 638.4 Q +(ONMENT)-.27 E F0(The en)108 650.4 Q(vironment v)-.4 E(ariable)-.25 E F2 +-.9(TA)2.5 G(PE).9 E F0 -.15(ove)2.5 G(rrides the def).15 E +(ault tape de)-.1 E(vice /de)-.25 E(v/rmt0.)-.25 E F1(FILES)72 667.2 Q +F0(/de)108 679.2 Q 28.86(v/rmt0 def)-.25 F(ault tape de)-.1 E +(vice \214le. Must be a character special \214le.)-.25 E F1(SEE ALSO)72 +696 Q F0(dds2tar\(1\), mt\(1\), mt-dds\(1\), tar\(1\), gzip\(1\))108 708 +Q 220.25(2.4 1)299.75 768 R EP +%%Page: 2 2 +%%BeginPageSetup +BP +%%EndPageSetup +/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(dds2inde)72 48 Q 348.04(x\(1L\) dds2inde)-.15 F +(x\(1L\))-.15 E/F1 9/Times-Bold@0 SF(HIST)72 84 Q(OR)-.162 E(Y)-.315 E +F0(This program w)108 96 Q(as created as a tool for)-.1 E/F2 10 +/Times-Bold@0 SF(dds2tar\(1\))2.5 E F0(.)A F1 -.45(AU)72 124.8 S(THOR) +.45 E F0(J"or)108 136.8 Q 3.029(gW)-.18 G .529 +(eule \(\), Phone +49 211 751409.)-3.829 F +.528(This softw)5.528 F .528(are is a)-.1 F -.25(va)-.2 G .528 +(ilable at ftp.uni-).25 F( 148.8 Q +220.25(2.4 2)299.75 768 R EP +%%Trailer +end +%%EOF diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d55ab8b --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +#!/bin/sh +make + +if test q$TAPE = q ; then export TAPE=/dev/nst0 ; fi +case $TAPE in +/dev/nst0|/dev/st0) V=`scsi_vendor tape 1` ;; +/dev/nst1|/dev/st1) V=`scsi_vendor tape 2` ;; +esac + +echo Tape vendor is $V +echo ======================= + +case $V in +HP) B=32 ;; +*) B=32 ;; +esac + +X="--exclude=index*" + +echo $B +echo $X + +#===================1========================================================== +echo 'dds2tar-test 1>' make +make + +#===================2========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 2>' 'make of?' +if test ! -x ./dds2tar ; then exit 1 ; fi + +#===================3========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 3>' creating soft links +ln -sf ./dds2tar ./dds2index +ln -sf ./dds2tar ./mt-dds + +#===================4========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 4>' creating soft and hard links +ln -s dds2tar dds2tar-test-tape-link-soft +ln dds2tar dds2tar-test-tape-link-hard + +#===================5========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 5>' tar c . +tar c $X . + +#===================6========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 6>' tar -c --label dds2tar -b $B ... . +tar --label dds2tar --record-file index-of-tar $X -R -v -c -b $B . + +I=`grep 'number of the file' index-of-tar | cut -c 38-43` +if test q"$I" = q ; then I=1 ; fi +if test $I = 0 ; then exit 1 ; fi +I=`expr $I - 1` +echo file number of the archive written is $I +if test "$I" = "" ; then exit 1 ; fi + +#===================7========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 7>' tar -c . ... +tar --record-file index-of-tar-v -v -R -v -c -b $B $X . + +#===================8========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 8>' mt rewind \; mt fsf $I +mt rewind ; mt fsf $I + +#===================9========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 9>' mt-dds tell +./mt-dds tell + +#==================10========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 10>' mt-dds label +./mt-dds label + +#==================11========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 11>' mt-dds +./mt-dds + +#==================12========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 12>' dds2index +./dds2index -t index-of-dds2index + +#==================13========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 13>' find '*tape*' using index-of-tar +./dds2tar -t index-of-tar '*tape*' | tar fvt - + +#==================14========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 14>' find '*tape*' using index-of-tar-v +./dds2tar -t index-of-tar-v '*tape*' | tar fvt - + +#==================15========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 15>' find '*tape*' using index-of-dds2index +./dds2tar -t index-of-dds2index '*tape*' | tar vft - + +#==================16========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 16>' dds2tar -t index-of-tar --body Changes '|wc -c' +./dds2tar -t index-of-tar --body Changes | wc -c +ls -l Changes + +#==================17========================================================== +echo 'dds2tar-test 17>' mt rewind \; mt fsf $I +mt rewind ; mt fsf $I + +#==================18========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 18>mt-dds' +mt-dds + +#==================19========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 19> mt-dds tell >'index-of-tar-t +mt-dds tell >index-of-tar-t + +#==================20========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 20> tar tR >>' index-of-tar-t +tar tR >> index-of-tar-t + +#==================21========================================================== +echo ' ' +echo 'dds2tar-test 21>' grep -v "'loc '" '< index-of-tar-t > index-of-tar-t2' +grep -v 'loc ' < index-of-tar-t > index-of-tar-t2 + +#==================22========================================================== +echo 'dds2tar-test 22>' mt rewind \; mt fsf $I +mt rewind ; mt fsf $I + +#==================23========================================================== +echo 'dds2tar-test 23>' find '*tape*' using index-of-tar-t2 and mt-dds +echo 'dda2tar-test 23>' ./dds2tar '`mt-dds`' -t index-of-tar-t2 "'*tape*' | tar bvft 1 -" +./dds2tar `mt-dds` -v -t index-of-tar-t2 '*tape*' | tar bvft 1 - + +#==================24========================================================== +echo 'dds2tar-test 24>' mt rewind \; mt fsf $I +mt rewind ; mt fsf $I + +#==================25========================================================== +echo 'dds2tar-test 25>' removing links +/bin/rm dds2tar-test-tape-link-soft +/bin/rm dds2tar-test-tape-link-hard + diff --git a/dds2tar.c b/dds2tar.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ca0a66 --- /dev/null +++ b/dds2tar.c @@ -0,0 +1,846 @@ +/* + dds2tar Digital-Data-Storage Extract Tool + + This tool makes use of the fast seek command of DAT devices. + Files from a selected file archive can be extracted within + one minute. + + J"org Weule + Fon: +49 211 751409 + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + LICENSE + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published + by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + To anyone in Germany I declare the following: + + ! Ich werde gegen jede Verbreitung dieser Software rechtlich ! + ! vorgehen, welche die Lizenzbestimmungen nicht einh"alt. ! + + Wie f"ur jede andere Software gilt auch hier: + Schon mit dem Kopieren oder Benutzen von Teilen dieser Software + werden die Lizenzbedingungen stillschweigend akzeptiert. Lesen Sie + also die Lizenzbedingungen sorgf"altig! Unkenntnis sch"utzt nicht + vor Strafe. + +*/ + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +#include /* getenv() */ +#include +#include /* strcmp() strlen() strstr() */ +#include /* open() stat() */ +#include /* stat() */ +#include /* open() */ +#include /* open() */ +#include /* ctime() */ + +#include "dds2tar.h" +#include "dds_tape.h" +#include "zf-cre-open.h" + +char vendor[9] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" ; +int vid; /* vendor id */ + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static const char help_text_dds2index[] = +"This is dds2index, a tool for fast tape access.\n" +"Choose one of the following\n" +"-t,--table-of-contents F get file location from file F\n" +"-z,--compress filter location file through gzip\n" +"--z,--no-compress don't filter location file through gzip\n" +"-f,--device F read the archive from device F\n" +"-b,--block-size # set block size (non HP/SONY)\n" +"-B,--Block-size # set block size (HP or SONY)\n" +"-q,--quick don't extract parent directories from tape\n" +"-v,--verbose verbose mode\n" +"--hash-mode hash mode\n" +"--force force nochk\n" +"--help get help\n" +"-V,--version print version number\n" +"\n" +"Environment:\n" +"TAPE specifies the tape device\n" +"DDS2TAR=[--compress] [-z] [-s #] [-b #]\n" +" set some defaults\n" + ; + +static const char help_text_dds2tar[] = +"This is dds2tar, a tool for fast tape access.\n" +"Usage: dds2tar [options... ] -t index [pathname ...] | tar -f - ...\n" +"\n" +"dds2tar is a tool to read some tar-records from tape and write them\n" +"as a tar archive to stdout. You have to use tar to extract the\n" +"selected files. The index can either be created by dds2tar or tar.\n" +"\n" +"Choose one of the following\n" +"-t,--table-of-contents F get file location from file F\n" +"-z,--compress filter location file through gzip\n" +"--z,--no-compress don't filter location file through gzip\n" +"-f,--device F read the archive from device F\n" +"-o,--output F write output to archive file\n" +"-b,--block-size # set block size (non HP/SONY)\n" +"-B,--Block-size # set block size (HP or SONY)\n" +"-s,--first_block # set number of the first block\n" +"--body print only the contents of the first file an quit\n" +"-v,--verbose verbose mode\n" +"--help get help\n" +"-V,--version print version number\n" +"\n" +"Environment:\n" +"TAPE specifies the tape device\n" +"DDS2TAR=[--compress] [-z] [-s #] [-b #]\n" +" set some defaults\n" + ; + +static const char help_text_mt_dds[] = +"This is mt-dds, a tool to control the dds-device.\n" +"Usage: mt-dds [-f device] \n" +"\n" +"Choose one or none of the following actions:\n" +#ifdef HPDAT +"comp-on set compression mode on\n" +"comp-off set compression mode off\n" +"comp-query query compression mode\n" +"comp-log print compression log page\n" +#endif +"-b set the buffer size\n" +"blksize print the block size of the archive with format\n" +"tell print current location and blocksize\n" +"where print current location\n" +"label print the label of the current archive\n" +" if it begins at the current position\n" +"filename print the filename of the current record\n" +" if a header record is found at the current position\n" +"ts print the timestamp of the current archive\n" +"date print the date of the current archive\n" +"scsi2logical select mode scsi2logical first\n" +" if it begins at the current position\n" +"date convert the stamp to a string\n" + ; + +static const char help_text_dds_dd[] = +"This is dds-dd, a tool to read the dds-device.\n" +"Usage: dds-dd` [-f device] | tar -f - -[x|t] ... \n"; + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static const char version[] = +"Version " VERSION " -- last change 1994 Dez 22." ; + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +/* This is the source for dds2tar, dds2index and mt-dds. The program will + use the variable pg to decide witch version is running. The default + can be set in the Makefile and is overwritten by the value of argv[0]. + If you give --dds2tar, --dds2index or --mt-dds as an option, the + program will run instead of these. +*/ + +#define DDS2TAR name_dds2tar +static char const name_dds2tar[] = "dds2tar"; + +#define DDS2INDEX name_dds2index +static char const name_dds2index[] = "dds2index"; + +#define MTDDS name_mtdds +static char const name_mtdds[] = "mt-dds"; + +#define DDS_DD name_dds_dd +static char const name_dds_dd[] = "dds-dd"; + + +#if ( PROGRAM == DDS2TAR ) +char const *pg = name_dds2tar; +char const *help_text = help_text_dds2tar; + +#elif ( PROGRAM == DDS2INDEX ) +char const *pg = name_dds2index; +char const *help_text = help_text_dds2index; + +#elif ( PROGRAM == DDS2TAR ) +char const *pg = name_mtdds; +char const *help_text = help_text_mt_dds; + +#elif ( PROGRAM == DDS_DD ) +char const *pg = name_dds_dd; +char const *help_text = help_text_dds_dd; + +#else +char const *pg = name_dds2tar; +char *help_text = help_text_dds2tar; + +#endif + +#define LOCATION 1 +#define EXTRACT 2 + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +char const dds_old_headline[] = +"magic record blk: size name\n"; + +char const dds_old_index_format[] = +"%6s%7d%3d:%9d %s\n"; + +/* magic blkno recno: size name */ + +char const dds_old_index_scan_format[] = +"%6c%7d%3d:%9d\n"; + +char const dds_headline[] = +"magic record blk: size name\n"; + +char const dds_index_format[] = +"%6s%7d%4d:%9d %s\n"; + +/* magic blkno recno: size name */ + +char const dds_index_scan_format[] = +"%6c%7d%4d:%9d\n"; + +/* magic blkno recno: size name */ + +char const dds_loctext[] = +"first block number is %d\n" +"block size is %d\n" "block length is %d\n"; + +char const dds_locline1[] = +"loc number of the first block is %d\n"; + +char const dds_locline2[] = +"loc block length is %d bytes = %d * 512 bytes\n"; + +/* to handle long link and long file names */ +int long_name_len = 0 ; +char long_name[MAXPATHLEN<<2] = { '\0' }; + +int +rt_loc_line(void) +{ +#define strneq(a,b,n) strncmp(a,b,n)==0 + + if ( strneq(cur_line, dds_locline1, 45) ) { + tar_fb = atoi(cur_line + 45); + } else + if ( strneq(cur_line, "first block number is", 21) ) { + tar_fb = atoi(cur_line + 21); + } else + if ( strneq(cur_line, dds_locline2, 31) ) { + tar_n = atoi(cur_line + 31); + tar_bs = tar_n >> 9; + } else + if ( strneq(cur_line, "block size is", 13) ) { + tar_bs = atoi(cur_line + 13); + tar_n = tar_bs << 9; + } else + if ( strneq(cur_line, "block length is", 15) ) { + tar_n = atoi(cur_line + 15) ; + tar_bs = tar_n >> 9 ; + } else { + return 1; + } + + if ( verbose ) fprintf(stderr, + "block length is %d = %d * 512 \n", tar_n, tar_bs ); + +#undef strneq + + if ( buf_n < tar_n ) { + cur_block = realloc ( cur_block , buf_n = tar_n ); + if ( cur_block == NULL ) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: No memory available.\n", pg); + exit(2); + } + } + return 0; +} + + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +int verbose = 0; +int hash_mode = 0; +int list_only = 0; /* print only the matched names */ +int quick_mode = 0; /* don't extract parent directories also */ +int device; /* file number of the device */ +int write_body = 0 ; /* write only the body of the first file */ +int get_label = 0 ; /* get the label of the archive */ +int get_filename = 0 ; /* get the filename of the current record */ +int get_blocksize = 0 ; /* get the blocksize of the current record */ +int get_timestamp = 0 ; /* get the timestamp of the archive */ +int get_date = 0 ; /* get the date of the archive */ +int get_fileno = 0 ; /* get the number of the current */ +int force_nochk = 0 ; /* force tape read, no check of headers */ + +/* file io */ +FILE *index_fp = NULL; + +/* archive location as set by arguments or index file */ +int tar_fb = 0; /* first block of the archive */ +int tar_bs = 20; /* block size in records of 512 bytes */ +int tar_n = 10240; /* block length in bytes */ + +/* archive buffer and location as set by tape access */ +tar_record *cur_block; +int cur_blkno = -1; +int next_blkno = -1 ; +int cur_bs; +int cur_n; +int buf_n = ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS << 10 ; + +/* line buffer to scan the index file */ +char *cur_line; + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +/******** + * input: name of the device ( e.g. /dev/nst0, /dev/nrmt0 or NULL ) + * open mode of the device ( e.g. O_RDONLY or O_WRONLY ) + * verbose flag to indicate the logging mode (integer) + * output: channel number ( integer ) for use with 'read()' or 'write()' + * + * side effects: none + * + **********************************************************************/ + +static int +open_device(char const *pathname, int const open_mode) +{ + int fd; + int i = 1; + char const *p = "next try to open the tape %s\n"; + + { + int i ; + struct stat s ; + FILE *f ; + char cmd[100]; + i = stat(pathname,&s); + if ( i < 0 ) perror("dds2tar"),exit(1); + sprintf(cmd,"scsi_vendor tape %d",(int)(s.st_rdev&0x7f)+1); + f = popen(cmd,"r"); + fread(vendor,1,8,f); + fclose(f); + for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ ) + ( vendor[i] < 0x20 ) && ( vendor[i] = '\0' ) ; + if ( !strcmp(vendor,"HP") ) vid = HP ; + if ( !strcmp(vendor,"SONY") ) vid = SONY ; + if ( !strcmp(vendor,"ARCHIVE") ) vid = ARCHIVE ; + if ( !strcmp(vendor,"SEGATE") ) vid = SEGATE ; + if ( !strcmp(vendor,"EXABYTE") ) vid = EXABYTE ; + } + + do { + if ((fd = open(pathname, open_mode)) >= 0) + break; + sleep(2); + if (verbose) + fprintf(stderr, p, pathname); + } while ((++i) <= 15); + if (fd < 0) { + perror("tape busy?"); + exit(1); + } /* else dds_has_partitions(fd); */ + return fd; +} + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +int +strprefix(char**s,char*p,char*q){ + while ( p != 0 ) { + char *t = *s ; while (( *p != 0 ) && ( *p == *t )) p++ , t++ ; + if ( *p == 0 ) { *s = t ; return 1 ; } + p = q ; q = NULL ; + } return 0 ; +} +/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +/* + * dds2tar + */ +int +main(int argc, char *const *argv) +{ + +#ifndef DEVICE +#define DEVICE "/dev/rmt0" +#endif + + int density = 0 ; + int n = 1; + int l = strlen(argv[0]); + int compressed_mode = T_MODE; + char *p; + int child_proc = -1;/* child not running */ + char const *index_file = NULL; + int print_location = 0; + int print_blksize = 0; + int mt_action = DDSCM_NULL; /* turn compression on/off */ + int mode = 0; /* mode of dds2tar */ + char const *const *pattern_list = NULL; + char const *device_name = DEVICE; + + if ((p = getenv("TAPE")) != NULL) + device_name = p; + + if (!strcmp(argv[0] + l - 7, "dds2tar")) { + pg = DDS2TAR; + help_text = help_text_dds2tar; + } + if (!strcmp(argv[0] + l - 9, "dds2index")) { + pg = DDS2INDEX; + help_text = help_text_dds2index; + } + if (!strcmp(argv[0] + l - 6, "mt-dds")) { + pg = MTDDS; + help_text = help_text_mt_dds; + } + if (!strcmp(argv[0] + l - 6, "dds-dd")) { + pg = DDS_DD; + help_text = help_text_dds_dd; + } + + /* + * Scanning the environment. + */ + p = getenv("DDS2TAR"); + while (p != NULL) { + int count = 0 ; + if (*p == ' ') p++; + if ( *p == '\0' ) p = NULL ; + else if (strprefix(&p, "-z","--compress")) { + compressed_mode = C_MODE; + } else if (strprefix(&p, "--first-block ","-s")) { + sscanf(p, "%d%n", &tar_fb, &count); + p += count; + } else if (strprefix(&p, "--block-size ","-b ")){ + sscanf(p, "%d%n", &tar_bs, &count); + tar_n = tar_bs * 512 ; + buf_n = tar_n ; + p += count; + } else if (strprefix(&p, "--Block-size ","-B ")){ + sscanf(p, "%d%n", &tar_bs, &count); + tar_n = tar_bs * 512 ; + buf_n = tar_n ; + p += count; + density = tar_n ; + } else + p = NULL; + } + + /* + * scan arguments + */ + while (n < argc) { + + /* + * Macros to test arguments ... + */ + +#define T1(s) if((!strcmp(argv[n],(s)))) +#define T(s) else if((!strcmp(argv[n],(s)))) +#define TT(s,t) else if((!strcmp(argv[n],(s)))||(!strcmp(argv[n],(t)))) +#define ELSE else +#define ELSEIF(s) else if(s) + + /* + * Now scanning the arguments ... + */ + + T1("-0") { + fprintf(stdout, "dds2tar: %s\n", argv[0]); + exit(0); + } + + /* + * misc + */ + T("--help") { + fprintf(stdout, help_text); + exit(0); + } + TT("--version", "-V") { + fprintf(stdout, "%s: %s\n", pg, version); + exit(0); + } + + /* + * Some more options ... + */ + TT("--verbose", "-v") verbose = 1; + T("--hash-mode") hash_mode = 1; + T("--force") force_nochk = 1; + + /* + * device name + */ + T("-f") device_name = argv[++n]; + + /* + * index file + */ + TT("-z", "--compress") compressed_mode = C_MODE; + TT("--z", "--no-compress") compressed_mode = T_MODE; + TT("-t", "--table-of-contents") { + index_file = argv[++n]; + /* + * The format of the index is checked by the program. + */ + } + + /* + * Location of the file + */ + TT("-s", "--first-block") { + tar_fb = atoi(argv[++n]); + } + TT("-b", "--block-size") { + tar_bs = atoi(argv[++n]); + tar_n = tar_bs * 512 ; + buf_n = tar_n ; + } + TT("-B", "--Block-size") { + tar_bs = atoi(argv[++n]); + tar_n = tar_bs * 512 ; + buf_n = tar_n ; + density = tar_n ; + } + TT("-m", "--buffer-size") { + fprintf(stderr,"buffer size is %d records, %d bytes\n", + buf_n>>9,buf_n); + exit(0); + } + + ELSEIF(pg == DDS2TAR) { + /* + * Mode of the program. + * + * If you install dds2tar as mt-dds, the program will + * act as mt-dds. Since for some operations you need + * root permissions on mt-dds, it would not be a good + * idea to let the user switch to dds2index or dds2tar + * in this case. + */ + + T1("--dds2index") { + pg = DDS2INDEX; + + help_text = help_text_dds2index; + } + T("--mt-dds") { + pg = MTDDS; + help_text = help_text_mt_dds; + } + T("--dds-dd") { + pg = DDS_DD; + help_text = help_text_dds_dd; + } + /* + * Mode of extraction ... + * + * The location list an experimental mode. + */ +#ifdef EXP_STUFF + T("--location-list") { + pattern_list = argv + n + 1; + mode = LOCATION; + break; + } +#endif + /* + * Select a file for the output. + * + * Since mt-dds may be run as root, we write on screen + * in this case. Writing to a file is supported for + * dds2tar. + */ + TT("-o", "--output") { + reopen(1, argv[++n], O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0660); + } + + /* + * Do not read anything from tape. + */ + TT("-l", "--list") { + list_only = 1; + if (verbose) + fputs("--list\n", stderr); + } + /* + * Write only the body of the file. + */ + T("--body"){ + write_body = 1 ; + } + + /* + * Don't extract the parent directories from the tape. + */ + TT("-q","--quick"){ + quick_mode = 1 ; + } + /* + * Pipe the output to tar -x. + * + * This is for testing only. + */ + T("--test") { + static char const *const a[5] = + { + "/bin/tar", "tfb", "-", "1", NULL + }; + + child_proc = creopen(1, 0, a[0], a); + } + T("--test-verbose") { + static char const *const a[5] = + { + "/bin/tar", "tfbv", "-", "1", NULL + }; + + child_proc = creopen(1, 0, a[0], a); + } + T("--extract") { + static char const *const a[5] = + { + "/bin/tar", "xfb", "-", "1", NULL + }; + + child_proc = creopen(1, 0, a[0], a); + } + ELSE { + { + char*const*p = argv+n ; + while (*p) dds_unquote(*p++) ; + } + pattern_list = (const char*const*)argv + n; + if (verbose) + fprintf(stderr, + "first pattern is '%s'\n", + *pattern_list + ); + mode = EXTRACT; + break; + } + } + + ELSEIF(pg == MTDDS) { + /* + * Tape actions ... + */ + T1("tell") print_location = 1; + T("label") get_label = 1 ; + T("filename") get_filename = 1 ; + T("bs") get_blocksize = 1 ; + T("date") { + get_date = 1 ; + if ( argc > 2 ) { + int j = atoi(argv[2]); + fputs(ctime((time_t*)&j),stdout); + exit(0); + } + } + T("ts") get_timestamp = 1 ; + T("blksize") print_blksize = 1 ; +#ifdef HPDAT +#define R(c) if ( 0 != geteuid() ) { fprintf(stderr,\ +"You have to be root to do this : %s\n",c);exit(1);} + T("comp-on") { + R("comp-on"); + mt_action = DDSCM_ON; + } + T("comp-off") { + R("comp-off"); + mt_action = DDSCM_OFF; + } + T("comp-query") { + R("comp-query"); + mt_action = DDSCM_QUERY; + } + T("comp-log") { + R("comp-log"); + mt_action = DDSCM_LOG; + } + T("load") { + R("comp-load"); + mt_action = DDSCM_LOAD; + } + T("unload") { + R("comp-unload"); + mt_action = DDSCM_UNLOAD; + } + T("where") { + mt_action = DDSCM_WHERE; + } + /* + * Set mode scsi2logical first + */ + T("scsi2logical"){ + mt_action = DDSCM_LOGICAL; + } + +#endif +#ifdef EXP_STUFF + /* + * tar-dds will handle the arguments in a very different way. + */ + } + ELSEIF(pg == TAR_DDS) { + + break; +#endif + } + /* + * Next argument ... + */ + n++; + } + + cur_block = malloc(buf_n); + cur_line = malloc(MAXPATHLEN<<2); + if (cur_block == NULL || cur_line == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: No memory available.\n", pg); + exit(2); + } + /* + * Switch the program mode ... dds2tar, dds2index or mt-dds ... + */ + /*---------------------MT-DDS--------------------------------*/ + if (pg == MTDDS) { +#ifdef HPDAT + /* + * Is setting of compression mode or log page selected ? + * + * I think you have to run this as root. + */ + if (mt_action != DDSCM_NULL) { + device = open_device(device_name, O_WRONLY); + if ( mt_action == DDSCM_LOGICAL ) + dds_scsi2logical(); + else + if ( mt_action == DDSCM_WHERE ) { + tar_fb = dds_getpos(device); + printf(" -s %d \n", tar_fb); + close(device); + return 0; + } else + set_compression_mode(device, mt_action); + } else +#endif + /* + * Print the current position (tree lines). + */ + { + device = open_device(device_name, O_RDONLY); + if ( vid == HP ){ + tar_fb = dds_getpos(device); + dds_read_next_block(); + /* dds_seek(device, tar_fb); */ + dds_bsr(); + } else { + tar_fb = dds_getpos(device); + cur_n = tar_n ; + } + tar_bs = cur_n >> 9; + if (( get_label || get_timestamp || + get_date || get_filename ) && + ( dds_is_tar_header_record(cur_block) != 0 )) { + if ( cur_block->hdr.linkflag == 'V' ) { + int i , j = 0 ; + char*p=cur_block->hdr.mtime ; + for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ ) { + if ((p[i]>='0')&&(p[i]<='7')) { + j <<= 3 ; + j += p[i] - '0' ; + } + } + if ( get_label ) + puts(cur_block->; + else if ( get_timestamp ){ + printf("%d\n",j); + } else /* get_date */ { + fputs(ctime((time_t*)&j),stdout); + } + } else + if ( get_filename ) puts(cur_block->; + } else + if (print_location != 0) { + printf(dds_loctext, tar_fb, tar_bs, cur_n); + } else + if ( print_blksize != 0 ) { + printf("%d\n",tar_bs); + } else { + /* + * Print the current position (one line). + */ + printf(" -s %d -b %d \n", tar_fb, tar_bs); + } + } + close(device); + /*---------------------DDS2TAR-------------------------------*/ + } else if (pg == DDS2TAR) { + + if (pattern_list == NULL) + return 0; + if (list_only != 1) { + device = open_device(device_name, O_RDONLY); + + if ( density ) dds_set_bs(density); + } + index_fp = zfopen(index_file, compressed_mode, "r"); + switch (mode) { +#ifdef EXP_STUFF + case LOCATION: + extract_loc(pattern_list); + break; +#endif + case EXTRACT: + dds_cmp(pattern_list); + break; + default: + fprintf(stderr, "nothing to do ? Try --help\n"); + } + if (list_only != 1) + close(device); + if (child_proc != -1) + cclose(1); + /*---------------------DDS2INDEX-----------------------------*/ + } else if (pg == DDS2INDEX) { + device = open_device(device_name, O_RDONLY); + if ( density ) dds_set_bs(density); + index_fp = zfopen(index_file, compressed_mode, "w"); + dds_index(); + close(device); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ + } else if ( pg == DDS_DD ) { + device = open_device(device_name, O_RDONLY); + if ( density ) dds_set_bs(density); + if ( verbose ) fprintf(stderr,"dds-dd ...\n"); + while ( dds_read_next_block() , cur_n ) + fwrite(cur_block,1,cur_n,stdout); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "no program mode \n"); + /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ + } + return 0; +} + diff --git a/dds2tar.h b/dds2tar.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79bf12b --- /dev/null +++ b/dds2tar.h @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +/* + * This file is part of dds2tar. + * Copyright by J"org Weule + */ + +/* + * Please change the value ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS at the top of the Makefile + * on error with these lines. + */ +#if defined ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS && ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS == 0 +#undef ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS +#include "/usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/st_options.h" +#endif + +#ifndef ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS +#define ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS 32 +#endif + +#include + +#define UNKNOWN 0 +#define HP 1 +#define SONY 1 +#define SEGATE 2 +#define ARCHIVE 2 +#define EXABYTE 2 + +extern const char dds_headline[]; +extern const char dds_index_format[]; +extern const char dds_index_scan_format[]; +extern const char dds_old_headline[]; +extern const char dds_old_index_format[]; +extern const char dds_old_index_scan_format[]; +extern const char dds_loctext[]; +extern const char dds_locline1[]; +extern const char dds_locline2[]; +extern int dds_set_bs(int); +extern char vendor[9]; +extern int vid; /* vendor ID */ + +/* + * It's faster to read some records than to skip over them, + * if the number is smaller then DONT_SKIP. + * I really don't know the right number here. + */ +#define DONT_SKIP ((cur_n>0)?((int)(1024/cur_n)):((int)(1024/buf_n))) + +typedef union { + char chrptr[512]; + struct { + char name[100]; + char dummy1[24]; + char size[12]; + char mtime[12]; + char dummy2[8]; + char linkflag; + char dummy3[100]; + char magic[8]; + } + hdr; +} + +tar_record; + +#define LF_LONGLINK 'K' +#define LF_LONGNAME 'L' + +extern int tar_fb; +extern int tar_bs; +extern int tar_n; + +extern tar_record *cur_block; +extern int cur_blkno; +extern int next_blkno; +extern int cur_n; +extern int cur_bs; +extern int buf_n; +extern int force_nochk; + +extern char *cur_line; + +extern int hash_mode; +extern int quick_mode; +extern int device; +extern int verbose; +extern int list_only; +extern FILE *index_fp; +extern int write_body; +extern int long_name_len; +extern char long_name[MAXPATHLEN<<2]; + +extern char* dds_quote(char*str); +extern int dds_unquote(char*str); + +extern int dds_index(void); +extern int dds_cmp(char const *const *pattern); +extern int rt_line( + int *const ptr_blkno, + int *const ptr_recno, + int *const ptr_size, + char **const ptr_name +); +extern int rt_loc_line(void); +extern int extract_loc(char const *const *); + +#ifdef EXP_STUFF +extern int tar_dds(int const, char const *const *const); + +#endif + +extern int dds_is_tar_header_record(tar_record*const); diff --git a/dds2tar.lsm b/dds2tar.lsm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7375bc --- /dev/null +++ b/dds2tar.lsm @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Begin3 +Title: Tool to maintain tar tape archives and control compression. +Version: VERSION +Description: Once you have recorded the record number of each file of + a tar scsi-tape archive, you are able to find and extract these + files very fast. If you have a DAT drive, you can extract every + small file from a 2GB tape within 40 seconds. + tar2tar is included to change the pathnames inside a tar-archive. +Author: (J"org Weule) +Maintained-by: +Primary-Site: + LENGTH dds2tar-VERSION.tar.gz + LENGTH dds2tar-VERSION.tar.gz +Platforms: Linux and HP (because of the TELL and SEEK command) + HP is not well supported. + SCSI-Tape drive +Copying-Policy:GPL +Keywords: tape archives , tar +Comment: The software is only convenient, if your tape supports a fast + positioning command. + Added code (mt-dds) to change the compression mode of HP-DAT. + tar2tar will work on every computer with ANSI-C. + A patch to GNU-tar is included to add the option --record-file. +End + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af262f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +.TH dds2tar 1L 2.3 \" -*- nroff -*- +.SH NAME +dds2tar \- tool for fast tape access +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B dds2tar +[ +.B -f +.I device +] [ +.B -t +.I indexfile +] [options] +.I string ... +.PP +.SH DESCRIPTION +.B dds2tar +uses an index to find the files with record seek (a fast +operation of DAT devices). +Since the file structure of the tape archives is +used to extract the files, the archive has to be created by +.BR tar , +compressed only by (the transparent +signal processor of) the device. +So you can step through the archive +very quickly and extract files. +The index may be created using +.BR dds2index +or +.BR tar -vRt +and is normally stored as a file on your hard disk. +.PP +A tar archive is a sequence of blocks (e.g. 10240 bytes by default), +each containing the same number (20 by default) of records, 512 byte each. +.B dds2tar +reads the tape and writes the tar records of the +specified files (that means the header record and the data records of each +selected file) +to stdout. +You may pipe the +.B dds2tar +output to the stdin of +.I tar -xvvf - +to restore the files to your disk. +(See +.B EXAMPLES +below.) +Before a file is extracted, +the records of parent directories of the file are also written to stdout. +.PP +The index of the archive should contain enough information +to compute the number of the block containing the header of each selected +file. +.B dds2index +will give such a table, +.B tar -Rvt +e.g. will not (only record numbers are listed). +A patch for +.B GNU tar-1.12 +is available, adding the option +.B --record-file. +Alternatively there are some tricks to get the missing +information. +.PP +The strings are regular expressions to select the files. +The matching algorithm is the one from GNU tar. If the option +.B -l +is given, the matched file names are printed to stdout (You may not pipe +this list of pathnames to tar!). +.PP +The default device is +.IR /dev/tape , +which may be overridden with the environment variable +.BR TAPE , +which in turn may be overridden with the +.BI -f\ device +option. The device must be a SCSI tape device. +.SH OPTIONS +.BI -f\ devicefile +Device of the tape archive. Must be a SCSI tape device. +.TP +.BI -t\ indexfile +Specifies the index file (default is stdin). +.TP +.BI -s\ # +Set the number of the first tape block of the archive. This option is +useful only if the index file contains the verbose output of +.B tar -Rvt. +Any information about the first block +inside the index file will be overridden by this option. +If no information is available, the archive has to be the first file of +the tape. If you have positioned your tape at the first block of the archive, +you can use +.IP +.B dds2tar `mt-dds` -t index ... | tar -f - ... +.IP +to complete the information of the output of +.B tar -Rvt +stored in the +index file. +.TP +.BI -b\ # +Set the blocksize of the archive (tar -b #). This option is +useful only if the index file contains the verbose output of tar (or if +you have problems with the size of the internal buffer of dds2tar). +Any information about the blocksize +inside the index file will be overridden by this option. +If no information is available, the default blocksize of tar is used. +.TP +.B -z +The index file should be read and stored in compressed mode. +.SH OPTIONS you didn't really need +.TP +.B --z, --no-compress +Don't filter the archive file through gzip. +.TP +.B -q, --quick +Don't extract the parent directories of the selected objects from tape. +.BR --body +Write only the first selected file to stdout. This is useful if you want to +read a file or extract an archive which is part of the current archive. +.TP +.BR -v , --verbose +verbose mode. +.TP +.B --hash-mode +Print a hash sign for each MB. +.TP +.BR -V , --version +Print only the Version Number to stderr. +.TP +.B -l +Don't access the tape but print the file names to stdout. +You may not pipe this list of pathnames into tar. +.TP +.B --extract +The stdout is closed and opened by a pipe to the command +.B "tar -fxb - 1". +You may find this option convenient, I like to pipe the output to tar +by hand. +.SH EXAMPLES +Example of +.B getting the index +from the default tape /dev/tape +and storing it in file archive.idx: +.IP +dds2index -t archive.idx +.PP +Alternatively you can use a patched version of tar to create an index file. +With the patch you can direct the errors and warning to stdout and the +index information including information about +the blocksize and the number of the +first block to a file: +.IP +tar -t --record-file archive.idx +.PP +If the archive is the first file of the tape and the blocksize is the default +of 20, you can use the verbose output of tar (-Rv) as an index file. +.IP +tar -t -v -R | tee archive.idx +.PP +If the archive is not the first file of the tape, you can store all the +necessary information inside the index file with the use of +.B mt-dds +and +.B tar +: +.IP +.Sp +mt asf ... +mt-dds tell > archive.idx +tar -tvR >>archive.idx +.Sp +.PP +Example of +.B using dds2tar +to extract the gnu library +(all files containing the string "glibc" in filename) +from the default tape /dev/tape, +using the previously stored index file archive.idx: +.IP +dds2tar -t archive.idx '*glibc*' | tar xvvf - +.PP +.RP +To see in advance what would happen in the previous command +without actually writing anything to your disk, +you may use: +.IP +dds2tar -t archive.idx '*glibc*' | tar tvvf - +.PP +Example of checking the matches. You may try: +.IP +dds2tar -t archive.idx -l '*glibc*' +.PP +\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\"----------------------- +.SH BACKGROUND INFORMATION +.\"----------------------- +.SS tapes +.\"----------- +A tape device handles all I/O (read, write, seek) in units of +.IR "tape records". +The bigger a tape record, the more effective usually is +the access (and the less gaps are on QIC-tapes). +However, normally a program will only read or write complete tape records. + +Normal tape drives allow to seek only relative to the current +position. However, some newer SCSI-2 tapes, i.e. DAT, +conforming to the DDS standard, +keep track of the absolute position on the tape by inserting the +tape record number inside each track. +This number can be read while +the fast seek is performed. + +The +.B tar(1) +program uses a slightly different terminology. +It calls +.IR "tape blocks" +what normally is called +.IR "tape records" . +In the following sections we use the tar terminology +to avoid confusion. +.SS tar +.\"----------- +The unit inside a +.B tar +archive is a +.I tar record +with a fixed length of 512 bytes. Every file, directory or soft link +will occupy at least one tar record of information about +pathname, permission information and so on called header record. +The data of each file is stored in additional tar records directly after +the header record of that file. +.PP +tar reports the +.I tar record number +of every header record in the archive with its -R option. +tar counts the records continuously, +starting with +.B 0 +(if invoked as tar -tR) or with +.B 1 +(if invoked as tar -cR). +.PP +tar handles multiple records as a +.IR "tar block" , +mainly to make the access of tapes (or disks) more efficient (and save +tape space of QIC-tapes). +tar only writes and reads full blocks to or from an archive. +The -b option of tar controls, how many records are in +one block. The default number of records per block is +.BR 20 . +This number is usually called the +.IR "tar block size" . +However, this term is a little bit confusing, since +it does not mean the number of bytes in a block. +Thus a perhaps better name would be the +.IR "tar blocking factor" . + +.SS tar on tapes +.\"----------- +tar writes or reads its archive to or from tape in units of tar +blocks. +As stated above, only a complete tape block may be transferred to/from +tape. To extract a specific tar block from tape, one has to +read an entire tape block into a buffer and extract +the specified tar record from the buffer manually. +If you would like to read a tar record with a given number, +you have to know the number of the first tape block of the archive +and the tar block size to compute the number of the tape block witch +contains the tar record to read. +If the tar archive is the first file on the tape, the +.I tape block number +is the equal to the +.IR "tar block number" . +.PP +.B Example: +A file with the tar record number 1234 (records start with 0) +may be found in a tape tar archive, written with a +blocking factor of 20. +It may be found in the tar block with the number +.RS 7 + blk = (int) 1234/20 = (int) 61.7 = 61 +.RE +which is also the tape block number. +The requested file is within this tar block at the record offset +.RS 7 + rec = 1234-(61*20) = 14 +.RE +in 512 byte units. +.PP +If a current archive is not the first archive on the tape, then +the number of +.I tape blocks +of all previous archives has to be +added to the block number computed above, +to get the +.IR "current tape block number" . +The number of previous tape records +should be obtained from DDS devices +when the tape is positioned +at the beginning of the current archive (use +.B mt-dds +without arguments for example). +.PP +.B Example: +Assuming the archive in the above example to be the second file +on a tape, and the archive starts at tape block 20222. +Then we will find our file with tar record number 1234 +in the tape block +.RS 7 + tblk = 20222 + (int) 1234/20 = 20283 +.RE +on the tape. +The record offset inside the tape block will be the same as above. + +\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +.SH WARNING +This program can only read records (tar is calling them tape blocks) +up to 32 kbytes due to the limitations of the Linux device driver. +The extracted archive is written to stdout with a +block size of 512 bytes. + +.SH ENVIRONMENT +The environment variable +.B TAPE +overrides the default tape device /dev/tape. +The variable +.B DDS2TAR cat be used to give some options, e.g. +.B --compress, -z, -s # , -b #. + +.SH "SEE ALSO" +dds2index(1), mt(1), mt-dds(1), tar(1) + +.SH HISTORY +This program was created to use the fast seek operation of my DAT +streamer. The tapes are called dds (digital data storage). +Since the program will write a tar archive to stdout, +I called this program +.BR dds2tar . +If I created the index file, I'm now +able to restore a file of 1MB within one minute even if the tape +contains more than 2GB of data. + +Thanks to Andreas (, who has written a nice +manual page for the overloaded version 1.1.3 of the program dds2tar +(I added too much features ... ) +His manual page for dds2tar-1.1.3 gave me the idea how to split the +program dds2tar into the peaces dds2tar, dds2index and mt-dds. +Additionally his manual page was the starting point for this page. + +Since the version 2.2 has a very robust algorithm to read the index file +and the ability of pattern matching, a lot of options where obsolete +and has been deleted. I tried to make dds2tar as simple I can. + +.SH AUTHOR +J"org Weule (, Phone +49 211 751409. +This software is available at and + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abfa127 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,532 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 +%%Creator: groff version 1.10 +%%CreationDate: Mon Feb 2 16:42:11 1998 +%%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman +%%+ font Times-Bold +%%+ font Times-Italic +%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset grops 1.10 0 +%%Pages: 4 +%%PageOrder: Ascend +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +%%BeginResource: procset grops 1.10 0 +/setpacking where{ +pop +currentpacking +true setpacking +}if +/grops 120 dict dup begin +/SC 32 def +/A/show load def +/B{0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/C{0 exch ashow}bind def +/D{0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/E{0 rmoveto show}bind def +/F{0 rmoveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/G{0 rmoveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/H{0 rmoveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/I{0 exch rmoveto 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+/ordmasculine/guilsinglright/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters +/questiondown/Agrave/Aacute/Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE +/Ccedilla/Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute/Icircumflex +/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute/Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis +/multiply/Oslash/Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn +/germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis/aring/ae/ccedilla +/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis +/eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde/odieresis/divide/oslash +/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex/udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis]def +/Times-Italic@0 ENC0/Times-Italic RE/Times-Bold@0 ENC0/Times-Bold RE +/Times-Roman@0 ENC0/Times-Roman RE +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 +%%BeginPageSetup +BP +%%EndPageSetup +/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 371.08(dds2tar\(1L\) dds2tar\(1L\))72 48 R/F1 9 +/Times-Bold@0 SF -.18(NA)72 84 S(ME).18 E F0(dds2tar \255 tool for f)108 +96 Q(ast tape access)-.1 E F1(SYNOPSIS)72 112.8 Q/F2 10/Times-Bold@0 SF +(dds2tar)108 124.8 Q F0([)2.5 E F2(-f)2.5 E/F3 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(de) +2.5 E(vice)-.15 E F0 2.5(][)2.5 G F2(-t)A F3(inde)2.5 E(x\214le)-.2 E F0 +2.5(][)2.5 G(options])-2.5 E F3(string ...)2.5 E F1(DESCRIPTION)72 146.4 +Q F2(dds2tar)108 158.4 Q F0 .902(uses an inde)3.402 F 3.402(xt)-.15 G +3.402<6f8c>-3.402 G .902(nd the \214les with record seek \(a f)-3.402 F +.901(ast operation of D)-.1 F 3.121 -1.11(AT d)-.4 H -.25(ev)1.11 G +3.401(ices\). Since).25 F .901(the \214le)3.401 F .789 +(structure of the tape archi)108 170.4 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.289(si).15 G +3.289(su)-3.289 G .789(sed to e)-3.289 F .789 +(xtract the \214les, the archi)-.15 F 1.09 -.15(ve h)-.25 H .79 +(as to be created by).15 F F2(tar)3.29 E F0 3.29(,c)C(ompressed)-3.29 E +.546(only by \(the transparent signal processor of\) the de)108 182.4 R +3.045(vice. So)-.25 F .545(you can step through the archi)3.045 F .845 +-.15(ve ve)-.25 H .545(ry quickly).15 F .372(and e)108 194.4 R .372 +(xtract \214les.)-.15 F .372(The inde)5.372 F 2.872(xm)-.15 G .372 +(ay be created using)-2.872 F F2(dds2index)2.872 E F0(or)2.872 E F2(tar) +2.872 E F0 .372(-vRt and is normally stored as a \214le on)B +(your hard disk.)108 206.4 Q 2.549(At)108 223.2 S .049(ar archi)-2.549 F +.349 -.15(ve i)-.25 H 2.549(sas).15 G .049 +(equence of blocks \(e.g. 10240 bytes by def)-2.549 F .049 +(ault\), each containing the same number \(20 by)-.1 F(def)108 235.2 Q +.755(ault\) of records, 512 byte each.)-.1 F F2(dds2tar)5.755 E F0 .755 +(reads the tape and writes the tar records of the speci\214ed \214les) +3.255 F 1.721(\(that means the header record and the data records of ea\ +ch selected \214le\) to stdout.)108 247.2 R -1.1(Yo)6.721 G 4.221(um)1.1 +G 1.721(ay pipe the)-4.221 F F2(dds2tar)108 259.2 Q F0 1.782 +(output to the stdin of)4.282 F F3 1.783(tar -xvvf -)4.283 F F0 1.783 +(to restore the \214les to your disk.)4.283 F(\(See)6.783 E F2(EXAMPLES) +4.283 E F0(belo)4.283 E -.65(w.)-.25 G(\)).65 E(Before a \214le is e)108 +271.2 Q(xtracted, the records of parent directories of the \214le are a\ +lso written to stdout.)-.15 E .129(The inde)108 288 R 2.629(xo)-.15 G +2.628(ft)-2.629 G .128(he archi)-2.628 F .428 -.15(ve s)-.25 H .128(hou\ +ld contain enough information to compute the number of the block contai\ +ning).15 F .334(the header of each selected \214le.)108 300 R F2 +(dds2index)5.335 E F0 .335(will gi)2.835 F .635 -.15(ve s)-.25 H .335 +(uch a table,).15 F F2 .335(tar -Rvt)2.835 F F0 .335 +(e.g. will not \(only record num-)2.835 F .104(bers are listed\).)108 +312 R 2.604(Ap)5.104 G .104(atch for)-2.604 F F2 .103(GNU tar)2.603 F +(-1.12)-.37 E F0 .103(is a)2.603 F -.25(va)-.2 G .103 +(ilable, adding the option).25 F F2(--r)2.603 E(ecord-\214le.)-.18 E F0 +(Alternati)5.103 E -.15(ve)-.25 G .103(ly there).15 F +(are some tricks to get the missing information.)108 324 Q .455 +(The strings are re)108 340.8 R .455(gular e)-.15 F .455 +(xpressions to select the \214les.)-.15 F .456 +(The matching algorithm is the one from GNU tar)5.456 F 2.956(.I)-.55 G +(f)-2.956 E .274(the option)108 352.8 R F2(-l)2.774 E F0 .274(is gi) +2.774 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .274 +(n, the matched \214le names are printed to stdout \(Y).15 F .273 +(ou may not pipe this list of pathnames)-1.1 F(to tar!\).)108 364.8 Q +.726(The def)108 381.6 R .726(ault de)-.1 F .726(vice is)-.25 F F3(/de) +3.226 E(v/rmt0)-.15 E F0 3.226(,w).47 G .726(hich may be o)-3.226 F -.15 +(ve)-.15 G .726(rridden with the en).15 F .726(vironment v)-.4 F +(ariable)-.25 E F2 -.9(TA)3.226 G(PE).9 E F0 3.226(,w)C .726(hich in) +-3.226 F(turn may be o)108 393.6 Q -.15(ve)-.15 G(rridden with the).15 E +F2(-f)2.5 E F3(de)2.85 E(vice)-.15 E F0(option. The de)2.5 E +(vice must be a SCSI tape de)-.25 E(vice.)-.25 E F1(OPTIONS)72 410.4 Q +F2(-f)108 422.4 Q F3(de)2.85 E(vice\214le)-.15 E F0(De)2.5 E +(vice of the tape archi)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(.M).15 G +(ust be a SCSI tape de)-2.5 E(vice.)-.25 E F2(-t)108 439.2 Q F3(inde) +2.51 E(x\214le)-.2 E F0(Speci\214es the inde)144 451.2 Q 2.5<788c>-.15 G +(le \(def)-2.5 E(ault is stdin\).)-.1 E F2(-s #)108 468 Q F0 .01 +(Set the number of the \214rst tape block of the archi)21.28 F -.15(ve) +-.25 G 2.51(.T).15 G .01(his option is useful only if the inde)-2.51 F +2.51<788c>-.15 G .01(le con-)-2.51 F .995(tains the v)144 480 R .995 +(erbose output of)-.15 F F2 .995(tar -Rvt.)3.495 F F0(An)5.996 E 3.496 +(yi)-.15 G .996(nformation about the \214rst block inside the inde) +-3.496 F 3.496<788c>-.15 G(le)-3.496 E .384(will be o)144 492 R -.15(ve) +-.15 G .384(rridden by this option.).15 F .384(If no information is a) +5.384 F -.25(va)-.2 G .384(ilable, the archi).25 F .684 -.15(ve h)-.25 H +.384(as to be the \214rst \214le).15 F(of the tape. If you ha)144 504 Q +.3 -.15(ve p)-.2 H +(ositioned your tape at the \214rst block of the archi).15 E -.15(ve) +-.25 G 2.5(,y).15 G(ou can use)-2.5 E F2 +(dds2tar `mt-dds` -t index ... | tar -f - ...)144 520.8 Q F0 +(to complete the information of the output of)144 537.6 Q F2(tar -Rvt) +2.5 E F0(stored in the inde)2.5 E 2.5<788c>-.15 G(le.)-2.5 E F2(-b #)108 +554.4 Q F0 .639(Set the blocksize of the archi)19.61 F .939 -.15(ve \() +-.25 H .64(tar -b #\). This option is useful only if the inde).15 F 3.14 +<788c>-.15 G .64(le contains the)-3.14 F -.15(ve)144 566.4 S .183 +(rbose output of tar \(or if you ha).15 F .483 -.15(ve p)-.2 H .183 +(roblems with the size of the internal b).15 F(uf)-.2 E .182 +(fer of dds2tar\).)-.25 F(An)5.182 E(y)-.15 E .209 +(information about the blocksize inside the inde)144 578.4 R 2.709<788c> +-.15 G .209(le will be o)-2.709 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .21 +(rridden by this option.).15 F .21(If no infor)5.21 F(-)-.2 E +(mation is a)144 590.4 Q -.25(va)-.2 G(ilable, the def).25 E +(ault blocksize of tar is used.)-.1 E F2(-z)108 607.2 Q F0(The inde) +28.23 E 2.5<788c>-.15 G +(le should be read and stored in compressed mode.)-2.5 E F1(OPTIONS y)72 +624 Q(ou didn't r)-.225 E(eally need)-.162 E F2(--z, --no-compr)108 636 +Q(ess)-.18 E F0(Don')144 648 Q 2.5<748c>-.18 G(lter the archi)-2.5 E .3 +-.15(ve \214)-.25 H(le through gzip.).15 E F2(-q, --quick)108 664.8 Q F0 +(Don')144 676.8 Q 3.205(te)-.18 G .705 +(xtract the parent directories of the selected objects from tape.)-3.355 +F F2(--body)5.704 E F0 .704(Write only the \214rst)3.204 F .161 +(selected \214le to stdout. This is useful if you w)144 688.8 R .161 +(ant to read a \214le or e)-.1 F .161(xtract an archi)-.15 F .461 -.15 +(ve w)-.25 H .161(hich is part of).15 F(the current archi)144 700.8 Q +-.15(ve)-.25 G(.).15 E 220.25(2.3 1)299.75 768 R EP +%%Page: 2 2 +%%BeginPageSetup +BP +%%EndPageSetup +/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 371.08(dds2tar\(1L\) dds2tar\(1L\))72 48 R/F1 10 +/Times-Bold@0 SF(-v)108 84 Q F0(,)A F1(--v)A(erbose)-.1 E F0 -.15(ve)144 +96 S(rbose mode.).15 E F1(--hash-mode)108 112.8 Q F0 +(Print a hash sign for each MB.)144 124.8 Q F1(-V)108 141.6 Q F0(,)A F1 +(--v)A(ersion)-.1 E F0(Print only the V)144 153.6 Q +(ersion Number to stderr)-1.11 E(.)-.55 E F1(-l)108 170.4 Q F0(Don') +29.89 E 3.226(ta)-.18 G .726(ccess the tape b)-3.226 F .726 +(ut print the \214le names to stdout.)-.2 F -1.1(Yo)5.725 G 3.225(um)1.1 +G .725(ay not pipe this list of pathnames)-3.225 F(into tar)144 182.4 Q +(.)-.55 E F1(--extract)108 199.2 Q F0 .22 +(The stdout is closed and opened by a pipe to the command)144 211.2 R F1 +.221(tar -fxb - 1 .)2.721 F F0 -1.1(Yo)5.221 G 2.721(um)1.1 G .221 +(ay \214nd this option)-2.721 F(con)144 223.2 Q -.15(ve)-.4 G +(nient, I lik).15 E 2.5(et)-.1 G 2.5(op)-2.5 G +(ipe the output to tar by hand.)-2.5 E/F2 9/Times-Bold@0 SF(EXAMPLES)72 +240 Q F0(Example of)108 252 Q F1(getting the index)2.5 E F0 +(from the def)2.5 E(ault tape /de)-.1 E +(v/rmt0 and storing it in \214le archi)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(.idx:).15 E +(dds2inde)144 268.8 Q 2.5(x-)-.15 G 2.5(ta)-2.5 G(rchi)-2.5 E -.15(ve) +-.25 G(.idx).15 E(Alternati)108 285.6 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G .271 +(ly you can use a patched v).15 F .271(ersion of tar to create an inde) +-.15 F 2.771<788c>-.15 G 2.771(le. W)-2.771 F .271 +(ith the patch you can direct the)-.4 F .801(errors and w)108 297.6 R +.801(arning to stdout and the inde)-.1 F 3.301(xi)-.15 G .802 +(nformation including information about the blocksize and the)-3.301 F +(number of the \214rst block to a \214le:)108 309.6 Q +(tar -t --record-\214le archi)144 326.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G(.idx).15 E .385 +(If the archi)108 343.2 R .685 -.15(ve i)-.25 H 2.885(st).15 G .384 +(he \214rst \214le of the tape and the blocksize is the def)-2.885 F +.384(ault of 20, you can use the v)-.1 F .384(erbose out-)-.15 F +(put of tar \(-Rv\) as an inde)108 355.2 Q 2.5<788c>-.15 G(le.)-2.5 E +(tar -t -v -R | tee archi)144 372 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G(.idx).15 E .203 +(If the archi)108 388.8 R .503 -.15(ve i)-.25 H 2.703(sn).15 G .204(ot \ +the \214rst \214le of the tape, you can store all the necessary informa\ +tion inside the inde)-2.703 F 2.704<788c>-.15 G(le)-2.704 E +(with the use of)108 400.8 Q F1(mt-dds)2.5 E F0(and)2.5 E F1(tar)2.5 E +F0(:)2.5 E(mt asf ...)144 417.6 Q(mt-dds tell > archi)144 429.6 Q -.15 +(ve)-.25 G(.idx).15 E(tar -tvR >>archi)144 441.6 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G(.idx) +.15 E .057(Example of)108 458.4 R F1 .057(using dds2tar)2.557 F F0 .057 +(to e)2.557 F .056(xtract the gnu library \(all \214les containing the \ +string "glibc" in \214lename\) from)-.15 F(the def)108 470.4 Q +(ault tape /de)-.1 E(v/rmt0, using the pre)-.25 E(viously stored inde) +-.25 E 2.5<788c>-.15 G(le archi)-2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(.idx:).15 E +(dds2tar -t archi)144 487.2 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G +(.idx '*glibc*' | tar xvvf -).15 E 2.206 -.8(To s)108 504 T .606 +(ee in adv).8 F .607(ance what w)-.25 F .607(ould happen in the pre)-.1 +F .607(vious command without actually writing an)-.25 F .607 +(ything to your)-.15 F(disk, you may use:)108 516 Q(dds2tar -t archi)144 +532.8 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G(.idx '*glibc*' | tar tvvf -).15 E +(Example of checking the matches. Y)108 549.6 Q(ou may try:)-1.1 E +(dds2tar -t archi)144 566.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G(.idx -l '*glibc*').15 E F2 +-.27(BA)72 612 S(CKGR)-.225 E(OUND INFORMA)-.27 E(TION)-.855 E F1(tapes) +87 624 Q F0 2.517(At)108 636 S .017(ape de)-2.517 F .017 +(vice handles all I/O \(read, write, seek\) in units of)-.25 F/F3 10 +/Times-Italic@0 SF .016(tape r)2.516 F(ecor)-.37 E(ds)-.37 E F0 5.016 +(.T).27 G .016(he bigger a tape record, the more)-5.016 F(ef)108 648 Q +(fecti)-.25 E .362 -.15(ve u)-.25 H .063 +(sually is the access \(and the less g).15 F .063 +(aps are on QIC-tapes\).)-.05 F(Ho)5.063 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G .863 +-.4(r, n).15 H .063(ormally a program will only).4 F +(read or write complete tape records.)108 660 Q .433(Normal tape dri)108 +684 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.933(sa).15 G(llo)-2.933 E 2.933(wt)-.25 G 2.933 +(os)-2.933 G .433(eek only relati)-2.933 F .733 -.15(ve t)-.25 H 2.932 +(ot).15 G .432(he current position. Ho)-2.932 F(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G +1.232 -.4(r, s).15 H .432(ome ne).4 F .432(wer SCSI-2 tapes,)-.25 F .553 +(i.e. D)108 696 R -1.02 -1.11(AT ,)-.4 H .553 +(conforming to the DDS standard, k)4.163 F .554 +(eep track of the absolute position on the tape by inserting the)-.1 F +(tape record number inside each track.)108 708 Q +(This number can be read while the f)5 E(ast seek is performed.)-.1 E +220.25(2.3 2)299.75 768 R EP +%%Page: 3 3 +%%BeginPageSetup +BP +%%EndPageSetup +/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 371.08(dds2tar\(1L\) dds2tar\(1L\))72 48 R(The) +108 84 Q/F1 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(tar\(1\))3.045 E F0 .545 +(program uses a slightly dif)3.045 F .545(ferent terminology)-.25 F +5.545(.I)-.65 G 3.045(tc)-5.545 G(alls)-3.045 E/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF +.545(tape bloc)3.045 F(ks)-.2 E F0 .545(what normally is called)3.045 F +F2(tape)3.045 E -.37(re)108 96 S(cor).37 E(ds)-.37 E F0 5(.I).27 G 2.5 +(nt)-5 G(he follo)-2.5 E(wing sections we use the tar terminology to a) +-.25 E -.2(vo)-.2 G(id confusion.).2 E F1(tar)87 112.8 Q F0 .814 +(The unit inside a)108 124.8 R F1(tar)3.314 E F0(archi)3.314 E 1.115 +-.15(ve i)-.25 H 3.315(sa).15 G F2 .815(tar r)B(ecor)-.37 E(d)-.37 E F0 +.815(with a \214x)3.315 F .815(ed length of 512 bytes. Ev)-.15 F .815 +(ery \214le, directory or soft)-.15 F .777(link will occup)108 136.8 R +3.277(ya)-.1 G 3.277(tl)-3.277 G .777(east one tar record of informatio\ +n about pathname, permission information and so on)-3.277 F .118 +(called header record.)108 148.8 R .119(The data of each \214le is stor\ +ed in additional tar records directly after the header record)5.119 F +(of that \214le.)108 160.8 Q .937(tar reports the)108 177.6 R F2 .937 +(tar r)3.437 F(ecor)-.37 E 3.437(dn)-.37 G(umber)-3.437 E F0 .936(of e) +3.437 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .936(ry header record in the archi).15 F 1.236 +-.15(ve w)-.25 H .936(ith its -R option.).15 F .936(tar counts the)5.936 +F(records continuously)108 189.6 Q 2.5(,s)-.65 G(tarting with)-2.5 E F1 +(0)2.5 E F0(\(if in)2.5 E -.2(vo)-.4 G -.1(ke).2 G 2.5(da).1 G 2.5(st) +-2.5 G(ar -tR\) or with)-2.5 E F1(1)2.5 E F0(\(if in)2.5 E -.2(vo)-.4 G +-.1(ke).2 G 2.5(da).1 G 2.5(st)-2.5 G(ar -cR\).)-2.5 E .074 +(tar handles multiple records as a)108 206.4 R F2 .074(tar bloc)2.574 F +(k)-.2 E F0 2.574(,m).67 G .074(ainly to mak)-2.574 F 2.574(et)-.1 G +.074(he access of tapes \(or disks\) more ef)-2.574 F .075 +(\214cient \(and)-.25 F(sa)108 218.4 Q .443 -.15(ve t)-.2 H .143 +(ape space of QIC-tapes\).).15 F .142 +(tar only writes and reads full blocks to or from an archi)5.143 F -.15 +(ve)-.25 G 5.142(.T).15 G .142(he -b option of)-5.142 F .238 +(tar controls, ho)108 230.4 R 2.738(wm)-.25 G(an)-2.738 E 2.738(yr)-.15 +G .238(ecords are in one block. The def)-2.738 F .239 +(ault number of records per block is)-.1 F F1(20)2.739 E F0 5.239(.T)C +.239(his num-)-5.239 F .628(ber is usually called the)108 242.4 R F2 +.628(tar bloc)3.128 F 3.128(ks)-.2 G(ize)-3.128 E F0 5.628(.H).18 G -.25 +(ow)-5.628 G -2.15 -.25(ev e).25 H 1.428 -.4(r, t).25 H .627 +(his term is a little bit confusing, since it does not mean).4 F +(the number of bytes in a block.)108 254.4 Q +(Thus a perhaps better name w)5 E(ould be the)-.1 E F2(tar bloc)2.5 E +(king factor)-.2 E F0(.).73 E F1(tar on tapes)87 283.2 Q F0 .529 +(tar writes or reads its archi)108 295.2 R .829 -.15(ve t)-.25 H 3.029 +(oo).15 G 3.029(rf)-3.029 G .529(rom tape in units of tar blocks.)-3.029 +F .529(As stated abo)5.529 F -.15(ve)-.15 G 3.029(,o).15 G .529 +(nly a complete tape)-3.029 F .629 +(block may be transferred to/from tape.)108 307.2 R 2.229 -.8(To e)5.629 +H .629 +(xtract a speci\214c tar block from tape, one has to read an entire).65 +F .517(tape block into a b)108 319.2 R(uf)-.2 E .517(fer and e)-.25 F +.517(xtract the speci\214ed tar record from the b)-.15 F(uf)-.2 E .518 +(fer manually)-.25 F 5.518(.I)-.65 G 3.018(fy)-5.518 G .518(ou w)-3.018 +F .518(ould lik)-.1 F 3.018(et)-.1 G(o)-3.018 E .688 +(read a tar record with a gi)108 331.2 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.188(nn).15 G +(umber)-3.188 E 3.188(,y)-.4 G .688(ou ha)-3.188 F .988 -.15(ve t)-.2 H +3.188(ok).15 G(no)-3.188 E 3.188(wt)-.25 G .688 +(he number of the \214rst tape block of the archi)-3.188 F -.15(ve)-.25 +G .351(and the tar block size to compute the number of the tape block w\ +itch contains the tar record to read.)108 343.2 R .351(If the)5.351 F +(tar archi)108 355.2 Q .3 -.15(ve i)-.25 H 2.5(st).15 G +(he \214rst \214le on the tape, the)-2.5 E F2(tape bloc)2.5 E 2.5(kn)-.2 +G(umber)-2.5 E F0(is the equal to the)2.5 E F2(tar bloc)2.5 E 2.5(kn)-.2 +G(umber)-2.5 E F0(.).73 E F1(Example:)108 372 Q F0 2.861<418c>2.861 G +.36(le with the tar record number 1234 \(records start with 0\) may be \ +found in a tape tar archi)-2.861 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(,).15 E +(written with a blocking f)108 384 Q(actor of 20.)-.1 E +(It may be found in the tar block with the number)5 E +(blk = \(int\) 1234/20 = \(int\) 61.7 = 61)165.5 396 Q +(which is also the tape block number)108 408 Q 5(.T)-.55 G +(he requested \214le is within this tar block at the record of)-5 E +(fset)-.25 E(rec = 1234-\(61*20\) = 14)165.5 420 Q(in 512 byte units.) +108 432 Q 1.625(If a current archi)108 448.8 R 1.925 -.15(ve i)-.25 H +4.125(sn).15 G 1.625(ot the \214rst archi)-4.125 F 1.925 -.15(ve o)-.25 +H 4.125(nt).15 G 1.625(he tape, then the number of)-4.125 F F2 1.625 +(tape bloc)4.125 F(ks)-.2 E F0 1.625(of all pre)4.125 F(vious)-.25 E +(archi)108 460.8 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.032(sh).15 G .531 +(as to be added to the block number computed abo)-3.032 F -.15(ve)-.15 G +3.031(,t).15 G 3.031(og)-3.031 G .531(et the)-3.031 F F2(curr)3.031 E +.531(ent tape bloc)-.37 F 3.031(kn)-.2 G(umber)-3.031 E F0 5.531(.T).73 +G(he)-5.531 E .722(number of pre)108 472.8 R .723 +(vious tape records should be obtained from DDS de)-.25 F .723 +(vices when the tape is positioned at the)-.25 F(be)108 484.8 Q +(ginning of the current archi)-.15 E .3 -.15(ve \()-.25 H(use).15 E F1 +(mt-dds)2.5 E F0(without ar)2.5 E(guments for e)-.18 E(xample\).)-.15 E +F1(Example:)108 501.6 Q F0 .205(Assuming the archi)2.705 F .505 -.15 +(ve i)-.25 H 2.704(nt).15 G .204(he abo)-2.704 F .504 -.15(ve ex)-.15 H +.204(ample to be the second \214le on a tape, and the archi).15 F .504 +-.15(ve s)-.25 H(tarts).15 E(at tape block 20222.)108 513.6 Q(Then we w\ +ill \214nd our \214le with tar record number 1234 in the tape block)5 E +(tblk = 20222 + \(int\) 1234/20 = 20283)165.5 525.6 Q(on the tape.)108 +537.6 Q(The record of)5 E +(fset inside the tape block will be the same as abo)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.15 +G(.).15 E/F3 9/Times-Bold@0 SF -1.08(WA)72 578.4 S(RNING)1.08 E F0 .503 +(This program can only read records \(tar is calling them tape blocks\)\ + up to 32 kbytes due to the limitations)108 590.4 R(of the Linux de)108 +602.4 Q(vice dri)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.6 -.55(r. T).15 H(he e).55 E +(xtracted archi)-.15 E .3 -.15(ve i)-.25 H 2.5(sw).15 G +(ritten to stdout with a block size of 512 bytes.)-2.5 E F3(ENVIR)72 +631.2 Q(ONMENT)-.27 E F0 .587(The en)108 643.2 R .587(vironment v)-.4 F +(ariable)-.25 E F1 -.9(TA)3.087 G(PE).9 E F0 -.15(ove)3.087 G .587 +(rrides the def).15 F .587(ault tape de)-.1 F .587(vice /de)-.25 F 3.087 +(v/rmt0. The)-.25 F -.25(va)3.087 G(riable).25 E F1(DDS2T)3.087 E .586 +(AR cat)-.9 F(be used to gi)108 655.2 Q .2 -.1(ve s)-.1 H +(ome options, e.g).1 E 5(.-)-.15 G(-compr)-5 E(ess, -z, -s # , -b #.) +-.18 E F3(SEE ALSO)72 684 Q F0(dds2inde)108 696 Q +(x\(1\), mt\(1\), mt-dds\(1\), tar\(1\))-.15 E 220.25(2.3 3)299.75 768 R +EP +%%Page: 4 4 +%%BeginPageSetup +BP +%%EndPageSetup +/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 371.08(dds2tar\(1L\) dds2tar\(1L\))72 48 R/F1 9 +/Times-Bold@0 SF(HIST)72 84 Q(OR)-.162 E(Y)-.315 E F0 .025 +(This program w)108 96 R .025(as created to use the f)-.1 F .025 +(ast seek operation of my D)-.1 F 2.245 -1.11(AT s)-.4 H(treamer)1.11 E +2.525(.T)-.55 G .026(he tapes are called dds \(digi-)-2.525 F .745 +(tal data storage\).)108 108 R .744 +(Since the program will write a tar archi)5.745 F 1.044 -.15(ve t)-.25 H +3.244(os).15 G .744(tdout, I called this program)-3.244 F/F2 10 +/Times-Bold@0 SF(dds2tar)3.244 E F0 5.744(.I)C 3.244(fI)-5.744 G .99 +(created the inde)108 120 R 3.49<788c>-.15 G .99(le, I'm no)-3.49 F 3.49 +(wa)-.25 G .991(ble to restore a \214le of 1MB within one minute e)-3.49 +F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.491(ni).15 G 3.491(ft)-3.491 G .991(he tape contains) +-3.491 F(more than 2GB of data.)108 132 Q .374(Thanks to Andreas \(Andr\\), who has written a nice manual page for the o)108 +156 R -.15(ve)-.15 G(rloaded).15 E -.15(ve)108 168 S .05(rsion 1.1.3 of\ + the program dds2tar \(I added too much features ... \) His manual page\ + for dds2tar).15 F .05(-1.1.3 g)-.2 F -2.25 -.2(av e)-.05 H .542 +(me the idea ho)108 180 R 3.042(wt)-.25 G 3.042(os)-3.042 G .542 +(plit the program dds2tar into the peaces dds2tar)-3.042 F 3.042(,d)-.4 +G(ds2inde)-3.042 E 3.042(xa)-.15 G .541(nd mt-dds.)-3.042 F +(Additionally)5.541 E(his manual page w)108 192 Q +(as the starting point for this page.)-.1 E .107(Since the v)108 216 R +.107(ersion 2.2 has a v)-.15 F .107(ery rob)-.15 F .107 +(ust algorithm to read the inde)-.2 F 2.608<788c>-.15 G .108 +(le and the ability of pattern matching, a)-2.608 F +(lot of options where obsolete and has been deleted. I tried to mak)108 +228 Q 2.5(ed)-.1 G(ds2tar as simple I can.)-2.5 E F1 -.45(AU)72 256.8 S +(THOR).45 E F0(J"or)108 268.8 Q 3.029(gW)-.18 G .529 +(eule \(\), Phone +49 211 751409.)-3.829 F +.528(This softw)5.528 F .528(are is a)-.1 F -.25(va)-.2 G .528 +(ilable at ftp.uni-).25 F( and sunsite.u\ 280.8 Q 220.25(2.3 4)299.75 768 R EP +%%Trailer +end +%%EOF diff --git a/dds_chkhdr.c b/dds_chkhdr.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39a6ba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dds_chkhdr.c @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +/* + * This file is part of dds2tar. + * Copyright by J"org Weule + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "dds2tar.h" +#include "dds_tape.h" + +int dds_is_tar_header_record(tar_record*const ptr){ + int i; + unsigned int n = 0; + unsigned char *p = (char*)ptr ; + + for (i = 0; i < 148; i++) + n += p[i]; + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) + n += ' '; + for (i = 156; i < 512; i++) + n += p[i]; + sscanf(p + 148, "%8o", &i); + if ( n != ((int)' ') * 8 ){ + if ( i == 0 ) { + sprintf(p+148 , "%o", n ); + } else + if ( i != n ) return 0; + sscanf(ptr->hdr.size,"%o",&i); + i += 512 + 511 ; + i >>= 9 ; + } else i=1 ; + return i; +} + + diff --git a/dds_extract.c b/dds_extract.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45e7daf --- /dev/null +++ b/dds_extract.c @@ -0,0 +1,598 @@ + +/* + * This file is part of dds2tar. + * Copyright by J"org Weule + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* + * fnmatch() and FNM_LEADING_DIR + */ +#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 +#include + +#include "dds2tar.h" +#include "dds_tape.h" + +/* + * Compare two strings + * + */ +int dds_strcmp(const char*n1,const char*n2){ + int i = 0 ; + int j = 0 ; + while ( 1 ){ + while ( n1[i] == '\\' ) i++ ; + while ( n2[j] == '\\' ) j++ ; + if ( i > 90 || j > 90 || n1[i] == '\0' || n2[j] == '\0' ) + return 0 ; + if ( n1[i] != n2[j] ) return 1 ; + i++ ; + j++ ; + } + return 0 ; +} + +/* + * To count the number of blocks written, we use the variable nblocks. + */ +static int nblocks = 0; + +/* + * Fill the buffer 'cur_block' the block of the given number. + * first we check the block number of the copy that is hold inside the + * buffer cur_block. + */ +static int +set_cur_block(int const sb) +{ + int n; + +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); + fprintf(stderr, "set_cur_block(%d)\n", sb); +#endif + + if (sb != cur_blkno) { + /* + * We have to read the block. + */ + next_blkno = dds_getpos(device); + /* + * next_blkno stores now the number of the next block of the + * tape. + */ + n = sb - next_blkno; + /* + * In some cases reading is faster then seeking. + */ + if ((n > 0) && (n < DONT_SKIP)) { + do { + dds_read_block(); + } while ((--n) > 0); + } + /* + * Now we should be at the position. + */ + n = sb - next_blkno; + if (n != 0) { + dds_seek(device, sb); + next_blkno = sb; + } + /* + * Now we read the block. cur_n == 0 indicates a filemark. + */ + dds_read_block(); + } + return 0; +} + +/* + * procedure to extract the files from the specified area (sb:sr-eb:er). + * If area is of the form (sb:sr-0:0), the file at position (sb,sr) is + * extracted. The length of the file is read from the tar header record. + * + * If list_only is set to 1, only the name of the extraction is printed. + */ +static int +extract(char const *const name, int const sb, int const sr) +{ + + int cur_rec, n, size; + char *p; + +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); + fprintf(stderr, "extract(%s,%d,%d)\n", name, sb, sr); +#endif + + /* + * Print only the name. + */ + if (list_only == 1) { + printf("%7d%3d: %s\n", sb, sr, name); + return 0; + } + /* + * Print the filename and the location for verbose output. + */ + if (verbose != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "dds2tar at rec %d: %7d%3d: %s\n", + nblocks, sb, sr, name); + } + /* + * Check the buffer for the right tape block. + */ + set_cur_block(sb); + + cur_rec = sr; + /* + * Check the header block. + * The Name field should contain the given name. + * The Program will stop if its not. + * + * Note that for links we can only compare the first + * characters, when the index contains somethins like + * 'linkname -> filename' (soft link) or + * 'linkname link to filename' (hard link) + * doesn't match 'linkname'. + */ + p = (char*) (cur_block + cur_rec) ; + if ( dds_is_tar_header_record((tar_record*)p) == 0 ) { + fprintf(stderr, + " dds2tar: FATAL ERROR\n" + " dds2tar: header expected, not found\n" + ); + if ( force_nochk == 0 ) exit(5); + } + if (name != NULL) + if ( ( (dds_strcmp(name, p)!=0 ) + && (((tar_record*)p)->hdr.linkflag!='2') + && (((tar_record*)p)->hdr.linkflag!='1') + ) || ( strstr(name, p)!=name ) ) { + fprintf(stderr, + "dds2tar: FATAL ERROR\n" + "dds2tar: Looked for %s at %d %d\n" + "dds2tar: Could not find %s at %d %d.\n" + "dds2tar: Found %s\n" + "dds2tar: Link flag: %c\n" + "dds2tar: Is it the right tape?\n", + name, sb , sr , + name, dds_getpos(device) - 1, cur_rec,p, + ((tar_record*)p)->hdr.linkflag); + if ( force_nochk == 0 ) exit(5); + } + /* + * First calculate the number of records of the object. + */ + size = 0; + n = 1; + + p = cur_block[cur_rec].hdr.size; + if (*p != '\0') { + sscanf(p, "%o", &size); + n = size; + n += 1023; + n >>= 9; + } + /* + * Now write the records to stdout. + */ + if (verbose) { + fprintf(stderr, + "dd2tar: %s needs %d blocks\n", name, n); + } + if ( write_body == 1 ) { + cur_rec++; + while ((size > 0) && (cur_n > 0)) { + if (cur_rec >= cur_bs) { + dds_read_block(); + cur_rec = 0; + } + write(1, cur_block + cur_rec, (size>=512)? 512:size ); + size -= 512 ; + cur_rec++; + } + exit(0); + } + while ((n > 0) && (cur_n > 0)) { + if (cur_rec >= cur_bs) { + dds_read_block(); + cur_rec = 0; + } + write(1, cur_block + cur_rec, 512); + nblocks++; + n--; + cur_rec++; + } + return 0; +} + +#ifdef EXP_STUFF +int +extract_loc(char const *const *loc_list) +{ + int cur_rec ; + + while (*loc_list != NULL) { + int eb, er, sb, sr; + + sscanf(*loc_list, "%u:%u-%u:%u", &sb, &sr, &eb, &er); + set_cur_block(sb); + cur_rec = sr ; + while (cur_n > 0) { + int i; + + if ((cur_n & 0x1ff) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "tape record size (%d) is not a" + " multiple of tar records\n" + , cur_n + ); + close(device); + exit(6); + } + i = cur_n >> 9; + if (cur_blkno == eb) + i = er; + while (cur_rec < i) { + write(1, cur_block + cur_rec++, 512); + nblocks++; + } + /* + * if eb==-1 extract until eof + */ + if ((cur_rec == er && cur_blkno == eb)) + break; + i = cur_blkno + 1; + cur_rec = 0; + if ((cur_rec == er && cur_blkno == eb)) + break; + dds_read_block(); + } + loc_list++; + } + return 0; +} + +#endif + +/* + * Now we are scanning the table of contents (index file) and match the + * pathnames there with the given pattern. If a pattern matches, we + * extract the parent directories (dir_extract()) and the file. + */ +int +dds_cmp(char const *const *const pattern_list) +{ + int i ; + char *fgets_return_value ; + char const *const *p; + int so = 0 ; /*scanoffset*/ + + /* + * To scan the line of the table of contents (index file) + * we need some variables. + */ + char *name = NULL; + int blkno, recno, size; + + /* + * List of directories entries. + */ + struct dir_list { + char n[128-2*sizeof(int)]; /* name of the dir */ + int b, r; /* block address */ + } + *dl; + int de = 0; /* first empty list entry */ + + /* + * Format of the table of contents. + * dds2index --> tar_index_file == 0 + * tar -Rvt --> tar_index_file == 1 + */ + int tar_index_file = 1; + + /* + * Bug fix for tar. First record number found inside the + * table of contents (index file). + */ + int tar_first_recno = -1; + +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); + fprintf(stderr,"dds_cmp(%s ...)\n",*pattern_list); +#endif + + + /* + * First we need some memory. + */ + dl = malloc(sizeof (*dl) * 64); + if (dl == NULL) { + close(device); + fprintf(stderr, "dds2tar: no address space available\n"); + exit(7); + } + memset(cur_line, 0, 1024); + + /* + * Scan the table of conten|s (index file) until eof. + */ +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); +#endif + while (!feof(index_fp)) { + fgets_return_value = fgets(cur_line, MAXPATHLEN<<2, index_fp); + if ( fgets_return_value == NULL ) { + if ( feof(index_fp) ) { + break ; + } else { + perror("dds2tar"); + exit(1); + } + } +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); + fputs(cur_line, stderr); +#endif + + /* + * Check for comment and empty lines. + */ + if ((*cur_line == '#') || + (*cur_line == ' ') || + (*cur_line == '\0')) + continue; + + /* + * Check the line for location information. + */ +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); +#endif + if (0 == rt_loc_line()) + continue; + + /* + * Check for the first line of the dds2index. + */ + if ((0 == strcmp(cur_line, dds_headline)) + || (0 == strcmp(cur_line, dds_old_headline))) { + tar_index_file = 0; + tar_n = buf_n ; + tar_bs = buf_n >> 9 ; + if ( vid != HP ) dds_set_bs(tar_n); + continue; + } +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); +#endif + + /* + * dds2index indicates eof with the string '-end-'. + * This line has to be processed in the normal way. + * We can stop now processing. + */ + if ((*cur_line == '-') && + (strncmp(cur_line, "-end-", 5) == 0)) { +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); +#endif + break; + } + + /* + * Scan the line of the index. + * Note: The index file of dds2index contains the magic string + * of the tar header, witch depends on the used tar version. + */ + if (tar_index_file == 0) { + rt_line(&blkno, &recno, &size, &name); + } else { + /* + * check for record line + */ + if ((0 != strncmp(cur_line, "rec", 3)) && + (0 != strncmp(cur_line, "block", 5))) + continue; + + /* + * cook the input line and delete all the quoted + * characters. + */ + dds_unquote(cur_line); + + /* + * Set scanoffset + */ + so = (0 == strncmp(cur_line, "block", 5))? 2 : 0 ; + + recno = atoi(cur_line + 4 + so ); + /* + * tar-1.13 writes now the block number: + */ + if ( so == 0 ){ + int x ; + int n ; + char c; + if ( 2 == sscanf( + cur_line+16,"block %d%c%n",&x,&c,&n + ) && c == ':' ) { + so += n + 1 ; + recno = x ; +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"Blocks found:%d\n",x); +#endif + } + } + /* + * Now we are fixing a bug of gnu tar ... + * The first number should be zero, othewise we + * correct all the numbers. + * If tar_first_recno is .lt. zero, no recno is read + * up to now. + */ + if (tar_first_recno < 0) + tar_first_recno = recno; + recno -= tar_first_recno; + /* + * Calculate the block number of the record. + */ +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"file-loc(%d,%d)\n",recno,tar_fb); +#endif + blkno = recno / tar_bs; + recno -= blkno * tar_bs; + if ( vid != HP ) blkno *= tar_bs ; +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"file-loc(%d:%d,%d)\n",tar_bs,blkno,recno); +#endif + blkno += tar_fb; +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"file-loc(%d:%d,%d)\n",tar_bs,blkno,recno); +#endif + if (name == NULL) { /* calculate only once */ + if ( strlen(cur_line) >= (66) ) { + name = cur_line + (65); + while ( ( name[ 0] != '\0' ) + && (( ( name[-1] != ' ' ) + || ( name[-6] != ' ' ) + || ( name[-9] != ':' ) + )&&( ( name[-1] != ' ' ) + || ( name[-4] != ':' ) + || ( name[-7] != ' ' ) + || ( name[-10] != '-' ) + || ( name[-13] != '-' ) + )) + ) name++ ; + if ( name[0] == '\0' ) { + name = cur_line + (16+so); + } + } else { + if ( strlen(cur_line) <= (16+so) ) { + strcat(cur_line, + " "); + } + name = cur_line + (16+so); + } +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); + fprintf(stderr,"filename=%s\n",name); +#endif + } + while ( ( name[ 0] != '\0' ) + && ( name != ( cur_line + (16+so) ) ) + && (( ( name[-1] != ' ' ) + || ( name[-6] != ' ' ) + || ( name[-9] != ':' ) + )&&( ( name[-1] != ' ' ) + || ( name[-4] != ':' ) + || ( name[-7] != ' ' ) + || ( name[-10] != '-' ) + || ( name[-13] != '-' ) + )) + ) name++ ; + } +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); +#endif + i = strlen(name) -1 ; + if (name[i] == '\n') name[i] = '\0', i-- ; + /* + * We leave the list of directories empty on quick mode. + */ + if (( name[i] == '/' )&&( quick_mode == 0 )) { + struct dir_list *dp; + for (i = 0 , dp = dl ; i < de; i++ , dp ++ ) { + if (strstr(name, dp->n) != name) + break; + } + strcpy(dp->n, name); + dp->b = blkno; + dp->r = recno; + de = i + 1 ; + } + /* + * Now we try to match one pattern with the name. + */ +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); + fprintf(stderr,"scanning pattern list for '%s'\n",name); +#endif + p = pattern_list; + while (*p != NULL) { + static int ll_blkno = -1 ; + static int ll_recno = -1 ; + static int ln_blkno = -1 ; + static int ln_recno = -1 ; + static const char *ll = "././@LongLink" ; +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr," p = '%p' , *p = %p \n",p,*p); +#endif + /* + * Thanks Andreas Bagge for this trick. + * I use the fnmatch function from the + * source of gnu tar. + */ +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"fnmatch '%s' for '%s'\n",name,*p); +#endif + if (0 == fnmatch(*p, name, FNM_LEADING_DIR)) { + struct dir_list *dp; + for (i = 0, dp = dl; i < de; i++, dp++) { + char *p = strstr(name, dp->n); + if (p == name) { + extract(dp->n, dp->b, dp->r); + } else break ; + } + de = 0; + if ( ln_blkno >= 0 ) extract( + "././@LongLink", + ln_blkno, + ln_recno); + if ( ll_blkno >= 0 ) extract( + "././@LongLink", + ll_blkno, + ll_recno); + extract(name, blkno, recno); + break; + } + if ( 0==strncmp(ll,name,strlen(name)) ){ + if ( ln_blkno < 0 ) + ln_blkno = blkno , ln_recno = recno ; + else + ll_blkno = blkno , ll_recno = recno ; + } else { + ln_blkno = -1 ; + ln_recno = -1 ; + ll_blkno = -1 ; + ll_recno = -1 ; + } + p++; + } +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"end of scanning pattern list\n"); +#endif + } + /* + * Write an empty record to the end of the archive. + */ + memset(cur_block, 0, buf_n ); + write(1, cur_block, 512); + nblocks++; + if (verbose) + fprintf(stderr, "dds2tar: %d blocks written\n", nblocks); +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",__LINE__); + fprintf(stderr,"return of dds_cmp(...)"); +#endif + return 0; +} diff --git a/dds_index.c b/dds_index.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c6949e --- /dev/null +++ b/dds_index.c @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ + +/* + * This file is part of dds2tar. + * Copyright by J"org Weule + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "dds2tar.h" +#include "dds_tape.h" + +static int cur_rec; +static int cur_byte; +static const char hash_sign = '#'; + +/******** + * Skip to the next block. + * + ********************************************************************/ +void dds_index_skip(){ + /* + * The hp-DAT is slowed down with dds_getpos(). + * Is there a reason for this? + * + * Now the cur_blkno is incremented. + */ + cur_rec -= cur_bs; + dds_read_next_block(); + cur_byte += cur_n; + if (hash_mode == 1) + if ((cur_blkno & 0x1f) == 0) { + if ((cur_blkno & 0x7ff) == 0) { + fprintf(stderr, " %d\n",cur_byte); + fflush(stderr); + } + write(2, &hash_sign, 1); + } +} + +/******** + * Converting a tar-record to an entry in the index file. + * + * input: tar_record is the header of one file in the archive. + * The location of the header is given by the + * block and index value. + * output: The returned index is the location of the next header. + * Normalization of the pair (block,rec) with respect to + * the block length will give the right position. + * extern: index_fp, verbose + * index_fp is the FILE to write the rec. + * verbose indicates the loggin mode. + * + * If the name length of the file name is zero, + * and an empty block is found, the end + * of the archive is found and the program stops. + * + ********************************************************************/ +static int +dds_index_h(tar_record *const ptr, int const block, int rec) +{ + int size; + char *p = ptr->hdr.magic; + +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fputs("dds_index_h()\n", stderr); +#endif + + if ( dds_is_tar_header_record(ptr) == 0 ) { + fprintf(stderr,"dds2index: skipping to next header\n"); + return ( rec + 1 ) ; + } + + if (*p == 0) + p = "magic "; + if (ptr->hdr.linkflag == 'V') p = "label "; + else if (p[6] == ' ') + p[6] = 0; + if (ptr->[0] == 0) { + int i = 0; + + while ((((char *) ptr)[i] == 0) && (i < 512)) + i++; + if (i == 512) { + fprintf(index_fp, dds_index_format, + "-end- ", + block, + rec, + 0, "(null)"); + close(device); + exit(0); + } + } + if (ptr->hdr.size[0] != 0) + sscanf(ptr->hdr.size, "%o", &size); + else + size = 0; + long_name_len = 0 ; + if ( ptr->hdr.linkflag == LF_LONGNAME ) long_name_len = size ; + + { + char *name = ptr-> ; + if ( ptr->hdr.linkflag != LF_LONGLINK && + ptr->hdr.linkflag != LF_LONGNAME && + long_name[0] != '\0' ) name = long_name ; + sprintf(cur_line, dds_index_format, + p, + block, + rec, + size, + name + ); + fputs(cur_line, index_fp); + if ( ptr->hdr.linkflag != LF_LONGLINK && + ptr->hdr.linkflag != LF_LONGNAME ) { + long_name[0] = '\0' ; + } + } + if (verbose) + fputs(cur_line, stderr); + /* calculate the number of records */ + /* there was one header record */ + size += 511 + 512; + size >>= 9; + rec += size; + return rec; +} + +/******** + * Converting a table line to the numbers. + * + */ +int +rt_line( + int *const ptr_blkno, + int *const ptr_recno, + int *const ptr_size, + char **const ptr_name +) +{ + char p[16]; + int i; + char const *dds_fmt = NULL; + +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"rt_line(...)\n"); +#endif + + if (cur_line[16] == ':') { + dds_fmt = dds_old_index_scan_format ; + *ptr_name = cur_line + 27; + } else { + if (cur_line[17] == ':') { + dds_fmt = dds_index_scan_format ; + *ptr_name = cur_line + 28; + } else return 1 ; + } ; + + if ((i = sscanf(cur_line, + dds_fmt, + p, + ptr_blkno, + ptr_recno, + ptr_size)) < 4) + fprintf(stderr, "Wrong line inside the index file," + " scanned %d values\n", i); +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"end >> rt_line(...)\n"); +#endif + return 0 ; +} + +/* procedure to create the index table */ +/******** + * input: none + * output: none + * extern: device, index_fp + * + * The archive is read, and the index file is written. + * + ************************************************************/ + +int +dds_index(void) +{ + + +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fputs("dds_index()\n", stderr); +#endif + + + fputs(dds_headline, index_fp); + if (verbose) fputs(dds_headline, index_fp); + next_blkno = -1 ; + cur_rec = 0; + dds_read_block(); + cur_byte = cur_n; + if (hash_mode == 1) + if ((cur_blkno & 0x1f) == 0) { + write(2, &hash_sign, 1); + } + while (cur_n > 0) { + cur_bs = cur_n >> 9; + while (cur_rec < cur_bs) { + int new_rec ; + new_rec = dds_index_h( + cur_block + cur_rec, + cur_blkno, + cur_rec + ); + if ( long_name_len > 0 ) { + int i = 0 ; + while ( long_name_len > (i<<9) ){ + cur_rec++; + /* + * note: dds_index_skip operates on + * cur_rec + */ + if ( cur_rec >= cur_bs ) + dds_index_skip(); + memcpy(long_name+((i++)<<9), + cur_block+cur_rec, + 512); + } + long_name_len = 0 ; + /* Now go to the next block behind the + long name */ + cur_rec++; + } + else cur_rec = new_rec ; + } + dds_index_skip(); + } + if (cur_n <= 0) { + perror("dds2tar"); + fprintf(stderr, "dds_index: unexpected end of tar archive \n"); + close(device); + exit(9); + } + return 0; +} + diff --git a/dds_quote.c b/dds_quote.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eecb836 --- /dev/null +++ b/dds_quote.c @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#include +#include "dds2tar.h" +int dds_unquote(char*p){ + char *q ; + + /* do nothing if there is no quote */ + while ( *p && *p != '\\' ) p++ ; + if ( *p == '\0' ) return 1 ; + + q = p ; + while ( *p ){ + if ( *p == '\\' ) { + char c = p[1] ; + switch (c){ + case '\\' : *q++ = '\\' , p+=2 ; continue ; + case 't' : *q++ = '\t' , p+=2 ; continue ; + case 'n' : *q++ = '\n' , p+=2 ; continue ; + case 'f' : *q++ = '\f' , p+=2 ; continue ; + case 'b' : *q++ = '\b' , p+=2 ; continue ; + case 'r' : *q++ = '\r' , p+=2 ; continue ; + case '?' : *q++ = '\177' , p+=2 ; continue ; + } + if ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' ){ + int x = 0 ; + int n = 0 ; + sscanf(p+1,"%03o%n",&x,&n); + *q++ = x ; p+=n+1 ; continue ; + } + /* + * Here we should never be, but if, we just proceed. + */ + } + *q++ = *p++ ; + } + *q++ = '\0' ; + return 1 ; +} + +#ifdef TEST_IT +int main(int argc,char*argv[]){ + if ( argc < 2 ) return 0 ; + dds_unquote(argv[1]); + puts(argv[1]); + return 0 ; +} +#endif + diff --git a/dds_tape.c b/dds_tape.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b7e526 --- /dev/null +++ b/dds_tape.c @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ + +/* + * This file is part of dds2tar. + * Copyright by J"org Weule + * + * Special thanks to + * for the HP-UX patch. + */ + +#include +#include /* fpirntf() */ +#include /* perror() */ +#include /* MTSEEK ... */ +#include /* ioctl() */ +#include /* close() exit() */ +#include "dds_tape.h" + +#include "dds2tar.h" +#include "dds_tape.h" + +/* + * set scsi2logical + */ +int dds_scsi2logical(void){ + struct mtop p ; + p.mt_op = MTSETDRVBUFFER ; + p.mt_count = MT_ST_OPTIONS|MT_ST_SCSI2LOGICAL ; + fputs("scsi2logical\n",stderr); + return ioctl(device,MTIOCTOP,&p); +} + +/* + * set read_ahead + */ +int dds_read_ahead(void){ + struct mtop p ; + int r ; + p.mt_op = MTSETDRVBUFFER ; + p.mt_count = MT_ST_OPTIONS|MT_ST_READ_AHEAD ; + r = ioctl(device,MTIOCTOP,&p); +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fputs("read_ahead\n",stderr); + if ( r < 0 ) perror("Read_ahead"); +#endif + return r ; +} + +/* + * rewind the last block + */ +int dds_bsr(void){ + struct mtop p ; + p.mt_op = MTBSR ; + p.mt_count = 1 ; + return ioctl(device,MTIOCTOP,&p); +} + +#ifdef MTGETBLK +/* + * get block size + */ +int dds_get_bs(void){ + struct mtop p ; + int r ; + p.mt_op = MTGETBLK ; + p.mt_count = 0 ; + r = ioctl(device,MTSETBLK,&p); + if ( r >= 0 ) r = p.mt_count ; + return r ; +} +#endif + +/* + * set block size + */ +int dds_set_bs(int n){ + struct mtop p ; + p.mt_op = MTSETBLK ; + p.mt_count = n ; + tar_bs = n >> 9 ; + tar_n = n ; +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr,"record_size=%d\n",n); +#endif + return ioctl(device,MTSETBLK,&p); +} + +/* + * To read one line of the device and check for errors, we use the following + * code. If a filemark is read, we try the block again. + * + * Note that cur_blkno and next_blkno is changed. + */ +void +dds_read_next_block(void) +{ + int err = 0; + +#ifdef HPDAT + if (next_blkno == -1) +#endif + next_blkno = dds_getpos(device); + cur_blkno = next_blkno; + cur_n = 0; +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr, "begin --> read_next_block()\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "vid=%d \n",vid); +#endif + if ( vid == HP ) do { + /* If you write a tape with 'tar -b 256' on SunOS, reading */ + /* the tape needs the following workaround. SunOS splits the */ + /* block into three tape blocks of 65534, 65534 and 4 Bytes. */ + /* dds2tar is reading the tree blocks and the number is */ + /* the one of the first block. You can not use the tar */ + /* listing block is this case, because the calculation of the */ + /* right will fail. Note that 'dds2tar --dds-dd | tar ft -' */ + /* will show the index of the archive, 'tar t' fails. */ + /* */ + /* --dds-dd is in experimental state, so may be I will change */ + /* this. */ +#if ( ST_BUFFER_BLOCKS > 32 ) + do { + err = read(device, ((char *) cur_block) + cur_n, + buf_n - cur_n); + if (err > 0) next_blkno++, cur_n += err; + } while ((err > 0) && (cur_n < buf_n) && ((cur_n & 0x1ff) != 0)); +#else + err = read(device, cur_block, buf_n); + if (err > 0) next_blkno++, cur_n += err ; +#endif + if ((cur_n & 0x1ff) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "not a tar archive, record size is" + " %d bytes \n", cur_n); + exit(4); + } + /* + * We are done, if err >= 0. + */ + if ( err >= 0 ) break ; + + /* + * If err < 0 ... exit or decrease the buffer ... + */ + if ((errno != EOVERFLOW) || (buf_n == 1)) { + perror("dds2tar"); + exit(4); + } + buf_n >>= 1; + fprintf(stderr,"decreasing buffer to %d bytes\n",buf_n); + if (buf_n == 1) exit(4); + } while ( 1 ); + if ( vid != HP ) { + err = read(device, cur_block, tar_n); + if ( err < 0 ) { + fprintf(stderr, + "Can not read from tape with blocksize of %d.\n", + tar_n); + perror("dds2index"); + exit(4); + } + next_blkno += tar_bs , cur_n = err ; + if ((cur_n & 0x1ff) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "not a tar archive, record size is" + " %d bytes \n", cur_n); + exit(4); + } + } + cur_bs = cur_n >> 9; +#ifdef DDS_TRACE + fprintf(stderr, "end ----> read_next_block()\n"); +#endif +} + +void +dds_read_block(void) +{ + do + dds_read_next_block(); + while (cur_n == 0); +} + +int +dds_getpos(int const dev) +{ + int i,n; + +#ifdef MTIOCPOS + struct mtpos pos; + i = ioctl(dev, MTIOCPOS, &pos); + if (i != 0) { + perror("dds2tar: ioctl MTIOCPOS"); +#else + i = ioctl(dev, SIOC_GET_POSITION, &n); /* HP-UX */ + if (i != 0) { + perror("dds2tar: ioctl SIOC_GET_POSITION"); +#endif + close(dev); + exit(11); + } + n = pos.mt_blkno; + if (n < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "dds2tar: eom detected ? blkno = %d \n", n); + close(dev); + exit(12); + } + return n; +} + +#ifdef MTIOCLOC +int +dds_getloc(int const dev) +{ + struct mtpos pos; + int i,n; + + i = ioctl(dev, MTIOCPOS, &pos); + if (i != 0) { + perror("dds2tar: ioctl MTIOCLOC"); + close(dev); + exit(11); + } + n = pos.mt_blkno; + if (n < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "dds2tar: eom detected ? blkno = %d \n", n); + close(dev); + exit(12); + } + return n ; +} +#endif + +int +dds_has_partitions(int const dev){ +#ifdef MT_ISDDS1 + struct mtget p ; + int i; + i = ioctl(dev, MTIOCGET, &p ); + if ( i >= 0 ) { + i = p.mt_type ; + } else perror("dds2tar"); + /* + if(i==MT_ISDDS1)fprintf(stderr, "DDS2TAR: drive without partitions\n"); + if(i==MT_ISDDS2)fprintf(stderr, "DDS2TAR: drive with partitions\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "DDS2TAR: type = %x\n",i); + */ + return i ; +#else + return -1 ; +#endif +} + +int +dds_seek(int const dev, int const blkno) +{ + struct mtop op; + int i; + +#ifdef SIOC_SET_POSITION + i = ioctl(dev, SIOC_SET_POSITION, &blkno); +#else + op.mt_op = MTSEEK; + op.mt_count = blkno; + i = ioctl(dev, MTIOCTOP, &op); +#endif + if (i != 0) { + perror("ioctl SEEK"); + close(dev); + exit(13); + } + return 0; +} + +/* + * This file is part of dds2tar. + * Copyright by J"org Weule + */ + +#ifdef HPDAT +#include /* malloc() */ +#include /* printf() */ +#include /* ioctl() */ +#include /* memset() bcopy() */ +#include /* exit() */ +#include "dds_tape.h" + +typedef unsigned char byte; + +typedef struct { + int inlen; + int outlen; + byte buf[1024]; +} + +ioctl_arg; + +static void +copy_page(ioctl_arg * const arg, int const i) +{ + + static struct { + char const *const text; + int const inlen; + int const outlen; + byte const buf[32]; + } + const comp_page[7] = + { + { + "set_comp_off", 26, 128, + { + 0x15, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x10, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x0e, + 0x40, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 + } + } + , + { + "set_cpmp_on", 26, 128, + { + 0x15, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x10, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x0e, + 0xc0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 + } + } + , + { + "get_comp", 6, 128, + { + 0x1a, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00 + } + } + , + { + "log_comp", 10, 128, + { + 0x4d, 0x00, 0x79, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x80, 0x00 + } + } + , + { + "load_tape", 6, 128, + { + 0x1b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00 + } + } + , + { + "unload_tape", 6, 128, + { + 0x1b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 + } + } + , + { + "mode_sense", 6, 128, + { + 0x1a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00 + } + } + }; + + arg->inlen = comp_page[i].inlen; + arg->outlen = comp_page[i].outlen; + memset(arg->buf, 0, 1024); + bcopy(comp_page[i].buf, arg->buf, arg->inlen); +} + +static int +print_error(byte const *const b, int len) +{ + + static char const *const sense_key[] = + { + "no sense", "recovered error", "not ready", "medium error", + "hardware error", "illegal request", "unit attention", + "data protect", "blank check", "vendor specific", + "copy aborted", "aborted command", "equal", + "volume overflow", "miscompare", "reserved" + }; + + int i; + + if (len > 32) + len = 8 + b[7]; + printf(" err: "); + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + printf(" %2X", b[i]); + printf("\n"); + printf("error sense: %s\n", sense_key[b[2] & 0xf]); + printf("asc + ascq = %2x %2x\n", b[12], b[13]); + return 0; +} + +void +set_compression_mode(int dev, int const comp_mode) +{ + ioctl_arg *arg; + + if (comp_mode < 0 || comp_mode > 5) + return; + /* + * Allocate memory. + */ + arg = malloc(sizeof (ioctl_arg)); + if (arg == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "dds2tar: not enough memory\n"); + exit(15); + } + /* + * do ioctl + */ + copy_page(arg, comp_mode); + /* arg->buf[12] = (comp_mode << 7) | 0x40; */ + if (ioctl(dev, 1, arg) != 0) { + close(dev); + print_error(arg->buf, arg->inlen); + exit(16); + } + if (comp_mode == DDSCM_QUERY) { + byte *b; + + b = arg->buf + 12; + fprintf(stderr, "data compression enable %d\n", b[2] >> 7); + } else if (comp_mode == DDSCM_LOG) { + int i, j; + byte *b; + + b = arg->buf + 0; + for (i = 0; i < b[3];) { + + static char const *const tab39[] = + { + NULL, + NULL, + NULL, + NULL, + NULL, + "kilobytes to data compression", + "kilobytes from data compression", + "kilobytes to tape", + "kilobytes from tape", + NULL, + NULL, + NULL}; + + byte *p = b + i + 4; + int n, k, c; + + c = (p[0] << 8) + p[1]; + n = p[3]; + i += 4 + n; + p += 4; + j = 0; + for (k = 0; k < n; k++) + j = (j << 8) + p[k]; + + if ((c < 12) && (tab39[c] != NULL)) + printf("%s: %d\n", tab39[c], j); + } + } +} + +#endif diff --git a/dds_tape.h b/dds_tape.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d21540f --- /dev/null +++ b/dds_tape.h @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + +/* + * This file is part of dds2tar. + * Copyright by J"org Weule + */ + +extern int dds_scsi2logical(void); +extern int dds_bsr(void); +extern void dds_read_block(void); +extern void dds_read_next_block(void); +extern int dds_getpos(int const dev); +extern int dds_seek(int const dev ,int const blkno); +extern int dds_get_bs(void); +extern int dds_read_ahead(void); + +extern int dds_has_partitions(int const dev); + +#define DDSCM_NULL -1 +#define DDSCM_OFF 0 +#define DDSCM_ON 1 +#define DDSCM_QUERY 2 +#define DDSCM_LOG 3 +#define DDSCM_LOAD 4 +#define DDSCM_UNLOAD 5 +#define DDSCM_FILENO 6 +#define DDSCM_LOGICAL 7 +#define DDSCM_WHERE 8 + +extern void set_compression_mode(int _device, const int _mode); + diff --git a/ddstool b/ddstool new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fbf20a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ddstool @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# This tool is in experimental status. +# +# Send me an email, if you have nice ideas. +# +# +#==================================================================== +# Usage: +# +# First label a tape: +# ddstool create-label 'unique-string and more strings' +# +# To archive something: +# ddstool append pathnames... +# +# To delete the old index-files and make a new label: +# ddstool new-label 'unique-string and more strings' +# +# Each index is stored by the pathnames: +# $A/$unique-string.$file-number (soft link) +# $A/$timestamp-of-the-tapelabel.$file-number (file) +# +#==================================================================== +# Sorry that I don't know the right method to extract something. +# For now it's more save to do it by hand. +# +#==================================================================== +# +set -v +A=/data/tape +case "$1" in +append) + mt rewind; + L=`mt-dds label | awk '{print $1}' ` + T=`mt-dds ts` + mt rewind + mt eom + mt status | grep file + F=`mt status | awk '{ if ($1 == "file") printf("%02d",$4) }'` + echo $A/$T.$F $A/$L.$F + touch $A/$T.$F + ln -f -s $A/$T.$F $A/$L.$F + shift + tar --label "$L" -b 32 -R -v -v --record-file $A/$T.$F --create $* +;; +create-label) + mt rewind + tar --create --label "$2" -b 2 +;; +new-label) + mt rewind; + L=`mt-dds label | awk '{print $1}' ` + T=`mt-dds ts` + mt rewind + rm $A/$L.* $A/$T.* + L=`echo "$2" | awk '{print $1}'` + if test -f $L.01 ; then + echo $0: ERROR: Label ist schon bekannt! + else + tar --create --label "$2" -b 2 + mt rewind + T=`mt-dds ts` + F=00 + tar -b 1 -t -v -v -R --record-file $A/$T.$F + ln -f -s $A/$T.$F $A/$L.$F + fi +;; +index) + mt rewind; + L=`mt-dds label | awk '{print $1}' ` + T=`mt-dds ts` + mt rewind + B=`mt-dds blksize` + echo $B + tar -v -v -R -t -b $B --record-file $A/$T.$F + mt rewind + mt asf "$2" + F=`mt status | awk '{ if ($1 == "file") printf("%02d",$4) }'` + echo File = $F + echo $A/$T.$F $A/$L.$F + touch $A/$T.$F + ln -f -s $A/$T.$F $A/$L.$F + B=`mt-dds blksize` + echo Blksize = $B + tar -b $B -t -R -v -v --record-file $A/$T.$F +esac +mt rewind diff --git a/index-of-dds2index b/index-of-dds2index new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db5a547 --- /dev/null +++ b/index-of-dds2index @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +magic record blk: size name +ustar 0 0: 0 ./ +ustar 0 1: 6375 Makefile +ustar 0 15: 12946 Changes +ustar 2 2: 7979 README +ustar 2 19: 11045 +ustar 4 2: 2837 +ustar 4 9: 3919 +ustar 4 18: 1666 +ustar 5 3: 25773 +ustar 7 15: 10333 +ustar 8 17: 11993 +ustar 10 2: 7935 +ustar 10 19: 2388 dds2tar.h +ustar 11 5: 22264 dds2tar.c +ustar 13 10: 13073 dds_extract.c +ustar 14 17: 1141 zf-cre-open.h +ustar 15 1: 4336 zf-cre-open.c +ustar 15 11: 5229 dds_index.c +ustar 16 3: 687 dds_tape.h +ustar 16 6: 9113 dds_tape.c +ustar 17 5: 691 dds_chkhdr.c +ustar 17 8: 1321 scsi_vendor +ustar 17 12: 10043 tar-1.11.2.patch +ustar 18 13: 14757 tar-1.11.8.patch +ustar 20 3: 14579 tar-1.12.patch +ustar 21 13: 294 tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch +ustar 21 15: 353 tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README +ustar 21 17: 4961 +ustar 22 8: 0 dds2index +ustar 22 9: 0 mt-dds +ustar 22 10: 0 dds2tar-test-tape-link-soft +ustar 22 11: 100 +ustar 22 13: 1276 dds2tar.lsm +ustar 22 17: 17982 COPYING +ustar 24 14: 2104 ddstool +ustar 25 0: 422 e.c +ustar 25 2: 10240 x.tar +ustar 26 3: 0 tdir/ +ustar 26 4: 0 tdir/ä.txt +ustar 26 5: 11890 e +ustar 27 10: 12579 dds_quote +ustar 28 16: 1010 dds_quote.c +ustar 28 19: 62720 dds2tar.o +ustar 35 3: 22492 dds_index.o +ustar 37 8: 28448 dds_extract.o +ustar 40 5: 25844 dds_tape.o +ustar 42 17: 11344 dds_quote.o +ustar 44 1: 24180 zf-cre-open.o +ustar 46 10: 17288 dds_chkhdr.o +ustar 48 5: 119244 dds2tar +ustar 59 19: 0 dds2tar-test-tape-link-hard +ustar 60 0: 0 dds-dd +ustar 60 1: 11045 dds2tar.1 +ustar 61 4: 2837 dds2index.1 +ustar 61 11: 3919 mt-dds.1 +ustar 62 0: 1666 dds-dd.1 +ustar 62 5: 15888 tar-1.13.patch +ustar 63 18: 131 ././@LongLink +ustar 64 0: 0 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 +ustar 64 1: 131 ././@LongLink +ustar 64 3: 141 ././@LongLink +ustar 64 5: 0 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 +-end- 64 6: 0 (null) diff --git a/index-of-tar b/index-of-tar new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30f64c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/index-of-tar @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +loc number of the file is 1 +loc number of the first block is 65 +loc block length is 16384 bytes = 32 * 512 bytes +rec 0: block 0: dds2tar +rec 1: block 1: ./ +rec 2: block 2: Makefile +rec 16: block 16: Changes +rec 11: block 43: README +rec 28: block 60: +rec 19: block 83: +rec 26: block 90: +rec 3: block 99: +rec 8: block 104: +rec 28: block 156: +rec 18: block 178: +rec 11: block 203: +rec 28: block 220: dds2tar.h +rec 2: block 226: dds2tar.c +rec 15: block 271: dds_extract.c +rec 10: block 298: zf-cre-open.h +rec 14: block 302: zf-cre-open.c +rec 24: block 312: dds_index.c +rec 4: block 324: dds_tape.h +rec 7: block 327: dds_tape.c +rec 26: block 346: dds_chkhdr.c +rec 29: block 349: scsi_vendor +rec 1: block 353: tar-1.11.2.patch +rec 22: block 374: tar-1.11.8.patch +rec 20: block 404: tar-1.12.patch +rec 18: block 434: tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch +rec 20: block 436: tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README +rec 22: block 438: +rec 1: block 449: dds2index +rec 2: block 450: mt-dds +rec 3: block 451: dds2tar-test-tape-link-soft +rec 4: block 452: +rec 6: block 454: dds2tar.lsm +rec 10: block 458: COPYING +rec 15: block 495: ddstool +rec 21: block 501: e.c +rec 23: block 503: x.tar +rec 12: block 524: tdir/ +rec 13: block 525: tdir/\344.txt +rec 14: block 526: e +rec 7: block 551: dds_quote +rec 1: block 577: dds_quote.c +rec 4: block 580: dds2tar.o +rec 0: block 704: dds_index.o +rec 13: block 749: dds_extract.o +rec 6: block 806: dds_tape.o +rec 26: block 858: dds_quote.o +rec 18: block 882: zf-cre-open.o +rec 3: block 931: dds_chkhdr.o +rec 6: block 966: dds2tar +rec 16: block 1200: dds2tar-test-tape-link-hard +rec 17: block 1201: dds-dd +rec 18: block 1202: dds2tar.1 +rec 9: block 1225: dds2index.1 +rec 16: block 1232: mt-dds.1 +rec 25: block 1241: dds-dd.1 +rec 30: block 1246: tar-1.13.patch +rec 31: block 1279: ././@LongLink +rec 1: block 1281: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 +rec 2: block 1282: ././@LongLink +rec 4: block 1284: ././@LongLink +rec 6: block 1286: 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 diff --git a/index-of-tar-t b/index-of-tar-t new file mode 100644 index 0000000..310cd14 --- /dev/null +++ b/index-of-tar-t @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +first block number is 0 +block size is 20 +block length is 10240 +loc number of the file is 0 +loc number of the first block is 0 +rec 0: block 0: ./ +rec 1: block 1: Makefile +rec 15: block 15: Changes +rec 2: block 42: README +rec 19: block 59: +rec 2: block 82: +rec 9: block 89: +rec 18: block 98: +rec 3: block 103: +rec 15: block 155: +rec 17: block 177: +rec 2: block 202: +rec 19: block 219: dds2tar.h +rec 5: block 225: dds2tar.c +rec 10: block 270: dds_extract.c +rec 17: block 297: zf-cre-open.h +rec 1: block 301: zf-cre-open.c +rec 11: block 311: dds_index.c +rec 3: block 323: dds_tape.h +rec 6: block 326: dds_tape.c +rec 5: block 345: dds_chkhdr.c +rec 8: block 348: scsi_vendor +rec 12: block 352: tar-1.11.2.patch +rec 13: block 373: tar-1.11.8.patch +rec 3: block 403: tar-1.12.patch +rec 13: block 433: tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch +rec 15: block 435: tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README +rec 17: block 437: +rec 8: block 448: dds2index +rec 9: block 449: mt-dds +rec 10: block 450: dds2tar-test-tape-link-soft +rec 11: block 451: +rec 13: block 453: dds2tar.lsm +rec 17: block 457: COPYING +rec 14: block 494: ddstool +rec 0: block 500: e.c +rec 2: block 502: x.tar +rec 3: block 523: tdir/ +rec 4: block 524: tdir/\344.txt +rec 5: block 525: e +rec 10: block 550: dds_quote +rec 16: block 576: dds_quote.c +rec 19: block 579: dds2tar.o +rec 3: block 703: dds_index.o +rec 8: block 748: dds_extract.o +rec 5: block 805: dds_tape.o +rec 17: block 857: dds_quote.o +rec 1: block 881: zf-cre-open.o +rec 10: block 930: dds_chkhdr.o +rec 5: block 965: dds2tar +rec 19: block 1199: dds2tar-test-tape-link-hard +rec 0: block 1200: dds-dd +rec 1: block 1201: dds2tar.1 +rec 4: block 1224: dds2index.1 +rec 11: block 1231: mt-dds.1 +rec 0: block 1240: dds-dd.1 +rec 5: block 1245: tar-1.13.patch +rec 18: block 1278: ././@LongLink +rec 0: block 1280: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 +rec 1: block 1281: ././@LongLink +rec 3: block 1283: ././@LongLink +rec 5: block 1285: 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 +block 1286: ** Block of NULs ** diff --git a/index-of-tar-v b/index-of-tar-v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f3d60a --- /dev/null +++ b/index-of-tar-v @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +loc number of the file is 2 +loc number of the first block is 106 +loc block length is 16384 bytes = 32 * 512 bytes +rec 0: block 0: drwxr-x--- weule/users 0 2000-08-17 00:16 ./ +rec 1: block 1: -rw-r----- weule/users 6375 2000-08-17 00:15 Makefile +rec 15: block 15: -rw-r----- weule/users 12946 2000-08-13 15:15 Changes +rec 10: block 42: -rw-r----- weule/users 7979 1998-06-23 12:11 README +rec 27: block 59: -rw-r----- weule/users 11045 1998-02-02 16:40 +rec 18: block 82: -rw-r----- weule/users 2837 1995-02-01 23:33 +rec 25: block 89: -rw-r----- weule/users 3919 1995-02-01 23:34 +rec 2: block 98: -rw-r----- weule/users 1666 1996-03-10 17:05 +rec 7: block 103: -rw-r----- weule/users 25773 1998-02-02 16:42 +rec 27: block 155: -rw-r----- weule/users 10333 1996-03-10 17:12 +rec 17: block 177: -rw-r----- weule/users 11993 1996-03-10 17:12 +rec 10: block 202: -rw-r----- weule/users 7935 1996-03-10 17:12 +rec 27: block 219: -rw-r----- weule/users 2388 2000-08-06 17:42 dds2tar.h +rec 1: block 225: -rw-r----- weule/users 22264 2000-08-13 15:27 dds2tar.c +rec 14: block 270: -rw-r----- weule/users 13073 2000-08-06 17:54 dds_extract.c +rec 9: block 297: -rw-r----- weule/users 1141 2000-08-06 17:42 zf-cre-open.h +rec 13: block 301: -rw-r----- weule/users 4336 2000-08-06 17:42 zf-cre-open.c +rec 23: block 311: -rw-r----- weule/users 5229 2000-08-06 17:42 dds_index.c +rec 3: block 323: -rw-r----- weule/users 687 2000-08-06 17:42 dds_tape.h +rec 6: block 326: -rw-r----- weule/users 9113 2000-08-06 17:42 dds_tape.c +rec 25: block 345: -rw-r----- weule/users 691 2000-08-06 17:42 dds_chkhdr.c +rec 28: block 348: -rwxr-x--- weule/users 1321 1998-05-15 14:56 scsi_vendor +rec 0: block 352: -rw-r----- weule/users 10043 1995-02-09 23:14 tar-1.11.2.patch +rec 21: block 373: -rw-r----- weule/users 14757 1996-12-01 16:22 tar-1.11.8.patch +rec 19: block 403: -rw-r----- weule/users 14579 2000-08-06 22:21 tar-1.12.patch +rec 17: block 433: -rw-r----- weule/users 294 1995-02-02 21:56 tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch +rec 19: block 435: -rw-r----- weule/users 353 1995-02-02 22:06 tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README +rec 21: block 437: -rwxr-x--- weule/users 4961 2000-08-13 15:45 +rec 0: block 448: lrwxrwxrwx weule/users 0 2000-08-17 00:16 dds2index -> ./dds2tar +rec 1: block 449: lrwxrwxrwx weule/users 0 2000-08-17 00:16 mt-dds -> ./dds2tar +rec 2: block 450: lrwxrwxrwx weule/users 0 2000-08-17 00:16 dds2tar-test-tape-link-soft -> dds2tar +rec 3: block 451: -rw-r----- weule/users 100 1994-10-09 23:21 +rec 5: block 453: -rw-r----- weule/users 1276 2000-08-17 00:12 dds2tar.lsm +rec 9: block 457: -rw-r----- weule/users 17982 1994-09-03 13:40 COPYING +rec 14: block 494: -rwxr-x--- weule/users 2104 1995-02-05 23:51 ddstool +rec 20: block 500: -rw-r----- weule/users 422 2000-08-06 17:42 e.c +rec 22: block 502: -rw-r----- weule/users 10240 2000-08-06 14:32 x.tar +rec 11: block 523: drwxr-x--- weule/users 0 2000-08-06 16:24 tdir/ +rec 12: block 524: -rw-r----- weule/users 0 2000-08-06 16:24 tdir/\344.txt +rec 13: block 525: -rwxr-x--- weule/users 11890 2000-08-06 15:01 e +rec 6: block 550: -rwxr-x--- weule/users 12579 2000-08-06 15:52 dds_quote +rec 0: block 576: -rw-r----- weule/users 1010 2000-08-06 17:42 dds_quote.c +rec 3: block 579: -rw-r----- weule/users 62720 2000-08-13 15:30 dds2tar.o +rec 31: block 703: -rw-r----- weule/users 22492 2000-08-06 17:42 dds_index.o +rec 12: block 748: -rw-r----- weule/users 28448 2000-08-06 17:54 dds_extract.o +rec 5: block 805: -rw-r----- weule/users 25844 2000-08-06 17:42 dds_tape.o +rec 25: block 857: -rw-r----- weule/users 11344 2000-08-06 17:42 dds_quote.o +rec 17: block 881: -rw-r----- weule/users 24180 2000-08-06 17:42 zf-cre-open.o +rec 2: block 930: -rw-r----- weule/users 17288 2000-08-06 17:42 dds_chkhdr.o +rec 5: block 965: -rwxr-x--- weule/users 119244 2000-08-13 15:30 dds2tar +rec 15: block 1199: -rwxr-x--- weule/users 0 2000-08-13 15:30 dds2tar-test-tape-link-hard link to dds2tar +rec 16: block 1200: -rwxr-x--- weule/users 0 2000-08-13 15:30 dds-dd link to dds2tar +rec 17: block 1201: -rw-r--r-- weule/users 11045 2000-08-06 15:56 dds2tar.1 +rec 8: block 1224: -rw-r--r-- weule/users 2837 2000-08-06 15:56 dds2index.1 +rec 15: block 1231: -rw-r--r-- weule/users 3919 2000-08-06 15:56 mt-dds.1 +rec 24: block 1240: -rw-r--r-- weule/users 1666 2000-08-06 15:56 dds-dd.1 +rec 29: block 1245: -rw-r----- weule/users 15888 2000-08-06 23:39 tar-1.13.patch +rec 30: block 1278: Lrw-r----- root/root 0 2000-08-06 20:57 ././@LongLink unknown file type `L' +rec 0: block 1280: -rw-r----- weule/users 0 2000-08-06 20:57 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 +rec 1: block 1281: Krwxrwxrwx root/root 130 2000-08-06 20:57 ././@LongLink unknown file type `K' +rec 3: block 1283: Lrwxrwxrwx root/root 0 2000-08-06 20:57 ././@LongLink unknown file type `L' +rec 5: block 1285: lrwxrwxrwx weule/users 0 2000-08-06 20:57 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 -> 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4fef84 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +.TH mt-dds 1L 2.4 \" -*- nroff -*- +.\"---------- +.SH NAME +.\"---------- +mt-dds \- tool to control a dds device. +.\"---------- +.SH SYNOPSIS +.\"---------- +.B mt-dds +.BR comp-on | comp-off | comp-query | comp-log +.PD 0 +.PP +.B mt-dds +< +.BR tell | label +> [ +.B -b \ # +] +.PD 1 +.\"---------- +.SH DESCRIPTION +.\"---------- +.B mt-dds +controls the compression mode of dds tape devices (DAT). +.PP +.B mt-dds +may also report the current tape position in +absolute records (relative to begin of tape) in a format +that may be used later by +.B dds2tar(1) +to access tar archives that are not the first file on tape. +.PP +The default device is +.IR /dev/tape , +which may be overridden with the environment variable +.BR TAPE , +which in turn may be overridden with the +.BI -f \ device +option. The device must be a character special file. +.\"---------- +.SH OPTIONS +.\"---------- +.SS DDS tape device control options + +.TP +.B comp-on +Enable the hardware compression mode if supported by the device. +.TP +.B comp-off +Disable the compression mode, switch to normal mode. +.TP +.B comp-query +Print to stderr if compression mode currently is disabled +or enabled. A +.B 0 +means compression is disabled, a +.B 1 +means compression in enabled. +.TP +.B comp-log +Print to stdout four lines of information about transferred kilobytes +before and after hardware compression from and to the device +since initialization. +.\"---------- +.SS dds2tar service functions + +.TP +.B tell +Print three lines with the +.BR "current tape position" ", a" +.B block size +value (20 by default, may be overridden with +.B -b +option) and a +.B block length +value (blocksize*512) to +.IR stdout . +If this output is redirected to a location file +.IR locfile , +this file may be used by +.B dds2tar(1) +to access archives on tape. +.TP +.B label +If the current tape position is the beginning of an archive and the archive +is labeled, +.B mt-dds +writes the label to stdout +and moves the tape back to the +current position (or back over the filemark). +.TP +.B ts +If the current tape position is the beginning of an archive and the archive +is labeled, +.B mt-dds +writes the timestamp in octal format to stdout +and moves the tape back to the +current position (or back over the filemark). +If you are using only one computer, the timestamp can be used as a unique +archive identifier. +.TP +.BI -b \ # +Specify the block size +.I # +value that is used as a default for the written value with the +.B mt-dds tell +command (see above). +Also the internal buffer size is specified with this option +which is used to read one block in order to get the block size +of the current tape block. So specify the block size of the archive +or a larger number. +.\"---------- +.SS other options + +.TP +.BI -f\ device +Device of the tape archive (default is /dev/tape). +Must be a character special file connected to a dds tape device. +.TP +.BR -V , --version +Print the version number of +.B mt-dds +to stderr and exit immediately. +.TP +.B --help +print some screens of online help with examples through a pager +and exit immediately. +.\"---------- +.SH EXAMPLES +.\"---------- +.B Example 1: +checking the compression mode of the default tape device +.RS 10 +mt-dds comp-query +.RE +.PP +.B Example 2: +Write the location information as +.B dds2tar +command line options to stdout. +.RS 10 +mt-dds +.RE +.PP +.PD 1 +.\"---------- +.SH ENVIRONMENT +.\"---------- +The environment variable +.B TAPE +overrides the default tape device /dev/tape. +.TP +PAGER +The environment variable +.B PAGER +overrides the builtin pager command ("/bin/more") to display the output +of the +.B --help +option. +.\"---------- +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.\"---------- +dds2tar(1), dds2index(1), mt(1), tar(1) +.\"---------- +.SH HISTORY +.\"---------- +This program was created to use it in conjunction with dds2tar. +.\"---------- +.SH AUTHOR +.\"---------- +J"org Weule (, Phone +49 211 751409. +This software is available at + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d26458 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,313 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 +%%Creator: groff version 1.09 +%%CreationDate: Sun Mar 10 17:12:17 1996 +%%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman +%%+ font Times-Bold +%%+ font Times-Italic +%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset grops 1.09 0 +%%Pages: 2 +%%PageOrder: Ascend +%%Orientation: Portrait +%%EndComments +%%BeginProlog +%%BeginResource: procset grops 1.09 0 +/setpacking where{ +pop +currentpacking +true setpacking +}if +/grops 120 dict dup begin +/SC 32 def +/A/show load def +/B{0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/C{0 exch ashow}bind def +/D{0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/E{0 rmoveto show}bind def +/F{0 rmoveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/G{0 rmoveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/H{0 rmoveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/I{0 exch rmoveto show}bind def +/J{0 exch rmoveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/K{0 exch rmoveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/L{0 exch rmoveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/M{rmoveto show}bind def +/N{rmoveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/O{rmoveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/P{rmoveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/Q{moveto show}bind def +/R{moveto 0 SC 3 -1 roll widthshow}bind def +/S{moveto 0 exch ashow}bind def +/T{moveto 0 exch 0 SC 5 2 roll awidthshow}bind def +/SF{ +findfont exch +[exch dup 0 exch 0 exch neg 0 0]makefont +dup setfont +[exch/setfont cvx]cvx bind def +}bind def +/MF{ +findfont +[5 2 roll +0 3 1 roll +neg 0 0]makefont +dup setfont +[exch/setfont cvx]cvx bind def +}bind def +/level0 0 def +/RES 0 def +/PL 0 def +/LS 0 def +/PLG{ +gsave newpath clippath pathbbox grestore +exch pop add exch pop +}bind def +/BP{ +/level0 save def +1 setlinecap +1 setlinejoin +72 RES div dup scale +LS{ +90 rotate +}{ +0 PL translate +}ifelse +1 -1 scale +}bind def +/EP{ +level0 restore +showpage +}bind def +/DA{ +newpath arcn stroke +}bind def +/SN{ +transform +.25 sub exch .25 sub exch +round .25 add exch round .25 add exch +itransform +}bind def +/DL{ +SN +moveto +SN +lineto stroke +}bind def +/DC{ +newpath 0 360 arc closepath +}bind def +/TM matrix def +/DE{ +TM currentmatrix pop +translate scale newpath 0 0 .5 0 360 arc closepath +TM setmatrix +}bind def +/RC/rcurveto load def +/RL/rlineto load def +/ST/stroke load def +/MT/moveto load def +/CL/closepath load def +/FL{ +currentgray exch setgray fill setgray +}bind def +/BL/fill load def +/LW/setlinewidth load def +/RE{ +findfont +dup maxlength 1 index/FontName known not{1 add}if dict begin +{ +1 index/FID ne{def}{pop pop}ifelse +}forall +/Encoding exch def +dup/FontName exch def +currentdict end definefont pop +}bind def +/DEFS 0 def +/EBEGIN{ +moveto +DEFS begin +}bind def +/EEND/end load def +/CNT 0 def +/level1 0 def +/PBEGIN{ +/level1 save def +translate +div 3 1 roll div exch scale +neg exch neg exch translate +0 setgray +0 setlinecap +1 setlinewidth +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[]0 setdash +/setstrokeadjust where{ +pop +false setstrokeadjust +}if +/setoverprint where{ +pop +false setoverprint +}if +newpath +/CNT countdictstack def +userdict begin +/showpage{}def +}bind def +/PEND{ +clear +countdictstack CNT sub{end}repeat +level1 restore +}bind def +end def +/setpacking where{ +pop +setpacking +}if +%%EndResource +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Bold +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic +grops begin/DEFS 1 dict def DEFS begin/u{.001 mul}bind def end/RES 72 +def/PL 792 def/LS false def/ENC0[/asciicircum/asciitilde/Scaron/Zcaron +/scaron/zcaron/Ydieresis/trademark/quotesingle/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef +/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef +/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/.notdef +/.notdef/.notdef/space/exclam/quotedbl/numbersign/dollar/percent +/ampersand/quoteright/parenleft/parenright/asterisk/plus/comma/hyphen +/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/colon +/semicolon/less/equal/greater/question/at/A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N/O +/P/Q/R/S/T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z/bracketleft/backslash/bracketright/circumflex +/underscore/quoteleft/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y +/z/braceleft/bar/braceright/tilde/.notdef/quotesinglbase/guillemotleft +/guillemotright/bullet/florin/fraction/perthousand/dagger/daggerdbl +/endash/emdash/ff/fi/fl/ffi/ffl/dotlessi/dotlessj/grave/hungarumlaut +/dotaccent/breve/caron/ring/ogonek/quotedblleft/quotedblright/oe/lslash +/quotedblbase/OE/Lslash/.notdef/exclamdown/cent/sterling/currency/yen +/brokenbar/section/dieresis/copyright/ordfeminine/guilsinglleft +/logicalnot/minus/registered/macron/degree/plusminus/twosuperior +/threesuperior/acute/mu/paragraph/periodcentered/cedilla/onesuperior +/ordmasculine/guilsinglright/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters +/questiondown/Agrave/Aacute/Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE +/Ccedilla/Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute/Icircumflex +/Idieresis/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute/Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis +/multiply/Oslash/Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn +/germandbls/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis/aring/ae/ccedilla +/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis +/eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde/odieresis/divide/oslash +/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex/udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis]def +/Times-Italic@0 ENC0/Times-Italic RE/Times-Bold@0 ENC0/Times-Bold RE +/Times-Roman@0 ENC0/Times-Roman RE +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 +%%BeginPageSetup +BP +%%EndPageSetup +/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 374.4(mt-dds\(1L\) mt-dds\(1L\))72 48 R/F1 9 +/Times-Bold@0 SF -.18(NA)72 84 S(ME).18 E F0 +(mt-dds \255 tool to control a dds de)108 96 Q(vice.)-.25 E F1(SYNOPSIS) +72 112.8 Q/F2 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(mt-dds comp-on)108 124.8 Q F0(|)A F2 +(comp-off)A F0(|)A F2(comp-query)A F0(|)A F2(comp-log)A(mt-dds)108 136.8 +Q F0(<)2.5 E F2(tell)2.5 E F0(|)A F2(label)A F0 2.5(>[)2.5 G F2 2.5 +(-b #)B F0(])2.5 E F1(DESCRIPTION)72 160.8 Q F2(mt-dds)108 172.8 Q F0 +(controls the compression mode of dds tape de)2.5 E(vices \(D)-.25 E +-1.11(AT)-.4 G(\).)1.11 E F2(mt-dds)108 196.8 Q F0 .547 +(may also report the current tape position in absolute records \(relati) +3.048 F .847 -.15(ve t)-.25 H 3.047(ob).15 G -.15(eg)-3.047 G .547 +(in of tape\) in a format).15 F(that may be used later by)108 208.8 Q F2 +(dds2tar\(1\))2.5 E F0(to access tar archi)2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(st) +.15 G(hat are not the \214rst \214le on tape.)-2.5 E .726(The def)108 +232.8 R .726(ault de)-.1 F .726(vice is)-.25 F/F3 10/Times-Italic@0 SF +(/de)3.226 E(v/rmt0)-.15 E F0 3.226(,w).47 G .726(hich may be o)-3.226 F +-.15(ve)-.15 G .726(rridden with the en).15 F .726(vironment v)-.4 F +(ariable)-.25 E F2 -.9(TA)3.226 G(PE).9 E F0 3.226(,w)C .726(hich in) +-3.226 F(turn may be o)108 244.8 Q -.15(ve)-.15 G(rridden with the).15 E +F2(-f)2.5 E F3(de)2.5 E(vice)-.15 E F0(option. The de)2.5 E +(vice must be a character special \214le.)-.25 E F1(OPTIONS)72 268.8 Q +F2(DDS tape de)87 280.8 Q(vice contr)-.15 E(ol options)-.18 E(comp-on) +108 292.8 Q F0(Enable the hardw)144 304.8 Q +(are compression mode if supported by the de)-.1 E(vice.)-.25 E F2 +(comp-off)108 328.8 Q F0 +(Disable the compression mode, switch to normal mode.)144 340.8 Q F2 +(comp-query)108 364.8 Q F0 .94 +(Print to stderr if compression mode currently is disabled or enabled.) +144 376.8 R(A)5.94 E F2(0)3.44 E F0 .94(means compression is)3.44 F +(disabled, a)144 388.8 Q F2(1)2.5 E F0(means compression in enabled.)2.5 +E F2(comp-log)108 412.8 Q F0 .005(Print to stdout four lines of informa\ +tion about transferred kilobytes before and after hardw)144 424.8 R .005 +(are com-)-.1 F(pression from and to the de)144 436.8 Q +(vice since initialization.)-.25 E F2(dds2tar ser)87 460.8 Q +(vice functions)-.1 E(tell)108 472.8 Q F0 .095 +(Print three lines with the)22.67 F F2(curr)2.594 E .094 +(ent tape position)-.18 F F0 2.594(,a)C F2 .094(block size)B F0 -.25(va) +2.594 G .094(lue \(20 by def).25 F .094(ault, may be o)-.1 F -.15(ve) +-.15 G(rrid-).15 E .002(den with)144 484.8 R F2(-b)2.502 E F0 .002 +(option\) and a)2.502 F F2 .002(block length)2.502 F F0 -.25(va)2.502 G +.003(lue \(blocksize*512\) to).25 F F3(stdout)2.503 E F0 5.003(.I).68 G +2.503(ft)-5.003 G .003(his output is redirected)-2.503 F +(to a location \214le)144 496.8 Q F3(loc\214le)2.5 E F0 2.5(,t).18 G +(his \214le may be used by)-2.5 E F2(dds2tar\(1\))2.5 E F0 +(to access archi)2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(so).15 G 2.5(nt)-2.5 G(ape.) +-2.5 E F2(label)108 520.8 Q F0 .217 +(If the current tape position is the be)15.44 F .217 +(ginning of an archi)-.15 F .517 -.15(ve a)-.25 H .217(nd the archi).15 +F .517 -.15(ve i)-.25 H 2.717(sl).15 G(abeled,)-2.717 E F2(mt-dds)2.717 +E F0(writes)2.717 E(the label to stdout and mo)144 532.8 Q -.15(ve)-.15 +G 2.5(st).15 G(he tape back to the current position \(or back o)-2.5 E +-.15(ve)-.15 G 2.5(rt).15 G(he \214lemark\).)-2.5 E F2(ts)108 556.8 Q F0 +.217(If the current tape position is the be)28.78 F .217 +(ginning of an archi)-.15 F .517 -.15(ve a)-.25 H .217(nd the archi).15 +F .517 -.15(ve i)-.25 H 2.717(sl).15 G(abeled,)-2.717 E F2(mt-dds)2.717 +E F0(writes)2.718 E .847(the timestamp in octal format to stdout and mo) +144 568.8 R -.15(ve)-.15 G 3.347(st).15 G .847 +(he tape back to the current position \(or back)-3.347 F -.15(ove)144 +580.8 S 3.617(rt).15 G 1.117(he \214lemark\).)-3.617 F 1.117 +(If you are using only one computer)6.117 F 3.617(,t)-.4 G 1.117 +(he timestamp can be used as a unique)-3.617 F(archi)144 592.8 Q .3 -.15 +(ve i)-.25 H(denti\214er).15 E(.)-.55 E F2(-b #)108 616.8 Q F0 .746 +(Specify the block size)19.61 F F3(#)3.246 E F0 -.25(va)3.246 G .745 +(lue that is used as a def).25 F .745(ault for the written v)-.1 F .745 +(alue with the)-.25 F F2 .745(mt-dds tell)3.245 F F0 .633 +(command \(see abo)144 628.8 R -.15(ve)-.15 G 3.133(\). Also).15 F .633 +(the internal b)3.133 F(uf)-.2 E .633 +(fer size is speci\214ed with this option which is used to)-.25 F .263(\ +read one block in order to get the block size of the current tape block\ +. So specify the block size of)144 640.8 R(the archi)144 652.8 Q .3 -.15 +(ve o)-.25 H 2.5(ral).15 G(ar)-2.5 E(ger number)-.18 E(.)-.55 E F2 +(other options)87 676.8 Q(-f)108 688.8 Q F3(de)2.85 E(vice)-.15 E F0(De) +144 700.8 Q .791(vice of the tape archi)-.25 F 1.091 -.15(ve \()-.25 H +(def).15 E .791(ault is /de)-.1 F 3.291(v/rmt0\). Must)-.25 F .792 +(be a character special \214le connected to a)3.291 F(dds tape de)144 +712.8 Q(vice.)-.25 E 220.25(2.4 1)299.75 768 R EP +%%Page: 2 2 +%%BeginPageSetup +BP +%%EndPageSetup +/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 374.4(mt-dds\(1L\) mt-dds\(1L\))72 48 R/F1 10 +/Times-Bold@0 SF(-V)108 84 Q F0(,)A F1(--v)A(ersion)-.1 E F0 +(Print the v)144 96 Q(ersion number of)-.15 E F1(mt-dds)2.5 E F0 +(to stderr and e)2.5 E(xit immediately)-.15 E(.)-.65 E F1(--help)108 120 +Q F0(print some screens of online help with e)11 E +(xamples through a pager and e)-.15 E(xit immediately)-.15 E(.)-.65 E/F2 +9/Times-Bold@0 SF(EXAMPLES)72 144 Q F1(Example 1:)108 156 Q F0 +(checking the compression mode of the def)2.5 E(ault tape de)-.1 E(vice) +-.25 E(mt-dds comp-query)158 168 Q F1(Example 2:)108 192 Q F0 +(Write the location information as)2.5 E F1(dds2tar)2.5 E F0 +(command line options to stdout.)2.5 E(mt-dds)158 204 Q F2(ENVIR)72 240 +Q(ONMENT)-.27 E F0(The en)108 252 Q(vironment v)-.4 E(ariable)-.25 E F1 +-.9(TA)2.5 G(PE).9 E F0 -.15(ove)2.5 G(rrides the def).15 E +(ault tape de)-.1 E(vice /de)-.25 E(v/rmt0.)-.25 E -1.06 -.92(PA G)108 +276 T(ER).92 E .914(The en)144 288 R .914(vironment v)-.4 F(ariable)-.25 +E F1 -1.57 -.74(PA G)3.414 H(ER).74 E F0 -.15(ove)3.414 G .914 +(rrides the b).15 F .913 +(uiltin pager command \("/bin/more"\) to display)-.2 F +(the output of the)144 300 Q F1(--help)2.5 E F0(option.)2.5 E F2 +(SEE ALSO)72 324 Q F0(dds2tar\(1\), dds2inde)108 336 Q +(x\(1\), mt\(1\), tar\(1\))-.15 E F2(HIST)72 360 Q(OR)-.162 E(Y)-.315 E +F0(This program w)108 372 Q(as created in conjunction with dds2tar)-.1 E +(.)-.55 E F2 -.45(AU)72 396 S(THOR).45 E F0(J"or)108 408 Q 3.028(gW)-.18 +G .528(eule \(\), Phone +49 211 751409.) +-3.828 F .528(This softw)5.528 F .529(are is a)-.1 F -.25(va)-.2 G .529 +(ilable at ftp.uni-).25 F( 420 Q +220.25(2.4 2)299.75 768 R EP +%%Trailer +end +%%EOF diff --git a/scsi_vendor b/scsi_vendor new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ab96153 --- /dev/null +++ b/scsi_vendor @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +#!/bin/csh +# +# Determine the Verndor of a device +# +# csh-Example: +# +# <1>scsi_vendor +# Disks: SEAGATE SAMSUNG +# Cdroms: TOSHIBA PHILIPS +# Tapes: HP +# <2>scsi_vendor disk +# SEAGATE SAMSUNG +# <383>scsi_vendor cd +# TOSHIBA PHILIPS +# <3>scsi_vendor tape +# HP +# <4>scsi_vendor tape 1 +# HP +# <5>scsi_vendor dsik 1 +# <6>scsi_vendor disk 1 +# SEAGATE +# <7>scsi_vendor disk 2 +# SAMSUNG +# +set s = ( ) ; +set c = ( ) ; +set d = ( ) ; +set x = ( `grep '^ ' /proc/scsi/scsi | cut -c3-18` ) +set o = '' ; +set v = '' ; +foreach i ( $x ) + if ( "$o" == 'Vendor:' ) set v = $i ; + if ( "$o" == 'Type:' && "$i" == 'Sequenti' ) set s = ( $s $v ); + if ( "$o" == 'Type:' && "$i" == 'CD-ROM' ) set c = ( $c $v ); + if ( "$o" == 'Type:' && "$i" == 'Direct-A' ) set d = ( $d $v ); + set o = $i ; +end +if ( $# == 0 ) then + echo Disks: $d + echo Cdroms: $c + echo Tapes: $s + exit 0 ; +endif +if ( $# == 1 ) then + set v = '' ; + if ( $1 == disk ) then + echo $d + endif + if ( $1 == cd ) then + echo $c + endif + if ( $1 == tape ) then + echo $s + endif + exit 0 ; +endif +if ( $# == 2 ) then + set v = '' ; + if ( $1 == disk && $#d >= $2 ) then + set v = $d[$2] ; + endif + if ( $1 == cd && $#c >= $2 ) then + set v = $c[$2] ; + endif + if ( $1 == tape && $#s >= $2 ) then + set v = $s[$2] ; + endif + echo $v + exit 0 ; +endif +if ( "$v" == "$3" ) then + exit 2 ; +endif +exit 1 ; + diff --git a/tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README b/tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..410a8b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.README @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +Michael Riepe ( has send me a patch +to support sparse files with tar on Linux boxes. + +I did'nt have any experience with it and unfortunately dds2tar doesn't support +sparse files. But if you are familar with patching tar, you may decide +to include this patch also. + +Please send comments on that patch to Michael. J"org. + diff --git a/tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch b/tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4edefa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tar-1.11.2-sparse-files.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -ru tar-1.11.2/create.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.2/create.c Thu Mar 25 19:32:31 1993 ++++ tar- Wed Oct 26 01:11:39 1994 +@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ + + header_moved = 0; + +-#ifdef BSD42 ++#if defined(BSD42) || defined(__linux__) + if (f_sparse_files) + { + /* diff --git a/tar-1.11.2.patch b/tar-1.11.2.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ab19f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tar-1.11.2.patch @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +diff -ru tar-1.11.2/ChangeLog tar- +--- tar-1.11.2/ChangeLog Thu Mar 25 19:54:56 1993 ++++ tar- Mon Oct 3 21:07:15 1994 +@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@ ++Sat Jun 19 14:00:00 1994 J"org Weule ( ++ ++ * version.c: version 1.11.2 (added --record-file) ++ ++ * create.c: print header before incrementing the record # ++ ++ * tar.c: inserted the option --record-file ++ ++ * buffer.c: opens the record file ++ ++ * list.c: writes the record information to rec_files instead of ++ msg_file ++ + Thu Mar 25 13:32:40 1993 Michael I Bushnell ( + + * version.c: Released version 1.11.2. +diff -ru tar-1.11.2/buffer.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.2/buffer.c Fri Mar 19 21:05:11 1993 ++++ tar- Thu Feb 9 23:01:33 1995 +@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ + /* Either stdout or stderr: The thing we write messages (standard msgs, not + errors) to. Stdout unless we're writing a pipe, in which case stderr */ + FILE *msg_file = stdout; ++FILE *rec_file = stdout; ++char *rec_file_name = NULL ; + + #define STDIN 0 /* Standard input file descriptor */ + #define STDOUT 1 /* Standard output file descriptor */ +@@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ + /* + * Record number of the start of this block of records + */ +-long baserec; ++long baserec = 0 ; + + /* + * Error recovery stuff +@@ -534,7 +536,44 @@ + open_archive (reading) + int reading; + { +- msg_file = f_exstdout ? stderr : stdout; ++ time_t start_time = time(0); ++ rec_file = msg_file = f_exstdout ? stderr : stdout; ++ if ( rec_file_name != NULL ) ++ { ++#define INSERT_TIMESTAMP ++#ifdef INSERT_TIMESTAMP ++ /* ++ * A record-file name with '%T' will be expanded with a decimal ++ * value for the timestamp of the archive. This is the time value ++ * stored in the label record. ++ * If you are using only one computer, this should be a unique number. ++ * You are able to create different rec-files for all your archives, ++ * as well as finding the index of your archive in a reliable way. ++ * ++ * Another way would be to let us set the timestamp by another option. ++ * tar --timestamp ... ++ */ ++ char rfn[256]; ++ if ( reading == 0 ) { ++ char*p= rec_file_name ; ++ int i = 0 ; ++ int n; ++ while ( p[0] != '\0' ) { ++ if ( p[0] == '%' && p[1] == 'T' ) { ++ i += sprintf(rfn+i,"%d",start_time), p += 2 ; ++ } else { rfn[i++] = *p++ ; } ++ } ++ rfn[i] = '\0' ; ++ } else strcpy(rfn,rec_file_name); ++#else ++ char*rfn=rec_file_name; ++#endif ++ if ( ( rec_file = fopen(rfn,"w")) == NULL ) ++ { ++ fprintf(rec_file,"Cannot open %s.\n",rec_file_name); ++ exit(1); ++ } ++ } + + if (blocksize == 0) + { +@@ -542,6 +581,19 @@ + exit (EX_ARGSBAD); + } + ++ if ( ( f_sayblock ) && ( f_volhdr ) ) ++ { ++ fprintf(rec_file, ++ "loc timestamp is %d \n", ++ start_time); ++ } ++ if ( f_sayblock && (blocksize != 10240) ) ++ { ++ fprintf(rec_file, ++ "loc block length is %d bytes = %d * 512 bytes \n", ++ blocksize,blocksize>>9); ++ } ++ + if (n_ar_files == 0) + { + msg ("No archive name given, what should I do?"); +@@ -648,6 +700,38 @@ + setmode (archive, O_BINARY); + #endif + ++#if defined(MTTELL) ++ /* Prints the file number of the archive */ ++ if ( f_sayblock ) ++ { ++ struct mtget get ; ++ int i ; ++ i = ioctl(archive,MTIOCGET,&get); ++ if (( i == 0 ) && ( get.mt_fileno >= 0 )) ++ { ++ fprintf(rec_file, ++ "loc number of the file is %d \n", ++ get.mt_fileno ); ++ } ++ } ++#endif ++ ++#if defined(MTIOCPOS) ++ /* Prints the tape block number on every Linux SCSI-device */ ++ if ( f_sayblock ) ++ { ++ struct mtpos pos ; ++ int i ; ++ i = ioctl(archive,MTIOCPOS,&pos); ++ if ( i == 0 ) ++ { ++ fprintf(rec_file, ++ "loc number of the first block is %d\n", ++ pos.mt_blkno ); ++ } ++ } ++#endif ++ + if (reading) + { + ar_last = ar_block; /* Set up for 1st block = # 0 */ +@@ -700,7 +784,7 @@ + strcpy (ar_block->header.arch_name, f_volhdr); + current_file_name = ar_block->header.arch_name; + ar_block->header.linkflag = LF_VOLHDR; +- to_oct (time (0), 1 + 12, ar_block->header.mtime); ++ to_oct (start_time, 1 + 12, ar_block->header.mtime); + finish_header (ar_block); + /* ar_record++; */ + } +diff -ru tar-1.11.2/create.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.2/create.c Thu Mar 25 19:32:31 1993 ++++ tar- Mon Oct 3 21:06:01 1994 +@@ -1340,7 +1340,10 @@ + to_oct ((long) sum, 8, header->header.chksum); + header->header.chksum[6] = '\0'; /* Zap the space */ + +- userec (header); ++ /* print header first to get the same output with 'tar -tvR' ++ * and 'tar -cvR' ++ */ ++ /* userec (header); */ + + if (f_verbose) + { +@@ -1353,6 +1356,8 @@ + head_standard = f_standard; + print_header (); + } ++ ++ userec (header); + + return; + } +diff -ru tar-1.11.2/list.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.2/list.c Tue Mar 16 20:56:01 1993 ++++ tar- Wed Oct 12 14:01:01 1994 +@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ + #include "port.h" + + extern FILE *msg_file; ++extern FILE *rec_file; + + long from_oct (); /* Decode octal number */ + void demode (); /* Print file mode */ +@@ -563,7 +564,7 @@ + extern long baserec; + + if (f_sayblock) +- fprintf (msg_file, "rec %10d: ", baserec + (ar_record - ar_block)); ++ fprintf (rec_file, "rec %10d: ", baserec + (ar_record - ar_block)); + /* annofile(msg_file, (char *)NULL); */ + + if (f_verbose <= 1) +@@ -574,7 +575,7 @@ + name = quote_copy_string (current_file_name); + if (name == 0) + name = current_file_name; +- fprintf (msg_file, "%s\n", name); ++ fprintf (rec_file, "%s\n", name); + if (name != current_file_name) + free (name); + } +@@ -585,6 +586,11 @@ + switch (head->header.linkflag) + { + case LF_VOLHDR: ++ /* dirty bug fix to display the header processing ++ * tar cvvf /dev/null --label 'hello world' blah... ++ * J"org Weule ++ */ ++ hstat.st_mtime = from_oct(1 + 12 , head->header.mtime); + modes[0] = 'V'; + break; + +@@ -689,7 +695,7 @@ + name = quote_copy_string (current_file_name); + if (!name) + name = current_file_name; +- fprintf (msg_file, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s %s %s", ++ fprintf (rec_file, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s %s %s", + modes, + user, + group, +@@ -707,7 +713,7 @@ + name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name); + if (!name) + name = current_link_name; +- fprintf (msg_file, " -> %s\n", name); ++ fprintf (rec_file, " -> %s\n", name); + if (name != current_link_name) + free (name); + break; +@@ -716,13 +722,13 @@ + name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name); + if (!name) + name = current_link_name; +- fprintf (msg_file, " link to %s\n", current_link_name); ++ fprintf (rec_file, " link to %s\n", current_link_name); + if (name != current_link_name) + free (name); + break; + + default: +- fprintf (msg_file, " unknown file type '%c'\n", ++ fprintf (rec_file, " unknown file type '%c'\n", + head->header.linkflag); + break; + +@@ -735,23 +741,23 @@ + case LF_FIFO: + case LF_CONTIG: + case LF_DUMPDIR: +- putc ('\n', msg_file); ++ putc ('\n', rec_file); + break; + + case LF_VOLHDR: +- fprintf (msg_file, "--Volume Header--\n"); ++ fprintf (rec_file, "--Volume Header--\n"); + break; + + case LF_MULTIVOL: +- fprintf (msg_file, "--Continued at byte %ld--\n", from_oct (1 + 12, head->header.offset)); ++ fprintf (rec_file, "--Continued at byte %ld--\n", from_oct (1 + 12, head->header.offset)); + break; + + case LF_NAMES: +- fprintf (msg_file, "--Mangled file names--\n"); ++ fprintf (rec_file, "--Mangled file names--\n"); + break; + } + } +- fflush (msg_file); ++ fflush (rec_file); + } + + /* +@@ -774,12 +780,12 @@ + demode ((unsigned) mode, modes + 1); + + if (f_sayblock) +- fprintf (msg_file, "rec %10d: ", baserec + (ar_record - ar_block)); ++ fprintf (rec_file, "rec %10d: ", baserec + (ar_record - ar_block)); + /* annofile(msg_file, (char *)NULL); */ + name = quote_copy_string (pathname); + if (!name) + name = pathname; +- fprintf (msg_file, "%s %*s %.*s\n", ++ fprintf (rec_file, "%s %*s %.*s\n", + modes, + ugswidth + DATEWIDTH, + "Creating directory:", +diff -ru tar-1.11.2/tar.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.2/tar.c Wed Mar 17 16:30:46 1993 ++++ tar- Thu Oct 13 00:48:14 1994 +@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ + + + extern FILE *msg_file; ++extern FILE *rec_file; ++extern char *rec_file_name; + + int check_exclude (); + void add_exclude (); +@@ -122,6 +124,7 @@ + {"null", 0, 0, 16}, + {"directory", 1, 0, 'C'}, + {"record-number", 0, &f_sayblock, 1}, ++ {"record-file",1,0,19}, + {"files-from", 1, 0, 'T'}, + {"label", 1, 0, 'V'}, + {"exclude-from", 1, 0, 'X'}, +@@ -361,6 +364,11 @@ + f_compressprog = optarg; + break; + ++ case 19: ++ rec_file_name = optarg ; ++ f_sayblock++; /* Print block #s for debug */ ++ break; ++ + case 'g': /* We are making a GNU dump; save + directories at the beginning of + the archive, and include in each +@@ -731,6 +739,7 @@ + ", stdout); /* KLUDGE */ + fputs ("\ + -R, --record-number show record number within archive with each message\n\ ++--record-file print the record information to file, enable -R\n\ + --remove-files remove files after adding them to the archive\n\ + -s, --same-order,\n\ + --preserve-order list of names to extract is sorted to match archive\n\ +diff -ru tar-1.11.2/version.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.2/version.c Thu Mar 25 19:35:25 1993 ++++ tar- Mon Oct 3 16:01:59 1994 +@@ -1 +1 @@ +-char version_string[] = "GNU tar version 1.11.2"; ++char version_string[] = "GNU tar version 1.11.2 (added --record-file)"; diff --git a/tar-1.11.8.patch b/tar-1.11.8.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..462e852 --- /dev/null +++ b/tar-1.11.8.patch @@ -0,0 +1,513 @@ +diff -ru tar-1.11.8/lib/rx.h tar- +--- tar-1.11.8/lib/rx.h Fri May 5 14:17:10 1995 ++++ tar- Fri May 5 14:17:10 1995 +@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ + + /* If this bit is set, then `{...}' defines an interval, and \{ and \} + are literals. +- If not smt, then `\{...\}' defines an interval. */ ++ If not set, then `\{...\}' defines an interval. */ + #define RE_NO_BK_BRACES (RE_NEWLINE_ALT << 1) + + /* If this bit is set, (...) defines a group, and \( and \) are literals. +diff -ru tar-1.11.8/src/buffer.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.8/src/buffer.c Mon May 29 02:26:27 1995 ++++ tar- Mon Feb 5 20:20:19 1996 +@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ + /* Where we write messages (standard messages, not errors) to. Stdout + unless we're writing a pipe, in which case stderr. */ + FILE *stdlis; ++FILE *stdrec; + + #define STDIN 0 /* standard input file descriptor */ + #define STDOUT 1 /* standard output file descriptor */ +@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ + static int childpid = 0; + + /* Record number of the start of this block of records */ +-long baserec; ++long baserec = 0 ; + + /* Error recovery stuff */ + static int r_error_count; +@@ -520,11 +521,64 @@ + void + open_archive (int reading) + { +- stdlis = flag_exstdout ? stderr : stdout; ++ time_t start_time = time(0) ; ++ stdrec = stdlis = flag_exstdout ? stderr : stdout; ++ if ( record_file_name != NULL ) ++ { ++#define INSERT_TIMESTAMP ++#ifdef INSERT_TIMESTAMP ++ /* ++ * A record-file name with '%T' will be expanded with a decimal ++ * value for the timestamp of the archive. This is the time value ++ * stored in the label record. ++ * If you are using only one computer, this should be a unique number. ++ * You are able to create different rec-files for all your archives, ++ * as well as finding the index of your archive in a reliable way. ++ * ++ * Another way would be to let us set the timestamp by another option. ++ * tar --timestamp ... ++ */ ++ char rfn[256]; ++ if ( reading == 0 ) { ++ char*p= record_file_name ; ++ int i = 0 ; ++ int n; ++ while ( p[0] != '\0' ) { ++ if ( p[0] == '%' && p[1] == 'T' ) { ++ /* i += */ sprintf(rfn+i,"%d",start_time); ++ i = strlen(rfn) ; ++ p += 2 ; ++ } else { rfn[i++] = *p++ ; } ++ } ++ rfn[i] = '\0' ; ++ } else strcpy(rfn,record_file_name); ++#else ++ char*rfn=record_file_name; ++#endif ++ if ( ( stdrec = fopen(rfn,"w")) == NULL ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdlis,"Cannot open %s.\n",record_file_name); ++ exit(1); ++ } ++ } ++ + + if (blocksize == 0) + ERROR ((TAREXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("Invalid value for blocksize"))); + ++ if ( ( flag_sayblock ) && ( flag_volhdr ) ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc timestamp is %d \n", ++ start_time); ++ } ++ if ( flag_sayblock && (blocksize != 10240) ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc block length is %d bytes = %d * 512 bytes \n", ++ blocksize,blocksize>>9); ++ } ++ + if (archive_names == 0) + ERROR ((TAREXIT_FAILURE, 0, + _("No archive name given, what should I do?"))); +@@ -618,6 +672,38 @@ + setmode (archive, O_BINARY); + #endif + ++#if defined(MTIOCGET) ++ /* Prints the file number of the archive */ ++ if ( flag_sayblock ) ++ { ++ struct mtget get ; ++ int i ; ++ i = ioctl(archive,MTIOCGET,&get); ++ if (( i == 0 ) && ( get.mt_fileno >= 0 )) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc number of the file is %d \n", ++ get.mt_fileno ); ++ } ++ } ++#endif ++ ++#if defined(MTIOCPOS) ++ /* Prints the tape block number on every Linux SCSI-device */ ++ if ( flag_sayblock ) ++ { ++ struct mtpos pos ; ++ int i ; ++ i = ioctl(archive,MTIOCPOS,&pos); ++ if ( i == 0 ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc number of the first block is %d\n", ++ pos.mt_blkno ); ++ } ++ } ++#endif ++ + if (reading) + { + ar_last = ar_block; /* set up for 1st block = # 0 */ +@@ -666,7 +752,7 @@ + assign_string (¤t_file_name, ar_block->header.arch_name); + + ar_block->header.linkflag = LF_VOLHDR; +- to_oct (time (0), 1 + 12, ar_block->header.mtime); ++ to_oct (start_time , 1 + 12, ar_block->header.mtime); + finish_header (ar_block); + #if 0 + ar_record++; +@@ -727,7 +813,7 @@ + if (err != blocksize && !flag_multivol) + writeerror (err); + else if (flag_totals) +- tot_written += blocksize; ++ tot_written += blocking; + + if (err > 0) + bytes_written += err; +@@ -816,7 +902,7 @@ + if (err != blocksize) + writeerror (err); + else if (flag_totals) +- tot_written += blocksize; ++ tot_written += blocking; + + + bytes_written = blocksize; +diff -ru tar-1.11.8/src/create.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.8/src/create.c Sat Jun 17 23:08:13 1995 ++++ tar- Sun Dec 1 01:55:08 1996 +@@ -315,7 +315,10 @@ + to_oct ((long) sum, 8, header->header.chksum); + header->header.chksum[6] = '\0'; /* zap the space */ + +- userec (header); ++ /* print header first to get the same output with 'tar -tvR' ++ * and 'tar -cvR' ++ */ ++ /* userec (header); */ + + if (flag_verbose) + { +@@ -327,6 +330,8 @@ + head_standard = flag_standard; + print_header (); + } ++ ++ userec (header) ; + + return; + } +diff -ru tar-1.11.8/src/extract.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.8/src/extract.c Sun Jun 11 15:40:21 1995 ++++ tar- Sun Dec 1 01:55:28 1996 +@@ -684,6 +684,7 @@ + case LF_LONGNAME: + case LF_LONGLINK: + ERROR ((0, 0, _("Visible long name error"))); ++ print_header(); + skip_file ((long) hstat.st_size); + break; + } +diff -ru tar-1.11.8/src/list.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.8/src/list.c Wed May 3 05:28:17 1995 ++++ tar- Sun Dec 1 16:22:12 1996 +@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ + if (written > size) + written = size; + errno = 0; +- check = fwrite (data, sizeof (char), written, stdlis); ++ check = fwrite (data, sizeof (char), written, stdrec); + userec ((union record *) (data + written - 1)); + if (check != written) + { +@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ + if (flag_multivol) + assign_string (&save_name, NULL); + saverec (NULL); /* unsave it */ +- fputc ('\n', stdlis); +- fflush (stdlis); ++ fputc ('\n', stdrec); ++ fflush (stdrec); + return; + + } +@@ -353,6 +353,8 @@ + longp = ((header->header.linkflag == LF_LONGNAME) + ? &next_long_name + : &next_long_link); ++ assign_string (¤t_file_name, header->header.arch_name); ++ print_header(); + + userec (header); + if (*longp) +@@ -533,9 +535,9 @@ + char *name; + + if (flag_sayblock) +- fprintf (stdlis, _("rec %10ld: "), baserec + (ar_record - ar_block)); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("rec %10ld: "), baserec + (ar_record - ar_block)); + #if 0 +- annofile (stdlis, (char *) NULL); ++ annofile (stdrec, (char *) NULL); + #endif + + if (flag_verbose <= 1) +@@ -547,11 +549,11 @@ + + if (quoted_name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s\n", quoted_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s\n", quoted_name); + free (quoted_name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s\n", current_file_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s\n", current_file_name); + } + else + { +@@ -562,6 +564,11 @@ + switch (head->header.linkflag) + { + case LF_VOLHDR: ++ /* dirty bug fix to display the header processing ++ * tar cvvf /dev/null --label 'hello world' blah... ++ * J"org Weule ++ */ ++ hstat.st_mtime = from_oct(1 + 12 , head->header.mtime); + modes[0] = 'V'; + break; + +@@ -574,8 +581,13 @@ + break; + + case LF_LONGNAME: ++ /*ERROR ((0, 0, _("Visible longname error")));*/ ++ modes[0] = 'L'; ++ break; ++ + case LF_LONGLINK: +- ERROR ((0, 0, _("Visible longname error"))); ++ /*ERROR ((0, 0, _("Visible longname error")));*/ ++ modes[0] = 'K'; + break; + + case LF_SPARSE: +@@ -663,18 +675,18 @@ + if (pad > ugswidth) + ugswidth = pad; + +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s %s", ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s %s", + modes, user, group, ugswidth - pad, "", + size, timestamp + 4, timestamp + 20); + + name = quote_copy_string (current_file_name); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, " %s", name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " %s", name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, " %s", current_file_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " %s", current_file_name); + + switch (head->header.linkflag) + { +@@ -682,26 +694,26 @@ + name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, " -> %s\n", name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " -> %s\n", name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, " -> %s\n", current_link_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " -> %s\n", current_link_name); + break; + + case LF_LINK: + name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, _(" link to %s\n"), name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _(" link to %s\n"), name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, _(" link to %s\n"), current_link_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _(" link to %s\n"), current_link_name); + break; + + default: +- fprintf (stdlis, _(" unknown file type `%c'\n"), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _(" unknown file type `%c'\n"), + head->header.linkflag); + break; + +@@ -714,24 +726,32 @@ + case LF_FIFO: + case LF_CONTIG: + case LF_DUMPDIR: +- putc ('\n', stdlis); ++ putc ('\n', stdrec); ++ break; ++ ++ case LF_LONGNAME: ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Long Name--\n")); ++ break; ++ ++ case LF_LONGLINK: ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Long Link--\n")); + break; + + case LF_VOLHDR: +- fprintf (stdlis, _("--Volume Header--\n")); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Volume Header--\n")); + break; + + case LF_MULTIVOL: +- fprintf (stdlis, _("--Continued at byte %ld--\n"), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Continued at byte %ld--\n"), + from_oct (1 + 12, head->header.offset)); + break; + + case LF_NAMES: +- fprintf (stdlis, _("--Mangled file names--\n")); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Mangled file names--\n")); + break; + } + } +- fflush (stdlis); ++ fflush (stdrec); + } + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------. +@@ -753,9 +773,9 @@ + demode ((unsigned) mode, modes + 1); + + if (flag_sayblock) +- fprintf (stdlis, _("rec %10ld: "), baserec + (ar_record - ar_block)); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("rec %10ld: "), baserec + (ar_record - ar_block)); + #if 0 +- annofile (stdlis, (char *) NULL); ++ annofile (stdrec, (char *) NULL); + #endif + name = quote_copy_string (pathname); + if (!name) +diff -ru tar-1.11.8/src/tar.c tar- +--- tar-1.11.8/src/tar.c Sat Jun 17 22:48:32 1995 ++++ tar- Mon Apr 8 16:54:08 1996 +@@ -860,6 +860,7 @@ + #define OPTION_VOLNO_FILE 15 + #define OPTION_COMPRESS_PROG 16 + #define OPTION_RSH_COMMAND 17 ++#define OPTION_RECORD_FILE 18 + + /* Some cleanup is made in GNU tar long options. Using old names will send + a warning to stderr. */ +@@ -925,6 +926,7 @@ + {"preserve-permissions", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, + {"read-full-blocks", no_argument, NULL, 'B'}, + {"record-number", no_argument, NULL, 'R'}, ++ {"record-file", required_argument, NULL, OPTION_RECORD_FILE}, + {"remove-files", no_argument, &flag_remove_files, 1}, + {"rsh-command", required_argument, NULL, OPTION_RSH_COMMAND}, + {"same-order", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, +@@ -1059,6 +1061,7 @@ + --checkpoint print directory names while reading the archive\n\ + --totals print total bytes written while creating archive\n\ + -R, --record-number show record number within archive with each message\n\ ++ --record-file print the record information to file, enable -R\n\ + -w, --interactive ask for confirmation for every action\n\ + --confirmation same as -w\n"), + stdout); +@@ -1212,6 +1215,11 @@ + flag_rsh_command = optarg; + break; + ++ case OPTION_RECORD_FILE: ++ record_file_name = optarg ; ++ flag_sayblock++; /* Print block #s for debug */ ++ break; ++ + case 'g': + /* We are making a GNU dump; save directories at the beginning + of the archive, and include in each directory its contents. */ +@@ -1626,9 +1634,42 @@ + break; + + case COMMAND_CREATE: ++/* ++ * Comment the next line out if you have problems. Joerg Weule ++ */ ++#define PRINT_TROUPUT ++#ifdef PRINT_TROUPUT ++ start_time = time(0); ++ create_archive (); ++ if (flag_totals) { ++ time_t end_time = time(0); ++ double sec = end_time - start_time ; ++ double t = ((double)tot_written) * RECORDSIZE ; ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Total bytes written: %.0f"),t); ++ if ( t >= 1e9 ) fprintf(stderr, _(" (%3.1f Gb)"),t/1e9 ); else ++ if ( t >= 1e6 ) fprintf(stderr, _(" (%3.1f Mb)"),t/1e6 ); else ++ if ( t >= 1024 ) fprintf(stderr, _(" (%3.1f Kb)"),t/1024 ); ++ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); ++ if ( sec > 0.1 ){ ++ long s, m, h = sec ; ++ m = h ; ++ h /= 3600 ; ++ m -= h * 3600 ; ++ s = m ; ++ m /= 60 ; ++ s -= m / 60 ; ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Elapsed time: %02d:%02d:%02d, %g sec\n"), h,m,s,sec); ++ if ( !flag_multivol) ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Throughput per second: %.0fKb/sec\n"), ++ t/sec/1024); ++ } ++ } ++#else + create_archive (); + if (flag_totals) +- fprintf (stderr, _("Total bytes written: %d\n"), tot_written); ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Total bytes written: %g\n")), ++ ((double)tot_written) * RECORDSIZE ); ++#endif + break; + + case COMMAND_EXTRACT: +diff -ru tar-1.11.8/src/tar.h tar- +--- tar-1.11.8/src/tar.h Sat Jun 17 20:36:49 1995 ++++ tar- Mon Feb 5 20:19:19 1996 +@@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ + int numbytes; + }; + ++/* Time of writing. */ ++GLOBAL time_t start_time; ++ + /* Start of block of archive. */ + GLOBAL union record *ar_block; + +@@ -207,6 +210,9 @@ + /* File containing names to work on. */ + GLOBAL const char *namefile_name; + ++/* File to write record information to. */ ++GLOBAL char *record_file_name; ++ + /* \n or \0. */ + GLOBAL char filename_terminator; + +@@ -219,8 +225,8 @@ + /* Initial size of the sparsearray. */ + GLOBAL int sp_array_size; + +-/* Total written to output. */ +-GLOBAL int tot_written; ++/* Total written to output in records. */ ++GLOBAL long int tot_written; + + /* Compiled regex for extract label. */ + GLOBAL struct re_pattern_buffer *label_pattern; +@@ -338,6 +344,7 @@ + + extern long baserec; + extern FILE *stdlis; ++extern FILE *stdrec; + extern char *save_name; + extern long save_sizeleft; + extern long save_totsize; diff --git a/tar-1.12.patch b/tar-1.12.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d1eec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tar-1.12.patch @@ -0,0 +1,487 @@ +diff -ru tar-1.12/src/buffer.c tar-1.12.1/src/buffer.c +--- tar-1.12/src/buffer.c Fri Apr 25 15:48:46 1997 ++++ tar-1.12.1/src/buffer.c Fri Jul 3 12:46:24 1998 +@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ + + static tarlong total_written; /* bytes written on all volumes */ + static tarlong bytes_written; /* bytes written on this volume */ ++static time_t start_time ; + + /* FIXME: The following four variables should ideally be static to this + module. However, this cannot be done yet, as update.c uses the first +@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ + /* Where we write list messages (not errors, not interactions) to. Stdout + unless we're writing a pipe, in which case stderr. */ + FILE *stdlis; ++FILE *stdrec; + + static void backspace_output PARAMS ((void)); + static int new_volume PARAMS ((enum access_mode)); +@@ -160,6 +162,36 @@ + fprintf (stderr, _("Total bytes written: ")); + print_tarlong (total_written, stderr); + fprintf (stderr, "\n"); ++#define PRINT_TROUPUT ++#ifdef PRINT_TROUPUT ++/* ++ * Comment the next line out if you have problems. Joerg Weule ++ */ ++ { ++ time_t end_time = time(0); ++ double sec = end_time - start_time ; ++ double t = ((double)total_written) ; ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Total bytes written: %.0f"),t); ++ if ( t >= 1e9 ) fprintf(stderr, _(" (%3.1f Gb)"),t/1e9 ); else ++ if ( t >= 1e6 ) fprintf(stderr, _(" (%3.1f Mb)"),t/1e6 ); else ++ if ( t >= 1024 ) fprintf(stderr, _(" (%3.1f Kb)"),t/1024 ); ++ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); ++ if ( sec > 0.1 ){ ++ long s, m, h = sec ; ++ m = h ; ++ h /= 3600 ; ++ m -= h * 3600 ; ++ s = m ; ++ m /= 60 ; ++ s -= m / 60 ; ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Elapsed time: %02d:%02d:%02d, %g sec\n"), h,m,s,sec); ++ if ( NULL == volume_label_option ) ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Throughput per second: %.0fKb/sec\n"), ++ t/sec/1024); ++ } ++ } ++#endif ++ + } + + /*--------------------------------------------------------. +@@ -669,6 +701,7 @@ + { + int backed_up_flag = 0; + ++ start_time = time(0) ; + stdlis = to_stdout_option ? stderr : stdout; + + if (record_size == 0) +@@ -823,6 +856,101 @@ + setmode (archive, O_BINARY); + #endif + ++ stdrec = stdlis ; ++ if ( record_file_name != NULL ) ++ { ++#define INSERT_TIMESTAMP ++#ifdef INSERT_TIMESTAMP ++ /* ++ * A record-file name with '%T' will be expanded with a decimal ++ * value for the timestamp of the archive. This is the time value ++ * stored in the label record. ++ * If you are using only one computer, this should be a unique number. ++ * You are able to create different rec-files for all your archives, ++ * as well as finding the index of your archive in a reliable way. ++ * ++ * Another way would be to let us set the timestamp by another option. ++ * tar --timestamp ... ++ */ ++ char rfn[256]; ++ if ( subcommand_option == CREATE_SUBCOMMAND ) { ++ char*p= record_file_name ; ++ int i = 0 ; ++ int n; ++ while ( p[0] != '\0' ) { ++ if ( p[0] == '%' && p[1] == 'T' ) { ++ /* i += */ sprintf(rfn+i,"%d",start_time); ++ i = strlen(rfn) ; ++ p += 2 ; ++ } else { rfn[i++] = *p++ ; } ++ } ++ rfn[i] = '\0' ; ++ } else strcpy(rfn,record_file_name); ++#else ++ char*rfn=record_file_name; ++#endif ++ if ( ( stdrec = fopen(rfn,"w")) == NULL ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdlis,"Cannot open %s.\n",record_file_name); ++ exit(1); ++ } ++ } ++ ++ if ( ( record_file_name ) && ( volume_label_option ) ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc timestamp is %d \n", ++ start_time); ++ } ++ if ( record_file_name && (record_size != 10240) ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc block length is %d bytes = %d * 512 bytes \n", ++ record_size,record_size>>9); ++ } ++ ++ ++#if defined(MTIOCGET) ++ /* Prints the file number of the archive */ ++ if ( record_file_name ) ++ { ++ struct mtget get ; ++ int i ; ++ i = ioctl(archive,MTIOCGET,&get); ++ if (( i == 0 ) && ( get.mt_fileno >= 0 )) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc number of the file is %d \n", ++ get.mt_fileno ); ++ } ++ } ++#endif ++ ++#if defined(MTIOCPOS) ++ /* Prints the tape block number on every Linux SCSI-device */ ++ if ( record_file_name ) ++ { ++ struct mtpos pos ; ++ int i ; ++ i = ioctl(archive,MTIOCPOS,&pos); ++ if ( i == 0 ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc number of the first block is %d\n", ++ pos.mt_blkno ); ++ } ++ } ++#endif ++ if ( record_file_name ) ++ { ++ char *d = malloc(PATH_MAX); ++ if( d && getcwd(d,PATH_MAX) ) ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc current directory is %s\n", ++ d); ++ } ++ ++ + switch (access) + { + case ACCESS_READ: +@@ -856,7 +984,7 @@ + assign_string (¤t_file_name, record_start->; + + record_start->header.typeflag = GNUTYPE_VOLHDR; +- to_oct (time (0), 1 + 12, record_start->header.mtime); ++ to_oct (start_time, 1 + 12, record_start->header.mtime); + finish_header (record_start); + #if 0 + current_block++; +@@ -958,6 +1086,7 @@ + memset ((void *) record_start, 0, BLOCKSIZE); + sprintf (record_start->, "%s Volume %d", volume_label_option, volno); + to_oct (time (0), 1 + 12, record_start->header.mtime); ++ to_oct (start_time, 1 + 12, record_start->header.mtime); + record_start->header.typeflag = GNUTYPE_VOLHDR; + finish_header (record_start); + } +diff -ru tar-1.12/src/common.h tar-1.12.1/src/common.h +--- tar-1.12/src/common.h Tue Apr 22 08:31:03 1997 ++++ tar-1.12.1/src/common.h Thu Jan 29 01:36:57 1998 +@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ + /* Name of this program. */ + GLOBAL const char *program_name; + ++/* Time of writing. */ ++GLOBAL time_t start_time; ++ + /* Main command option. */ + + enum subcommand +@@ -141,6 +144,9 @@ + /* Boolean value. */ + GLOBAL int block_number_option; + ++/* Name of the index file */ ++GLOBAL char *record_file_name; ++ + /* Boolean value. */ + GLOBAL int checkpoint_option; + +@@ -335,6 +341,7 @@ + /* Module buffer.c. */ + + extern FILE *stdlis; ++extern FILE *stdrec; + extern char *save_name; + extern long save_sizeleft; + extern long save_totsize; +diff -ru tar-1.12/src/create.c tar-1.12.1/src/create.c +--- tar-1.12/src/create.c Fri Apr 25 15:48:48 1997 ++++ tar-1.12.1/src/create.c Thu Jan 29 01:00:13 1998 +@@ -329,7 +329,6 @@ + to_oct ((long) sum, 8, header->header.chksum); + header->header.chksum[6] = '\0'; /* zap the space */ + +- set_next_block_after (header); + + if (verbose_option + && header->header.typeflag != GNUTYPE_LONGLINK +@@ -342,6 +341,8 @@ + current_format = archive_format; + print_header (); + } ++ ++ set_next_block_after (header); + } + + /* Sparse file processing. */ +diff -ru tar-1.12/src/list.c tar-1.12.1/src/list.c +--- tar-1.12/src/list.c Fri Apr 25 22:16:30 1997 ++++ tar-1.12.1/src/list.c Thu Jan 29 11:57:27 1998 +@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ + + case HEADER_ZERO_BLOCK: + if (block_number_option) +- fprintf (stdlis, _("block %10ld: ** Block of NULs **\n"), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("block %10ld: ** Block of NULs **\n"), + current_block_ordinal ()); + + set_next_block_after (current_header); +@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ + + case HEADER_END_OF_FILE: + if (block_number_option) +- fprintf (stdlis, _("block %10ld: ** End of File **\n"), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("block %10ld: ** End of File **\n"), + current_block_ordinal ()); + break; + +@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ + if (written > size) + written = size; + errno = 0; /* FIXME: errno should be read-only */ +- check = fwrite (data_block->buffer, sizeof (char), written, stdlis); ++ check = fwrite (data_block->buffer, sizeof (char), written, stdrec); + set_next_block_after ((union block *) + (data_block->buffer + written - 1)); + if (check != written) +@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ + } + if (multi_volume_option) + assign_string (&save_name, NULL); +- fputc ('\n', stdlis); +- fflush (stdlis); ++ fputc ('\n', stdrec); ++ fflush (stdrec); + return; + + } +@@ -367,6 +367,9 @@ + ? &next_long_name + : &next_long_link); + ++ assign_string (¤t_file_name, header->; ++ print_header(); ++ + set_next_block_after (header); + if (*longp) + free (*longp); +@@ -614,7 +617,7 @@ + char *name; + + if (block_number_option) +- fprintf (stdlis, _("block %10ld: "), current_block_ordinal ()); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("block %10ld: "), current_block_ordinal ()); + + if (verbose_option <= 1) + { +@@ -624,11 +627,11 @@ + + if (quoted_name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s\n", quoted_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s\n", quoted_name); + free (quoted_name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s\n", current_file_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s\n", current_file_name); + } + else + { +@@ -650,8 +653,12 @@ + break; + + case GNUTYPE_LONGNAME: ++ modes[0] = 'L'; ++ break; ++ + case GNUTYPE_LONGLINK: +- ERROR ((0, 0, _("Visible longname error"))); ++ /*ERROR ((0, 0, _("Visible longname error")));*/ ++ modes[0] = 'K'; + break; + + case GNUTYPE_SPARSE: +@@ -743,22 +750,22 @@ + ugswidth = pad; + + #if USE_OLD_CTIME +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s %s", ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s %s", + modes, user, group, ugswidth - pad, "", + size, timestamp + 4, timestamp + 20); + #else +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s", ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s", + modes, user, group, ugswidth - pad, "", size, timestamp); + #endif + + name = quote_copy_string (current_file_name); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, " %s", name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " %s", name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, " %s", current_file_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " %s", current_file_name); + + switch (current_header->header.typeflag) + { +@@ -766,26 +773,26 @@ + name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, " -> %s\n", name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " -> %s\n", name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, " -> %s\n", current_link_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " -> %s\n", current_link_name); + break; + + case LNKTYPE: + name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, _(" link to %s\n"), name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _(" link to %s\n"), name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, _(" link to %s\n"), current_link_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _(" link to %s\n"), current_link_name); + break; + + default: +- fprintf (stdlis, _(" unknown file type `%c'\n"), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _(" unknown file type `%c'\n"), + current_header->header.typeflag); + break; + +@@ -798,24 +805,24 @@ + case FIFOTYPE: + case CONTTYPE: + case GNUTYPE_DUMPDIR: +- putc ('\n', stdlis); ++ putc ('\n', stdrec); + break; + + case GNUTYPE_VOLHDR: +- fprintf (stdlis, _("--Volume Header--\n")); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Volume Header--\n")); + break; + + case GNUTYPE_MULTIVOL: +- fprintf (stdlis, _("--Continued at byte %ld--\n"), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Continued at byte %ld--\n"), + from_oct (1 + 12, current_header->oldgnu_header.offset)); + break; + + case GNUTYPE_NAMES: +- fprintf (stdlis, _("--Mangled file names--\n")); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Mangled file names--\n")); + break; + } + } +- fflush (stdlis); ++ fflush (stdrec); + } + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------. +@@ -836,16 +843,16 @@ + decode_mode ((unsigned) mode, modes + 1); + + if (block_number_option) +- fprintf (stdlis, _("block %10ld: "), current_block_ordinal ()); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("block %10ld: "), current_block_ordinal ()); + name = quote_copy_string (pathname); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s %*s %.*s\n", modes, ugswidth + DATEWIDTH, ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s %*s %.*s\n", modes, ugswidth + DATEWIDTH, + _("Creating directory:"), length, name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s %*s %.*s\n", modes, ugswidth + DATEWIDTH, ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s %*s %.*s\n", modes, ugswidth + DATEWIDTH, + _("Creating directory:"), length, pathname); + } + } +diff -ru tar-1.12/src/names.c tar-1.12.1/src/names.c +--- tar-1.12/src/names.c Tue Apr 22 07:35:50 1997 ++++ tar-1.12.1/src/names.c Fri Jul 3 12:46:24 1998 +@@ -332,6 +332,14 @@ + FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot change to directory %s"), + name_buffer)); + chdir_flag = 0; ++ if ( record_file_name ) ++ { ++ char *d = malloc(PATH_MAX); ++ if( d && getcwd(d,PATH_MAX) ) ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc current directory is %s\n", ++ d); ++ } + } + else if (change_dirs && strcmp (name_buffer, "-C") == 0) + chdir_flag = 1; +diff -ru tar-1.12/src/tar.c tar-1.12.1/src/tar.c +--- tar-1.12/src/tar.c Fri Apr 25 22:09:49 1997 ++++ tar-1.12.1/src/tar.c Tue Jul 28 15:44:57 1998 +@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ + #define SUFFIX_OPTION 15 + #define USE_COMPRESS_PROGRAM_OPTION 16 + #define VOLNO_FILE_OPTION 17 ++#define OPTION_RECORD_FILE 18 + + /* Some cleanup is being made in GNU tar long options. Using old names is + allowed for a while, but will also send a warning to stderr. Take old +@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ + {"read-full-records", no_argument, NULL, 'B'}, + /* FIXME: --partial-blocks might be a synonym for --read-full-records? */ + {"record-number", no_argument, NULL, OBSOLETE_BLOCK_NUMBER}, ++ {"record-file", required_argument, NULL, OPTION_RECORD_FILE}, + {"record-size", required_argument, NULL, RECORD_SIZE_OPTION}, + {"remove-files", no_argument, &remove_files_option, 1}, + {"rsh-command", required_argument, NULL, RSH_COMMAND_OPTION}, +@@ -410,6 +412,7 @@ + --checkpoint print directory names while reading the archive\n\ + --totals print total bytes written while creating archive\n\ + -R, --block-number show block number within archive with each message\n\ ++ --record-file print the record information to file, enable -R\n\ + -w, --interactive ask for confirmation for every action\n\ + --confirmation same as -w\n"), + stdout); +@@ -754,6 +757,10 @@ + + block_number_option = 1; + break; ++ ++ case OPTION_RECORD_FILE: ++ record_file_name = optarg ; ++ break; + + case 's': + /* Names to extr are sorted. */ diff --git a/tar-1.13.patch b/tar-1.13.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d97879e --- /dev/null +++ b/tar-1.13.patch @@ -0,0 +1,540 @@ +diff -ru tar-1.13/src/buffer.c tar-1.13.1/src/buffer.c +--- tar-1.13/src/buffer.c Mon Jul 5 08:47:59 1999 ++++ tar-1.13.1/src/buffer.c Sun Aug 6 23:37:01 2000 +@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ + /* Where we write list messages (not errors, not interactions) to. Stdout + unless we're writing a pipe, in which case stderr. */ + FILE *stdlis; ++FILE *stdrec; + + static void backspace_output PARAMS ((void)); + static int new_volume PARAMS ((enum access_mode)); +@@ -83,6 +84,9 @@ + /* PID of child program, if compress_option or remote archive access. */ + static pid_t child_pid; + ++/* Record number of the start of this block of records */ ++long baserec = 0 ; ++ + /* Error recovery stuff */ + static int read_error_count; + +@@ -144,9 +148,11 @@ + + #endif /* DEBUG FORK */ + ++time_t start_time ; + void + init_total_written (void) + { ++ start_time = time(0); + clear_tarlong (total_written); + clear_tarlong (bytes_written); + } +@@ -154,8 +160,12 @@ + void + print_total_written (void) + { ++ time_t end_time = time(0); + fprintf (stderr, _("Total bytes written: ")); + print_tarlong (total_written, stderr); ++ fprintf (stderr, _(" (")); ++ print_tarlong ((total_written/(end_time-start_time))>>10, stderr); ++ fprintf (stderr,"KB per second)"); + fprintf (stderr, "\n"); + } + +@@ -680,8 +690,48 @@ + open_archive (enum access_mode access) + { + int backed_up_flag = 0; ++ time_t start_time = time(0) ; + +- stdlis = to_stdout_option ? stderr : stdout; ++ stdrec = stdlis = to_stdout_option ? stderr : stdout; ++ ++ if ( record_file_name != NULL ) ++ { ++#define INSERT_TIMESTAMP ++#ifdef INSERT_TIMESTAMP ++ /* ++ * A record-file name with '%T' will be expanded with a decimal ++ * value for the timestamp of the archive. This is the time value ++ * stored in the label record. ++ * If you are using only one computer, this should be a unique number. ++ * You are able to create different rec-files for all your archives, ++ * as well as finding the index of your archive in a reliable way. ++ * ++ * Another way would be to let us set the timestamp by another option. ++ * tar --timestamp ... ++ */ ++ char rfn[256]; ++ if ( access == ACCESS_READ ) { ++ char*p= record_file_name ; ++ int i = 0 ; ++ int n; ++ while ( p[0] != '\0' ) { ++ if ( p[0] == '%' && p[1] == 'T' ) { ++ /* i += */ sprintf(rfn+i,"%d",start_time); ++ i = strlen(rfn) ; ++ p += 2 ; ++ } else { rfn[i++] = *p++ ; } ++ } ++ rfn[i] = '\0' ; ++ } else strcpy(rfn,record_file_name); ++#else ++ char*rfn=record_file_name; ++#endif ++ if ( ( stdrec = fopen(rfn,"w")) == NULL ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdlis,"Cannot open %s.\n",record_file_name); ++ exit(1); ++ } ++ } + + if (record_size == 0) + FATAL_ERROR ((0, 0, _("Invalid value for record_size"))); +@@ -841,6 +891,46 @@ + setmode (archive, O_BINARY); + #endif + ++#if defined(MTIOCGET) ++ /* Prints the file number of the archive */ ++ if ( block_number_option ) ++ { ++ struct mtget get ; ++ int i ; ++ i = ioctl(archive,MTIOCGET,&get); ++ if (( i == 0 ) && ( get.mt_fileno >= 0 )) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc number of the file is %d \n", ++ get.mt_fileno ); ++ } ++ } ++#endif ++ ++#if defined(MTIOCPOS) ++ /* Prints the tape block number on every Linux SCSI-device */ ++ if ( block_number_option ) ++ { ++ struct mtpos pos ; ++ int i ; ++ i = ioctl(archive,MTIOCPOS,&pos); ++ if ( i == 0 ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc number of the first block is %d\n", ++ pos.mt_blkno ); ++ } ++ } ++#endif ++ ++ /* Prints the size of the blocks */ ++ if ( block_number_option && blocking_factor != 20 ) ++ { ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc block length is %d bytes = %d * 512 bytes\n", ++ blocking_factor*512,blocking_factor); ++ } ++ + switch (access) + { + case ACCESS_READ: +@@ -874,7 +964,7 @@ + assign_string (¤t_file_name, record_start->; + + record_start->header.typeflag = GNUTYPE_VOLHDR; +- TIME_TO_OCT (time (0), record_start->header.mtime); ++ TIME_TO_OCT (start_time, record_start->header.mtime); + finish_header (record_start); + #if 0 + current_block++; +diff -ru tar-1.13/src/common.h tar-1.13.1/src/common.h +--- tar-1.13/src/common.h Wed Jul 7 08:07:30 1999 ++++ tar-1.13.1/src/common.h Mon Feb 21 23:30:56 2000 +@@ -311,6 +311,12 @@ + + /* Initial size of the sparsearray. */ + GLOBAL int sp_array_size; ++ ++/* Time of writing. */ ++GLOBAL time_t start_time; ++ ++/* File to write record information to. */ ++GLOBAL char *record_file_name; + + /* Declarations for each module. */ + +@@ -327,7 +333,9 @@ + + /* Module buffer.c. */ + ++extern long baserec; + extern FILE *stdlis; ++extern FILE *stdrec; + extern char *save_name; + extern off_t save_sizeleft; + extern off_t save_totsize; +diff -ru tar-1.13/src/create.c tar-1.13.1/src/create.c +--- tar-1.13/src/create.c Wed Jul 7 07:27:04 1999 ++++ tar-1.13.1/src/create.c Sun Aug 6 22:29:50 2000 +@@ -435,11 +435,9 @@ + + uintmax_to_oct ((uintmax_t) sum, header->header.chksum, 7); + +- set_next_block_after (header); +- +- if (verbose_option +- && header->header.typeflag != GNUTYPE_LONGLINK +- && header->header.typeflag != GNUTYPE_LONGNAME) ++ if (verbose_option) ++ /* && header->header.typeflag != GNUTYPE_LONGLINK */ ++ /* && header->header.typeflag != GNUTYPE_LONGNAME */ + { + /* These globals are parameters to print_header, sigh. */ + +@@ -448,6 +446,9 @@ + current_format = archive_format; + print_header (); + } ++ ++ set_next_block_after (header); ++ + } + + /* Sparse file processing. */ +diff -ru tar-1.13/src/extract.c tar-1.13.1/src/extract.c +--- tar-1.13/src/extract.c Fri Jul 2 23:24:36 1999 ++++ tar-1.13.1/src/extract.c Mon Feb 21 21:32:07 2000 +@@ -962,6 +962,7 @@ + case GNUTYPE_LONGNAME: + case GNUTYPE_LONGLINK: + ERROR ((0, 0, _("Visible long name error"))); ++ print_header(); + skip_file (current_stat.st_size); + if (backup_option) + undo_last_backup (); +diff -ru tar-1.13/src/list.c tar-1.13.1/src/list.c +--- tar-1.13/src/list.c Wed Jul 7 07:46:52 1999 ++++ tar-1.13.1/src/list.c Sun Aug 6 22:25:28 2000 +@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ + if (block_number_option) + { + char buf[UINTMAX_STRSIZE_BOUND]; +- fprintf (stdlis, _("block %s: ** Block of NULs **\n"), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("block %s: ** Block of NULs **\n"), + STRINGIFY_BIGINT (current_block_ordinal (), buf)); + } + +@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ + if (block_number_option) + { + char buf[UINTMAX_STRSIZE_BOUND]; +- fprintf (stdlis, _("block %s: ** End of File **\n"), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("block %s: ** End of File **\n"), + STRINGIFY_BIGINT (current_block_ordinal (), buf)); + } + break; +@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ + if (written > size) + written = size; + errno = 0; /* FIXME: errno should be read-only */ +- check = fwrite (data_block->buffer, sizeof (char), written, stdlis); ++ check = fwrite (data_block->buffer, sizeof (char), written, stdrec); + set_next_block_after ((union block *) + (data_block->buffer + written - 1)); + if (check != written) +@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ + } + if (multi_volume_option) + assign_string (&save_name, NULL); +- fputc ('\n', stdlis); +- fflush (stdlis); ++ fputc ('\n', stdrec); ++ fflush (stdrec); + return; + + } +@@ -381,6 +381,8 @@ + longp = ((header->header.typeflag == GNUTYPE_LONGNAME) + ? &next_long_name + : &next_long_link); ++ assign_string (¤t_file_name, header->; ++ print_header(); + + set_next_block_after (header); + if (*longp) +@@ -763,10 +765,18 @@ + int pad; + char *name; + ++ extern union block *record_start; ++ extern union block *current_block; ++ if (block_number_option) ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("rec %10ld: "), baserec + (current_block - record_start)); ++#if 0 ++ annofile (stdrec, (char *) NULL); ++#endif ++ + if (block_number_option) + { + char buf[UINTMAX_STRSIZE_BOUND]; +- fprintf (stdlis, _("block %s: "), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("block %s: "), + STRINGIFY_BIGINT (current_block_ordinal (), buf)); + } + +@@ -778,11 +788,11 @@ + + if (quoted_name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s\n", quoted_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s\n", quoted_name); + free (quoted_name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s\n", current_file_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s\n", current_file_name); + } + else + { +@@ -792,6 +802,11 @@ + switch (current_header->header.typeflag) + { + case GNUTYPE_VOLHDR: ++ /* dirty bug fix to display the header processing ++ * tar cvvf /dev/null --label 'hello world' blah... ++ * J"org Weule ++ */ ++ current_stat.st_mtime = time_from_oct(current_block->header.mtime,1+12); + modes[0] = 'V'; + break; + +@@ -804,8 +819,12 @@ + break; + + case GNUTYPE_LONGNAME: ++ modes[0] = 'L'; ++ break; ++ + case GNUTYPE_LONGLINK: +- ERROR ((0, 0, _("Visible longname error"))); ++ /* ERROR ((0, 0, _("Visible longname error"))); */ ++ modes[0] = 'K' ; + break; + + case GNUTYPE_SPARSE: +@@ -898,22 +917,22 @@ + ugswidth = pad; + + #if USE_OLD_CTIME +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s %s", ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s %s", + modes, user, group, ugswidth - pad, "", + size, timestamp + 4, timestamp + 20); + #else +- fprintf (stdlis, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s", ++ fprintf (stdrec, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s", + modes, user, group, ugswidth - pad, "", size, timestamp); + #endif + + name = quote_copy_string (current_file_name); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, " %s", name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " %s", name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, " %s", current_file_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " %s", current_file_name); + + switch (current_header->header.typeflag) + { +@@ -921,26 +940,26 @@ + name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, " -> %s\n", name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " -> %s\n", name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, " -> %s\n", current_link_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, " -> %s\n", current_link_name); + break; + + case LNKTYPE: + name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name); + if (name) + { +- fprintf (stdlis, _(" link to %s\n"), name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _(" link to %s\n"), name); + free (name); + } + else +- fprintf (stdlis, _(" link to %s\n"), current_link_name); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _(" link to %s\n"), current_link_name); + break; + + default: +- fprintf (stdlis, _(" unknown file type `%c'\n"), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _(" unknown file type `%c'\n"), + current_header->header.typeflag); + break; + +@@ -953,11 +972,11 @@ + case FIFOTYPE: + case CONTTYPE: + case GNUTYPE_DUMPDIR: +- putc ('\n', stdlis); ++ putc ('\n', stdrec); + break; + + case GNUTYPE_VOLHDR: +- fprintf (stdlis, _("--Volume Header--\n")); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Volume Header--\n")); + break; + + case GNUTYPE_MULTIVOL: +@@ -965,15 +984,15 @@ + STRINGIFY_BIGINT + (UINTMAX_FROM_OCT (current_header->oldgnu_header.offset), + uintbuf)); +- fprintf (stdlis, _("--Continued at byte %s--\n"), size); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Continued at byte %s--\n"), size); + break; + + case GNUTYPE_NAMES: +- fprintf (stdlis, _("--Mangled file names--\n")); ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("--Mangled file names--\n")); + break; + } + } +- fflush (stdlis); ++ fflush (stdrec); + } + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------. +@@ -996,7 +1015,7 @@ + if (block_number_option) + { + char buf[UINTMAX_STRSIZE_BOUND]; +- fprintf (stdlis, _("block %s: "), ++ fprintf (stdrec, _("block %s: "), + STRINGIFY_BIGINT (current_block_ordinal (), buf)); + } + name = quote_copy_string (pathname); +diff -ru tar-1.13/src/names.c tar-1.13.1/src/names.c +--- tar-1.13/src/names.c Wed Jul 7 07:46:51 1999 ++++ tar-1.13.1/src/names.c Sun Aug 6 22:20:43 2000 +@@ -375,6 +375,14 @@ + FATAL_ERROR ((0, errno, _("Cannot change to directory %s"), + name_buffer)); + chdir_flag = 0; ++ if ( record_file_name ) ++ { ++ char *d = malloc(PATH_MAX); ++ if( d && getcwd(d,PATH_MAX) ) ++ fprintf(stdrec, ++ "loc current directory is %s\n", ++ d); ++ } + } + else if (change_dirs && strcmp (name_buffer, "-C") == 0) + chdir_flag = 1; +diff -ru tar-1.13/src/tar.c tar-1.13.1/src/tar.c +--- tar-1.13/src/tar.c Wed Jul 7 07:49:50 1999 ++++ tar-1.13.1/src/tar.c Tue Feb 22 00:27:07 2000 +@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ + SUFFIX_OPTION, + USE_COMPRESS_PROGRAM_OPTION, + VOLNO_FILE_OPTION, ++ RECORD_FILE_OPTION, + + /* Some cleanup is being made in GNU tar long options. Using old names is + allowed for a while, but will also send a warning to stderr. Take old +@@ -220,6 +221,7 @@ + /* FIXME: --partial-blocks might be a synonym for --read-full-records? */ + {"record-number", no_argument, NULL, OBSOLETE_BLOCK_NUMBER}, + {"record-size", required_argument, NULL, RECORD_SIZE_OPTION}, ++ {"record-file", required_argument, NULL, RECORD_FILE_OPTION}, + {"remove-files", no_argument, &remove_files_option, 1}, + {"rsh-command", required_argument, NULL, RSH_COMMAND_OPTION}, + {"same-order", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, +@@ -378,6 +380,7 @@ + --checkpoint print directory names while reading the archive\n\ + --totals print total bytes written while creating archive\n\ + -R, --block-number show block number within archive with each message\n\ ++ --record-file print the record information to file, enable -R\n\ + -w, --interactive ask for confirmation for every action\n\ + --confirmation same as -w\n"), + stdout); +@@ -904,6 +907,11 @@ + volno_file_option = optarg; + break; + ++ case RECORD_FILE_OPTION: ++ record_file_name = optarg ; ++ block_number_option++; /* Print block #s for debug */ ++ break; ++ + case USE_COMPRESS_PROGRAM_OPTION: + set_use_compress_program_option (optarg); + break; +@@ -1155,14 +1163,52 @@ + break; + + case CREATE_SUBCOMMAND: ++ ++/* ++ * Comment the next line out if you have problems. Joerg Weule ++ */ ++#define PRINT_TROUPUT ++#ifdef PRINT_TROUPUT ++ start_time = time(0); + if (totals_option) +- init_total_written (); ++ init_total_written (); ++ create_archive (); ++ if (totals_option) { ++ time_t end_time = time(0); ++ double sec = end_time - start_time ; ++ /* double t = ((double)total_written) * BLOCKSIZE ; */ ++ print_total_written (); ++ /* ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Total bytes written: %.0f"),t); ++ if ( t >= 1e9 ) fprintf(stderr, _(" (%3.1f Gb)"),t/1e9 ); else ++ if ( t >= 1e6 ) fprintf(stderr, _(" (%3.1f Mb)"),t/1e6 ); else ++ if ( t >= 1024 ) fprintf(stderr, _(" (%3.1f Kb)"),t/1024 ); ++ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); ++ if ( sec > 0.1 ){ ++ long s, m, h = sec ; ++ m = h ; ++ h /= 3600 ; ++ m -= h * 3600 ; ++ s = m ; ++ m /= 60 ; ++ s -= m / 60 ; ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Elapsed time: %02d:%02d:%02d, %g sec\n"), h,m,s,sec); ++ if ( !flag_multivol) ++ fprintf (stderr, _("Throughput per second: %.0fKb/sec\n"), ++ t/sec/1024); ++ } ++ */ ++ } ++#else ++ if (totals_option) ++ init_total_written (); + + create_archive (); + name_close (); + + if (totals_option) +- print_total_written (); ++ print_total_written (); ++#endif + break; + + case EXTRACT_SUBCOMMAND: diff --git a/zf-cre-open.c b/zf-cre-open.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b43449 --- /dev/null +++ b/zf-cre-open.c @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ + +/* + * This file is part of dds2tar. + * Copyright by J"org Weule + * + * Copyright: GPL + */ + +/* + * If you compile this file with -DTEST, you will get a test program: + * + * cc dds_fio.c -DTEST -o dds_fio && dds_fio + * + * The test shows the use of ccopen(...) to pipe stdout through /bin/grep. + * + * The interface should be useful in many cases. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include /* pipe() ... */ +#include /* size_t, open() */ +#include /* wait() */ +#include /* open() */ +#include /* open() */ + +#include "zf-cre-open.h" + +#define streq(a,b) (!strcmp((a),(b))) + +FILE * +zfopen( + char const *const name, + int const compressed, + char const *const open_mode +) +{ + + FILE *fp; + char *b; + + b = malloc(1024); + if (b == NULL) + exit(20); + + if (compressed == T_MODE) { + if ((name != NULL) && (strcmp(name, "-"))) { + fp = fopen(name, open_mode); + if (fp == NULL) { + perror("dds2tar"); + exit(21); + } + } else if (streq(open_mode, "w")) { + fp = stdout; + } else { + fp = stdin; + } + return fp; + } + if (streq(open_mode, "w")) { + strcpy(b, "gzip "); + if ((name != NULL) && (strcmp(name, "-"))) { + strcat(b, " > "); + strcat(b, name); + } + } else if (streq(open_mode, "r")) { + strcpy(b, "gunzip --force --decompress --stdout "); + if ((name != NULL) && (strcmp(name, "-"))) { + strcat(b, name); + } + } + fp = popen(b, open_mode); + if (fp == NULL) { + perror("dds2tar"); + exit(22); + } + free(b); + return fp; +} + + +int +cclose(int const fd) +{ + int status = 0; + + close(fd); + wait(&status); + return status; +} + +int +reopen( + int const stdfd, + char const *const output_file, + int const mode, + int const flags +) +{ + int fd; + + if (!strcmp(output_file, "-")) { + /* use stdout */ + fd = 1; + } else { + /* open file */ + if ((fd = open(output_file, mode, flags)) == -1) { + perror("dds2tar"); + exit(23); + } + /* don't know why this happens. Any idea? */ + if (fd == 0) { /* normally 0 is stdin!! */ + perror("dds2tar"); + exit(24); + } + } + if (0 <= stdfd) { + dup2(fd, stdfd); + close(fd); + fd = stdfd; + } + return fd; +} + +/* + * creopen opens a pipe to a child process with the file number 'stdfd' + * on file number 'stdfd_child' of the child. + * The files are close as needed (see dup2(2)). + */ + +int +creopen( + int const stdfd_parent, /* stdfd should not be == 3 */ + int const stdfd_child, /* stdfd_child must be 1 or 2 */ + char const *const filename, + char const *const *argv +) +{ + int fd; + int pid; + int pipefd[2]; + int pipe_parent; + + if ((stdfd_child & 0xfffffffe) != 0 || stdfd_child == stdfd_parent) { + fprintf(stderr, "creopen not useful with that parameters\n"); + exit(25); + } + pipe_parent = stdfd_child ^ 1; + if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) { /* create pipe with two fd's */ + perror("dds2tar"); + exit(26); + } + if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { /* we are the child process */ + /* reconnect pipe to child */ + dup2(pipefd[stdfd_child], stdfd_child); + close(pipefd[0]); /* close input of pipe */ + close(pipefd[1]); /* close output of pipe */ + /* the prototype of execv is wrong */ + execv(filename, (char *const *) argv); + perror("dds2tar"); + exit(27); + } + if (pid <= 0) { + perror("dds2tar"); + exit(28); + } + /* + * We are the parent process. + */ + close(stdfd_child); + fd = pipefd[pipe_parent]; + if ((0 <= stdfd_parent) && (stdfd_parent <= 1)) { + dup2(fd, stdfd_parent); + close(fd); + fd = stdfd_parent; + close(pipefd[0]); + close(pipefd[1]); + } + return fd; +} + +#ifdef TEST + +static char *a[] = +{"grep", "allo", NULL}; + +main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) +{ + + int status; + int pid; + int fd; + + if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-p")) { + } else { + if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-o")) + reopen(1, argv[2], O_RDONLY, 0); + else + creopen(1, 0, "/usr/bin/grep", a); + write(1, "Hallo World -1- \n", 17); + write(1, "Hi World -2- \n", 17); + write(1, "Hallo World -3- \n", 17); + write(1, "Morgen Welt -4- \n", 17); + write(1, "Hallo World -5- \n", 17); + printf("Hallo World =1= \n"); + printf("Hi World =2= \n"); + printf("Hallo World =3= \n"); + printf("Morgen Welt =4= \n"); + printf("Hallo World =5= \n"); + fflush(stdout); + if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-o")) { + close(1); + } else { + cclose(1); + } + } +} + +#endif diff --git a/zf-cre-open.h b/zf-cre-open.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3061a74 --- /dev/null +++ b/zf-cre-open.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + +/* + * This file is part of dds2tar. + * Copyright by J"org Weule + * + * Copyright: GPL + */ + +#define C_MODE 1 /* compressed */ +#define T_MODE 0 /* transparent */ + +/* + * Use popen and gzip to open a file with transparent compression. + * The mode may be "r" or "w". + */ +extern FILE *zfopen( + char const *, /* pathname */ + int const, /* compression, e.g. 0 or 1 */ + char const *const /* open mode, e.g. "r" or "w" */ +); + +/* + * Open a pipe to a child process on a given file number, e.g. 1. + * + * Example of a pipe to tar -t: + * static char * av[] = {"/bin/tar","-t",NULL}; + * creopen(1,0,"/bin/tar",av,NULL); + */ +extern int creopen( + int const, /* file number of the parent */ + int const, /* file number of the child */ + char const *const, /* name of the program */ + char const *const * /* argv of the program */ + +); +extern int cclose(int const); + +/* + * Open a file on a given file number, e.g. 1. + */ +extern int reopen( + int const, /* file number */ + char const *const, /* name of the file */ + int const, /* mode of the open */ + int const /* file mode */ +); -- 2.39.5