From 5887b9fa11a47b67c3ad8122cba6aacd14c22a97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kvigor Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 19:40:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Include error number in ErrTab git-svn-id: 4a8a32a2-be11-0410-ad9d-d568d2c75423 --- support/Util/SDCCerr.c | 444 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 296 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-) diff --git a/support/Util/SDCCerr.c b/support/Util/SDCCerr.c index ed29f22c..360b44c4 100644 --- a/support/Util/SDCCerr.c +++ b/support/Util/SDCCerr.c @@ -34,161 +34,303 @@ static struct { FILE *out; } _SDCCERRG; -enum { - PEDANTIC, - WARNING, - ERROR -}; - +#define PEDANTIC 0 +#define WARNING 1 +#define ERROR 2 extern char *filename ; extern int lineno ; extern int fatalError ; -struct { - int errType ; - char *errText ; +/* Currently the errIndex field must match the position of the + * entry in the array. It is only included in order to make + * human error lookup easier. + */ +struct +{ + int errIndex; + int errType; + char *errText; } ErrTab [] = { -{ ERROR ,"error *** Duplicate symbol '%s', symbol IGNORED\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Syntax Error Declaration ignored\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Constant Expected Found Variable\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** 'malloc' failed file '%s' for size %ld\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** 'fopen' failed on file '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Internal Error Oclass invalid '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Cannot allocate variable '%s'.\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Old style C declaration. IGNORED '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Out of stack Space. '%s' not allocated\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** FATAL Compiler Internal Error in file '%s' line number '%d' : %s \nContact Author with source code\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** 'lvalue' required for '%s' operation .\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Creation of temp file failed\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Function expected here '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** 'using', 'interrupt' or 'reentrant' must follow a function definiton .'%s'\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Absolute address & initial value both cannot be specified for\n a 'sfr','sbit' storage class, initial value ignored '%s'\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** Variable in the storage class cannot be initialized.'%s'\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** storage class not allowed for automatic variable '%s' in reentrant function\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** absolute address not allowed for automatic var '%s' in reentrant function \n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** Initializer different levels of indirections\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Function name '%s' redefined \n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Undefined identifier '%s'\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** stack exceeds 256 bytes for function '%s'\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Array or pointer required for '%s' operation \n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Array index not an integer\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Array bound Exceeded, assuming zero\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Structure/Union expected left of '.%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** '%s' not a structure/union member\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Pointer required\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** 'unary %c': illegal operand\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** convertion error: integral promotion failed\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** type must be INT for bit field definition\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** bit field size greater than 16 . assuming 16\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** high order truncation might occur\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Attempt to assign value to a constant variable %s\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Lvalue specifies constant object\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** '&' illegal operand , %s\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** illegal cast (cast cannot be aggregate)\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** '*' bad operand\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Argument count error, argument ignored\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Function was expecting more arguments\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Function name expected '%s'.ANSI style declaration REQUIRED\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** invalid operand '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** pointer + pointer invalid\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** invalid operand for shift operator\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** compare operand cannot be struct/union\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** operand invalid for bitwise operation\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Invalid operand for '&&' or '||'\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** indirections to different types %s %s \n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** cannot assign values to aggregates\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** bit Arrays can be accessed by literal index only\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Array or Pointer to bit|sbit|sfr not allowed.'%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** typedef/enum '%s' duplicate.Previous definiton Ignored\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Actual Argument type different from declaration %d\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Function return value mismatch\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Function cannot return aggregate. Func body ignored\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** ANSI Style declaration needed\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Label name redefined '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Label undefined '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** void function returning value\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** function '%s' must return value\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** function return value mismatch\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** 'case/default' found without 'switch'.statement ignored\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** 'case' expression not constant. statement ignored\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** 'break/continue' statement out of context\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** nonintegral used in switch expression\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** function '%s' already has body\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** attempt to allocate variable of unknown size '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** aggregate 'auto' variable '%s' cannot be initialized\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** too many initializers\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** struct/union/array '%s' :initialization needs curly braces\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** non-address initialization expression\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** interrupt no '%d' already has a service routine '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** interrupt routine cannot have arguments, arguments ingored\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** critical compiler #include file missing. \n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** function 'main' undefined\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** 'extern' variable '%s' cannot be initialised \n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Pre-Processor %s\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** _dup call failed\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** pointer being cast to incompatible type \n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** 'while' loop with 'zero' constant.loop eliminated\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** %s expression has NO side effects.expr eliminated\n" }, -{ PEDANTIC,"warning *** constant value '%s', out of range.\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** comparison will either, ALWAYs succeed or ALWAYs fail\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** Compiler Terminating , contact author with source\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** 'auto' variable '%s' may be used before initialization at %s(%d)\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** in function %s unreferenced %s : '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** unknown size for operand\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** '%s' 'long' not supported , declared as 'int' .\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** LITERAL value being cast to '_generic' pointer\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** %s '%s' address out of range\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** storage class CANNOT be specified for bit variable '%s'\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** extern definition for '%s' mismatches with declaration.\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** Functions called via pointers must be 'reentrant' to take arguments\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** type 'double' not supported assuming 'float'\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** if-statement condition always false.if-statement not generated\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** no 'return' statement found for function '%s'\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** Pre-Processor %s\n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** structure '%s' passed as function argument changed to pointer\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** conflict with previous definition of '%s' for attribute '%s'\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** variable '%s' declared in code space must have initialiser\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** operands not integral for assignment operation\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** too many parameters \n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** too few parameters\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** code not generated for '%s' due to previous errors\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** type mismatch for parameter number %d\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** invalid float constant '%s'\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** invalid operand for '%s' operation\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** switch value not an integer\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** case label not an integer\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** function '%s' too large for global optimization\n"}, -{ PEDANTIC,"warning *** conditional flow changed by optimizer '%s(%d)':so said EVELYN the modified DOG\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** invalid type specifier for pointer type specifier ignored\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** function '%s' implicit declaration\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** %s"}, -{ WARNING,"info *** %s extended by %d bytes for compiler temp(s) :in function '%s': %s \n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** unknown or unsupported #pragma directive '%s'\n"}, -{ PEDANTIC, "warning *** %s shifting more than size of object changed to zero\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** unknown compiler option '%s' ignored\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** option '%s' no longer supported '%s' \n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** don't know what to do with file '%s'. file extension unsupported\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** cannot compile more than one source file . file '%s' ignored\n"}, -{ WARNING,"info *** function '%s', # edges %d , # nodes %d , cyclomatic complexity %d\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** dividing by ZERO\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** function cannot return 'bit'\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** casting from to type 'void' is illegal\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** constant is out of range %s\n" }, -{ PEDANTIC,"warning *** unreachable code %s(%d)\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** non-pointer type cast to _generic pointer\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** possible code generation error at line %d,\n send source to\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** pointer types incompatible \n" }, -{ WARNING,"warning *** unknown memory model at %s : %d\n" }, -{ ERROR ,"error *** cannot generate code for target '%s'\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** Indirect call to a banked function not implemented.\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** Model '%s' not supported for %s, ignored.\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** Both banked and nonbanked attributes used. nonbanked wins.\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** Both banked and static used. static wins.\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** converting integer type to generic pointer: assuming XDATA\n"}, -{ WARNING,"warning *** escape sequence out of range for char.\n"}, -{ ERROR ,"error *** \\x used with no following hex digits.\n"} +{ E_DUPLICATE, ERROR, + "error *** Duplicate symbol '%s', symbol IGNORED\n" }, +{ E_SYNTAX_ERROR, ERROR, + "error *** Syntax Error Declaration ignored\n" }, +{ E_CONST_EXPECTED, ERROR, + "error *** Constant Expected Found Variable\n" }, +{ E_OUT_OF_MEM, ERROR, + "error *** 'malloc' failed file '%s' for size %ld\n" }, +{ E_FILE_OPEN_ERR, ERROR, + "error *** 'fopen' failed on file '%s'\n" }, +{ E_INVALID_OCLASS, ERROR, + "error *** Internal Error Oclass invalid '%s'\n" }, +{ E_CANNOT_ALLOC, ERROR, + "error *** Cannot allocate variable '%s'.\n" }, +{ E_OLD_STYLE, ERROR, + "error *** Old style C declaration. IGNORED '%s'\n" }, +{ E_STACK_OUT, ERROR, + "error *** Out of stack Space. '%s' not allocated\n" }, +{ E_INTERNAL_ERROR, ERROR, + "error *** FATAL Compiler Internal Error in file '%s' line number '%d' : %s \nContact Author with source code\n" }, +{ E_LVALUE_REQUIRED, ERROR, + "error *** 'lvalue' required for '%s' operation .\n" }, +{ E_TMPFILE_FAILED, ERROR, + "error *** Creation of temp file failed\n" }, +{ E_FUNCTION_EXPECTED, ERROR, + "error *** Function expected here '%s'\n" }, +{ E_USING_ERROR, ERROR, + "error *** 'using', 'interrupt' or 'reentrant' must follow a function definiton .'%s'\n" }, +{ E_SFR_INIT, ERROR, + "error *** Absolute address & initial value both cannot be specified for\n a 'sfr','sbit' storage class, initial value ignored '%s'\n" }, +{ E_INIT_IGNORED, WARNING, + "warning *** Variable in the storage class cannot be initialized.'%s'\n" }, +{ E_AUTO_ASSUMED, WARNING, + "warning *** storage class not allowed for automatic variable '%s' in reentrant function\n" }, +{ E_AUTO_ABSA, ERROR, + "error *** absolute address not allowed for automatic var '%s' in reentrant function \n" }, +{ E_INIT_WRONG, WARNING, + "warning *** Initializer different levels of indirections\n" }, +{ E_FUNC_REDEF, ERROR, + "error *** Function name '%s' redefined \n" }, +{ E_ID_UNDEF, ERROR, + "error *** Undefined identifier '%s'\n" }, +{ W_STACK_OVERFLOW, WARNING, + "warning *** stack exceeds 256 bytes for function '%s'\n" }, +{ E_NEED_ARRAY_PTR, ERROR, + "error *** Array or pointer required for '%s' operation \n" }, +{ E_IDX_NOT_INT, ERROR, + "error *** Array index not an integer\n" }, +{ E_ARRAY_BOUND, ERROR, + "error *** Array bound Exceeded, assuming zero\n" }, +{ E_STRUCT_UNION, ERROR, + "error *** Structure/Union expected left of '.%s'\n" }, +{ E_NOT_MEMBER, ERROR, + "error *** '%s' not a structure/union member\n" }, +{ E_PTR_REQD, ERROR, + "error *** Pointer required\n" }, +{ E_UNARY_OP, ERROR, + "error *** 'unary %c': illegal operand\n" }, +{ E_CONV_ERR, ERROR, + "error *** convertion error: integral promotion failed\n" }, +{ E_INT_REQD, ERROR, + "error *** type must be INT for bit field definition\n" }, +{ E_BITFLD_SIZE, ERROR, + "error *** bit field size greater than 16 . assuming 16\n" }, +{ E_TRUNCATION, WARNING, + "warning *** high order truncation might occur\n" }, +{ E_CODE_WRITE, ERROR, + "error *** Attempt to assign value to a constant variable %s\n" }, +{ E_LVALUE_CONST, ERROR, + "error *** Lvalue specifies constant object\n" }, +{ E_ILLEGAL_ADDR, ERROR, + "error *** '&' illegal operand , %s\n" }, +{ E_CAST_ILLEGAL, ERROR, + "error *** illegal cast (cast cannot be aggregate)\n" }, +{ E_MULT_INTEGRAL, ERROR, + "error *** '*' bad operand\n" }, +{ E_ARG_ERROR, ERROR, + "error *** Argument count error, argument ignored\n" }, +{ E_ARG_COUNT, ERROR, + "error *** Function was expecting more arguments\n" }, +{ E_FUNC_EXPECTED, ERROR, + "error *** Function name expected '%s'.ANSI style declaration REQUIRED\n" }, +{ E_PLUS_INVALID, ERROR, + "error *** invalid operand '%s'\n" }, +{ E_PTR_PLUS_PTR, ERROR, + "error *** pointer + pointer invalid\n" }, +{ E_SHIFT_OP_INVALID, ERROR, + "error *** invalid operand for shift operator\n" }, +{ E_COMPARE_OP, ERROR, + "error *** compare operand cannot be struct/union\n" }, +{ E_BITWISE_OP, ERROR, + "error *** operand invalid for bitwise operation\n" }, +{ E_ANDOR_OP, ERROR, + "error *** Invalid operand for '&&' or '||'\n" }, +{ E_TYPE_MISMATCH, WARNING, + "warning *** indirections to different types %s %s \n" }, +{ E_AGGR_ASSIGN, ERROR, + "error *** cannot assign values to aggregates\n" }, +{ E_ARRAY_DIRECT, ERROR, + "error *** bit Arrays can be accessed by literal index only\n" }, +{ E_BIT_ARRAY, ERROR, + "error *** Array or Pointer to bit|sbit|sfr not allowed.'%s'\n" }, +{ E_DUPLICATE_TYPEDEF, ERROR, + "error *** typedef/enum '%s' duplicate.Previous definiton Ignored\n" }, +{ E_ARG_TYPE, ERROR, + "error *** Actual Argument type different from declaration %d\n" }, +{ E_RET_VALUE, ERROR, + "error *** Function return value mismatch\n" }, +{ E_FUNC_AGGR, ERROR, + "error *** Function cannot return aggregate. Func body ignored\n" }, +{ E_FUNC_DEF, ERROR, + "error *** ANSI Style declaration needed\n" }, +{ E_DUPLICATE_LABEL, ERROR, + "error *** Label name redefined '%s'\n" }, +{ E_LABEL_UNDEF, ERROR, + "error *** Label undefined '%s'\n" }, +{ E_FUNC_VOID, ERROR, + "error *** void function returning value\n" }, +{ E_VOID_FUNC, ERROR, + "error *** function '%s' must return value\n" }, +{ E_RETURN_MISMATCH, WARNING, + "warning *** function return value mismatch\n" }, +{ E_CASE_CONTEXT, ERROR, + "error *** 'case/default' found without 'switch'.statement ignored\n" }, +{ E_CASE_CONSTANT, ERROR, + "error *** 'case' expression not constant. statement ignored\n" }, +{ E_BREAK_CONTEXT, ERROR, + "error *** 'break/continue' statement out of context\n" }, +{ E_SWITCH_AGGR, ERROR, + "error *** nonintegral used in switch expression\n" }, +{ E_FUNC_BODY, ERROR, + "error *** function '%s' already has body\n" }, +{ E_UNKNOWN_SIZE, ERROR, + "error *** attempt to allocate variable of unknown size '%s'\n" }, +{ E_AUTO_AGGR_INIT, ERROR, + "error *** aggregate 'auto' variable '%s' cannot be initialized\n" }, +{ E_INIT_COUNT, ERROR, + "error *** too many initializers\n" }, +{ E_INIT_STRUCT, ERROR, + "error *** struct/union/array '%s' :initialization needs curly braces\n" }, +{ E_INIT_NON_ADDR, ERROR, + "error *** non-address initialization expression\n" }, +{ E_INT_DEFINED, ERROR, + "error *** interrupt no '%d' already has a service routine '%s'\n" }, +{ E_INT_ARGS, ERROR, + "error *** interrupt routine cannot have arguments, arguments ingored\n" }, +{ E_INCLUDE_MISSING, ERROR, + "error *** critical compiler #include file missing. \n" }, +{ E_NO_MAIN, ERROR, + "error *** function 'main' undefined\n" }, +{ E_EXTERN_INIT, ERROR, + "error *** 'extern' variable '%s' cannot be initialised \n" }, +{ E_PRE_PROC_FAILED, ERROR, + "error *** Pre-Processor %s\n" }, +{ E_DUP_FAILED, ERROR, + "error *** _dup call failed\n" }, +{ E_INCOMPAT_CAST, WARNING, + "warning *** pointer being cast to incompatible type \n" }, +{ E_LOOP_ELIMINATE, WARNING, + "warning *** 'while' loop with 'zero' constant.loop eliminated\n" }, +{ W_NO_SIDE_EFFECTS, WARNING, + "warning *** %s expression has NO side effects.expr eliminated\n" }, +{ E_CONST_TOO_LARGE, PEDANTIC, + "warning *** constant value '%s', out of range.\n" }, +{ W_BAD_COMPARE, WARNING, + "warning *** comparison will either, ALWAYs succeed or ALWAYs fail\n" }, +{ E_TERMINATING, ERROR, + "error *** Compiler Terminating , contact author with source\n" }, +{ W_LOCAL_NOINIT, WARNING, + "warning *** 'auto' variable '%s' may be used before initialization at %s(%d)\n" }, +{ W_NO_REFERENCE, WARNING, + "warning *** in function %s unreferenced %s : '%s'\n" }, +{ E_OP_UNKNOWN_SIZE, ERROR, + "error *** unknown size for operand\n" }, +{ W_LONG_UNSUPPORTED, WARNING, + "warning *** '%s' 'long' not supported , declared as 'int' .\n" }, +{ W_LITERAL_GENERIC, WARNING, + "warning *** LITERAL value being cast to '_generic' pointer\n" }, +{ E_SFR_ADDR_RANGE, ERROR, + "error *** %s '%s' address out of range\n" }, +{ E_BITVAR_STORAGE, ERROR, + "error *** storage class CANNOT be specified for bit variable '%s'\n" }, +{ W_EXTERN_MISMATCH, WARNING, + "warning *** extern definition for '%s' mismatches with declaration.\n" }, +{ E_NONRENT_ARGS, WARNING, + "warning *** Functions called via pointers must be 'reentrant' to take arguments\n" }, +{ W_DOUBLE_UNSUPPORTED, WARNING, + "warning *** type 'double' not supported assuming 'float'\n" }, +{ W_IF_NEVER_TRUE, WARNING, + "warning *** if-statement condition always false.if-statement not generated\n" }, +{ W_FUNC_NO_RETURN, WARNING, + "warning *** no 'return' statement found for function '%s'\n" }, +{ W_PRE_PROC_WARNING, WARNING, + "warning *** Pre-Processor %s\n" }, +{ W_STRUCT_AS_ARG, WARNING, + "warning *** structure '%s' passed as function argument changed to pointer\n" }, +{ E_PREV_DEF_CONFLICT, ERROR, + "error *** conflict with previous definition of '%s' for attribute '%s'\n" }, +{ E_CODE_NO_INIT, ERROR, + "error *** variable '%s' declared in code space must have initialiser\n" }, +{ E_OPS_INTEGRAL, ERROR, + "error *** operands not integral for assignment operation\n" }, +{ E_TOO_MANY_PARMS, ERROR, + "error *** too many parameters \n" }, +{ E_TOO_FEW_PARMS, ERROR, + "error *** too few parameters\n" }, +{ E_FUNC_NO_CODE, ERROR, + "error *** code not generated for '%s' due to previous errors\n" }, +{ E_TYPE_MISMATCH_PARM, WARNING, + "warning *** type mismatch for parameter number %d\n" }, +{ E_INVALID_FLOAT_CONST, ERROR, + "error *** invalid float constant '%s'\n" }, +{ E_INVALID_OP, ERROR, + "error *** invalid operand for '%s' operation\n" }, +{ E_SWITCH_NON_INTEGER, ERROR, + "error *** switch value not an integer\n" }, +{ E_CASE_NON_INTEGER, ERROR, + "error *** case label not an integer\n" }, +{ E_FUNC_TOO_LARGE, WARNING, + "warning *** function '%s' too large for global optimization\n" }, +{ W_CONTROL_FLOW, PEDANTIC, + "warning *** conditional flow changed by optimizer '%s(%d)':so said EVELYN the modified DOG\n" }, +{ W_PTR_TYPE_INVALID, WARNING, + "warning *** invalid type specifier for pointer type specifier ignored\n" }, +{ W_IMPLICIT_FUNC, WARNING, + "warning *** function '%s' implicit declaration\n" }, +{ E_CONTINUE, WARNING, + "warning *** %s" }, +{ W_TOOMANY_SPILS, WARNING, + "info *** %s extended by %d bytes for compiler temp(s) :in function '%s': %s \n" }, +{ W_UNKNOWN_PRAGMA, WARNING, + "warning *** unknown or unsupported #pragma directive '%s'\n" }, +{ W_SHIFT_CHANGED, PEDANTIC, + "warning *** %s shifting more than size of object changed to zero\n" }, +{ W_UNKNOWN_OPTION, WARNING, + "warning *** unknown compiler option '%s' ignored\n" }, +{ W_UNSUPP_OPTION, WARNING, + "warning *** option '%s' no longer supported '%s' \n" }, +{ W_UNKNOWN_FEXT, WARNING, + "warning *** don't know what to do with file '%s'. file extension unsupported\n" }, +{ W_TOO_MANY_SRC, WARNING, + "warning *** cannot compile more than one source file . file '%s' ignored\n" }, +{ I_CYCLOMATIC, WARNING, + "info *** function '%s', # edges %d , # nodes %d , cyclomatic complexity %d\n" }, +{ E_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, ERROR, + "error *** dividing by ZERO\n" }, +{ E_FUNC_BIT, ERROR, + "error *** function cannot return 'bit'\n" }, +{ E_CAST_ZERO, ERROR, + "error *** casting from to type 'void' is illegal\n" }, +{ W_CONST_RANGE, WARNING, + "warning *** constant is out of range %s\n" }, +{ W_CODE_UNREACH, PEDANTIC, + "warning *** unreachable code %s(%d)\n" }, +{ W_NONPTR2_GENPTR, WARNING, + "warning *** non-pointer type cast to _generic pointer\n" }, +{ W_POSSBUG, WARNING, + "warning *** possible code generation error at line %d,\n send source to\n" }, +{ W_PTR_ASSIGN, WARNING, + "warning *** pointer types incompatible \n" }, +{ W_UNKNOWN_MODEL, WARNING, + "warning *** unknown memory model at %s : %d\n" }, +{ E_UNKNOWN_TARGET, ERROR, + "error *** cannot generate code for target '%s'\n" }, +{ W_INDIR_BANKED, WARNING, + "warning *** Indirect call to a banked function not implemented.\n" }, +{ W_UNSUPPORTED_MODEL, WARNING, + "warning *** Model '%s' not supported for %s, ignored.\n" }, +{ W_BANKED_WITH_NONBANKED, WARNING, + "warning *** Both banked and nonbanked attributes used. nonbanked wins.\n" }, +{ W_BANKED_WITH_STATIC, WARNING, + "warning *** Both banked and static used. static wins.\n" }, +{ W_INT_TO_GEN_PTR_CAST, WARNING, + "warning *** converting integer type to generic pointer: assuming XDATA\n" }, +{ W_ESC_SEQ_OOR_FOR_CHAR, WARNING, + "warning *** escape sequence out of range for char.\n" }, +{ E_INVALID_HEX, ERROR, + "error *** \\x used with no following hex digits.\n" }, }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -224,6 +366,12 @@ void vwerror (int errNum, va_list marker) _SDCCERRG.out = DEFAULT_ERROR_OUT; } + if (ErrTab[errNum].errIndex != errNum) + { + fprintf(_SDCCERRG.out, + "*** Internal error: error table entry for %d inconsistent.", errNum); + } + if (ErrTab[errNum].errType >= _SDCCERRG.logLevel) { if ( ErrTab[errNum].errType == ERROR ) fatalError++ ; -- 2.39.5