- ralloc.c - source file for register allocation. PIC16 specific
+ ralloc.h - header file register allocation
- Written By - Sandeep Dutta . sandeep.dutta@usa.net (1998)
- Added Pic Port T.scott Dattalo scott@dattalo.com (2000)
- Added Pic16 Port Martin Dubuc m.dubuc@rogers.com (2002)
+ Written By - Sandeep Dutta . sandeep.dutta@usa.net (1998)
+ PIC port - T. Scott Dattalo scott@dattalo.com (2000)
+ PIC16 port - Martin Dubuc m.dubuc@rogers.com (2002)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
You are forbidden to forbid anyone else to use, share and improve
what you give them. Help stamp out software-hoarding!
+#include "SDCCicode.h"
+#include "SDCCBBlock.h"
+#define SDCCRALLOC_H 1
-#include "common.h"
-#include "ralloc.h"
-#include "pcode.h"
-#include "gen.h"
-#include "device.h"
+#include "pcoderegs.h"
-#if defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define STRCASECMP stricmp
-#define STRCASECMP strcasecmp
-/* At this point we start getting processor specific although */
-/* some routines are non-processor specific & can be reused when */
-/* targetting other processors. The decision for this will have */
-/* to be made on a routine by routine basis */
-/* routines used to pack registers are most definitely not reusable */
-/* since the pack the registers depending strictly on the MCU */
+/* set STACK_SUPPORT to 1 to compile code for stack */
+#define STACK_SUPPORT 1
+extern unsigned int stackPos;
-static regs *typeRegWithIdx (int idx, int type, int fixed);
-extern void genpic16Code (iCode *);
-extern void pic16_assignConfigWordValue(int address, int value);
-/* Global data */
-static struct
- bitVect *spiltSet;
- set *stackSpil;
- bitVect *regAssigned;
- short blockSpil;
- int slocNum;
- bitVect *funcrUsed; /* registers used in a function */
- int stackExtend;
- int dataExtend;
- }
-/* Shared with gen.c */
-int pic16_ptrRegReq; /* one byte pointer register required */
-set *pic16_dynAllocRegs=NULL;
-set *pic16_dynStackRegs=NULL;
-set *pic16_dynProcessorRegs=NULL;
-set *pic16_dynDirectRegs=NULL;
-set *pic16_dynDirectBitRegs=NULL;
-set *pic16_dynInternalRegs=NULL;
-static hTab *dynDirectRegNames= NULL;
-//static hTab *regHash = NULL; /* a hash table containing ALL registers */
-set *pic16_rel_udata=NULL;
-set *pic16_fix_udata=NULL;
-set *pic16_equ_data=NULL;
-set *pic16_builtin_functions=NULL;
-static int dynrIdx=0x10; //0x20; // starting temporary register rIdx
-static int rDirectIdx=0;
-int pic16_nRegs = 128; // = sizeof (regspic16) / sizeof (regs);
-int pic16_Gstack_base_addr=0; /* The starting address of registers that
- * are used to pass and return parameters */
-static void spillThis (symbol *);
-int pic16_ralloc_debug = 0;
-static FILE *debugF = NULL;
-/* debugLog - open a file for debugging information */
-//static void debugLog(char *inst,char *fmt, ...)
-static void
-debugLog (char *fmt,...)
- static int append = 0; // First time through, open the file without append.
- char buffer[256];
- //char *bufferP=buffer;
- va_list ap;
- if (!pic16_ralloc_debug || !dstFileName)
- return;
- if (!debugF)
- {
- /* create the file name */
- strcpy (buffer, dstFileName);
- strcat (buffer, ".d");
- if (!(debugF = fopen (buffer, (append ? "a+" : "w"))))
- {
- werror (E_FILE_OPEN_ERR, buffer);
- exit (1);
- }
- append = 1; // Next time debubLog is called, we'll append the debug info
- }
- va_start (ap, fmt);
- vsprintf (buffer, fmt, ap);
+ R2_IDX = 0, R3_IDX, R4_IDX,
+ R5_IDX, R6_IDX, R7_IDX,
+ R0_IDX, R1_IDX, X8_IDX,
+ X9_IDX, X10_IDX, X11_IDX,
+ };
+enum {
+ REG_PTR=1,
+//#define REG_PTR 0x01
+//#define REG_GPR 0x02
+//#define REG_CND 0x04
+//#define REG_SFR 0x08
+//#define REG_STK 0x10 /* Use a register as a psuedo stack */
+//#define REG_TMP 0x20
+/* definition for the registers */
+typedef struct regs
+ {
+ short type; /* can have value
+ * This like the "meta-type" */
+ short pc_type; /* pcode type */
+ short rIdx; /* index into register table */
+ // short otype;
+ char *name; /* name */
+ unsigned isFree:1; /* is currently unassigned */
+ unsigned wasUsed:1; /* becomes true if register has been used */
+ unsigned isFixed:1; /* True if address can't change */
+// unsigned isMapped:1; /* The Register's address has been mapped to physical RAM */
+ unsigned isBitField:1; /* True if reg is type bit OR is holder for several bits */
+ unsigned isEmitted:1; /* True if the reg has been written to a .asm file */
+ unsigned accessBank:1; /* True if the reg is explicit placed in access bank */
+ unsigned isLocal:1; /* True if the reg is allocated in function's local frame */
+ unsigned address; /* reg's address if isFixed | isMapped is true */
+ unsigned size; /* 0 for byte, 1 for int, 4 for long */
+ unsigned alias; /* Alias mask if register appears in multiple banks */
+ struct regs *reg_alias; /* If more than one register share the same address
+ * then they'll point to each other. (primarily for bits)*/
+ operand *regop; /* reference to the operand used to create the register */
+ pCodeRegLives reglives; /* live range mapping */
+ }
+extern regs regspic16[];
+extern int pic16_nRegs;
+extern int pic16_Gstack_base_addr;
- fprintf (debugF, "%s", buffer);
- while (isspace(*bufferP)) bufferP++;
- if (bufferP && *bufferP)
- lineCurr = (lineCurr ?
- connectLine(lineCurr,newLineNode(lb)) :
- (lineHead = newLineNode(lb)));
- lineCurr->isInline = _G.inLine;
- lineCurr->isDebug = _G.debugLine;
- */
- va_end (ap);
-static void
-debugNewLine (void)
- if(!pic16_ralloc_debug)return;
- if (debugF)
- fputc ('\n', debugF);
-/* debugLogClose - closes the debug log file (if opened) */
-static void
-debugLogClose (void)
- if (debugF) {
- fclose (debugF);
- debugF = NULL;
- }
-#define AOP(op) op->aop
-static char *
-debugAopGet (char *str, operand * op)
- if(!pic16_ralloc_debug)return NULL;
- if (str)
- debugLog (str);
- printOperand (op, debugF);
- debugNewLine ();
- return NULL;
-static char *
-decodeOp (unsigned int op)
- if (op < 128 && op > ' ') {
- buffer[0] = (op & 0xff);
- buffer[1] = 0;
- return buffer;
- }
- switch (op) {
- case TYPE_NAME: return "TYPE_NAME";
- case CONSTANT: return "CONSTANT";
- case SIZEOF: return "SIZEOF";
- case PTR_OP: return "PTR_OP";
- case INC_OP: return "INC_OP";
- case DEC_OP: return "DEC_OP";
- case LEFT_OP: return "LEFT_OP";
- case RIGHT_OP: return "RIGHT_OP";
- case LE_OP: return "LE_OP";
- case GE_OP: return "GE_OP";
- case EQ_OP: return "EQ_OP";
- case NE_OP: return "NE_OP";
- case AND_OP: return "AND_OP";
- case OR_OP: return "OR_OP";
- case MUL_ASSIGN: return "MUL_ASSIGN";
- case DIV_ASSIGN: return "DIV_ASSIGN";
- case MOD_ASSIGN: return "MOD_ASSIGN";
- case ADD_ASSIGN: return "ADD_ASSIGN";
- case SUB_ASSIGN: return "SUB_ASSIGN";
- case LEFT_ASSIGN: return "LEFT_ASSIGN";
- case AND_ASSIGN: return "AND_ASSIGN";
- case XOR_ASSIGN: return "XOR_ASSIGN";
- case OR_ASSIGN: return "OR_ASSIGN";
- case TYPEDEF: return "TYPEDEF";
- case EXTERN: return "EXTERN";
- case STATIC: return "STATIC";
- case AUTO: return "AUTO";
- case REGISTER: return "REGISTER";
- case CODE: return "CODE";
- case EEPROM: return "EEPROM";
- case INTERRUPT: return "INTERRUPT";
- case SFR: return "SFR";
- case AT: return "AT";
- case SBIT: return "SBIT";
- case REENTRANT: return "REENTRANT";
- case USING: return "USING";
- case XDATA: return "XDATA";
- case DATA: return "DATA";
- case IDATA: return "IDATA";
- case PDATA: return "PDATA";
- case VAR_ARGS: return "VAR_ARGS";
- case CRITICAL: return "CRITICAL";
- case NONBANKED: return "NONBANKED";
- case BANKED: return "BANKED";
- case CHAR: return "CHAR";
- case SHORT: return "SHORT";
- case INT: return "INT";
- case LONG: return "LONG";
- case SIGNED: return "SIGNED";
- case UNSIGNED: return "UNSIGNED";
- case FLOAT: return "FLOAT";
- case DOUBLE: return "DOUBLE";
- case CONST: return "CONST";
- case VOLATILE: return "VOLATILE";
- case VOID: return "VOID";
- case BIT: return "BIT";
- case STRUCT: return "STRUCT";
- case UNION: return "UNION";
- case ENUM: return "ENUM";
- case ELIPSIS: return "ELIPSIS";
- case RANGE: return "RANGE";
- case FAR: return "FAR";
- case CASE: return "CASE";
- case DEFAULT: return "DEFAULT";
- case IF: return "IF";
- case ELSE: return "ELSE";
- case SWITCH: return "SWITCH";
- case WHILE: return "WHILE";
- case DO: return "DO";
- case FOR: return "FOR";
- case GOTO: return "GOTO";
- case CONTINUE: return "CONTINUE";
- case BREAK: return "BREAK";
- case RETURN: return "RETURN";
- case INLINEASM: return "INLINEASM";
- case IFX: return "IFX";
- case ADDRESS_OF: return "ADDRESS_OF";
- case SPIL: return "SPIL";
- case UNSPIL: return "UNSPIL";
- case GETHBIT: return "GETHBIT";
- case IPUSH: return "IPUSH";
- case IPOP: return "IPOP";
- case PCALL: return "PCALL";
- case JUMPTABLE: return "JUMPTABLE";
- case RRC: return "RRC";
- case RLC: return "RLC";
- case CAST: return "CAST";
- case CALL: return "CALL";
- case PARAM: return "PARAM ";
- case NULLOP: return "NULLOP";
- case BLOCK: return "BLOCK";
- case LABEL: return "LABEL";
- case RECEIVE: return "RECEIVE";
- case SEND: return "SEND";
- }
- sprintf (buffer, "unkown op %d %c", op, op & 0xff);
- return buffer;
-static char *
-debugLogRegType (short type)
- if(!pic16_ralloc_debug)return NULL;
- switch (type) {
- case REG_GPR: return "REG_GPR";
- case REG_PTR: return "REG_PTR";
- case REG_CND: return "REG_CND";
- }
- sprintf (buffer, "unknown reg type %d", type);
- return buffer;
-static int regname2key(char const *name)
- int key = 0;
- if(!name)
- return 0;
- while(*name) {
- key += (*name++) + 1;
- }
- return ( (key + (key >> 4) + (key>>8)) & 0x3f);
-/* newReg - allocate and init memory for a new register */
-regs* newReg(short type, short pc_type, int rIdx, char *name, int size, int alias, operand *refop)
- regs *dReg;
- dReg = Safe_calloc(1,sizeof(regs));
- dReg->type = type;
- dReg->pc_type = pc_type;
- dReg->rIdx = rIdx;
- if(name)
- dReg->name = Safe_strdup(name);
- else {
- sprintf(buffer,"r0x%02X", dReg->rIdx);
- if(type == REG_STK)
- *buffer = 's';
- dReg->name = Safe_strdup(buffer);
- }
- dReg->isFree = 0;
- dReg->wasUsed = 1;
-// dReg->isMapped = 0;
- dReg->isEmitted = 0;
- if(type == REG_SFR) {
- dReg->isFixed = 1;
- dReg->address = rIdx;
- dReg->accessBank = 1;
- } else {
- dReg->isFixed = 0;
- dReg->address = 0;
- dReg->accessBank = 0;
- }
-// fprintf(stderr,"newReg: %s, rIdx = 0x%02x\taccess= %d\n",dReg->name,rIdx, dReg->accessBank);
- dReg->size = size;
- dReg->alias = alias;
- dReg->reg_alias = NULL;
- dReg->reglives.usedpFlows = newSet();
- dReg->reglives.assignedpFlows = newSet();
- dReg->regop = refop;
- hTabAddItem(&dynDirectRegNames, regname2key(name), dReg);
- return dReg;
-/* regWithIdx - Search through a set of registers that matches idx */
-static regs *
-regWithIdx (set *dRegs, int idx, int fixed)
- regs *dReg;
- for (dReg = setFirstItem(dRegs) ; dReg ;
- dReg = setNextItem(dRegs)) {
- if(idx == dReg->rIdx && (fixed == dReg->isFixed)) {
- return dReg;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-/* regFindFree - Search for a free register in a set of registers */
-static regs *
-regFindFree (set *dRegs)
- regs *dReg;
- for (dReg = setFirstItem(dRegs) ; dReg ;
- dReg = setNextItem(dRegs)) {
-// fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d checking register %s (%p) [rIdx: 0x%02x] if free= %d\n",
-// __FILE__, __LINE__, dReg->name, dReg, dReg->rIdx, dReg->isFree);
- if(dReg->isFree) {
- return dReg;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-/* pic16_initStack - allocate registers for a pseudo stack */
-void pic16_initStack(int base_address, int size)
- int i;
- pic16_Gstack_base_addr = base_address;
- //fprintf(stderr,"initStack");
- for(i = 0; i<size; i++)
- addSet(&pic16_dynStackRegs,newReg(REG_STK, PO_GPR_TEMP,base_address++,NULL,1,0, NULL));
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
-regs *
-pic16_allocProcessorRegister(int rIdx, char * name, short po_type, int alias)
- regs *reg = newReg(REG_SFR, po_type, rIdx, name, 1, alias, NULL);
-// fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s addr =0x%x\n",__FUNCTION__, name,rIdx);
- reg->wasUsed = 0; // we do not know if they are going to be used at all
- reg->accessBank = 1; // implicit add access Bank
- return addSet(&pic16_dynProcessorRegs, reg);
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
-regs *
-pic16_allocInternalRegister(int rIdx, char * name, short po_type, int alias)
- regs * reg = newReg(REG_GPR, po_type, rIdx, name,1,alias, NULL);
-// fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s %s addr =0x%x\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, name, rIdx);
- if(reg) {
- reg->wasUsed = 0;
- return addSet(&pic16_dynInternalRegs,reg);
- }
- return NULL;
-/* allocReg - allocates register of given type */
-static regs *
-allocReg (short type)
- regs * reg=NULL;
-#if 0
- if(dynrIdx > pic16_nRegs)
- return NULL;
- if(USE_STACK) {
- /* try to reuse some unused registers */
- reg = regFindFree( pic16_dynAllocRegs );
- }
- if(!reg) {
- reg = newReg(REG_GPR, PO_GPR_TEMP, dynrIdx++, NULL, 1, 0, NULL);
- addSet(&pic16_dynAllocRegs, reg);
- }
- reg->isFree=0;
- debugLog ("%s of type %s\n", __FUNCTION__, debugLogRegType (type));
-// fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s\t%s addr= 0x%x\trIdx= 0x%02x isFree: %d\n",
-// __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, reg->name, reg->address, reg->rIdx, reg->isFree);
- if(reg) {
- reg->accessBank = 1; /* this is a temporary register alloc in accessBank */
- reg->isLocal = 1; /* this is a local frame register */
- }
- if (currFunc)
- currFunc->regsUsed = bitVectSetBit (currFunc->regsUsed, reg->rIdx);
- return (reg); // addSet(&pic16_dynAllocRegs,reg);
-/* pic16_dirregWithName - search for register by name */
-regs *
-pic16_dirregWithName (char *name)
- int hkey;
- regs *reg;
- if(!name)
- return NULL;
- /* hash the name to get a key */
- hkey = regname2key(name);
-// fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: name = %s\thash = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, name, hkey);
- reg = hTabFirstItemWK(dynDirectRegNames, hkey);
- while(reg) {
- if(STRCASECMP(reg->name, name) == 0) {
- return(reg);
- }
- reg = hTabNextItemWK (dynDirectRegNames);
- }
- return NULL; // name wasn't found in the hash table
-static int IS_CONFIG_ADDRESS(int address)
- return address >= 0x300000 && address <= 0x300000d;
-/* pic16_allocDirReg - allocates register of given type */
-regs *
-pic16_allocDirReg (operand *op )
- regs *reg;
- char *name;
- if(!IS_SYMOP(op)) {
- debugLog ("%s BAD, op is NULL\n", __FUNCTION__);
- return NULL;
- }
- name = OP_SYMBOL (op)->rname[0] ? OP_SYMBOL (op)->rname : OP_SYMBOL (op)->name;
- debugLog ("%s symbol name %s\n", __FUNCTION__,name);
-// fprintf(stderr, "%s symbol name %s\n", __FUNCTION__,name);
- {
- if(SPEC_CONST ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) && (IS_CHAR ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) )) {
- debugLog(" %d const char\n",__LINE__);
- debugLog(" value = %s \n",SPEC_CVAL( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)));
-// fprintf(stderr, " %d const char\n",__LINE__);
-// fprintf(stderr, " value = %s \n",SPEC_CVAL( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)));
- }
- debugLog(" %d storage class %d \n",__LINE__,SPEC_SCLS( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)));
- if (IS_CODE ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) )
- debugLog(" %d code space\n",__LINE__);
- debugLog(" %d integral\n",__LINE__);
- if (IS_LITERAL ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) )
- debugLog(" %d literal\n",__LINE__);
- if (IS_SPEC ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) )
- debugLog(" %d specifier\n",__LINE__);
- debugAopGet(NULL, op);
- }
- if (IS_CODE ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) )
- return NULL;
- /* First, search the hash table to see if there is a register with this name */
- if (SPEC_ABSA ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) && !(IS_BITVAR (OP_SYM_ETYPE(op))) ) {
- reg=NULL;
-// reg = regWithIdx (pic16_dynProcessorRegs, SPEC_ADDR ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)), 1);
-#if 0
- if(!reg)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: ralloc %s is at fixed address but not a processor reg, addr=0x%x\n",
- __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, name, SPEC_ADDR ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)));
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: ralloc %s at fixed address has already been declared, addr=0x%x\n",
- __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, name, SPEC_ADDR ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)));
- } else {
-// fprintf(stderr,"ralloc:%d %s \n", __LINE__,name);
- reg = pic16_dirregWithName(name);
- }
- if(!reg) {
- int address = 0;
- int regtype = REG_GPR;
- /* if this is at an absolute address, then get the address. */
- if (SPEC_ABSA ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) ) {
- address = SPEC_ADDR ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op));
-// fprintf(stderr,"reg %s is at an absolute address: 0x%03x\n",name,address);
- }
- /* Register wasn't found in hash, so let's create
- * a new one and put it in the hash table AND in the
- * dynDirectRegNames set */
- if(pic16_debug_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d symbol %s in codespace\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,
- OP_SYMBOL(op)->name);
- return NULL;
- }
- if(!IS_CONFIG_ADDRESS(address)) {
-// fprintf(stderr,"%s:allocating new reg %s\n",__FUNCTION__, name);
- if(SPEC_SCLS(OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)))regtype = REG_SFR;
- reg = newReg(regtype, PO_DIR, rDirectIdx++, name,getSize (OP_SYMBOL (op)->type),0, op);
- debugLog ("%d -- added %s to hash, size = %d\n", __LINE__, name,reg->size);
-// hTabAddItem(&dynDirectRegNames, regname2key(name), reg); /* commented out */
-// if (SPEC_ABSA ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) ) {
-// fprintf(stderr, " ralloc.c at fixed address: %s - changing to REG_SFR\n",name);
-// reg->type = REG_SFR;
-// }
- if (IS_BITVAR (OP_SYM_ETYPE(op))) {
- addSet(&pic16_dynDirectBitRegs, reg);
- reg->isBitField = 1;
- } else
- addSet(&pic16_dynDirectRegs, reg);
- } else {
- debugLog (" -- %s is declared at address 0x30000x\n",name);
- fprintf(stderr, " -- %s is declared at address 0x30000x\n",name);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- if (SPEC_ABSA ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op)) ) {
- reg->isFixed = 1;
- reg->address = SPEC_ADDR ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(op));
- debugLog (" -- and it is at a fixed address 0x%02x\n",reg->address);
- }
- return reg;
-/* pic16_allocRegByName - allocates register of given type */
-regs *
-pic16_allocRegByName (char *name, int size)
- regs *reg;
- if(!name) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s - allocating a NULL register\n",__FUNCTION__);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* First, search the hash table to see if there is a register with this name */
- reg = pic16_dirregWithName(name);
- if(!reg) {
- /* Register wasn't found in hash, so let's create
- * a new one and put it in the hash table AND in the
- * dynDirectRegNames set */
- //fprintf (stderr,"%s symbol name %s\n", __FUNCTION__,name);
- reg = newReg(REG_GPR, PO_DIR, rDirectIdx++, name,size,0, NULL);
- debugLog ("%d -- added %s to hash, size = %d\n", __LINE__, name,reg->size);
- //fprintf(stderr, " -- added %s to hash, size = %d\n", name,reg->size);
- //hTabAddItem(&dynDirectRegNames, regname2key(name), reg); /* initially commented out */
- addSet(&pic16_dynDirectRegs, reg);
- }
- return reg;
-/* RegWithIdx - returns pointer to register with index number */
-static regs *
-typeRegWithIdx (int idx, int type, int fixed)
- regs *dReg;
- debugLog ("%s - requesting index = 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__,idx);
- switch (type) {
- case REG_GPR:
- if( (dReg = regWithIdx ( pic16_dynAllocRegs, idx, fixed)) != NULL) {
- debugLog ("Found a Dynamic Register!\n");
- return dReg;
- }
- if( (dReg = regWithIdx ( pic16_dynDirectRegs, idx, fixed)) != NULL ) {
- debugLog ("Found a Direct Register!\n");
- return dReg;
- }
- break;
- case REG_STK:
- if( (dReg = regWithIdx ( pic16_dynStackRegs, idx, fixed)) != NULL ) {
- debugLog ("Found a Stack Register!\n");
- return dReg;
- }
- break;
- case REG_SFR:
- if( (dReg = regWithIdx ( pic16_dynProcessorRegs, idx, fixed)) != NULL ) {
- debugLog ("Found a Processor Register!\n");
- return dReg;
- }
- case REG_CND:
- case REG_PTR:
- default:
- break;
- }
- return NULL;
-/* pic16_regWithIdx - returns pointer to register with index number*/
-regs *
-pic16_regWithIdx (int idx)
- regs *dReg;
- if( (dReg = typeRegWithIdx(idx,REG_GPR,0)) != NULL)
- return dReg;
- if( (dReg = typeRegWithIdx(idx,REG_SFR,0)) != NULL)
- return dReg;
- if( (dReg = typeRegWithIdx(idx,REG_STK,0)) != NULL)
- return dReg;
- return NULL;
-/* pic16_regWithIdx - returns pointer to register with index number */
-regs *
-pic16_allocWithIdx (int idx)
- regs *dReg;
- debugLog ("%s - allocating with index = 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__,idx);
- if( (dReg = regWithIdx ( pic16_dynAllocRegs, idx,0)) != NULL) {
- debugLog ("Found a Dynamic Register!\n");
- } else if( (dReg = regWithIdx ( pic16_dynStackRegs, idx,0)) != NULL ) {
- debugLog ("Found a Stack Register!\n");
- } else if( (dReg = regWithIdx ( pic16_dynProcessorRegs, idx,0)) != NULL ) {
- debugLog ("Found a Processor Register!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Found a processor register! %s\n", dReg->name);
- } else if( (dReg = regWithIdx ( pic16_dynInternalRegs, idx,0)) != NULL ) {
- debugLog ("Found an Internal Register!\n");
- } else {
- debugLog ("Dynamic Register not found\n");
- //fprintf(stderr,"%s %d - requested register: 0x%x\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,idx);
- werror (E_INTERNAL_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__,
- "regWithIdx not found");
- exit (1);
- }
- dReg->wasUsed = 1;
- dReg->isFree = 0;
- return dReg;
-regs *
-pic16_findFreeReg(short type)
- // int i;
- regs* dReg;
- switch (type) {
- case REG_GPR:
- if((dReg = regFindFree(pic16_dynAllocRegs)) != NULL)
- return dReg;
- return allocReg( REG_GPR ); //addSet(&pic16_dynAllocRegs,newReg(REG_GPR, PO_GPR_TEMP,dynrIdx++,NULL,1,0, NULL));
- case REG_STK:
- if((dReg = regFindFree(pic16_dynStackRegs)) != NULL)
- return dReg;
- return NULL;
- case REG_PTR:
- case REG_CND:
- case REG_SFR:
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
-/* freeReg - frees a register */
-static void
-freeReg (regs * reg)
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
-// fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d register %s (%p) is freed\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, reg->name, reg);
- reg->isFree = 1;
-/* nFreeRegs - returns number of free registers */
-static int
-nFreeRegs (int type)
- regs *reg;
- int nfr=0;
- /* although I fixed the register allocation/freeing scheme
- * the for loop below doesn't give valid results. I do not
- * know why yet. -- VR 10-Jan-2003 */
- return 100;
- /* dynamically allocate as many as we need and worry about
- * fitting them into a PIC later */
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- for(reg = setFirstItem(pic16_dynAllocRegs); reg; reg=setNextItem(pic16_dynAllocRegs))
- if((reg->type == type) && reg->isFree)nfr++;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d # of free registers= %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, nfr);
- return nfr;
-/* nfreeRegsType - free registers with type */
-static int
-nfreeRegsType (int type)
- int nfr;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- if (type == REG_PTR)
- {
- if ((nfr = nFreeRegs (type)) == 0)
- return nFreeRegs (REG_GPR);
- }
- return nFreeRegs (type);
-#if 0
-static void writeSetUsedRegs(FILE *of, set *dRegs)
- regs *dReg;
- for (dReg = setFirstItem(dRegs) ; dReg ;
- dReg = setNextItem(dRegs)) {
- if(dReg->wasUsed)
- fprintf (of, "\t%s\n",dReg->name);
- }
-extern void pic16_groupRegistersInSection(set *regset);
-extern void pic16_dump_equates(FILE *of, set *equs);
-//extern void pic16_dump_map(void);
-extern void pic16_dump_section(FILE *of, set *section, int fix);
-static void packBits(set *bregs)
- set *regset;
- regs *breg;
- regs *bitfield=NULL;
- regs *relocbitfield=NULL;
- int bit_no=0;
- int byte_no=-1;
- char buffer[20];
- for (regset = bregs ; regset ;
- regset = regset->next) {
+ As registers are created, they're added to a set (based on the
+ register type). Here are the sets of registers that are supported
+ in the PIC port:
+extern set *pic16_dynAllocRegs;
+extern set *pic16_dynStackRegs;
+extern set *pic16_dynProcessorRegs;
+extern set *pic16_dynDirectRegs;
+extern set *pic16_dynDirectBitRegs;
+extern set *pic16_dynInternalRegs;
+extern set *pic16_builtin_functions;
+extern set *pic16_rel_udata;
+extern set *pic16_fix_udata;
+extern set *pic16_equ_data;
+regs *pic16_regWithIdx (int);
+regs *pic16_dirregWithName (char *name );
+void pic16_freeAllRegs ();
+void pic16_deallocateAllRegs ();
+regs *pic16_findFreeReg(short type);
+regs *pic16_allocWithIdx (int idx);
+regs *pic16_allocDirReg (operand *op );
+regs *pic16_allocRegByName (char *name, int size );
+/* Define register address that are constant across PIC16 family */
+#define IDX_TMR0 0xfd6
+#define IDX_PCL 0xff9
+#define IDX_STATUS 0xfd8
+#define IDX_PORTA 0xf80
+#define IDX_PORTB 0xf81
+#define IDX_PCLATH 0xffa
+#define IDX_INTCON 0xff2
+#define IDX_WREG 0xfe8
+#define IDX_FSR0 0xfe9
+#define IDX_FSR0L 0xfe9
+#define IDX_FSR0H 0xfea
+#define IDX_FSR1L 0xfe1
+#define IDX_FSR1H 0xfe2
+#define IDX_FSR2L 0xfd9
+#define IDX_FSR2H 0xfda
+#define IDX_INDF0 0xfef
+#define IDX_POSTINC0 0xfee
+#define IDX_POSTDEC0 0xfed
+#define IDX_PREINC0 0xfec
+#define IDX_PLUSW0 0xfeb
+#define IDX_INDF1 0xfe7
+#define IDX_POSTINC1 0xfe6
+#define IDX_POSTDEC1 0xfe5
+#define IDX_PREINC1 0xfe4
+#define IDX_PLUSW1 0xfe3
+#define IDX_INDF2 0xfdf
+#define IDX_POSTINC2 0xfde
+#define IDX_POSTDEC2 0xfdd
+#define IDX_PREINC2 0xfdc
+#define IDX_PLUSW2 0xfdb
+#define IDX_KZ 0x7fff /* Known zero - actually just a general purpose reg. */
+#define IDX_WSAVE 0x7ffe
+#define IDX_SSAVE 0x7ffd
- breg = regset->item;
- breg->isBitField = 1;
- //fprintf(stderr,"bit reg: %s\n",breg->name);
- if(breg->isFixed) {
- //fprintf(stderr,"packing bit at fixed address = 0x%03x\n",breg->address);
- bitfield = typeRegWithIdx (breg->address >> 3, -1 , 1);
- breg->rIdx = breg->address & 7;
- breg->address >>= 3;
- if(!bitfield) {
- sprintf (buffer, "fbitfield%02x", breg->address);
- //fprintf(stderr,"new bit field\n");
- bitfield = newReg(REG_SFR, PO_GPR_BIT,breg->address,buffer,1,0, NULL);
- bitfield->isBitField = 1;
- bitfield->isFixed = 1;
- bitfield->address = breg->address;
- addSet(&pic16_dynDirectRegs,bitfield);
- //hTabAddItem(&dynDirectRegNames, regname2key(buffer), bitfield);
- } else {
- //fprintf(stderr," which is occupied by %s (addr = %d)\n",bitfield->name,bitfield->address);
- ;
- }
- breg->reg_alias = bitfield;
- bitfield = NULL;
- } else {
- if(!relocbitfield || bit_no >7) {
- byte_no++;
- bit_no=0;
- sprintf (buffer, "bitfield%d", byte_no);
- //fprintf(stderr,"new relocatable bit field\n");
- relocbitfield = newReg(REG_GPR, PO_GPR_BIT,rDirectIdx++,buffer,1,0, NULL);
- relocbitfield->isBitField = 1;
- addSet(&pic16_dynDirectRegs,relocbitfield);
- //hTabAddItem(&dynDirectRegNames, regname2key(buffer), relocbitfield);
- }
- breg->reg_alias = relocbitfield;
- breg->address = rDirectIdx; /* byte_no; */
- breg->rIdx = bit_no++;
- }
- }
-#if 0
-static void bitEQUs(FILE *of, set *bregs)
- regs *breg,*bytereg;
- int bit_no=0;
- //fprintf(stderr," %s\n",__FUNCTION__);
- for (breg = setFirstItem(bregs) ; breg ;
- breg = setNextItem(bregs)) {
- //fprintf(stderr,"bit reg: %s\n",breg->name);
- bytereg = breg->reg_alias;
- if(bytereg)
- fprintf (of, "%s\tEQU\t( (%s<<3)+%d)\n",
- breg->name,
- bytereg->name,
- breg->rIdx & 0x0007);
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "bit field is not assigned to a register\n");
- fprintf (of, "%s\tEQU\t( (bitfield%d<<3)+%d)\n",
- breg->name,
- bit_no>>3,
- bit_no & 0x0007);
- bit_no++;
- }
- }
-static void aliasEQUs(FILE *of, set *fregs, int use_rIdx)
- regs *reg;
- for (reg = setFirstItem(fregs) ; reg ;
- reg = setNextItem(fregs)) {
- if(!reg->isEmitted && reg->wasUsed) {
- if(use_rIdx) {
- if (reg->type != REG_SFR) {
- fprintf (of, "%s\tEQU\t0x%03x\n",
- reg->name,
- reg->rIdx);
- }
- }
- else
- fprintf (of, "%s\tEQU\t0x%03x\n",
- reg->name,
- reg->address);
- }
- }
-void pic16_writeUsedRegs(FILE *of)
- packBits(pic16_dynDirectBitRegs);
- pic16_groupRegistersInSection(pic16_dynAllocRegs);
- pic16_groupRegistersInSection(pic16_dynInternalRegs);
- pic16_groupRegistersInSection(pic16_dynStackRegs);
- pic16_groupRegistersInSection(pic16_dynDirectRegs);
- pic16_groupRegistersInSection(pic16_dynDirectBitRegs);
- pic16_groupRegistersInSection(pic16_dynProcessorRegs);
-#if 0
- pic16_assignFixedRegisters(pic16_dynAllocRegs);
- pic16_assignFixedRegisters(pic16_dynStackRegs);
- pic16_assignFixedRegisters(pic16_dynDirectRegs);
- pic16_assignFixedRegisters(pic16_dynProcessorRegs);
- pic16_assignRelocatableRegisters(pic16_dynDirectBitRegs, 0);
- pic16_assignRelocatableRegisters(pic16_dynInternalRegs,0);
- pic16_assignRelocatableRegisters(pic16_dynAllocRegs,0);
- pic16_assignRelocatableRegisters(pic16_dynStackRegs,0);
- pic16_assignRelocatableRegisters(pic16_dynDirectRegs,0);
-// pic16_dump_map();
-// pic16_dump_cblock(of);
- pic16_dump_equates(of, pic16_equ_data);
- pic16_dump_section(of, pic16_rel_udata, 0);
- pic16_dump_section(of, pic16_fix_udata, 1);
-#if 0
- bitEQUs(of,pic16_dynDirectBitRegs);
- aliasEQUs(of,pic16_dynAllocRegs,0);
- aliasEQUs(of,pic16_dynDirectRegs,0);
- aliasEQUs(of,pic16_dynStackRegs,0);
- aliasEQUs(of,pic16_dynProcessorRegs,1);
-#if 0
-/* allDefsOutOfRange - all definitions are out of a range */
-static bool
-allDefsOutOfRange (bitVect * defs, int fseq, int toseq)
- int i;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- if (!defs)
- return TRUE;
- for (i = 0; i < defs->size; i++)
- {
- iCode *ic;
- if (bitVectBitValue (defs, i) &&
- (ic = hTabItemWithKey (iCodehTab, i)) &&
- (ic->seq >= fseq && ic->seq <= toseq))
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-/* computeSpillable - given a point find the spillable live ranges */
-static bitVect *
-computeSpillable (iCode * ic)
- bitVect *spillable;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* spillable live ranges are those that are live at this
- point . the following categories need to be subtracted
- from this set.
- a) - those that are already spilt
- b) - if being used by this one
- c) - defined by this one */
- spillable = bitVectCopy (ic->rlive);
- spillable =
- bitVectCplAnd (spillable, _G.spiltSet); /* those already spilt */
- spillable =
- bitVectCplAnd (spillable, ic->uses); /* used in this one */
- bitVectUnSetBit (spillable, ic->defKey);
- spillable = bitVectIntersect (spillable, _G.regAssigned);
- return spillable;
-/* noSpilLoc - return true if a variable has no spil location */
-static int
-noSpilLoc (symbol * sym, eBBlock * ebp, iCode * ic)
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- return (sym->usl.spillLoc ? 0 : 1);
-/* hasSpilLoc - will return 1 if the symbol has spil location */
-static int
-hasSpilLoc (symbol * sym, eBBlock * ebp, iCode * ic)
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- return (sym->usl.spillLoc ? 1 : 0);
-/* directSpilLoc - will return 1 if the splilocation is in direct */
-static int
-directSpilLoc (symbol * sym, eBBlock * ebp, iCode * ic)
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- if (sym->usl.spillLoc &&
- (IN_DIRSPACE (SPEC_OCLS (sym->usl.spillLoc->etype))))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-/* hasSpilLocnoUptr - will return 1 if the symbol has spil location */
-/* but is not used as a pointer */
-static int
-hasSpilLocnoUptr (symbol * sym, eBBlock * ebp, iCode * ic)
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- return ((sym->usl.spillLoc && !sym->uptr) ? 1 : 0);
-/* rematable - will return 1 if the remat flag is set */
-static int
-rematable (symbol * sym, eBBlock * ebp, iCode * ic)
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- return sym->remat;
-/* notUsedInRemaining - not used or defined in remain of the block */
-static int
-notUsedInRemaining (symbol * sym, eBBlock * ebp, iCode * ic)
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- return ((usedInRemaining (operandFromSymbol (sym), ic) ? 0 : 1) &&
- allDefsOutOfRange (sym->defs, ebp->fSeq, ebp->lSeq));
-/* allLRs - return true for all */
-static int
-allLRs (symbol * sym, eBBlock * ebp, iCode * ic)
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- return 1;
-/* liveRangesWith - applies function to a given set of live range */
-static set *
-liveRangesWith (bitVect * lrs, int (func) (symbol *, eBBlock *, iCode *),
- eBBlock * ebp, iCode * ic)
- set *rset = NULL;
- int i;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- if (!lrs || !lrs->size)
- return NULL;
- for (i = 1; i < lrs->size; i++)
- {
- symbol *sym;
- if (!bitVectBitValue (lrs, i))
- continue;
- /* if we don't find it in the live range
- hash table we are in serious trouble */
- if (!(sym = hTabItemWithKey (liveRanges, i)))
- {
- werror (E_INTERNAL_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__,
- "liveRangesWith could not find liveRange");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (func (sym, ebp, ic) && bitVectBitValue (_G.regAssigned, sym->key))
- addSetHead (&rset, sym);
- }
- return rset;
-/* leastUsedLR - given a set determines which is the least used */
-static symbol *
-leastUsedLR (set * sset)
- symbol *sym = NULL, *lsym = NULL;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- sym = lsym = setFirstItem (sset);
- if (!lsym)
- return NULL;
- for (; lsym; lsym = setNextItem (sset))
- {
- /* if usage is the same then prefer
- the spill the smaller of the two */
- if (lsym->used == sym->used)
- if (getSize (lsym->type) < getSize (sym->type))
- sym = lsym;
- /* if less usage */
- if (lsym->used < sym->used)
- sym = lsym;
- }
- setToNull ((void *) &sset);
- sym->blockSpil = 0;
- return sym;
-/* noOverLap - will iterate through the list looking for over lap */
-static int
-noOverLap (set * itmpStack, symbol * fsym)
- symbol *sym;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- for (sym = setFirstItem (itmpStack); sym;
- sym = setNextItem (itmpStack))
- {
- if (sym->liveTo > fsym->liveFrom)
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-/* isFree - will return 1 if the a free spil location is found */
- symbol *sym = item;
- V_ARG (symbol **, sloc);
- V_ARG (symbol *, fsym);
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* if already found */
- if (*sloc)
- return 0;
- /* if it is free && and the itmp assigned to
- this does not have any overlapping live ranges
- with the one currently being assigned and
- the size can be accomodated */
- if (sym->isFree &&
- noOverLap (sym->usl.itmpStack, fsym) &&
- getSize (sym->type) >= getSize (fsym->type))
- {
- *sloc = sym;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* spillLRWithPtrReg :- will spil those live ranges which use PTR */
-static void
-spillLRWithPtrReg (symbol * forSym)
- symbol *lrsym;
- regs *r0, *r1;
- int k;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- if (!_G.regAssigned ||
- bitVectIsZero (_G.regAssigned))
- return;
- r0 = pic16_regWithIdx (R0_IDX);
- r1 = pic16_regWithIdx (R1_IDX);
- /* for all live ranges */
- for (lrsym = hTabFirstItem (liveRanges, &k); lrsym;
- lrsym = hTabNextItem (liveRanges, &k))
- {
- int j;
- /* if no registers assigned to it or
- spilt */
- /* if it does not overlap with this then
- not need to spill it */
- if (lrsym->isspilt || !lrsym->nRegs ||
- (lrsym->liveTo < forSym->liveFrom))
- continue;
- /* go thru the registers : if it is either
- r0 or r1 then spil it */
- for (j = 0; j < lrsym->nRegs; j++)
- if (lrsym->regs[j] == r0 ||
- lrsym->regs[j] == r1)
- {
- spillThis (lrsym);
- break;
- }
- }
-/* createStackSpil - create a location on the stack to spil */
-static symbol *
-createStackSpil (symbol * sym)
- symbol *sloc = NULL;
- int useXstack, model, noOverlay;
- char slocBuffer[30];
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* first go try and find a free one that is already
- existing on the stack */
- if (applyToSet (_G.stackSpil, isFree, &sloc, sym))
- {
- /* found a free one : just update & return */
- sym->usl.spillLoc = sloc;
- sym->stackSpil = 1;
- sloc->isFree = 0;
- addSetHead (&sloc->usl.itmpStack, sym);
- return sym;
- }
- /* could not then have to create one , this is the hard part
- we need to allocate this on the stack : this is really a
- hack!! but cannot think of anything better at this time */
- if (sprintf (slocBuffer, "sloc%d", _G.slocNum++) >= sizeof (slocBuffer))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "kkkInternal error: slocBuffer overflowed: %s:%d\n",
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- exit (1);
- }
- sloc = newiTemp (slocBuffer);
- /* set the type to the spilling symbol */
- sloc->type = copyLinkChain (sym->type);
- sloc->etype = getSpec (sloc->type);
- SPEC_SCLS (sloc->etype) = S_DATA;
- SPEC_EXTR (sloc->etype) = 0;
- SPEC_STAT (sloc->etype) = 0;
- /* we don't allow it to be allocated`
- onto the external stack since : so we
- temporarily turn it off ; we also
- turn off memory model to prevent
- the spil from going to the external storage
- and turn off overlaying
- */
- useXstack = options.useXstack;
- model = options.model;
- noOverlay = options.noOverlay;
- options.noOverlay = 1;
- options.model = options.useXstack = 0;
- allocLocal (sloc);
- options.useXstack = useXstack;
- options.model = model;
- options.noOverlay = noOverlay;
- sloc->isref = 1; /* to prevent compiler warning */
- /* if it is on the stack then update the stack */
- if (IN_STACK (sloc->etype))
- {
- currFunc->stack += getSize (sloc->type);
- _G.stackExtend += getSize (sloc->type);
- }
- else
- _G.dataExtend += getSize (sloc->type);
- /* add it to the _G.stackSpil set */
- addSetHead (&_G.stackSpil, sloc);
- sym->usl.spillLoc = sloc;
- sym->stackSpil = 1;
- /* add it to the set of itempStack set
- of the spill location */
- addSetHead (&sloc->usl.itmpStack, sym);
- return sym;
-/* isSpiltOnStack - returns true if the spil location is on stack */
-static bool
-isSpiltOnStack (symbol * sym)
- sym_link *etype;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- if (!sym)
- return FALSE;
- if (!sym->isspilt)
- return FALSE;
-/* if (sym->_G.stackSpil) */
-/* return TRUE; */
- if (!sym->usl.spillLoc)
- return FALSE;
- etype = getSpec (sym->usl.spillLoc->type);
- if (IN_STACK (etype))
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
-/* spillThis - spils a specific operand */
-static void
-spillThis (symbol * sym)
- int i;
- debugLog ("%s : %s\n", __FUNCTION__, sym->rname);
- /* if this is rematerializable or has a spillLocation
- we are okay, else we need to create a spillLocation
- for it */
- if (!(sym->remat || sym->usl.spillLoc))
- createStackSpil (sym);
- /* mark it has spilt & put it in the spilt set */
- sym->isspilt = 1;
- _G.spiltSet = bitVectSetBit (_G.spiltSet, sym->key);
- bitVectUnSetBit (_G.regAssigned, sym->key);
- for (i = 0; i < sym->nRegs; i++)
- if (sym->regs[i])
- {
- freeReg (sym->regs[i]);
- sym->regs[i] = NULL;
- }
- /* if spilt on stack then free up r0 & r1
- if they could have been assigned to some
- LIVE ranges */
- if (!pic16_ptrRegReq && isSpiltOnStack (sym))
- {
- pic16_ptrRegReq++;
- spillLRWithPtrReg (sym);
- }
- if (sym->usl.spillLoc && !sym->remat)
- sym->usl.spillLoc->allocreq = 1;
- return;
-/* selectSpil - select a iTemp to spil : rather a simple procedure */
-static symbol *
-selectSpil (iCode * ic, eBBlock * ebp, symbol * forSym)
- bitVect *lrcs = NULL;
- set *selectS;
- symbol *sym;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* get the spillable live ranges */
- lrcs = computeSpillable (ic);
- /* get all live ranges that are rematerizable */
- if ((selectS = liveRangesWith (lrcs, rematable, ebp, ic)))
- {
- /* return the least used of these */
- return leastUsedLR (selectS);
- }
- /* get live ranges with spillLocations in direct space */
- if ((selectS = liveRangesWith (lrcs, directSpilLoc, ebp, ic)))
- {
- sym = leastUsedLR (selectS);
- strcpy (sym->rname, (sym->usl.spillLoc->rname[0] ?
- sym->usl.spillLoc->rname :
- sym->usl.spillLoc->name));
- sym->spildir = 1;
- /* mark it as allocation required */
- sym->usl.spillLoc->allocreq = 1;
- return sym;
- }
- /* if the symbol is local to the block then */
- if (forSym->liveTo < ebp->lSeq)
- {
- /* check if there are any live ranges allocated
- to registers that are not used in this block */
- if (!_G.blockSpil && (selectS = liveRangesWith (lrcs, notUsedInBlock, ebp, ic)))
- {
- sym = leastUsedLR (selectS);
- /* if this is not rematerializable */
- if (!sym->remat)
- {
- _G.blockSpil++;
- sym->blockSpil = 1;
- }
- return sym;
- }
- /* check if there are any live ranges that not
- used in the remainder of the block */
- if (!_G.blockSpil && (selectS = liveRangesWith (lrcs, notUsedInRemaining, ebp, ic)))
- {
- sym = leastUsedLR (selectS);
- if (!sym->remat)
- {
- sym->remainSpil = 1;
- _G.blockSpil++;
- }
- return sym;
- }
- }
- /* find live ranges with spillocation && not used as pointers */
- if ((selectS = liveRangesWith (lrcs, hasSpilLocnoUptr, ebp, ic)))
- {
- sym = leastUsedLR (selectS);
- /* mark this as allocation required */
- sym->usl.spillLoc->allocreq = 1;
- return sym;
- }
- /* find live ranges with spillocation */
- if ((selectS = liveRangesWith (lrcs, hasSpilLoc, ebp, ic)))
- {
- sym = leastUsedLR (selectS);
- sym->usl.spillLoc->allocreq = 1;
- return sym;
- }
- /* couldn't find then we need to create a spil
- location on the stack , for which one? the least
- used ofcourse */
- if ((selectS = liveRangesWith (lrcs, noSpilLoc, ebp, ic)))
- {
- /* return a created spil location */
- sym = createStackSpil (leastUsedLR (selectS));
- sym->usl.spillLoc->allocreq = 1;
- return sym;
- }
- /* this is an extreme situation we will spill
- this one : happens very rarely but it does happen */
- spillThis (forSym);
- return forSym;
-/* spilSomething - spil some variable & mark registers as free */
-static bool
-spilSomething (iCode * ic, eBBlock * ebp, symbol * forSym)
- symbol *ssym;
- int i;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* get something we can spil */
- ssym = selectSpil (ic, ebp, forSym);
- /* mark it as spilt */
- ssym->isspilt = 1;
- _G.spiltSet = bitVectSetBit (_G.spiltSet, ssym->key);
- /* mark it as not register assigned &
- take it away from the set */
- bitVectUnSetBit (_G.regAssigned, ssym->key);
- /* mark the registers as free */
- for (i = 0; i < ssym->nRegs; i++)
- if (ssym->regs[i])
- freeReg (ssym->regs[i]);
- /* if spilt on stack then free up r0 & r1
- if they could have been assigned to as gprs */
- if (!pic16_ptrRegReq && isSpiltOnStack (ssym))
- {
- pic16_ptrRegReq++;
- spillLRWithPtrReg (ssym);
- }
- /* if this was a block level spil then insert push & pop
- at the start & end of block respectively */
- if (ssym->blockSpil)
- {
- iCode *nic = newiCode (IPUSH, operandFromSymbol (ssym), NULL);
- /* add push to the start of the block */
- addiCodeToeBBlock (ebp, nic, (ebp->sch->op == LABEL ?
- ebp->sch->next : ebp->sch));
- nic = newiCode (IPOP, operandFromSymbol (ssym), NULL);
- /* add pop to the end of the block */
- addiCodeToeBBlock (ebp, nic, NULL);
- }
- /* if spilt because not used in the remainder of the
- block then add a push before this instruction and
- a pop at the end of the block */
- if (ssym->remainSpil)
- {
- iCode *nic = newiCode (IPUSH, operandFromSymbol (ssym), NULL);
- /* add push just before this instruction */
- addiCodeToeBBlock (ebp, nic, ic);
- nic = newiCode (IPOP, operandFromSymbol (ssym), NULL);
- /* add pop to the end of the block */
- addiCodeToeBBlock (ebp, nic, NULL);
- }
- if (ssym == forSym)
- return FALSE;
- else
- return TRUE;
-/* getRegPtr - will try for PTR if not a GPR type if not spil */
-static regs *
-getRegPtr (iCode * ic, eBBlock * ebp, symbol * sym)
- regs *reg;
- int j;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* try for a ptr type */
- if ((reg = allocReg (REG_PTR)))
- return reg;
- /* try for gpr type */
- if ((reg = allocReg (REG_GPR)))
- return reg;
- /* we have to spil */
- if (!spilSomething (ic, ebp, sym))
- return NULL;
- /* make sure partially assigned registers aren't reused */
- for (j=0; j<=sym->nRegs; j++)
- if (sym->regs[j])
- sym->regs[j]->isFree = 0;
- /* this looks like an infinite loop but
- in really selectSpil will abort */
- goto tryAgain;
-/* getRegGpr - will try for GPR if not spil */
-static regs *
-getRegGpr (iCode * ic, eBBlock * ebp, symbol * sym)
- regs *reg;
- int j;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* try for gpr type */
- if ((reg = allocReg (REG_GPR)))
- return reg;
- if (!pic16_ptrRegReq)
- if ((reg = allocReg (REG_PTR)))
- return reg;
- /* we have to spil */
- if (!spilSomething (ic, ebp, sym))
- return NULL;
- /* make sure partially assigned registers aren't reused */
- for (j=0; j<=sym->nRegs; j++)
- if (sym->regs[j])
- sym->regs[j]->isFree = 0;
- /* this looks like an infinite loop but
- in really selectSpil will abort */
- goto tryAgain;
-/* symHasReg - symbol has a given register */
-static bool
-symHasReg (symbol * sym, regs * reg)
- int i;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- for (i = 0; i < sym->nRegs; i++)
- if (sym->regs[i] == reg)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
-/* deassignLRs - check the live to and if they have registers & are */
-/* not spilt then free up the registers */
-static void
-deassignLRs (iCode * ic, eBBlock * ebp)
- symbol *sym;
- int k;
- symbol *result;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- for (sym = hTabFirstItem (liveRanges, &k); sym;
- sym = hTabNextItem (liveRanges, &k))
- {
- symbol *psym = NULL;
- /* if it does not end here */
- if (sym->liveTo > ic->seq)
- continue;
- /* if it was spilt on stack then we can
- mark the stack spil location as free */
- if (sym->isspilt)
- {
- if (sym->stackSpil)
- {
- sym->usl.spillLoc->isFree = 1;
- sym->stackSpil = 0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!bitVectBitValue (_G.regAssigned, sym->key))
- continue;
- /* special case check if this is an IFX &
- the privious one was a pop and the
- previous one was not spilt then keep track
- of the symbol */
- if (ic->op == IFX && ic->prev &&
- ic->prev->op == IPOP &&
- !ic->prev->parmPush &&
- !OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic->prev))->isspilt)
- psym = OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic->prev));
- if (sym->nRegs)
- {
- int i = 0;
- bitVectUnSetBit (_G.regAssigned, sym->key);
- /* if the result of this one needs registers
- and does not have it then assign it right
- away */
- if (IC_RESULT (ic) &&
- !(SKIP_IC2 (ic) || /* not a special icode */
- ic->op == JUMPTABLE ||
- ic->op == IFX ||
- ic->op == IPUSH ||
- ic->op == IPOP ||
- ic->op == RETURN ||
- POINTER_SET (ic)) &&
- (result = OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))) && /* has a result */
- result->liveTo > ic->seq && /* and will live beyond this */
- result->liveTo <= ebp->lSeq && /* does not go beyond this block */
- result->regType == sym->regType && /* same register types */
- result->nRegs && /* which needs registers */
- !result->isspilt && /* and does not already have them */
- !result->remat &&
- !bitVectBitValue (_G.regAssigned, result->key) &&
- /* the number of free regs + number of regs in this LR
- can accomodate the what result Needs */
- ((nfreeRegsType (result->regType) +
- sym->nRegs) >= result->nRegs)
- )
- {
- for (i = 0; i < max (sym->nRegs, result->nRegs); i++)
- if (i < sym->nRegs)
- result->regs[i] = sym->regs[i];
- else
- result->regs[i] = getRegGpr (ic, ebp, result);
- _G.regAssigned = bitVectSetBit (_G.regAssigned, result->key);
- }
- /* free the remaining */
- for (; i < sym->nRegs; i++)
- {
- if (psym)
- {
- if (!symHasReg (psym, sym->regs[i]))
- freeReg (sym->regs[i]);
- }
- else
- freeReg (sym->regs[i]);
- }
- }
- }
-/* reassignLR - reassign this to registers */
-static void
-reassignLR (operand * op)
- symbol *sym = OP_SYMBOL (op);
- int i;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* not spilt any more */
- sym->isspilt = sym->blockSpil = sym->remainSpil = 0;
- bitVectUnSetBit (_G.spiltSet, sym->key);
- _G.regAssigned = bitVectSetBit (_G.regAssigned, sym->key);
- _G.blockSpil--;
- for (i = 0; i < sym->nRegs; i++)
- sym->regs[i]->isFree = 0;
-/* willCauseSpill - determines if allocating will cause a spill */
-static int
-willCauseSpill (int nr, int rt)
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* first check if there are any avlb registers
- of te type required */
- if (rt == REG_PTR)
- {
- /* special case for pointer type
- if pointer type not avlb then
- check for type gpr */
- if (nFreeRegs (rt) >= nr)
- return 0;
- if (nFreeRegs (REG_GPR) >= nr)
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (pic16_ptrRegReq)
- {
- if (nFreeRegs (rt) >= nr)
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (nFreeRegs (REG_PTR) +
- nFreeRegs (REG_GPR) >= nr)
- return 0;
- }
- }
- debugLog (" ... yep it will (cause a spill)\n");
- /* it will cause a spil */
- return 1;
-/* positionRegs - the allocator can allocate same registers to res- */
-/* ult and operand, if this happens make sure they are in the same */
-/* position as the operand otherwise chaos results */
-static void
-positionRegs (symbol * result, symbol * opsym, int lineno)
- int count = min (result->nRegs, opsym->nRegs);
- int i, j = 0, shared = 0;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* if the result has been spilt then cannot share */
- if (opsym->isspilt)
- return;
- shared = 0;
- /* first make sure that they actually share */
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
- {
- if (result->regs[i] == opsym->regs[j] && i != j)
- {
- shared = 1;
- goto xchgPositions;
- }
- }
- }
- if (shared)
- {
- regs *tmp = result->regs[i];
- result->regs[i] = result->regs[j];
- result->regs[j] = tmp;
- goto again;
- }
-/* verifyRegsAssigned - make sure an iTemp is properly initialized; */
-/* it should either have registers or have beed spilled. Otherwise, */
-/* there was an uninitialized variable, so just spill this to get */
-/* the operand in a valid state. */
-static void
-verifyRegsAssigned (operand *op, iCode * ic)
- symbol * sym;
- if (!op) return;
- if (!IS_ITEMP (op)) return;
- sym = OP_SYMBOL (op);
- if (sym->isspilt) return;
- if (!sym->nRegs) return;
- if (sym->regs[0]) return;
- werrorfl (ic->filename, ic->lineno, W_LOCAL_NOINIT,
- sym->prereqv ? sym->prereqv->name : sym->name);
- spillThis (sym);
-/* serialRegAssign - serially allocate registers to the variables */
-static void
-serialRegAssign (eBBlock ** ebbs, int count)
- int i;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* for all blocks */
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- iCode *ic;
- if (ebbs[i]->noPath &&
- (ebbs[i]->entryLabel != entryLabel &&
- ebbs[i]->entryLabel != returnLabel))
- continue;
- /* of all instructions do */
- for (ic = ebbs[i]->sch; ic; ic = ic->next)
- {
- debugLog (" op: %s\n", decodeOp (ic->op));
- /* if this is an ipop that means some live
- range will have to be assigned again */
- if (ic->op == IPOP)
- reassignLR (IC_LEFT (ic));
- /* if result is present && is a true symbol */
- if (IC_RESULT (ic) && ic->op != IFX &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->allocreq = 1;
- /* take away registers from live
- ranges that end at this instruction */
- deassignLRs (ic, ebbs[i]);
- /* some don't need registers */
- if (SKIP_IC2 (ic) ||
- ic->op == JUMPTABLE ||
- ic->op == IFX ||
- ic->op == IPUSH ||
- ic->op == IPOP ||
- (IC_RESULT (ic) && POINTER_SET (ic)))
- continue;
- /* now we need to allocate registers
- only for the result */
- if (IC_RESULT (ic))
- {
- symbol *sym = OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic));
- bitVect *spillable;
- int willCS;
- int j;
- int ptrRegSet = 0;
- /* if it does not need or is spilt
- or is already assigned to registers
- or will not live beyond this instructions */
- if (!sym->nRegs ||
- sym->isspilt ||
- bitVectBitValue (_G.regAssigned, sym->key) ||
- sym->liveTo <= ic->seq)
- continue;
- /* if some liverange has been spilt at the block level
- and this one live beyond this block then spil this
- to be safe */
- if (_G.blockSpil && sym->liveTo > ebbs[i]->lSeq)
- {
- spillThis (sym);
- continue;
- }
- /* if trying to allocate this will cause
- a spill and there is nothing to spill
- or this one is rematerializable then
- spill this one */
- willCS = willCauseSpill (sym->nRegs, sym->regType);
- spillable = computeSpillable (ic);
- if (sym->remat ||
- (willCS && bitVectIsZero (spillable)))
- {
- spillThis (sym);
- continue;
- }
- /* if it has a spillocation & is used less than
- all other live ranges then spill this */
- if (willCS) {
- if (sym->usl.spillLoc) {
- symbol *leastUsed = leastUsedLR (liveRangesWith (spillable,
- allLRs, ebbs[i], ic));
- if (leastUsed && leastUsed->used > sym->used) {
- spillThis (sym);
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- /* if none of the liveRanges have a spillLocation then better
- to spill this one than anything else already assigned to registers */
- if (liveRangesWith(spillable,noSpilLoc,ebbs[i],ic)) {
- /* if this is local to this block then we might find a block spil */
- if (!(sym->liveFrom >= ebbs[i]->fSeq && sym->liveTo <= ebbs[i]->lSeq)) {
- spillThis (sym);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (ic->op == RECEIVE)
- debugLog ("When I get clever, I'll optimize the receive logic\n");
- /* if we need ptr regs for the right side
- then mark it */
- if (POINTER_GET (ic) && getSize (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->type)
- <= (unsigned) PTRSIZE)
- {
- pic16_ptrRegReq++;
- ptrRegSet = 1;
- }
- /* else we assign registers to it */
- _G.regAssigned = bitVectSetBit (_G.regAssigned, sym->key);
- debugLog (" %d - \n", __LINE__);
- if(debugF)
- bitVectDebugOn(_G.regAssigned, debugF);
- for (j = 0; j < sym->nRegs; j++)
- {
- if (sym->regType == REG_PTR)
- sym->regs[j] = getRegPtr (ic, ebbs[i], sym);
- else
- sym->regs[j] = getRegGpr (ic, ebbs[i], sym);
- /* if the allocation falied which means
- this was spilt then break */
- if (!sym->regs[j])
- break;
- }
- debugLog (" %d - \n", __LINE__);
- /* if it shares registers with operands make sure
- that they are in the same position */
- if (IC_LEFT (ic) && IS_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (ic)) &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->nRegs && ic->op != '=')
- positionRegs (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic)),
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic)), ic->lineno);
- /* do the same for the right operand */
- if (IC_RIGHT (ic) && IS_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (ic)) &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->nRegs && ic->op != '=')
- positionRegs (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic)),
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic)), ic->lineno);
- debugLog (" %d - \n", __LINE__);
- if (ptrRegSet)
- {
- debugLog (" %d - \n", __LINE__);
- pic16_ptrRegReq--;
- ptrRegSet = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Check for and fix any problems with uninitialized operands */
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- iCode *ic;
- if (ebbs[i]->noPath &&
- (ebbs[i]->entryLabel != entryLabel &&
- ebbs[i]->entryLabel != returnLabel))
- continue;
- for (ic = ebbs[i]->sch; ic; ic = ic->next)
- {
- if (SKIP_IC2 (ic))
- continue;
- if (ic->op == IFX)
- {
- verifyRegsAssigned (IC_COND (ic), ic);
- continue;
- }
- if (ic->op == JUMPTABLE)
- {
- verifyRegsAssigned (IC_JTCOND (ic), ic);
- continue;
- }
- verifyRegsAssigned (IC_RESULT (ic), ic);
- verifyRegsAssigned (IC_LEFT (ic), ic);
- verifyRegsAssigned (IC_RIGHT (ic), ic);
- }
- }
-/* rUmaskForOp :- returns register mask for an operand */
-static bitVect *
-rUmaskForOp (operand * op)
- bitVect *rumask;
- symbol *sym;
- int j;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* only temporaries are assigned registers */
- if (!IS_ITEMP (op))
- return NULL;
- sym = OP_SYMBOL (op);
- /* if spilt or no registers assigned to it
- then nothing */
- if (sym->isspilt || !sym->nRegs)
- return NULL;
- rumask = newBitVect (pic16_nRegs);
- for (j = 0; j < sym->nRegs; j++)
- {
- rumask = bitVectSetBit (rumask,
- sym->regs[j]->rIdx);
- }
- return rumask;
-/* regsUsedIniCode :- returns bit vector of registers used in iCode */
-static bitVect *
-regsUsedIniCode (iCode * ic)
- bitVect *rmask = newBitVect (pic16_nRegs);
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* do the special cases first */
- if (ic->op == IFX)
- {
- rmask = bitVectUnion (rmask,
- rUmaskForOp (IC_COND (ic)));
- goto ret;
- }
- /* for the jumptable */
- if (ic->op == JUMPTABLE)
- {
- rmask = bitVectUnion (rmask,
- rUmaskForOp (IC_JTCOND (ic)));
- goto ret;
- }
- /* of all other cases */
- if (IC_LEFT (ic))
- rmask = bitVectUnion (rmask,
- rUmaskForOp (IC_LEFT (ic)));
- if (IC_RIGHT (ic))
- rmask = bitVectUnion (rmask,
- rUmaskForOp (IC_RIGHT (ic)));
- if (IC_RESULT (ic))
- rmask = bitVectUnion (rmask,
- rUmaskForOp (IC_RESULT (ic)));
- return rmask;
-/* createRegMask - for each instruction will determine the regsUsed */
-static void
-createRegMask (eBBlock ** ebbs, int count)
- int i;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* for all blocks */
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- iCode *ic;
- if (ebbs[i]->noPath &&
- (ebbs[i]->entryLabel != entryLabel &&
- ebbs[i]->entryLabel != returnLabel))
- continue;
- /* for all instructions */
- for (ic = ebbs[i]->sch; ic; ic = ic->next)
- {
- int j;
- if (SKIP_IC2 (ic) || !ic->rlive)
- continue;
- /* first mark the registers used in this
- instruction */
- ic->rUsed = regsUsedIniCode (ic);
- _G.funcrUsed = bitVectUnion (_G.funcrUsed, ic->rUsed);
- /* now create the register mask for those
- registers that are in use : this is a
- super set of ic->rUsed */
- ic->rMask = newBitVect (pic16_nRegs + 1);
- /* for all live Ranges alive at this point */
- for (j = 1; j < ic->rlive->size; j++)
- {
- symbol *sym;
- int k;
- /* if not alive then continue */
- if (!bitVectBitValue (ic->rlive, j))
- continue;
- /* find the live range we are interested in */
- if (!(sym = hTabItemWithKey (liveRanges, j)))
- {
- werror (E_INTERNAL_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__,
- "createRegMask cannot find live range");
- exit (0);
- }
- /* if no register assigned to it */
- if (!sym->nRegs || sym->isspilt)
- continue;
- /* for all the registers allocated to it */
- for (k = 0; k < sym->nRegs; k++)
- if (sym->regs[k])
- ic->rMask =
- bitVectSetBit (ic->rMask, sym->regs[k]->rIdx);
- }
- }
- }
-/* rematStr - returns the rematerialized string for a remat var */
-static symbol *
-rematStr (symbol * sym)
- char *s = buffer;
- iCode *ic = sym->rematiCode;
- symbol *psym = NULL;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- //printf ("%s\n", s);
- /* if plus or minus print the right hand side */
- if (ic->op == '+' || ic->op == '-') {
- iCode *ric = OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->rematiCode;
- sprintf (s, "(%s %c 0x%04x)",
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ric))->rname,
- ic->op,
- (int) operandLitValue (IC_RIGHT (ic)));
- //fprintf(stderr, "ralloc.c:%d OOPS %s\n",__LINE__,s);
- psym = newSymbol (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ric))->rname, 1);
- psym->offset = (int) operandLitValue (IC_RIGHT (ic));
- return psym;
- }
- sprintf (s, "%s", OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->rname);
- psym = newSymbol (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->rname, 1);
- //printf ("ralloc.c:%d %s\n", __LINE__,buffer);
- return psym;
-#if 0
-/* rematStr - returns the rematerialized string for a remat var */
-static char *
-rematStr (symbol * sym)
- char *s = buffer;
- iCode *ic = sym->rematiCode;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- while (1)
- {
- printf ("%s\n", s);
- /* if plus or minus print the right hand side */
- if (ic->op == '+' || ic->op == '-') {
- sprintf(s,"0x%04x %c ",(int) operandLitValue(IC_RIGHT(ic)),
- ic->op );
- s += strlen(s);
- ic = OP_SYMBOL(IC_LEFT(ic))->rematiCode;
- continue ;
- }
- */
- if (ic->op == '+' || ic->op == '-')
- {
- iCode *ric = OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->rematiCode;
- sprintf (s, "(%s %c 0x%04x)",
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ric))->rname,
- ic->op,
- (int) operandLitValue (IC_RIGHT (ic)));
- //s += strlen(s);
- //ic = OP_SYMBOL(IC_LEFT(ic))->rematiCode;
- //continue ;
- //fprintf(stderr, "ralloc.c:%d OOPS %s\n",__LINE__,s);
- return buffer;
- }
- /* we reached the end */
- sprintf (s, "%s", OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->rname);
- break;
- }
- printf ("%s\n", buffer);
- return buffer;
-/* regTypeNum - computes the type & number of registers required */
-static void
-regTypeNum ()
- symbol *sym;
- int k;
- iCode *ic;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* for each live range do */
- for (sym = hTabFirstItem (liveRanges, &k); sym;
- sym = hTabNextItem (liveRanges, &k)) {
- debugLog (" %d - %s\n", __LINE__, sym->rname);
- //fprintf(stderr," %d - %s\n", __LINE__, sym->rname);
- /* if used zero times then no registers needed */
- if ((sym->liveTo - sym->liveFrom) == 0)
- continue;
- /* if the live range is a temporary */
- if (sym->isitmp) {
- debugLog (" %d - itemp register\n", __LINE__);
- /* if the type is marked as a conditional */
- if (sym->regType == REG_CND)
- continue;
- /* if used in return only then we don't
- need registers */
- if (sym->ruonly || sym->accuse) {
- if (IS_AGGREGATE (sym->type) || sym->isptr)
- sym->type = aggrToPtr (sym->type, FALSE);
- debugLog (" %d - no reg needed - used as a return\n", __LINE__);
- continue;
- }
- /* if the symbol has only one definition &
- that definition is a get_pointer and the
- pointer we are getting is rematerializable and
- in "data" space */
- if (bitVectnBitsOn (sym->defs) == 1 &&
- (ic = hTabItemWithKey (iCodehTab,
- bitVectFirstBit (sym->defs))) &&
- POINTER_GET (ic) &&
- !sym->noSpilLoc &&
- !IS_BITVAR (sym->etype)) {
- debugLog (" %d - \n", __LINE__);
- /* if remat in data space */
- if (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->remat &&
- DCL_TYPE (aggrToPtr (sym->type, FALSE)) == POINTER) {
- /* create a psuedo symbol & force a spil */
- //X symbol *psym = newSymbol (rematStr (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))), 1);
- symbol *psym = rematStr (OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic)));
- psym->type = sym->type;
- psym->etype = sym->etype;
- strcpy (psym->rname, psym->name);
- sym->isspilt = 1;
- sym->usl.spillLoc = psym;
- continue;
- }
- /* if in data space or idata space then try to
- allocate pointer register */
- }
- /* if not then we require registers */
- sym->nRegs = ((IS_AGGREGATE (sym->type) || sym->isptr) ?
- getSize (sym->type = aggrToPtr (sym->type, FALSE)) :
- getSize (sym->type));
-#if 0
- if(IS_PTR_CONST (sym->type)) {
- if(IS_CODEPTR (sym->type)) {
- debugLog (" %d const pointer type requires %d registers, changing to 2\n",__LINE__,sym->nRegs);
- sym->nRegs = 2;
- }
- if (sym->nRegs > 4) {
- fprintf (stderr, "allocated more than 4 or 0 registers for type ");
- printTypeChain (sym->type, stderr);
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- /* determine the type of register required */
- if (sym->nRegs == 1 &&
- IS_PTR (sym->type) &&
- sym->uptr)
- sym->regType = REG_PTR;
- else
- sym->regType = REG_GPR;
- debugLog (" reg name %s, reg type %s\n", sym->rname, debugLogRegType (sym->regType));
- }
- else
- /* for the first run we don't provide */
- /* registers for true symbols we will */
- /* see how things go */
- sym->nRegs = 0;
- }
-static DEFSETFUNC (markRegFree)
- ((regs *)item)->isFree = 1;
- return 0;
-DEFSETFUNC (pic16_deallocReg)
- fprintf(stderr,"deallocting register %s\n",((regs *)item)->name);
- ((regs *)item)->isFree = 1;
- ((regs *)item)->wasUsed = 0;
- return 0;
-/* freeAllRegs - mark all registers as free */
-pic16_freeAllRegs ()
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- applyToSet(pic16_dynAllocRegs,markRegFree);
- applyToSet(pic16_dynStackRegs,markRegFree);
-pic16_deallocateAllRegs ()
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- applyToSet(pic16_dynAllocRegs,pic16_deallocReg);
-/* deallocStackSpil - this will set the stack pointer back */
-DEFSETFUNC (deallocStackSpil)
- symbol *sym = item;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- deallocLocal (sym);
- return 0;
-/* farSpacePackable - returns the packable icode for far variables */
-static iCode *
-farSpacePackable (iCode * ic)
- iCode *dic;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* go thru till we find a definition for the
- symbol on the right */
- for (dic = ic->prev; dic; dic = dic->prev)
- {
- /* if the definition is a call then no */
- if ((dic->op == CALL || dic->op == PCALL) &&
- IC_RESULT (dic)->key == IC_RIGHT (ic)->key)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* if shift by unknown amount then not */
- if ((dic->op == LEFT_OP || dic->op == RIGHT_OP) &&
- IC_RESULT (dic)->key == IC_RIGHT (ic)->key)
- return NULL;
- /* if pointer get and size > 1 */
- if (POINTER_GET (dic) &&
- getSize (aggrToPtr (operandType (IC_LEFT (dic)), FALSE)) > 1)
- return NULL;
- if (POINTER_SET (dic) &&
- getSize (aggrToPtr (operandType (IC_RESULT (dic)), FALSE)) > 1)
- return NULL;
- /* if any three is a true symbol in far space */
- if (IC_RESULT (dic) &&
- isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RESULT (dic)))
- return NULL;
- if (IC_RIGHT (dic) &&
- isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RIGHT (dic)) &&
- !isOperandEqual (IC_RIGHT (dic), IC_RESULT (ic)))
- return NULL;
- if (IC_LEFT (dic) &&
- IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (dic)) &&
- isOperandInFarSpace (IC_LEFT (dic)) &&
- !isOperandEqual (IC_LEFT (dic), IC_RESULT (ic)))
- return NULL;
- if (isOperandEqual (IC_RIGHT (ic), IC_RESULT (dic)))
- {
- if ((dic->op == LEFT_OP ||
- dic->op == RIGHT_OP ||
- dic->op == '-') &&
- return NULL;
- else
- return dic;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-/* packRegsForAssign - register reduction for assignment */
-static int
-packRegsForAssign (iCode * ic, eBBlock * ebp)
- iCode *dic, *sic;
- debugLog ("%d\t%s\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
- debugLog ("ic->op = %s\n", decodeOp( ic->op ) );
- debugAopGet (" result:", IC_RESULT (ic));
- debugAopGet (" left:", IC_LEFT (ic));
- debugAopGet (" right:", IC_RIGHT (ic));
- /* if this is at an absolute address, then get the address. */
- debugLog (" %d - found config word declaration\n", __LINE__);
- if(IS_VALOP(IC_RIGHT(ic))) {
- debugLog (" setting config word to %x\n",
- (int) floatFromVal (IC_RIGHT(ic)->operand.valOperand));
- fprintf(stderr, " setting config word to %x\n",
- (int) floatFromVal (IC_RIGHT(ic)->operand.valOperand));
- pic16_assignConfigWordValue( SPEC_ADDR ( OP_SYM_ETYPE(IC_RESULT(ic))),
- (int) floatFromVal (IC_RIGHT(ic)->operand.valOperand));
- }
- debugLog(" %d\n", __LINE__);
- /* remove the assignment from the iCode chain. */
- remiCodeFromeBBlock (ebp, ic);
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(ic))->defs,ic->key);
- hTabDeleteItem (&iCodehTab, ic->key, ic, DELETE_ITEM, NULL);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- debugLog(" %d - actuall processing\n", __LINE__ );
- if (!IS_ITEMP (IC_RESULT (ic))) {
- pic16_allocDirReg(IC_RESULT (ic));
- debugLog (" %d - result is not temp\n", __LINE__);
- }
-#if 0
- if (IC_LEFT (ic) && !IS_ITEMP (IC_LEFT (ic))) {
- debugLog (" %d - left is not temp, allocating\n", __LINE__);
- pic16_allocDirReg(IC_LEFT (ic));
- }
-/* See BUGLOG0001 - VR */
-#if 1
- if (!IS_ITEMP (IC_RIGHT (ic))) {
- debugLog (" %d - not packing - right is not temp\n", __LINE__);
- pic16_allocDirReg(IC_RIGHT (ic));
- return 0;
- }
- if (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->isind ||
- OP_LIVETO (IC_RIGHT (ic)) > ic->seq)
- {
- debugLog (" %d - not packing - right side fails \n", __LINE__);
- return 0;
- }
- /* if the true symbol is defined in far space or on stack
- then we should not since this will increase register pressure */
- if (isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RESULT (ic)))
- {
- if ((dic = farSpacePackable (ic)))
- goto pack;
- else
- return 0;
- }
-#if 0
- if(ic->op == CALL || ic->op == PCALL) {
- addSet(&pic16_builtin_functions, OP_SYMBOL( IC_LEFT(ic)));
- debugLog ("%d This is a call, function: %s\n", __LINE__, OP_SYMBOL(IC_LEFT(ic))->name);
- return 0;
- }
- /* find the definition of iTempNN scanning backwards if we find a
- a use of the true symbol before we find the definition then
- we cannot pack */
- for (dic = ic->prev; dic; dic = dic->prev)
- {
- /* if there is a function call and this is
- a parameter & not my parameter then don't pack it */
- if ((dic->op == CALL || dic->op == PCALL) &&
- (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->_isparm &&
- !OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->ismyparm))
- {
- debugLog (" %d - \n", __LINE__);
- dic = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (SKIP_IC2 (dic))
- continue;
- debugLog("%d\tSearching for iTempNN\n", __LINE__);
-#if 0
- if(IS_TRUE_SYMOP( IC_RESULT(dic))) {
- debugLog("%d - dic result is a TRUE_SYMOP\n", __LINE__);
- debugAopGet(" result is ", IC_RESULT(dic));
- }
- if(IS_TRUE_SYMOP( IC_LEFT(dic))) {
- debugLog("%d - dic left is a SYMOP\n", __LINE__);
- debugAopGet(" left is ", IC_LEFT(dic));
- }
- if(IS_TRUE_SYMOP( IC_RIGHT(dic))) {
- debugLog("%d - dic right is a SYMOP\n", __LINE__);
- debugAopGet(" right is ", IC_RIGHT(dic));
- }
- if (IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_RESULT (dic)) &&
- {
- debugLog (" %d - dic is VOLATILE \n", __LINE__);
- dic = NULL;
- break;
- }
-#if 0
- if (IS_TRUE_SYMOP( IC_RIGHT (dic)) &&
- {
- debugLog (" %d - dic right is VOLATILE\n", __LINE__);
- dic = NULL;
- break;
- }
-#if 0
- if (IS_TRUE_SYMOP( IC_LEFT (dic)) &&
- {
- debugLog (" %d - dic left is VOLATILE\n", __LINE__);
- dic = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (IS_SYMOP (IC_RESULT (dic)) &&
- IC_RESULT (dic)->key == IC_RIGHT (ic)->key)
- {
- /* A previous result was assigned to the same register - we'll our definition */
- debugLog (" %d - dic result key == ic right key -- pointer set=%c\n",
- __LINE__, ((POINTER_SET (dic)) ? 'Y' : 'N'));
- if (POINTER_SET (dic))
- dic = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (IS_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (dic)) &&
- (IC_RIGHT (dic)->key == IC_RESULT (ic)->key ||
- IC_RIGHT (dic)->key == IC_RIGHT (ic)->key))
- {
- debugLog (" %d - dic right key == ic rightor result key\n", __LINE__);
- dic = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (IS_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (dic)) &&
- (IC_LEFT (dic)->key == IC_RESULT (ic)->key ||
- IC_LEFT (dic)->key == IC_RIGHT (ic)->key))
- {
- debugLog (" %d - dic left key == ic rightor result key\n", __LINE__);
- dic = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (POINTER_SET (dic) &&
- IC_RESULT (dic)->key == IC_RESULT (ic)->key)
- {
- debugLog (" %d - dic result key == ic result key -- pointer set=Y\n",
- __LINE__);
- dic = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!dic)
- return 0; /* did not find */
- /* if the result is on stack or iaccess then it must be
- the same atleast one of the operands */
- if (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->onStack ||
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->iaccess)
- {
- /* the operation has only one symbol
- operator then we can pack */
- if ((IC_LEFT (dic) && !IS_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (dic))) ||
- (IC_RIGHT (dic) && !IS_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (dic))))
- goto pack;
- if (!((IC_LEFT (dic) &&
- IC_RESULT (ic)->key == IC_LEFT (dic)->key) ||
- (IC_RIGHT (dic) &&
- IC_RESULT (ic)->key == IC_RIGHT (dic)->key)))
- return 0;
- }
- debugLog (" packing. removing %s\n", OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->rname);
- debugLog (" replacing with %s\n", OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (dic))->rname);
- /* found the definition */
- /* replace the result with the result of */
- /* this assignment and remove this assignment */
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(dic))->defs,dic->key);
- IC_RESULT (dic) = IC_RESULT (ic);
- if (IS_ITEMP (IC_RESULT (dic)) && OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (dic))->liveFrom > dic->seq)
- {
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (dic))->liveFrom = dic->seq;
- }
- /* delete from liverange table also
- delete from all the points inbetween and the new
- one */
- for (sic = dic; sic != ic; sic = sic->next)
- {
- bitVectUnSetBit (sic->rlive, IC_RESULT (ic)->key);
- if (IS_ITEMP (IC_RESULT (dic)))
- bitVectSetBit (sic->rlive, IC_RESULT (dic)->key);
- }
- remiCodeFromeBBlock (ebp, ic);
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(ic))->defs,ic->key);
- debugLog(" %d\n", __LINE__ );
- hTabDeleteItem (&iCodehTab, ic->key, ic, DELETE_ITEM, NULL);
- OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (dic)) = bitVectSetBit (OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (dic)), dic->key);
- return 1;
-/* findAssignToSym : scanning backwards looks for first assig found */
-static iCode *
-findAssignToSym (operand * op, iCode * ic)
- iCode *dic;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- for (dic = ic->prev; dic; dic = dic->prev)
- {
- /* if definition by assignment */
- if (dic->op == '=' &&
- !POINTER_SET (dic) &&
- IC_RESULT (dic)->key == op->key
-/* && IS_TRUE_SYMOP(IC_RIGHT(dic)) */
- )
- {
- /* we are interested only if defined in far space */
- /* or in stack space in case of + & - */
- /* if assigned to a non-symbol then return
- true */
- if (!IS_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (dic)))
- break;
- /* if the symbol is in far space then
- we should not */
- if (isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RIGHT (dic)))
- return NULL;
- /* for + & - operations make sure that
- if it is on the stack it is the same
- as one of the three operands */
- if ((ic->op == '+' || ic->op == '-') &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (dic))->onStack)
- {
- if (IC_RESULT (ic)->key != IC_RIGHT (dic)->key &&
- IC_LEFT (ic)->key != IC_RIGHT (dic)->key &&
- IC_RIGHT (ic)->key != IC_RIGHT (dic)->key)
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* if we find an usage then we cannot delete it */
- if (IC_LEFT (dic) && IC_LEFT (dic)->key == op->key)
- return NULL;
- if (IC_RIGHT (dic) && IC_RIGHT (dic)->key == op->key)
- return NULL;
- if (POINTER_SET (dic) && IC_RESULT (dic)->key == op->key)
- return NULL;
- }
- /* now make sure that the right side of dic
- is not defined between ic & dic */
- if (dic)
- {
- iCode *sic = dic->next;
- for (; sic != ic; sic = sic->next)
- if (IC_RESULT (sic) &&
- IC_RESULT (sic)->key == IC_RIGHT (dic)->key)
- return NULL;
- }
- return dic;
-/* packRegsForSupport :- reduce some registers for support calls */
-static int
-packRegsForSupport (iCode * ic, eBBlock * ebp)
- int change = 0;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* for the left & right operand :- look to see if the
- left was assigned a true symbol in far space in that
- case replace them */
- if (IS_ITEMP (IC_LEFT (ic)) &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->liveTo <= ic->seq)
- {
- iCode *dic = findAssignToSym (IC_LEFT (ic), ic);
- iCode *sic;
- if (!dic)
- goto right;
- debugAopGet ("removing left:", IC_LEFT (ic));
- /* found it we need to remove it from the
- block */
- for (sic = dic; sic != ic; sic = sic->next)
- bitVectUnSetBit (sic->rlive, IC_LEFT (ic)->key);
- IC_LEFT (ic)->operand.symOperand =
- IC_RIGHT (dic)->operand.symOperand;
- IC_LEFT (ic)->key = IC_RIGHT (dic)->operand.symOperand->key;
- remiCodeFromeBBlock (ebp, dic);
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(dic))->defs,dic->key);
- hTabDeleteItem (&iCodehTab, dic->key, dic, DELETE_ITEM, NULL);
- change++;
- }
- /* do the same for the right operand */
- if (!change &&
- IS_ITEMP (IC_RIGHT (ic)) &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->liveTo <= ic->seq)
- {
- iCode *dic = findAssignToSym (IC_RIGHT (ic), ic);
- iCode *sic;
- if (!dic)
- return change;
- /* if this is a subtraction & the result
- is a true symbol in far space then don't pack */
- if (ic->op == '-' && IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_RESULT (dic)))
- {
- sym_link *etype = getSpec (operandType (IC_RESULT (dic)));
- if (IN_FARSPACE (SPEC_OCLS (etype)))
- return change;
- }
- debugAopGet ("removing right:", IC_RIGHT (ic));
- /* found it we need to remove it from the
- block */
- for (sic = dic; sic != ic; sic = sic->next)
- bitVectUnSetBit (sic->rlive, IC_RIGHT (ic)->key);
- IC_RIGHT (ic)->operand.symOperand =
- IC_RIGHT (dic)->operand.symOperand;
- IC_RIGHT (ic)->key = IC_RIGHT (dic)->operand.symOperand->key;
- remiCodeFromeBBlock (ebp, dic);
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(dic))->defs,dic->key);
- hTabDeleteItem (&iCodehTab, dic->key, dic, DELETE_ITEM, NULL);
- change++;
- }
- return change;
-#define IS_OP_RUONLY(x) (x && IS_SYMOP(x) && OP_SYMBOL(x)->ruonly)
-/* packRegsForOneuse : - will reduce some registers for single Use */
-static iCode *
-packRegsForOneuse (iCode * ic, operand * op, eBBlock * ebp)
- bitVect *uses;
- iCode *dic, *sic;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* if returning a literal then do nothing */
- if (!IS_SYMOP (op))
- return NULL;
- /* only upto 2 bytes since we cannot predict
- the usage of b, & acc */
- if (getSize (operandType (op)) > (pic16_fReturnSizePic - 2) &&
- ic->op != RETURN &&
- ic->op != SEND)
- return NULL;
- /* this routine will mark the a symbol as used in one
- instruction use only && if the definition is local
- (ie. within the basic block) && has only one definition &&
- that definition is either a return value from a
- function or does not contain any variables in
- far space */
- uses = bitVectCopy (OP_USES (op));
- bitVectUnSetBit (uses, ic->key); /* take away this iCode */
- if (!bitVectIsZero (uses)) /* has other uses */
- return NULL;
- /* if it has only one defintion */
- if (bitVectnBitsOn (OP_DEFS (op)) > 1)
- return NULL; /* has more than one definition */
- /* get that definition */
- if (!(dic =
- hTabItemWithKey (iCodehTab,
- bitVectFirstBit (OP_DEFS (op)))))
- return NULL;
- /* found the definition now check if it is local */
- if (dic->seq < ebp->fSeq ||
- dic->seq > ebp->lSeq)
- return NULL; /* non-local */
- /* now check if it is the return from
- a function call */
- if (dic->op == CALL || dic->op == PCALL)
- {
- if (ic->op != SEND && ic->op != RETURN &&
- {
- OP_SYMBOL (op)->ruonly = 1;
- return dic;
- }
- dic = dic->next;
- }
- /* otherwise check that the definition does
- not contain any symbols in far space */
- if (isOperandInFarSpace (IC_LEFT (dic)) ||
- isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RIGHT (dic)) ||
- IS_OP_RUONLY (IC_LEFT (ic)) ||
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* if pointer set then make sure the pointer
- is one byte */
- if (POINTER_SET (dic) &&
- !IS_DATA_PTR (aggrToPtr (operandType (IC_RESULT (dic)), FALSE)))
- return NULL;
- if (POINTER_GET (dic) &&
- !IS_DATA_PTR (aggrToPtr (operandType (IC_LEFT (dic)), FALSE)))
- return NULL;
- sic = dic;
- /* also make sure the intervenening instructions
- don't have any thing in far space */
- for (dic = dic->next; dic && dic != ic; dic = dic->next)
- {
- /* if there is an intervening function call then no */
- if (dic->op == CALL || dic->op == PCALL)
- return NULL;
- /* if pointer set then make sure the pointer
- is one byte */
- if (POINTER_SET (dic) &&
- !IS_DATA_PTR (aggrToPtr (operandType (IC_RESULT (dic)), FALSE)))
- return NULL;
- if (POINTER_GET (dic) &&
- !IS_DATA_PTR (aggrToPtr (operandType (IC_LEFT (dic)), FALSE)))
- return NULL;
- /* if address of & the result is remat then okay */
- if (dic->op == ADDRESS_OF &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (dic))->remat)
- continue;
- /* if operand has size of three or more & this
- operation is a '*','/' or '%' then 'b' may
- cause a problem */
- if ((dic->op == '%' || dic->op == '/' || dic->op == '*') &&
- getSize (operandType (op)) >= 3)
- return NULL;
- /* if left or right or result is in far space */
- if (isOperandInFarSpace (IC_LEFT (dic)) ||
- isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RIGHT (dic)) ||
- isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RESULT (dic)) ||
- IS_OP_RUONLY (IC_LEFT (dic)) ||
- IS_OP_RUONLY (IC_RIGHT (dic)) ||
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- OP_SYMBOL (op)->ruonly = 1;
- return sic;
-/* isBitwiseOptimizable - requirements of JEAN LOUIS VERN */
-static bool
-isBitwiseOptimizable (iCode * ic)
- sym_link *ltype = getSpec (operandType (IC_LEFT (ic)));
- sym_link *rtype = getSpec (operandType (IC_RIGHT (ic)));
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* bitwise operations are considered optimizable
- under the following conditions (Jean-Louis VERN)
- x & lit
- bit & bit
- bit & x
- bit ^ bit
- bit ^ x
- x ^ lit
- x | lit
- bit | bit
- bit | x
- */
- if (IS_LITERAL (rtype) ||
- (IS_BITVAR (ltype) && IN_BITSPACE (SPEC_OCLS (ltype))))
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
-/* packRegsForAccUse - pack registers for acc use */
-static void
-packRegsForAccUse (iCode * ic)
- iCode *uic;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- /* if this is an aggregate, e.g. a one byte char array */
- if (IS_AGGREGATE(operandType(IC_RESULT(ic)))) {
- return;
- }
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- /* if + or - then it has to be one byte result */
- if ((ic->op == '+' || ic->op == '-')
- && getSize (operandType (IC_RESULT (ic))) > 1)
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- /* if shift operation make sure right side is not a literal */
- if (ic->op == RIGHT_OP &&
- (isOperandLiteral (IC_RIGHT (ic)) ||
- getSize (operandType (IC_RESULT (ic))) > 1))
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- if (ic->op == LEFT_OP &&
- (isOperandLiteral (IC_RIGHT (ic)) ||
- getSize (operandType (IC_RESULT (ic))) > 1))
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- if (IS_BITWISE_OP (ic) &&
- getSize (operandType (IC_RESULT (ic))) > 1)
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- /* has only one definition */
- if (bitVectnBitsOn (OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (ic))) > 1)
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- /* has only one use */
- if (bitVectnBitsOn (OP_USES (IC_RESULT (ic))) > 1)
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- /* and the usage immediately follows this iCode */
- if (!(uic = hTabItemWithKey (iCodehTab,
- bitVectFirstBit (OP_USES (IC_RESULT (ic))))))
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- if (ic->next != uic)
- return;
- /* if it is a conditional branch then we definitely can */
- if (uic->op == IFX)
- goto accuse;
- if (uic->op == JUMPTABLE)
- return;
- /* if the usage is not is an assignment
- or an arithmetic / bitwise / shift operation then not */
- if (POINTER_SET (uic) &&
- getSize (aggrToPtr (operandType (IC_RESULT (uic)), FALSE)) > 1)
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- if (uic->op != '=' &&
- !IS_ARITHMETIC_OP (uic) &&
- !IS_BITWISE_OP (uic) &&
- uic->op != LEFT_OP &&
- uic->op != RIGHT_OP)
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- /* if used in ^ operation then make sure right is not a
- literl */
- if (uic->op == '^' && isOperandLiteral (IC_RIGHT (uic)))
- return;
- /* if shift operation make sure right side is not a literal */
- if (uic->op == RIGHT_OP &&
- (isOperandLiteral (IC_RIGHT (uic)) ||
- getSize (operandType (IC_RESULT (uic))) > 1))
- return;
- if (uic->op == LEFT_OP &&
- (isOperandLiteral (IC_RIGHT (uic)) ||
- getSize (operandType (IC_RESULT (uic))) > 1))
- return;
- /* make sure that the result of this icode is not on the
- stack, since acc is used to compute stack offset */
- if (IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_RESULT (uic)) &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (uic))->onStack)
- return;
- /* if either one of them in far space then we cannot */
- if ((IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (uic)) &&
- isOperandInFarSpace (IC_LEFT (uic))) ||
- (IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (uic)) &&
- isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RIGHT (uic))))
- return;
- /* if the usage has only one operand then we can */
- if (IC_LEFT (uic) == NULL ||
- IC_RIGHT (uic) == NULL)
- goto accuse;
- /* make sure this is on the left side if not
- a '+' since '+' is commutative */
- if (ic->op != '+' &&
- IC_LEFT (uic)->key != IC_RESULT (ic)->key)
- return;
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- /* if one of them is a literal then we can */
- if ( ((IC_LEFT (uic) && IS_OP_LITERAL (IC_LEFT (uic))) ||
- (IC_RIGHT (uic) && IS_OP_LITERAL (IC_RIGHT (uic)))) &&
- (getSize (operandType (IC_RESULT (uic))) <= 1))
- {
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->accuse = 1;
- return;
- }
- debugLog (" %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- /* if the other one is not on stack then we can */
- if (IC_LEFT (uic)->key == IC_RESULT (ic)->key &&
- (IS_ITEMP (IC_RIGHT (uic)) ||
- (IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (uic)) &&
- !OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (uic))->onStack)))
- goto accuse;
- if (IC_RIGHT (uic)->key == IC_RESULT (ic)->key &&
- (IS_ITEMP (IC_LEFT (uic)) ||
- (IS_TRUE_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (uic)) &&
- !OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (uic))->onStack)))
- goto accuse;
- return;
- debugLog ("%s - Yes we are using the accumulator\n", __FUNCTION__);
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->accuse = 1;
-/* packForPush - hueristics to reduce iCode for pushing */
-static void
-packForReceive (iCode * ic, eBBlock * ebp)
- iCode *dic;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- debugAopGet (" result:", IC_RESULT (ic));
- debugAopGet (" left:", IC_LEFT (ic));
- debugAopGet (" right:", IC_RIGHT (ic));
- if (!ic->next)
- return;
- for (dic = ic->next; dic; dic = dic->next)
- {
- if (IC_LEFT (dic) && (IC_RESULT (ic)->key == IC_LEFT (dic)->key))
- debugLog (" used on left\n");
- if (IC_RIGHT (dic) && IC_RESULT (ic)->key == IC_RIGHT (dic)->key)
- debugLog (" used on right\n");
- if (IC_RESULT (dic) && IC_RESULT (ic)->key == IC_RESULT (dic)->key)
- debugLog (" used on result\n");
- if ((IC_LEFT (dic) && (IC_RESULT (ic)->key == IC_LEFT (dic)->key)) ||
- (IC_RESULT (dic) && IC_RESULT (ic)->key == IC_RESULT (dic)->key))
- return;
- }
- debugLog (" hey we can remove this unnecessary assign\n");
-/* packForPush - hueristics to reduce iCode for pushing */
-static void
-packForPush (iCode * ic, eBBlock * ebp)
- iCode *dic;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- if (ic->op != IPUSH || !IS_ITEMP (IC_LEFT (ic)))
- return;
- /* must have only definition & one usage */
- if (bitVectnBitsOn (OP_DEFS (IC_LEFT (ic))) != 1 ||
- bitVectnBitsOn (OP_USES (IC_LEFT (ic))) != 1)
- return;
- /* find the definition */
- if (!(dic = hTabItemWithKey (iCodehTab,
- bitVectFirstBit (OP_DEFS (IC_LEFT (ic))))))
- return;
- if (dic->op != '=' || POINTER_SET (dic))
- return;
- /* we now we know that it has one & only one def & use
- and the that the definition is an assignment */
- IC_LEFT (ic) = IC_RIGHT (dic);
- remiCodeFromeBBlock (ebp, dic);
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(dic))->defs,dic->key);
- hTabDeleteItem (&iCodehTab, dic->key, dic, DELETE_ITEM, NULL);
-static void printSymType(char * str, sym_link *sl)
- if(!pic16_ralloc_debug)return;
- debugLog (" %s Symbol type: ",str);
- printTypeChain( sl, debugF);
- debugLog ("\n");
-/* some debug code to print the symbol S_TYPE. Note that
- * the function checkSClass in src/SDCCsymt.c dinks with
- * the S_TYPE in ways the PIC port doesn't fully like...*/
-static void isData(sym_link *sl)
- FILE *of = stderr;
- if(!pic16_ralloc_debug)return;
- if(!sl)return;
- if(debugF)
- of = debugF;
- for ( ; sl; sl=sl->next) {
- if(!IS_DECL(sl) ) {
- switch (SPEC_SCLS(sl)) {
- case S_DATA: fprintf (of, "data "); break;
- case S_XDATA: fprintf (of, "xdata "); break;
- case S_SFR: fprintf (of, "sfr "); break;
- case S_SBIT: fprintf (of, "sbit "); break;
- case S_CODE: fprintf (of, "code "); break;
- case S_IDATA: fprintf (of, "idata "); break;
- case S_PDATA: fprintf (of, "pdata "); break;
- case S_LITERAL: fprintf (of, "literal "); break;
- case S_STACK: fprintf (of, "stack "); break;
- case S_XSTACK: fprintf (of, "xstack "); break;
- case S_BIT: fprintf (of, "bit "); break;
- case S_EEPROM: fprintf (of, "eeprom "); break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- }
-#define NO_packRegsForSupport 1
-#define NO_packRegsForAccUse 1
-#define NO_packRegsForOneuse 1
-#define NO_cast_peep 1
-/* pic16_packRegisters - does some transformations to reduce */
-/* register pressure */
-/* */
-static void
-pic16_packRegisters (eBBlock * ebp)
- iCode *ic;
- int change = 0;
- debugLog ("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
- while (1) {
- change = 0;
- /* look for assignments of the form */
- /* iTempNN = TRueSym (someoperation) SomeOperand */
- /* .... */
- /* TrueSym := iTempNN:1 */
- for (ic = ebp->sch; ic; ic = ic->next)
- {
-// debugLog("%d\n", __LINE__);
- /* find assignment of the form TrueSym := iTempNN:1 */
- /* see BUGLOG0001 for workaround with the CAST - VR */
- if ((ic->op == '=' || ic->op == CAST) && !POINTER_SET (ic))
- change += packRegsForAssign (ic, ebp);
- /* debug stuff */
- if (ic->op == '=')
- {
- if (POINTER_SET (ic))
- debugLog ("pointer is set\n");
- debugAopGet (" result:", IC_RESULT (ic));
- debugAopGet (" left:", IC_LEFT (ic));
- debugAopGet (" right:", IC_RIGHT (ic));
- }
- }
- if (!change)
- break;
- }
- for (ic = ebp->sch; ic; ic = ic->next) {
- if(IS_SYMOP ( IC_LEFT(ic))) {
- sym_link *etype = getSpec (operandType (IC_LEFT (ic)));
- debugAopGet ("x left:", IC_LEFT (ic));
-#if 0
- if(IS_PTR_CONST(OP_SYMBOL(IC_LEFT(ic))->type))
- if(IS_CODEPTR(OP_SYMBOL(IC_LEFT(ic))->type))
- debugLog (" is a pointer\n");
- if(IS_PTR(OP_SYMBOL(IC_LEFT(ic))->type))
- debugLog (" is a ptr\n");
- debugLog (" is volatile\n");
- isData(etype);
- debugLog (" %d - left is not temp, allocating\n", __LINE__);
- pic16_allocDirReg(IC_LEFT (ic));
- }
- printSymType("c ", OP_SYMBOL(IC_LEFT(ic))->type);
- }
- if(IS_SYMOP ( IC_RIGHT(ic))) {
- debugAopGet (" right:", IC_RIGHT (ic));
- printSymType(" ", OP_SYMBOL(IC_RIGHT(ic))->type);
- }
- if(IS_SYMOP ( IC_RESULT(ic))) {
- debugAopGet (" result:", IC_RESULT (ic));
- printSymType(" ", OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(ic))->type);
- }
- if (POINTER_SET (ic))
- debugLog (" %d - Pointer set\n", __LINE__);
- /* if this is an itemp & result of a address of a true sym
- then mark this as rematerialisable */
- if (ic->op == ADDRESS_OF &&
- IS_ITEMP (IC_RESULT (ic)) &&
- bitVectnBitsOn (OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (ic))) == 1 &&
- !OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->onStack)
- {
- debugLog (" %d - %s. result is rematerializable\n", __LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->remat = 1;
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->rematiCode = ic;
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->usl.spillLoc = NULL;
- }
- /* if straight assignment then carry remat flag if
- this is the only definition */
- if (ic->op == '=' &&
- !POINTER_SET (ic) &&
- IS_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (ic)) &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->remat &&
- bitVectnBitsOn (OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->defs) <= 1)
- {
- debugLog (" %d - %s. straight rematerializable\n", __LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->remat =
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->remat;
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->rematiCode =
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->rematiCode;
- }
- /* if this is a +/- operation with a rematerizable
- then mark this as rematerializable as well */
- if ((ic->op == '+' || ic->op == '-') &&
- (IS_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (ic)) &&
- IS_ITEMP (IC_RESULT (ic)) &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->remat &&
- bitVectnBitsOn (OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (ic))) == 1 &&
- {
- debugLog (" %d - %s. rematerializable because op is +/-\n", __LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
- //int i =
- operandLitValue (IC_RIGHT (ic));
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->remat = 1;
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->rematiCode = ic;
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->usl.spillLoc = NULL;
- }
- /* mark the pointer usages */
- if (POINTER_SET (ic))
- {
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->uptr = 1;
- debugLog (" marking as a pointer (set) =>");
- debugAopGet (" result:", IC_RESULT (ic));
- }
- if (POINTER_GET (ic))
- {
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->uptr = 1;
- debugLog (" marking as a pointer (get) =>");
- debugAopGet (" left:", IC_LEFT (ic));
- }
- //debugLog(" %d %s\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
- if (!SKIP_IC2 (ic))
- {
- //debugLog(" %d %s\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
- /* if we are using a symbol on the stack
- then we should say pic16_ptrRegReq */
- if (ic->op == IFX && IS_SYMOP (IC_COND (ic)))
- pic16_ptrRegReq += ((OP_SYMBOL (IC_COND (ic))->onStack ||
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_COND (ic))->iaccess) ? 1 : 0);
- else if (ic->op == JUMPTABLE && IS_SYMOP (IC_JTCOND (ic)))
- pic16_ptrRegReq += ((OP_SYMBOL (IC_JTCOND (ic))->onStack ||
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_JTCOND (ic))->iaccess) ? 1 : 0);
- else
- {
- //debugLog(" %d %s\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
- if (IS_SYMOP (IC_LEFT (ic)))
- pic16_ptrRegReq += ((OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->onStack ||
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->iaccess) ? 1 : 0);
- if (IS_SYMOP (IC_RIGHT (ic)))
- pic16_ptrRegReq += ((OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->onStack ||
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->iaccess) ? 1 : 0);
- if (IS_SYMOP (IC_RESULT (ic)))
- pic16_ptrRegReq += ((OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->onStack ||
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->iaccess) ? 1 : 0);
- }
- debugLog (" %d - pointer reg req = %d\n", __LINE__,pic16_ptrRegReq);
- }
- /* if the condition of an if instruction
- is defined in the previous instruction then
- mark the itemp as a conditional */
- if ((IS_CONDITIONAL (ic) ||
- ((ic->op == BITWISEAND ||
- ic->op == '|' ||
- ic->op == '^') &&
- isBitwiseOptimizable (ic))) &&
- ic->next && ic->next->op == IFX &&
- isOperandEqual (IC_RESULT (ic), IC_COND (ic->next)) &&
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->liveTo <= ic->next->seq)
- {
- debugLog (" %d\n", __LINE__);
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->regType = REG_CND;
- continue;
- }
- debugLog(" %d\n", __LINE__);
-#if NO_packRegsForSupport
- /* reduce for support function calls */
- if (ic->supportRtn || ic->op == '+' || ic->op == '-')
- packRegsForSupport (ic, ebp);
- /* if a parameter is passed, it's in W, so we may not
- need to place a copy in a register */
- if (ic->op == RECEIVE)
- packForReceive (ic, ebp);
-#if NO_packRegsForOneuse
- /* some cases the redundant moves can
- can be eliminated for return statements */
- if ((ic->op == RETURN || ic->op == SEND) &&
- !isOperandInFarSpace (IC_LEFT (ic)) &&
- !options.model)
- packRegsForOneuse (ic, IC_LEFT (ic), ebp);
-#if NO_packRegsForOneuse
- /* if pointer set & left has a size more than
- one and right is not in far space */
- if (POINTER_SET (ic) &&
- !isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RIGHT (ic)) &&
- !OP_SYMBOL (IC_RESULT (ic))->remat &&
- !IS_OP_RUONLY (IC_RIGHT (ic)) &&
- getSize (aggrToPtr (operandType (IC_RESULT (ic)), FALSE)) > 1)
- packRegsForOneuse (ic, IC_RESULT (ic), ebp);
-#if NO_packRegsForOneuse
- /* if pointer get */
- if (POINTER_GET (ic) &&
- !isOperandInFarSpace (IC_RESULT (ic)) &&
- !OP_SYMBOL (IC_LEFT (ic))->remat &&
- getSize (aggrToPtr (operandType (IC_LEFT (ic)), FALSE)) > 1)
- packRegsForOneuse (ic, IC_LEFT (ic), ebp);
- debugLog("%d - return from packRegsForOneuse\n", __LINE__);
-#if NO_cast_peep
- /* if this is cast for intergral promotion then
- check if only use of the definition of the
- operand being casted/ if yes then replace
- the result of that arithmetic operation with
- this result and get rid of the cast */
- if (ic->op == CAST) {
- sym_link *fromType = operandType (IC_RIGHT (ic));
- sym_link *toType = operandType (IC_LEFT (ic));
- debugLog (" %d - casting\n", __LINE__);
- if (IS_INTEGRAL (fromType) && IS_INTEGRAL (toType) &&
- getSize (fromType) != getSize (toType)) {
- iCode *dic = packRegsForOneuse (ic, IC_RIGHT (ic), ebp);
- if (dic) {
- if (IS_ARITHMETIC_OP (dic)) {
- debugLog(" %d %s\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(dic))->defs,dic->key);
- IC_RESULT (dic) = IC_RESULT (ic);
- remiCodeFromeBBlock (ebp, ic);
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(ic))->defs,ic->key);
- hTabDeleteItem (&iCodehTab, ic->key, ic, DELETE_ITEM, NULL);
- OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (dic)) = bitVectSetBit (OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (dic)), dic->key);
- ic = ic->prev;
- } else
- OP_SYMBOL (IC_RIGHT (ic))->ruonly = 0;
- }
- } else {
- /* if the type from and type to are the same
- then if this is the only use then packit */
- if (compareType (operandType (IC_RIGHT (ic)),
- operandType (IC_LEFT (ic))) == 1) {
- iCode *dic = packRegsForOneuse (ic, IC_RIGHT (ic), ebp);
- if (dic) {
- debugLog(" %d\n", __LINE__);
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(dic))->defs,dic->key);
- IC_RESULT (dic) = IC_RESULT (ic);
- bitVectUnSetBit(OP_SYMBOL(IC_RESULT(ic))->defs,ic->key);
- remiCodeFromeBBlock (ebp, ic);
- hTabDeleteItem (&iCodehTab, ic->key, ic, DELETE_ITEM, NULL);
- OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (dic)) = bitVectSetBit (OP_DEFS (IC_RESULT (dic)), dic->key);
- ic = ic->prev;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* pack for PUSH
- iTempNN := (some variable in farspace) V1
- push iTempNN ;
- -------------
- push V1
- */
- if (ic->op == IPUSH)
- {
- packForPush (ic, ebp);
- }
-#if NO_packRegsForAccUse
- /* pack registers for accumulator use, when the
- result of an arithmetic or bit wise operation
- has only one use, that use is immediately following
- the defintion and the using iCode has only one
- operand or has two operands but one is literal &
- the result of that operation is not on stack then
- we can leave the result of this operation in acc:b
- combination */
- if ((IS_ARITHMETIC_OP (ic)
- || IS_BITWISE_OP (ic)
- || ic->op == LEFT_OP || ic->op == RIGHT_OP
- ) &&
- IS_ITEMP (IC_RESULT (ic)) &&
- getSize (operandType (IC_RESULT (ic))) <= 2)
- packRegsForAccUse (ic);
- }
-static void
-dumpEbbsToDebug (eBBlock ** ebbs, int count)
- int i;
- if (!pic16_ralloc_debug || !debugF)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- fprintf (debugF, "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- fprintf (debugF, "Basic Block %s : loop Depth = %d noPath = %d , lastinLoop = %d\n",
- ebbs[i]->entryLabel->name,
- ebbs[i]->depth,
- ebbs[i]->noPath,
- ebbs[i]->isLastInLoop);
- fprintf (debugF, "depth 1st num %d : bbnum = %d 1st iCode = %d , last iCode = %d\n",
- ebbs[i]->dfnum,
- ebbs[i]->bbnum,
- ebbs[i]->fSeq,
- ebbs[i]->lSeq);
- fprintf (debugF, "visited %d : hasFcall = %d\n",
- ebbs[i]->visited,
- ebbs[i]->hasFcall);
- fprintf (debugF, "\ndefines bitVector :");
- bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->defSet, debugF);
- fprintf (debugF, "\nlocal defines bitVector :");
- bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->ldefs, debugF);
- fprintf (debugF, "\npointers Set bitvector :");
- bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->ptrsSet, debugF);
- fprintf (debugF, "\nin pointers Set bitvector :");
- bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->inPtrsSet, debugF);
- fprintf (debugF, "\ninDefs Set bitvector :");
- bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->inDefs, debugF);
- fprintf (debugF, "\noutDefs Set bitvector :");
- bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->outDefs, debugF);
- fprintf (debugF, "\nusesDefs Set bitvector :");
- bitVectDebugOn (ebbs[i]->usesDefs, debugF);
- fprintf (debugF, "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- printiCChain (ebbs[i]->sch, debugF);
- }
-/* pic16_assignRegisters - assigns registers to each live range as need */
-pic16_assignRegisters (eBBlock ** ebbs, int count)
- iCode *ic;
- int i;
- debugLog ("<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>\nstarting\t%s:%s", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
- debugLog ("\nebbs before optimizing:\n");
- dumpEbbsToDebug (ebbs, count);
- setToNull ((void *) &_G.funcrUsed);
- pic16_ptrRegReq = _G.stackExtend = _G.dataExtend = 0;
- /* change assignments this will remove some
- live ranges reducing some register pressure */
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- pic16_packRegisters (ebbs[i]);
- {
- regs *reg;
- int hkey;
- int i=0;
- debugLog("dir registers allocated so far:\n");
- reg = hTabFirstItem(dynDirectRegNames, &hkey);
- while(reg) {
- debugLog(" -- #%d reg = %s key %d, rIdx = %d, size %d\n",i++,reg->name,hkey, reg->rIdx,reg->size);
-// fprintf(stderr, " -- #%d reg = %s key %d, rIdx = %d, size %d\n",i++,reg->name,hkey, reg->rIdx,reg->size);
- reg = hTabNextItem(dynDirectRegNames, &hkey);
- }
- }
- /* liveranges probably changed by register packing
- so we compute them again */
- recomputeLiveRanges (ebbs, count);
- if (options.dump_pack)
- dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_PACK, ebbs, count);
- /* first determine for each live range the number of
- registers & the type of registers required for each */
- regTypeNum ();
- /* and serially allocate registers */
- serialRegAssign (ebbs, count);
- //pic16_freeAllRegs();
- /* if stack was extended then tell the user */
- if (_G.stackExtend)
- {
-/* werror(W_TOOMANY_SPILS,"stack", */
-/* _G.stackExtend,currFunc->name,""); */
- _G.stackExtend = 0;
- }
- if (_G.dataExtend)
- {
-/* werror(W_TOOMANY_SPILS,"data space", */
-/* _G.dataExtend,currFunc->name,""); */
- _G.dataExtend = 0;
- }
- /* after that create the register mask
- for each of the instruction */
- createRegMask (ebbs, count);
- /* redo that offsets for stacked automatic variables */
- redoStackOffsets ();
- if (options.dump_rassgn)
- dumpEbbsToFileExt (DUMP_RASSGN, ebbs, count);
- /* now get back the chain */
- ic = iCodeLabelOptimize (iCodeFromeBBlock (ebbs, count));
- debugLog ("ebbs after optimizing:\n");
- dumpEbbsToDebug (ebbs, count);
- genpic16Code (ic);
- /* free up any _G.stackSpil locations allocated */
- applyToSet (_G.stackSpil, deallocStackSpil);
- _G.slocNum = 0;
- setToNull ((void *) &_G.stackSpil);
- setToNull ((void *) &_G.spiltSet);
- /* mark all registers as free */
- pic16_freeAllRegs ();
- debugLog ("leaving\n<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>\n");
- debugLogClose ();
- return;