flight ended up happening on Sunday, 19 September 2021, at the
[Tripoli Colorado](https://www.tripolicolorado.org/) Fall Frenzy launch.
-In addition to the rebuilt main airframe section and motor adapter, at
-the last minute, Meh-ga Nuke was equipped with two keychain cameras mounted
-looking up and down.
+In addition to the rebuilt main airframe section and motor adapter, a
+TeleGPS was added to the nose bay. Then, at the last minute, Meh-ga Nuke
+was equipped with two keychain cameras mounted looking up and down.
The rocket was about 145 pounds on the rail of Terry Lee's launch trailer,
and was flowing with 2 e-matches and a pinch of Pyrodex P in the Tender
damage to the main airframe tube. The nose cone also suffered damage as
a result of the wind causing the chutes to pull it across rocks.
+Both TeleMega boards returned good data logs. The TeleGPS in the nose
+cone wasn't heard during launch and flight (it turns out the unsupported
+antenna wire broke off sometime before landing, perhaps even before
+launch?), but the data recovered from the board shows a clean trace of
+the nose cone's path during flight. Good thing we didn't need the
+GPS to locate and recover the nose cone!
The video from the up-looking camera worked great through apogee, but
unfortunately the video froze before the main deployed so only audio was
recorded for the rest of the flight. The down-looking camera video came