+2005-05-17 Raphael Neider <rneider AT web.de>
+ * device/include/pic18f{2550,4331,4455,4520}.h: NEW
+ * device/lib/pic16/libdev/pic18f{2550,4331,4455,4520}.c: NEW
+ * device/lib/pic16/pics.all: added new devices
+ * src/pic16/device.c: added support for pic18f4520
2005-05-16 Raphael Neider <rneider AT web.de>
* src/pic16/gen.{c,h}: s/mov2f/pic16_mov2f made public
* src/pic16/genarith.c (genAddit): fixed bug 1202480
--- /dev/null
+ * pic18f2550.h - PIC18F2550 Device Library Header
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GNU PIC Library.
+ *
+ * May, 2005
+ * The GNU PIC Library is maintained by
+ * Raphael Neider <rneider@web.de>
+ *
+ * originally designed by
+ * Vangelis Rokas <vrokas@otenet.gr>
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __PIC18F2550_H__
+#define __PIC18F2550_H__ 1
+extern __sfr __at 0xF62 SPPDATA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned DATA : 8;
+ };
+} __SPPDATA_t;
+extern volatile __SPPDATA_t __at 0xF62 SPPDATAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF63 SPPCFG;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned WS : 4;
+ unsigned CLK1EN : 1;
+ unsigned CSEN : 1;
+ unsigned CLKCFG : 2;
+ };
+} __SPPCFG_t;
+extern volatile __SPPCFG_t __at 0xF63 SPPCFGbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF64 SPPEPS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADDR : 4;
+ unsigned SPPBUSY : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned WRSPP : 1;
+ unsigned RDSPP : 1;
+ };
+} __SPPEPS_t;
+extern volatile __SPPEPS_t __at 0xF64 SPPEPSbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF65 SPPCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SPPEN : 1;
+ unsigned DMA0WN : 1;
+ unsigned RDYO : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __SPPCON_t;
+extern volatile __SPPCON_t __at 0xF65 SPPCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF66 UFRML;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FRM : 8;
+ };
+} __UFRML_t;
+extern volatile __UFRML_t __at 0xF66 UFRMLbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF67 UFRMH;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FRM : 3;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UFRMH_t;
+extern volatile __UFRMH_t __at 0xF67 UFRMHbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF68 UIR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned URSTIF : 1;
+ unsigned UERRIF : 1;
+ unsigned ACTIVIF : 1;
+ unsigned TRNIF : 1;
+ unsigned IDLEIF : 1;
+ unsigned STALLIF : 1;
+ unsigned SOFIF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UIR_t;
+extern volatile __UIR_t __at 0xF68 UIRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF69 UIE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned URSTIE : 1;
+ unsigned UERRIE : 1;
+ unsigned ACTIVIE : 1;
+ unsigned TRNIE : 1;
+ unsigned IDLEIE : 1;
+ unsigned STALLIE : 1;
+ unsigned SOFIE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UIE_t;
+extern volatile __UIE_t __at 0xF69 UIEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6A UEIR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PIDEF : 1;
+ unsigned CRC5EF : 1;
+ unsigned CRC16EF : 1;
+ unsigned DFN8EF : 1;
+ unsigned BTOEF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned BTSEF : 1;
+ };
+} __UEIR_t;
+extern volatile __UEIR_t __at 0xF6A UEIRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6B UEIE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PIDEE : 1;
+ unsigned CRC5EE : 1;
+ unsigned CRC16EE : 1;
+ unsigned DFN8EE : 1;
+ unsigned BTOEE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned BTSEE : 1;
+ };
+} __UEIE_t;
+extern volatile __UEIE_t __at 0xF6B UEIEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6C USTAT;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PPBI : 1;
+ unsigned DIR : 1;
+ unsigned ENDP : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __USTAT_t;
+extern volatile __USTAT_t __at 0xF6C USTATbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6D UCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned SUSPND : 1;
+ unsigned RESUME : 1;
+ unsigned USBEN : 1;
+ unsigned PKTDIS : 1;
+ unsigned SE0 : 1;
+ unsigned PPBRST : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UCON_t;
+extern volatile __UCON_t __at 0xF6D UCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6E UADDR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADDR : 7;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UADDR_t;
+extern volatile __UADDR_t __at 0xF6E UADDRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6F UCFG;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PPB : 2;
+ unsigned FSEN : 1;
+ unsigned UTRDIS : 1;
+ unsigned UPUEN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned UOEMON : 1;
+ unsigned UTEYE : 1;
+ };
+} __UCFG_t;
+extern volatile __UCFG_t __at 0xF6F UCFGbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF70 UEP0;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP0_t;
+extern volatile __UEP0_t __at 0xF70 UEP0bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF71 UEP1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP1_t;
+extern volatile __UEP1_t __at 0xF71 UEP1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF72 UEP2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP2_t;
+extern volatile __UEP2_t __at 0xF72 UEP2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF73 UEP3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP3_t;
+extern volatile __UEP3_t __at 0xF73 UEP3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF74 UEP4;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP4_t;
+extern volatile __UEP4_t __at 0xF74 UEP4bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF75 UEP5;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP5_t;
+extern volatile __UEP5_t __at 0xF75 UEP5bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF76 UEP6;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP6_t;
+extern volatile __UEP6_t __at 0xF76 UEP6bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF77 UEP7;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP7_t;
+extern volatile __UEP7_t __at 0xF77 UEP7bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF78 UEP8;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP8_t;
+extern volatile __UEP8_t __at 0xF78 UEP8bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF79 UEP9;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP9_t;
+extern volatile __UEP9_t __at 0xF79 UEP9bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7A UEP10;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP10_t;
+extern volatile __UEP10_t __at 0xF7A UEP10bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7B UEP11;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP11_t;
+extern volatile __UEP11_t __at 0xF7B UEP11bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7C UEP12;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP12_t;
+extern volatile __UEP12_t __at 0xF7C UEP12bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7D UEP13;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP13_t;
+extern volatile __UEP13_t __at 0xF7D UEP13bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7E UEP14;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP14_t;
+extern volatile __UEP14_t __at 0xF7E UEP14bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7F UEP15;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP15_t;
+extern volatile __UEP15_t __at 0xF7F UEP15bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF80 PORTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RA0 : 1;
+ unsigned RA1 : 1;
+ unsigned RA2 : 1;
+ unsigned RA3 : 1;
+ unsigned RA4 : 1;
+ unsigned RA5 : 1;
+ unsigned RA6 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RA : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned C1INN :1;
+ unsigned C2INN :1;
+ unsigned C2INP :1;
+ unsigned C1INP :1;
+ unsigned C1OUT :1;
+ unsigned C2OUT :1;
+ unsigned OSC2 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN0 :1;
+ unsigned AN1 :1;
+ unsigned AN2 :1;
+ unsigned AN3 :1;
+ unsigned T0CKI :1;
+ unsigned AN4 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTA_t;
+extern volatile __PORTA_t __at 0xF80 PORTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF81 PORTB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RB0 : 1;
+ unsigned RB1 : 1;
+ unsigned RB2 : 1;
+ unsigned RB3 : 1;
+ unsigned RB4 : 1;
+ unsigned RB5 : 1;
+ unsigned RB6 : 1;
+ unsigned RB7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RB : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned AN8 :1;
+ unsigned AN9 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTB_t;
+extern volatile __PORTB_t __at 0xF81 PORTBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF82 PORTC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RC0 : 1;
+ unsigned RC1 : 1;
+ unsigned RC2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RC4 : 1;
+ unsigned RC5 : 1;
+ unsigned RC6 : 1;
+ unsigned RC7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RC : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned T1CKI :1;
+ unsigned T1OSCI :1;
+ unsigned ECCPA :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned U1TX :1;
+ unsigned U1RX :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned T3CKI :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned T1OSCO :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTC_t;
+extern volatile __PORTC_t __at 0xF82 PORTCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF84 PORTE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RE3 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RE : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned MCLR :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTE_t;
+extern volatile __PORTE_t __at 0xF84 PORTEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF89 LATA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATA0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA6 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __LATA_t;
+extern volatile __LATA_t __at 0xF89 LATAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8A LATB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATB0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATB_t;
+extern volatile __LATB_t __at 0xF8A LATBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8B LATC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATC0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LATC6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATC_t;
+extern volatile __LATC_t __at 0xF8B LATCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF92 TRISA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISA0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA6 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISA_t;
+extern volatile __TRISA_t __at 0xF92 TRISAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF93 TRISB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISB0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISB_t;
+extern volatile __TRISB_t __at 0xF93 TRISBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF94 TRISC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISC0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISC_t;
+extern volatile __TRISC_t __at 0xF94 TRISCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9B OSCTUNE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TUN : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned HF256DIV : 1;
+ };
+} __OSCTUNE_t;
+extern volatile __OSCTUNE_t __at 0xF9B OSCTUNEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9D PIE1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IE : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IE : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIE : 1;
+ unsigned TXIE : 1;
+ unsigned RCIE : 1;
+ unsigned ADIE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PIE1_t;
+extern volatile __PIE1_t __at 0xF9D PIE1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9E PIR1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IF : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IF : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIF : 1;
+ unsigned TXIF : 1;
+ unsigned RCIF : 1;
+ unsigned ADIF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PIR1_t;
+extern volatile __PIR1_t __at 0xF9E PIR1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9F IPR1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IP : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IP : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IP : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIP : 1;
+ unsigned TXIP : 1;
+ unsigned RCIP : 1;
+ unsigned ADIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __IPR1_t;
+extern volatile __IPR1_t __at 0xF9F IPR1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA0 PIE2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3IE : 1;
+ unsigned HLVDIE : 1;
+ unsigned BCLIE : 1;
+ unsigned EEIE : 1;
+ unsigned USBIE : 1;
+ unsigned CMIE : 1;
+ unsigned OSCFIE : 1;
+ };
+} __PIE2_t;
+extern volatile __PIE2_t __at 0xFA0 PIE2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA1 PIR2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3IF : 1;
+ unsigned HLVDIF : 1;
+ unsigned BCLIF : 1;
+ unsigned EEIF : 1;
+ unsigned USBIF : 1;
+ unsigned CMIF : 1;
+ unsigned OSCFIF : 1;
+ };
+} __PIR2_t;
+extern volatile __PIR2_t __at 0xFA1 PIR2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA2 IPR2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IP : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3IP : 1;
+ unsigned HLVDIP : 1;
+ unsigned BCLIP : 1;
+ unsigned EEIP : 1;
+ unsigned USBIP : 1;
+ unsigned CMIP : 1;
+ unsigned OSCFIP : 1;
+ };
+} __IPR2_t;
+extern volatile __IPR2_t __at 0xFA2 IPR2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA6 EECON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD : 1;
+ unsigned WR : 1;
+ unsigned WREN : 1;
+ unsigned WRERR : 1;
+ unsigned FREE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CFGS : 1;
+ unsigned EEPGD : 1;
+ };
+} __EECON1_t;
+extern volatile __EECON1_t __at 0xFA6 EECON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA7 EECON2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA8 EEDATA;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA9 EEADR;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAB RCSTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RX9D : 1;
+ unsigned OERR : 1;
+ unsigned FERR : 1;
+ unsigned ADDEN : 1;
+ unsigned CREN : 1;
+ unsigned SREN : 1;
+ unsigned RX9 : 1;
+ unsigned SPEN : 1;
+ };
+} __RCSTA_t;
+extern volatile __RCSTA_t __at 0xFAB RCSTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAC TXSTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TX9D : 1;
+ unsigned TRMT : 1;
+ unsigned BRGH : 1;
+ unsigned SENDB : 1;
+ unsigned SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned TXEN : 1;
+ unsigned TX9 : 1;
+ unsigned CSRC : 1;
+ };
+} __TXSTA_t;
+extern volatile __TXSTA_t __at 0xFAC TXSTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAD TXREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAE RCREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAF SPBRG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB0 SPBRGH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB1 T3CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR3ON : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3CS : 1;
+ unsigned nT3SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T3CCP1 : 1;
+ unsigned T3CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned T3CCP2 : 1;
+ unsigned RD16 : 1;
+ };
+} __T3CON_t;
+extern volatile __T3CON_t __at 0xFB1 T3CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB2 TMR3L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB3 TMR3H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB4 CMCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CM : 3;
+ unsigned CIS : 1;
+ unsigned C1INV : 1;
+ unsigned C2INV : 1;
+ unsigned C1OUT : 1;
+ unsigned C2OUT : 1;
+ };
+} __CMCON_t;
+extern volatile __CMCON_t __at 0xFB4 CMCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB5 CVRCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CVR : 4;
+ unsigned CVRSS : 1;
+ unsigned CVRR : 1;
+ unsigned CVROE : 1;
+ unsigned CVREN : 1;
+ };
+} __CVRCON_t;
+extern volatile __CVRCON_t __at 0xFB5 CVRCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB6 ECCP1AS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PSSAC : 2;
+ unsigned ECCPAS : 3;
+ unsigned ECCPASE : 1;
+ };
+} __ECCP1AS_t;
+extern volatile __ECCP1AS_t __at 0xFB6 ECCP1ASbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB7 ECCP1DEL;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PRSEN : 1;
+ };
+} __ECCP1DEL_t;
+extern volatile __ECCP1DEL_t __at 0xFB7 ECCP1DELbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB8 BAUDCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ABDEN : 1;
+ unsigned WUE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned BRG16 : 1;
+ unsigned SCKP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RCMT : 1;
+ unsigned ABDOVF : 1;
+ };
+} __BAUDCON_t;
+extern volatile __BAUDCON_t __at 0xFB8 BAUDCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBA CCP2CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2M : 4;
+ unsigned DC2B : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __CCP2CON_t;
+extern volatile __CCP2CON_t __at 0xFBA CCP2CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBB CCPR2L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBC CCPR2H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBD CCP1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP1M : 4;
+ unsigned DC1B : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __CCP1CON_t;
+extern volatile __CCP1CON_t __at 0xFBD CCP1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBE CCPR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBF CCPR1H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC0 ADCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADCS : 3;
+ unsigned ACQT : 3;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned ADFM : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON2_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON2_t __at 0xFC0 ADCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC1 ADCON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCFG : 4;
+ unsigned VCFG : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON1_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON1_t __at 0xFC1 ADCON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC2 ADCON0;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADON : 1;
+ unsigned GO_nDONE : 1;
+ unsigned CHS : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON0_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON0_t __at 0xFC2 ADCON0bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC3 ADRESL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC4 ADRESH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SEN : 1;
+ unsigned RSEN : 1;
+ unsigned PEN : 1;
+ unsigned RCEN : 1;
+ unsigned ACKEN : 1;
+ unsigned ACKDT : 1;
+ unsigned ACKSTAT : 1;
+ unsigned GCEN : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPCON2_t;
+extern volatile __SSPCON2_t __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SSPM : 4;
+ unsigned CKP : 1;
+ unsigned SSPEN : 1;
+ unsigned SSPOV : 1;
+ unsigned WCOL : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPCON1_t;
+extern volatile __SSPCON1_t __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC7 SSPSTAT;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned BF : 1;
+ unsigned UA : 1;
+ unsigned R_nW : 1;
+ unsigned S : 1;
+ unsigned P : 1;
+ unsigned D_nA : 1;
+ unsigned CKE : 1;
+ unsigned SMP : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPSTAT_t;
+extern volatile __SSPSTAT_t __at 0xFC7 SSPSTATbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC8 SSPADD;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC9 SSPBUF;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCA T2CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned T2CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned TMR2ON : 1;
+ unsigned TOUTPS : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __T2CON_t;
+extern volatile __T2CON_t __at 0xFCA T2CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCB PR2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCC TMR2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCD T1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1ON : 1;
+ unsigned TMR1CS : 1;
+ unsigned nT1SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T1OSCEN : 1;
+ unsigned T1CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned T1RUN : 1;
+ unsigned RD16 : 1;
+ };
+} __T1CON_t;
+extern volatile __T1CON_t __at 0xFCD T1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCE TMR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCF TMR1H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD0 RCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned nBOR : 1;
+ unsigned nPOR : 1;
+ unsigned nPD : 1;
+ unsigned nTO : 1;
+ unsigned nRI : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned SBOREN : 1;
+ unsigned IPEN : 1;
+ };
+} __RCON_t;
+extern volatile __RCON_t __at 0xFD0 RCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD1 WDTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SWDTEN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __WDTCON_t;
+extern volatile __WDTCON_t __at 0xFD1 WDTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD2 HLVDCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned HLVDL : 4;
+ unsigned HLVDEN : 1;
+ unsigned IRVST : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned VDIRMAG : 1;
+ };
+} __HLVDCON_t;
+extern volatile __HLVDCON_t __at 0xFD2 HLVDCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD3 OSCCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SCS : 2;
+ unsigned FLTS : 1;
+ unsigned OSTS : 1;
+ unsigned IRCF : 3;
+ unsigned IDLEN : 1;
+ };
+} __OSCCON_t;
+extern volatile __OSCCON_t __at 0xFD3 OSCCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD5 T0CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned T0PS : 3;
+ unsigned PSA : 1;
+ unsigned T0SE : 1;
+ unsigned T0CS : 1;
+ unsigned T08BIT : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0ON : 1;
+ };
+} __T0CON_t;
+extern volatile __T0CON_t __at 0xFD5 T0CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD6 TMR0L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD7 TMR0H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD8 STATUS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned C : 1;
+ unsigned DC : 1;
+ unsigned Z : 1;
+ unsigned OV : 1;
+ unsigned N : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __STATUS_t;
+extern volatile __STATUS_t __at 0xFD8 STATUSbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD9 FSR2L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDA FSR2H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR2H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR2H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR2H_t __at 0xFDA FSR2Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDB PLUSW2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDC PREINC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDD POSTDEC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDE POSTINC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDF INDF2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE0 BSR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned BSR : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __BSR_t;
+extern volatile __BSR_t __at 0xFE0 BSRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE1 FSR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE2 FSR1H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR1H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR1H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR1H_t __at 0xFE2 FSR1Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE3 PLUSW1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE4 PREINC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE5 POSTDEC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE6 POSTINC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE7 INDF1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE8 WREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE9 FSR0L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEA FSR0H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR0H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR0H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR0H_t __at 0xFEA FSR0Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEB PLUSW0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEC PREINC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFED POSTDEC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEE POSTINC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEF INDF0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF0 INTCON3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned INT1IF : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INT1IE : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INT1IP : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IP : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON3_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON3_t __at 0xFF0 INTCON3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF1 INTCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RBIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG2 : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG1 : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG0 : 1;
+ unsigned nRBPU : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON2_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON2_t __at 0xFF1 INTCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF2 INTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RBIF : 1;
+ unsigned INT0IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IF : 1;
+ unsigned RBIE : 1;
+ unsigned INT0IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IE : 1;
+ unsigned PEIE_GIEL : 1;
+ unsigned GIE_GIEH : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PEIE : 1;
+ unsigned GIE : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned GIEL : 1;
+ unsigned GIEH : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON_t __at 0xFF2 INTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF3 PRODL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF4 PRODH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF5 TABLAT;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF6 TBLPTRL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF7 TBLPTRH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TBLPTRU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TBLPTRU_t;
+extern volatile __TBLPTRU_t __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRUbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF9 PCL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFA PCLATH;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCH : 8;
+ };
+} __PCLATH_t;
+extern volatile __PCLATH_t __at 0xFFA PCLATHbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFB PCLATU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PCLATU_t;
+extern volatile __PCLATU_t __at 0xFFB PCLATUbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFC STKPTR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned STKPTR : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned STKUNF : 1;
+ unsigned STKFUL : 1;
+ };
+} __STKPTR_t;
+extern volatile __STKPTR_t __at 0xFFC STKPTRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFD TOSL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFE TOSH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFF TOSU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TOSU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TOSU_t;
+extern volatile __TOSU_t __at 0xFFF TOSUbits;
+/* Configuration register locations */
+#define CONFIG1L 0x300000
+#define CONFIG1H 0x300001
+#define CONFIG2L 0x300002
+#define CONFIG2H 0x300003
+#define CONFIG3H 0x300005
+#define CONFIG4L 0x300006
+#define CONFIG5L 0x300008
+#define CONFIG5H 0x300009
+#define CONFIG6L 0x30000A
+#define CONFIG6H 0x30000B
+#define CONFIG7L 0x30000C
+#define CONFIG7H 0x30000D
+/* Full-Speed USB Clock Source Selection 1L options */
+#define _USBPLL_CLOCK_SRC_FROM_96MHZ_PLL_2_1L 0xFF /* Clock src from 96MHz PLL/2 */
+#define _USBPLL_CLOCK_SRC_FROM_OSC1_OSC2_1L 0xDF /* Clock src from OSC1/OSC2 */
+/* CPU System Clock Postscaler 1L options */
+#define _CPUDIV__OSC1_OSC2_SRC___4__96MHZ_PLL_SRC___6__1L 0xFF /* [OSC1/OSC2 Src: /4][96MHz PLL Src: /6] */
+#define _CPUDIV__OSC1_OSC2_SRC___3__96MHZ_PLL_SRC___4__1L 0xF7 /* [OSC1/OSC2 Src: /3][96MHz PLL Src: /4] */
+#define _CPUDIV__OSC1_OSC2_SRC___2__96MHZ_PLL_SRC___3__1L 0xEF /* [OSC1/OSC2 Src: /2][96MHz PLL Src: /3] */
+#define _CPUDIV__OSC1_OSC2_SRC___1__96MHZ_PLL_SRC___2__1L 0xE7 /* [OSC1/OSC2 Src: /1][96MHz PLL Src: /2] */
+/* 96MHz PLL Prescaler 1L options */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_12__48MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFF /* Divide by 12 (48MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_10__40MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFE /* Divide by 10 (40MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_6__24MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFD /* Divide by 6 (24MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_5__20MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFC /* Divide by 5 (20MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_4__16MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFB /* Divide by 4 (16MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_3__12MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFA /* Divide by 3 (12MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_2__8MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xF9 /* Divide by 2 (8MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_NO_DIVIDE__4MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xF8 /* No Divide (4MHz input) */
+/* Oscillator 1H options */
+#define _OSC_HS__HS_PLL__USB_HS_1H 0xFE /* HS: HS+PLL, USB-HS */
+#define _OSC_HS__USB_HS_1H 0xFC /* HS: USB-HS */
+#define _OSC_INTOSC__USB_HS_1H 0xFB /* INTOSC: USB-HS */
+#define _OSC_INTOSC__USB_XT_1H 0xFA /* INTOSC: USB-XT */
+#define _OSC_EC__EC_PLL__EC_PLL_RA6__USB_EC_1H 0xF6 /* EC: EC+PLL, EC+PLL+RA6, USB-EC */
+#define _OSC_EC__EC_CLKO_RA6___USB_EC_1H 0xF5 /* EC: EC+CLKO{RA6}, USB-EC */
+#define _OSC_EC__EC_RA6__USB_EC_1H 0xF4 /* EC: EC+RA6, USB-EC */
+#define _OSC_XT__XT_PLL__USB_XT_1H 0xF2 /* XT: XT+PLL, USB-XT */
+#define _OSC_XT__USB_XT_1H 0xF0 /* XT: USB-XT */
+/* Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable 1H options */
+#define _FCMEN_OFF_1H 0xBF /* Disabled */
+#define _FCMEN_ON_1H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+/* Internal External Switch Over Mode 1H options */
+#define _IESO_OFF_1H 0x7F /* Disabled */
+#define _IESO_ON_1H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+/* USB Voltage Regulator 2L options */
+#define _VREGEN_ON_2L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _VREGEN_OFF_2L 0xDF /* Disabled */
+/* Power Up Timer 2L options */
+#define _PUT_OFF_2L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _PUT_ON_2L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Brown Out Detect 2L options */
+#define _BODEN_ON_2L 0xFF /* Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled */
+#define _BODEN_ON_WHILE_ACTIVE_2L 0xFD /* Enabled while active,disabled in SLEEP,SBOREN disabled */
+#define _BODEN_CONTROLLED_WITH_SBOREN_BIT_2L 0xFB /* Controlled with SBOREN bit */
+#define _BODEN_OFF_2L 0xF9 /* Disabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled */
+/* Brown Out Voltage 2L options */
+#define _BODENV_2_0V_2L 0xFF /* 2.0V */
+#define _BODENV_2_7V_2L 0xF7 /* 2.7V */
+#define _BODENV_4_2V_2L 0xEF /* 4.2V */
+#define _BODENV_4_5V_2L 0xE7 /* 4.5V */
+/* Watchdog Timer 2H options */
+#define _WDT_ON_2H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _WDT_DISABLED_CONTROLLED_2H 0xFE /* Disabled-Controlled by SWDTEN bit */
+/* Watchdog Postscaler 2H options */
+#define _WDTPS_1_32768_2H 0xFF /* 1:32768 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_16384_2H 0xFD /* 1:16384 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_8192_2H 0xFB /* 1:8192 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_4096_2H 0xF9 /* 1:4096 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_2048_2H 0xF7 /* 1:2048 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_1024_2H 0xF5 /* 1:1024 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_512_2H 0xF3 /* 1:512 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_256_2H 0xF1 /* 1:256 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_128_2H 0xEF /* 1:128 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_64_2H 0xED /* 1:64 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_32_2H 0xEB /* 1:32 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_16_2H 0xE9 /* 1:16 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_8_2H 0xE7 /* 1:8 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_4_2H 0xE5 /* 1:4 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_2_2H 0xE3 /* 1:2 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_1_2H 0xE1 /* 1:1 */
+/* CCP2 Mux 3H options */
+#define _CCP2MUX_RC1_3H 0xFF /* RC1 */
+#define _CCP2MUX_RB3_3H 0xFE /* RB3 */
+/* PortB A/D Enable 3H options */
+#define _PBADEN_PORTB_4_0__CONFIGURED_AS_ANALOG_INPUTS_ON_RESET_3H 0xFF /* PORTB<4:0> configured as analog inputs on RESET */
+#define _PBADEN_PORTB_4_0__CONFIGURED_AS_DIGITAL_I_O_ON_RESET_3H 0xFD /* PORTB<4:0> configured as digital I/O on RESET */
+/* Low Power Timer1 Osc enable 3H options */
+#define _LPT1OSC_ON_3H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _LPT1OSC_OFF_3H 0xFB /* Disabled */
+/* Master Clear Enable 3H options */
+#define _MCLRE_MCLR_ON_RE3_OFF_3H 0xFF /* MCLR Enabled,RE3 Disabled */
+#define _MCLRE_MCLR_OFF_RE3_ON_3H 0x7F /* MCLR Disabled,RE3 Enabled */
+/* Stack Overflow Reset 4L options */
+#define _STVR_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _STVR_OFF_4L 0xFE /* Disabled */
+/* Low Voltage Program 4L options */
+#define _LVP_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _LVP_OFF_4L 0xFB /* Disabled */
+/* Dedicated In-Circuit Port {ICD/ICSP} 4L options */
+#define _ENICPORT_OFF_4L 0xDF /* Disabled */
+/* Extended CPU Enable 4L options */
+#define _ENHCPU_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _ENHCPU_OFF_4L 0xBF /* Disabled */
+/* Background Debug 4L options */
+#define _BACKBUG_OFF_4L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _BACKBUG_ON_4L 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 00800-01FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_0_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_0_ON_5L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 02000-03FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_1_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_1_ON_5L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 04000-05FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_2_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_2_ON_5L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 06000-07FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_3_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_3_ON_5L 0xF7 /* Enabled */
+/* Data EE Read Protect 5H options */
+#define _CPD_OFF_5H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CPD_ON_5H 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect Boot 5H options */
+#define _CPB_OFF_5H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CPB_ON_5H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 00800-01FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_0_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_0_ON_6L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 02000-03FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_1_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_1_ON_6L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 04000-05FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_2_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_2_ON_6L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 06000-07FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_3_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_3_ON_6L 0xF7 /* Enabled */
+/* Data EE Write Protect 6H options */
+#define _WRTD_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTD_ON_6H 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect Boot 6H options */
+#define _WRTB_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTB_ON_6H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Config. Write Protect 6H options */
+#define _WRTC_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTC_ON_6H 0xDF /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 00800-01FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_0_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_0_ON_7L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 02000-03FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_1_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_1_ON_7L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 04000-05FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_2_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_2_ON_7L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 06000-07FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_3_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_3_ON_7L 0xF7 /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect Boot 7H options */
+#define _EBTRB_OFF_7H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTRB_ON_7H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Location of User ID words */
+#define __IDLOC0 0x200000
+#define __IDLOC1 0x200001
+#define __IDLOC2 0x200002
+#define __IDLOC3 0x200003
+#define __IDLOC4 0x200004
+#define __IDLOC5 0x200005
+#define __IDLOC6 0x200006
+#define __IDLOC7 0x200007
+#endif // __PIC18F2550__
--- /dev/null
+ * pic18f4331.h - PIC18F4331 Device Library Header
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GNU PIC Library.
+ *
+ * May, 2005
+ * The GNU PIC Library is maintained by
+ * Raphael Neider <rneider@web.de>
+ *
+ * originally designed by
+ * Vangelis Rokas <vrokas@otenet.gr>
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __PIC18F4331_H__
+#define __PIC18F4331_H__ 1
+extern __sfr __at 0xF60 DFLTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FLTCK : 3;
+ unsigned FLT1EN : 1;
+ unsigned FLT2EN : 1;
+ unsigned FLT3EN : 1;
+ unsigned FLT4EN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __DFLTCON_t;
+extern volatile __DFLTCON_t __at 0xF60 DFLTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF61 CAP3CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CAP3M : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CAP3TMR : 1;
+ unsigned CAP3REN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __CAP3CON_t;
+extern volatile __CAP3CON_t __at 0xF61 CAP3CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF62 CAP2CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CAP2M : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CAP2TMR : 1;
+ unsigned CAP2REN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __CAP2CON_t;
+extern volatile __CAP2CON_t __at 0xF62 CAP2CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF63 CAP1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CAP1M : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CAP1TMR : 1;
+ unsigned CAP1REN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __CAP1CON_t;
+extern volatile __CAP1CON_t __at 0xF63 CAP1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF64 CAP3BUFL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF65 CAP3BUFH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF66 CAP2BUFL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF67 CAP2BUFH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF68 CAP1BUFL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF69 CAP1BUFH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6A OVDCONS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned POUT : 8;
+ };
+} __OVDCONS_t;
+extern volatile __OVDCONS_t __at 0xF6A OVDCONSbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6B OVDCOND;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned POVD : 8;
+ };
+} __OVDCOND_t;
+extern volatile __OVDCOND_t __at 0xF6B OVDCONDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6C FLTCONFIG;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FLTAEN : 1;
+ unsigned FLTAMOD : 1;
+ unsigned FLTAS : 1;
+ unsigned FLTCON : 1;
+ unsigned FLTBEN : 1;
+ unsigned FLTBMOD : 1;
+ unsigned FLTBS : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+extern volatile __FLTCONFIG_t __at 0xF6C FLTCONFIGbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6D DTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned DTA : 6;
+ unsigned DTAPS : 2;
+ };
+} __DTCON_t;
+extern volatile __DTCON_t __at 0xF6D DTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6E PWMCON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned OSYNC : 1;
+ unsigned UDIS : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned SEVTDIR : 1;
+ unsigned SEVOPS : 4;
+ };
+} __PWMCON1_t;
+extern volatile __PWMCON1_t __at 0xF6E PWMCON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6F PWMCON0;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PMOD : 4;
+ unsigned PWMEN : 3;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PWMCON0_t;
+extern volatile __PWMCON0_t __at 0xF6F PWMCON0bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF70 SEVTCMPH;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SEVTCMPH : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __SEVTCMPH_t;
+extern volatile __SEVTCMPH_t __at 0xF70 SEVTCMPHbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF71 SEVTCMPL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF72 PDC3H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PDC3H : 6;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PDC3H_t;
+extern volatile __PDC3H_t __at 0xF72 PDC3Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF73 PDC3L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF74 PDC2H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PDC2H : 6;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PDC2H_t;
+extern volatile __PDC2H_t __at 0xF74 PDC2Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF75 PDC2L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF76 PDC1H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PDC1H : 6;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PDC1H_t;
+extern volatile __PDC1H_t __at 0xF76 PDC1Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF77 PDC1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF78 PDC0H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PDC0H : 6;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PDC0H_t;
+extern volatile __PDC0H_t __at 0xF78 PDC0Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF79 PDC0L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7A PTPERH;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PTPERH : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PTPERH_t;
+extern volatile __PTPERH_t __at 0xF7A PTPERHbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7B PTPERL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7C PTMRH;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PTMRH : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PTMRH_t;
+extern volatile __PTMRH_t __at 0xF7C PTMRHbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7D PTMRL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7E PTCON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PTDIR : 1;
+ unsigned PTEN : 1;
+ };
+} __PTCON1_t;
+extern volatile __PTCON1_t __at 0xF7E PTCON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7F PTCON0;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PTMOD : 2;
+ unsigned PTCKPS : 2;
+ unsigned PTOPS : 4;
+ };
+} __PTCON0_t;
+extern volatile __PTCON0_t __at 0xF7F PTCON0bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF80 PORTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RA0 : 1;
+ unsigned RA1 : 1;
+ unsigned RA2 : 1;
+ unsigned RA3 : 1;
+ unsigned RA4 : 1;
+ unsigned RA5 : 1;
+ unsigned RA6 : 1;
+ unsigned RA7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RA : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN0 :1;
+ unsigned AN1 :1;
+ unsigned AN2 :1;
+ unsigned AN3 :1;
+ unsigned AN4 :1;
+ unsigned AN5 :1;
+ unsigned OSC2 :1;
+ unsigned OSC1 :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned CAP1 :1;
+ unsigned CAP2 :1;
+ unsigned CAP3 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTA_t;
+extern volatile __PORTA_t __at 0xF80 PORTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF81 PORTB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RB0 : 1;
+ unsigned RB1 : 1;
+ unsigned RB2 : 1;
+ unsigned RB3 : 1;
+ unsigned RB4 : 1;
+ unsigned RB5 : 1;
+ unsigned RB6 : 1;
+ unsigned RB7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RB : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned PWM0 :1;
+ unsigned PWM1 :1;
+ unsigned PWM2 :1;
+ unsigned PWM3 :1;
+ unsigned PWM5 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTB_t;
+extern volatile __PORTB_t __at 0xF81 PORTBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF82 PORTC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RC0 : 1;
+ unsigned RC1 : 1;
+ unsigned RC2 : 1;
+ unsigned RC3 : 1;
+ unsigned RC4 : 1;
+ unsigned RC5 : 1;
+ unsigned RC6 : 1;
+ unsigned RC7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RC : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned T1CKI :1;
+ unsigned CCP2 :1;
+ unsigned CCP1 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned U1TX :1;
+ unsigned U1RX :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned T1OSCO :1;
+ unsigned T1OSCI :1;
+ unsigned PWMFLTB :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTC_t;
+extern volatile __PORTC_t __at 0xF82 PORTCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF83 PORTD;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD0 : 1;
+ unsigned RD1 : 1;
+ unsigned RD2 : 1;
+ unsigned RD3 : 1;
+ unsigned RD4 : 1;
+ unsigned RD5 : 1;
+ unsigned RD6 : 1;
+ unsigned RD7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned PWM6 :1;
+ unsigned PWM7 :1;
+ };
+} __PORTD_t;
+extern volatile __PORTD_t __at 0xF83 PORTDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF84 PORTE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RE0 : 1;
+ unsigned RE1 : 1;
+ unsigned RE2 : 1;
+ unsigned RE3 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RE : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN6 :1;
+ unsigned AN7 :1;
+ unsigned AN8 :1;
+ unsigned MCLR :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTE_t;
+extern volatile __PORTE_t __at 0xF84 PORTEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF87 TMR5L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF88 TMR5H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF89 LATA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATA0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATA_t;
+extern volatile __LATA_t __at 0xF89 LATAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8A LATB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATB0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATB_t;
+extern volatile __LATB_t __at 0xF8A LATBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8B LATC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATC0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATC_t;
+extern volatile __LATC_t __at 0xF8B LATCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8C LATD;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATD0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATD_t;
+extern volatile __LATD_t __at 0xF8C LATDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8D LATE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATE0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATE1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATE2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __LATE_t;
+extern volatile __LATE_t __at 0xF8D LATEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF90 PR5L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF91 PR5H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF92 TRISA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISA0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISA_t;
+extern volatile __TRISA_t __at 0xF92 TRISAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF93 TRISB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISB0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISB_t;
+extern volatile __TRISB_t __at 0xF93 TRISBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF94 TRISC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISC0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISC_t;
+extern volatile __TRISC_t __at 0xF94 TRISCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF95 TRISD;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISD0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISD_t;
+extern volatile __TRISD_t __at 0xF95 TRISDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF96 TRISE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISE0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISE1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISE2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISE_t;
+extern volatile __TRISE_t __at 0xF96 TRISEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF99 ADCHS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SASEL : 2;
+ unsigned SCSEL : 2;
+ unsigned SBSEL : 2;
+ unsigned SDSEL : 2;
+ };
+} __ADCHS_t;
+extern volatile __ADCHS_t __at 0xF99 ADCHSbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9A ADCON3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SSRC : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned ADRS : 2;
+ };
+} __ADCON3_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON3_t __at 0xF9A ADCON3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9B OSCTUNE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TUN : 6;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __OSCTUNE_t;
+extern volatile __OSCTUNE_t __at 0xF9B OSCTUNEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9D PIE1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IE : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IE : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIE : 1;
+ unsigned TXIE : 1;
+ unsigned RCIE : 1;
+ unsigned ADIE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PIE1_t;
+extern volatile __PIE1_t __at 0xF9D PIE1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9E PIR1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IF : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IF : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIF : 1;
+ unsigned TXIF : 1;
+ unsigned RCIF : 1;
+ unsigned ADIF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PIR1_t;
+extern volatile __PIR1_t __at 0xF9E PIR1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9F IPR1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IP : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IP : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IP : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIP : 1;
+ unsigned TXIP : 1;
+ unsigned RCIP : 1;
+ unsigned ADIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __IPR1_t;
+extern volatile __IPR1_t __at 0xF9F IPR1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA0 PIE2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LVDIE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned EEIE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned OSFIE : 1;
+ };
+} __PIE2_t;
+extern volatile __PIE2_t __at 0xFA0 PIE2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA1 PIR2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LVDIF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned EEIF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned OSFIF : 1;
+ };
+} __PIR2_t;
+extern volatile __PIR2_t __at 0xFA1 PIR2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA2 IPR2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LVDIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned EEIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned OSFIP : 1;
+ };
+} __IPR2_t;
+extern volatile __IPR2_t __at 0xFA2 IPR2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA3 PIE3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR5IE : 1;
+ unsigned IC1IE : 1;
+ unsigned IC2QEIE : 1;
+ unsigned IC3DRIE : 1;
+ unsigned PTIE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PIE3_t;
+extern volatile __PIE3_t __at 0xFA3 PIE3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA4 PIR3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR5IF : 1;
+ unsigned IC1IF : 1;
+ unsigned IC2QEIF : 1;
+ unsigned IC3DRIF : 1;
+ unsigned PTIF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PIR3_t;
+extern volatile __PIR3_t __at 0xFA4 PIR3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA5 IPR3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR5IP : 1;
+ unsigned IC1IP : 1;
+ unsigned IC2QEIP : 1;
+ unsigned IC3DRIP : 1;
+ unsigned PTIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __IPR3_t;
+extern volatile __IPR3_t __at 0xFA5 IPR3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA6 EECON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD : 1;
+ unsigned WR : 1;
+ unsigned WREN : 1;
+ unsigned WRERR : 1;
+ unsigned FREE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CFGS : 1;
+ unsigned EEPGD : 1;
+ };
+} __EECON1_t;
+extern volatile __EECON1_t __at 0xFA6 EECON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA7 EECON2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA8 EEDATA;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA9 EEADR;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAA BAUDCTL;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ABDEN : 1;
+ unsigned WUE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned BRG16 : 1;
+ unsigned SCKP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RCIDL : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __BAUDCTL_t;
+extern volatile __BAUDCTL_t __at 0xFAA BAUDCTLbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAB RCSTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RX9D : 1;
+ unsigned OERR : 1;
+ unsigned FERR : 1;
+ unsigned ADDEN : 1;
+ unsigned CREN : 1;
+ unsigned SREN : 1;
+ unsigned RX9 : 1;
+ unsigned SPEN : 1;
+ };
+} __RCSTA_t;
+extern volatile __RCSTA_t __at 0xFAB RCSTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAC TXSTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TX9D : 1;
+ unsigned TRMT : 1;
+ unsigned BRGH : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned TXEN : 1;
+ unsigned TX9 : 1;
+ unsigned CSRC : 1;
+ };
+} __TXSTA_t;
+extern volatile __TXSTA_t __at 0xFAC TXSTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAD TXREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAE RCREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAF SPBRG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB0 SPBRGH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB6 QEICON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PDEC : 2;
+ unsigned QEIM : 3;
+ unsigned UP_nDOWN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned nVELM : 1;
+ };
+} __QEICON_t;
+extern volatile __QEICON_t __at 0xFB6 QEICONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB7 T5CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR5ON : 1;
+ unsigned TMR5CS : 1;
+ unsigned nT5SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T5PS : 2;
+ unsigned T5MOD : 1;
+ unsigned nRESEN : 1;
+ unsigned T5SEN : 1;
+ };
+} __T5CON_t;
+extern volatile __T5CON_t __at 0xFB7 T5CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB8 ANSEL0;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN0 : 1;
+ unsigned AN1 : 1;
+ unsigned AN2 : 1;
+ unsigned AN3 : 1;
+ unsigned AN4 : 1;
+ unsigned AN5 : 1;
+ unsigned AN6 : 1;
+ unsigned AN7 : 1;
+ };
+} __ANSEL0_t;
+extern volatile __ANSEL0_t __at 0xFB8 ANSEL0bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB9 ANSEL1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ANS8 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __ANSEL1_t;
+extern volatile __ANSEL1_t __at 0xFB9 ANSEL1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBA CCP2CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2M : 4;
+ unsigned DC2B : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __CCP2CON_t;
+extern volatile __CCP2CON_t __at 0xFBA CCP2CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBB CCPR2L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBC CCPR2H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBD CCP1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP1M : 4;
+ unsigned DC1B : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __CCP1CON_t;
+extern volatile __CCP1CON_t __at 0xFBD CCP1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBE CCPR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBF CCPR1H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC0 ADCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADCS : 3;
+ unsigned ACQT : 4;
+ unsigned ADFM : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON2_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON2_t __at 0xFC0 ADCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC1 ADCON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADPNT : 2;
+ unsigned BFOVFL : 1;
+ unsigned BFEMT : 1;
+ unsigned FIFOEN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned VCFG : 2;
+ };
+} __ADCON1_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON1_t __at 0xFC1 ADCON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC2 ADCON0;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADON : 1;
+ unsigned GO_nDONE : 1;
+ unsigned ACMOD : 2;
+ unsigned ACSCH : 1;
+ unsigned ACONV : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON0_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON0_t __at 0xFC2 ADCON0bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC3 ADRESL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC4 ADRESH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC6 SSPCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SSPM : 4;
+ unsigned CKP : 1;
+ unsigned SSPEN : 1;
+ unsigned SSPOV : 1;
+ unsigned WCOL : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPCON_t;
+extern volatile __SSPCON_t __at 0xFC6 SSPCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC7 SSPSTAT;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned BF : 1;
+ unsigned UA : 1;
+ unsigned R_nW : 1;
+ unsigned S : 1;
+ unsigned P : 1;
+ unsigned D_nA : 1;
+ unsigned CKE : 1;
+ unsigned SMP : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPSTAT_t;
+extern volatile __SSPSTAT_t __at 0xFC7 SSPSTATbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC8 SSPADD;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC9 SSPBUF;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCA T2CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned T2CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned TMR2ON : 1;
+ unsigned TOUTPS : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __T2CON_t;
+extern volatile __T2CON_t __at 0xFCA T2CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCB PR2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCC TMR2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCD T1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1ON : 1;
+ unsigned TMR1CS : 1;
+ unsigned nT1SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T1OSCEN : 1;
+ unsigned T1CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned T1RUN : 1;
+ unsigned RD16 : 1;
+ };
+} __T1CON_t;
+extern volatile __T1CON_t __at 0xFCD T1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCE TMR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCF TMR1H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD0 RCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned nBOR : 1;
+ unsigned nPOR : 1;
+ unsigned nPD : 1;
+ unsigned nTO : 1;
+ unsigned nRI : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned IPEN : 1;
+ };
+} __RCON_t;
+extern volatile __RCON_t __at 0xFD0 RCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD1 WDTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SWDTEN : 1;
+ unsigned WDT : 7;
+ };
+} __WDTCON_t;
+extern volatile __WDTCON_t __at 0xFD1 WDTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD2 LVDCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LVDL : 4;
+ unsigned LVDEN : 1;
+ unsigned IRVST : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __LVDCON_t;
+extern volatile __LVDCON_t __at 0xFD2 LVDCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD3 OSCCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SCS : 2;
+ unsigned FLTS : 1;
+ unsigned OSTS : 1;
+ unsigned IRCF : 3;
+ unsigned IDLEN : 1;
+ };
+} __OSCCON_t;
+extern volatile __OSCCON_t __at 0xFD3 OSCCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD5 T0CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned T0PS : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned _16BIT : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0ON : 1;
+ };
+} __T0CON_t;
+extern volatile __T0CON_t __at 0xFD5 T0CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD6 TMR0L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD7 TMR0H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD8 STATUS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned C : 1;
+ unsigned DC : 1;
+ unsigned Z : 1;
+ unsigned OV : 1;
+ unsigned N : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __STATUS_t;
+extern volatile __STATUS_t __at 0xFD8 STATUSbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD9 FSR2L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDA FSR2H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR2H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR2H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR2H_t __at 0xFDA FSR2Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDB PLUSW2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDC PREINC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDD POSTDEC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDE POSTINC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDF INDF2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE0 BSR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned BSR : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __BSR_t;
+extern volatile __BSR_t __at 0xFE0 BSRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE1 FSR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE2 FSR1H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR1H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR1H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR1H_t __at 0xFE2 FSR1Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE3 PLUSW1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE4 PREINC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE5 POSTDEC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE6 POSTINC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE7 INDF1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE8 WREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE9 FSR0L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEA FSR0H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR0H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR0H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR0H_t __at 0xFEA FSR0Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEB PLUSW0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEC PREINC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFED POSTDEC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEE POSTINC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEF INDF0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF0 INTCON3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned INT1IF : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INT1IE : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INT1IP : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IP : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON3_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON3_t __at 0xFF0 INTCON3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF1 INTCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RBIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG2 : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG1 : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG0 : 1;
+ unsigned nRBPU : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON2_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON2_t __at 0xFF1 INTCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF2 INTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RBIF : 1;
+ unsigned INT0IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IF : 1;
+ unsigned RBIE : 1;
+ unsigned INT0IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IE : 1;
+ unsigned PEIE_GIEL : 1;
+ unsigned GIE_GIEH : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PEIE : 1;
+ unsigned GIE : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned GIEL : 1;
+ unsigned GIEH : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON_t __at 0xFF2 INTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF3 PRODL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF4 PRODH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF5 TABLAT;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF6 TBLPTRL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF7 TBLPTRH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TBLPTRU : 5;
+ unsigned ACSS : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TBLPTRU_t;
+extern volatile __TBLPTRU_t __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRUbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF9 PCL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFA PCLATH;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCH : 8;
+ };
+} __PCLATH_t;
+extern volatile __PCLATH_t __at 0xFFA PCLATHbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFB PCLATU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PCLATU_t;
+extern volatile __PCLATU_t __at 0xFFB PCLATUbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFC STKPTR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned STKPTR : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned STKUNF : 1;
+ unsigned STKFUL : 1;
+ };
+} __STKPTR_t;
+extern volatile __STKPTR_t __at 0xFFC STKPTRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFD TOSL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFE TOSH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFF TOSU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TOSU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TOSU_t;
+extern volatile __TOSU_t __at 0xFFF TOSUbits;
+/* Configuration register locations */
+#define CONFIG1H 0x300001
+#define CONFIG2L 0x300002
+#define CONFIG2H 0x300003
+#define CONFIG3L 0x300004
+#define CONFIG3H 0x300005
+#define CONFIG4L 0x300006
+#define CONFIG5L 0x300008
+#define CONFIG5H 0x300009
+#define CONFIG6L 0x30000A
+#define CONFIG6H 0x30000B
+#define CONFIG7L 0x30000C
+#define CONFIG7H 0x30000D
+/* Oscillator 1H options */
+#define _OSC_11XX_EXT_RC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_1H 0xFC /* 11XX EXT RC-CLKOUT on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_101X_EXT_RC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_1H 0xFA /* 101X EXT RC-CLKOUT on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_INT_RC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_PORT_ON_RA7_1H 0xF9 /* INT RC-CLKOUT on RA6,Port on RA7 */
+#define _OSC_INT_RC_PORT_ON_RA6_PORT_ON_RA7_1H 0xF8 /* INT RC-Port on RA6,Port on RA7 */
+#define _OSC_EXT_RC_PORT_ON_RA6_1H 0xF7 /* EXT RC-Port on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_HS_PLL_ON_FREQ_4XFOSC1_1H 0xF6 /* HS-PLL enabled freq=4xFosc1 */
+#define _OSC_EC_PORT_ON_RA6_1H 0xF5 /* EC-Port on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_EC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_1H 0xF4 /* EC-CLKOUT on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_0011_EXT_RC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_1H 0xF3 /* 0011 EXT RC-CLKOUT on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_HS_1H 0xF2 /* HS */
+#define _OSC_XT_1H 0xF1 /* XT */
+#define _OSC_LP_1H 0xF0 /* LP */
+/* Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable 1H options */
+#define _FCMEN_ON_1H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _FCMEN_OFF_1H 0xBF /* Disabled */
+/* Internal External Switch Over Mode 1H options */
+#define _IESO_OFF_1H 0x7F /* Disabled */
+#define _IESO_ON_1H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+/* Power Up Timer 2L options */
+#define _PUT_OFF_2L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _PUT_ON_2L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Brown Out Detect 2L options */
+#define _BODEN_ON_2L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _BODEN_OFF_2L 0xFD /* Disabled */
+/* Brown Out Voltage 2L options */
+#define _BODENV_UNDEFINED_2L 0xFF /* Undefined */
+#define _BODENV_2_7V_2L 0xFB /* 2.7V */
+#define _BODENV_4_2V_2L 0xF7 /* 4.2V */
+#define _BODENV_4_5V_2L 0xF3 /* 4.5V */
+/* Watchdog Timer 2H options */
+#define _WDT_ON_2H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _WDT_OFF_2H 0xFE /* Disabled */
+/* Watchdog Postscaler 2H options */
+#define _WDTPS_1_32768_2H 0xFF /* 1:32768 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_16384_2H 0xFD /* 1:16384 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_8192_2H 0xFB /* 1:8192 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_4096_2H 0xF9 /* 1:4096 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_2048_2H 0xF7 /* 1:2048 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_1024_2H 0xF5 /* 1:1024 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_512_2H 0xF3 /* 1:512 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_256_2H 0xF1 /* 1:256 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_128_2H 0xEF /* 1:128 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_64_2H 0xED /* 1:64 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_32_2H 0xEB /* 1:32 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_16_2H 0xE9 /* 1:16 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_8_2H 0xE7 /* 1:8 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_4_2H 0xE5 /* 1:4 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_2_2H 0xE3 /* 1:2 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_1_2H 0xE1 /* 1:1 */
+/* Watchdog Timer Window 2H options */
+#define _WINEN_OFF_2H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WINEN_ON_2H 0xDF /* Enabled */
+/* PWM Output Pin Reset 3L options */
+#define _PWMPIN_PWM_OUTPUTS_OFF_UPON_RESET_3L 0xFF /* PWM outputs disabled upon RESET */
+#define _PWMPIN_PWM_OUTPUTS_DRIVE_ACTIVE_STATES_UPON_RESET_3L 0xFB /* PWM outputs drive active states upon RESET */
+/* Low-Side Transistors Polarity 3L options */
+#define _LPOL_PWM_0__2__4_AND_6_ARE_ACTIVE_HIGH_3L 0xFF /* PWM 0, 2, 4 and 6 are active high */
+#define _LPOL_PWM_0__2__4_AND_6_ARE_ACTIVE_LOW_3L 0xF7 /* PWM 0, 2, 4 and 6 are active low */
+/* High-Side Transistors Polarity 3L options */
+#define _HPOL_PWM_1__3__5__AND_7_ARE_ACTIVE_HIGH_3L 0xFF /* PWM 1, 3, 5, and 7 are active high */
+#define _HPOL_PWM_1__3__5__AND_7_ARE_ACTIVE_LOW_3L 0xEF /* PWM 1, 3, 5, and 7 are active low */
+/* Timer1 OSC 3L options */
+#define _T1OSCMX_LOW_POWER_3L 0xFF /* Low Power */
+#define _T1OSCMX_LEGACY_3L 0xDF /* Legacy */
+/* FLTA Mux 3H options */
+#define _FLTAMX_FLTA_INPUT_MUXED_WITH_RC1_3H 0xFF /* FLTA input muxed with RC1 */
+#define _FLTAMX_FLTA_INPUT_MUXED_WITH_RD4_3H 0xFE /* FLTA input muxed with RD4 */
+/* SSP I/O Mux 3H options */
+#define _SSPMX_SCK_SCL__SDA_SDI_AND_SDO_ARE_MUX_W__RD3__RD2_AND_RD1_RESPECTIVELY__3H 0xFB /* SCK/SCL, SDA/SDI and SDO are mux w/ RD3, RD2 and RD1 respectively. */
+#define _SSPMX_SCK_SCL__SDA_SDI_AND_SDO_ARE_MUX_W__RC5__RC4_AND_RC7_RESPECTIVELY__3H 0xFF /* SCK/SCL, SDA/SDI and SDO are mux w/ RC5, RC4 and RC7 respectively. */
+/* PWM4 Mux 3H options */
+#define _PWM4MX_PWM4_OUTPUT_MUXED_W__RB5_3H 0xFF /* PWM4 output muxed w/ RB5 */
+#define _PWM4MX_PWM4_OUTPUT_MUXED_W__RD5_3H 0xF7 /* PWM4 output muxed w/ RD5 */
+/* TMR0/T5CKI EXT CLK Mux 3H options */
+#define _EXCLKMX_TMR0_T5CKI_EXTERNAL_CLOCK_INPUT_IS_MULTIPLEXED_WITH_RD0_3H 0xEF /* TMR0/T5CKI external clock input is multiplexed with RD0 */
+#define _EXCLKMX_TMR0_T5CKI_EXTERNAL_CLOCK_INPUT_IS_MULTIPLEXED_WITH_RC3_3H 0xFF /* TMR0/T5CKI external clock input is multiplexed with RC3 */
+/* Master Clear Enable 3H options */
+#define _MCLRE_MCLR_ON__RE3_INPUT_OFF_3H 0xFF /* MCLR enabled, RE3 input disabled */
+#define _MCLRE_RE3_INPUT_ON__MCLR_OFF_3H 0x7F /* RE3 input enabled, MCLR disabled */
+/* Background Debug 4L options */
+#define _BACKBUG_OFF_4L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _BACKBUG_ON_4L 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Low Voltage Program 4L options */
+#define _LVP_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _LVP_OFF_4L 0xFB /* Disabled */
+/* Stack Overflow Reset 4L options */
+#define _STVR_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _STVR_OFF_4L 0xFE /* Disabled */
+/* Code Protect 00200-00FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_0_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_0_ON_5L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 01000-01FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_1_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_1_ON_5L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 02000-02FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_2_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_2_ON_5L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 03000-03FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_3_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_3_ON_5L 0xF7 /* Enabled */
+/* Data EE Read Protect 5H options */
+#define _CPD_OFF_5H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CPD_ON_5H 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect Boot 5H options */
+#define _CPB_OFF_5H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CPB_ON_5H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 00200-00FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_0_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_0_ON_6L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 01000-01FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_1_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_1_ON_6L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 02000-02FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_2_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_2_ON_6L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 03000-03FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_3_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_3_ON_6L 0xF7 /* Enabled */
+/* Data EE Write Protect 6H options */
+#define _WRTD_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTD_ON_6H 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect Boot 6H options */
+#define _WRTB_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTB_ON_6H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Config. Write Protect 6H options */
+#define _WRTC_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTC_ON_6H 0xDF /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 00200-00FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_0_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_0_ON_7L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 01000-01FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_1_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_1_ON_7L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 02000-02FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_2_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_2_ON_7L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 03000-03FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_3_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_3_ON_7L 0xF7 /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect Boot 7H options */
+#define _EBTRB_OFF_7H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTRB_ON_7H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Location of User ID words */
+#define __IDLOC0 0x200000
+#define __IDLOC1 0x200001
+#define __IDLOC2 0x200002
+#define __IDLOC3 0x200003
+#define __IDLOC4 0x200004
+#define __IDLOC5 0x200005
+#define __IDLOC6 0x200006
+#define __IDLOC7 0x200007
+#endif // __PIC18F4331__
--- /dev/null
+ * pic18f4455.h - PIC18F4455 Device Library Header
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GNU PIC Library.
+ *
+ * May, 2005
+ * The GNU PIC Library is maintained by
+ * Raphael Neider <rneider@web.de>
+ *
+ * originally designed by
+ * Vangelis Rokas <vrokas@otenet.gr>
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __PIC18F4455_H__
+#define __PIC18F4455_H__ 1
+extern __sfr __at 0xF62 SPPDATA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned DATA : 8;
+ };
+} __SPPDATA_t;
+extern volatile __SPPDATA_t __at 0xF62 SPPDATAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF63 SPPCFG;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned WS : 4;
+ unsigned CLK1EN : 1;
+ unsigned CSEN : 1;
+ unsigned CLKCFG : 2;
+ };
+} __SPPCFG_t;
+extern volatile __SPPCFG_t __at 0xF63 SPPCFGbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF64 SPPEPS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADDR : 4;
+ unsigned SPPBUSY : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned WRSPP : 1;
+ unsigned RDSPP : 1;
+ };
+} __SPPEPS_t;
+extern volatile __SPPEPS_t __at 0xF64 SPPEPSbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF65 SPPCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SPPEN : 1;
+ unsigned SPPOWN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __SPPCON_t;
+extern volatile __SPPCON_t __at 0xF65 SPPCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF66 UFRML;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FRM : 8;
+ };
+} __UFRML_t;
+extern volatile __UFRML_t __at 0xF66 UFRMLbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF67 UFRMH;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FRM : 3;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UFRMH_t;
+extern volatile __UFRMH_t __at 0xF67 UFRMHbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF68 UIR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned URSTIF : 1;
+ unsigned UERRIF : 1;
+ unsigned ACTIVIF : 1;
+ unsigned TRNIF : 1;
+ unsigned IDLEIF : 1;
+ unsigned STALLIF : 1;
+ unsigned SOFIF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UIR_t;
+extern volatile __UIR_t __at 0xF68 UIRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF69 UIE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned URSTIE : 1;
+ unsigned UERRIE : 1;
+ unsigned ACTIVIE : 1;
+ unsigned TRNIE : 1;
+ unsigned IDLEIE : 1;
+ unsigned STALLIE : 1;
+ unsigned SOFIE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UIE_t;
+extern volatile __UIE_t __at 0xF69 UIEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6A UEIR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PIDEF : 1;
+ unsigned CRC5EF : 1;
+ unsigned CRC16EF : 1;
+ unsigned DFN8EF : 1;
+ unsigned BTOEF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned BTSEF : 1;
+ };
+} __UEIR_t;
+extern volatile __UEIR_t __at 0xF6A UEIRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6B UEIE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PIDEE : 1;
+ unsigned CRC5EE : 1;
+ unsigned CRC16EE : 1;
+ unsigned DFN8EE : 1;
+ unsigned BTOEE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned BTSEE : 1;
+ };
+} __UEIE_t;
+extern volatile __UEIE_t __at 0xF6B UEIEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6C USTAT;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PPBI : 1;
+ unsigned DIR : 1;
+ unsigned ENDP : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __USTAT_t;
+extern volatile __USTAT_t __at 0xF6C USTATbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6D UCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned SUSPND : 1;
+ unsigned RESUME : 1;
+ unsigned USBEN : 1;
+ unsigned PKTDIS : 1;
+ unsigned SE0 : 1;
+ unsigned PPBRST : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UCON_t;
+extern volatile __UCON_t __at 0xF6D UCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6E UADDR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADDR : 7;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UADDR_t;
+extern volatile __UADDR_t __at 0xF6E UADDRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF6F UCFG;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PPB : 2;
+ unsigned FSEN : 1;
+ unsigned UTRDIS : 1;
+ unsigned UPUEN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned UOEMON : 1;
+ unsigned UTEYE : 1;
+ };
+} __UCFG_t;
+extern volatile __UCFG_t __at 0xF6F UCFGbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF70 UEP0;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP0_t;
+extern volatile __UEP0_t __at 0xF70 UEP0bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF71 UEP1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP1_t;
+extern volatile __UEP1_t __at 0xF71 UEP1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF72 UEP2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP2_t;
+extern volatile __UEP2_t __at 0xF72 UEP2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF73 UEP3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP3_t;
+extern volatile __UEP3_t __at 0xF73 UEP3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF74 UEP4;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP4_t;
+extern volatile __UEP4_t __at 0xF74 UEP4bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF75 UEP5;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP5_t;
+extern volatile __UEP5_t __at 0xF75 UEP5bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF76 UEP6;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP6_t;
+extern volatile __UEP6_t __at 0xF76 UEP6bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF77 UEP7;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP7_t;
+extern volatile __UEP7_t __at 0xF77 UEP7bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF78 UEP8;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP8_t;
+extern volatile __UEP8_t __at 0xF78 UEP8bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF79 UEP9;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP9_t;
+extern volatile __UEP9_t __at 0xF79 UEP9bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7A UEP10;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP10_t;
+extern volatile __UEP10_t __at 0xF7A UEP10bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7B UEP11;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP11_t;
+extern volatile __UEP11_t __at 0xF7B UEP11bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7C UEP12;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP12_t;
+extern volatile __UEP12_t __at 0xF7C UEP12bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7D UEP13;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP13_t;
+extern volatile __UEP13_t __at 0xF7D UEP13bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7E UEP14;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP14_t;
+extern volatile __UEP14_t __at 0xF7E UEP14bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF7F UEP15;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned EPSTALL : 1;
+ unsigned EPINEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPOUTEN : 1;
+ unsigned EPCONDIS : 1;
+ unsigned EPHSHK : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __UEP15_t;
+extern volatile __UEP15_t __at 0xF7F UEP15bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF80 PORTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RA0 : 1;
+ unsigned RA1 : 1;
+ unsigned RA2 : 1;
+ unsigned RA3 : 1;
+ unsigned RA4 : 1;
+ unsigned RA5 : 1;
+ unsigned RA6 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RA : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned C1INN :1;
+ unsigned C2INN :1;
+ unsigned C2INP :1;
+ unsigned C1INP :1;
+ unsigned C1OUT :1;
+ unsigned C2OUT :1;
+ unsigned OSC2 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN0 :1;
+ unsigned AN1 :1;
+ unsigned AN2 :1;
+ unsigned AN3 :1;
+ unsigned T0CKI :1;
+ unsigned AN4 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTA_t;
+extern volatile __PORTA_t __at 0xF80 PORTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF81 PORTB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RB0 : 1;
+ unsigned RB1 : 1;
+ unsigned RB2 : 1;
+ unsigned RB3 : 1;
+ unsigned RB4 : 1;
+ unsigned RB5 : 1;
+ unsigned RB6 : 1;
+ unsigned RB7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RB : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN12 :1;
+ unsigned AN10 :1;
+ unsigned AN8 :1;
+ unsigned AN9 :1;
+ unsigned AN11 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTB_t;
+extern volatile __PORTB_t __at 0xF81 PORTBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF82 PORTC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RC0 : 1;
+ unsigned RC1 : 1;
+ unsigned RC2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RC4 : 1;
+ unsigned RC5 : 1;
+ unsigned RC6 : 1;
+ unsigned RC7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RC : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned T1CKI :1;
+ unsigned T1OSCI :1;
+ unsigned ECCPA :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned U1TX :1;
+ unsigned U1RX :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned T3CKI :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned T1OSCO :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTC_t;
+extern volatile __PORTC_t __at 0xF82 PORTCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF83 PORTD;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD0 : 1;
+ unsigned RD1 : 1;
+ unsigned RD2 : 1;
+ unsigned RD3 : 1;
+ unsigned RD4 : 1;
+ unsigned RD5 : 1;
+ unsigned RD6 : 1;
+ unsigned RD7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned ECCPB :1;
+ unsigned ECCPC :1;
+ unsigned ECCPD :1;
+ };
+} __PORTD_t;
+extern volatile __PORTD_t __at 0xF83 PORTDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF84 PORTE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RE0 : 1;
+ unsigned RE1 : 1;
+ unsigned RE2 : 1;
+ unsigned RE3 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RDPU : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RE : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN5 :1;
+ unsigned AN6 :1;
+ unsigned AN7 :1;
+ unsigned MCLR :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTE_t;
+extern volatile __PORTE_t __at 0xF84 PORTEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF89 LATA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATA0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA6 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __LATA_t;
+extern volatile __LATA_t __at 0xF89 LATAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8A LATB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATB0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATB_t;
+extern volatile __LATB_t __at 0xF8A LATBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8B LATC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATC0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LATC6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATC_t;
+extern volatile __LATC_t __at 0xF8B LATCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8C LATD;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATD0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATD_t;
+extern volatile __LATD_t __at 0xF8C LATDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8D LATE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATE0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATE1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATE2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __LATE_t;
+extern volatile __LATE_t __at 0xF8D LATEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF92 TRISA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISA0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA6 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISA_t;
+extern volatile __TRISA_t __at 0xF92 TRISAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF93 TRISB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISB0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISB_t;
+extern volatile __TRISB_t __at 0xF93 TRISBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF94 TRISC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISC0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISC_t;
+extern volatile __TRISC_t __at 0xF94 TRISCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF95 TRISD;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISD0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISD_t;
+extern volatile __TRISD_t __at 0xF95 TRISDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF96 TRISE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISE0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISE1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISE2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISE_t;
+extern volatile __TRISE_t __at 0xF96 TRISEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9B OSCTUNE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TUN : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned HF256DIV : 1;
+ };
+} __OSCTUNE_t;
+extern volatile __OSCTUNE_t __at 0xF9B OSCTUNEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9D PIE1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IE : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IE : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIE : 1;
+ unsigned TXIE : 1;
+ unsigned RCIE : 1;
+ unsigned ADIE : 1;
+ unsigned SPPIE : 1;
+ };
+} __PIE1_t;
+extern volatile __PIE1_t __at 0xF9D PIE1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9E PIR1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IF : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IF : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIF : 1;
+ unsigned TXIF : 1;
+ unsigned RCIF : 1;
+ unsigned ADIF : 1;
+ unsigned SPPIF : 1;
+ };
+} __PIR1_t;
+extern volatile __PIR1_t __at 0xF9E PIR1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9F IPR1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IP : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IP : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IP : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIP : 1;
+ unsigned TXIP : 1;
+ unsigned RCIP : 1;
+ unsigned ADIP : 1;
+ unsigned SPPIP : 1;
+ };
+} __IPR1_t;
+extern volatile __IPR1_t __at 0xF9F IPR1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA0 PIE2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3IE : 1;
+ unsigned HLVDIE : 1;
+ unsigned BCLIE : 1;
+ unsigned EEIE : 1;
+ unsigned USBIE : 1;
+ unsigned CMIE : 1;
+ unsigned OSCFIE : 1;
+ };
+} __PIE2_t;
+extern volatile __PIE2_t __at 0xFA0 PIE2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA1 PIR2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3IF : 1;
+ unsigned HLVDIF : 1;
+ unsigned BCLIF : 1;
+ unsigned EEIF : 1;
+ unsigned USBIF : 1;
+ unsigned CMIF : 1;
+ unsigned OSCFIF : 1;
+ };
+} __PIR2_t;
+extern volatile __PIR2_t __at 0xFA1 PIR2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA2 IPR2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IP : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3IP : 1;
+ unsigned HLVDIP : 1;
+ unsigned BCLIP : 1;
+ unsigned EEIP : 1;
+ unsigned USBIP : 1;
+ unsigned CMIP : 1;
+ unsigned OSCFIP : 1;
+ };
+} __IPR2_t;
+extern volatile __IPR2_t __at 0xFA2 IPR2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA6 EECON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD : 1;
+ unsigned WR : 1;
+ unsigned WREN : 1;
+ unsigned WRERR : 1;
+ unsigned FREE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CFGS : 1;
+ unsigned EEPGD : 1;
+ };
+} __EECON1_t;
+extern volatile __EECON1_t __at 0xFA6 EECON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA7 EECON2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA8 EEDATA;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA9 EEADR;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAB RCSTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RX9D : 1;
+ unsigned OERR : 1;
+ unsigned FERR : 1;
+ unsigned ADDEN : 1;
+ unsigned CREN : 1;
+ unsigned SREN : 1;
+ unsigned RX9 : 1;
+ unsigned SPEN : 1;
+ };
+} __RCSTA_t;
+extern volatile __RCSTA_t __at 0xFAB RCSTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAC TXSTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TX9D : 1;
+ unsigned TRMT : 1;
+ unsigned BRGH : 1;
+ unsigned SENDB : 1;
+ unsigned SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned TXEN : 1;
+ unsigned TX9 : 1;
+ unsigned CSRC : 1;
+ };
+} __TXSTA_t;
+extern volatile __TXSTA_t __at 0xFAC TXSTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAD TXREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAE RCREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAF SPBRG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB0 SPBRGH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB1 T3CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR3ON : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3CS : 1;
+ unsigned nT3SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T3CCP1 : 1;
+ unsigned T3CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned T3CCP2 : 1;
+ unsigned RD16 : 1;
+ };
+} __T3CON_t;
+extern volatile __T3CON_t __at 0xFB1 T3CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB2 TMR3L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB3 TMR3H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB4 CMCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CM : 3;
+ unsigned CIS : 1;
+ unsigned C1INV : 1;
+ unsigned C2INV : 1;
+ unsigned C1OUT : 1;
+ unsigned C2OUT : 1;
+ };
+} __CMCON_t;
+extern volatile __CMCON_t __at 0xFB4 CMCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB5 CVRCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CVR : 4;
+ unsigned CVRSS : 1;
+ unsigned CVRR : 1;
+ unsigned CVROE : 1;
+ unsigned CVREN : 1;
+ };
+} __CVRCON_t;
+extern volatile __CVRCON_t __at 0xFB5 CVRCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB6 ECCP1AS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PSSBD : 2;
+ unsigned PSSAC : 2;
+ unsigned ECCPAS : 3;
+ unsigned ECCPASE : 1;
+ };
+} __ECCP1AS_t;
+extern volatile __ECCP1AS_t __at 0xFB6 ECCP1ASbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB7 ECCP1DEL;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PDC : 7;
+ unsigned PRSEN : 1;
+ };
+} __ECCP1DEL_t;
+extern volatile __ECCP1DEL_t __at 0xFB7 ECCP1DELbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB8 BAUDCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ABDEN : 1;
+ unsigned WUE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned BRG16 : 1;
+ unsigned SCKP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RCMT : 1;
+ unsigned ABDOVF : 1;
+ };
+} __BAUDCON_t;
+extern volatile __BAUDCON_t __at 0xFB8 BAUDCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBA CCP2CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2M : 4;
+ unsigned DC2B : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __CCP2CON_t;
+extern volatile __CCP2CON_t __at 0xFBA CCP2CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBB CCPR2L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBC CCPR2H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBD ECCP1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP1M : 4;
+ unsigned DC1B : 2;
+ unsigned P1M : 2;
+ };
+} __ECCP1CON_t;
+extern volatile __ECCP1CON_t __at 0xFBD ECCP1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBE CCPR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBF CCPR1H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC0 ADCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADCS : 3;
+ unsigned ACQT : 3;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned ADFM : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON2_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON2_t __at 0xFC0 ADCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC1 ADCON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCFG : 4;
+ unsigned VCFG : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON1_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON1_t __at 0xFC1 ADCON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC2 ADCON0;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADON : 1;
+ unsigned GO_nDONE : 1;
+ unsigned CHS : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON0_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON0_t __at 0xFC2 ADCON0bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC3 ADRESL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC4 ADRESH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SEN : 1;
+ unsigned RSEN : 1;
+ unsigned PEN : 1;
+ unsigned RCEN : 1;
+ unsigned ACKEN : 1;
+ unsigned ACKDT : 1;
+ unsigned ACKSTAT : 1;
+ unsigned GCEN : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPCON2_t;
+extern volatile __SSPCON2_t __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SSPM : 4;
+ unsigned CKP : 1;
+ unsigned SSPEN : 1;
+ unsigned SSPOV : 1;
+ unsigned WCOL : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPCON1_t;
+extern volatile __SSPCON1_t __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC7 SSPSTAT;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned BF : 1;
+ unsigned UA : 1;
+ unsigned R_nW : 1;
+ unsigned S : 1;
+ unsigned P : 1;
+ unsigned D_nA : 1;
+ unsigned CKE : 1;
+ unsigned SMP : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPSTAT_t;
+extern volatile __SSPSTAT_t __at 0xFC7 SSPSTATbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC8 SSPADD;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC9 SSPBUF;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCA T2CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned T2CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned TMR2ON : 1;
+ unsigned TOUTPS : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __T2CON_t;
+extern volatile __T2CON_t __at 0xFCA T2CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCB PR2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCC TMR2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCD T1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1ON : 1;
+ unsigned TMR1CS : 1;
+ unsigned nT1SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T1OSCEN : 1;
+ unsigned T1CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned T1RUN : 1;
+ unsigned RD16 : 1;
+ };
+} __T1CON_t;
+extern volatile __T1CON_t __at 0xFCD T1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCE TMR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCF TMR1H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD0 RCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned nBOR : 1;
+ unsigned nPOR : 1;
+ unsigned nPD : 1;
+ unsigned nTO : 1;
+ unsigned nRI : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned SBOREN : 1;
+ unsigned IPEN : 1;
+ };
+} __RCON_t;
+extern volatile __RCON_t __at 0xFD0 RCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD1 WDTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SWDTEN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __WDTCON_t;
+extern volatile __WDTCON_t __at 0xFD1 WDTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD2 HLVDCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned HLVDL : 4;
+ unsigned HLVDEN : 1;
+ unsigned IRVST : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned VDIRMAG : 1;
+ };
+} __HLVDCON_t;
+extern volatile __HLVDCON_t __at 0xFD2 HLVDCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD3 OSCCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SCS : 2;
+ unsigned FLTS : 1;
+ unsigned OSTS : 1;
+ unsigned IRCF : 3;
+ unsigned IDLEN : 1;
+ };
+} __OSCCON_t;
+extern volatile __OSCCON_t __at 0xFD3 OSCCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD5 T0CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned T0PS : 3;
+ unsigned PSA : 1;
+ unsigned T0SE : 1;
+ unsigned T0CS : 1;
+ unsigned T08BIT : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0ON : 1;
+ };
+} __T0CON_t;
+extern volatile __T0CON_t __at 0xFD5 T0CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD6 TMR0L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD7 TMR0H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD8 STATUS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned C : 1;
+ unsigned DC : 1;
+ unsigned Z : 1;
+ unsigned OV : 1;
+ unsigned N : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __STATUS_t;
+extern volatile __STATUS_t __at 0xFD8 STATUSbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD9 FSR2L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDA FSR2H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR2H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR2H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR2H_t __at 0xFDA FSR2Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDB PLUSW2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDC PREINC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDD POSTDEC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDE POSTINC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDF INDF2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE0 BSR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned BSR : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __BSR_t;
+extern volatile __BSR_t __at 0xFE0 BSRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE1 FSR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE2 FSR1H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR1H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR1H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR1H_t __at 0xFE2 FSR1Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE3 PLUSW1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE4 PREINC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE5 POSTDEC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE6 POSTINC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE7 INDF1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE8 WREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE9 FSR0L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEA FSR0H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR0H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR0H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR0H_t __at 0xFEA FSR0Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEB PLUSW0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEC PREINC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFED POSTDEC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEE POSTINC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEF INDF0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF0 INTCON3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned INT1IF : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INT1IE : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INT1IP : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IP : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON3_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON3_t __at 0xFF0 INTCON3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF1 INTCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RBIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG2 : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG1 : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG0 : 1;
+ unsigned nRBPU : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON2_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON2_t __at 0xFF1 INTCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF2 INTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RBIF : 1;
+ unsigned INT0IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IF : 1;
+ unsigned RBIE : 1;
+ unsigned INT0IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IE : 1;
+ unsigned PEIE_GIEL : 1;
+ unsigned GIE_GIEH : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PEIE : 1;
+ unsigned GIE : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned GIEL : 1;
+ unsigned GIEH : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON_t __at 0xFF2 INTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF3 PRODL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF4 PRODH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF5 TABLAT;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF6 TBLPTRL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF7 TBLPTRH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TBLPTRU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TBLPTRU_t;
+extern volatile __TBLPTRU_t __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRUbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF9 PCL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFA PCLATH;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCH : 8;
+ };
+} __PCLATH_t;
+extern volatile __PCLATH_t __at 0xFFA PCLATHbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFB PCLATU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PCLATU_t;
+extern volatile __PCLATU_t __at 0xFFB PCLATUbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFC STKPTR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned STKPTR : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned STKUNF : 1;
+ unsigned STKFUL : 1;
+ };
+} __STKPTR_t;
+extern volatile __STKPTR_t __at 0xFFC STKPTRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFD TOSL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFE TOSH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFF TOSU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TOSU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TOSU_t;
+extern volatile __TOSU_t __at 0xFFF TOSUbits;
+/* Configuration register locations */
+#define CONFIG1L 0x300000
+#define CONFIG1H 0x300001
+#define CONFIG2L 0x300002
+#define CONFIG2H 0x300003
+#define CONFIG3H 0x300005
+#define CONFIG4L 0x300006
+#define CONFIG5L 0x300008
+#define CONFIG5H 0x300009
+#define CONFIG6L 0x30000A
+#define CONFIG6H 0x30000B
+#define CONFIG7L 0x30000C
+#define CONFIG7H 0x30000D
+/* Full-Speed USB Clock Source Selection 1L options */
+#define _USBPLL_CLOCK_SRC_FROM_96MHZ_PLL_2_1L 0xFF /* Clock src from 96MHz PLL/2 */
+#define _USBPLL_CLOCK_SRC_FROM_OSC1_OSC2_1L 0xDF /* Clock src from OSC1/OSC2 */
+/* CPU System Clock Postscaler 1L options */
+#define _CPUDIV__OSC1_OSC2_SRC___4__96MHZ_PLL_SRC___6__1L 0xFF /* [OSC1/OSC2 Src: /4][96MHz PLL Src: /6] */
+#define _CPUDIV__OSC1_OSC2_SRC___3__96MHZ_PLL_SRC___4__1L 0xF7 /* [OSC1/OSC2 Src: /3][96MHz PLL Src: /4] */
+#define _CPUDIV__OSC1_OSC2_SRC___2__96MHZ_PLL_SRC___3__1L 0xEF /* [OSC1/OSC2 Src: /2][96MHz PLL Src: /3] */
+#define _CPUDIV__OSC1_OSC2_SRC___1__96MHZ_PLL_SRC___2__1L 0xE7 /* [OSC1/OSC2 Src: /1][96MHz PLL Src: /2] */
+/* 96MHz PLL Prescaler 1L options */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_12__48MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFF /* Divide by 12 (48MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_10__40MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFE /* Divide by 10 (40MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_6__24MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFD /* Divide by 6 (24MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_5__20MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFC /* Divide by 5 (20MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_4__16MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFB /* Divide by 4 (16MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_3__12MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xFA /* Divide by 3 (12MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_DIVIDE_BY_2__8MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xF9 /* Divide by 2 (8MHz input) */
+#define _PLLDIV_NO_DIVIDE__4MHZ_INPUT__1L 0xF8 /* No Divide (4MHz input) */
+/* Oscillator 1H options */
+#define _OSC_HS__HS_PLL__USB_HS_1H 0xFE /* HS: HS+PLL, USB-HS */
+#define _OSC_HS__USB_HS_1H 0xFC /* HS: USB-HS */
+#define _OSC_INTOSC__USB_HS_1H 0xFB /* INTOSC: USB-HS */
+#define _OSC_INTOSC__USB_XT_1H 0xFA /* INTOSC: USB-XT */
+#define _OSC_EC__EC_PLL__EC_PLL_RA6__USB_EC_1H 0xF6 /* EC: EC+PLL, EC+PLL+RA6, USB-EC */
+#define _OSC_EC__EC_CLKO_RA6___USB_EC_1H 0xF5 /* EC: EC+CLKO{RA6}, USB-EC */
+#define _OSC_EC__EC_RA6__USB_EC_1H 0xF4 /* EC: EC+RA6, USB-EC */
+#define _OSC_XT__XT_PLL__USB_XT_1H 0xF2 /* XT: XT+PLL, USB-XT */
+#define _OSC_XT__USB_XT_1H 0xF0 /* XT: USB-XT */
+/* Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable 1H options */
+#define _FCMEN_OFF_1H 0xBF /* Disabled */
+#define _FCMEN_ON_1H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+/* Internal External Switch Over Mode 1H options */
+#define _IESO_OFF_1H 0x7F /* Disabled */
+#define _IESO_ON_1H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+/* USB Voltage Regulator 2L options */
+#define _VREGEN_ON_2L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _VREGEN_OFF_2L 0xDF /* Disabled */
+/* Power Up Timer 2L options */
+#define _PUT_OFF_2L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _PUT_ON_2L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Brown Out Detect 2L options */
+#define _BODEN_ON_2L 0xFF /* Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled */
+#define _BODEN_ON_WHILE_ACTIVE_2L 0xFD /* Enabled while active,disabled in SLEEP,SBOREN disabled */
+#define _BODEN_CONTROLLED_WITH_SBOREN_BIT_2L 0xFB /* Controlled with SBOREN bit */
+#define _BODEN_OFF_2L 0xF9 /* Disabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled */
+/* Brown Out Voltage 2L options */
+#define _BODENV_2_0V_2L 0xFF /* 2.0V */
+#define _BODENV_2_7V_2L 0xF7 /* 2.7V */
+#define _BODENV_4_2V_2L 0xEF /* 4.2V */
+#define _BODENV_4_5V_2L 0xE7 /* 4.5V */
+/* Watchdog Timer 2H options */
+#define _WDT_ON_2H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _WDT_DISABLED_CONTROLLED_2H 0xFE /* Disabled-Controlled by SWDTEN bit */
+/* Watchdog Postscaler 2H options */
+#define _WDTPS_1_32768_2H 0xFF /* 1:32768 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_16384_2H 0xFD /* 1:16384 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_8192_2H 0xFB /* 1:8192 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_4096_2H 0xF9 /* 1:4096 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_2048_2H 0xF7 /* 1:2048 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_1024_2H 0xF5 /* 1:1024 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_512_2H 0xF3 /* 1:512 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_256_2H 0xF1 /* 1:256 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_128_2H 0xEF /* 1:128 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_64_2H 0xED /* 1:64 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_32_2H 0xEB /* 1:32 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_16_2H 0xE9 /* 1:16 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_8_2H 0xE7 /* 1:8 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_4_2H 0xE5 /* 1:4 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_2_2H 0xE3 /* 1:2 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_1_2H 0xE1 /* 1:1 */
+/* CCP2 Mux 3H options */
+#define _CCP2MUX_RC1_3H 0xFF /* RC1 */
+#define _CCP2MUX_RB3_3H 0xFE /* RB3 */
+/* PortB A/D Enable 3H options */
+#define _PBADEN_PORTB_4_0__CONFIGURED_AS_ANALOG_INPUTS_ON_RESET_3H 0xFF /* PORTB<4:0> configured as analog inputs on RESET */
+#define _PBADEN_PORTB_4_0__CONFIGURED_AS_DIGITAL_I_O_ON_RESET_3H 0xFD /* PORTB<4:0> configured as digital I/O on RESET */
+/* Low Power Timer1 Osc enable 3H options */
+#define _LPT1OSC_ON_3H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _LPT1OSC_OFF_3H 0xFB /* Disabled */
+/* Master Clear Enable 3H options */
+#define _MCLRE_MCLR_ON_RE3_OFF_3H 0xFF /* MCLR Enabled,RE3 Disabled */
+#define _MCLRE_MCLR_OFF_RE3_ON_3H 0x7F /* MCLR Disabled,RE3 Enabled */
+/* Stack Overflow Reset 4L options */
+#define _STVR_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _STVR_OFF_4L 0xFE /* Disabled */
+/* Low Voltage Program 4L options */
+#define _LVP_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _LVP_OFF_4L 0xFB /* Disabled */
+/* Dedicated In-Circuit Port {ICD/ICSP} 4L options */
+#define _ENICPORT_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _ENICPORT_OFF_4L 0xDF /* Disabled */
+/* Extended CPU Enable 4L options */
+#define _ENHCPU_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _ENHCPU_OFF_4L 0xBF /* Disabled */
+/* Background Debug 4L options */
+#define _BACKBUG_OFF_4L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _BACKBUG_ON_4L 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 00800-01FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_0_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_0_ON_5L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 02000-03FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_1_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_1_ON_5L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 04000-05FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_2_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_2_ON_5L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Data EE Read Protect 5H options */
+#define _CPD_OFF_5H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CPD_ON_5H 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect Boot 5H options */
+#define _CPB_OFF_5H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CPB_ON_5H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 00800-01FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_0_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_0_ON_6L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 02000-03FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_1_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_1_ON_6L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 04000-05FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_2_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_2_ON_6L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Data EE Write Protect 6H options */
+#define _WRTD_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTD_ON_6H 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect Boot 6H options */
+#define _WRTB_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTB_ON_6H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Config. Write Protect 6H options */
+#define _WRTC_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTC_ON_6H 0xDF /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 00800-01FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_0_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_0_ON_7L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 02000-03FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_1_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_1_ON_7L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 04000-05FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_2_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_2_ON_7L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect Boot 7H options */
+#define _EBTRB_OFF_7H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTRB_ON_7H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Location of User ID words */
+#define __IDLOC0 0x200000
+#define __IDLOC1 0x200001
+#define __IDLOC2 0x200002
+#define __IDLOC3 0x200003
+#define __IDLOC4 0x200004
+#define __IDLOC5 0x200005
+#define __IDLOC6 0x200006
+#define __IDLOC7 0x200007
+#endif // __PIC18F4455__
--- /dev/null
+ * pic18f4520.h - PIC18F4520 Device Library Header
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GNU PIC Library.
+ *
+ * May, 2005
+ * The GNU PIC Library is maintained by
+ * Raphael Neider <rneider@web.de>
+ *
+ * originally designed by
+ * Vangelis Rokas <vrokas@otenet.gr>
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __PIC18F4520_H__
+#define __PIC18F4520_H__ 1
+extern __sfr __at 0xF80 PORTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RA0 : 1;
+ unsigned RA1 : 1;
+ unsigned RA2 : 1;
+ unsigned RA3 : 1;
+ unsigned RA4 : 1;
+ unsigned RA5 : 1;
+ unsigned RA6 : 1;
+ unsigned RA7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RA : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned C1INN :1;
+ unsigned C2INN :1;
+ unsigned C2INP :1;
+ unsigned C1INP :1;
+ unsigned C1OUT :1;
+ unsigned C2OUT :1;
+ unsigned OSC2 :1;
+ unsigned OSC1 :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN0 :1;
+ unsigned AN1 :1;
+ unsigned AN2 :1;
+ unsigned AN3 :1;
+ unsigned T0CKI :1;
+ unsigned AN4 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTA_t;
+extern volatile __PORTA_t __at 0xF80 PORTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF81 PORTB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RB0 : 1;
+ unsigned RB1 : 1;
+ unsigned RB2 : 1;
+ unsigned RB3 : 1;
+ unsigned RB4 : 1;
+ unsigned RB5 : 1;
+ unsigned RB6 : 1;
+ unsigned RB7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RB : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN12 :1;
+ unsigned AN10 :1;
+ unsigned AN8 :1;
+ unsigned AN9 :1;
+ unsigned AN11 :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTB_t;
+extern volatile __PORTB_t __at 0xF81 PORTBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF82 PORTC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RC0 : 1;
+ unsigned RC1 : 1;
+ unsigned RC2 : 1;
+ unsigned RC3 : 1;
+ unsigned RC4 : 1;
+ unsigned RC5 : 1;
+ unsigned RC6 : 1;
+ unsigned RC7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RC : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned T1CKI :1;
+ unsigned T1OSCI :1;
+ unsigned ECCPA :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned U1TX :1;
+ unsigned U1RX :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned T3CKI :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned T1OSCO :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTC_t;
+extern volatile __PORTC_t __at 0xF82 PORTCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF83 PORTD;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD0 : 1;
+ unsigned RD1 : 1;
+ unsigned RD2 : 1;
+ unsigned RD3 : 1;
+ unsigned RD4 : 1;
+ unsigned RD5 : 1;
+ unsigned RD6 : 1;
+ unsigned RD7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned ECCPB :1;
+ unsigned ECCPC :1;
+ unsigned ECCPD :1;
+ };
+} __PORTD_t;
+extern volatile __PORTD_t __at 0xF83 PORTDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF84 PORTE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RE0 : 1;
+ unsigned RE1 : 1;
+ unsigned RE2 : 1;
+ unsigned RE3 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned RE : 8;
+ };
+ /* aliases */
+ struct {
+ unsigned AN5 :1;
+ unsigned AN6 :1;
+ unsigned AN7 :1;
+ unsigned MCLR :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ unsigned :1;
+ };
+} __PORTE_t;
+extern volatile __PORTE_t __at 0xF84 PORTEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF89 LATA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATA0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATA7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATA_t;
+extern volatile __LATA_t __at 0xF89 LATAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8A LATB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATB0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATB7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATB_t;
+extern volatile __LATB_t __at 0xF8A LATBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8B LATC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATC0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATC7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATC_t;
+extern volatile __LATC_t __at 0xF8B LATCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8C LATD;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATD0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD2 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD3 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD4 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD5 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD6 : 1;
+ unsigned LATD7 : 1;
+ };
+} __LATD_t;
+extern volatile __LATD_t __at 0xF8C LATDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF8D LATE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LATE0 : 1;
+ unsigned LATE1 : 1;
+ unsigned LATE2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __LATE_t;
+extern volatile __LATE_t __at 0xF8D LATEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF92 TRISA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISA0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISA_t;
+extern volatile __TRISA_t __at 0xF92 TRISAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF93 TRISB;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISB0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISB_t;
+extern volatile __TRISB_t __at 0xF93 TRISBbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF94 TRISC;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISC0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISC_t;
+extern volatile __TRISC_t __at 0xF94 TRISCbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF95 TRISD;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISD0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD7 : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISD_t;
+extern volatile __TRISD_t __at 0xF95 TRISDbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF96 TRISE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TRISE0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISE1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISE2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PSPMODE : 1;
+ unsigned IBOV : 1;
+ unsigned OBF : 1;
+ unsigned IBF : 1;
+ };
+} __TRISE_t;
+extern volatile __TRISE_t __at 0xF96 TRISEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9B OSCTUNE;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TUN : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PLLEN : 1;
+ unsigned HF256DIV : 1;
+ };
+} __OSCTUNE_t;
+extern volatile __OSCTUNE_t __at 0xF9B OSCTUNEbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9D PIE1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IE : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IE : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIE : 1;
+ unsigned TXIE : 1;
+ unsigned RCIE : 1;
+ unsigned ADIE : 1;
+ unsigned PSPIE : 1;
+ };
+} __PIE1_t;
+extern volatile __PIE1_t __at 0xF9D PIE1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9E PIR1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IF : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IF : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIF : 1;
+ unsigned TXIF : 1;
+ unsigned RCIF : 1;
+ unsigned ADIF : 1;
+ unsigned PSPIF : 1;
+ };
+} __PIR1_t;
+extern volatile __PIR1_t __at 0xF9E PIR1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xF9F IPR1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1IP : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IP : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IP : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIP : 1;
+ unsigned TXIP : 1;
+ unsigned RCIP : 1;
+ unsigned ADIP : 1;
+ unsigned PSPIP : 1;
+ };
+} __IPR1_t;
+extern volatile __IPR1_t __at 0xF9F IPR1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA0 PIE2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3IE : 1;
+ unsigned LVDIE : 1;
+ unsigned BCLIE : 1;
+ unsigned EEIE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CMIE : 1;
+ unsigned OSCFIE : 1;
+ };
+} __PIE2_t;
+extern volatile __PIE2_t __at 0xFA0 PIE2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA1 PIR2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3IF : 1;
+ unsigned LVDIF : 1;
+ unsigned BCLIF : 1;
+ unsigned EEIF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CMIF : 1;
+ unsigned OSCFIF : 1;
+ };
+} __PIR2_t;
+extern volatile __PIR2_t __at 0xFA1 PIR2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA2 IPR2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2IP : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3IP : 1;
+ unsigned LVDIP : 1;
+ unsigned BCLIP : 1;
+ unsigned EEIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CMIP : 1;
+ unsigned OSCFIP : 1;
+ };
+} __IPR2_t;
+extern volatile __IPR2_t __at 0xFA2 IPR2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA6 EECON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RD : 1;
+ unsigned WR : 1;
+ unsigned WREN : 1;
+ unsigned WRERR : 1;
+ unsigned FREE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned CFGS : 1;
+ unsigned EEPGD : 1;
+ };
+} __EECON1_t;
+extern volatile __EECON1_t __at 0xFA6 EECON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA7 EECON2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA8 EEDATA;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFA9 EEADR;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAB RCSTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RX9D : 1;
+ unsigned OERR : 1;
+ unsigned FERR : 1;
+ unsigned ADDEN : 1;
+ unsigned CREN : 1;
+ unsigned SREN : 1;
+ unsigned RX9 : 1;
+ unsigned SPEN : 1;
+ };
+} __RCSTA_t;
+extern volatile __RCSTA_t __at 0xFAB RCSTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAC TXSTA;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TX9D : 1;
+ unsigned TRMT : 1;
+ unsigned BRGH : 1;
+ unsigned SENDB : 1;
+ unsigned SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned TXEN : 1;
+ unsigned TX9 : 1;
+ unsigned CSRC : 1;
+ };
+} __TXSTA_t;
+extern volatile __TXSTA_t __at 0xFAC TXSTAbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAD TXREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAE RCREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFAF SPBRG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB0 SPBRGH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB1 T3CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR3ON : 1;
+ unsigned TMR3CS : 1;
+ unsigned nT3SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T3CCP1 : 1;
+ unsigned T3CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned T3CCP2 : 1;
+ unsigned RD16 : 1;
+ };
+} __T3CON_t;
+extern volatile __T3CON_t __at 0xFB1 T3CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB2 TMR3L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB3 TMR3H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB4 CMCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CM : 3;
+ unsigned CIS : 1;
+ unsigned C1INV : 1;
+ unsigned C2INV : 1;
+ unsigned C1OUT : 1;
+ unsigned C2OUT : 1;
+ };
+} __CMCON_t;
+extern volatile __CMCON_t __at 0xFB4 CMCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB5 CVRCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CVR : 4;
+ unsigned CVRSS : 1;
+ unsigned CVRR : 1;
+ unsigned CVROE : 1;
+ unsigned CVREN : 1;
+ };
+} __CVRCON_t;
+extern volatile __CVRCON_t __at 0xFB5 CVRCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB6 ECCPAS1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PSSBD : 2;
+ unsigned PSSAC : 2;
+ unsigned ECCPAS : 3;
+ unsigned ECCPASE : 1;
+ };
+} __ECCPAS1_t;
+extern volatile __ECCPAS1_t __at 0xFB6 ECCPAS1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB7 PWM1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PDC : 7;
+ unsigned PRSEN : 1;
+ };
+} __PWM1CON_t;
+extern volatile __PWM1CON_t __at 0xFB7 PWM1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFB8 BAUDCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ABDEN : 1;
+ unsigned WUE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned BRG16 : 1;
+ unsigned SCKP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RCMT : 1;
+ unsigned ABDOVF : 1;
+ };
+} __BAUDCON_t;
+extern volatile __BAUDCON_t __at 0xFB8 BAUDCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBA CCP2CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP2M : 4;
+ unsigned DC2B : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __CCP2CON_t;
+extern volatile __CCP2CON_t __at 0xFBA CCP2CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBB CCPR2L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBC CCPR2H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBD ECCP1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned CCP1M : 4;
+ unsigned DC1B : 2;
+ unsigned P1M : 2;
+ };
+} __ECCP1CON_t;
+extern volatile __ECCP1CON_t __at 0xFBD ECCP1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBE CCPR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFBF CCPR1H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC0 ADCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADCS : 3;
+ unsigned ACQT : 3;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned ADFM : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON2_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON2_t __at 0xFC0 ADCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC1 ADCON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCFG : 4;
+ unsigned VCFG : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON1_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON1_t __at 0xFC1 ADCON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC2 ADCON0;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned ADON : 1;
+ unsigned GO_nDONE : 1;
+ unsigned CHS : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __ADCON0_t;
+extern volatile __ADCON0_t __at 0xFC2 ADCON0bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC3 ADRESL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC4 ADRESH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SEN : 1;
+ unsigned RSEN : 1;
+ unsigned PEN : 1;
+ unsigned RCEN : 1;
+ unsigned ACKEN : 1;
+ unsigned ACKDT : 1;
+ unsigned ACKSTAT : 1;
+ unsigned GCEN : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPCON2_t;
+extern volatile __SSPCON2_t __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SSPM : 4;
+ unsigned CKP : 1;
+ unsigned SSPEN : 1;
+ unsigned SSPOV : 1;
+ unsigned WCOL : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPCON1_t;
+extern volatile __SSPCON1_t __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC7 SSPSTAT;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned BF : 1;
+ unsigned UA : 1;
+ unsigned R_nW : 1;
+ unsigned S : 1;
+ unsigned P : 1;
+ unsigned D_nA : 1;
+ unsigned CKE : 1;
+ unsigned SMP : 1;
+ };
+} __SSPSTAT_t;
+extern volatile __SSPSTAT_t __at 0xFC7 SSPSTATbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC8 SSPADD;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFC9 SSPBUF;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCA T2CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned T2CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned TMR2ON : 1;
+ unsigned TOUTPS : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __T2CON_t;
+extern volatile __T2CON_t __at 0xFCA T2CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCB PR2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCC TMR2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCD T1CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TMR1ON : 1;
+ unsigned TMR1CS : 1;
+ unsigned nT1SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T1OSCEN : 1;
+ unsigned T1CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned T1RUN : 1;
+ unsigned RD16 : 1;
+ };
+} __T1CON_t;
+extern volatile __T1CON_t __at 0xFCD T1CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCE TMR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFCF TMR1H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD0 RCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned nBOR : 1;
+ unsigned nPOR : 1;
+ unsigned nPD : 1;
+ unsigned nTO : 1;
+ unsigned nRI : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned SBOREN : 1;
+ unsigned IPEN : 1;
+ };
+} __RCON_t;
+extern volatile __RCON_t __at 0xFD0 RCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD1 WDTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SWDTEN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __WDTCON_t;
+extern volatile __WDTCON_t __at 0xFD1 WDTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD2 LVDCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned LVDL : 4;
+ unsigned LVDEN : 1;
+ unsigned IRVST : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __LVDCON_t;
+extern volatile __LVDCON_t __at 0xFD2 LVDCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD3 OSCCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned SCS : 2;
+ unsigned FLTS : 1;
+ unsigned OSTS : 1;
+ unsigned IRCF : 3;
+ unsigned IDLEN : 1;
+ };
+} __OSCCON_t;
+extern volatile __OSCCON_t __at 0xFD3 OSCCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD5 T0CON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned T0PS : 3;
+ unsigned PSA : 1;
+ unsigned T0SE : 1;
+ unsigned T0CS : 1;
+ unsigned T08BIT : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0ON : 1;
+ };
+} __T0CON_t;
+extern volatile __T0CON_t __at 0xFD5 T0CONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD6 TMR0L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD7 TMR0H;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD8 STATUS;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned C : 1;
+ unsigned DC : 1;
+ unsigned Z : 1;
+ unsigned OV : 1;
+ unsigned N : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __STATUS_t;
+extern volatile __STATUS_t __at 0xFD8 STATUSbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFD9 FSR2L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDA FSR2H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR2H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR2H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR2H_t __at 0xFDA FSR2Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDB PLUSW2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDC PREINC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDD POSTDEC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDE POSTINC2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFDF INDF2;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE0 BSR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned BSR : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __BSR_t;
+extern volatile __BSR_t __at 0xFE0 BSRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE1 FSR1L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE2 FSR1H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR1H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR1H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR1H_t __at 0xFE2 FSR1Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE3 PLUSW1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE4 PREINC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE5 POSTDEC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE6 POSTINC1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE7 INDF1;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE8 WREG;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFE9 FSR0L;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEA FSR0H;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned FSR0H : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __FSR0H_t;
+extern volatile __FSR0H_t __at 0xFEA FSR0Hbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEB PLUSW0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEC PREINC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFED POSTDEC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEE POSTINC0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFEF INDF0;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF0 INTCON3;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned INT1IF : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INT1IE : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INT1IP : 1;
+ unsigned INT2IP : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON3_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON3_t __at 0xFF0 INTCON3bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF1 INTCON2;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RBIP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IP : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG2 : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG1 : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG0 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON2_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON2_t __at 0xFF1 INTCON2bits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF2 INTCON;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned RBIF : 1;
+ unsigned INT0IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IF : 1;
+ unsigned RBIE : 1;
+ unsigned INT0IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IE : 1;
+ unsigned PEIE_GIEL : 1;
+ unsigned GIE_GIEH : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned PEIE : 1;
+ unsigned GIE : 1;
+ };
+ struct {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned GIEL : 1;
+ unsigned GIEH : 1;
+ };
+} __INTCON_t;
+extern volatile __INTCON_t __at 0xFF2 INTCONbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF3 PRODL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF4 PRODH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF5 TABLAT;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF6 TBLPTRL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF7 TBLPTRH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TBLPTRU : 5;
+ unsigned ACSS : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TBLPTRU_t;
+extern volatile __TBLPTRU_t __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRUbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFF9 PCL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFA PCLATH;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCH : 8;
+ };
+} __PCLATH_t;
+extern volatile __PCLATH_t __at 0xFFA PCLATHbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFB PCLATU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned PCU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __PCLATU_t;
+extern volatile __PCLATU_t __at 0xFFB PCLATUbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFC STKPTR;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned STKPTR : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned STKUNF : 1;
+ unsigned STKFUL : 1;
+ };
+} __STKPTR_t;
+extern volatile __STKPTR_t __at 0xFFC STKPTRbits;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFD TOSL;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFE TOSH;
+extern __sfr __at 0xFFF TOSU;
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned TOSU : 5;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+} __TOSU_t;
+extern volatile __TOSU_t __at 0xFFF TOSUbits;
+/* Configuration register locations */
+#define CONFIG1H 0x300001
+#define CONFIG2L 0x300002
+#define CONFIG2H 0x300003
+#define CONFIG3H 0x300005
+#define CONFIG4L 0x300006
+#define CONFIG5L 0x300008
+#define CONFIG5H 0x300009
+#define CONFIG6L 0x30000A
+#define CONFIG6H 0x30000B
+#define CONFIG7L 0x30000C
+#define CONFIG7H 0x30000D
+/* Oscillator 1H options */
+#define _OSC_11XX_EXT_RC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_1H 0xFC /* 11XX EXT RC-CLKOUT on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_101X_EXT_RC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_1H 0xFA /* 101X EXT RC-CLKOUT on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_INT_RC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_PORT_ON_RA7_1H 0xF9 /* INT RC-CLKOUT on RA6,Port on RA7 */
+#define _OSC_INT_RC_PORT_ON_RA6_PORT_ON_RA7_1H 0xF8 /* INT RC-Port on RA6,Port on RA7 */
+#define _OSC_EXT_RC_PORT_ON_RA6_1H 0xF7 /* EXT RC-Port on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_HS_PLL_ON_FREQ_4XFOSC1_1H 0xF6 /* HS-PLL enabled freq=4xFosc1 */
+#define _OSC_EC_PORT_ON_RA6_1H 0xF5 /* EC-Port on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_EC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_1H 0xF4 /* EC-CLKOUT on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_0011_EXT_RC_CLKOUT_ON_RA6_1H 0xF3 /* 0011 EXT RC-CLKOUT on RA6 */
+#define _OSC_HS_1H 0xF2 /* HS */
+#define _OSC_XT_1H 0xF1 /* XT */
+#define _OSC_LP_1H 0xF0 /* LP */
+/* Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable 1H options */
+#define _FCMEN_OFF_1H 0xBF /* Disabled */
+#define _FCMEN_ON_1H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+/* Internal External Switch Over Mode 1H options */
+#define _IESO_OFF_1H 0x7F /* Disabled */
+#define _IESO_ON_1H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+/* Power Up Timer 2L options */
+#define _PUT_OFF_2L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _PUT_ON_2L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Brown Out Detect 2L options */
+#define _BODEN_ON_2L 0xFF /* Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled */
+#define _BODEN_ON_WHILE_ACTIVE_2L 0xFD /* Enabled while active,disabled in SLEEP,SBOREN disabled */
+#define _BODEN_CONTROLLED_WITH_SBOREN_BIT_2L 0xFB /* Controlled with SBOREN bit */
+#define _BODEN_OFF_2L 0xF9 /* Disabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled */
+/* Brown Out Voltage 2L options */
+#define _BODENV_2_0V_2L 0xFF /* 2.0V */
+#define _BODENV_2_7V_2L 0xF7 /* 2.7V */
+#define _BODENV_4_2V_2L 0xEF /* 4.2V */
+#define _BODENV_4_5V_2L 0xE7 /* 4.5V */
+/* Watchdog Timer 2H options */
+#define _WDT_ON_2H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _WDT_DISABLED_CONTROLLED_2H 0xFE /* Disabled-Controlled by SWDTEN bit */
+/* Watchdog Postscaler 2H options */
+#define _WDTPS_1_32768_2H 0xFF /* 1:32768 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_16384_2H 0xFD /* 1:16384 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_8192_2H 0xFB /* 1:8192 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_4096_2H 0xF9 /* 1:4096 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_2048_2H 0xF7 /* 1:2048 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_1024_2H 0xF5 /* 1:1024 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_512_2H 0xF3 /* 1:512 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_256_2H 0xF1 /* 1:256 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_128_2H 0xEF /* 1:128 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_64_2H 0xED /* 1:64 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_32_2H 0xEB /* 1:32 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_16_2H 0xE9 /* 1:16 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_8_2H 0xE7 /* 1:8 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_4_2H 0xE5 /* 1:4 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_2_2H 0xE3 /* 1:2 */
+#define _WDTPS_1_1_2H 0xE1 /* 1:1 */
+/* CCP2 Mux 3H options */
+#define _CCP2MUX_RC1_3H 0xFF /* RC1 */
+#define _CCP2MUX_RB3_3H 0xFE /* RB3 */
+/* PortB A/D Enable 3H options */
+#define _PBADEN_PORTB_4_0__CONFIGURED_AS_ANALOG_INPUTS_ON_RESET_3H 0xFF /* PORTB<4:0> configured as analog inputs on RESET */
+#define _PBADEN_PORTB_4_0__CONFIGURED_AS_DIGITAL_I_O_ON_RESET_3H 0xFD /* PORTB<4:0> configured as digital I/O on RESET */
+/* Low Power Timer1 Osc enable 3H options */
+#define _LPT1OSC_ON_3H 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _LPT1OSC_OFF_3H 0xFB /* Disabled */
+/* Master Clear Enable 3H options */
+#define _MCLRE_MCLR_ON_RE3_OFF_3H 0xFF /* MCLR Enabled,RE3 Disabled */
+#define _MCLRE_MCLR_OFF_RE3_ON_3H 0x7F /* MCLR Disabled,RE3 Enabled */
+/* Stack Overflow Reset 4L options */
+#define _STVR_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _STVR_OFF_4L 0xFE /* Disabled */
+/* Low Voltage Program 4L options */
+#define _LVP_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _LVP_OFF_4L 0xFB /* Disabled */
+/* Extended CPU Enable 4L options */
+#define _ENHCPU_ON_4L 0xFF /* Enabled */
+#define _ENHCPU_OFF_4L 0xBF /* Disabled */
+/* Background Debug 4L options */
+#define _BACKBUG_OFF_4L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _BACKBUG_ON_4L 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 00800-01FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_0_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_0_ON_5L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 02000-03FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_1_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_1_ON_5L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 04000-05FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_2_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_2_ON_5L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect 06000-07FFF 5L options */
+#define _CP_3_OFF_5L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CP_3_ON_5L 0xF7 /* Enabled */
+/* Data EEPROM Code Protect 5H options */
+#define _CPD_OFF_5H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CPD_ON_5H 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Code Protect Boot 5H options */
+#define _CPB_OFF_5H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _CPB_ON_5H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 00800-01FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_0_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_0_ON_6L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 02000-03FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_1_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_1_ON_6L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 04000-05FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_2_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_2_ON_6L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect 06000-07FFF 6L options */
+#define _WRT_3_OFF_6L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRT_3_ON_6L 0xF7 /* Enabled */
+/* Data EEPROM Write Protect 6H options */
+#define _WRTD_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTD_ON_6H 0x7F /* Enabled */
+/* Table Write Protect Boot 6H options */
+#define _WRTB_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTB_ON_6H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Config. Write Protect 6H options */
+#define _WRTC_OFF_6H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _WRTC_ON_6H 0xDF /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 00800-01FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_0_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_0_ON_7L 0xFE /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 02000-03FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_1_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_1_ON_7L 0xFD /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 04000-05FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_2_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_2_ON_7L 0xFB /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect 06000-07FFF 7L options */
+#define _EBTR_3_OFF_7L 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTR_3_ON_7L 0xF7 /* Enabled */
+/* Table Read Protect Boot 7H options */
+#define _EBTRB_OFF_7H 0xFF /* Disabled */
+#define _EBTRB_ON_7H 0xBF /* Enabled */
+/* Location of User ID words */
+#define __IDLOC0 0x200000
+#define __IDLOC1 0x200001
+#define __IDLOC2 0x200002
+#define __IDLOC3 0x200003
+#define __IDLOC4 0x200004
+#define __IDLOC5 0x200005
+#define __IDLOC6 0x200006
+#define __IDLOC7 0x200007
+#endif // __PIC18F4520__
#elif defined(pic18f2220)
# include <pic18f2220.h>
+#elif defined(pic18f2550)
+# include <pic18f2550.h>
+#elif defined(pic18f4331)
+# include <pic18f4331.h>
+#elif defined(pic18f4455)
+# include <pic18f4455.h>
#elif defined(pic18f6520)
# include <pic18f6520.h>
--- /dev/null
+ * pic18f2550.h - PIC18F2550 Device Library Sources
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GNU PIC Library.
+ *
+ * May, 2005
+ * The GNU PIC Library is maintained by
+ * Raphael Neider <rneider@web.de>
+ *
+ * originally designed by
+ * Vangelis Rokas <vrokas@otenet.gr>
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include <pic18f2550.h>
+__sfr __at 0xF62 SPPDATA;
+volatile __SPPDATA_t __at 0xF62 SPPDATAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF63 SPPCFG;
+volatile __SPPCFG_t __at 0xF63 SPPCFGbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF64 SPPEPS;
+volatile __SPPEPS_t __at 0xF64 SPPEPSbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF65 SPPCON;
+volatile __SPPCON_t __at 0xF65 SPPCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF66 UFRML;
+volatile __UFRML_t __at 0xF66 UFRMLbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF67 UFRMH;
+volatile __UFRMH_t __at 0xF67 UFRMHbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF68 UIR;
+volatile __UIR_t __at 0xF68 UIRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF69 UIE;
+volatile __UIE_t __at 0xF69 UIEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6A UEIR;
+volatile __UEIR_t __at 0xF6A UEIRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6B UEIE;
+volatile __UEIE_t __at 0xF6B UEIEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6C USTAT;
+volatile __USTAT_t __at 0xF6C USTATbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6D UCON;
+volatile __UCON_t __at 0xF6D UCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6E UADDR;
+volatile __UADDR_t __at 0xF6E UADDRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6F UCFG;
+volatile __UCFG_t __at 0xF6F UCFGbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF70 UEP0;
+volatile __UEP0_t __at 0xF70 UEP0bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF71 UEP1;
+volatile __UEP1_t __at 0xF71 UEP1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF72 UEP2;
+volatile __UEP2_t __at 0xF72 UEP2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF73 UEP3;
+volatile __UEP3_t __at 0xF73 UEP3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF74 UEP4;
+volatile __UEP4_t __at 0xF74 UEP4bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF75 UEP5;
+volatile __UEP5_t __at 0xF75 UEP5bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF76 UEP6;
+volatile __UEP6_t __at 0xF76 UEP6bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF77 UEP7;
+volatile __UEP7_t __at 0xF77 UEP7bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF78 UEP8;
+volatile __UEP8_t __at 0xF78 UEP8bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF79 UEP9;
+volatile __UEP9_t __at 0xF79 UEP9bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7A UEP10;
+volatile __UEP10_t __at 0xF7A UEP10bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7B UEP11;
+volatile __UEP11_t __at 0xF7B UEP11bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7C UEP12;
+volatile __UEP12_t __at 0xF7C UEP12bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7D UEP13;
+volatile __UEP13_t __at 0xF7D UEP13bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7E UEP14;
+volatile __UEP14_t __at 0xF7E UEP14bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7F UEP15;
+volatile __UEP15_t __at 0xF7F UEP15bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF80 PORTA;
+volatile __PORTA_t __at 0xF80 PORTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF81 PORTB;
+volatile __PORTB_t __at 0xF81 PORTBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF82 PORTC;
+volatile __PORTC_t __at 0xF82 PORTCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF84 PORTE;
+volatile __PORTE_t __at 0xF84 PORTEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF89 LATA;
+volatile __LATA_t __at 0xF89 LATAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8A LATB;
+volatile __LATB_t __at 0xF8A LATBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8B LATC;
+volatile __LATC_t __at 0xF8B LATCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF92 TRISA;
+volatile __TRISA_t __at 0xF92 TRISAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF93 TRISB;
+volatile __TRISB_t __at 0xF93 TRISBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF94 TRISC;
+volatile __TRISC_t __at 0xF94 TRISCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9B OSCTUNE;
+volatile __OSCTUNE_t __at 0xF9B OSCTUNEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9D PIE1;
+volatile __PIE1_t __at 0xF9D PIE1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9E PIR1;
+volatile __PIR1_t __at 0xF9E PIR1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9F IPR1;
+volatile __IPR1_t __at 0xF9F IPR1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA0 PIE2;
+volatile __PIE2_t __at 0xFA0 PIE2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA1 PIR2;
+volatile __PIR2_t __at 0xFA1 PIR2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA2 IPR2;
+volatile __IPR2_t __at 0xFA2 IPR2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA6 EECON1;
+volatile __EECON1_t __at 0xFA6 EECON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA7 EECON2;
+__sfr __at 0xFA8 EEDATA;
+__sfr __at 0xFA9 EEADR;
+__sfr __at 0xFAB RCSTA;
+volatile __RCSTA_t __at 0xFAB RCSTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFAC TXSTA;
+volatile __TXSTA_t __at 0xFAC TXSTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFAD TXREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFAE RCREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFAF SPBRG;
+__sfr __at 0xFB0 SPBRGH;
+__sfr __at 0xFB1 T3CON;
+volatile __T3CON_t __at 0xFB1 T3CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB2 TMR3L;
+__sfr __at 0xFB3 TMR3H;
+__sfr __at 0xFB4 CMCON;
+volatile __CMCON_t __at 0xFB4 CMCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB5 CVRCON;
+volatile __CVRCON_t __at 0xFB5 CVRCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB6 ECCP1AS;
+volatile __ECCP1AS_t __at 0xFB6 ECCP1ASbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB7 ECCP1DEL;
+volatile __ECCP1DEL_t __at 0xFB7 ECCP1DELbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB8 BAUDCON;
+volatile __BAUDCON_t __at 0xFB8 BAUDCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBA CCP2CON;
+volatile __CCP2CON_t __at 0xFBA CCP2CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBB CCPR2L;
+__sfr __at 0xFBC CCPR2H;
+__sfr __at 0xFBD CCP1CON;
+volatile __CCP1CON_t __at 0xFBD CCP1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBE CCPR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFBF CCPR1H;
+__sfr __at 0xFC0 ADCON2;
+volatile __ADCON2_t __at 0xFC0 ADCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC1 ADCON1;
+volatile __ADCON1_t __at 0xFC1 ADCON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC2 ADCON0;
+volatile __ADCON0_t __at 0xFC2 ADCON0bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC3 ADRESL;
+__sfr __at 0xFC4 ADRESH;
+__sfr __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2;
+volatile __SSPCON2_t __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1;
+volatile __SSPCON1_t __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC7 SSPSTAT;
+volatile __SSPSTAT_t __at 0xFC7 SSPSTATbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC8 SSPADD;
+__sfr __at 0xFC9 SSPBUF;
+__sfr __at 0xFCA T2CON;
+volatile __T2CON_t __at 0xFCA T2CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFCB PR2;
+__sfr __at 0xFCC TMR2;
+__sfr __at 0xFCD T1CON;
+volatile __T1CON_t __at 0xFCD T1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFCE TMR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFCF TMR1H;
+__sfr __at 0xFD0 RCON;
+volatile __RCON_t __at 0xFD0 RCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD1 WDTCON;
+volatile __WDTCON_t __at 0xFD1 WDTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD2 HLVDCON;
+volatile __HLVDCON_t __at 0xFD2 HLVDCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD3 OSCCON;
+volatile __OSCCON_t __at 0xFD3 OSCCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD5 T0CON;
+volatile __T0CON_t __at 0xFD5 T0CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD6 TMR0L;
+__sfr __at 0xFD7 TMR0H;
+__sfr __at 0xFD8 STATUS;
+volatile __STATUS_t __at 0xFD8 STATUSbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD9 FSR2L;
+__sfr __at 0xFDA FSR2H;
+volatile __FSR2H_t __at 0xFDA FSR2Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFDB PLUSW2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDC PREINC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDD POSTDEC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDE POSTINC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDF INDF2;
+__sfr __at 0xFE0 BSR;
+volatile __BSR_t __at 0xFE0 BSRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFE1 FSR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFE2 FSR1H;
+volatile __FSR1H_t __at 0xFE2 FSR1Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFE3 PLUSW1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE4 PREINC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE5 POSTDEC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE6 POSTINC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE7 INDF1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE8 WREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFE9 FSR0L;
+__sfr __at 0xFEA FSR0H;
+volatile __FSR0H_t __at 0xFEA FSR0Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFEB PLUSW0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEC PREINC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFED POSTDEC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEE POSTINC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEF INDF0;
+__sfr __at 0xFF0 INTCON3;
+volatile __INTCON3_t __at 0xFF0 INTCON3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF1 INTCON2;
+volatile __INTCON2_t __at 0xFF1 INTCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF2 INTCON;
+volatile __INTCON_t __at 0xFF2 INTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF3 PRODL;
+__sfr __at 0xFF4 PRODH;
+__sfr __at 0xFF5 TABLAT;
+__sfr __at 0xFF6 TBLPTRL;
+__sfr __at 0xFF7 TBLPTRH;
+__sfr __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRU;
+volatile __TBLPTRU_t __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRUbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF9 PCL;
+__sfr __at 0xFFA PCLATH;
+volatile __PCLATH_t __at 0xFFA PCLATHbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFB PCLATU;
+volatile __PCLATU_t __at 0xFFB PCLATUbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFC STKPTR;
+volatile __STKPTR_t __at 0xFFC STKPTRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFD TOSL;
+__sfr __at 0xFFE TOSH;
+__sfr __at 0xFFF TOSU;
+volatile __TOSU_t __at 0xFFF TOSUbits;
--- /dev/null
+ * pic18f4331.h - PIC18F4331 Device Library Sources
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GNU PIC Library.
+ *
+ * May, 2005
+ * The GNU PIC Library is maintained by
+ * Raphael Neider <rneider@web.de>
+ *
+ * originally designed by
+ * Vangelis Rokas <vrokas@otenet.gr>
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include <pic18f4331.h>
+__sfr __at 0xF60 DFLTCON;
+volatile __DFLTCON_t __at 0xF60 DFLTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF61 CAP3CON;
+volatile __CAP3CON_t __at 0xF61 CAP3CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF62 CAP2CON;
+volatile __CAP2CON_t __at 0xF62 CAP2CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF63 CAP1CON;
+volatile __CAP1CON_t __at 0xF63 CAP1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF64 CAP3BUFL;
+__sfr __at 0xF65 CAP3BUFH;
+__sfr __at 0xF66 CAP2BUFL;
+__sfr __at 0xF67 CAP2BUFH;
+__sfr __at 0xF68 CAP1BUFL;
+__sfr __at 0xF69 CAP1BUFH;
+__sfr __at 0xF6A OVDCONS;
+volatile __OVDCONS_t __at 0xF6A OVDCONSbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6B OVDCOND;
+volatile __OVDCOND_t __at 0xF6B OVDCONDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6C FLTCONFIG;
+volatile __FLTCONFIG_t __at 0xF6C FLTCONFIGbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6D DTCON;
+volatile __DTCON_t __at 0xF6D DTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6E PWMCON1;
+volatile __PWMCON1_t __at 0xF6E PWMCON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6F PWMCON0;
+volatile __PWMCON0_t __at 0xF6F PWMCON0bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF70 SEVTCMPH;
+volatile __SEVTCMPH_t __at 0xF70 SEVTCMPHbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF71 SEVTCMPL;
+__sfr __at 0xF72 PDC3H;
+volatile __PDC3H_t __at 0xF72 PDC3Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF73 PDC3L;
+__sfr __at 0xF74 PDC2H;
+volatile __PDC2H_t __at 0xF74 PDC2Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF75 PDC2L;
+__sfr __at 0xF76 PDC1H;
+volatile __PDC1H_t __at 0xF76 PDC1Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF77 PDC1L;
+__sfr __at 0xF78 PDC0H;
+volatile __PDC0H_t __at 0xF78 PDC0Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF79 PDC0L;
+__sfr __at 0xF7A PTPERH;
+volatile __PTPERH_t __at 0xF7A PTPERHbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7B PTPERL;
+__sfr __at 0xF7C PTMRH;
+volatile __PTMRH_t __at 0xF7C PTMRHbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7D PTMRL;
+__sfr __at 0xF7E PTCON1;
+volatile __PTCON1_t __at 0xF7E PTCON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7F PTCON0;
+volatile __PTCON0_t __at 0xF7F PTCON0bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF80 PORTA;
+volatile __PORTA_t __at 0xF80 PORTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF81 PORTB;
+volatile __PORTB_t __at 0xF81 PORTBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF82 PORTC;
+volatile __PORTC_t __at 0xF82 PORTCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF83 PORTD;
+volatile __PORTD_t __at 0xF83 PORTDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF84 PORTE;
+volatile __PORTE_t __at 0xF84 PORTEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF87 TMR5L;
+__sfr __at 0xF88 TMR5H;
+__sfr __at 0xF89 LATA;
+volatile __LATA_t __at 0xF89 LATAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8A LATB;
+volatile __LATB_t __at 0xF8A LATBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8B LATC;
+volatile __LATC_t __at 0xF8B LATCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8C LATD;
+volatile __LATD_t __at 0xF8C LATDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8D LATE;
+volatile __LATE_t __at 0xF8D LATEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF90 PR5L;
+__sfr __at 0xF91 PR5H;
+__sfr __at 0xF92 TRISA;
+volatile __TRISA_t __at 0xF92 TRISAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF93 TRISB;
+volatile __TRISB_t __at 0xF93 TRISBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF94 TRISC;
+volatile __TRISC_t __at 0xF94 TRISCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF95 TRISD;
+volatile __TRISD_t __at 0xF95 TRISDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF96 TRISE;
+volatile __TRISE_t __at 0xF96 TRISEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF99 ADCHS;
+volatile __ADCHS_t __at 0xF99 ADCHSbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9A ADCON3;
+volatile __ADCON3_t __at 0xF9A ADCON3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9B OSCTUNE;
+volatile __OSCTUNE_t __at 0xF9B OSCTUNEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9D PIE1;
+volatile __PIE1_t __at 0xF9D PIE1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9E PIR1;
+volatile __PIR1_t __at 0xF9E PIR1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9F IPR1;
+volatile __IPR1_t __at 0xF9F IPR1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA0 PIE2;
+volatile __PIE2_t __at 0xFA0 PIE2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA1 PIR2;
+volatile __PIR2_t __at 0xFA1 PIR2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA2 IPR2;
+volatile __IPR2_t __at 0xFA2 IPR2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA3 PIE3;
+volatile __PIE3_t __at 0xFA3 PIE3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA4 PIR3;
+volatile __PIR3_t __at 0xFA4 PIR3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA5 IPR3;
+volatile __IPR3_t __at 0xFA5 IPR3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA6 EECON1;
+volatile __EECON1_t __at 0xFA6 EECON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA7 EECON2;
+__sfr __at 0xFA8 EEDATA;
+__sfr __at 0xFA9 EEADR;
+__sfr __at 0xFAA BAUDCTL;
+volatile __BAUDCTL_t __at 0xFAA BAUDCTLbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFAB RCSTA;
+volatile __RCSTA_t __at 0xFAB RCSTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFAC TXSTA;
+volatile __TXSTA_t __at 0xFAC TXSTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFAD TXREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFAE RCREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFAF SPBRG;
+__sfr __at 0xFB0 SPBRGH;
+__sfr __at 0xFB6 QEICON;
+volatile __QEICON_t __at 0xFB6 QEICONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB7 T5CON;
+volatile __T5CON_t __at 0xFB7 T5CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB8 ANSEL0;
+volatile __ANSEL0_t __at 0xFB8 ANSEL0bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB9 ANSEL1;
+volatile __ANSEL1_t __at 0xFB9 ANSEL1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBA CCP2CON;
+volatile __CCP2CON_t __at 0xFBA CCP2CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBB CCPR2L;
+__sfr __at 0xFBC CCPR2H;
+__sfr __at 0xFBD CCP1CON;
+volatile __CCP1CON_t __at 0xFBD CCP1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBE CCPR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFBF CCPR1H;
+__sfr __at 0xFC0 ADCON2;
+volatile __ADCON2_t __at 0xFC0 ADCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC1 ADCON1;
+volatile __ADCON1_t __at 0xFC1 ADCON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC2 ADCON0;
+volatile __ADCON0_t __at 0xFC2 ADCON0bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC3 ADRESL;
+__sfr __at 0xFC4 ADRESH;
+__sfr __at 0xFC6 SSPCON;
+volatile __SSPCON_t __at 0xFC6 SSPCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC7 SSPSTAT;
+volatile __SSPSTAT_t __at 0xFC7 SSPSTATbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC8 SSPADD;
+__sfr __at 0xFC9 SSPBUF;
+__sfr __at 0xFCA T2CON;
+volatile __T2CON_t __at 0xFCA T2CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFCB PR2;
+__sfr __at 0xFCC TMR2;
+__sfr __at 0xFCD T1CON;
+volatile __T1CON_t __at 0xFCD T1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFCE TMR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFCF TMR1H;
+__sfr __at 0xFD0 RCON;
+volatile __RCON_t __at 0xFD0 RCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD1 WDTCON;
+volatile __WDTCON_t __at 0xFD1 WDTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD2 LVDCON;
+volatile __LVDCON_t __at 0xFD2 LVDCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD3 OSCCON;
+volatile __OSCCON_t __at 0xFD3 OSCCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD5 T0CON;
+volatile __T0CON_t __at 0xFD5 T0CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD6 TMR0L;
+__sfr __at 0xFD7 TMR0H;
+__sfr __at 0xFD8 STATUS;
+volatile __STATUS_t __at 0xFD8 STATUSbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD9 FSR2L;
+__sfr __at 0xFDA FSR2H;
+volatile __FSR2H_t __at 0xFDA FSR2Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFDB PLUSW2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDC PREINC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDD POSTDEC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDE POSTINC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDF INDF2;
+__sfr __at 0xFE0 BSR;
+volatile __BSR_t __at 0xFE0 BSRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFE1 FSR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFE2 FSR1H;
+volatile __FSR1H_t __at 0xFE2 FSR1Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFE3 PLUSW1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE4 PREINC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE5 POSTDEC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE6 POSTINC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE7 INDF1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE8 WREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFE9 FSR0L;
+__sfr __at 0xFEA FSR0H;
+volatile __FSR0H_t __at 0xFEA FSR0Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFEB PLUSW0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEC PREINC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFED POSTDEC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEE POSTINC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEF INDF0;
+__sfr __at 0xFF0 INTCON3;
+volatile __INTCON3_t __at 0xFF0 INTCON3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF1 INTCON2;
+volatile __INTCON2_t __at 0xFF1 INTCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF2 INTCON;
+volatile __INTCON_t __at 0xFF2 INTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF3 PRODL;
+__sfr __at 0xFF4 PRODH;
+__sfr __at 0xFF5 TABLAT;
+__sfr __at 0xFF6 TBLPTRL;
+__sfr __at 0xFF7 TBLPTRH;
+__sfr __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRU;
+volatile __TBLPTRU_t __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRUbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF9 PCL;
+__sfr __at 0xFFA PCLATH;
+volatile __PCLATH_t __at 0xFFA PCLATHbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFB PCLATU;
+volatile __PCLATU_t __at 0xFFB PCLATUbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFC STKPTR;
+volatile __STKPTR_t __at 0xFFC STKPTRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFD TOSL;
+__sfr __at 0xFFE TOSH;
+__sfr __at 0xFFF TOSU;
+volatile __TOSU_t __at 0xFFF TOSUbits;
--- /dev/null
+ * pic18f4455.h - PIC18F4455 Device Library Sources
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GNU PIC Library.
+ *
+ * May, 2005
+ * The GNU PIC Library is maintained by
+ * Raphael Neider <rneider@web.de>
+ *
+ * originally designed by
+ * Vangelis Rokas <vrokas@otenet.gr>
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include <pic18f4455.h>
+__sfr __at 0xF62 SPPDATA;
+volatile __SPPDATA_t __at 0xF62 SPPDATAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF63 SPPCFG;
+volatile __SPPCFG_t __at 0xF63 SPPCFGbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF64 SPPEPS;
+volatile __SPPEPS_t __at 0xF64 SPPEPSbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF65 SPPCON;
+volatile __SPPCON_t __at 0xF65 SPPCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF66 UFRML;
+volatile __UFRML_t __at 0xF66 UFRMLbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF67 UFRMH;
+volatile __UFRMH_t __at 0xF67 UFRMHbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF68 UIR;
+volatile __UIR_t __at 0xF68 UIRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF69 UIE;
+volatile __UIE_t __at 0xF69 UIEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6A UEIR;
+volatile __UEIR_t __at 0xF6A UEIRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6B UEIE;
+volatile __UEIE_t __at 0xF6B UEIEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6C USTAT;
+volatile __USTAT_t __at 0xF6C USTATbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6D UCON;
+volatile __UCON_t __at 0xF6D UCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6E UADDR;
+volatile __UADDR_t __at 0xF6E UADDRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF6F UCFG;
+volatile __UCFG_t __at 0xF6F UCFGbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF70 UEP0;
+volatile __UEP0_t __at 0xF70 UEP0bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF71 UEP1;
+volatile __UEP1_t __at 0xF71 UEP1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF72 UEP2;
+volatile __UEP2_t __at 0xF72 UEP2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF73 UEP3;
+volatile __UEP3_t __at 0xF73 UEP3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF74 UEP4;
+volatile __UEP4_t __at 0xF74 UEP4bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF75 UEP5;
+volatile __UEP5_t __at 0xF75 UEP5bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF76 UEP6;
+volatile __UEP6_t __at 0xF76 UEP6bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF77 UEP7;
+volatile __UEP7_t __at 0xF77 UEP7bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF78 UEP8;
+volatile __UEP8_t __at 0xF78 UEP8bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF79 UEP9;
+volatile __UEP9_t __at 0xF79 UEP9bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7A UEP10;
+volatile __UEP10_t __at 0xF7A UEP10bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7B UEP11;
+volatile __UEP11_t __at 0xF7B UEP11bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7C UEP12;
+volatile __UEP12_t __at 0xF7C UEP12bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7D UEP13;
+volatile __UEP13_t __at 0xF7D UEP13bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7E UEP14;
+volatile __UEP14_t __at 0xF7E UEP14bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF7F UEP15;
+volatile __UEP15_t __at 0xF7F UEP15bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF80 PORTA;
+volatile __PORTA_t __at 0xF80 PORTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF81 PORTB;
+volatile __PORTB_t __at 0xF81 PORTBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF82 PORTC;
+volatile __PORTC_t __at 0xF82 PORTCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF83 PORTD;
+volatile __PORTD_t __at 0xF83 PORTDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF84 PORTE;
+volatile __PORTE_t __at 0xF84 PORTEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF89 LATA;
+volatile __LATA_t __at 0xF89 LATAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8A LATB;
+volatile __LATB_t __at 0xF8A LATBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8B LATC;
+volatile __LATC_t __at 0xF8B LATCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8C LATD;
+volatile __LATD_t __at 0xF8C LATDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8D LATE;
+volatile __LATE_t __at 0xF8D LATEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF92 TRISA;
+volatile __TRISA_t __at 0xF92 TRISAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF93 TRISB;
+volatile __TRISB_t __at 0xF93 TRISBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF94 TRISC;
+volatile __TRISC_t __at 0xF94 TRISCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF95 TRISD;
+volatile __TRISD_t __at 0xF95 TRISDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF96 TRISE;
+volatile __TRISE_t __at 0xF96 TRISEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9B OSCTUNE;
+volatile __OSCTUNE_t __at 0xF9B OSCTUNEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9D PIE1;
+volatile __PIE1_t __at 0xF9D PIE1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9E PIR1;
+volatile __PIR1_t __at 0xF9E PIR1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9F IPR1;
+volatile __IPR1_t __at 0xF9F IPR1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA0 PIE2;
+volatile __PIE2_t __at 0xFA0 PIE2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA1 PIR2;
+volatile __PIR2_t __at 0xFA1 PIR2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA2 IPR2;
+volatile __IPR2_t __at 0xFA2 IPR2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA6 EECON1;
+volatile __EECON1_t __at 0xFA6 EECON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA7 EECON2;
+__sfr __at 0xFA8 EEDATA;
+__sfr __at 0xFA9 EEADR;
+__sfr __at 0xFAB RCSTA;
+volatile __RCSTA_t __at 0xFAB RCSTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFAC TXSTA;
+volatile __TXSTA_t __at 0xFAC TXSTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFAD TXREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFAE RCREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFAF SPBRG;
+__sfr __at 0xFB0 SPBRGH;
+__sfr __at 0xFB1 T3CON;
+volatile __T3CON_t __at 0xFB1 T3CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB2 TMR3L;
+__sfr __at 0xFB3 TMR3H;
+__sfr __at 0xFB4 CMCON;
+volatile __CMCON_t __at 0xFB4 CMCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB5 CVRCON;
+volatile __CVRCON_t __at 0xFB5 CVRCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB6 ECCP1AS;
+volatile __ECCP1AS_t __at 0xFB6 ECCP1ASbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB7 ECCP1DEL;
+volatile __ECCP1DEL_t __at 0xFB7 ECCP1DELbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB8 BAUDCON;
+volatile __BAUDCON_t __at 0xFB8 BAUDCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBA CCP2CON;
+volatile __CCP2CON_t __at 0xFBA CCP2CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBB CCPR2L;
+__sfr __at 0xFBC CCPR2H;
+__sfr __at 0xFBD ECCP1CON;
+volatile __ECCP1CON_t __at 0xFBD ECCP1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBE CCPR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFBF CCPR1H;
+__sfr __at 0xFC0 ADCON2;
+volatile __ADCON2_t __at 0xFC0 ADCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC1 ADCON1;
+volatile __ADCON1_t __at 0xFC1 ADCON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC2 ADCON0;
+volatile __ADCON0_t __at 0xFC2 ADCON0bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC3 ADRESL;
+__sfr __at 0xFC4 ADRESH;
+__sfr __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2;
+volatile __SSPCON2_t __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1;
+volatile __SSPCON1_t __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC7 SSPSTAT;
+volatile __SSPSTAT_t __at 0xFC7 SSPSTATbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC8 SSPADD;
+__sfr __at 0xFC9 SSPBUF;
+__sfr __at 0xFCA T2CON;
+volatile __T2CON_t __at 0xFCA T2CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFCB PR2;
+__sfr __at 0xFCC TMR2;
+__sfr __at 0xFCD T1CON;
+volatile __T1CON_t __at 0xFCD T1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFCE TMR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFCF TMR1H;
+__sfr __at 0xFD0 RCON;
+volatile __RCON_t __at 0xFD0 RCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD1 WDTCON;
+volatile __WDTCON_t __at 0xFD1 WDTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD2 HLVDCON;
+volatile __HLVDCON_t __at 0xFD2 HLVDCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD3 OSCCON;
+volatile __OSCCON_t __at 0xFD3 OSCCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD5 T0CON;
+volatile __T0CON_t __at 0xFD5 T0CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD6 TMR0L;
+__sfr __at 0xFD7 TMR0H;
+__sfr __at 0xFD8 STATUS;
+volatile __STATUS_t __at 0xFD8 STATUSbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD9 FSR2L;
+__sfr __at 0xFDA FSR2H;
+volatile __FSR2H_t __at 0xFDA FSR2Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFDB PLUSW2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDC PREINC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDD POSTDEC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDE POSTINC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDF INDF2;
+__sfr __at 0xFE0 BSR;
+volatile __BSR_t __at 0xFE0 BSRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFE1 FSR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFE2 FSR1H;
+volatile __FSR1H_t __at 0xFE2 FSR1Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFE3 PLUSW1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE4 PREINC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE5 POSTDEC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE6 POSTINC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE7 INDF1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE8 WREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFE9 FSR0L;
+__sfr __at 0xFEA FSR0H;
+volatile __FSR0H_t __at 0xFEA FSR0Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFEB PLUSW0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEC PREINC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFED POSTDEC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEE POSTINC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEF INDF0;
+__sfr __at 0xFF0 INTCON3;
+volatile __INTCON3_t __at 0xFF0 INTCON3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF1 INTCON2;
+volatile __INTCON2_t __at 0xFF1 INTCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF2 INTCON;
+volatile __INTCON_t __at 0xFF2 INTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF3 PRODL;
+__sfr __at 0xFF4 PRODH;
+__sfr __at 0xFF5 TABLAT;
+__sfr __at 0xFF6 TBLPTRL;
+__sfr __at 0xFF7 TBLPTRH;
+__sfr __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRU;
+volatile __TBLPTRU_t __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRUbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF9 PCL;
+__sfr __at 0xFFA PCLATH;
+volatile __PCLATH_t __at 0xFFA PCLATHbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFB PCLATU;
+volatile __PCLATU_t __at 0xFFB PCLATUbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFC STKPTR;
+volatile __STKPTR_t __at 0xFFC STKPTRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFD TOSL;
+__sfr __at 0xFFE TOSH;
+__sfr __at 0xFFF TOSU;
+volatile __TOSU_t __at 0xFFF TOSUbits;
--- /dev/null
+ * pic18f4520.h - PIC18F4520 Device Library Sources
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GNU PIC Library.
+ *
+ * May, 2005
+ * The GNU PIC Library is maintained by
+ * Raphael Neider <rneider@web.de>
+ *
+ * originally designed by
+ * Vangelis Rokas <vrokas@otenet.gr>
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include <pic18f4520.h>
+__sfr __at 0xF80 PORTA;
+volatile __PORTA_t __at 0xF80 PORTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF81 PORTB;
+volatile __PORTB_t __at 0xF81 PORTBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF82 PORTC;
+volatile __PORTC_t __at 0xF82 PORTCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF83 PORTD;
+volatile __PORTD_t __at 0xF83 PORTDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF84 PORTE;
+volatile __PORTE_t __at 0xF84 PORTEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF89 LATA;
+volatile __LATA_t __at 0xF89 LATAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8A LATB;
+volatile __LATB_t __at 0xF8A LATBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8B LATC;
+volatile __LATC_t __at 0xF8B LATCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8C LATD;
+volatile __LATD_t __at 0xF8C LATDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF8D LATE;
+volatile __LATE_t __at 0xF8D LATEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF92 TRISA;
+volatile __TRISA_t __at 0xF92 TRISAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF93 TRISB;
+volatile __TRISB_t __at 0xF93 TRISBbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF94 TRISC;
+volatile __TRISC_t __at 0xF94 TRISCbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF95 TRISD;
+volatile __TRISD_t __at 0xF95 TRISDbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF96 TRISE;
+volatile __TRISE_t __at 0xF96 TRISEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9B OSCTUNE;
+volatile __OSCTUNE_t __at 0xF9B OSCTUNEbits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9D PIE1;
+volatile __PIE1_t __at 0xF9D PIE1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9E PIR1;
+volatile __PIR1_t __at 0xF9E PIR1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xF9F IPR1;
+volatile __IPR1_t __at 0xF9F IPR1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA0 PIE2;
+volatile __PIE2_t __at 0xFA0 PIE2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA1 PIR2;
+volatile __PIR2_t __at 0xFA1 PIR2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA2 IPR2;
+volatile __IPR2_t __at 0xFA2 IPR2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA6 EECON1;
+volatile __EECON1_t __at 0xFA6 EECON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFA7 EECON2;
+__sfr __at 0xFA8 EEDATA;
+__sfr __at 0xFA9 EEADR;
+__sfr __at 0xFAB RCSTA;
+volatile __RCSTA_t __at 0xFAB RCSTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFAC TXSTA;
+volatile __TXSTA_t __at 0xFAC TXSTAbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFAD TXREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFAE RCREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFAF SPBRG;
+__sfr __at 0xFB0 SPBRGH;
+__sfr __at 0xFB1 T3CON;
+volatile __T3CON_t __at 0xFB1 T3CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB2 TMR3L;
+__sfr __at 0xFB3 TMR3H;
+__sfr __at 0xFB4 CMCON;
+volatile __CMCON_t __at 0xFB4 CMCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB5 CVRCON;
+volatile __CVRCON_t __at 0xFB5 CVRCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB6 ECCPAS1;
+volatile __ECCPAS1_t __at 0xFB6 ECCPAS1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB7 PWM1CON;
+volatile __PWM1CON_t __at 0xFB7 PWM1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFB8 BAUDCON;
+volatile __BAUDCON_t __at 0xFB8 BAUDCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBA CCP2CON;
+volatile __CCP2CON_t __at 0xFBA CCP2CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBB CCPR2L;
+__sfr __at 0xFBC CCPR2H;
+__sfr __at 0xFBD ECCP1CON;
+volatile __ECCP1CON_t __at 0xFBD ECCP1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFBE CCPR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFBF CCPR1H;
+__sfr __at 0xFC0 ADCON2;
+volatile __ADCON2_t __at 0xFC0 ADCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC1 ADCON1;
+volatile __ADCON1_t __at 0xFC1 ADCON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC2 ADCON0;
+volatile __ADCON0_t __at 0xFC2 ADCON0bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC3 ADRESL;
+__sfr __at 0xFC4 ADRESH;
+__sfr __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2;
+volatile __SSPCON2_t __at 0xFC5 SSPCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1;
+volatile __SSPCON1_t __at 0xFC6 SSPCON1bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC7 SSPSTAT;
+volatile __SSPSTAT_t __at 0xFC7 SSPSTATbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFC8 SSPADD;
+__sfr __at 0xFC9 SSPBUF;
+__sfr __at 0xFCA T2CON;
+volatile __T2CON_t __at 0xFCA T2CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFCB PR2;
+__sfr __at 0xFCC TMR2;
+__sfr __at 0xFCD T1CON;
+volatile __T1CON_t __at 0xFCD T1CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFCE TMR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFCF TMR1H;
+__sfr __at 0xFD0 RCON;
+volatile __RCON_t __at 0xFD0 RCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD1 WDTCON;
+volatile __WDTCON_t __at 0xFD1 WDTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD2 LVDCON;
+volatile __LVDCON_t __at 0xFD2 LVDCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD3 OSCCON;
+volatile __OSCCON_t __at 0xFD3 OSCCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD5 T0CON;
+volatile __T0CON_t __at 0xFD5 T0CONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD6 TMR0L;
+__sfr __at 0xFD7 TMR0H;
+__sfr __at 0xFD8 STATUS;
+volatile __STATUS_t __at 0xFD8 STATUSbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFD9 FSR2L;
+__sfr __at 0xFDA FSR2H;
+volatile __FSR2H_t __at 0xFDA FSR2Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFDB PLUSW2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDC PREINC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDD POSTDEC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDE POSTINC2;
+__sfr __at 0xFDF INDF2;
+__sfr __at 0xFE0 BSR;
+volatile __BSR_t __at 0xFE0 BSRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFE1 FSR1L;
+__sfr __at 0xFE2 FSR1H;
+volatile __FSR1H_t __at 0xFE2 FSR1Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFE3 PLUSW1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE4 PREINC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE5 POSTDEC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE6 POSTINC1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE7 INDF1;
+__sfr __at 0xFE8 WREG;
+__sfr __at 0xFE9 FSR0L;
+__sfr __at 0xFEA FSR0H;
+volatile __FSR0H_t __at 0xFEA FSR0Hbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFEB PLUSW0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEC PREINC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFED POSTDEC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEE POSTINC0;
+__sfr __at 0xFEF INDF0;
+__sfr __at 0xFF0 INTCON3;
+volatile __INTCON3_t __at 0xFF0 INTCON3bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF1 INTCON2;
+volatile __INTCON2_t __at 0xFF1 INTCON2bits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF2 INTCON;
+volatile __INTCON_t __at 0xFF2 INTCONbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF3 PRODL;
+__sfr __at 0xFF4 PRODH;
+__sfr __at 0xFF5 TABLAT;
+__sfr __at 0xFF6 TBLPTRL;
+__sfr __at 0xFF7 TBLPTRH;
+__sfr __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRU;
+volatile __TBLPTRU_t __at 0xFF8 TBLPTRUbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFF9 PCL;
+__sfr __at 0xFFA PCLATH;
+volatile __PCLATH_t __at 0xFFA PCLATHbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFB PCLATU;
+volatile __PCLATU_t __at 0xFFB PCLATUbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFC STKPTR;
+volatile __STKPTR_t __at 0xFFC STKPTRbits;
+__sfr __at 0xFFD TOSL;
+__sfr __at 0xFFE TOSH;
+__sfr __at 0xFFF TOSU;
+volatile __TOSU_t __at 0xFFF TOSUbits;
{ 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }
+ {
+ {"p18f4520", "18f4520", "pic18f4520", "f4520"},
+ 0,
+ 0x1000, /* 4096 */
+ 0x80,
+ 0,
+ { 0xf80, 0xfff }, /* PIC18F4520 range of SFR's */
+ {
+ /* PIC18F4520 configuration words */
+ 0x300000,
+ 0x30000d,
+ { { 0x3f, 0, 0xff } /* 0 */ , { 0xcf, 0, 0xff } /* 1 */ , { 0x1f, 0, 0xff } /* 2 */ ,
+ { 0x1f, 0, 0xff } /* 3 */ , { -1, 0, 0xff } /* 4 */ , { 0x87, 0, 0xff } /* 5 */ ,
+ { 0xc5, 0, 0xff } /* 6 */ , { -1, 0, 0xff } /* 7 */ , { 0x0f, 0, 0xff } /* 8 */ ,
+ { 0xc0, 0, 0xff } /* 9 */ , { 0x0f, 0, 0xff } /* a */ , { 0xe0, 0, 0xff } /* b */ ,
+ { 0x0f, 0, 0xff } /* c */ , { 0x40, 0, 0xff } /* d */ }
+ },
+ { 0x200000, 0x200007,
+ { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 },
+ { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }
+ }
+ },
{"p18f6520", "18f6520", "pic18f6520", "f6520"},