Download OpenRocket

Recent news:

5.3.2011: Version 1.1.4 is released!

This release includes initial printing support, thanks to Doug Pedrick. Printing still has a few issues on some platforms. Various bugs have also been fixed.

6.10.2010: Version 1.1.3 is released!

This release includes support for moving and copying components in the component tree using drag-and-drop. Use normal DnD for moving, and control-drag for copy. This release also fixes a severe bug in the undo system.

7.9.2010: A bug-fix version 1.1.2 is released!

This release fixes a severe bug in 1.1.1 that prevented adding stages to rocket designs. Users are recommended to upgrade.

3.9.2010: Version 1.1.1 is released!

For this release a major part of the simulator code has been rewritten for better flexibility in future development. It also includes a vastly improved thrust curve selection dialog, the possibility to loading user-defined thrust curves and better startup times than previous releases.

Simulation listeners written for older versions of OpenRocket are not compatible with this release.

Ready packages

These are packages ready for use and are the recommended download for normal users. They are pre-packaged with motor thrust curves from

OpenRocket requires Java version 6 or later. The Sun Java Runtime is recommended.

Development release

The development release contains the latest and greatest features, but may contain more bugs than the stable version. Currently the development version is the recommended download.

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Stable release

Occasionally during OpenRocket development focus will shift from feature development towards getting all open bugs fix and to produce a stable release. No updates are made to the stable branch except for possible bug fixes, so the stable release has less features than the development release.

The current stable release is OpenRocket-1.0.0.jar

Running OpenRocket

OpenRocket can be started in most graphical environments (including Windows) by double-clicking the package icon. No installation is required.

From the command line OpenRocket can be started by java -jar OpenRocket-1.1.4.jar

Source code and older versions

Source packages and older versions of OpenRocket are available in the SourceForge repository.

Alternatively, the most recent development version can be obtained from the SVN repository. It can be retrieved simply using the command

$ svn co OpenRocket

The above URL may be used to connect to the repository with other Subversion clients as well.

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