# Port specification for the z80 port running ontop of the Java based # 'ConsoleZ80' emulator. RRZ80 = $(SDCC_EXTRA_DIR)/emu/rrz80/rrz80 SDCCFLAGS +=-mz80 --lesspedantic --profile -DREENTRANT= EXEEXT = .bin # Needs parts of gbdk-lib, namely the internal mul/div/mod functions. EXTRAS = fwk/lib/testfwk$(OBJEXT) ports/$(PORT)/support$(OBJEXT) # Rule to generate a Emulator .bin file from the .ihx linker output. %$(EXEEXT): %.ihx $(SDCC_DIR)/bin/makebin -s 32768 < $< > $@ # Rule to link into .ihx %.ihx: %.c $(EXTRAS) $(SDCC) $(SDCCFLAGS) $< $(EXTRAS) -o $@ %$(OBJEXT): %.asm $(SDCC_DIR)/bin/as-z80 -plosgff $@ $< %$(OBJEXT): %.s $(SDCC_DIR)/bin/as-z80 -plosgff $@ $< %$(OBJEXT): %.c $(SDCC) $(SDCCFLAGS) -c $< fwk/lib/testfwk$(OBJEXT): fwk/lib/testfwk.c $(SDCC) $(SDCCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ # PENDING: Path to sdcc-extra %.out: %$(EXEEXT) mkdir -p `dirname $@` $(RRZ80) --maxruntime=3 --mapfile=$(<:.bin=.sym) $< > $@ -grep -n FAIL $@ /dev/null || true _clean: rm -f ports/$(PORT)/*.lst ports/$(PORT)/*.o ports/$(PORT)/*.sym