# Test suite Makefile # Part of SDCC - http://sdcc.sourceforge.net/ # Michael Hope 2001 # # This Makefile builds and runs the test suites under tests/ for each # one of the supported ports located under ports/. The test suite # results are summarised and individual test failures are logged. The # expected result is a single line per port summarising the number of # failures, test points, and test cases. The philosophy is that # checked in code should always pass the suite with no failures, as # then if there are failures then it is in the current developers code. # # Only the required suites are run. Changing sdcc causes all to be # re-run. Changing one suite causes just that to be run. Changing # one of the library files should cause all to re-run # Dependancies: # * The sdcc-extra package, available from CVS. # o cvs -d cvs.sdcc.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/sdcc co sdcc-extra # o Provides the emulators # * The gbdk-lib package from gbdk. # o cvs -d cvs.gbdk.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/gbdk co gbdk-lib # o Proviles mul, div, and include files for the z80 tests. # * python 1.5 or above # * uCsim for the mcs51 port # # The paths below assume that sdcc, sdcc-extra, and gbdk-lib all reside in # the same directory. # Old notes: # Starting at the bottom # Set of source test suites # Each source suite is processesd producing multiple device specific test suites. # Each device specific test suite is compiled. # Each device specific test suite is run, and the output recorded. # The output from each device specific test suite derrived from a source # test suite are collated. # Uncomment this to show only errors and the summary. # Comment this out for debugging. .SILENT: CC = @CC@ # All original tests live in TESTS_DIR and below TESTS_DIR = tests TESTS_NAME = $(TESTS_DIR) # All suite results go in RESULTS_DIR RESULTS_DIR = results # All data relating to supported ports live in their own directory # under PORTS_DIR. PORTS_DIR = ports # Itermediate data directories # Directory that generated cases and the related object code go. CASES_DIR = gen # Script that takes a source test suite and generates the iterations GENERATE_CASES = generate-cases.py # Magically generate the list of configured ports to test. # Each directory under ports/ is used as a port name. Each port is tested. # Each port must have a spec.mk which describes how to build the object # files and how to run the emulator. ALL_PORTS = $(filter-out CVS xa51 ucz80 gbz80,$(notdir $(wildcard $(PORTS_DIR)/*))) # These ports will be cleaned with 'make clean' CLEAN_PORTS = $(filter-out CVS,$(notdir $(wildcard $(PORTS_DIR)/*))) MAKE_LIBRARY = all: test-ports # Test all of the ports test-ports: for i in $(ALL_PORTS); do $(MAKE) make_library test-port PORT=$$i; done # Helper rule for testing the z80 port only test-z80: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=z80 # Helper rule for testing the z80 port only test-gbz80: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=gbz80 # Helper rule for testing the mcs51 port only test-mcs51: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=mcs51 test-mcs51-medium: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=mcs51-medium test-mcs51-large: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=mcs51-large test-mcs51-stack-auto: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=mcs51-stack-auto test-mcs51-xstack-auto: $(MAKE) make_library test-port PORT=mcs51-xstack-auto # Helper rule for testing the ds390 port only test-ds390: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=ds390 # Helper rule for testing the z80 port only(use ucSim simulator) test-ucz80: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=ucz80 # Helper rule for testing the hc08 port only(use ucSim simulator) test-hc08: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=hc08 # Helper rule for testing the xa51 port only(use ucSim simulator) test-xa51: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=xa51 ### Helper rule for testing the host cc only test-host: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=host test-host2: $(MAKE) test-port PORT=host # Begin per-port rules # List of all of the known source test suites. ALL_TESTS = $(shell find $(TESTS_DIR) -name "*.c") # Intermediate directory PORT_CASES_DIR = $(CASES_DIR)/$(PORT) PORT_RESULTS_DIR = $(RESULTS_DIR)/$(PORT) # Each test generates a result log file PORT_RESULTS = $(ALL_TESTS:$(TESTS_DIR)/%.c=$(PORT_RESULTS_DIR)/%.out) SDCC_DIR = ../.. SDCC_EXTRA_DIR = ../../../sdcc-extra INC_DIR = $(SDCC_DIR)/device/include # Defaults. Override in spec.mk if required. # Path to SDCC SDCC = $(SDCC_DIR)/bin/sdcc # Base flags. SDCCFLAGS += # Extension of object intermediate files OBJEXT = .o # Extension of files that can be run in the emulator EXEEXT = .bin # Currently unused. Extension to append to intermediate directories. DIREXT = # Only include if we're in a per-port call. ifdef PORT include $(PORTS_DIR)/$(PORT)/spec.mk endif make_library: $(MAKE_LIBRARY) SDCCFLAGS += -Ifwk/include -Itests -I$(INC_DIR) # List of intermediate files to keep. Pretty much keep everything as # disk space is free. .PRECIOUS: $(PORT_CASES_DIR)/% %$(OBJEXT) %$(EXEEXT) # Rule to generate the iterations of a test suite off the soure suite. $(PORT_CASES_DIR)/%/iterations.stamp: $(TESTS_DIR)/%.c $(GENERATE_CASES) echo Processing $< rm -rf `dirname $@` mkdir -p `dirname $@` python $(GENERATE_CASES) $< `dirname $@` > /dev/null touch $@ # Rule linking the combined results log to all of the files in the # iteration directory. $(PORT_RESULTS_DIR)/%.out: $(PORT_CASES_DIR)/%/iterations.stamp $(MAKE) iterations PORT=$(PORT) CASES=`dirname $<` # Rule to summaries the results for one port after all of the tests # have been run. port-results: port-dirs $(PORT_RESULTS) echo Summary for \'$(PORT)\': `cat $(PORT_RESULTS) | python collate-results.py` port-dirs: mkdir -p $(PORT_CASES_DIR) $(PORT_RESULTS_DIR) test-port: port-results # Begin rules that process each iteration generated from the source # test # List of all of the generated iteration source files. SUB_CASES = $(sort $(wildcard $(CASES)/*.c)) # List of all the sub result logs generated from the iterations. SUB_RESULTS = $(SUB_CASES:%.c=%.out) # Overall target. Concatenation of all of the sub results. RESULTS = $(CASES:$(CASES_DIR)/%$(DIREXT)=$(RESULTS_DIR)/%.out) iterations: $(RESULTS) # Rule to generate the overall target from the sub results. $(RESULTS): $(SUB_RESULTS) cat $(SUB_RESULTS) > $@ # The remainder of the rules are in $PORT/spec.mak. The port needs to # be able to turn an iterated test suite into a sub result, normally # by: # 1. Compile the required library files # 2. Compile this test suite. # 3. Link 1, 2, and any required stdlib into an executable. # 4. Run the executable inside an emulator, and capture the text # output into %.out. # # The emulator must exit when main() returns. # BeginGeneric rules clean: rm -rf $(CASES_DIR) $(RESULTS_DIR) *.pyc fwk/lib/timeout fwk/lib/timeout.exe for i in $(CLEAN_PORTS); do $(MAKE) -f $(PORTS_DIR)/$$i/spec.mk _clean PORTS_DIR=$(PORTS_DIR) PORT=$$i; done