static const ASM_MAPPING _asxxxx_gb_mapping[] = { /* We want to prepend the _ */ { "area", ".area _%s" }, { "areacode", ".area _%s" }, { "areadata", ".area _%s" }, { "functionlabeldef", "%s:" }, { "*hl", "(hl)" }, { "di", "di" }, { "ldahli", "ld a,(hl+)" }, { "ldahlsp", "lda hl,%d(sp)" }, { "ldaspsp", "lda sp,%d(sp)" }, { "*pair", "(%s)" }, { "shortjp", "jr" }, { "enter", "push bc" }, { "enterx", "push bc\n" "\tlda sp,-%d(sp)" }, { "leave", "pop bc\n" "\tret" }, { "leavex", "lda sp,%d(sp)\n" "\tpop bc\n" "\tret" }, { "pusha", "push af\n" "\tpush bc\n" "\tpush de\n" "\tpush hl" }, { "adjustsp", "lda sp,-%d(sp)" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const ASM_MAPPING _asxxxx_z80_mapping[] = { { "*ixx", "%d(ix)" }, { "*iyx", "%d(iy)" }, { "*hl", "(hl)" }, { "di", "di" }, { "ldahli", "ld a,(hl+)" }, { "ldahlsp", "lda hl,%d(sp)" }, { "ldaspsp", "lda sp,%d(sp)" }, { "*pair", "(%s)" }, { "shortjp", "jr" }, { "enter", "push bc" }, { "enterx", "push bc\n" "lda sp,-%d(sp)" }, { "leave", "pop bc\n" "\tret" }, { "leavex", "lda sp,%d(sp)\n" "\tpop bc\n" "\tret" }, { "pusha", "push af\n" "\tpush bc\n" "\tpush de\n" "\tpush hl" }, { "adjustsp", "lda sp,-%d(sp)" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const ASM_MAPPING _rgbds_mapping[] = { { "global", "GLOBAL %s" }, { "slabeldef", "%s:" }, { "labeldef", "%s:" }, { "tlabeldef", ".l%05d:" }, { "tlabel", ".l%05d" }, { "fileprelude", "; Generated using the rgbds tokens.\n" "\t; We have to define these here as sdcc dosnt make them global by default\n" "\tGLOBAL __mulschar\n" "\tGLOBAL __muluchar\n" "\tGLOBAL __mulsint\n" "\tGLOBAL __muluint\n" "\tGLOBAL __divschar\n" "\tGLOBAL __divuchar\n" "\tGLOBAL __divsint\n" "\tGLOBAL __divuint\n" "\tGLOBAL __modschar\n" "\tGLOBAL __moduchar\n" "\tGLOBAL __modsint\n" "\tGLOBAL __moduint" }, { "functionheader", "; ---------------------------------\n" "; Function %s\n" "; ---------------------------------" }, { "functionlabeldef", "%s:" }, { "zero", "$00" }, { "one", "$01" }, { "area", "SECTION \"%s\",%C" }, { "areacode", "SECTION \"CODE\",%C" }, { "areadata", "SECTION \"DATA\",BSS" }, { "ascii", "DB \"%s\"" }, { "ds", "DS %d" }, { "db", "DB %d" }, { "dbs", "DB %s" }, { "dw", "DW %d" }, { "dws", "DW %s" }, { "immed", "" }, { "constbyte", "$%02X" }, { "constword", "$%04X" }, { "immedword", "$%04X" }, { "immedbyte", "$%02X" }, { "hashedstr", "%s" }, { "lsbimmeds", "%s & $FF" }, { "msbimmeds", "%s >> 8" }, { "module", "; MODULE %s" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const ASM_MAPPING _rgbds_gb_mapping[] = { { "pusha", "push af\n" "\tpush bc\n" "\tpush de\n" "\tpush hl" }, { "di", "di" }, { "adjustsp", "add sp,-%d" }, { "enter", "push bc" }, { "enterx", "push bc\n" "\tadd sp,-%d" }, { "leave", "pop bc\n" "\tret" }, { "leavex", "add sp,%d\n" "\tpop bc\n" "\tret" }, { "ldahli", "ld a,[hl+]" }, { "*hl", "[hl]" }, { "ldahlsp", "ld hl,[sp+%d]" }, { "ldaspsp", "add sp,%d" }, { "*pair", "[%s]" }, { "shortjp", "jr" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const ASM_MAPPING _isas_mapping[] = { { "global", "GLOBAL %s" }, { "slabeldef", "%s:" }, { "labeldef", "%s:" }, { "tlabeldef", "?l%05d:" }, { "tlabel", "?l%05d" }, { "fileprelude", ";Generated using the isas tokens.\n" "\tLPREFIX '?' ; Treat labels starting with ? as local.\n" "\tONCNUM ; Numbers are hex\n" "\tCAPSOFF ; Case sensitive\n" "\tISDMG ; Gameboy mode\n" "_CODE\tGROUP\n" "\t; We have to define these here as sdcc dosnt make them global by default\n" "\tGLOBAL __mulschar\n" "\tGLOBAL __muluchar\n" "\tGLOBAL __mulsint\n" "\tGLOBAL __muluint\n" "\tGLOBAL __divschar\n" "\tGLOBAL __divuchar\n" "\tGLOBAL __divsint\n" "\tGLOBAL __divuint\n" "\tGLOBAL __modschar\n" "\tGLOBAL __moduchar\n" "\tGLOBAL __modsint\n" "\tGLOBAL __moduint" }, { "functionheader", "; ---------------------------------\n" "; Function %s\n" "; ---------------------------------" }, { "functionlabeldef", "%s:" }, { "zero", "$00" }, { "one", "$01" }, { "area", "%s\tGROUP" }, { "areacode", "_CODE\tGROUP" }, { "areadata", "_DATA\tGROUP" }, { "ascii", "DB \"%s\"" }, { "ds", "DS %d" }, { "db", "DB %d" }, { "dbs", "DB %s" }, { "dw", "DW %d" }, { "dws", "DW %s" }, { "immed", "" }, { "constbyte", "0x%02X" }, { "constword", "0x%04X" }, { "immedword", "0x%04X" }, { "immedbyte", "0x%02X" }, { "hashedstr", "%s" }, { "lsbimmeds", "%s & 0xFF" }, { "msbimmeds", "%s >> 8" }, { "module", "; MODULE %s" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const ASM_MAPPING _isas_gb_mapping[] = { { "pusha", "push af\n" "\tpush bc\n" "\tpush de\n" "\tpush hl" }, { "di", "di" }, { "adjustsp", "add sp,-%d" }, { "enter", "push bc" }, { "enterx", "push bc\n" "\tadd sp,-%d" }, { "leave", "pop bc\n" "\tret" }, { "leavex", "add sp,%d\n" "\tpop bc\n" "\tret" }, { "ldahli", "ld a,(hli)" }, { "*hl", "(hl)" }, { "ldahlsp", "ldhl sp,%d" }, { "ldaspsp", "add sp,%d" }, { "*pair", "(%s)" }, { "shortjp", "jr" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const ASM_MAPPINGS _isas = { NULL, _isas_mapping }; const ASM_MAPPINGS _isas_gb = { &_isas, _isas_gb_mapping }; static const ASM_MAPPINGS _rgbds = { NULL, _rgbds_mapping }; const ASM_MAPPINGS _rgbds_gb = { &_rgbds, _rgbds_gb_mapping }; const ASM_MAPPINGS _asxxxx_gb = { &asm_asxxxx_mapping, _asxxxx_gb_mapping }; const ASM_MAPPINGS _asxxxx_z80 = { &asm_asxxxx_mapping, _asxxxx_z80_mapping };