uCsim Micro-controller simulator What is uCsim? -------------- uCsim is a micro-controller simulator. It is extensible to support different micro-controller families. Currently it supports Intel MCS51 family and Atmel AVR is under development. How to get uCsim? ----------------- uCsim is distributed in source code under GPL. It can be downloaded from its home site: http://mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu/~drdani/embedded/ucsim uCsim is included in sdcc, free C compiler of Sandeep Dutta. It is a complete development package with debugger (see belove). It can be downloaded from its home site (or from its mirrors): http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Forum/1353 Mailing list ------------ There is no mailing list which is specifically opened for uCsim. Announcements are sent to sdcc's mailing list. See sdcc's main page at above URL for subscribing infromation and the archive. Ideas, bug reports or fixes should be sent to sdcc's list too. Feautres of uCsim ----------------- Features of uCsim are similar to features of other simulators. It simulates instructions of the program code and all parts of the microcontroller including timer/counters, uart, etc. Peripherals are simulated as accurate as possible. Time resolution is machine cycle based which means that 1 machine cycle is the smallest time quantity which is handled by the simulator. uCsim has some features which may not available in other simulators. They include: - No GUI. It is not the simulator's job to do graphical representation of the CPU. It should be done by external programs. uCsim tries to help GUI and other external tool writers. - More than one command console. It is possible to use as many command interpreters as many needed. uCsim accepts commands from command consoles simultaneously. It makes possible to give commands to the simulator during execution of the simulated program. - Simulating UART of the controller makes it possible to connect two instances of the simulator together via simulated serial lines. It is also possible to connect simulated UART to serial port of the host machine. - Profiling support. uCsim provides "virtual timers" to measure execution time of any part of the code. It also makes statistic about ratio of main program and interrupt services. - Event breakpoints. Simulator can stop the execution when read or write event occures at any location of any kind of memory. External tools -------------- uCsim is not well supported (yet) by external tools. But some exists already. SerialView It is written by Timothy Hurman and it is now included in the uCsim package. It is simple "terminal emulator" which can be used to provide input for the simulated UART as well as present the output of the UART. sdcdb Debugger of the free C compiler, called sdcc written by Sandeep Dutta . It is a usual debugger with command line interface which uses uCsim in background to run the code. "Standard" interface of the sdcdb makes it possible to use any debugger GUI such as ddd to make it comfortable. Contributors and mainteners --------------------------- Gunnar Holm Sandeep Dutta Salvador Eduardo Tropea Josef Wolf Stephane MEYER Larry Doolittle Timothy Hurman Karl-Max Wagner Edmar Wienskoski Jr Alexandre Frey Kaido Karner Maintener of serialview: Timothy Hurman Maintener of other parts: Daniel Drotos