#!@PERL@ -w # create a TOC (Table Of Content) file for an amanda dump # Author: Nicolas.Mayencourt@cui.unige.ch # release 3.1.4 # HISTORY # 1.0 19??-??-?? nicolas@cui.unige.ch # don't remember :-) # 2.0 1996-??-?? nicolas@cui.unige.ch # amanda 2.2.6 support # 3.0 1999-02-17 Nicolas.Mayencourt@cui.unige.ch # major rewrite, incompatible with release 2.0, amanda 2.4 support # 3.0.1 1999-02-17 oliva@dcc.unicamp.br # minor fixes for multi-tape runs # 3.0.2 1999-02-28 martineau@IRO.UMontreal.CA # output the datestamp of each dump # 3.0.3 1999-09-01 jrj@purdue.edu # allow multiple -s entries # 3.0.4 1999-09-15 jrj@purdue.edu # handle an image failing on one tape... # 3.1.0 1999-10-06 Nicolas.Mayencourt@cui.unige.ch # add new options (-i -t) # 3.1.1 1999-10-08 Nicolas.Mayencourt@cui.unige.ch # print original size, instead of size-on-tape # 3.1.2 1999-10-11 Nicolas.Mayencourt@cui.unige.ch # really print original size, instead of size-on-tape # 3.1.3 Nicolas.Mayencourt@cui.unige.ch # correct a bug for total report # 3.1.4 2000-01-14 dhw@whistle.com # Add a flag (-w) for vertical whitespace #-------------------------------------------------------- sub pr($$$$$$$) { # you can update these proc if you want another formating # format: filenumber host:part date level size # If you use tabular option, modifie the format at the end of the code if (defined($tabular)) { $fnbr=$_[0]; $hstprt=$_[1] . ":" . $_[2]; $dt=$_[3]; $lvl=$_[4]; $sz=$_[5]; $ch=$_[6]; write($OF); } else { print $OF "$_[0] $_[1]:$_[2] $_[3] $_[4] $_[5] $_[6]\n"; } } #-------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------- sub tfn($) { # calculate tocfilename $_ = $_[0]; foreach $s (@subs) { eval $s; } return $dir . $_ ; } #-------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------- sub usage($) { print STDERR "@_\n\n"; print STDERR "usage: amtoc [-a] [-i] [-t] [-f file] [-s subs] [-w] [--] logfile\n"; print STDERR " -a : file output to `label`.toc\n"; print STDERR " -i : Start TOC with a small help message\n"; print STDERR " -t : tabular output\n"; print STDERR " -f file : output to file\n"; print STDERR " -s subs : output file name evaluated to `eval \$subs`\n"; print STDERR " -w : add vertical whitespace after each tape\n"; print STDERR " -- : last option\n"; print STDERR " logfile : input file ('-' for stdin)\n"; exit; } #-------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------- sub init() { &usage("amtoc required at least 'logfile' parameter.") if ($#ARGV==-1) ; @subs = (); for ($i=0;$i<=$#ARGV;$i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-a') { push (@subs, "s/\$/.toc/"); } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-i') { $info=1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-t') { $tabular=1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-f') { $i++; &usage("'-f' option require 'file' parameter.") if ($i > $#ARGV); $tocfilename=$ARGV[$i]; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-s') { $i++; &usage("'-s' option require 'subs' parameter.") if ($i > $#ARGV); push (@subs, $ARGV[$i]); } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-w') { $vwspace=1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '--') { # no more options: next arg == logfile $i++; &usage("amtoc required at least 'logfile' parameter.") if ($i > $#ARGV); $logfile=$ARGV[$i]; &usage("too many parameters.") unless ($i == $#ARGV); } else { $logfile=$ARGV[$i]; &usage("too many parameters.") unless ($i == $#ARGV); } } &usage("amtoc required at least 'logfile' parameter.") unless ($logfile); } #-------------------------------------------------------- &init; $dir=$logfile; $dir =~ s/[^\/]*$//; if ($logfile eq '-') {$IF=STDIN} else {die ("Cannot open logfile $logfile") unless open (IF,"$logfile");$IF=IF;} $filenumber=0; $tot_or_size=0; while ( <$IF> ) { $line = $_; if ( /^FAIL dumper (\S+) (\S+)/ ) { next; } if ( /^SUCCESS dumper (\S+) (\S+)/ ) { $host = $1; $disk = $2; $line =~ /orig-kb (\d+)/; $osize{$host}{$disk} = $1; $tot_or_size += $osize{$host}{$disk}; $fail{$host}{$disk} = 0; next; } if ( /^START amflush/ ) { $flash_mode = 1; next; } if ( ! /^([A-Z]+) taper (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)/) { next;} # $_ = $1; $host = $2; $disk = $3; $date = $4; $chunk = $5; $level = $6; switch: { /START taper/ && do { $tocfilename=&tfn($level) if ($#subs >= 0); if (!$tocfilename || ($tocfilename eq '-')) {$OF=STDOUT;} else { die ("Cannot open tocfile $tocfilename") unless open(OF,">$tocfilename"); $OF=OF; } print $OF "\f" if ($vwspace && $filenumber); if (defined($info)) { print $OF "AMANDA: To restore:\n"; print $OF " position tape at start of file and run:\n"; print $OF " dd if= bs=32k skip=1 [ | zcat ] | restore -...f\n"; print $OF " or run: amrestore -p [host [partition]] | restore -...f\n"; print $OF "\n"; } $filenumber=0; &pr("#","Server","/partition","date", "level","size[Kb]","part"); &pr("$filenumber","$chunk","","$disk","-","-","-"); last switch; }; /^(?:SUCCESS|CHUNK) taper/ && do { if(/SUCCESS/){ $level = $chunk; $chunk = "-"; } $mysize = 0; if(/ kb (\d+) /){ $mysize = $1; } if ( $fail{$host}{$disk} ) { &pr("$filenumber","${host}","${disk}","${date}","${level}","FAIL","${chunk}"); } else { if (defined($flash_mode)) { &pr("$filenumber","${host}","${disk}","${date}","${level}","$mysize","${chunk}"); } else { if (defined($osize{$host}{$disk}) && !/^CHUNK/) { &pr("$filenumber","${host}","${disk}","${date}","${level}","$osize{$host}{$disk}","${chunk}"); } else { $note = ""; if(!/^CHUNK/){ # this case should never happend: $strange=1; $note = "*"; } &pr("$filenumber","${host}","${disk}","${date}","${level}","$note$mysize","${chunk}"); } } } last switch;}; /INFO taper retrying/ && do { --$filenumber; last switch; }; /INFO taper tape .* \[OK\]/ && do { $line =~ / kb (\d+) /; $size = $1; $line =~ / fm (\d+) /; print "\n\n" if ($vwspace); &pr("$1","total","on_tape","-","-","$size","-"); if (defined($flash_mode)) { &pr("$1","total","origin","-","not","available","-"); } else { &pr("$1","total","origin","-","-","$tot_or_size","-"); } if (defined($strange)) { &pr("*","size","on_tape","-","-","-","-"); } last switch; }; /FAIL taper/ && do { next; }; } $filenumber += 1; } close $IF; close OF; format OF = @>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<< @>> @>>>>>>>> $fnbr,$hstprt,$dt,$lvl,$sz . format STDOUT = @>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<< @>> @>>>>>>>> @>>> $fnbr,$hstprt,$dt,$lvl,$sz,$ch .