/* * Copyright © 2016 Keith Packard * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ load "footprint.5c" import Footprint; real dpi = 4800; real pixtomm(real pix) = pix / dpi * 25.4; typedef struct { real x; real y; } pos_t; real origin_x = 423; real origin_y = 213; real xmm(real xpix) = pixtomm(xpix - origin_x); /* Image was of the bottom, mirror the result */ real ymm(real ypix) = pixtomm(1999 - (ypix - origin_y)); pos_t pos(real xpix, real ypix) = (pos_t) { .x = xmm(xpix), .y = ymm(ypix) }; pos_t ul = pos(543, 213); pos_t ur = pos(2912, 213); pos_t mll = pos(423, 1036); pos_t mlr = pos(543, 1036); pos_t mrl = pos(2912, 1036); pos_t mrr = pos(3980, 1036); pos_t ll = pos(423, 1955); pos_t lr = pos(3980, 1955); pos_t mount_ul = pos(761, 208); pos_t mount_ur = pos(2082, 208); pos_t mount_ll = pos(652, 1999); pos_t mount_lr = pos(3500, 1999); real mounting_hole = pixtomm(142); pos_t pin_l = pos(423 + 257, 1955 - 826); pos_t pin_r = pos(423 + 1788, 1955 - 826); real index_pin = pixtomm(100); void linepos(pos_t a, pos_t b) { line(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y); } void outline() { linepos(ul, ur); linepos(ur, mrl); linepos(mrl, mrr); linepos(mrr, lr); linepos(lr, ll); linepos(ll, mll); linepos(mll, mlr); linepos(mlr, ul); } void drill(pos_t a) { pin_mm(a.x, a.y, mounting_hole, 0.22, "mount", "mount"); } void pin(pos_t a) { pin_mm_options(a.x, a.y, index_pin, 0, "pin", "pin", "hole"); } void mount() { drill(mount_ul); drill(mount_ur); drill(mount_ll); drill(mount_lr); } void pins() { pin(pin_l); pin(pin_r); } real ysplit = ymm(1500); real ygap = pixtomm(1536 - 1442); void contact(pos_t ul, pos_t lr, string name, string num) { pad_mm((ul.x + lr.x) / 2, (ul.y + lr.y) / 2, abs(lr.x - ul.x), abs(lr.y - ul.y), name, num); } void top_contact(real x, real width, string name, string num) { contact((pos_t) { .x = x, .y = mll.y }, (pos_t) { .x = x + width, .y = ysplit + ygap / 2 }, name, num); } real contact_left = xmm(563 + 2909 - 2667); real contact_right = xmm(2922); real contact_width = pixtomm(3267 - 2901); void bottom_contact(real x, real width, string name, string num) { contact((pos_t) { .x = x, .y = ysplit - ygap / 2 }, (pos_t) { .x = x + width, .y = ll.y }, name, num); } element_start("servo"); outline(); mount(); pins(); bottom_contact(contact_left, contact_width, "1", "1"); bottom_contact(contact_right, contact_width, "2", "2"); top_contact(contact_left, contact_width, "3", "3"); top_contact(contact_right, contact_width, "4", "4"); element_end();