################################################## # Blocks ################################################## * probe: also non-float outputs * log slider gui control * generic usrp (when its ready) * packet mod: whitening offset ################################################## # Features ################################################## * param editor, expand entry boxes in focus * change param dialog to panel within main window * search for blocks in category window * gui grid editor for configuring grid params/placing wxgui plots and controls * drag from one port to another to connect * per parameter docs * extract individual param docs from doxygen * doc tag in param for handwritten notes * separate generated code into top block and gui class * use gui.py in gr-wxgui and remove custom top_block_gui * configuration option for adding block paths * data types guide/colors for the help menu ################################################## # Problems ################################################## * hier block generation * auto generate hier library on changes * auto clean hier library when block removed * add hier blocks to tree without restart * dont generate py files in saved flowgraph dir * save/restore cwd * threads dont die on exit in probe and variable sink * overloaded gui classes for each platform, move param input objects into overloaded * align param titles in paramsdialog ################################################## # Future ################################################## * require pygtk 2.12 for treeview tooltips * remove try/except in BlockTreeWindow.py * remove support for saved flow graphs ending in .xml * remove converter script for previous format * reorganize module structure