# # Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # include $(top_srcdir)/grc/Makefile.inc ourdatadir = $(grc_python_blocks_dir) dist_ourdata_DATA = \ audio_sink.xml \ audio_source.xml \ band_pass_filter.xml \ band_reject_filter.xml \ blks2_am_demod_cf.xml \ blks2_analysis_filterbank.xml \ blks2_dxpsk_demod.xml \ blks2_dxpsk_mod.xml \ blks2_error_rate.xml \ blks2_fm_deemph.xml \ blks2_fm_demod_cf.xml \ blks2_fm_preemph.xml \ blks2_gmsk_demod.xml \ blks2_gmsk_mod.xml \ blks2_logpwrfft_x.xml \ blks2_nbfm_rx.xml \ blks2_nbfm_tx.xml \ blks2_ofdm_demod.xml \ blks2_ofdm_mod.xml \ blks2_packet_decoder.xml \ blks2_packet_encoder.xml \ blks2_qamx_demod.xml \ blks2_qamx_mod.xml \ blks2_rational_resampler_xxx.xml \ blks2_selector.xml \ blks2_standard_squelch.xml \ blks2_stream_to_vector_decimator.xml \ blks2_synthesis_filterbank.xml \ blks2_valve.xml \ blks2_wfm_rcv.xml \ blks2_wfm_rcv_pll.xml \ blks2_wfm_tx.xml \ const_source_x.xml \ gr_add_const_vxx.xml \ gr_add_xx.xml \ gr_agc2_xx.xml \ gr_agc_xx.xml \ gr_and_xx.xml \ gr_argmax_xx.xml \ gr_binary_slicer_fb.xml \ gr_channel_model.xml \ gr_char_to_float.xml \ gr_chunks_to_symbols.xml \ gr_clock_recovery_mm_xx.xml \ gr_cma_equalizer_cc.xml \ gr_complex_to_arg.xml \ gr_complex_to_float.xml \ gr_complex_to_imag.xml \ gr_complex_to_interleaved_short.xml \ gr_complex_to_mag.xml \ gr_complex_to_mag_squared.xml \ gr_complex_to_real.xml \ gr_conjugate_cc.xml \ gr_constellation_decoder_cb.xml \ gr_correlate_access_code_bb.xml \ gr_costas_loop_cc.xml \ gr_cpfsk_bc.xml \ gr_dd_mpsk_sync_cc.xml \ gr_decode_ccsds_27_fb.xml \ gr_deinterleave.xml \ gr_delay.xml \ gr_descrambler_bb.xml \ gr_diff_decoder_bb.xml \ gr_diff_encoder_bb.xml \ gr_diff_phasor_cc.xml \ gr_divide_xx.xml \ gr_dpll_bb.xml \ gr_encode_ccsds_27_bb.xml \ gr_feedforward_agc_cc.xml \ gr_fft_filter_xxx.xml \ gr_fft_vxx.xml \ gr_file_sink.xml \ gr_file_source.xml \ gr_filter_delay_fc.xml \ gr_fir_filter_xxx.xml \ gr_float_to_char.xml \ gr_float_to_complex.xml \ gr_float_to_short.xml \ gr_float_to_uchar.xml \ gr_fractional_interpolator_xx.xml \ gr_freq_xlating_fir_filter_xxx.xml \ gr_frequency_modulator_fc.xml \ gr_glfsr_source_x.xml \ gr_goertzel_fc.xml \ gr_head.xml \ gr_hilbert_fc.xml \ gr_iir_filter_ffd.xml \ gr_integrate_xx.xml \ gr_interleave.xml \ gr_interleaved_short_to_complex.xml \ gr_interp_fir_filter_xxx.xml \ gr_iqcomp_cc.xml \ gr_keep_one_in_n.xml \ gr_kludge_copy.xml \ gr_map_bb.xml \ gr_max_xx.xml \ gr_moving_average_xx.xml \ gr_mpsk_receiver_cc.xml \ gr_mpsk_sync_cc.xml \ gr_multiply_const_vxx.xml \ gr_multiply_xx.xml \ gr_mute_xx.xml \ gr_nlog10_ff.xml \ gr_noise_source_x.xml \ gr_nop.xml \ gr_not_xx.xml \ gr_null_sink.xml \ gr_null_source.xml \ gr_or_xx.xml \ gr_packed_to_unpacked_xx.xml \ gr_peak_detector2_fb.xml \ gr_peak_detector_xb.xml \ gr_phase_modulator_fc.xml \ gr_pll_carriertracking_cc.xml \ gr_pll_freqdet_cf.xml \ gr_pll_refout_cc.xml \ gr_pn_correlator_cc.xml \ gr_probe_avg_mag_sqrd_x.xml \ gr_probe_density_b.xml \ gr_probe_mpsk_snr_c.xml \ gr_pwr_squelch_xx.xml \ gr_quadrature_demod_cf.xml \ gr_rational_resampler_base_xxx.xml \ gr_repeat.xml \ gr_rms_xx.xml \ gr_sample_and_hold_xx.xml \ gr_scrambler_bb.xml \ gr_short_to_float.xml \ gr_sig_source_x.xml \ gr_simple_correlator.xml \ gr_simple_framer.xml \ gr_simple_squelch_cc.xml \ gr_single_pole_iir_filter_xx.xml \ gr_skiphead.xml \ gr_stream_to_streams.xml \ gr_stream_to_vector.xml \ gr_streams_to_stream.xml \ gr_streams_to_vector.xml \ gr_sub_xx.xml \ gr_threshold_ff.xml \ gr_throttle.xml \ gr_uchar_to_float.xml \ gr_udp_sink.xml \ gr_udp_source.xml \ gr_unpack_k_bits_bb.xml \ gr_unpacked_to_packed_xx.xml \ gr_vco_f.xml \ gr_vector_sink_x.xml \ gr_vector_source_x.xml \ gr_vector_to_stream.xml \ gr_vector_to_streams.xml \ gr_wavfile_sink.xml \ gr_wavfile_source.xml \ gr_xor_xx.xml \ high_pass_filter.xml \ import.xml \ low_pass_filter.xml \ note.xml \ options.xml \ pad_sink.xml \ pad_source.xml \ parameter.xml \ probe_function.xml \ random_source_x.xml \ trellis_encoder_xx.xml \ trellis_metrics_x.xml \ trellis_permutation.xml \ trellis_siso_combined_f.xml \ trellis_siso_f.xml \ trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.xml \ trellis_viterbi_x.xml \ usrp2_probe.xml \ usrp2_sink_xxxx.xml \ usrp2_source_xxxx.xml \ usrp_dual_sink_x.xml \ usrp_dual_source_x.xml \ usrp_probe.xml \ usrp_simple_sink_x.xml \ usrp_simple_source_x.xml \ variable.xml \ variable_chooser.xml \ variable_sink.xml \ variable_slider.xml \ variable_text_box.xml \ wxgui_constellationsink2.xml \ wxgui_fftsink2.xml \ wxgui_histosink2.xml \ wxgui_numbersink2.xml \ wxgui_scopesink2.xml \ wxgui_waterfallsink2.xml \ xmlrpc_client.xml \ xmlrpc_server.xml