.global start .syntax unified @ Adapted from stm32f4.s @ STM32L4's flash controller expects double-word writes, has the flash @ controller mapped in a different location with the registers we care about @ moved down from the base address, and has BSY moved to bit 16 of SR. @ r0 = source @ r1 = target @ r2 = wordcount @ r3 = flash_base @ r4 = temp @ r5 = temp start: ldr r3, flash_base next: cbz r2, done ldr r4, [r0] /* copy doubleword from source to target */ ldr r5, [r0, #4] str r4, [r1] str r5, [r1, #4] wait: ldrh r4, [r3, #0x12] /* high half of status register */ tst r4, #1 /* BSY = bit 16 */ bne wait add r0, #8 add r1, #8 sub r2, #2 b next done: bkpt .align 2 flash_base: .word 0x40022000