--- AMANDA FILE-DRIVER-USAGE HOWTO. --- This document covers the use of the file-driver in AMANDA 2.4.3 and higher. Examples given here have been taken from a SuSe-Linux-8.2-Pro-environment, using AMANDA 2.4.4p1 and the snapshot 2.4.4p1-20031202. Please adjust paths, configuration names and other parameters to your system. Stefan G. Weichinger, November - December, 2003 --- Since release 2.4.3 AMANDA supports the usage of a output driver called "file". See the AMANDA-man page, section OUTPUT DRIVERS, for more information on its implementation. As the name suggests, this driver uses files as virtual (or file) tapes. Once created and labeled, these file tapes can be selected and changed with the standard tape-changer-interface of the AMANDA server. --- POSSIBLE USES --- - test installations. You can easily explore the rich features of AMANDA on systems without tape drives. - cheap installations. Without buying a tape drive you can enjoy the benefits of AMANDA and backup to a bunch of harddisks. You can create CD/DVD-sized backups which you can burn onto optical disks later. - raid installations. You can use the file-driver to backup onto a set of file tapes hosted on a raid-system. Combined with another AMANDA-configuration that dumps the file tapes to real tapes, you can provide reliable backup with faster tapeless recovery. --- SETUP --- BASICS This guide assumes you have setup the basic AMANDA-services as described in the "INSTALL"-file. The configuration in this HOWTO is called "daily". The file tapes are also called "vtapes" in this document, which stands for "virtual tapes". Please be sure to understand the differences between holding disks and file tapes. The two serve different purposes; holding disks allow for parallelism of multiple DLE's being backed up while file tapes are a replacement for physical tapes. Before beginning you will need to decide on (a) dedicated part(s) of your hard disk(s) for your file tape storage. While this space could be spread among several file systems and hard disks, I recommend to dedicate at least a specific partition, better a specific physical harddisk to the task of keeping your vtapes. The use of a dedicated disk will speed things up definitely. The disk space you dedicate for your vtapes should NOT be backed up by AMANDA. Also, for performance reasons there should be NO holding disks on the same partition as the vtapes, preferably not even on the same physical drive. If you only have one harddisk, it will work out, too, but you will suffer low performance due to massive head-moving in your harddisk, resulting from copying data between the filesystems. --- STEPS Step 0. Prepare the filesystem(s) used for the tapes. Decide on where to put your files, create the appropriate partition(s) and filesystem(s) and mount them. In our example we have the dedicated partition "hdc1", mounted on /amandatapes for vtape storage. $ mount ... /dev/hdc1 on /amandatapes type reiserfs (rw) ... Make sure there is space left. Determine the amount of space you will use. $ df -h /amandatapes Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/hdc1 20G 0G 20G 0% /amandatapes In our example we have 20GB diskspace left on /amandatapes. Step 1. Determine length and number of tapes After deciding on the number of vtapes you want to create, evenly allocate the available space among them. Look at the following rule of thumb: As many types file systems exhibit dramatically reduced performance when they are nearly full I have chosen to allocate only 90% of the available space. So we have: (Available Space * 0.9) >= tapelength * tapecycle This is a very conservative approach to make sure you donīt suffer any performance drop due to a nearly-full-filesystem. As it is uncommon for AMANDA to fill, or almost fill an entire tape you may also wish to use more space than that. So you could determine possible combinations of tapelength/tapecycle with the more general formula: Available Space >= tapelength * tapecycle In our example we take the conservative approach: 20 GB * 0.9 = 18 GB to use and so we could create the following combinations: 18 GB = 18 GB * 1 18 GB = 9 GB * 2 18 GB = 6 GB * 3 18 GB = 3 GB * 6 18 GB = ......... you get the picture. Using only one tape is generally considered a bad idea when it comes to backup, so we should use at least 3 tapes (for testing purposes), better 6 or more tapes. 18 GB = 3 GB * 6 so we get the value 3GB for the tapelength if we want to use 6 tapes. Step 2. Create a tapetype definition. Add a new tapetype definition similar to the following to your amanda.conf. I named my definition "HARD-DISK". Choose whatever name you consider appropriate. define tapetype HARD-DISK { comment "Dump onto hard disk" length 3072 mbytes # specified in mbytes to get the exact size of 3GB } You donīt have to specify the "speed"-parameter (as it is commonly listed in tapetype definitions and reported by the program "amtapetype"). AMANDA does not use this parameter. There is also an optional "filemark"-parameter, which indicates the amount of space wasted after each tape-section. Leave it blank and AMANDA uses the default of 1KB. Step 3. Think about tapechangers. As you will use a set of vtapes, you have to also use a kind of vtape-changer. There are several tape-changer-scripts included in the AMANDA-tarball. Read more about tape-changer-scripts in TAPE.CHANGERS. Right now there are two scripts that can be used with vtapes. These scripts take different approaches to the handling of tapes. The script chg-multi handles many drives with a tape in each drive. The script chg-disk handles a library with one drive and multiple tapes. So with vtapes you could look at it this way: chg-multi simulates multiple tape drives with one tape in each drive. chg-disk simulates one tape-library with multiple tapes in. As chg-multi exists for a much longer time than chg-disk, it is still used in many AMANDA-vtape-installations. chg-disk was introduced with the snapshot 20031202. Contrary to chg-multi, which is a generic changer-script that must be somewhat adjusted to the use of the file-driver, chg-disk offers exactly the behavior needed for handling vtapes IMHO the approach is much more logical, so I recommend to use chg-disk in new AMANDA-vtape-installations. To use chg-disk you need to have at least amanda-2.4.4p1-20031202. Choose the one that fits your way of vtape-handling and -maintenance. In this HOWTO I only cover the use of chg-disk. Usage of chg-multi is pretty similar and will maybe covered in a later version of this document. Step 4. Set up your tape-config. In the general section you have to set the parameters tapecycle, tapetype, tpchanger, changerfile, tapedev, rawtapedev and changerdev. Example: $ vi /usr/local/etc/amanda/daily/amanda.conf ... tapecycle 6 tapetype HARD-DISK tpchanger "chg-disk" changerfile "/usr/local/etc/amanda/daily/changer" tapedev "file:/amandatapes/daily" This reflects the use of your defined tapetype. The "tapecycle"-parameter tells AMANDA how much tapes can be used. Set this value according to the number of tapes you want to use. The "tapetype"-parameter points to the tapetype definition you have created in Step 2. The "tpchanger"-parameter tells AMANDA to use the generic tape-changer-script to handle the virtual tapes. You can think of it as a virtual tape-changer-device. The "changerfile"-parameter is used to give chg-disk the "prefix" for the "%s-changer, %s-clean, %s-slot" files it needs. Use something like "changer" in your config-dir. Please note that this file does NOT have to exist, but it won't hurt anyway. The "tapedev"-parameter tells the chg-disk-script where the root-dir for your vtapes is. In our example the vtape-files go to /amandatapes, and to separate multiple configurations we decided to use subdirectories according to the configuration name "daily". Step 5. Create the virtual tapes. Now you have to create the tape-directories. chg-disk needs a directory structure like: slot_root_dir -| |- info |- data -> slot1/ |- slot1/ |- slot2/ |- ... |- slotn/ where 'slot_root_dir' is the tapedev 'file:xxx' parameter and 'n' is the tapecycle parameter. So in our example we do: $ mkdir /amandatapes/daily for the 'slot_root_dir' and $ mkdir /amandatapes/daily/slot1 $ mkdir /amandatapes/daily/slot2 .... for the virtual slots that will later contain the vtapes. If you have many vtapes to create and their names follow a pattern you may be able to do them all with a single loop such as: $ for n in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 > do > mkdir /amandatapes/daily/slot${n} > done Create the info-file: $ touch /amandatapes/daily/info and link the first slot to the data-file (to "load" the vtape in the first slot): $ ln -s /amandatapes/daily/slot1 /amandatapes/daily/data Make sure the AMANDA-user has write-permissions on these directories: $ chown -R /amandatapes $ chgrp -R /amandatapes $ chmod -R 750 /amandatapes Step 8. Label the virtual tapes. As the virtual tapes are handled just like physical tapes by the AMANDA-Server they have to be labeled before use. Usage: amlabel [-f]