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2.7 Advanced Install Options

The ``configure'' command has several options. The most commonly used option is -prefix=<directory name>, where <directory name> is the final location for the sdcc executables and libraries, (default location is /usr/local). The installation process will create the following directory structure under the <directory name> specified (if they do not already exist).

bin/ - binary exectables (add to PATH environment variable)
bin/share/sdcc/include/ - include header files
bin/share/sdcc/lib/small/ - Object & library files for small model library
bin/share/sdcc/lib/large/ - Object & library files for large model library
bin/share/sdcc/lib/ds390/ - Object & library files forDS80C390 library

The command ''./configure -prefix=/usr/local'' will configure the compiler to be installed in directory /usr/local.

Johan Knol