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2.4 Install Trouble-shooting

2.4.1 SDCC cannot find libraries or header files.

The default installation assumes the libraries and header files are located at ``/usr/local/share/sdcc/lib'' and ``/usr/local/share/sdcc/include''. An alternative is to specify these locations as compiler options like this: "sdcc -L /usr/local/sdcc/lib/small -I /usr/local/sdcc/include test.c".

2.4.2 SDCC does not compile correctly.

A thing to try is starting from scratch by unpacking the .tgz source package again in an empty directory. Confure it again and build like:

make 2SPMamp;>1 | tee make.log

After this you can review the make.log file to locate the problem. Or a relevant part of this be attached to an email that could be helpful when requesting help from the mailing list.

2.4.3 What the ''./configure'' does

The ''./configure'' command is a script that analyzes your system and performs some configuration to ensure the source package compiles on your system. It will take a few minutes to run, and will compile a few tests to determine what compiler features are installed.

2.4.4 What the ''make'' does.

This runs the GNU make tool, which automatically compiles all the source packages into the final installed binary executables.

2.4.5 What the ''make install'' command does.

This will install the compiler, other executables and libraries in to the appropriate system directories. The default is to copy the executables to /usr/local/bin and the libraries and header files to /usr/local/share/sdcc/lib and /usr/local/share/sdcc/include.

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Johan Knol