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2.2 Windows Installation

<pending: is this complete? where is borland, mingw>

For installation under Windows you first need to pick between a pre-compiled binary package, or installing the source package along with the Cygwin package. The binary package is the quickest to install, while the Cygwin package includes all of the open source power tools used to compile the complete SDCC source package in the Windows environment. If you are not familiar with the Unix command line environment, you may want to read the section on additional information for Windows users prior to your initial installation.

2.2.1 Windows Install Using a Binary Package

  1. Download the binary package and unpack it using your favorite unpacking tool (gunzip, WinZip, etc). This should unpack to a group of sub-directories. An example directory structure after unpacking is: c:\usr\local\bin for the executables, c:\usr\local\share\sdcc\include and c:\usr\local\share\sdcc\lib for the include and libraries.
  2. Adjust your environment PATH to include the location of the bin directory. For example, make a setsdcc.bat file with the following: set PATH=c:\usr\local\bin;%PATH%
  3. When you compile with sdcc, you may need to specify the location of the lib and include folders. For example, sdcc -I c:\usr\local\share\sdcc\include -L c:\usr\local\share\sdcc\lib\small test.c

2.2.2 Windows Install Using Cygwin

  1. Download and install the cygwin package from the redhat site Currently, this involved downloading a small install program which then automates downloading and installing selected parts of the package (a large 80M byte sized dowload for the whole thing).
  2. Bring up a Unix/Bash command line terminal from the Cygwin menu.
  3. Follow the instructions in the preceding Linux/Unix installation section.

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Johan Knol