include ../Makefile.common MANUAL = sdccman TSS = test_suite_spec CDB = cdbfileformat all: $(MANUAL).pdf $(MANUAL).html/index.html $(MANUAL).txt \ $(TSS).pdf $(TSS).html/index.html $(TSS).txt \ $(CDB).pdf $(CDB).html/index.html $(CDB).txt install: $(INSTALL) -d $(docdir) cp -rf *.txt z80 avr $(docdir) if [ -f $(MANUAL).html/index.html ]; then cp -rf $(MANUAL).html $(docdir); fi if [ -f $(TSS).html/index.html ]; then cp -rf $(TSS).html $(docdir); fi if [ -f $(CDB).html/index.html ]; then cp -rf $(CDB).html $(docdir); fi if [ -f $(MANUAL).pdf ]; then cp -rf $(MANUAL).pdf $(docdir); fi if [ -f $(TSS).pdf ]; then cp -rf $(TSS).pdf $(docdir); fi if [ -f $(CDB).pdf ]; then cp -rf $(CDB).pdf $(docdir); fi find $(docdir) -name CVS -type d -exec rm -r {} \; rm -f $(docdir)/*/WARNINGS $(docdir)/*/*.pl $(docdir)/*/images.* uninstall: rm -rf $(docdir) $(MANUAL).html/index.html: $(MANUAL).tex $(MANUAL).ind ;#$(MANUAL).glo mkdir -p `dirname $@` # fixes latex2html problems with two consecutive dashes for long-options: --stack-auto # fixes latex2html problems with \tabularnewline mv $< `basename $< .tex`.orig.tex sed 's,-\\/-,-\\/-\\/-,g' < `basename $< .tex`.orig.tex | \ sed 's,\\tabularnewline$$,\\\\,g' > $< -latex2html -split 5 -show_section_numbers -local_icons -dir $(MANUAL).html $(MANUAL) mv `basename $< .tex`.orig.tex $< $(TSS).html/index.html: $(TSS).tex mkdir -p `dirname $@` # fixes latex2html problems with two consecutive dashes for long-options: --stack-auto # fixes latex2html problems with \tabularnewline mv $< `basename $< .tex`.orig.tex sed 's,-\\/-,-\\/-\\/-,g' < `basename $< .tex`.orig.tex | \ sed 's,\\tabularnewline$$,\\\\,g' > $< -latex2html -split 0 -local_icons -dir $(TSS).html $(TSS) mv `basename $< .tex`.orig.tex $< $(CDB).html/index.html: $(CDB).tex mkdir -p `dirname $@` # fixes latex2html problems with two consecutive dashes for long-options: --stack-auto # fixes latex2html problems with \tabularnewline mv $< `basename $< .tex`.orig.tex sed 's,-\\/-,-\\/-\\/-,g' < `basename $< .tex`.orig.tex | \ sed 's,\\tabularnewline$$,\\\\,g' > $< -latex2html -split 0 -show_section_numbers -local_icons -dir $(CDB).html $(CDB) mv `basename $< .tex`.orig.tex $< %.txt: %.lyx lyx -e text $< %.pdf: %.tex %.dvi %.ind dvipdf $* # pdflatex creates documents for acrobat reader >= 5.0 # which pdflatex > /dev/null && pdflatex $* || dvipdf $* %.pdf dvips $* %.dvi: %.tex latex $< %.tex: %.lyx lyx -e latex $< %.ind: %.dvi latex $* -makeindex $* # -makeindex -s $* latex $* latex $* %.glo: %.dvi # the glossary, not implemented yet # makeindex -s -o $@ $< include