;; Generic crt0.s for a Z80 .globl __main .area _HEADER (ABS) ;; Reset vector .org 0 jp init .org 0x08 reti .org 0x10 reti .org 0x18 reti .org 0x20 reti .org 0x28 reti .org 0x30 reti .org 0x38 reti .org 0x150 init: ;; Stack at the top of memory. ld sp,#0xffff ;; Use _main instead of main to bypass sdcc's intelligence call __main jp _exit ;; Ordering of segments for the linker. .area _CODE .area _DATA .area _CODE _getsp:: ld hl,#0 add hl,sp ret _exit:: ;; Exit - special code to the emulator ld a,#0 out (1),a 1$: halt jr 1$