; ; fps16x162sint.S - convert fixed16x16 to signed char ; ; written by Vangelis Rokas, 2004 ; ; ; $Id$ ; radix dec ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; public variables in this module ;-------------------------------------------------------- global ___fps16x162sint ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Equates to used internal registers ;-------------------------------------------------------- STATUS equ 0xfd8 WREG equ 0xfe8 FSR0L equ 0xfe9 FSR1L equ 0xfe1 FSR2L equ 0xfd9 POSTDEC1 equ 0xfe5 PREINC1 equ 0xfe4 PLUSW2 equ 0xfdb PLUSW1 equ 0xfe3 PRODL equ 0xff3 PRODH equ 0xff4 S_fps16x162sint____fps16x162sint code ___fps16x162sint: movlw 0x04 movff PLUSW1, PRODL movlw 0x03 movf PLUSW1, w btfss PRODL, 7 bra @1 bcf PRODL, 7 comf WREG, f comf PRODL, f infsnz WREG, f incf PRODL, f @1: return end