# # Makefile - Makefile to build pic16 support libraries # # This file is part of the GNU PIC Library. # # January, 2004 # The GNU PIC Library is maintained by, # Vangelis Rokas # # $Id$ # # MCUS = $(shell cat ../pics.build) PROCESSORS = $(MCUS) DIRS = adc i2c LOBJS = $(patsubst %,%/*.o,$(DIRS)) # library name example libio18f8720.lib LIB = libio18f$(MMCU).lib all: build-libraries make-target: build-libraries build-libraries: for proc in $(PROCESSORS) ; do \ echo "Building libraries for processor pic18f $$proc" ; \ $(MAKE) -C . build-processor-library MMCU=$$proc ; \ done ; # Should have externally specified PROC build-processor-library: for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir clean ; \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir build-mcu-library MCU=18f$(MMCU); \ done; gplib -c $(LIB) $(LOBJS) mv -v $(LIB) ../bin clean-intermediate: @for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir clean-intermediate ; \ done ; clean: for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir clean; \ done ; rm -fv $(LIB) real-clean: clean find -name *.adb -print | xargs -- rm -fv ; find -name *.p -print | xargs -- rm -fv ; find -name *.d -print | xargs -- rm -fv ; find -name *.dump* -print | xargs -- rm -fv ; dep: for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir dep; \ done