# # # VERSION = @VERSION@ VERSIONHI = @VERSIONHI@ VERSIONLO = @VERSIONLO@ VERSIONP = @VERSIONP@ SHELL = /bin/sh CPP = @CPP@ INSTALL = @INSTALL@ CP = @CP@ ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Linux) CP_U = $(CP) -u else CP_U = $(CP) endif PRJDIR = ../.. INCDIR = $(PRJDIR)/device/include ifndef PORTINCDIR PORTINCDIR = $(INCDIR)/mcs51 endif CC = $(PRJDIR)/bin/sdcc CPP = $(PRJDIR)/bin/sdcpp prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ bindir = @bindir@ libdir = @libdir@ datadir = @datadir@ includedir = @includedir@ mandir = @mandir@ man1dir = $(mandir)/man1 man2dir = $(mandir)/man2 infodir = @infodir@ srcdir = @srcdir@ lib_dir_suffix = @lib_dir_suffix@ sdcc_libdir = $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/$(lib_dir_suffix) CPPFLAGS = -I$(INCDIR) -I$(PORTINCDIR) CFLAGS = $(MODELFLAGS) --nostdinc BUILDDIR = build # Default PORT = z80 PORTDIR = $(BUILDDIR)/$(PORT) SOURCES = _atof.c _atoi.c _atol.c _autobaud.c _bp.c _schar2fs.c \ _decdptr.c _divsint.c _divslong.c _divuint.c \ _divulong.c _fs2schar.c _fs2sint.c _fs2slong.c \ _fs2uchar.c _fs2uint.c _fs2ulong.c _fsadd.c \ _fsdiv.c _fseq.c _fsgt.c _fslt.c _fscmp.c _fsmul.c \ _fsneq.c _fssub.c _gptrget.c _gptrgetc.c _gptrput.c \ _sint2fs.c _iscntrl.c _isdigit.c _isgraph.c \ _islower.c _isprint.c _ispunct.c _isspace.c \ _isupper.c _isxdigit.c _itoa.c _ltoa.c \ _slong2fs.c \ _memcmp.c _memcpy.c _memmove.c _memset.c \ _modsint.c _modslong.c _moduint.c _modulong.c \ _mulint.c _mullong.c \ abs.c labs.c \ _ser.c _setjmp.c \ _spx.c _startup.c \ _strcat.c _strchr.c _strcmp.c _strcpy.c \ _strcspn.c _strlen.c _strncat.c _strncmp.c \ _strncpy.c _strpbrk.c _strrchr.c _strspn.c \ _strstr.c _strtok.c \ _uchar2fs.c _uint2fs.c _ulong2fs.c \ calloc.c malloc.c realloc.c free.c \ serial.c ser_ir.c printfl.c \ printf_large.c sprintf.c vprintf.c puts.c gets.c \ printf_fast.c printf_fast_f.c printf_tiny.c \ assert.c time.c bpx.c \ _fsget1arg.c _fsget2args.c _fsnormalize.c \ _fsreturnval.c _fsrshift.c _fsswapargs.c _logexpf.c \ fabsf.c frexpf.c ldexpf.c expf.c powf.c sincosf.c sinf.c \ cosf.c logf.c log10f.c sqrtf.c tancotf.c tanf.c cotf.c \ asincosf.c asinf.c acosf.c atanf.c atan2f.c sincoshf.c \ sinhf.c coshf.c tanhf.c floorf.c ceilf.c modff.c errno.c OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c,$(PORTDIR)/%.rel,$(SOURCES)) Z80SOURCES = _atof.c _atoi.c \ _iscntrl.c _isdigit.c _isgraph.c \ _islower.c _isprint.c _ispunct.c _isspace.c \ _isupper.c _isxdigit.c \ _memcmp.c _memcpy.c _memmove.c _memset.c \ _startup.c \ _strcat.c _strchr.c _strcmp.c _strcpy.c \ _strcspn.c _strlen.c _strncat.c _strncmp.c \ _strncpy.c _strpbrk.c _strrchr.c _strspn.c \ _strstr.c _strtok.c \ assert.c \ _modslong.c _modulong.c \ _mullong.c \ abs.c labs.c \ _divslong.c _divulong.c \ calloc.c malloc.c realloc.c free.c \ printf_large.c sprintf.c vprintf.c puts.c gets.c \ _fs2schar.c _fs2sint.c _fs2slong.c \ _fs2uchar.c _fs2uint.c _fs2ulong.c _fsadd.c \ _fsdiv.c _fseq.c _fsgt.c _fslt.c _fsmul.c \ _fsneq.c _fssub.c \ _uchar2fs.c _uint2fs.c \ _ulong2fs.c \ _slong2fs.c _sint2fs.c _schar2fs.c Z80OBJECTS = $(Z80SOURCES:%.c=$(PORTDIR)/%.o) XA51SOURCES = _atof.c _atoi.c _atol.c _schar2fs.c \ _divsint.c _divslong.c _divuint.c \ _divulong.c _fs2schar.c _fs2sint.c _fs2slong.c \ _fs2uchar.c _fs2uint.c _fs2ulong.c _fsadd.c \ _fsdiv.c _fseq.c _fsgt.c _fslt.c _fsmul.c \ _fsneq.c _fssub.c \ _sint2fs.c _iscntrl.c _isdigit.c _isgraph.c \ _islower.c _isprint.c _ispunct.c _isspace.c \ _isupper.c _isxdigit.c _slong2fs.c _memcmp.c \ _memcpy.c _memmove.c _memset.c _modsint.c _modslong.c \ _moduint.c _modulong.c _mulint.c _mullong.c \ abs.c labs.c \ _strcat.c _strchr.c _strcmp.c _strcpy.c \ _strcspn.c _strlen.c _strncat.c _strncmp.c \ _strncpy.c _strpbrk.c _strrchr.c _strspn.c \ _strstr.c _strtok.c \ _uchar2fs.c _uint2fs.c _ulong2fs.c \ calloc.c malloc.c realloc.c free.c \ puts.c gets.c \ printf_large.c puts.c gets.c \ assert.c time.c \ fabsf.c frexpf.c ldexpf.c expf.c powf.c sincosf.c sinf.c \ cosf.c logf.c log10f.c sqrtf.c tancotf.c tanf.c cotf.c \ asincosf.c asinf.c acosf.c atanf.c atan2f.c sincoshf.c \ sinhf.c coshf.c tanhf.c floorf.c ceilf.c modff.c errno.c XA51OBJECTS = $(XA51SOURCES:%.c=$(PORTDIR)/%.rel) HC08SOURCES = _atof.c _atoi.c _atol.c _schar2fs.c \ _divsint.c _divslong.c \ _fs2schar.c _fs2sint.c _fs2slong.c \ _fs2uchar.c _fs2uint.c _fs2ulong.c _fsadd.c \ _fsdiv.c _fseq.c _fsgt.c _fslt.c _fsmul.c \ _fsneq.c _fssub.c \ _sint2fs.c _iscntrl.c _isdigit.c _isgraph.c \ _islower.c _isprint.c _ispunct.c _isspace.c \ _isupper.c _isxdigit.c _itoa.c _ltoa.c \ _slong2fs.c \ _memcmp.c _memcpy.c _memmove.c _memset.c \ _modsint.c _modslong.c _moduint.c _modulong.c \ abs.c labs.c \ _spx.c _startup.c \ _strcat.c _strchr.c _strcmp.c _strcpy.c \ _strcspn.c _strlen.c _strncat.c _strncmp.c \ _strncpy.c _strpbrk.c _strrchr.c _strspn.c \ _strstr.c _strtok.c \ _uchar2fs.c _uint2fs.c _ulong2fs.c \ calloc.c malloc.c realloc.c free.c \ printf_large.c sprintf.c vprintf.c \ assert.c time.c \ fabsf.c frexpf.c ldexpf.c expf.c powf.c sincosf.c sinf.c \ cosf.c logf.c log10f.c sqrtf.c tancotf.c tanf.c cotf.c \ asincosf.c asinf.c acosf.c atanf.c atan2f.c sincoshf.c \ sinhf.c coshf.c tanhf.c floorf.c ceilf.c modff.c errno.c HC08OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.c,$(PORTDIR)/%.rel,$(HC08SOURCES)) OEXT = .rel include incl.mk # Compiling entire program or any subproject # ------------------------------------------ all: checkconf models model-ds390 model-ds400 model-z80 model-gbz80 model-hc08 model-pic16 objects: build-dir $(OBJECTS) port-specific-objects lib-files clean_intermediate models: if [ "`grep mcs51 ../../ports.build`" = mcs51 ]; then \ for model in $(MODELS); do \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="--model-$$model" PORT=$$model PORTINCDIR=$(INCDIR)/mcs51 objects; \ done \ fi model-mcs51-stack-auto: if [ "`grep mcs51 ../../ports.build`" = mcs51 ]; then \ for model in $(MODELS); do \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="--model-$$model --stack-auto" PORT=$$model-stack-auto PORTINCDIR=$(INCDIR)/mcs51 objects; \ done \ fi model-mcs51-xstack-auto: if [ "`grep mcs51 ../../ports.build`" = mcs51 ]; then \ for model in $(MODELS); do \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="--model-$$model --stack-auto --xstack" PORT=$$model-xstack-auto PORTINCDIR=$(INCDIR)/mcs51 objects; \ done \ fi model-ds390: if [ "`grep ds390 ../../ports.build`" = ds390 ]; then \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="-mds390" PORT=ds390 PORTINCDIR=$(INCDIR)/mcs51 objects; \ fi model-ds400: if [ "`grep ds400 ../../ports.build`" = ds400 ]; then \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="-mds400" PORT=ds400 PORTINCDIR=$(INCDIR)/mcs51 objects; \ fi model-xa51: if [ "`grep xa51 ../../ports.build`" = xa51 ]; then \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="-mxa51" PORT=xa51 objects-xa51; \ fi objects-xa51: build-dir $(XA51OBJECTS) port-specific-objects cd $(PORTDIR); ls *$(OEXT) > lib$(PORT).lib model-z80: if [ "`grep z80 ../../ports.build`" = z80 ]; then \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="-mz80" PORT=z80 objects-z80 OEXT=.o; \ fi model-gbz80: if [ "`grep z80 ../../ports.build`" = z80 ]; then \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="-mgbz80" PORT=gbz80 objects-z80 OEXT=.o; \ fi objects-z80: build-dir $(Z80OBJECTS) port-specific-objects clean_intermediate cd $(PORTDIR); ls *$(OEXT) > $(PORT).lib model-hc08: if [ "`grep hc08 ../../ports.build`" = hc08 ]; then \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="-mhc08" PORT=hc08 objects-hc08; \ fi objects-hc08: build-dir $(HC08OBJECTS) port-specific-objects clean_intermediate cd $(PORTDIR); ls *$(OEXT) > $(PORT).lib model-pic16: if [ "`grep pic16 ../../ports.build`" = pic16 ]; then \ $(MAKE) MODELFLAGS="-mpic16" PORT=pic16 OEXT=.lib objects-pic16; \ fi objects-pic16: build-dir port-specific-objects-pic16 clean_intermediate-pic16 cd $(PORTDIR); ls *$(OEXT) > $(PORT).lib build-dir: $(PORTDIR) $(PORTDIR): mkdir -p $(PORTDIR) port-specific-objects: if [ -d $(PORT) ]; then \ $(MAKE) -C $(PORT); \ cp -f $(PORT)/*.lib $(PORT)/*$(OEXT) $(PORTDIR); \ fi port-specific-objects-pic16: -if [ -d $(PORT) ]; then \ mkdir -p $(PORT)/bin; \ $(MAKE) -C $(PORT); \ cp -f $(PORT)/bin/*.* $(PORTDIR); \ fi lib-files: cp *.lib $(PORTDIR) clean_intermediate: rm -f $(PORTDIR)/*.lst $(PORTDIR)/*.sym clean_intermediate-pic16: $(MAKE) -C $(PORT) clean-intermediate # Compiling and installing everything and runing test # --------------------------------------------------- install: all installdirs $(CP_U) -r $(BUILDDIR)/* $(sdcc_libdir) $(CP_U) -r ds390 ds400 gbz80 z80 hc08 *.c $(sdcc_libdir)/src rm -r `find $(sdcc_libdir)/src -name '*.rel' -o -name '*.dump*' -o -name '*.sym' -o -name '*.o' -o -name '*.lst' -o -name '*.asm' -o -name 'CVS'` # Deleting all the installed files # -------------------------------- uninstall: rm -rf $(sdcc_libdir) # Performing self-test # -------------------- check: # Performing installation test # ---------------------------- installcheck: # Creating installation directories # --------------------------------- installdirs: [ -d $(sdcc_libdir) ] || mkdir -p $(sdcc_libdir) for model in $(MODELS); do \ [ -d $(sdcc_libdir)/$$model ] || \ mkdir -p $(sdcc_libdir)/$$model; \ done [ -d $(sdcc_libdir)/ds390 ] || mkdir -p $(sdcc_libdir)/ds390 [ -d $(sdcc_libdir)/ds400 ] || mkdir -p $(sdcc_libdir)/ds400 [ -d $(sdcc_libdir)/hc08 ] || mkdir -p $(sdcc_libdir)/hc08 [ -d $(sdcc_libdir)/pic16 ] || mkdir -p $(sdcc_libdir)/pic16 mkdir -p $(sdcc_libdir)/src # Creating dependencies # --------------------- dep: Makefile.dep Makefile.dep: $(SOURCES) $(INCDIR)/*.h $(PORTINCDIR)/*.h rm -f Makefile.dep for i in $(SOURCES); do \ $(CPP) -std=c99 -M $(CPPFLAGS) $$i >$${i}.dep; \ cat $${i}.dep >>Makefile.dep; \ rm $${i}.dep; \ done include Makefile.dep include clean.mk # My rules # -------- .SUFFIXES: .rel .o $(PORTDIR)/%$(OEXT): %.c $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ # Remaking configuration # ---------------------- checkconf: @if [ -f $(PRJDIR)/devel ]; then\ $(MAKE) -f $(srcdir)/conf.mk srcdir="$(srcdir)" PRJDIR="$(PRJDIR)" \ freshconf;\ fi # End of main_in.mk/main.mk