#!/bin/sh # remove old link if [ -L /etc/alternatives/sudo ]; then rm /etc/alternatives/sudo fi # complain if no sudoers file is present if [ ! -f /etc/sudoers ];then echo "WARNING: /etc/sudoers not present!"; fi # handle state directory transition from /var/run/sudo to /var/lib/sudo, # moving any existing content over to avoid re-lecturing existing users if [ -d "/var/run/sudo" ];then mkdir -p /var/lib/sudo (cd /var/run/sudo ; tar cf - .) | (cd /var/lib/sudo ; tar xf -) rm -rf /var/run/sudo fi # make sure sudoers has the correct permissions and owner/group chown root:root /etc/sudoers chmod 440 /etc/sudoers update-rc.d -f sudo remove >/dev/null 2>&1 update-rc.d sudo start 75 2 3 4 5 . >/dev/null # create symlink to ease transition to new path for ldap config # if old config file exists and new one doesn't if [ -e /etc/ldap/ldap.conf && ! -e /etc/sudo-ldap.conf ];then ln -s ldap/ldap.conf /etc/sudo-ldap.conf fi # if we've gotten this far .. remove the saved, unchanged old sudoers file rm -f /etc/sudoers.pre-conffile # make sure we have a sudo group [ -n "`/usr/bin/getent group sudo`" ] && exit 0 # we're finished if there is a group sudo: # start search with gid 27 gid="27" while [ -n "`/usr/bin/getent group $gid | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f3`" ];do gid=`/usr/bin/expr $gid + 1` done if [ "$gid" -ne "27" ];then echo "On Debian we normally use gid 27 for 'sudo'." gname="`/usr/bin/getent group 27 | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f1`" echo "However, on your system gid 27 is group '$gname'." echo "" echo "Would you like me to stop configuring sudo so that you can change this?"; while true;do echo -n "(Enter 'yes' to stop, enter to continue): " read ans [ "$ans" = "" ] && break if [ "$ans" = "yes" -o "$ans" = "YES" ];then echo "'dpkg --pending --configure' will restart the configuration.\n\n" exit 1; fi echo "Please enter exactly 'yes' to stop, or press the enter key to continue without stopping" done fi echo "Creating group 'sudo' with gid = $gid"; groupadd -g $gid sudo echo ""